path: root/private/ntos/arcinst/almisc.c
diff options
authorAdam <>2020-05-17 05:51:50 +0200
committerAdam <>2020-05-17 05:51:50 +0200
commite611b132f9b8abe35b362e5870b74bce94a1e58e (patch)
treea5781d2ec0e085eeca33cf350cf878f2efea6fe5 /private/ntos/arcinst/almisc.c
Diffstat (limited to 'private/ntos/arcinst/almisc.c')
1 files changed, 1565 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/private/ntos/arcinst/almisc.c b/private/ntos/arcinst/almisc.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3ac86b1d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/arcinst/almisc.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1565 @@
+#include "precomp.h"
+#pragma hdrstop
+// Internal function definitions
+ IN PCHAR *EnvVarComponents
+ );
+ IN PCHAR Value1,
+ IN PCHAR Value2
+ );
+// Function implementations
+AlGetEnvVarComponents (
+ IN PCHAR EnvValue,
+ OUT PCHAR **EnvVarComponents,
+ OUT PULONG PNumComponents
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ This routine takes an environment variable string and turns it into
+ the constituent value strings:
+ Example EnvValue = "Value1;Value2;Value3" is turned into:
+ "Value1", "Value2", "Value3"
+ The following are valid value strings:
+ 1. " " :one null value is found
+ 2. ";;;; " :five null values are found
+ 3. " ;Value1 ; Value2;Value3;;;;;;; ;" :12 value strings are found,
+ :9 of which are null
+ If an invalid component (contains embedded white space) is found in the
+ string then this routine attempts to resynch to the next value, no error
+ is returned, and a the first part of the invalid value is returned for the
+ bad component.
+ 1. " Value1;Bad Value2; Value3" : 2 value strings are found
+ The value strings returned suppress all whitespace before and after the
+ value.
+ EnvValue: ptr to zero terminated environment value string
+ EnvVarComponents: ptr to a PCHAR * variable to receive the buffer of
+ ptrs to the constituent value strings.
+ PNumComponents: ptr to a ULONG to receive the number of value strings found
+Return Value:
+ The function returns the following error codes:
+ EACCES if EnvValue is NULL
+ ENOMEM if the memory allocation fails
+ The function returns the following success codes:
+ When the function returns ESUCCESS:
+ - *PNumComponent field gets the number of value strings found
+ - if the number is non zero the *EnvVarComponents field gets the
+ ptr to the buffer containing ptrs to value strings
+ PCHAR pchStart, pchEnd, pchNext;
+ PCHAR pchComponents[MAX_COMPONENTS + 1];
+ ULONG NumComponents, i;
+ PCHAR pch;
+ ULONG size;
+ //
+ // Validate the EnvValue
+ //
+ if (EnvValue == NULL) {
+ return (EACCES);
+ }
+ //
+ // Initialise the ptr array with nulls
+ //
+ for (i = 0; i < (MAX_COMPONENTS+1); i++) {
+ pchComponents[i] = NULL;
+ }
+ //
+ // Initialise ptrs to search components
+ //
+ pchStart = EnvValue;
+ NumComponents = 0;
+ //
+ // search till either pchStart reaches the end or till max components
+ // is reached, the below has been programmed from a dfsa.
+ //
+ while (*pchStart && NumComponents < MAX_COMPONENTS) {
+ //
+ // STATE 1: find the beginning of next variable value
+ //
+ while (*pchStart!=0 && isspace(*pchStart)) {
+ pchStart++;
+ }
+ if (*pchStart == 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ //
+ // STATE 2: In the midst of a value
+ //
+ pchEnd = pchStart;
+ while (*pchEnd!=0 && !isspace(*pchEnd) && *pchEnd!=';') {
+ pchEnd++;
+ }
+ //
+ // STATE 3: spit out the value found
+ //
+ size = pchEnd - pchStart;
+ if ((pch = AlAllocateHeap(size+1)) == NULL) {
+ AlpFreeComponents(pchComponents);
+ return (ENOMEM);
+ }
+ strncpy (pch, pchStart, size);
+ pch[size]=0;
+ pchComponents[NumComponents++]=pch;
+ //
+ // STATE 4: variable value end has been reached, find the beginning
+ // of the next value
+ //
+ if ((pchNext = strchr(pchEnd, ';')) == NULL) {
+ break; // out of the big while loop because we are done
+ }
+ //
+ // Advance beyond the semicolon.
