// TITLE("invoke.s for OLE Automation")
// Copyright (c) 1993 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// invoke.s
// Abstract:
// This module implements the low-level v-table based dispatching
// support for the default implementation of IDispatch::Invoke()
// on DEC Alpha hardware.
// Author:
// tomteng 11-2-93: Created
// Environment:
// User mode.
// Revision History:
#include "ksalpha.h"
.extern g_S_OK 8
.extern g_E_INVALIDARG 8
// Note: the following must match the definition of VARIANT in variant.h
#define VT_EMPTY 0
#define VT_NULL 1
#define VT_I2 2
#define VT_I4 3
#define VT_R4 4
#define VT_R8 5
#define VT_CY 6
#define VT_DATE 7
#define VT_BSTR 8
#define VT_DISPATCH 9
#define VT_ERROR 10
#define VT_BOOL 11
#define VT_VARIANT 12
#define VT_UNKNOWN 13
#define VT_MAX 14
// 14 is unused
// 15 is unused
//#define VT_I1 16
#define VT_UI1 17
#define VT_BYREF 0x4000
#define VT_ARRAY 0x2000
#define VT_NOMODE 0x00ff
.struct 0
vt: .space 2
wReserved1: .space 2
wReserved2: .space 2
wReserved3: .space 2
dw0: .space 2
dw1: .space 2
dw2: .space 2
dw3: .space 2
#define VARIANT_DATA_OFFSET 8 // offset to union of data
// InvokeStdCall (
// IN PVOID _this, // void FAR*
// IN DWORD oVft, // unsigned int
// IN DWORD vtReturn, // unsigned int
// IN DWORD cActuals, // unsigned int
// OUT PVOID pvargResult // VARIANT FAR*
// )
// Routine Description:
// Invoke a virtual StdCall method using the given _this pointer,
// method index and array of parameters.
// Arguments:
// _this (a0) - Supplies a pointer to the method to invoke.
// oVft (a1) - vTable offset into _this ptr
// vtReturn (a2) - the VARTYPE of the return value.
// cActuals (a3) - count of the number of actuals.
// rgvt 4*4(sp) (a4) - array of VARTYPES describing the methods formals.
// rgpvarg 5*4(sp) (a5) - array of VARIANTARG*s, which map the actuals by
// position.
// pvargResult 6*4(sp) - VARIANTARG containing the method return value.
// Return Value:
// v0 - g_S_OK (extern value)
// g_E_INVALIDARG (extern value)
// Implementation Note:
// ALPHA StdCall method arguments are push on the stack left to right.
// The stack grows downward (pushing decrements stack address). Data
// alignment on the stack starts from arg1 upward. Callee cleans.
// Per ALPHA calling conventions, the following rules are followed:
// 1. Stack frame must be OCTAWORD (128-bits) aligned.
// 2. All arguments are push on the stack as a QWORD (64-bits).
// 3. Structures are pushed on the stack by value. They are returned in
// the v0 register which contains the address of a hidden argument
// (vargHiddenParm) allocated by the caller and pushed as the second
// argument [a1] on the stack (1st argument [a0] for non-vtable
// calls).
// 4. On vtable-based calls, _this is passed as the first argument [a0].
