path: root/public/sdk/inc/nb30.h
blob: 1a51629ba6bf85d650d17ff120f25eafa66a2593 (plain) (tree)

// Copyright (c) 1991-1996  Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
//  nb30.h
// Abstract:
//  This module contains the definitions for portable NetBIOS 3.0
//  support.


#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

 *                                                              *
 *              Data structure templates                        *
 *                                                              *

#define NCBNAMSZ        16    /* absolute length of a net name           */
#define MAX_LANA       254    /* lana's in range 0 to MAX_LANA inclusive */

 * Network Control Block

typedef struct _NCB {
    UCHAR   ncb_command;            /* command code                   */
    UCHAR   ncb_retcode;            /* return code                    */
    UCHAR   ncb_lsn;                /* local session number           */
    UCHAR   ncb_num;                /* number of our network name     */
    PUCHAR  ncb_buffer;             /* address of message buffer      */
    WORD    ncb_length;             /* size of message buffer         */
    UCHAR   ncb_callname[NCBNAMSZ]; /* blank-padded name of remote    */
    UCHAR   ncb_name[NCBNAMSZ];     /* our blank-padded netname       */
    UCHAR   ncb_rto;                /* rcv timeout/retry count        */
    UCHAR   ncb_sto;                /* send timeout/sys timeout       */
    void (CALLBACK *ncb_post)( struct _NCB * ); /* POST routine address        */
    UCHAR   ncb_lana_num;           /* lana (adapter) number          */
    UCHAR   ncb_cmd_cplt;           /* 0xff => commmand pending       */
    UCHAR   ncb_reserve[10];        /* reserved, used by BIOS         */
    HANDLE  ncb_event;              /* HANDLE to Win32 event which    */
                                    /* will be set to the signalled   */
                                    /* state when an ASYNCH command   */
                                    /* completes                      */

 *  Structure returned to the NCB command NCBASTAT is ADAPTER_STATUS followed
 *  by an array of NAME_BUFFER structures.

typedef struct _ADAPTER_STATUS {
    UCHAR   adapter_address[6];
    UCHAR   rev_major;
    UCHAR   reserved0;
    UCHAR   adapter_type;
    UCHAR   rev_minor;
    WORD    duration;
    WORD    frmr_recv;
    WORD    frmr_xmit;

    WORD    iframe_recv_err;

    WORD    xmit_aborts;
    DWORD   xmit_success;
    DWORD   recv_success;

    WORD    iframe_xmit_err;

    WORD    recv_buff_unavail;
    WORD    t1_timeouts;
    WORD    ti_timeouts;
    DWORD   reserved1;
    WORD    free_ncbs;
    WORD    max_cfg_ncbs;
    WORD    max_ncbs;
    WORD    xmit_buf_unavail;
    WORD    max_dgram_size;
    WORD    pending_sess;
    WORD    max_cfg_sess;
    WORD    max_sess;
    WORD    max_sess_pkt_size;
    WORD    name_count;

typedef struct _NAME_BUFFER {
    UCHAR   name[NCBNAMSZ];
    UCHAR   name_num;
    UCHAR   name_flags;

//  values for name_flags bits.

#define NAME_FLAGS_MASK 0x87

#define GROUP_NAME      0x80
#define UNIQUE_NAME     0x00

#define REGISTERING     0x00
#define REGISTERED      0x04
#define DEREGISTERED    0x05
#define DUPLICATE       0x06
#define DUPLICATE_DEREG 0x07

 *  Structure returned to the NCB command NCBSSTAT is SESSION_HEADER followed
 *  by an array of SESSION_BUFFER structures. If the NCB_NAME starts with an
 *  asterisk then an array of these structures is returned containing the
 *  status for all names.

typedef struct _SESSION_HEADER {
    UCHAR   sess_name;
    UCHAR   num_sess;
    UCHAR   rcv_dg_outstanding;
    UCHAR   rcv_any_outstanding;

typedef struct _SESSION_BUFFER {
    UCHAR   lsn;
    UCHAR   state;
    UCHAR   local_name[NCBNAMSZ];
    UCHAR   remote_name[NCBNAMSZ];
    UCHAR   rcvs_outstanding;
    UCHAR   sends_outstanding;

//  Values for state

#define LISTEN_OUTSTANDING      0x01
#define CALL_PENDING            0x02
#define SESSION_ESTABLISHED     0x03
#define HANGUP_PENDING          0x04
#define HANGUP_COMPLETE         0x05
#define SESSION_ABORTED         0x06

 *  Structure returned to the NCB command NCBENUM.
 *  On a system containing lana's 0, 2 and 3, a structure with
 *  length =3, lana[0]=0, lana[1]=2 and lana[2]=3 will be returned.

typedef struct _LANA_ENUM {
    UCHAR   length;         //  Number of valid entries in lana[]
    UCHAR   lana[MAX_LANA+1];

 *  Structure returned to the NCB command NCBFINDNAME is FIND_NAME_HEADER followed
 *  by an array of FIND_NAME_BUFFER structures.

typedef struct _FIND_NAME_HEADER {
    WORD    node_count;
    UCHAR   reserved;
    UCHAR   unique_group;

typedef struct _FIND_NAME_BUFFER {
    UCHAR   length;
    UCHAR   access_control;
    UCHAR   frame_control;
    UCHAR   destination_addr[6];
    UCHAR   source_addr[6];
    UCHAR   routing_info[18];

 *  Structure provided with NCBACTION. The purpose of NCBACTION is to provide
 *  transport specific extensions to netbios.

typedef struct _ACTION_HEADER {
    ULONG   transport_id;
    USHORT  action_code;
    USHORT  reserved;

//  Values for transport_id

#define ALL_TRANSPORTS  "M\0\0\0"
#define MS_NBF          "MNBF"

