path: root/private/ntos/dll/seurtl.c
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authorAdam <>2020-05-17 05:51:50 +0200
committerAdam <>2020-05-17 05:51:50 +0200
commite611b132f9b8abe35b362e5870b74bce94a1e58e (patch)
treea5781d2ec0e085eeca33cf350cf878f2efea6fe5 /private/ntos/dll/seurtl.c
Diffstat (limited to 'private/ntos/dll/seurtl.c')
1 files changed, 3469 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/private/ntos/dll/seurtl.c b/private/ntos/dll/seurtl.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b9bad1760
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/dll/seurtl.c
@@ -0,0 +1,3469 @@
+Copyright (c) 1989 Microsoft Corporation
+Module Name:
+ seurtl.c
+ This Module implements many security rtl routines defined in nturtl.h
+ Robert Reichel (RobertRe) 1-Mar-1991
+ Pure Runtime Library Routine
+ User mode callable only
+Revision History:
+#include <ntos.h>
+#include <nturtl.h>
+#include <ntlsa.h> // needed for RtlGetPrimaryDomain
+#include "seopaque.h"
+#include "sertlp.h"
+#include "ldrp.h"
+// Private routines
+ IN PACL Acl,
+ IN BOOLEAN AclUntrusted,
+ IN PSID ServerSid,
+ OUT PACL *ServerAcl,
+ OUT BOOLEAN *ServerAclAllocated
+ );
+ HANDLE ClientToken,
+ OUT PTOKEN_OWNER *ServerOwner,
+ );
+// //
+// Exported Procedures //
+// //
+ IN ULONG SidLength,
+ OUT PBOOLEAN PrimaryDomainPresent,
+ OUT PUNICODE_STRING PrimaryDomainName,
+ OUT PUSHORT RequiredNameLength,
+ OUT PSID PrimaryDomainSid OPTIONAL,
+ OUT PULONG RequiredSidLength
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ This procedure opens the LSA policy object and retrieves
+ the primary domain information for this machine.
+ SidLength - Specifies the length of the PrimaryDomainSid
+ parameter.
+ PrimaryDomainPresent - Receives a boolean value indicating
+ whether this machine has a primary domain or not. TRUE
+ indicates the machine does have a primary domain. FALSE
+ indicates the machine does not.
+ PrimaryDomainName - Points to the unicode string to receive
+ the primary domain name. This parameter will only be
+ used if there is a primary domain.
+ RequiredNameLength - Recevies the length of the primary
+ domain name (in bytes). This parameter will only be
+ used if there is a primary domain.
+ PrimaryDomainSid - This optional parameter, if present,
+ points to a buffer to receive the primary domain's
+ SID. This parameter will only be used if there is a
+ primary domain.
+ RequiredSidLength - Recevies the length of the primary
+ domain SID (in bytes). This parameter will only be
+ used if there is a primary domain.
+Return Value:
+ STATUS_SUCCESS - The requested information has been retrieved.
+ STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL - One of the return buffers was not
+ large enough to receive the corresponding information.
+ The RequiredNameLength and RequiredSidLength parameter
+ values have been set to indicate the needed length.
+ Other status values as may be returned by:
+ LsaOpenPolicy()
+ LsaQueryInformationPolicy()
+ RtlCopySid()
+ NTSTATUS Status, IgnoreStatus;
+ OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes;
+ LSA_HANDLE LsaHandle;
+ //
+ // Set up the Security Quality Of Service
+ //
+ SecurityQualityOfService.Length = sizeof(SECURITY_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE);
+ SecurityQualityOfService.ImpersonationLevel = SecurityImpersonation;
+ SecurityQualityOfService.ContextTrackingMode = SECURITY_DYNAMIC_TRACKING;
+ SecurityQualityOfService.EffectiveOnly = FALSE;
+ //
+ // Set up the object attributes to open the Lsa policy object
+ //
+ InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjectAttributes,
+ 0L,
+ NULL);
+ ObjectAttributes.SecurityQualityOfService = &SecurityQualityOfService;
+ //
+ // Open the local LSA policy object
+ //
+ Status = LsaOpenPolicy( NULL,
+ &ObjectAttributes,
+ &LsaHandle
+ );
+ if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) {
+ //
+ // Get the primary domain info
+ //
+ Status = LsaQueryInformationPolicy(LsaHandle,
+ PolicyPrimaryDomainInformation,
+ (PVOID *)&PrimaryDomainInfo);
+ IgnoreStatus = LsaClose(LsaHandle);
+ ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(IgnoreStatus));
+ }
+ if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) {
+ //
+ // Is there a primary domain?
+ //
+ if (PrimaryDomainInfo->Sid != NULL) {
+ //
+ // Yes
+ //
+ (*PrimaryDomainPresent) = TRUE;
+ (*RequiredNameLength) = PrimaryDomainInfo->Name.Length;
+ (*RequiredSidLength) = RtlLengthSid(PrimaryDomainInfo->Sid);
+ //
+ // Copy the name
+ //
+ if (PrimaryDomainName->MaximumLength >=
+ PrimaryDomainInfo->Name.Length) {
+ RtlCopyUnicodeString(
+ PrimaryDomainName,
+ &PrimaryDomainInfo->Name
+ );
+ } else {
+ }
+ //
+ // Copy the SID (if appropriate)
+ //
+ if (PrimaryDomainSid != NULL && NT_SUCCESS(Status)) {
+ Status = RtlCopySid(SidLength,
+ PrimaryDomainSid,
+ PrimaryDomainInfo->Sid
+ );
+ }
+ } else {
+ (*PrimaryDomainPresent) = FALSE;
+ }
+ //
+ // We're finished with the buffer returned by LSA
+ //
+ IgnoreStatus = LsaFreeMemory(PrimaryDomainInfo);
+ ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(IgnoreStatus));
+ }
+ return(Status);
+RtlNewSecurityObject (
+ IN BOOLEAN IsDirectoryObject,
+ IN HANDLE Token,
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ The procedure is used to allocpate and initialize a self-relative
+ Security Descriptor for a new protected server's object. It is called
+ when a new protected server object is being created. The generated
+ security descriptor will be in self-relative form.
+ This procedure, called only from user mode, is used to establish a
+ security descriptor for a new protected server's object. Memory is
+ allocated to hold each of the security descriptor's components (using
+ NtAllocateVirtualMemory()). The final security descriptor generated by
+ this procedure is produced according to the rules stated in ???
+ System and Discretionary ACL Assignment
+ ---------------------------------------
+ The assignment of system and discretionary ACLs is governed by the
+ logic illustrated in the following table:
+ | Explicit | Explicit |
+ | (non-default) | Default | No
+ | Acl | Acl | Acl
+ | Specified | Specified | Specified
+ -------------+----------------+---------------+--------------
+ | | |
+ Inheritable | Assign | Assign | Assign
+ Acl From | Specified | Inherited | Inherited
+ Parent | Acl | Acl | Acl
+ | | |
+ -------------+----------------+---------------+--------------
+ No | | |
+ Inheritable | Assign | Assign | Assign
+ Acl From | Specified | Default | No Acl
+ Parent | Acl | Acl |
+ | | |
+ -------------+----------------+---------------+--------------
+ Note that an explicitly specified ACL, whether a default ACL or
+ not, may be empty or null.
+ If the caller is explicitly assigning a system acl, default or
+ non-default, the caller must either be a kernel mode client or
+ must be appropriately privileged.
+ Owner and Group Assignment
+ --------------------------
+ The assignment of the new object's owner and group is governed
+ by the following logic:
+ 1) If the passed security descriptor includes an owner, it
+ is assigned as the new object's owner. Otherwise, the
+ caller's token is looked in for the owner. Within the
+ token, if there is a default owner, it is assigned.
+ Otherwise, the caller's user ID is assigned.
+ 2) If the passed security descriptor includes a group, it
+ is assigned as the new object's group. Otherwise, the
+ caller's token is looked in for the group. Within the
+ token, if there is a default group, it is assigned.
+ Otherwise, the caller's primary group ID is assigned.
+ - - WARNING - -
+ This service is for use by protected subsystems that project their own
+ type of object. This service is explicitly not for use by the
+ executive for executive objects and must not be called from kernel
+ mode.
+ ParentDescriptor - Supplies the Security Descriptor for the parent
+ directory under which a new object is being created. If there is
+ no parent directory, then this argument is specified as NULL.
+ CreatorDescriptor - (Optionally) Points to a security descriptor
+ presented by the creator of the object. If the creator of the
+ object did not explicitly pass security information for the new
+ object, then a null pointer should be passed.
+ NewDescriptor - Points to a pointer that is to be made to point to the
+ newly allocated self-relative security descriptor.
+ IsDirectoryObject - Specifies if the new object is going to be a
+ directory object. A value of TRUE indicates the object is a
+ container of other objects.
+ Token - Supplies the token for the client on whose behalf the
+ object is being created. If it is an impersonation token,
+ then it must be at SecurityIdentification level or higher. If
+ it is not an impersonation token, the operation proceeds
+ normally.
