path: root/private/ntos/nthals/halsnip/mips/xxinitnt.c
blob: eeb252c3a8ef198e7ed28af394e4dd83dde99dca (plain) (tree)

//#pragma comment(exestr, "$Header: /usr4/winnt/SOURCES/halpcims/src/hal/halsnipm/mips/RCS/xxinitnt.c,v 1.5 1996/03/04 13:29:07 pierre Exp $")

Copyright (c) 1993 - 1994  Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG
Copyright (c) 1991  Microsoft Corporation

Module Name:



    This module implements the interrupt initialization for a MIPS R3000
    or R4000 system.


    Kernel mode only.


#include "halp.h"
#include "eisa.h"
extern BOOLEAN HalpCountCompareInterrupt;
// Define forward referenced prototypes.


HalpCountInterrupt (

HalpProgramIntervalTimer (
    IN ULONG Interval

HalpProgramExtraTimer (
    IN ULONG Interval

HalpProgramExtraTimerPciT (
    IN ULONG Interval

// Put all code for HAL initialization in the INIT section. It will be
// deallocated by memory management when phase 1 initialization is
// completed.

#if defined(ALLOC_PRAGMA)

#pragma alloc_text(INIT, HalpInitializeInterrupts)
#pragma alloc_text(INIT, HalpCountInterrupt)


// Define the IRQL mask and level mapping table.
// These tables are transfered to the PCR and determine the priority of
// interrupts.
// N.B. The two software interrupt levels MUST be the lowest levels.

    The interrupts bits in the cause Register have the following Hardware Interrupts:

      7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
    | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x |     
      |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
      |   |   |   |   |   |   |   +-------- APC      LEVEL (Software)
      |   |   |   |   |   |   +------------ Dispatch LEVEL (Software)
      |   |   |   |   |   +---------------- central Int0   (proc 0)
      |   |   |   |   +-------------------- None
      |   |   |   +------------------------ None
      |   |   +---------------------------- TIMER (Proc 1 for RM300MP only)
      |   +-------------------------------- DCU (Proc 1 for RM400MP only - proc 0 for RM400UP only)
      +------------------------------------ CountCompare (Profiling)


// On an PCI Desktop or minitower single-processor (ORION), the processor has only 1 central
// interrupt pin, so all should be directed to this interrupt, except the (internal)
// CountCompare interrupt

HalpIrqlMask_PCIs[]       = {3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3,  // 0000 - 0111 high 4-bits
                             8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,  // 1000 - 1111 high 4-bits  (CountCompare only!)
                             0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3,  // 0000 - 0111 low 4-bits
                             3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3}; // 1000 - 1111 low 4-bits

HalpIrqlTable_PCIs[]       = {0x87,                    // IRQL 0
                              0x86,                    // IRQL 1
                              0x84,                    // IRQL 2
                              0x80,                    // Int0Dispatch Level
                                                       // allow only Irql 8 (profiling & HIGH_LEVEL) ?!
                              0x80,                    // IRQL 4
                              0x80,                    // IRQL 5
                              0x80,                    // IRQL 6
                              0x80,                    // IRQL 7 
                              0x00};                   // IRQL 8

// On a PCI Tower, all the external interrupts are centralised
// on one central pin except DCU on IP6 (because of the extra-timer).
// The internal MP-Agent interrupt is directed on the seventh pin.

HalpIrqlMask_PCIm_ExT[]       = {3, 3, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7,  // 0000 - 0111 high 4-bits
                              8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,  // 1000 - 1111 high 4-bits  (CountCompare only!)
                              0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3,  // 0000 - 0111 low 4-bits
                              3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3}; // 1000 - 1111 low 4-bits
HalpIrqlTable_PCIm_ExT[]       = {0xe7,                    // IRQL 0
                               0xe6,                    // IRQL 1
                               0xe4,                    // IRQL 2
                               0xe0,                    // Int0Dispatch Level
                               0xe0,                    // IRQL 4
                               0xe0,                    // IRQL 5
                               0xc0,                    // IRQL 6
                               0x80,                    // IRQL 7 
                               0x00};                   // IRQL 8

// On a PCI multi-processor minitower (or mono-processor with MPagent),
// all the external interrupts are centralised
// on one central pin except extra-timer on IP6 (not used if mono).
// The internal MP-Agent interrupt is directed on the seventh pin.

HalpIrqlMask_PCIm[]        = {3, 5, 3, 5, 7, 7, 7, 7,  // 0000 - 0111 high 4-bits
                              8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,  // 1000 - 1111 high 4-bits  (CountCompare only!)
                              0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3,  // 0000 - 0111 low 4-bits
                              3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3}; // 1000 - 1111 low 4-bits
HalpIrqlTable_PCIm[]        = {0xd7,                    // IRQL 0
                               0xd6,                    // IRQL 1
                               0xd4,                    // IRQL 2
                               0xd0,                    // Int0Dispatch Level
                               0xd0,                    // IRQL 4
                               0xc0,                    // IRQL 5
                               0xc0,                    // IRQL 6
                               0x80,                    // IRQL 7 
                               0x00};                   // IRQL 8

HalpCountInterrupt (


Routine Description:

    This function serves as the R4000 count/compare interrupt service
    routine early in the system initialization. Its only function is
    to field and acknowledge count/compare interrupts during the system
    boot process.