 *                                                              *
 *              Special values and constants                    *
 *                                                              *

 *      NCB Command codes

#define NCBCALL         0x10            /* NCB CALL                           */
#define NCBLISTEN       0x11            /* NCB LISTEN                         */
#define NCBHANGUP       0x12            /* NCB HANG UP                        */
#define NCBSEND         0x14            /* NCB SEND                           */
#define NCBRECV         0x15            /* NCB RECEIVE                        */
#define NCBRECVANY      0x16            /* NCB RECEIVE ANY                    */
#define NCBCHAINSEND    0x17            /* NCB CHAIN SEND                     */
#define NCBDGSEND       0x20            /* NCB SEND DATAGRAM                  */
#define NCBDGRECV       0x21            /* NCB RECEIVE DATAGRAM               */
#define NCBDGSENDBC     0x22            /* NCB SEND BROADCAST DATAGRAM        */
#define NCBDGRECVBC     0x23            /* NCB RECEIVE BROADCAST DATAGRAM     */
#define NCBADDNAME      0x30            /* NCB ADD NAME                       */
#define NCBDELNAME      0x31            /* NCB DELETE NAME                    */
#define NCBRESET        0x32            /* NCB RESET                          */
#define NCBASTAT        0x33            /* NCB ADAPTER STATUS                 */
#define NCBSSTAT        0x34            /* NCB SESSION STATUS                 */
#define NCBCANCEL       0x35            /* NCB CANCEL                         */
#define NCBADDGRNAME    0x36            /* NCB ADD GROUP NAME                 */
#define NCBENUM         0x37            /* NCB ENUMERATE LANA NUMBERS         */
#define NCBUNLINK       0x70            /* NCB UNLINK                         */
#define NCBSENDNA       0x71            /* NCB SEND NO ACK                    */
#define NCBCHAINSENDNA  0x72            /* NCB CHAIN SEND NO ACK              */
#define NCBLANSTALERT   0x73            /* NCB LAN STATUS ALERT               */
#define NCBACTION       0x77            /* NCB ACTION                         */
#define NCBFINDNAME     0x78            /* NCB FIND NAME                      */
#define NCBTRACE        0x79            /* NCB TRACE                          */

#define ASYNCH          0x80            /* high bit set == asynchronous       */

 *      NCB Return codes

#define NRC_GOODRET     0x00    /* good return                                */
                                /* also returned when ASYNCH request accepted */
#define NRC_BUFLEN      0x01    /* illegal buffer length                      */
#define NRC_ILLCMD      0x03    /* illegal command                            */
#define NRC_CMDTMO      0x05    /* command timed out                          */
#define NRC_INCOMP      0x06    /* message incomplete, issue another command  */
#define NRC_BADDR       0x07    /* illegal buffer address                     */
#define NRC_SNUMOUT     0x08    /* session number out of range                */
#define NRC_NORES       0x09    /* no resource available                      */
#define NRC_SCLOSED     0x0a    /* session closed                             */
#define NRC_CMDCAN      0x0b    /* command cancelled                          */
#define NRC_DUPNAME     0x0d    /* duplicate name                             */
#define NRC_NAMTFUL     0x0e    /* name table full                            */
#define NRC_ACTSES      0x0f    /* no deletions, name has active sessions     */
#define NRC_LOCTFUL     0x11    /* local session table full                   */
#define NRC_REMTFUL     0x12    /* remote session table full                  */
#define NRC_ILLNN       0x13    /* illegal name number                        */
#define NRC_NOCALL      0x14    /* no callname                                */
#define NRC_NOWILD      0x15    /* cannot put * in NCB_NAME                   */
#define NRC_INUSE       0x16    /* name in use on remote adapter              */
#define NRC_NAMERR      0x17    /* name deleted                               */
#define NRC_SABORT      0x18    /* session ended abnormally                   */
#define NRC_NAMCONF     0x19    /* name conflict detected                     */
#define NRC_IFBUSY      0x21    /* interface busy, IRET before retrying       */
#define NRC_TOOMANY     0x22    /* too many commands outstanding, retry later */
#define NRC_BRIDGE      0x23    /* ncb_lana_num field invalid                 */
#define NRC_CANOCCR     0x24    /* command completed while cancel occurring   */
#define NRC_CANCEL      0x26    /* command not valid to cancel                */
#define NRC_DUPENV      0x30    /* name defined by anther local process       */
#define NRC_ENVNOTDEF   0x34    /* environment undefined. RESET required      */
#define NRC_OSRESNOTAV  0x35    /* required OS resources exhausted            */
#define NRC_MAXAPPS     0x36    /* max number of applications exceeded        */
#define NRC_NOSAPS      0x37    /* no saps available for netbios              */
#define NRC_NORESOURCES 0x38    /* requested resources are not available      */
#define NRC_INVADDRESS  0x39    /* invalid ncb address or length > segment    */
#define NRC_INVDDID     0x3B    /* invalid NCB DDID                           */
#define NRC_LOCKFAIL    0x3C    /* lock of user area failed                   */
#define NRC_OPENERR     0x3f    /* NETBIOS not loaded                         */
#define NRC_SYSTEM      0x40    /* system error                               */

#define NRC_PENDING     0xff    /* asynchronous command is not yet finished   */

 *                                                              *
 *              main user entry point for NetBIOS 3.0           *
 *                                                              *
 * Usage: result = Netbios( pncb );                             *

    PNCB pncb

 *                                                              *
 *              Prefix for callback routines                    *
 *                                                              *
 * Usage in a declaration: NCB_POST MyPostRoutine( PNCB pncb ); *

#define NCB_POST void CALLBACK

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* NCB_INCLUDED */