path: root/private/oleutest/simpsvr/ioipo.cpp
blob: c7379ab022aba4745177cd3b4f338374c3107c18 (plain) (tree)

// File name: IOIPO.CPP
//    Implementation file for the CClassFactory Class
// Functions:
//    See ioipo.h for a list of member functions.
// Copyright (c) 1993 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

#include "pre.h"
#include "obj.h"
#include "ioipo.h"
#include "app.h"
#include "doc.h"
#include "math.h"

// COleInPlaceObject::QueryInterface
// Purpose:
//      Used for interface negotiation
// Parameters:
//      REFIID riid         -   Interface being queried for.
//      LPVOID FAR *ppvObj  -   Out pointer for the interface.
// Return Value:
//      S_OK            - Success
//      E_NOINTERFACE   - Failure
// Function Calls:
//      Function                    Location
//      CSimpSvrObj::QueryInterface OBJ.CPP

STDMETHODIMP COleInPlaceObject::QueryInterface ( REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR* ppvObj)
    TestDebugOut(TEXT("In COleInPlaceObject::QueryInterface\r\n"));
    // need to NULL the out parameter
    *ppvObj = NULL;
    return m_lpObj->QueryInterface(riid, ppvObj);

// COleInPlaceObject::AddRef
// Purpose:
//      Increments the reference count of CSimpSvrObj. Since
//      COleInPlaceObject is a nested class of CSimpSvrObj, we don't need
//      to have a separate reference count for COleInPlaceObject. We can
//      use the reference count of CSimpSvrObj.
// Parameters:
//      None
// Return Value:
//      The new reference count of CSimpSvrObj
// Function Calls:
//      Function                    Location
//      OuputDebugString            Windows API
//      CSimpSvrObj::AddRef         OBJ.CPP

STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) COleInPlaceObject::AddRef ()
    TestDebugOut(TEXT("In COleInPlaceObject::AddRef\r\n"));
    return m_lpObj->AddRef();

// COleInPlaceObject::Release
// Purpose:
//      Decrements the reference count of CSimpSvrObj. Since
//      COleInPlaceObject is a nested class of CSimpSvrObj, we don't need
//      to have a separate reference count for COleInPlaceObject. We can
//      use the reference count of CSimpSvrObj.
// Parameters:
//      None
// Return Value:
//      The new reference count of CSimpSvrObj
// Function Calls:
//      Function                    Location
//      TestDebugOut           Windows API
//      CSimpSvrObj::Release        OBJ.CPP

STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) COleInPlaceObject::Release ()
    TestDebugOut(TEXT("In COleInPlaceObject::Release\r\n"));
    return m_lpObj->Release();

// COleInPlaceObject::InPlaceDeactivate
// Purpose:
//      Called to deactivat the object
// Parameters:
//      None
// Return Value:
//      NOERROR
// Function Calls:
//      Function                                Location
//      TestDebugOut                       Windows API
//      IOleInPlaceSite::OnInPlaceDeactivate    Container
//      IOleInPlaceSite::Release                Container
//      CSimpSvrObj::DeactivateUI               OBJ.CPP
//      CSimpSvrObj::DoInPlaceHide              OBJ.CPP

STDMETHODIMP COleInPlaceObject::InPlaceDeactivate()
     TestDebugOut(TEXT("In COleInPlaceObject::InPlaceDeactivate\r\n"));

     // if not inplace active, return NOERROR
     if (!m_lpObj->m_fInPlaceActive)
         return NOERROR;

     // clear inplace flag
     m_lpObj->m_fInPlaceActive = FALSE;

     // deactivate the UI

     // tell the container that we are deactivating.
     if (m_lpObj->m_lpIPSite)
         HRESULT hRes;
         if ((hRes=m_lpObj->m_lpIPSite->OnInPlaceDeactivate()) != S_OK)
            TestDebugOut(TEXT("COleInPlaceObject::InPlaceDeactivate  \
                                    OnInPlaceDeactivate fails\n"));
         m_lpObj->m_lpIPSite =NULL;

    return ResultFromScode(S_OK);

// COleInPlaceObject::UIDeactivate
// Purpose:
//      Instructs us to remove our UI.
// Parameters:
//      None
// Return Value:
//      S_OK
// Function Calls:
//      Function                                Location
//      TestDebugOut                       Windows API
//      CSimpSvrObj::DeactivateUI               OBJ.CPP

STDMETHODIMP COleInPlaceObject::UIDeactivate()
    TestDebugOut(TEXT("In COleInPlaceObject::UIDeactivate\r\n"));


    return ResultFromScode (S_OK);