+ //
+ pchNext++;
+ //
+ // reinitialise to begin STATE 1
+ //
+ pchStart = pchNext;
+ } // end while.
+ //
+ // Get memory to hold an environment pointer and return that
+ //
+ if ( NumComponents!=0 ) {
+ PCHAR *pch;
+ if ((pch = (PCHAR *)AlAllocateHeap((NumComponents+1)*sizeof(PCHAR))) == NULL) {
+ AlpFreeComponents(pchComponents);
+ return (ENOMEM);
+ }
+ //
+ // the last one is NULL because we initialised the array with NULLs
+ //
+ for ( i = 0; i <= NumComponents; i++) {
+ pch[i] = pchComponents[i];
+ }
+ *EnvVarComponents = pch;
+ }
+ //
+ // Update the number of elements field and return success
+ //
+ *PNumComponents = NumComponents;
+ return (ESUCCESS);
+AlFreeEnvVarComponents (
+ IN PCHAR *EnvVarComponents
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ This routine frees up all the components in the ptr array and frees
+ up the storage for the ptr array itself too
+ EnvVarComponents: the ptr to the PCHAR * Buffer
+Return Value:
+ ESUCCESS if freeing successful
+ EACCES if memory ptr invalid
+ ARC_STATUS Status;
+ //
+ // if the pointer is NULL just return success
+ //
+ if (EnvVarComponents == NULL) {
+ return (ESUCCESS);
+ }
+ //
+ // free all the components first, if error in freeing return
+ //
+ Status = AlpFreeComponents(EnvVarComponents);
+ if (Status != ESUCCESS) {
+ return Status;
+ }
+ //
+ // free the component holder too
+ //
+ if( AlDeallocateHeap(EnvVarComponents) != NULL) {
+ return (EACCES);
+ }
+ else {
+ return (ESUCCESS);
+ }
+ IN PCHAR *EnvVarComponents
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ This routine frees up only the components in the ptr array, but doesn't
+ free the ptr array storage itself.
+ EnvVarComponents: the ptr to the PCHAR * Buffer
+Return Value:
+ ESUCCESS if freeing successful
+ EACCES if memory ptr invalid
+ //
+ // get all the components and free them
+ //
+ while (*EnvVarComponents != NULL) {
+ if(AlDeallocateHeap(*EnvVarComponents++) != NULL) {
+ return(EACCES);
+ }
+ }
+ return(ESUCCESS);
+ IN PCHAR Value1,
+ IN PCHAR Value2
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ This routine compares two components to see if they are equal. This is
+ essentially comparing strings except that leading zeros are stripped from
+ key values.
+ Value1 - Supplies a pointer to the first value to match.
+ Value2 - Supplies a pointer to the second value to match.
+Return Value:
+ If the components match, TRUE is returned, otherwise FALSE is returned.
+ while ((*Value1 != 0) && (*Value2 != 0)) {
+ if (tolower(*Value1) != tolower(*Value2)) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (*Value1 == '(') {
+ do {
+ *Value1++;
+ } while (*Value1 == '0');
+ } else {
+ *Value1++;
+ }
+ if (*Value2 == '(') {
+ do {
+ *Value2++;
+ } while (*Value2 == '0');
+ } else {
+ *Value2++;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((*Value1 == 0) && (*Value2 == 0)) {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ IN PCHAR EnvValue,
+ IN PCHAR MatchValue,
+ IN ULONG StartComponent,
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ This routine compares each component of EnvValue, starting with
+ StartComponent, until a match is found or there are no more components.
+ EnvValue - Supplies a pointer to the environment variable value.
+ MatchValue - Supplies a pointer to the value to match.
+ StartComponent - Supplies the component number to start the match.
+ MatchComponent - Supplies an optional pointer to a variable to receive
+ the number of the component that matched.
+Return Value:
+ If a match is found, TRUE is returned, otherwise FALSE is returned.