+ A client token is used to retrieve default security
+ information for the new object, such as default owner, primary
+ group, and discretionary access control. The token must be
+ open for TOKEN_QUERY access.
+ GenericMapping - Supplies a pointer to a generic mapping array denoting
+ the mapping between each generic right to specific rights.
+Return Value:
+ STATUS_SUCCESS - The operation was successful.
+ STATUS_INVALID_OWNER - The owner SID provided as the owner of the
+ target security descriptor is not one the subject is authorized to
+ assign as the owner of an object.
+ STATUS_NO_CLIENT_TOKEN - Indicates a client token was not explicitly
+ provided and the caller is not currently impersonating a client.
+ SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *CapturedDescriptor;
+ BOOLEAN SecurityDescriptorPassed;
+ NTSTATUS Status;
+ BOOLEAN RequestorCanAssignDescriptor = TRUE;
+ PACL NewSacl = NULL;
+ BOOLEAN NewSaclPresent = FALSE;
+ BOOLEAN NewSaclInherited = FALSE;
+ PACL NewDacl = NULL;
+ PACL ServerDacl = NULL;
+ BOOLEAN NewDaclPresent = FALSE;
+ BOOLEAN NewDaclInherited = FALSE;
+ PSID NewOwner = NULL;
+ PSID NewGroup = NULL;
+ BOOLEAN SaclExplicitlyAssigned = FALSE;
+ BOOLEAN OwnerExplicitlyAssigned = FALSE;
+ BOOLEAN DaclExplicitlyAssigned = FALSE;
+ BOOLEAN ServerDaclAllocated = FALSE;
+ BOOLEAN ServerObject;
+ BOOLEAN DaclUntrusted;
+ BOOLEAN HasPrivilege;
+ PRIVILEGE_SET PrivilegeSet;
+ PSID SubjectContextOwner;
+ PSID SubjectContextGroup;
+ PSID ServerOwner;
+ PSID ServerGroup;
+ PACL SubjectContextDacl;
+ ULONG AllocationSize;
+ ULONG NewOwnerSize;
+ ULONG NewGroupSize;
+ ULONG NewSaclSize;
+ ULONG NewDaclSize;
+ PCHAR Field;
+ PCHAR Base;
+ PTOKEN_OWNER TokenOwnerInfo = NULL;
+ PTOKEN_PRIMARY_GROUP TokenPrimaryGroupInfo = NULL;
+ PTOKEN_DEFAULT_DACL TokenDefaultDaclInfo = NULL;
+ PTOKEN_OWNER ServerOwnerInfo = NULL;
+ TOKEN_STATISTICS ThreadTokenStatistics;
+ ULONG ReturnLength;
+ NTSTATUS PassedStatus;
+ PVOID HeapHandle;
+ HANDLE PrimaryToken;
+ //
+ // Get the handle to the current process heap
+ //
+ HeapHandle = RtlProcessHeap();
+ //
+ // The desired end result is to build a self-relative security descriptor.
+ // This means that a single block of memory will be allocated and all
+ // security information copied into it. To minimize work along the way,
+ // it is desirable to reference (rather than copy) each field as we
+ // determine its source. This can not be done with inherited ACLs, however,
+ // since they must be built from another ACL. So, explicitly assigned
+ // and defaulted SIDs and ACLs are just referenced until they are copied
+ // into the self-relative descriptor. Inherited ACLs are built in a
+ // temporary buffer which must be deallocated after being copied to the
+ // self-relative descriptor.
+ //
+ Status = NtQueryInformationToken(
+ Token, // Handle
+ TokenStatistics, // TokenInformationClass
+ &ThreadTokenStatistics, // TokenInformation
+ sizeof(TOKEN_STATISTICS), // TokenInformationLength
+ &ReturnLength // ReturnLength
+ );
+ if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) {
+ return( Status );
+ }
+ //
+ // If it is an impersonation token, then make sure it is at a
+ // high enough level.
+ //
+ if (ThreadTokenStatistics.TokenType == TokenImpersonation) {
+ if (ThreadTokenStatistics.ImpersonationLevel < SecurityIdentification ) {
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // If a security descriptor has been passed, capture it, otherwise
+ // cobble up a fake one to simplify the code that follows.
+ //
+ if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(CreatorDescriptor)) {
+ CapturedDescriptor = CreatorDescriptor;
+ SecurityDescriptorPassed = TRUE;
+ } else {
+ //
+ // No descriptor passed, make a fake one
+ //
+ SecurityDescriptorPassed = FALSE;
+ RtlCreateSecurityDescriptor(&InCaseOneNotPassed,
+ CapturedDescriptor = &InCaseOneNotPassed;
+ }
+ Status = RtlpGetDefaultsSubjectContext(
+ Token,
+ &TokenOwnerInfo,
+ &TokenPrimaryGroupInfo,
+ &TokenDefaultDaclInfo,
+ &ServerOwnerInfo,
+ &ServerGroupInfo
+ );
+ if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) {
+ return( Status );
+ }
+ SubjectContextOwner = TokenOwnerInfo->Owner;
+ SubjectContextGroup = TokenPrimaryGroupInfo->PrimaryGroup;
+ SubjectContextDacl = TokenDefaultDaclInfo->DefaultDacl;
+ ServerOwner = ServerOwnerInfo->Owner;
+ ServerGroup = ServerGroupInfo->PrimaryGroup;
+ if ( CapturedDescriptor->Control & SE_SERVER_SECURITY ) {
+ ServerObject = TRUE;
+ } else {
+ ServerObject = FALSE;
+ }
+ if ( CapturedDescriptor->Control & SE_DACL_UNTRUSTED ) {
+ DaclUntrusted = TRUE;
+ } else {
+ DaclUntrusted = FALSE;
+ }
+ if (!CleanUp) {
+ //
+ // Establish System Acl
+ //
+ if ( (CapturedDescriptor->Control & SE_SACL_PRESENT) &&
+ !(CapturedDescriptor->Control & SE_SACL_DEFAULTED) ) {
+ //
+ // Explicitly provided, not defaulted
+ //
+ NewSacl = RtlpSaclAddrSecurityDescriptor(CapturedDescriptor);
+ NewSaclPresent = TRUE;
+ SaclExplicitlyAssigned = TRUE;
+ } else {
+ //
+ // If there is an inheritable ACL (copy it if there is one.)
+ // This maps all ACEs for the target object type too.
+ //
+ if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(ParentDescriptor) &&
+ NT_SUCCESS( Status = RtlpInheritAcl(
+ RtlpSaclAddrSecurityDescriptor(
+ ((SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *)ParentDescriptor)
+ ),
+ IsDirectoryObject,
+ SubjectContextOwner,
+ SubjectContextGroup,
+ ServerOwner,
+ ServerGroup,
+ GenericMapping,
+ &NewSacl )
+ )) {
+ NewSaclPresent = TRUE;
+ NewSaclInherited = TRUE;
+ } else if (!ARGUMENT_PRESENT(ParentDescriptor) || (Status == STATUS_NO_INHERITANCE)) {
+ //
+ // No inheritable ACL - check for a defaulted one.
+ //
+ if ( (CapturedDescriptor->Control & SE_SACL_PRESENT) &&
+ (CapturedDescriptor->Control & SE_SACL_DEFAULTED) ) {
+ //
+ // Reference the default ACL
+ //
+ NewSacl = RtlpSaclAddrSecurityDescriptor(CapturedDescriptor);
+ NewSaclPresent = TRUE;
+ SaclExplicitlyAssigned = TRUE; // BUGBUG is this correct?
+ }
+ } else {
+ //
+ // Some unusual error occured
+ //
+ CleanUp = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!CleanUp) {
+ //
+ // Establish Discretionary Acl
+ //
+ if ( RtlpAreControlBitsSet( CapturedDescriptor, SE_DACL_PRESENT ) &&
+ !RtlpAreControlBitsSet( CapturedDescriptor, SE_DACL_DEFAULTED) ) {
+ //
+ // Explicitly provided, not defaulted
+ //
+ NewDacl = RtlpDaclAddrSecurityDescriptor(CapturedDescriptor);
+ NewDaclPresent = TRUE;
+ DaclExplicitlyAssigned = TRUE;
+ } else {
+ //
+ // See if there is an inheritable ACL (copy it if there is one.)
+ // This maps the ACEs to the target object type too.
+ //
+ if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(ParentDescriptor) &&
+ NT_SUCCESS( Status = RtlpInheritAcl(
+ RtlpDaclAddrSecurityDescriptor(
+ ((SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *)ParentDescriptor)
+ ),
+ IsDirectoryObject,
+ SubjectContextOwner,
+ SubjectContextGroup,
+ ServerOwner,
+ ServerGroup,
+ GenericMapping,
+ &NewDacl
+ )
+ )) {
+ NewDaclPresent = TRUE;
+ NewDaclInherited = TRUE;
+ } else if (!ARGUMENT_PRESENT(ParentDescriptor) || (Status == STATUS_NO_INHERITANCE)) {
+ //
+ // No inheritable ACL - check for a defaulted one in the
+ // security descriptor. If there isn't one there, then look
+ // for one in the subject's security context.