// 5. Six integer/floating registers [a0 - a5] & [f16 - f21] must be set
// before calling, if used. Type and order of arguments determine the
// registers used. (e.g., (int, float) means that a0 <- int;
// f17 <- float)
// 6. Return values are handled as follows:
// vartype fundamental return register
// ---------------------------------------------------
// VT_UI1 unsigned char v0
// VT_I2 short v0
// VT_I4 long v0
// VT_R4 float f0
// VT_R8 double f0
// VT_DATE double f0
// VT_CY struct v0 (address of struct return)
// VT_BSTR char FAR* v0
// VT_UNKNOWN void FAR* v0
// VT_DISPATCH void FAR* v0
// VT_ERROR long v0
// VT_BOOL short v0
// VT_VARIANT VARIANTARG v0 (address of struct return)
// NOTES: NO support for VT_ARRAY
// Stack Frame
.struct 0
SavedS0: .space 8
SavedS1: .space 8
SavedSP: .space 8
SavedRA: .space 8
.align 8
vargHiddenParm: .space 8*4 // temporary for struct return
_this: .space 8 // a0 0*8(sp)
oVft: .space 8 // a1 1*8(sp) arg only takes 2 bytes
vtReturn: .space 8 // a2 2*8(sp) arg only takes 2 bytes
cActuals: .space 8 // a3 3*8(sp)
rgvt: .space 8 // 4*8(sp)
rgpvarg: .space 8 // 5*8(sp)
pvargResult: .space 8 // 6*8(sp)
.align 4
.globl InvokeStdCall
.ent InvokeStdCall, 0
.frame sp, StackFrameSize, ra
lda sp, -StackFrameSize(sp) // Setup our stack frame
stq s0, SavedS0(sp) // Save our current s0
stq s1, SavedS1(sp) // Save our current s1
stq ra, SavedRA(sp) // Save $ra
stq sp, SavedSP(sp) // Save our current sp
stq a0, _this(sp) // Save
stq a1, oVft(sp) // all
stq a2, vtReturn(sp) // arg
stq a3, cActuals(sp) // regs
stq a4, rgvt(sp)
stq a5, rgpvarg(sp)
// cannot return byRef
mov a2, t0
and t0, VT_BYREF // Isolate VT_Mode bits
bne t0, LRetInvalidArg // Check VT_Type
// Setup arguments if any
mov sp, s1 // s1 = new stack pointer
beq a3, LSetupParms
// calculate space need for pushing arguments on stack
ldq t3, rgvt(sp) // t3 = &rgvt[0]
mov 1, t9 // t9 = running arg count
ldq t1, vtReturn(sp) // check if struct return
#if 0
and t1, VT_NOMODE
and t1, VT_BYREF | VT_ARRAY, t0 // Byref's aren't struct's
bne t0, LCalcStackLoop
lda t0, rgfStructReturn
addq t0, t1, t0
ldl t0, 0(t0)
and t0, 0xff
beq t0, LCalcStackLoop
addq t9, 1, t9
ldl t6, (t3) // t6 = rgvt[i]
mov 8, t4 // t4 = default size
mov t6, t1
and t1, VT_NOMODE // Turn off mode bits
cmpeq t1, VT_UI1, t0
bne t0, LValidVartype1
cmplt t1, VT_MAX, t0
beq t0, LRetInvalidArg // Error if Max or above
addq t9, 1, t9 // bump arg count
cmpeq t6, VT_VARIANT, t0
addq t9, t0, t9 // BYVAL VARIANT bump twice
cmplt t9, 7, t0
bne t0, LCalcNext // Skip arguments in registers
cmpeq t6, VT_VARIANT, t0 // BYVAL VARIANT?
beq t0, LCalcAdd
mov 16, t4 // BYVAL VARIANT takes 16 bytes
subq s1, t4, s1 // decrement stack
addq t3, 2, t3 // &rgvt[i++]
addq a3, -1, a3 // cActual--
bne a3, LCalcStackLoop // If more args, go again
mov s1, t0 // make sure new 0(sp)
and t0, 0xf // at QWORD (128-bit) boundary
beq t0, LSetupParms
addq s1, -8, s1 // aligned stack
mov s1, s0 // s0 = temporary stack loc
ldq t2, rgpvarg(sp) // t2 = &rgpvarg[0]
ldq t3, rgvt(sp) // t3 = &rgvt[0]
ldq t4, cActuals(sp) // t4 = cActuals
addq t4, -1, t0
sll t0, 2