+ ARC_STATUS Status;
+ PCHAR *EnvVarComponents;
+ ULONG NumComponents;
+ ULONG Index;
+ BOOLEAN Match;
+ Status = AlGetEnvVarComponents(EnvValue, &EnvVarComponents, &NumComponents);
+ if (Status != ESUCCESS) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ Match = FALSE;
+ for (Index = StartComponent ; Index < NumComponents ; Index++ ) {
+ if (AlpMatchComponent(EnvVarComponents[Index], MatchValue)) {
+ Match = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(MatchComponent)) {
+ *MatchComponent = Index;
+ }
+ AlFreeEnvVarComponents(EnvVarComponents);
+ return Match;
+ IN PCHAR NewSystemPartition
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ This routine adds a system partition to the SystemPartition environment
+ variable, and updates the Osloader, OsloadPartition, OsloadFilename,
+ and OsloadOptions variables.
+ SystemPartition - Supplies a pointer to the pathname of the system
+ partition to add.
+Return Value:
+ If the system partition was successfully added, ESUCCESS is returned,
+ otherwise an error code is returned.
+ BUGBUG - This program is simplistic and doesn't attempt to make sure all
+ the variables are consistent. It also doesn't fail gracefully.
+ ARC_STATUS Status;
+ PCHAR SystemPartition;
+ //PCHAR Osloader;
+ //PCHAR OsloadPartition;
+ //PCHAR OsloadFilename;
+ //PCHAR OsloadOptions;
+ //
+ // Get the system partition environment variable.
+ //
+ SystemPartition = ArcGetEnvironmentVariable("SystemPartition");
+ //
+ // If the variable doesn't exist, add it and exit.
+ //
+ if (SystemPartition == NULL) {
+ if(strlen(NewSystemPartition) < MAXIMUM_ENVIRONMENT_VALUE) {
+ Status = ArcSetEnvironmentVariable("SystemPartition",
+ NewSystemPartition);
+ } else {
+ Status = E2BIG;
+ }
+ return Status;
+ }
+ //
+ // If the variable exists, add the new partition to the end.
+ //
+ if(strlen(SystemPartition)+strlen(NewSystemPartition)+2 > MAXIMUM_ENVIRONMENT_VALUE) {
+ return(E2BIG);
+ }
+ strcpy(TempValue, SystemPartition);
+ strcat(TempValue, ";");
+ strcat(TempValue, NewSystemPartition);
+ Status = ArcSetEnvironmentVariable("SystemPartition",
+ TempValue);
+ if (Status != ESUCCESS) {
+ return Status;
+ }
+#if 0
+ //
+ // Add semicolons to the end of each of the associated variables.
+ // If they don't exist add them.
+ //
+ //
+ // Get the Osloader environment variable and add a semicolon to the end.
+ //
+ Osloader = ArcGetEnvironmentVariable("Osloader");
+ if (Osloader == NULL) {
+ *TempValue = 0;
+ } else {
+ strcpy(TempValue, Osloader);
+ }
+ strcat(TempValue, ";");
+ Status = ArcSetEnvironmentVariable("Osloader",TempValue);
+ if (Status != ESUCCESS) {
+ return Status;
+ }
+ //
+ // Get the OsloadPartition environment variable and add a semicolon to the end.
+ //
+ OsloadPartition = ArcGetEnvironmentVariable("OsloadPartition");
+ if (OsloadPartition == NULL) {
+ *TempValue = 0;
+ } else {
+ strcpy(TempValue, OsloadPartition);
+ }
+ strcat(TempValue, ";");
+ Status = ArcSetEnvironmentVariable("OsloadPartition",TempValue);
+ if (Status != ESUCCESS) {
+ return Status;
+ }
+ //
+ // Get the OsloadFilename environment variable and add a semicolon to the end.
+ //
+ OsloadFilename = ArcGetEnvironmentVariable("OsloadFilename");
+ if (OsloadFilename == NULL) {
+ *TempValue = 0;
+ } else {
+ strcpy(TempValue, OsloadFilename);
+ }
+ strcat(TempValue, ";");
+ Status = ArcSetEnvironmentVariable("OsloadFilename",TempValue);
+ if (Status != ESUCCESS) {
+ return Status;
+ }
+ //
+ // Get the OsloadOptions environment variable and add a semicolon to the end.