+ //
+ if ( RtlpAreControlBitsSet( CapturedDescriptor,
+ ) ) {
+ //
+ // reference the default ACL
+ //
+ NewDacl = RtlpDaclAddrSecurityDescriptor(CapturedDescriptor);
+ NewDaclPresent = TRUE;
+ //
+ // This counts as an explicit assignment.
+ //
+ DaclExplicitlyAssigned = TRUE;
+ } else {
+ if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(SubjectContextDacl)) {
+ NewDacl = SubjectContextDacl;
+ NewDaclPresent = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ //
+ // Some unusual error occured
+ //
+ CleanUp = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!CleanUp) {
+ //
+ // Establish an owner SID
+ //
+ if ((CapturedDescriptor->Owner) != NULL) {
+ //
+ // Use the specified owner
+ //
+ NewOwner = RtlpOwnerAddrSecurityDescriptor(CapturedDescriptor);
+ OwnerExplicitlyAssigned = TRUE;
+ } else {
+ //
+ // Pick up the default from the subject's security context.
+ //
+ // This does NOT constitute explicit assignment of owner
+ // and does not have to be checked as an ID that can be
+ // assigned as owner. This is because a default can not
+ // be established in a token unless the user of the token
+ // can assign it as an owner.
+ //
+ //
+ // If we've been asked to create a ServerObject, we need to
+ // make sure to pick up the new owner from the Primary token,
+ // not the client token. If we're not impersonating, they will
+ // end up being the same.
+ //
+ NewOwner = ServerObject ? ServerOwner : SubjectContextOwner;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!CleanUp) {
+ //
+ // Establish a Group SID
+ //
+ if ((CapturedDescriptor->Group) != NULL) {
+ //
+ // Use the specified Group
+ //
+ NewGroup = RtlpGroupAddrSecurityDescriptor(CapturedDescriptor);
+ } else {
+ //
+ // Pick up the primary group from the subject's security context
+ //
+ // If we're creating a Server object, use the group from the server
+ // context.
+ //
+ NewGroup = ServerObject ? ServerGroup : SubjectContextGroup;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!CleanUp) {
+ //
+ // Now make sure that the caller has the right to assign
+ // everything in the descriptor. The requestor is subjected
+ // to privilege and restriction tests for some assignments.
+ //
+ //
+ // Anybody can assign any Discretionary ACL or group that they want to.
+ //
+ //
+ // See if the system ACL was explicitly specified
+ //
+ if (SaclExplicitlyAssigned) {
+ //
+ // Check for appropriate Privileges
+ //
+ // Audit/Alarm messages need to be generated due to the attempt
+ // to perform a privileged operation.
+ //
+ PrivilegeSet.PrivilegeCount = 1;
+ PrivilegeSet.Privilege[0].Luid = RtlConvertLongToLuid(SE_SECURITY_PRIVILEGE);
+ PrivilegeSet.Privilege[0].Attributes = 0;
+ Status = NtPrivilegeCheck(
+ Token,
+ &PrivilegeSet,
+ &HasPrivilege
+ );
+ if (NT_SUCCESS( Status )) {
+ Status = NtPrivilegedServiceAuditAlarm (
+ NULL, // Subsystemname
+ NULL, // ServiceName
+ Token,
+ &PrivilegeSet,
+ HasPrivilege
+ );
+ if (NT_SUCCESS( Status )) {
+ if ( !HasPrivilege ) {
+ RequestorCanAssignDescriptor = FALSE;
+ }
+ } else {
+ //
+ // We failed the attempt to audit the privilege
+ // check, fail the entire operation.
+ //
+ RequestorCanAssignDescriptor = FALSE;
+ }
+ } else {
+ //
+ // The privilege check failed for reasons other
+ // than lack of privilege. Retain the status code
+ // and bail out.
+ //
+ RequestorCanAssignDescriptor = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // See if the owner field is one the requestor can assign
+ //
+ if (NT_SUCCESS( Status )) {
+ if (OwnerExplicitlyAssigned) {
+ if (!RtlpValidOwnerSubjectContext(
+ Token,
+ NewOwner,
+ ServerObject,
+ &PassedStatus) ) {
+ if (!NT_SUCCESS( PassedStatus )) {
+ Status = PassedStatus;
+ } else {
+ }
+ RequestorCanAssignDescriptor = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (NT_SUCCESS( Status )) {
+ if (DaclExplicitlyAssigned) {
+ if (ServerObject) {
+ Status = RtlpCreateServerAcl(
+ NewDacl,
+ DaclUntrusted,
+ ServerOwner,
+ &ServerDacl,
+ &ServerDaclAllocated
+ );
+ if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) {
+ RequestorCanAssignDescriptor = FALSE;
+ } else {
+ NewDacl = ServerDacl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (RequestorCanAssignDescriptor) {
+ //
+ // Everything is assignable by the requestor.
+ // Calculate the memory needed to house all the information in
+ // a self-relative security descriptor.
+ //
+ // Also map the ACEs for application to the target object
+ // type, if they haven't already been mapped.
+ //
+ NewOwnerSize = (ULONG)LongAlign(SeLengthSid(NewOwner));
+ NewGroupSize = (ULONG)LongAlign(SeLengthSid(NewGroup));
+ if (NewSaclPresent && (NewSacl != NULL)) {
+ NewSaclSize = (ULONG)LongAlign(NewSacl->AclSize);
+ } else {
+ NewSaclSize = 0;
+ }
+ if (NewDaclPresent && (NewDacl != NULL)) {
+ NewDaclSize = (ULONG)LongAlign(NewDacl->AclSize);
+ } else {
+ NewDaclSize = 0;
+ }
+ AllocationSize = (ULONG)LongAlign(sizeof(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR)) +
+ NewOwnerSize +
+ NewGroupSize +
+ NewSaclSize +
+ NewDaclSize;
+ //
+ // Allocate and initialize the security descriptor as
+ // self-relative form.
+ //
+ INewDescriptor = RtlAllocateHeap( HeapHandle, MAKE_TAG( SE_TAG ), AllocationSize );
+ if ( INewDescriptor != NULL ) {
+ RtlCreateSecurityDescriptor(
+ INewDescriptor,
+ );
+ RtlpSetControlBits( INewDescriptor, SE_SELF_RELATIVE );
+ Base = (PCHAR)(INewDescriptor);
+ Field = Base + (ULONG)sizeof(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR);
+ //
+ // Map and Copy in the Sacl
+ //
+ if (NewSaclPresent) {
+ RtlpSetControlBits( INewDescriptor, SE_SACL_PRESENT );
+ if (NewSacl != NULL) {
+ RtlMoveMemory( Field, NewSacl, NewSacl->AclSize );
+ if (!NewSaclInherited) {
+ RtlpApplyAclToObject( (PACL)Field, GenericMapping );
+ }
+ INewDescriptor->Sacl = (PACL)RtlPointerToOffset(Base,Field);
+ Field += NewSaclSize;
+ } else {
+ INewDescriptor->Sacl = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // Map and Copy in the Dacl
+ //
+ if (NewDaclPresent) {
+ RtlpSetControlBits( INewDescriptor, SE_DACL_PRESENT );
+ if (NewDacl != NULL) {
+ RtlMoveMemory( Field, NewDacl, NewDacl->AclSize );
+ if (!NewDaclInherited) {
+ RtlpApplyAclToObject( (PACL)Field, GenericMapping );
+ }
+ INewDescriptor->Dacl = (PACL)RtlPointerToOffset(Base,Field);
+ Field += NewDaclSize;
+ } else {
+ INewDescriptor->Dacl = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // Assign the owner
+ //
+ RtlMoveMemory( Field, NewOwner, SeLengthSid(NewOwner) );
+ INewDescriptor->Owner = (PSID)RtlPointerToOffset(Base,Field);
+ Field += NewOwnerSize;
+ RtlMoveMemory( Field, NewGroup, SeLengthSid(NewGroup) );
+ INewDescriptor->Group = (PSID)RtlPointerToOffset(Base,Field);
+ } else {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // If we allocated memory for a Server DACL, free it now.
+ //
+ if (ServerDaclAllocated) {
+ RtlFreeHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0, ServerDacl );
+ }
+ //
+ // Either an error was encountered or the assignment has completed
+ // successfully. In either case, we have to clean up any memory.
+ //
+ RtlFreeHeap( HeapHandle, 0, (PVOID)TokenOwnerInfo );
+ RtlFreeHeap( HeapHandle, 0, (PVOID)TokenPrimaryGroupInfo );
+ RtlFreeHeap( HeapHandle, 0, (PVOID)TokenDefaultDaclInfo );
+ RtlFreeHeap( HeapHandle, 0, (PVOID)ServerOwnerInfo );
+ RtlFreeHeap( HeapHandle, 0, (PVOID)ServerGroupInfo );
+ if (NewSaclInherited) {
+ RtlFreeHeap( HeapHandle, 0, (PVOID)NewSacl );
+ }
+ if (NewDaclInherited) {
+ RtlFreeHeap( HeapHandle, 0, (PVOID)NewDacl );
+ }
+ *NewDescriptor = (PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) INewDescriptor;
+ return Status;
+RtlSetSecurityObject (
+ IN SECURITY_INFORMATION SecurityInformation,
+ IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR ModificationDescriptor,
+ IN OUT PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *ObjectsSecurityDescriptor,
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ Modify an object's existing self-relative form security descriptor.