addq t2, t0, t8 // t8 = &rgpvarg[cArgs - 1]
mov zero, t9 // t9 = running argument count
LPushThis: // this already in a0
ldq a0, _this(sp)
addq t9, 1, t9 // Bump up argument count
// Check if we need to return a structure, if so
// move the address of the vargHiddenParm as
// the second (hidden) argument
ldq t1, vtReturn(sp)
#if 0
and t1, VT_NOMODE // Turn off mode bits
and t1, VT_BYREF | VT_ARRAY, t0 // Byref's aren't struct's
bne t0, LCheckArgs
lda t0, rgfStructReturn // t0 = &rgfStructReturn
addq t0, t1, t0 // t0 = &rgfStructReturn[i]
ldl t0, 0(t0) // t0 = rgfStructReturn[i]
and t0, 0xff
beq t0, LCheckArgs // Jmp if no struc to be ret
lda a1, vargHiddenParm(sp) // Have to push an extra parm
addq t9, 1, t9 // Bump up argument count
beq t4, LDoCall
ldl t5, (t2) // t5 = rgpvarg[i]
ldl t6, (t3) // t6 = rgvt[i]
and t6, VT_BYREF | VT_ARRAY // Isolate mode bits
bne t6, LPush4 // all ByRefs are sizeof(FAR*)
ldl t6, (t3) // t6 = rgvt[i]
and t6, VT_NOMODE // Turn off mode bits
cmpeq t6, VT_UI1, t0
bne t0, LValidVartype2
cmplt t6, VT_MAX, t0
beq t0, LRetInvalidArg // Error if Max or above
mov t6, t1
sll t1, 3 // ADDRESS offset
lda t0, LPushValJmpTab // Get Address of ret table
addq t0, t1, t0 // Get Address of ret routine
ldq t0, 0(t0)
jmp (t0) // Go execute the push code
LPush2: // 4 bytes of data
ldl t7, dw0(t5) // Push HWORD (as 32-bit)
sll t7, 48, t7
sra t7, 48, t7
cmplt t9, 6, t0
bne t0, LIntReg // Pass argument in register
stq t7, 0(s0) // Save on stack
addq s0, 8, s0 // adjust arg loc
br LNextArg
LPush4: // 4 bytes of data
ldl t7, dw0(t5) // Push 1st WORD
cmplt t9, 6, t0
bne t0, LIntReg // Pass argument in register
stq t7, 0(s0)
addq s0, 8, s0 // adjust arg loc
br LNextArg
lds f10, dw0(t5)
cmplt t9, 6, t0
bne t0, LFloatReg // Pass argument in register
sts f10, 0(s0)
addq s0, 8, s0 // adjust arg loc
br LNextArg
LPushR8: // 8 bytes of R8 data
ldt f10, dw0(t5)
cmplt t9, 6, t0
bne t0, LFloatReg // Pass argument in register
stt f10, 0(s0)
addq s0, 8, s0 // adjust arg loc
br LNextArg
LPush8: // 8 bytes of data
ldq t7, dw0(t5)
cmplt t9, 6, t0
bne t0, LIntReg // Pass argument in register
stq t7, 0(s0)
addq s0, 8, s0 // adjust arg loc
br LNextArg
LPushVar: // 16 bytes of data
ldq t7, 0(t5)
ldq t10, 8(t5)
cmplt t9, 6, t0
bne t0, LPushVarReg // Pass argument in register
stq t7, 0(s0)
stq t10, 8(s0)
addq s0, 16, s0 // adjust arg loc
br LNextArg
mov t9, t0
addq t0, -1
mulq t0, 12
lda t1, LVPushReg
addq t1, t0, t0
addq t9, 2, t9 // Bump up argument count
jmp (t0)
mov t7, a1
mov t10, a2
br LNextArg
mov t7, a2
mov t10, a3
br LNextArg
mov t7, a3
mov t10, a4
br LNextArg
mov t7, a4
mov t10, a5
br LNextArg
mov t7, a5
stq t10, 0(s0)
addq s0, 8, s0 // adjust arg loc
br LNextArg
LIntReg: // load integer registers
mov t9, t0
sll t0, 3
lda t1, LIPushReg
addq t1, t0, t0
addq t9, 1, t9 // Bump up argument count
jmp (t0)
mov t7, a0
br LNextArg
mov t7, a1
br LNextArg
mov t7, a2
br LNextArg
mov t7, a3
br LNextArg
mov t7, a4
br LNextArg
mov t7, a5
br LNextArg
LFloatReg: // load floating registers
mov t9, t0
sll t0, 3
lda t1, LFPushReg
addq t1, t0, t0
addq t9, 1, t9 // Bump up argument count
jmp (t0)