+ //
+ OsloadOptions = ArcGetEnvironmentVariable("OsloadOptions");
+ if (OsloadOptions == NULL) {
+ *TempValue = 0;
+ } else {
+ strcpy(TempValue, OsloadOptions);
+ }
+ strcat(TempValue, ";");
+ Status = ArcSetEnvironmentVariable("OsloadOptions",TempValue);
+ return Status;
+typedef struct _tagMENUITEM {
+ PCHAR Text;
+ ULONG AssociatedData;
+typedef struct _tagMENUCOOKIE {
+ ULONG ItemCount;
+// indent for menus, status, etc.
+char MARGIN[] = " ";
+char MSGMARGIN[] = " ";
+// special constants used when fetching keystrokes
+#define KEY_UP 1
+#define KEY_DOWN 2
+ ULONG Line,
+ BOOLEAN Selected,
+ PCHAR String
+ );
+ BOOLEAN StaticMenu,
+ PCHAR Items[],
+ ULONG ItemCount,
+ BOOLEAN PrintOnly,
+ ULONG AssociatedDataOfDefaultChoice,
+ ULONG *AssociatedDataOfChoice,
+ PCHAR MenuName,
+ );
+ );
+ )
+ return(TRUE);
+ )
+ return(((PMENUCOOKIE)MenuID)->ItemCount);
+ )
+ return(((PMENUCOOKIE)MenuID)->Items[n].AssociatedData);
+ )
+ if(!(p = AlAllocateHeap(sizeof(MENUCOOKIE)))) {
+ return(FALSE);
+ }
+ p->ItemCount = 0;
+ p->Items = NULL;
+ *MenuID = p;
+ return(TRUE);
+ )
+ ULONG i;
+ for(i=0; i<p->ItemCount; i++) {
+ if(p->Items[i].Text != NULL) {
+ AlDeallocateHeap(p->Items[i].Text);
+ }
+ }
+ if(p->Items) {
+ AlDeallocateHeap(p->Items);
+ }
+ AlDeallocateHeap(p);
+ PCHAR Text,
+ ULONG AssociatedData,
+ ULONG Attributes // unused
+ )
+ if(!Menu->ItemCount) {
+ if((Menu->Items = AlAllocateHeap(sizeof(MENUITEM))) == NULL) {
+ return(FALSE);
+ }
+ Menu->ItemCount = 1;
+ p = Menu->Items;
+ } else {
+ if((p = AlReallocateHeap(Menu->Items,sizeof(MENUITEM)*(Menu->ItemCount+1))) == NULL) {
+ return(FALSE);
+ }
+ Menu->Items = p;
+ p = &Menu->Items[Menu->ItemCount++];
+ }
+ if((p->Text = AlAllocateHeap(strlen(Text)+1)) == NULL) {
+ return(FALSE);
+ }
+ strcpy(p->Text,Text);
+ p->AssociatedData = AssociatedData;
+ return(TRUE);
+ PCHAR Text[],
+ ULONG ItemCount
+ )
+ ULONG base,i;
+ base = AlGetMenuNumberItems(MenuID);
+ for(i=0; i<ItemCount; i++) {
+ if(!AlAddMenuItem(MenuID,Text[i],i+base,0)) {
+ return(FALSE);
+ }
+ }
+ return(TRUE);
+ BOOLEAN PrintOnly,
+ ULONG AssociatedDataOfDefaultChoice,
+ ULONG *AssociatedDataOfChoice,
+ ULONG Row,
+ PCHAR MenuName
+ )
+ return(CommonMenuDisplay((PMENUCOOKIE)MenuID,
+ ((PMENUCOOKIE)MenuID)->ItemCount,
+ PrintOnly,
+ AssociatedDataOfDefaultChoice,
+ AssociatedDataOfChoice,
+ MenuName,
+ Row
+ )
+ );
+ PCHAR Items[],
+ ULONG ItemCount,
+ ULONG DefaultChoice,
+ ULONG Row,
+ ULONG *IndexOfChoice
+ )
+ return(CommonMenuDisplay(NULL,
+ Items,
+ ItemCount,
+ DefaultChoice,
+ IndexOfChoice,
+ Row
+ )
+ );
+ BOOLEAN StaticMenu,
+ PCHAR Items[],
+ ULONG ItemCount,
+ BOOLEAN PrintOnly,
+ ULONG AssociatedDataOfDefaultChoice,
+ ULONG *AssociatedDataOfChoice,
+ PCHAR MenuName,
+ )
+// ULONG x;
+ ULONG i,MenuBaseLine,Selection;
+ char c;
+ PCHAR String;
+ AlSetPosition(Row,0);
+ AlPrint("%cJ",ASCI_CSI); // clear to end of screen.