+ This procedure, called only from user mode, is used to update a
+ security descriptor on an existing protected server's object. It
+ applies changes requested by a new security descriptor to the existing
+ security descriptor. If necessary, this routine will allocate
+ additional memory to produce a larger security descriptor. All access
+ checking is expected to be done before calling this routine. This
+ includes checking for WRITE_OWNER, WRITE_DAC, and privilege to assign a
+ system ACL as appropriate.
+ The caller of this routine must not be impersonating a client.
+ - - WARNING - -
+ This service is for use by protected subsystems that project their own
+ type of object. This service is explicitly not for use by the
+ executive for executive objects and must not be called from kernel
+ mode.
+ SecurityInformation - Indicates which security information is
+ to be applied to the object. The value(s) to be assigned are
+ passed in the ModificationDescriptor parameter.
+ ModificationDescriptor - Supplies the input security descriptor to be
+ applied to the object. The caller of this routine is expected
+ to probe and capture the passed security descriptor before calling
+ and release it after calling.
+ ObjectsSecurityDescriptor - Supplies the address of a pointer to
+ the objects security descriptor that is going to be altered by
+ this procedure. This security descriptor must be in self-
+ relative form or an error will be returned.
+ GenericMapping - This argument provides the mapping of generic to
+ specific/standard access types for the object being accessed.
+ This mapping structure is expected to be safe to access
+ (i.e., captured if necessary) prior to be passed to this routine.
+ Token - (optionally) Supplies the token for the client on whose
+ behalf the security is being modified. This parameter is only
+ required to ensure that the client has provided a legitimate
+ value for a new owner SID. The token must be open for
+ TOKEN_QUERY access.
+Return Value:
+ STATUS_SUCCESS - The operation was successful.
+ STATUS_INVALID_OWNER - The owner SID provided as the new owner of the
+ target security descriptor is not one the caller is authorized to
+ assign as the owner of an object, or the client did not pass
+ a token at all.
+ STATUS_NO_CLIENT_TOKEN - Indicates a client token was not explicitly
+ provided and the caller is not currently impersonating a client.
+ STATUS_BAD_DESCRIPTOR_FORMAT - Indicates the provided object's security
+ descriptor was not in self-relative format.
+ BOOLEAN NewGroupPresent = FALSE;
+ BOOLEAN NewSaclPresent = FALSE;
+ BOOLEAN NewDaclPresent = FALSE;
+ BOOLEAN NewOwnerPresent = FALSE;
+ BOOLEAN ServerAclAllocated = FALSE;
+ BOOLEAN ServerObject;
+ BOOLEAN DaclUntrusted;
+ PCHAR Field;
+ PCHAR Base;
+ NTSTATUS Status;
+ TOKEN_STATISTICS ThreadTokenStatistics;
+ ULONG ReturnLength;
+ PSID NewGroup;
+ PSID NewOwner;
+ PACL NewDacl;
+ PACL NewSacl;
+ ULONG NewDaclSize;
+ ULONG NewSaclSize;
+ ULONG NewOwnerSize;
+ ULONG NewGroupSize;
+ ULONG AllocationSize;
+ ULONG ServerOwnerInfoSize;
+ HANDLE PrimaryToken;
+ PACL ServerDacl;
+ PISECURITY_DESCRIPTOR IModificationDescriptor =
+ (PISECURITY_DESCRIPTOR)ModificationDescriptor;
+ PISECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *IObjectsSecurityDescriptor =
+ (PISECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *)(ObjectsSecurityDescriptor);
+ PVOID HeapHandle;
+ //
+ // Get the handle to the current process heap
+ //
+ HeapHandle = RtlProcessHeap();
+ //
+ // Validate that the provided SD is in self-relative form
+ //
+ if ( !RtlpAreControlBitsSet(*IObjectsSecurityDescriptor, SE_SELF_RELATIVE) ) {
+ }
+ if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(ModificationDescriptor)) {
+ if ( RtlpAreControlBitsSet(IModificationDescriptor, SE_SERVER_SECURITY)) {
+ ServerObject = TRUE;
+ } else {
+ ServerObject = FALSE;
+ }
+ if ( RtlpAreControlBitsSet(IModificationDescriptor, SE_DACL_UNTRUSTED)) {
+ DaclUntrusted = TRUE;
+ } else {
+ DaclUntrusted = FALSE;
+ }
+ } else {
+ ServerObject = FALSE;
+ DaclUntrusted = FALSE;
+ }
+ //
+ // For each item specified in the SecurityInformation, extract it
+ // and get it to the point where it can be copied into a new
+ // descriptor.
+ //
+ if (SecurityInformation & GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION) {
+ NewGroup = RtlpGroupAddrSecurityDescriptor(IModificationDescriptor);
+ if ( NewGroup == NULL ) {
+ }
+ NewGroupPresent = TRUE;
+ } else {
+ NewGroup = RtlpGroupAddrSecurityDescriptor( *IObjectsSecurityDescriptor );
+ }
+ if (SecurityInformation & DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION) {
+ NewDacl = RtlpDaclAddrSecurityDescriptor( IModificationDescriptor );
+ NewDaclPresent = TRUE;
+ if (ServerObject) {
+ //
+ // Obtain the default Server SID to substitute in the
+ // ACL if necessary.
+ //
+ ServerOwnerInfoSize = RtlLengthRequiredSid( SID_MAX_SUB_AUTHORITIES );
+ ServerSid = RtlAllocateHeap( HeapHandle, MAKE_TAG( SE_TAG ), ServerOwnerInfoSize );
+ if (ServerSid == NULL) {
+ return( STATUS_NO_MEMORY );
+ }
+ Status = NtOpenProcessToken(
+ NtCurrentProcess(),
+ &PrimaryToken
+ );
+ if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) {
+ RtlFreeHeap( HeapHandle, 0, ServerSid );
+ return( Status );
+ }
+ Status = NtQueryInformationToken(
+ PrimaryToken, // Handle
+ TokenOwner, // TokenInformationClass
+ ServerSid, // TokenInformation
+ ServerOwnerInfoSize, // TokenInformationLength
+ &ServerOwnerInfoSize // ReturnLength
+ );
+ NtClose( PrimaryToken );
+ if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) {
+ RtlFreeHeap( HeapHandle, 0, ServerSid );
+ return( Status );
+ }
+ if (NT_SUCCESS( Status )) {
+ Status = RtlpCreateServerAcl(
+ NewDacl,
+ DaclUntrusted,
+ ServerSid->Owner,
+ &ServerDacl,
+ &ServerAclAllocated
+ );
+ RtlFreeHeap( HeapHandle, 0, ServerSid );
+ if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) {
+ return( Status );
+ }
+ NewDacl = ServerDacl;
+ } else {
+ return( Status );
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ NewDacl = RtlpDaclAddrSecurityDescriptor( *IObjectsSecurityDescriptor );
+ }
+ if (SecurityInformation & SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION) {
+ NewSacl = RtlpSaclAddrSecurityDescriptor( IModificationDescriptor );
+ NewSaclPresent = TRUE;
+ } else {
+ NewSacl = RtlpSaclAddrSecurityDescriptor( *IObjectsSecurityDescriptor );
+ }
+ //
+ // if he's setting the owner field, make sure he's
+ // allowed to set that value as an owner.
+ //
+ if (SecurityInformation & OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION) {
+ if ( ARGUMENT_PRESENT( Token )) {
+ Status = NtQueryInformationToken(
+ Token, // Handle
+ TokenStatistics, // TokenInformationClass
+ &ThreadTokenStatistics, // TokenInformation
+ sizeof(TOKEN_STATISTICS), // TokenInformationLength
+ &ReturnLength // ReturnLength
+ );
+ if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) {
+ return( Status );
+ }
+ //
+ // If it is an impersonation token, then make sure it is at a
+ // high enough level.
+ //
+ if (ThreadTokenStatistics.TokenType == TokenImpersonation) {
+ if (ThreadTokenStatistics.ImpersonationLevel < SecurityIdentification ) {
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ }
+ NewOwner = RtlpOwnerAddrSecurityDescriptor( IModificationDescriptor );
+ NewOwnerPresent = TRUE;
+ if (!RtlpValidOwnerSubjectContext(
+ Token,
+ NewOwner,
+ ServerObject,
+ &Status) ) {
+ if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) {
+ return( Status );
+ } else {
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ NewOwner = RtlpOwnerAddrSecurityDescriptor ( *IObjectsSecurityDescriptor );
+ if (NewOwner == NULL) {
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // Everything is assignable by the requestor.
+ // Calculate the memory needed to house all the information in
+ // a self-relative security descriptor.