Return Value:




    extern ULONG HalpProfileInterval;

    // Acknowledge the R4000 count/compare interrupt.
    HalpProfileInterval = DEFAULT_PROFILE_INTERVAL;
    HalpCountCompareInterrupt = TRUE;

HalpInitializeInterrupts (


Routine Description:

    This function initializes interrupts for a MIPS R3000 or R4000 system.



Return Value:

    A value of TRUE is returned if the initialization is successfully
    completed. Otherwise a value of FALSE is returned.


    ULONG Index;
    PKPRCB Prcb;

    // Get the address of the processor control block for the current
    // processor.

    Prcb = PCR->Prcb;

    if (Prcb->Number == 0) {

        // Initialize the IRQL translation tables in the PCR. These tables are
        // used by the interrupt dispatcher to determine the new IRQL and the
        // mask value that is to be loaded into the PSR. They are also used by
        // the routines that raise and lower IRQL to load a new mask value into
        // the PSR.

        if (HalpProcessorId != MPAGENT) {

               // this is a PCI desktop or a single-processor PCI minitower

               for (Index = 0; Index < sizeof(HalpIrqlMask_PCIs); Index += 1) 
                   PCR->IrqlMask[Index] = HalpIrqlMask_PCIs[Index];
               for (Index = 0; Index < sizeof(HalpIrqlTable_PCIs); Index += 1) 
                PCR->IrqlTable[Index] = HalpIrqlTable_PCIs[Index];

        }  else {

               // this is a PCI minitower or PCI tower 

            if (HalpIsTowerPci){
                for (Index = 0; Index < sizeof(HalpIrqlMask_PCIm_ExT); Index += 1) 
                          PCR->IrqlMask[Index] = HalpIrqlMask_PCIm_ExT[Index];
                   for (Index = 0; Index < sizeof(HalpIrqlTable_PCIm_ExT); Index += 1) 
                       PCR->IrqlTable[Index] = HalpIrqlTable_PCIm_ExT[Index];
                for (Index = 0; Index < sizeof(HalpIrqlMask_PCIm); Index += 1) 
                          PCR->IrqlMask[Index] = HalpIrqlMask_PCIm[Index];
                   for (Index = 0; Index < sizeof(HalpIrqlTable_PCIm); Index += 1) 
                       PCR->IrqlTable[Index] = HalpIrqlTable_PCIm[Index];


        // the main system clock is always in the onboard PC core

        PCR->InterruptRoutine[CLOCK2_LEVEL] = (PKINTERRUPT_ROUTINE)HalpStallInterrupt;

        // force a CountCompare interrupt


        // If processor 0 is being initialized, then connect the count/compare
        // interrupt to the count interrupt routine to handle early count/compare
        // interrupts during phase 1 initialization. Otherwise, connect the
        // count\compare interrupt to the appropriate interrupt service routine.

        PCR->InterruptRoutine[PROFILE_LEVEL] = HalpCountInterrupt;

        HalpProgramIntervalTimer (MAXIMUM_INCREMENT);
        HalpEnableOnboardInterrupt(CLOCK2_LEVEL,Latched); // Enable Timer1,Counter0 interrupt 

    } else {

        // MultiProcessorEnvironment Processor N

        if (HalpIsTowerPci){
            for (Index = 0; Index < sizeof(HalpIrqlMask_PCIm_ExT); Index += 1) 
                      PCR->IrqlMask[Index] = HalpIrqlMask_PCIm_ExT[Index];
               for (Index = 0; Index < sizeof(HalpIrqlTable_PCIm_ExT); Index += 1) 
                   PCR->IrqlTable[Index] = HalpIrqlTable_PCIm_ExT[Index];
            for (Index = 0; Index < sizeof(HalpIrqlMask_PCIm); Index += 1) 
                   PCR->IrqlMask[Index] = HalpIrqlMask_PCIm[Index];
            for (Index = 0; Index < sizeof(HalpIrqlTable_PCIm); Index += 1) 
                   PCR->IrqlTable[Index] = HalpIrqlTable_PCIm[Index];
        if (Prcb->Number==1){
            if (HalpIsTowerPci){
                HalpProgramExtraTimer (MAXIMUM_INCREMENT);
                PCR->InterruptRoutine[EXTRA_CLOCK_LEVEL] = HalpClockInterrupt1;

        PCR->InterruptRoutine[PROFILE_LEVEL] = HalpProfileInterrupt;
        PCR->StallScaleFactor = HalpStallScaleFactor;

    return TRUE;