+ MenuBaseLine = Row;
+ AlSetScreenColor(7,4); // white on blue
+// if(MenuName) {
+// AlPrint("%s%s\r\n%s",MARGIN,MenuName,MARGIN);
+// x = strlen(MenuName);
+// for(i=0; i<x; i++) {
+// AlPrint("-");
+// }
+// AlPrint("\r\n\r\n");
+// MenuBaseLine += 3;
+// }
+ for(i=0; i<ItemCount; i++) {
+ AlSetScreenAttributes(1,0,0); // hi intensity
+ AlPrint("%s%s\r\n",MARGIN,StaticMenu ? Items[i] : Menu->Items[i].Text);
+ }
+ if(PrintOnly) {
+ char dummy;
+ AlPrint("\r\nPress any key to continue.");
+ AlGetString(&dummy,0);
+ } else {
+// AlPrint("\r\n%sMake Selection using arrow keys and return,\r\n%sor escape to cancel",MARGIN,MARGIN);
+ Selection = 0;
+ if(StaticMenu) {
+ Selection = AssociatedDataOfDefaultChoice;
+ } else {
+ for(i=0; i<ItemCount; i++) {
+ if(Menu->Items[i].AssociatedData == AssociatedDataOfDefaultChoice) {
+ Selection = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ String = StaticMenu ? Items[Selection] : Menu->Items[Selection].Text;
+ MarkLine(MenuBaseLine+Selection,TRUE, String);
+ while(((c = GetChar()) != ASCI_ESC) && (c != ASCI_LF) && (c != ASCI_CR)) {
+ String = StaticMenu ? Items[Selection] : Menu->Items[Selection].Text;
+ MarkLine(MenuBaseLine+Selection,FALSE,String);
+ if(c == KEY_UP) {
+ if(!Selection--) {
+ Selection = ItemCount - 1;
+ }
+ } else if(c == KEY_DOWN) {
+ if(++Selection == ItemCount) {
+ Selection = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ String = StaticMenu ? Items[Selection] : Menu->Items[Selection].Text;
+ MarkLine(MenuBaseLine+Selection,TRUE,String);
+ }
+ // set cursor to a free place on the screen.