+ //
+ // Also map the ACEs for application to the target object
+ // type, if they haven't already been mapped.
+ //
+ NewOwnerSize = (ULONG)LongAlign(SeLengthSid(NewOwner));
+ NewGroupSize = (ULONG)LongAlign(SeLengthSid(NewGroup));
+ if (NewSacl != NULL) {
+ NewSaclSize = (ULONG)LongAlign(NewSacl->AclSize);
+ } else {
+ NewSaclSize = 0;
+ }
+ if (NewDacl !=NULL) {
+ NewDaclSize = (ULONG)LongAlign(NewDacl->AclSize);
+ } else {
+ NewDaclSize = 0;
+ }
+ AllocationSize = (ULONG)LongAlign(sizeof(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR)) +
+ NewOwnerSize +
+ NewGroupSize +
+ NewSaclSize +
+ NewDaclSize;
+ //
+ // Allocate and initialize the security descriptor as
+ // self-relative form.
+ //
+ NewDescriptor = RtlAllocateHeap( HeapHandle, MAKE_TAG( SE_TAG ), AllocationSize );
+ if ( NewDescriptor == NULL ) {
+ return( STATUS_NO_MEMORY );
+ }
+ Status = RtlCreateSecurityDescriptor(
+ NewDescriptor,
+ );
+ ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS( Status ) );
+ RtlpSetControlBits( NewDescriptor, SE_SELF_RELATIVE );
+ Base = (PCHAR)NewDescriptor;
+ Field = Base + (ULONG)sizeof(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR);
+ //
+ // Map and Copy in the Sacl
+ //
+// if new item {
+// if (NULL) {
+// set new pointer to NULL
+// } else {
+// copy into new SD
+// }
+// } else {
+// copy PRESENT bit
+// copy DEFAULTED bit
+// if (NULL) {
+// set new pointer to NULL
+// } else {
+// copy old one into new SD
+// }
+// }
+ if (NewSacl == NULL) {
+ NewDescriptor->Sacl = NULL;
+ } else {
+ RtlpApplyAclToObject( (PACL)NewSacl, GenericMapping );
+ RtlMoveMemory( Field, NewSacl, NewSacl->AclSize );
+ NewDescriptor->Sacl = (PACL)RtlPointerToOffset(Base,Field);
+ Field += NewSaclSize;
+ }
+ if (NewSaclPresent) {
+ //
+ // defaulted bit is off already
+ //
+ RtlpSetControlBits( NewDescriptor, SE_SACL_PRESENT );
+ } else {
+ //
+ // bits from the old security descriptor into the new
+ // one.
+ //
+ RtlpPropagateControlBits(
+ NewDescriptor,
+ *IObjectsSecurityDescriptor,
+ );
+ }
+ //
+ // Fill in Dacl field in new SD
+ //
+ if (NewDacl == NULL) {
+ NewDescriptor->Dacl = NULL;
+ } else {
+ RtlpApplyAclToObject( (PACL)NewDacl, GenericMapping );
+ RtlMoveMemory( Field, NewDacl, NewDacl->AclSize );
+ NewDescriptor->Dacl = (PACL)RtlPointerToOffset(Base,Field);
+ Field += NewDaclSize;
+ }
+ if (NewDaclPresent) {
+ //
+ // defaulted bit is off already
+ //
+ RtlpSetControlBits( NewDescriptor, SE_DACL_PRESENT );
+ } else {
+ //
+ // bits from the old security descriptor into the new
+ // one.
+ //
+ RtlpPropagateControlBits(
+ NewDescriptor,
+ *IObjectsSecurityDescriptor,
+ );
+ }
+// if new item {
+// if (NULL) {
+// set new pointer to NULL
+// } else {
+// copy into new SD
+// }
+// } else {
+// copy PRESENT bit
+// copy DEFAULTED bit
+// if (NULL) {
+// set new pointer to NULL
+// } else {
+// copy old one into new SD
+// }
+// }
+ //
+ // Fill in Owner field in new SD
+ //
+ RtlMoveMemory( Field, NewOwner, SeLengthSid(NewOwner) );
+ NewDescriptor->Owner = (PSID)RtlPointerToOffset(Base,Field);
+ Field += NewOwnerSize;
+ if (!NewOwnerPresent) {
+ //
+ // Propagate the SE_OWNER_DEFAULTED bit from the old SD.
+ // If a new owner is being assigned, we want to leave
+ // SE_OWNER_DEFAULTED off, which means leave it alone.
+ //
+ RtlpPropagateControlBits(
+ NewDescriptor,
+ *IObjectsSecurityDescriptor,
+ );
+ } else {
+ ASSERT( !RtlpAreControlBitsSet( NewDescriptor, SE_OWNER_DEFAULTED ) );
+ }
+ //
+ // Fill in Group field in new SD
+ //
+ RtlMoveMemory( Field, NewGroup, SeLengthSid(NewGroup) );
+ NewDescriptor->Group = (PSID)RtlPointerToOffset(Base,Field);
+ if (!NewGroupPresent) {
+ //
+ // Propagate the SE_GROUP_DEFAULTED bit from the old SD
+ // If a new owner is being assigned, we want to leave
+ // SE_GROUP_DEFAULTED off, which means leave it alone.
+ //
+ RtlpPropagateControlBits(
+ NewDescriptor,
+ *IObjectsSecurityDescriptor,
+ );
+ } else {
+ ASSERT( !RtlpAreControlBitsSet( NewDescriptor, SE_GROUP_DEFAULTED ) );
+ }
+ if (NT_SUCCESS( Status )) {
+ //
+ // Free old descriptor
+ //
+ RtlFreeHeap( HeapHandle, 0, (PVOID) *IObjectsSecurityDescriptor );
+ *ObjectsSecurityDescriptor = (PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR)NewDescriptor;
+ }
+ if (ServerAclAllocated == TRUE) {
+ RtlFreeHeap( RtlProcessHeap(), 0, ServerDacl );
+ }
+ return( Status );
+RtlQuerySecurityObject (
+ IN SECURITY_INFORMATION SecurityInformation,
+ IN ULONG DescriptorLength,
+ OUT PULONG ReturnLength
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ Query information from a protected server object's existing security
+ descriptor.
+ This procedure, called only from user mode, is used to retrieve
+ information from a security descriptor on an existing protected
+ server's object. All access checking is expected to be done before
+ calling this routine. This includes checking for READ_CONTROL, and
+ privilege to read a system ACL as appropriate.
+ - - WARNING - -
+ This service is for use by protected subsystems that project their own
+ type of object. This service is explicitly not for use by the
+ executive for executive objects and must not be called from kernel
+ mode.
+ ObjectDescriptor - Points to a pointer to a security descriptor to be
+ queried.
+ SecurityInformation - Identifies the security information being
+ requested.
+ ResultantDescriptor - Points to buffer to receive the resultant
+ security descriptor. The resultant security descriptor will
+ contain all information requested by the SecurityInformation
+ parameter.
+ DescriptorLength - Is an unsigned integer which indicates the length,
+ in bytes, of the buffer provided to receive the resultant
+ descriptor.
+ ReturnLength - Receives an unsigned integer indicating the actual
+ number of bytes needed in the ResultantDescriptor to store the
+ requested information. If the value returned is greater than the
+ value passed via the DescriptorLength parameter, then
+ STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL is returned and no information is returned.
+Return Value:
+ STATUS_SUCCESS - The operation was successful.
+ STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL - The buffer provided to receive the requested
+ information was not large enough to hold the information. No
+ information has been returned.
+ STATUS_BAD_DESCRIPTOR_FORMAT - Indicates the provided object's security
+ descriptor was not in self-relative format.
+ PSID Group;
+ PSID Owner;
+ PACL Dacl;
+ PACL Sacl;
+ ULONG GroupSize = 0;
+ ULONG DaclSize = 0;
+ ULONG SaclSize = 0;
+ ULONG OwnerSize = 0;
+ PCHAR Field;
+ PCHAR Base;
+ IResultantDescriptor = (PISECURITY_DESCRIPTOR)ResultantDescriptor;
+ IObjectDescriptor = (PISECURITY_DESCRIPTOR)ObjectDescriptor;
+ //
+ // For each item specified in the SecurityInformation, extract it
+ // and get it to the point where it can be copied into a new
+ // descriptor.