fmov f10, f16
br LNextArg
fmov f10, f17
br LNextArg
fmov f10, f18
br LNextArg
fmov f10, f19
br LNextArg
fmov f10, f20
br LNextArg
fmov f10, f21
br LNextArg
addq t2, 4, t2 // &rgpvarg[i++]
addq t3, 2, t3 // &rgvt[i++]
cmple t2, t8, t0
bne t0, LPushArgs // If more args, go again
// load the vtable offset
ldl t0, 0(a0) // address of vtable
ldq t1, oVft(sp) // Get the vtable offset
addl t0, t1, t0 // Get addr of ptr to func
ldl t0, (t0) // Get ptr to func in vtable
// call virtual member function
mov sp, s0 // Save SP
mov s1, sp
jsr ra, (t0) // Invoke the Idispatch func
mov s0, sp // Restore SP
// Get return argument
ldq t1, vtReturn(sp) // t1 = vtType to return
ldq t3, pvargResult(sp) // Get RetData Area
stl t1, vt(t3) // varResult->vt
mov t1, t2
and t2, VT_BYREF | VT_ARRAY // Check ret mode
bne t2, LRetPtr // If !0 -> go ret a ptr
and t1, VT_NOMODE // Turn off mode bits
cmpeq t1, VT_UI1, t0
bne t0, LValidVartype3
cmplt t1, VT_MAX, t0
beq t0, LRetInvalidArg // Error if Max or above
sll t1, 3 // ADDRESS offset
lda t2, LRetValJmpTab // Get Address of ret table
addq t2, t1, t2 // Get Address of ret routine
ldq t2, 0(t2)
jmp (t2) // Go execute the ret code
br LDone // Done
br LDone // Done
sts f0, VARIANT_DATA_OFFSET(t3) //*
br LDone // Done
stt f0, VARIANT_DATA_OFFSET(t3) //*
br LDone // Done
ldl t1, 0(v0) // cy.Lo
stl t1, dw0(t3)
ldl t1, 4(v0) // cy.Hi
stl t1, dw2(t3) //*
br LDone // Done
ldq t1, 0(v0) // Get 1st QWORD
stq t1, 0(t3) // Save it in pvArgResult
ldq t1, 8(v0) // Get 2nd QWORD
stq t1, 8(t3) // Store 2nd QWORD
lda t0, g_S_OK //*v0 = g_S_OK
ldl v0, (t0)
br ExitInvoke
lda t0, g_E_INVALIDARG // v0 = g_E_INVALIDARG
ldl v0, (t0)
ldq s0, SavedS0(sp) // Restore s0
ldq s1, SavedS1(sp) // Restore s1
ldq ra, SavedRA(sp) // Restore ra
ldq sp, SavedSP(sp) // Restore sp
lda sp, StackFrameSize(sp)
ret ra
.align 2
.byte 0 // VT_EMPTY
.byte 0 // VT_NULL
.byte 0 // VT_I2
.byte 0 // VT_I4
.byte 0 // VT_R4
.byte 0 // VT_R8
.byte 1 // VT_CY
.byte 0 // VT_DATE
.byte 0 // VT_BSTR
.byte 0 // VT_DISPATCH
.byte 0 // VT_ERROR
.byte 0 // VT_BOOL
.byte 1 // VT_VARIANT
.byte 0 // VT_UNKNOWN
.byte 0 // unused
.byte 0 // unused
.byte 0 // VT_I1
.byte 0 // VT_UI1
.align 8
.quad LNextArg // VT_EMPTY [0]
.quad LPush4 // VT_NULL [4]
.quad LPush2 // VT_I2 [2]
.quad LPush4 // VT_I4 [4]
.quad LPushR4 // VT_R4 [4]
.quad LPushR8 // VT_R8 [8]
.quad LPush8 // VT_CY [8]
.quad LPushR8 // VT_DATE [8]
.quad LPush4 // VT_BSTR [4]
.quad LPush4 // VT_DISPATCH [4]
.quad LPush4 // VT_ERROR [4]
.quad LPush2 // VT_BOOL [2]
.quad LPushVar // VT_VARIANT [16]
.quad LPush4 // VT_UNKNOWN [4]
.quad 0 // unused
.quad 0 // unused
.quad 0 // unused (VT_I1)
.quad LPush2 // VT_UI1
.align 8
.quad LDone // VT_EMPTY
.quad LRetI4 // VT_NULL
.quad LRetI2 // VT_I2
.quad LRetI4 // VT_I4
.quad LRetR4 // VT_R4
.quad LRetR8 // VT_R8
.quad LRetCy // VT_CY
.quad LRetR8 // VT_DATE
.quad LRetPtr // VT_BSTR
.quad LRetPtr // VT_DISPATCH
.quad LRetI4 // VT_ERROR
.quad LRetI2 // VT_BOOL
.quad LRetVar // VT_VARIANT
.quad LRetPtr // VT_UNKNOWN
.quad 0 // unused
.quad 0 // unused
.quad 0 // unused (VT_I1)
.quad LRetI2 // VT_UI1
.end InvokeStdCall