+ AlSetPosition(MenuBaseLine + ItemCount + 4,0);
+ if(c == ASCI_ESC) {
+ return(FALSE);
+ }
+ *AssociatedDataOfChoice = StaticMenu ? Selection : Menu->Items[Selection].AssociatedData;
+ }
+ return(TRUE);
+ ULONG Line,
+ BOOLEAN Selected,
+ PCHAR String
+ )
+ AlSetPosition(Line,sizeof(MARGIN));
+ if (Selected) {
+ AlSetScreenAttributes(1,0,1); // hi intensity, Reverse Video
+ }
+ AlPrint("%s\r\n", String);
+ AlSetScreenAttributes(1,0,0); // hi intensity
+ )
+ UCHAR c;
+ ULONG count;
+ ArcRead(ARC_CONSOLE_INPUT,&c,1,&count);
+ switch(c) {
+// case ASCI_ESC:
+// ArcRead(ARC_CONSOLE_INPUT,&c,1,&count);
+// if(c != '[') {
+// break;
+// }
+ case ASCI_CSI:
+ ArcRead(ARC_CONSOLE_INPUT,&c,1,&count);
+ switch(c) {
+ case 'A':
+ case 'D':
+ return(KEY_UP);
+ case 'B':
+ case 'C':
+ return(KEY_DOWN);
+ }
+ default:
+ return(c);
+ }
+ PCHAR Prompt
+ )
+ char buff[1];
+ AlPrint(Prompt ? Prompt : "Press any key to continue...");
+ AlGetString(buff,0);
+ IN PCHAR FormatString,
+ IN va_list ArgumentList
+ )
+ char text[256];
+ ULONG Length,Count;
+ AlSetPosition(Row,0);
+ Length = vsprintf(text,FormatString,ArgumentList);
+ if(Error) {
+ AlSetScreenColor(1,4); // red on blue
+ } else {
+ AlSetScreenColor(3,4); // yellow on blue
+ }
+ AlSetScreenAttributes(1,0,0); // hi intensity
+ ArcWrite(ARC_CONSOLE_OUTPUT,text,Length,&Count);
+ AlPrint("\r\n");
+ AlSetScreenColor(7,4); // white on blue
+ AlSetScreenAttributes(1,0,0); // hi intensity
+ IN ULONG TopRow,
+ IN ULONG BottomRow,
+ IN PCHAR FormatString,
+ ...
+ )
+ va_list ArgList;
+ va_start(ArgList,FormatString);
+ vAlStatusMsg(TopRow,Error,FormatString,ArgList);
+ AlWaitKey(NULL);
+ AlClearStatusArea(TopRow,BottomRow);
+ IN ULONG TopRow,
+ IN ULONG BottomRow,
+ IN PCHAR FormatString,
+ ...
+ )
+ va_list ArgList;
+ AlClearStatusArea(TopRow,BottomRow);
+ va_start(ArgList,FormatString);
+ vAlStatusMsg(TopRow,Error,FormatString,ArgList);
+ IN ULONG TopRow,
+ IN ULONG BottomRow
+ )
+ ULONG i;
+ for(i=BottomRow; i>=TopRow; --i) {
+ AlSetPosition(i,0);
+ AlClearLine();
+ }
+ IN PCHAR szTitle,
+ IN PCHAR *rgszSelections,
+ IN ULONG crgsz,
+ IN ULONG crow,
+ IN ULONG irgszDefault,
+ OUT PULONG pirgsz,
+ OUT PCHAR *pszSelection
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ This routine takes an array of strings, turns them into a menu
+ and gets a selection. If ESC hit then ESUCCESS is returned with
+ the *pszSelection NULL.
+ crgsz is assume to be 1 or greater.
+ szTitle - Pointer to menu title to pass to AlDisplayMenu
+ prgszSelection - pointer to an array of strings for menu
+ crgsz - count of strings
+ irgszDefault - index in rgszSelection to use as default selection
+Return Value:
+ irgsz - index to selection
+ pszSelection - pointer int rgszSelection for selection. Note that
+ this is not a dup and should not be freed seperately
+ then rgszSelections.
+ Note: if ARC_STATUS == ESUCCESS and pszSelection == NULL then the
+ menu was successfully displayed but the user hit ESC to select
+ nothing from the menu.
+ PVOID hdMenuId;
+ *pszSelection = NULL;
+ if (!AlNewMenu(&hdMenuId)) {
+ return( ENOMEM );
+ }
+ //
+ // BUGBUG for now 1 selection will also build a menu, in the
+ // future once this is working we should just return that selection
+ //
+ if (!AlAddMenuItems(hdMenuId, rgszSelections, crgsz)) {
+ AlFreeMenu(hdMenuId);
+ return( ENOMEM );
+ }
+ if (!AlDisplayMenu(hdMenuId,
+ irgszDefault,
+ pirgsz,
+ crow,
+ szTitle)) {
+ //
+ // User did not pick a system partition. return NULL
+ // can caller should abort
+ //
+ AlFreeMenu(hdMenuId);
+ return( ESUCCESS );
+ }
+ AlFreeMenu(hdMenuId);
+ *pszSelection = rgszSelections[*pirgsz];
+ return( ESUCCESS );
+ IN PCHAR szString
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ This routine makes a copy of the passed in string. I do not use
+ the CRT strdup since it uses malloc.