+ //
+ if (SecurityInformation & GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION) {
+ Group = RtlpGroupAddrSecurityDescriptor(IObjectDescriptor);
+ GroupSize = (ULONG)LongAlign(SeLengthSid(Group));
+ }
+ if (SecurityInformation & DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION) {
+ Dacl = RtlpDaclAddrSecurityDescriptor( IObjectDescriptor );
+ if (Dacl != NULL) {
+ DaclSize = (ULONG)LongAlign(Dacl->AclSize);
+ }
+ }
+ if (SecurityInformation & SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION) {
+ Sacl = RtlpSaclAddrSecurityDescriptor( IObjectDescriptor );
+ if (Sacl != NULL) {
+ SaclSize = (ULONG)LongAlign(Sacl->AclSize);
+ }
+ }
+ if (SecurityInformation & OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION) {
+ Owner = RtlpOwnerAddrSecurityDescriptor ( IObjectDescriptor );
+ OwnerSize = (ULONG)LongAlign(SeLengthSid(Owner));
+ }
+ *ReturnLength = sizeof( SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR ) +
+ GroupSize +
+ DaclSize +
+ SaclSize +
+ OwnerSize;
+ if (*ReturnLength > DescriptorLength) {
+ }
+ RtlCreateSecurityDescriptor(
+ ResultantDescriptor,
+ );
+ RtlpSetControlBits( IResultantDescriptor, SE_SELF_RELATIVE );
+ Base = (PCHAR)(IResultantDescriptor);
+ Field = Base + (ULONG)sizeof(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR);
+ if (SecurityInformation & SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION) {
+ if (SaclSize > 0) {
+ RtlMoveMemory( Field, Sacl, SaclSize );
+ IResultantDescriptor->Sacl = (PACL)RtlPointerToOffset(Base,Field);
+ Field += SaclSize;
+ }
+ RtlpPropagateControlBits(
+ IResultantDescriptor,
+ IObjectDescriptor,
+ );
+ }
+ if (SecurityInformation & DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION) {
+ if (DaclSize > 0) {
+ RtlMoveMemory( Field, Dacl, DaclSize );
+ IResultantDescriptor->Dacl = (PACL)RtlPointerToOffset(Base,Field);
+ Field += DaclSize;
+ }
+ RtlpPropagateControlBits(
+ IResultantDescriptor,
+ IObjectDescriptor,
+ );
+ }
+ if (SecurityInformation & OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION) {
+ if (OwnerSize > 0) {
+ RtlMoveMemory( Field, Owner, OwnerSize );
+ IResultantDescriptor->Owner = (PSID)RtlPointerToOffset(Base,Field);
+ Field += OwnerSize;
+ }
+ RtlpPropagateControlBits(
+ IResultantDescriptor,
+ IObjectDescriptor,
+ );
+ }
+ if (SecurityInformation & GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION) {
+ if (GroupSize > 0) {
+ RtlMoveMemory( Field, Group, GroupSize );
+ IResultantDescriptor->Group = (PSID)RtlPointerToOffset(Base,Field);
+ }
+ RtlpPropagateControlBits(
+ IResultantDescriptor,
+ IObjectDescriptor,
+ );
+ }
+ return( STATUS_SUCCESS );
+RtlDeleteSecurityObject (
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ Delete a protected server object's security descriptor.
+ This procedure, called only from user mode, is used to delete a
+ security descriptor associated with a protected server's object. This
+ routine will normally be called by a protected server during object
+ deletion.
+ - - WARNING - -
+ This service is for use by protected subsystems that project their own
+ type of object. This service is explicitly not for use by the
+ executive for executive objects and must not be called from kernel
+ mode.
+ ObjectDescriptor - Points to a pointer to a security descriptor to be
+ deleted.
+Return Value:
+ STATUS_SUCCESS - The operation was successful.
+ RtlFreeHeap( RtlProcessHeap(), 0, (PVOID)*ObjectDescriptor );
+ return( STATUS_SUCCESS );
+ IN BOOLEAN ParentDescriptorChanged,
+ IN BOOLEAN CreatorDescriptorChanged,
+ IN PLUID OldClientTokenModifiedId,
+ OUT PLUID NewClientTokenModifiedId,
+ IN BOOLEAN IsDirectoryObject,
+ IN HANDLE Token,
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ If the return status is STATUS_SUCCESS and the NewSecurity return
+ value is NULL, then the security desscriptor of the original
+ instance of the object is valid for this instance as well.
+ ParentDescriptorChanged - Supplies a flag indicating whether the
+ parent security descriptor has changed since the last time
+ this set of parameters was used.
+ CreatorDescriptorChanged - Supplies a flag indicating whether the
+ creator security descriptor has changed since the last time
+ this set of parameters was used.
+ OldClientTokenModifiedId - Supplies the ModifiedId from the passed
+ token that was in effect when this call was last made with
+ these parameters. If the current ModifiedId is different from
+ the one passed in here, the security descriptor must be
+ rebuilt.
+ NewClientTokenModifiedId - Returns the current ModifiedId from the
+ passed token.
+ ParentDescriptor - Supplies the Security Descriptor for the parent
+ directory under which a new object is being created. If there is
+ no parent directory, then this argument is specified as NULL.
+ CreatorDescriptor - (Optionally) Points to a security descriptor
+ presented by the creator of the object. If the creator of the
+ object did not explicitly pass security information for the new
+ object, then a null pointer should be passed.
+ NewDescriptor - Points to a pointer that is to be made to point to the
+ newly allocated self-relative security descriptor.
+ IsDirectoryObject - Specifies if the new object is going to be a
+ directory object. A value of TRUE indicates the object is a
+ container of other objects.
+ Token - Supplies the token for the client on whose behalf the
+ object is being created. If it is an impersonation token,
+ then it must be at SecurityIdentification level or higher. If
+ it is not an impersonation token, the operation proceeds
+ normally.
+ A client token is used to retrieve default security
+ information for the new object, such as default owner, primary
+ group, and discretionary access control. The token must be
+ open for TOKEN_QUERY access.
+ GenericMapping - Supplies a pointer to a generic mapping array denoting
+ the mapping between each generic right to specific rights.
+Return Value:
+ return-value - Description of conditions needed to return value. - or -
+ None.
+ TOKEN_STATISTICS ClientTokenStatistics;
+ ULONG ReturnLength;
+ NTSTATUS Status;
+ //
+ // Get the current token modified LUID
+ //
+ Status = NtQueryInformationToken(
+ Token, // Handle
+ TokenStatistics, // TokenInformationClass
+ &ClientTokenStatistics, // TokenInformation
+ sizeof(TOKEN_STATISTICS), // TokenInformationLength
+ &ReturnLength // ReturnLength
+ );
+ if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status )) {
+ return( Status );
+ }
+ *NewClientTokenModifiedId = ClientTokenStatistics.ModifiedId;
+ if ( RtlEqualLuid(NewClientTokenModifiedId, OldClientTokenModifiedId) ) {
+ if ( !(ParentDescriptorChanged || CreatorDescriptorChanged) ) {
+ //
+ // The old security descriptor is valid for this new instance
+ // of the object type as well. Pass back success and NULL for
+ // the NewDescriptor.
+ //
+ *NewDescriptor = NULL;
+ return( STATUS_SUCCESS );
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // Something has changed, take the long route and build a new
+ // descriptor
+ //
+ return( RtlNewSecurityObject( ParentDescriptor,
+ CreatorDescriptor,
+ NewDescriptor,
+ IsDirectoryObject,
+ Token,
+ GenericMapping
+ ));
+ IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess,
+ OUT PACCESS_MASK RemainingDesiredAccess
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ This routine implements privilege policy by examining the bits in
+ a DesiredAccess mask and adjusting them based on privilege checks.
+ Currently, a request for ACCESS_SYSTEM_SECURITY may only be satisfied
+ by the caller having SeSecurityPrivilege.
+ Note that this routine is only to be called when an object is being
+ created. When an object is being opened, it is expected that
+ NtAccessCheck will be called, and that routine will implement
+ another policy for substituting privileges for DACL access.
+ DesiredAccess - Supplies the user's desired access mask
+ Privileges - Supplies a pointer to an empty buffer in which will
+ be returned a privilege set describing any privileges that were
+ used to gain access.
+ Note that this is not an optional parameter, that is, enough
+ room for a single privilege must always be passed.
+ Length - Supplies the length of the Privileges parameter in bytes.
+ If the supplies length is not adequate to store the entire
+ privilege set, this field will return the minimum length required.
+ Token - (optionally) Supplies the token for the client on whose
+ behalf the object is being accessed. If this value is
+ specified as null, then the token on the thread is opened and
+ examined to see if it is an impersonation token. If it is,
+ then it must be at SecurityIdentification level or higher. If
+ it is not an impersonation token, the operation proceeds
+ normally.
+ GenericMapping - Supplies the generic mapping associated with this
+ object type.
+ RemainingDesiredAccess - Returns the DesiredAccess mask after any bits
+ have been masked off. If no access types could be granted, this
+ mask will be identical to the one passed in.
+Return Value:
+ STATUS_SUCCESS - The operation completed successfully.
+ STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL - The passed buffer was not large enough
+ to contain the information being returned.
+ STATUS_BAD_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL - The caller or passed token was
+ impersonating, but not at a high enough level.
+ PRIVILEGE_SET RequiredPrivilege;
+ NTSTATUS Status;
+ ULONG PrivilegeCount = 0;
+ HANDLE ThreadToken;
+ BOOLEAN TokenPassed;
+ TOKEN_STATISTICS ThreadTokenStatistics;
+ ULONG ReturnLength;
+ ULONG SizeRequired;
+ ULONG PrivilegeNumber = 0;
+ //
+ // If the caller hasn't passed a token, call the kernel and get
+ // his impersonation token. This call will fail if the caller is
+ // not impersonating a client, so if the caller is not
+ // impersonating someone, he'd better have passed in an explicit
+ // token.
