path: root/public/sdk/inc/alertapi.h
blob: 2db4c8868276ccc9375ecd08ed1f00c487d4f3e4 (plain) (tree)

//  Microsoft Windows
//  Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1992.
//  File:       alertapi.h
//  Contents:   Alert system API.
//  History:    11-Jan-94   MarkBl  Created

#if !defined( __ALERTAPI_H__ )
#define       __ALERTAPI_H__

// OLE headers don't define these. Use 'LP' vs 'P' to be consistent with OLE.

typedef UUID       *    LPUUID;
typedef DISPID     *    LPDISPID;

// Structure used with ReportAlert.

    short       Category;
    short       SubCategory;
    short       Severity;
    long        TitleMessageNumber;
    long        cTitleMessageInserts;
    PWCHAR *    TitleMessageInserts;
    PWCHAR      TitleText;
    long        DescrMessageNumber;
    long        cDescrMessageInserts;
    PWCHAR *    DescrMessageInserts;
    PWCHAR      SourceDescription;
    LPUUID      ComponentID;
    LPUUID      ReportClassID;
    PWCHAR      TakeActionDLL;
    long        cBytesAlertData;
    PBYTE       AlertData;
    long        cAdditionalArguments;
    LPDISPID    AdditionalArgumentNames;
    LPVARIANT   AdditionalArguments;


// Helper ALERTREPORTRECORD initialization macro.

                                        Record,     \
                                        Cat,        \
                                        Sev,        \
                                        TitleMsg,   \
                                        DescrMsg,   \
                                        CompID,     \
                                        SrcName)    \
{                                                   \
    Record.Category                = Cat;           \
    Record.SubCategory             = 0;             \
    Record.Severity                = Sev;           \
    Record.TitleMessageNumber      = TitleMsg;      \
    Record.cTitleMessageInserts    = 0;             \
    Record.TitleMessageInserts     = NULL;          \
    Record.TitleText               = NULL;          \
    Record.DescrMessageNumber      = DescrMsg;      \
    Record.cDescrMessageInserts    = 0;             \
    Record.DescrMessageInserts     = NULL;          \
    Record.SourceDescription       = SrcName;       \
    Record.ComponentID             = CompID;        \
    Record.ReportClassID           = NULL;          \
    Record.TakeActionDLL           = NULL;          \
    Record.cBytesAlertData         = 0;             \
    Record.AlertData               = NULL;          \
    Record.cAdditionalArguments    = 0;             \
    Record.AdditionalArgumentNames = NULL;          \
    Record.AdditionalArguments     = NULL;          \

typedef IAlertTarget *  LPALERTTARGET;

// Public API

// API:         ReportAlert
// Description: Raise an alert to the local computer distributor object
//              and/or log the alert in the local system log.
// Arguments:   [palrepRecord] -- ALERTREPORTRECORD alert data.
//              [fdwAction]    -- ReportAlert action (defined below).
// Returns:     S_OK
//              HRESULT error

// ReportAlert modes.

#define RA_REPORT                       0x00000001
#define RA_LOG                          0x00000002
#define RA_REPORT_AND_LOG               0x00000003

STDAPI ReportAlert(
                    PCALERTREPORTRECORD palrepRecord,
                    DWORD               fdwAction);

// API:         ReportAlertToTarget
// Description: Raise an alert to the alert target indicated.
// Arguments:   [patTarget]    -- Target instance (must be non-NULL).
//              [palrepRecord] -- ALERTREPORTRECORD alert data.
// Returns:     S_OK
//              HRESULT error

STDAPI ReportAlertToTarget(
                    LPALERTTARGET       patTarget,
                    PCALERTREPORTRECORD palrepRecord);

// API:         MarshalReport
// Description: Marshals the DISPPARAM alert report data into a buffer
//              suitable for report delivery via the IAlertTarget interface.
// Arguments:   [pdparams]      -- DISPPARAMS alert data.
//              [ppbReport]     -- Return marshal buffer.
//              [pcbReportSize] -- Return marshal buffer size.
// Returns:     S_OK
//              HRESULT error

STDAPI MarshalReport(
                    const LPDISPPARAMS  pdparams,
                    PBYTE *             ppbReport,
                    PULONG              pcbReportSize);

// API:         UnMarshalReport
// Description: The converse of MarshalReport. Un-marshals the buffer
//              (marshalled alert data) into a DISPPARAMS structure.
// Arguments:   [cbReportSize] -- Marshalled report size.
//              [ppbReport]    -- Marshalled report.
//              [pdparams]     -- Returned DISPPARAMS alert data.
// Returns:     S_OK
//              HRESULT error

STDAPI UnMarshalReport(
                    ULONG               cbReportSize,
                    const PBYTE         pbReport,
                    LPDISPPARAMS        pdparams);

// Non-Public API [as yet]

STDAPI CreateAlertDistributorObject(
                    const PWCHAR        pwszAlertDistr);

STDAPI Register(
                    LPDISPATCH          pdispAlertDistr,
                    LPMONIKER           pmkAlertTarget,
                    SHORT               sCategory,
                    SHORT               sSeverity,
                    PLONG               plRegistrationID);

STDAPI RegisterEx(
                    LPDISPATCH          pdispAlertDistr,
                    LPMONIKER           pmkAlertTarget,
                    SHORT               cCount,
                    SHORT               asCategory[],
                    SHORT               asSeverity[],
                    PLONG               plRegistrationID);

STDAPI AsLogAlertInSystemLog(
                    ULONG               cbReportSize,
                    const PBYTE         pbReport);

#endif // __ALERTAPI_H__