+ szString - pointer of string to dup.
+Return Value:
+ pointer to dup'd string. NULL if could not allocate
+ PCHAR szT;
+ if (szT = AlAllocateHeap(strlen(szString) + 1)) {
+ strcpy(szT, szString);
+ return(szT);
+ }
+ return( NULL );
+AlCombinePaths (
+ IN PCHAR szPath1,
+ IN PCHAR szPath2
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ This routine combines to strings. It allocate a new string
+ to hold both strings.
+ pointer to combined path. NULL if failed to allocate.
+Return Value:
+ PCHAR szT;
+ if (szT = AlAllocateHeap(strlen(szPath1) + strlen(szPath2) + 1)) {
+ strcpy(szT, szPath1);
+ strcat(szT, szPath2);
+ return( szT );
+ } else {
+ return ( NULL );
+ }
+AlFreeArray (
+ IN BOOLEAN fFreeArray,
+ IN PCHAR *rgsz,
+ IN ULONG csz
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ This routine iterates through an array of pointers to strings freeing
+ each string and finally the array itself.
+ fFreeArray - flag wither to free the array itself.
+ rgsz - pointer to array of strings.
+ csz - size of array.
+Return Value:
+ ULONG irgsz;
+ if (!csz) {
+ return;
+ }
+ for( irgsz = 0; irgsz < csz; irgsz++ ) {
+ if (rgsz[irgsz]) {
+ AlDeallocateHeap(rgsz[irgsz]);
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (fFreeArray) {
+ AlDeallocateHeap( rgsz );
+ }
+AlGetBase (
+ IN PCHAR szPath,
+ OUT PCHAR *pszBase
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ This routine strips the filename off a path.
+ szPath - path to strip.
+Return Value:
+ pszBaseh - pointer to buffer holding new base. (this is a copy)
+ PCHAR szPathT;
+ //
+ // Make local copy of szArcInstPath so we can alter it
+ //
+ *pszBase = AlStrDup(szPath);
+ if ( *pszBase == NULL ) {
+ return( ENOMEM );
+ }
+ //
+ // The start of the path part should be either a \ or a ) where
+ // ) is the end of the arc name
+ //
+ if ((szPathT = strrchr(*pszBase,'\\')) == 0) {
+ if ((szPathT = strrchr(*pszBase, ')')) == 0) {
+ AlDeallocateHeap(*pszBase);
+ return( EBADSYNTAX );
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // Cut filename out
+ //
+ // szPath points to either ')' or '\' so need to move over that
+ // onto actual name
+ //
+ *(szPathT + 1) = 0;
+ return( ESUCCESS );
+// Define static data.
+PCHAR AdapterTypes[AdapterMaximum + 1] = {"eisa","scsi", "multi", NULL};
+PCHAR ControllerTypes[ControllerMaximum + 1] = {"cdrom", "disk", NULL};
+PCHAR PeripheralTypes[PeripheralMaximum + 1] = {"rdisk", "fdisk", NULL};
+AlGetNextArcNamToken (
+ IN PCHAR TokenString,
+ OUT PCHAR OutputToken,
+ OUT PULONG UnitNumber
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ This routine scans the specified token string for the next token and
+ unit number. The token format is:
+ name[(unit)]
+ TokenString - Supplies a pointer to a zero terminated token string.
+ OutputToken - Supplies a pointer to a variable that receives the next
+ token.
+ UnitNumber - Supplies a pointer to a variable that receives the unit
+ number.
+Return Value:
+ If another token exists in the token string, then a pointer to the
+ start of the next token is returned. Otherwise, a value of NULL is
+ returned.
+ //
+ // If there are more characters in the token string, then parse the
+ // next token. Otherwise, return a value of NULL.
+ //
+ if (*TokenString == '\0') {
+ return NULL;
+ } else {
+ while ((*TokenString != '\0') && (*TokenString != '(')) {
+ *OutputToken++ = *TokenString++;
+ }
+ *OutputToken = '\0';
+ //
+ // If a unit number is specified, then convert it to binary.
+ // Otherwise, default the unit number to zero.