+ //
+ if (!ARGUMENT_PRESENT( Token )) {
+ Status = NtOpenThreadToken(
+ NtCurrentThread(),
+ &ThreadToken
+ );
+ TokenPassed = FALSE;
+ if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) {
+ return( Status );
+ }
+ } else {
+ ThreadToken = Token;
+ TokenPassed = TRUE;
+ }
+ Status = NtQueryInformationToken(
+ ThreadToken, // Handle
+ TokenStatistics, // TokenInformationClass
+ &ThreadTokenStatistics, // TokenInformation
+ sizeof(TOKEN_STATISTICS), // TokenInformationLength
+ &ReturnLength // ReturnLength
+ );
+ RtlMapGenericMask(
+ &DesiredAccess,
+ GenericMapping
+ );
+ *RemainingDesiredAccess = DesiredAccess;
+ if ( DesiredAccess & ACCESS_SYSTEM_SECURITY ) {
+ RequiredPrivilege.PrivilegeCount = 1;
+ RequiredPrivilege.Control = PRIVILEGE_SET_ALL_NECESSARY;
+ RequiredPrivilege.Privilege[0].Luid = RtlConvertLongToLuid(SE_SECURITY_PRIVILEGE);
+ RequiredPrivilege.Privilege[0].Attributes = 0;
+ //
+ // NtPrivilegeCheck will make sure we are impersonating
+ // properly.
+ //
+ Status = NtPrivilegeCheck(
+ ThreadToken,
+ &RequiredPrivilege,
+ &Result
+ );
+ if ( (!NT_SUCCESS ( Status )) || (!Result) ) {
+ if (!TokenPassed) {
+ NtClose( ThreadToken );
+ }
+ if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status )) {
+ return( Status );
+ }
+ if ( !Result ) {
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // We have the required privilege, turn off the bit in
+ // copy of the input mask and remember that we need to return
+ // this privilege.
+ //
+ *RemainingDesiredAccess &= ~ACCESS_SYSTEM_SECURITY;
+ }
+ if (!TokenPassed) {
+ NtClose( ThreadToken );
+ }
+ SizeRequired = sizeof(PRIVILEGE_SET);
+ if ( SizeRequired > *Length ) {
+ *Length = SizeRequired;
+ }
+ if (Result) {
+ Privileges->PrivilegeCount = 1;
+ Privileges->Control = 0;
+ Privileges->Privilege[PrivilegeNumber].Luid = RtlConvertLongToLuid(SE_SECURITY_PRIVILEGE);
+ Privileges->Privilege[PrivilegeNumber].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_USED_FOR_ACCESS;
+ } else {
+ Privileges->PrivilegeCount = 0;
+ Privileges->Control = 0;
+ Privileges->Privilege[PrivilegeNumber].Luid = RtlConvertLongToLuid(0);
+ Privileges->Privilege[PrivilegeNumber].Attributes = 0;
+ }
+ return( STATUS_SUCCESS );
+ IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR InputSecurityDescriptor,
+ OUT PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *OutputSecurityDescriptor
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ This routine will copy a self-relative security descriptor from
+ any memory into the correct type of memory required by security
+ descriptor Rtl routines.
+ This allows security descriptors to be kept in whatever kind of
+ storage is most convenient for the current application. A security
+ descriptor should be copied via this routine and the copy passed
+ into any Rtl routine that in any way modify the security descriptor
+ (eg RtlSetSecurityObject).
+ The storage allocated by this routine must be freed by
+ RtlDeleteSecurityObject.
+ InputSecurityDescriptor - contains the source security descriptor
+ OutputSecurityDescriptor - returns a copy of the security descriptor
+ in the correct kind of memory.
+Return Value:
+ STATUS_NO_MEMORY - There was not enough memory available to the current
+ process to complete this operation.
+ PACL Dacl;
+ PACL Sacl;
+ PSID Owner;
+ PSID PrimaryGroup;
+ ULONG DaclSize;
+ ULONG OwnerSize;
+ ULONG PrimaryGroupSize;
+ ULONG SaclSize;
+ ULONG TotalSize;
+ (PISECURITY_DESCRIPTOR)InputSecurityDescriptor;
+ RtlpQuerySecurityDescriptor(
+ ISecurityDescriptor,
+ &Owner,
+ &OwnerSize,
+ &PrimaryGroup,
+ &PrimaryGroupSize,
+ &Dacl,
+ &DaclSize,
+ &Sacl,
+ &SaclSize
+ );
+ TotalSize = sizeof(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) +
+ OwnerSize +
+ PrimaryGroupSize +
+ DaclSize +
+ SaclSize;
+ *OutputSecurityDescriptor = RtlAllocateHeap( RtlProcessHeap(), MAKE_TAG( SE_TAG ), TotalSize );
+ if ( *OutputSecurityDescriptor == NULL ) {
+ return( STATUS_NO_MEMORY );
+ }
+ RtlMoveMemory( *OutputSecurityDescriptor,
+ ISecurityDescriptor,
+ TotalSize
+ );
+ return( STATUS_SUCCESS );
+ IN USHORT AceSize,
+ IN UCHAR InheritFlags,
+ IN UCHAR AceFlags,
+ IN PSID AllowedSid
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ This function assigns the specified ACE values into an allowed type ACE.
+ AllowedAce - Supplies a pointer to the ACE that is initialized.
+ AceSize - Supplies the size of the ACE in bytes.
+ InheritFlags - Supplies ACE inherit flags.
+ AceFlags - Supplies ACE type specific control flags.
+ Mask - Supplies the allowed access masks.
+ AllowedSid - Supplies the pointer to the SID of user/group which is allowed
+ the specified access.
+Return Value:
+ Returns status from RtlCopySid.
+ AllowedAce->Header.AceType = ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE;
+ AllowedAce->Header.AceSize = AceSize;
+ AllowedAce->Header.AceFlags = AceFlags | InheritFlags;
+ AllowedAce->Mask = Mask;
+ return RtlCopySid(
+ RtlLengthSid(AllowedSid),
+ &(AllowedAce->SidStart),
+ AllowedSid
+ );
+ IN USHORT AceSize,
+ IN UCHAR InheritFlags,
+ IN UCHAR AceFlags,
+ IN PSID DeniedSid
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ This function assigns the specified ACE values into a denied type ACE.
+ DeniedAce - Supplies a pointer to the ACE that is initialized.
+ AceSize - Supplies the size of the ACE in bytes.
+ InheritFlags - Supplies ACE inherit flags.
+ AceFlags - Supplies ACE type specific control flags.
+ Mask - Supplies the denied access masks.
+ AllowedSid - Supplies the pointer to the SID of user/group which is denied
+ the specified access.
+Return Value:
+ Returns status from RtlCopySid.
+ DeniedAce->Header.AceType = ACCESS_DENIED_ACE_TYPE;
+ DeniedAce->Header.AceSize = AceSize;
+ DeniedAce->Header.AceFlags = AceFlags | InheritFlags;
+ DeniedAce->Mask = Mask;
+ return RtlCopySid(
+ RtlLengthSid(DeniedSid),
+ &(DeniedAce->SidStart),
+ DeniedSid
+ );
+ IN USHORT AceSize,
+ IN UCHAR InheritFlags,
+ IN UCHAR AceFlags,
+ IN PSID AuditSid
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ This function assigns the specified ACE values into an audit type ACE.
+ AuditAce - Supplies a pointer to the ACE that is initialized.
+ AceSize - Supplies the size of the ACE in bytes.
+ InheritFlags - Supplies ACE inherit flags.
+ AceFlags - Supplies ACE type specific control flags.
+ Mask - Supplies the allowed access masks.
+ AuditSid - Supplies the pointer to the SID of user/group which is to be
+ audited.
+Return Value:
+ Returns status from RtlCopySid.
+ AuditAce->Header.AceType = SYSTEM_AUDIT_ACE_TYPE;
+ AuditAce->Header.AceSize = AceSize;
+ AuditAce->Header.AceFlags = AceFlags | InheritFlags;
+ AuditAce->Mask = Mask;
+ return RtlCopySid(
+ RtlLengthSid(AuditSid),
+ &(AuditAce->SidStart),
+ AuditSid
+ );
+ IN ULONG AceCount,
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ This function creates an absolute security descriptor containing
+ the supplied ACE information.
+ A sample usage of this function:
+ //
+ // Order matters! These ACEs are inserted into the DACL in the
+ // following order. Security access is granted or denied based on
+ // the order of the ACEs in the DACL.
+ //
+ RTL_ACE_DATA AceData[4] = {
+ GENERIC_ALL, &LocalAdminSid},
+ GENERIC_ALL, &NetworkSid},
+ };
+ PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR WkstaSecurityDescriptor;
+ return RtlCreateAndSetSD(
+ AceData,
+ 4,
+ LocalSystemSid,
+ LocalSystemSid,
+ &WkstaSecurityDescriptor
+ );
+ AceData - Supplies the structure of information that describes the DACL.