// COleInPlaceObject::SetObjectRects
// Purpose:
//      Called when the container clipping region or the object position
//      changes.
// Parameters:
//      LPCRECT lprcPosRect     - New Position Rect.
//      LPCRECT lprcClipRect    - New Clipping Rect.
// Return Value:
//      S_OK
// Function Calls:
//      Function                    Location
//      TestDebugOut           Windows API
//      IntersectRect               Windows API
//      OffsetRect                  Windows API
//      CopyRect                    Windows API
//      MoveWindow                  Windows API
//      CSimpSvrDoc::GethHatchWnd   DOC.H
//      CSimpSvrDoc::gethDocWnd     DOC.h
//      SetHatchWindowSize          OLE2UI

STDMETHODIMP COleInPlaceObject::SetObjectRects  ( LPCRECT lprcPosRect, LPCRECT lprcClipRect)
    TestDebugOut(TEXT("In COleInPlaceObject::SetObjectRects\r\n"));

    RECT resRect;
    POINT pt;

    // Get the intersection of the clipping rect and the position rect.
    IntersectRect(&resRect, lprcPosRect, lprcClipRect);

    m_lpObj->m_xOffset = abs (resRect.left - lprcPosRect->left);
    m_lpObj->m_yOffset = abs ( - lprcPosRect->top);

    m_lpObj->m_scale = (float)(lprcPosRect->right - lprcPosRect->left)/m_lpObj->m_size.x;

    if (m_lpObj->m_scale == 0)
        m_lpObj->m_scale = 1.0F;

    TCHAR szBuffer[255];

    wsprintf(szBuffer, TEXT("New Scale %3d\r\n"), m_lpObj->m_scale);


    // Adjust the size of the Hatch Window.
    SetHatchWindowSize(m_lpObj->m_lpDoc->GethHatchWnd(),(LPRECT) lprcPosRect, (LPRECT) lprcClipRect, &pt);

    // offset the rect
    OffsetRect(&resRect, pt.x, pt.y);

    CopyRect(&m_lpObj->m_posRect, lprcPosRect);

    // Move the actual object window
                   resRect.right - resRect.left,
                   resRect.bottom -,

    return ResultFromScode( S_OK );

// COleInPlaceObject::GetWindow
// Purpose:
//      Returns the Window handle of the inplace object
// Parameters:
//      HWND FAR* lphwnd    - Out pointer in which to return the window
//                            Handle.
// Return Value:
//      S_OK
// Function Calls:
//      Function                    Location
//      TestDebugOut           Windows API
//      CSimpleDoc::GethDocWnd      DOC.H

STDMETHODIMP COleInPlaceObject::GetWindow  ( HWND FAR* lphwnd)
    TestDebugOut(TEXT("In COleInPlaceObject::GetWindow\r\n"));
    *lphwnd = m_lpObj->m_lpDoc->GethDocWnd();

    return ResultFromScode( S_OK );

// COleInPlaceObject::ContextSensitiveHelp
// Purpose:
//      Used in performing Context Sensitive Help
// Parameters:
//      BOOL fEnterMode     - Flag to determine if enter or exiting
//                            Context Sensitive Help.
// Return Value:
//      E_NOTIMPL
// Function Calls:
//      Function                    Location
//      TestDebugOut           Windows API
// Comments:
//      This function is not implemented due to the fact that it is
//      beyond the scope of a simple object.  All *real* applications
//      are going to want to implement this function, otherwise any
//      container that supports context sensitive help will not work
//      properly while the object is in place.
//      See TECHNOTES.WRI include with the OLE SDK for details on
//      Implementing this method.

STDMETHODIMP COleInPlaceObject::ContextSensitiveHelp  ( BOOL fEnterMode)
    TestDebugOut(TEXT("In COleInPlaceObject::ContextSensitiveHelp\r\n"));
    return ResultFromScode( E_NOTIMPL);

// COleInPlaceObject::ReactivateAndUndo
// Purpose:
//      Called when the container wants to undo the last edit made in
//      the object.
// Parameters:
//      None
// Return Value:
// Function Calls:
//      Function                    Location
//      TestDebugOut           Windows API
// Comments:
//      Since this server does not support undo, the value
//      INPLACE_E_NOTUNDOABLE is always returned.

STDMETHODIMP COleInPlaceObject::ReactivateAndUndo  ()
    TestDebugOut(TEXT("In COleInPlaceObject::ReactivateAndUndo\r\n"));
    return ResultFromScode( INPLACE_E_NOTUNDOABLE );