+ //
+ *UnitNumber = 0;
+ if (*TokenString == '(') {
+ TokenString += 1;
+ while ((*TokenString != '\0') && (*TokenString != ')')) {
+ *UnitNumber = (*UnitNumber * 10) + (*TokenString++ - '0');
+ }
+ if (*TokenString == ')') {
+ TokenString += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return TokenString;
+AlMatchArcNamToken (
+ IN PCHAR TokenValue,
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ This routine attempts to match a token with an array of possible
+ values.
+ TokenValue - Supplies a pointer to a zero terminated token value.
+ TokenType - Indicates which type of token we are dealing with
+ (AdapterType/ControllerType/PeripheralType)
+Return Value:
+ If the token type is invalid, INVALID_TOKEN_TYPE is returned.
+ If a token match is not located, then a value INVALID_TOKEN_VALUE
+ is returned.
+ If a token match is located, then the ENUM value of the token is
+ returned.
+ ULONG Index;
+ PCHAR MatchString;
+ PCHAR TokenString;
+ PCHAR *TokenArray;
+ BOOLEAN Found;
+ //
+ // Depending on token type choose the appropriate token string array
+ //
+ switch (TokenType) {
+ case AdapterType:
+ TokenArray = AdapterTypes;
+ break;
+ case ControllerType:
+ TokenArray = ControllerTypes;
+ break;
+ case PeripheralType:
+ TokenArray = PeripheralTypes;
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ //
+ // Scan the match array until either a match is found or all of
+ // the match strings have been scanned.
+ //
+ // BUGBUG** The code below can be easily implemented using _strcmpi.
+ //
+ Index = 0;
+ Found = FALSE;
+ while (TokenArray[Index] != NULL) {
+ MatchString = TokenArray[Index];
+ TokenString = TokenValue;
+ while ((*MatchString != '\0') && (*TokenString != '\0')) {
+ if (toupper(*MatchString) != toupper(*TokenString)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ MatchString += 1;
+ TokenString += 1;
+ }
+ if ((*MatchString == '\0') && (*TokenString == '\0')) {
+ Found = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ Index += 1;
+ }
+ return (Found ? Index : INVALID_TOKEN_VALUE);
+AlPrint (
+ PCHAR Format,
+ ...
+ )
+ va_list arglist;
+ UCHAR Buffer[256];
+ ULONG Count;
+ ULONG Length;
+ //
+ // Format the output into a buffer and then print it.
+ //
+ va_start(arglist, Format);
+ Length = vsprintf(Buffer, Format, arglist);
+ ArcWrite( ARC_CONSOLE_OUTPUT, Buffer, Length, &Count);
+ va_end(arglist);
+ return 0;
+ OUT PCHAR String,
+ IN ULONG StringLength
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ This routine reads a string from standardin until a
+ carriage return or escape is found or StringLength is reached.
+ String - Supplies a pointer to where the string will be stored.
+ StringLength - Supplies the Max Length to read.
+Return Value:
+ FALSE if user pressed esc, TRUE otherwise.
+ CHAR c;
+ ULONG Count;
+ PCHAR Buffer;
+ Buffer = String;
+ while (ArcRead(ARC_CONSOLE_INPUT,&c,1,&Count)==ESUCCESS) {
+ if(c == ASCI_ESC) {
+ return(FALSE);
+ }
+ if ((c=='\r') || (c=='\n') || ((ULONG)(Buffer-String) == StringLength)) {
+ *Buffer='\0';
+ ArcWrite(ARC_CONSOLE_OUTPUT,"\r\n",2,&Count);
+ return(TRUE);
+ }
+ //
+ // Check for backspace;
+ //
+ if (c=='\b') {
+ if (((ULONG)Buffer > (ULONG)String)) {
+ Buffer--;
+ ArcWrite(ARC_CONSOLE_OUTPUT,"\b \b",3,&Count);
+ }
+ } else {
+ //
+ // If it's a printable char store it and display it.
+ //
+ if (isprint(c)) {
+ *Buffer++ = c;
+ ArcWrite(ARC_CONSOLE_OUTPUT,&c,1,&Count);
+ }
+ }
+ }