+ AceCount - Supplies the number of entries in AceData structure.
+ OwnerSid - Supplies the pointer to the SID of the security descriptor
+ owner. If not specified, a security descriptor with no owner
+ will be created.
+ GroupSid - Supplies the pointer to the SID of the security descriptor
+ primary group. If not specified, a security descriptor with no primary
+ group will be created.
+ NewDescriptor - Returns a pointer to the absolute security descriptor
+ allocated using RtlAllocateHeap.
+Return Value:
+ STATUS_SUCCESS - if successful
+ STATUS_NO_MEMORY - if cannot allocate memory for DACL, ACEs, and
+ security descriptor.
+ Any other status codes returned from the security Rtl routines.
+ NOTE : the user security object created by calling this function may be
+ freed up by calling RtlDeleteSecurityObject().
+ NTSTATUS ntstatus;
+ ULONG i;
+ //
+ // Pointer to memory dynamically allocated by this routine to hold
+ // the absolute security descriptor, the DACL, the SACL, and all the ACEs.
+ //
+ // +---------------------------------------------------------------+
+ // | Security Descriptor |
+ // +-------------------------------+-------+---------------+-------+
+ // | DACL | ACE 1 | . . . | ACE n |
+ // +-------------------------------+-------+---------------+-------+
+ // | SACL | ACE 1 | . . . | ACE n |
+ // +-------------------------------+-------+---------------+-------+
+ //
+ PACL Dacl = NULL; // Pointer to the DACL portion of above buffer
+ PACL Sacl = NULL; // Pointer to the SACL portion of above buffer
+ ULONG DaclSize = sizeof(ACL);
+ ULONG SaclSize = sizeof(ACL);
+ ULONG MaxAceSize = 0;
+ PVOID MaxAce = NULL;
+ PCHAR CurrentAvailable;
+ ULONG Size;
+ PVOID HeapHandle = RtlProcessHeap();
+ ASSERT( AceCount > 0 );
+ //
+ // Compute the total size of the DACL and SACL ACEs and the maximum
+ // size of any ACE.
+ //
+ for (i = 0; i < AceCount; i++) {
+ ULONG AceSize;
+ AceSize = RtlLengthSid(*(AceData[i].Sid));
+ switch (AceData[i].AceType) {
+ AceSize += sizeof(ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE);
+ DaclSize += AceSize;
+ break;
+ AceSize += sizeof(ACCESS_DENIED_ACE);
+ DaclSize += AceSize;
+ break;
+ AceSize += sizeof(SYSTEM_AUDIT_ACE);
+ SaclSize += AceSize;
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ MaxAceSize = MaxAceSize > AceSize ? MaxAceSize : AceSize;
+ }
+ //
+ // Allocate a chunk of memory large enough for the security descriptor,
+ // the DACL, the SACL and all ACEs.
+ //
+ // A security descriptor is of opaque data type but
+ // SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_MIN_LENGTH is the right size.
+ //
+ if ( DaclSize != sizeof(ACL) ) {
+ Size += DaclSize;
+ }
+ if ( SaclSize != sizeof(ACL) ) {
+ Size += SaclSize;
+ }
+ if ((AbsoluteSd = RtlAllocateHeap(
+ HeapHandle, MAKE_TAG( SE_TAG ),
+ Size
+ )) == NULL) {
+ ntstatus = STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
+ goto Cleanup;
+ }
+ //
+ // Initialize the Dacl and Sacl
+ //
+ CurrentAvailable = (PCHAR)AbsoluteSd + SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_MIN_LENGTH;
+ if ( DaclSize != sizeof(ACL) ) {
+ Dacl = (PACL)CurrentAvailable;
+ CurrentAvailable += DaclSize;
+ ntstatus = RtlCreateAcl( Dacl, DaclSize, ACL_REVISION );
+ if ( !NT_SUCCESS(ntstatus) ) {
+ goto Cleanup;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( SaclSize != sizeof(ACL) ) {
+ Sacl = (PACL)CurrentAvailable;
+ CurrentAvailable += SaclSize;
+ ntstatus = RtlCreateAcl( Sacl, SaclSize, ACL_REVISION );
+ if ( !NT_SUCCESS(ntstatus) ) {
+ goto Cleanup;
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // Allocate a temporary buffer big enough for the biggest ACE.
+ //
+ if ((MaxAce = RtlAllocateHeap(
+ HeapHandle, MAKE_TAG( SE_TAG ),
+ MaxAceSize
+ )) == NULL ) {
+ ntstatus = STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
+ goto Cleanup;
+ }
+ //
+ // Initialize each ACE, and append it into the end of the DACL or SACL.
+ //
+ for (i = 0; i < AceCount; i++) {
+ ULONG AceSize;
+ PACL CurrentAcl;
+ AceSize = RtlLengthSid(*(AceData[i].Sid));
+ switch (AceData[i].AceType) {
+ AceSize += sizeof(ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE);
+ CurrentAcl = Dacl;
+ ntstatus = RtlpInitializeAllowedAce(
+ MaxAce,
+ (USHORT) AceSize,
+ AceData[i].InheritFlags,
+ AceData[i].AceFlags,
+ AceData[i].Mask,
+ *(AceData[i].Sid)
+ );
+ break;
+ AceSize += sizeof(ACCESS_DENIED_ACE);
+ CurrentAcl = Dacl;
+ ntstatus = RtlpInitializeDeniedAce(
+ MaxAce,
+ (USHORT) AceSize,
+ AceData[i].InheritFlags,
+ AceData[i].AceFlags,
+ AceData[i].Mask,
+ *(AceData[i].Sid)
+ );
+ break;
+ AceSize += sizeof(SYSTEM_AUDIT_ACE);
+ CurrentAcl = Sacl;
+ ntstatus = RtlpInitializeAuditAce(
+ MaxAce,
+ (USHORT) AceSize,
+ AceData[i].InheritFlags,
+ AceData[i].AceFlags,
+ AceData[i].Mask,
+ *(AceData[i].Sid)
+ );
+ break;
+ }
+ if ( !NT_SUCCESS( ntstatus ) ) {
+ goto Cleanup;
+ }
+ //
+ // Append the initialized ACE to the end of DACL or SACL
+ //
+ if (! NT_SUCCESS (ntstatus = RtlAddAce(
+ CurrentAcl,
+ MaxAce,
+ AceSize
+ ))) {
+ goto Cleanup;
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // Create the security descriptor with absolute pointers to SIDs
+ // and ACLs.
+ //
+ // Owner = OwnerSid
+ // Group = GroupSid
+ // Dacl = Dacl
+ // Sacl = Sacl
+ //
+ if (! NT_SUCCESS(ntstatus = RtlCreateSecurityDescriptor(
+ AbsoluteSd,
+ ))) {
+ goto Cleanup;
+ }
+ if (! NT_SUCCESS(ntstatus = RtlSetOwnerSecurityDescriptor(
+ AbsoluteSd,
+ OwnerSid,
+ ))) {
+ goto Cleanup;
+ }
+ if (! NT_SUCCESS(ntstatus = RtlSetGroupSecurityDescriptor(
+ AbsoluteSd,
+ GroupSid,
+ ))) {
+ goto Cleanup;
+ }
+ if (! NT_SUCCESS(ntstatus = RtlSetDaclSecurityDescriptor(
+ AbsoluteSd,
+ Dacl,
+ ))) {
+ goto Cleanup;
+ }
+ if (! NT_SUCCESS(ntstatus = RtlSetSaclSecurityDescriptor(
+ AbsoluteSd,
+ Sacl,
+ ))) {
+ goto Cleanup;
+ }
+ //
+ // Done
+ //
+ ntstatus = STATUS_SUCCESS;
+ //
+ // Clean up
+ //
+ //
+ // Either return the security descriptor to the caller or delete it
+ //
+ if ( NT_SUCCESS( ntstatus ) ) {
+ *NewDescriptor = AbsoluteSd;
+ } else if ( AbsoluteSd != NULL ) {
+ (void) RtlFreeHeap(HeapHandle, 0, AbsoluteSd);
+ }
+ //
+ // Delete the temporary ACE
+ //
+ if ( MaxAce != NULL ) {
+ (void) RtlFreeHeap(HeapHandle, 0, MaxAce);
+ }
+ return ntstatus;
+ IN ULONG AceCount,
+ IN PSID OwnerSid,
+ IN PSID GroupSid,
+ IN BOOLEAN IsDirectoryObject,
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ This function creates the DACL for the security descriptor based on
+ on the ACE information specified, and creates the security descriptor
+ which becomes the user-mode security object.
+ A sample usage of this function:
+ //
+ // Structure that describes the mapping of Generic access rights to
+ // object specific access rights for the ConfigurationInfo object.
+ //
+ GENERIC_MAPPING WsConfigInfoMapping = {
+ STANDARD_RIGHTS_READ | // Generic read
+ STANDARD_RIGHTS_WRITE | // Generic write
+ STANDARD_RIGHTS_EXECUTE, // Generic execute
+ };
+ //
+ // Order matters! These ACEs are inserted into the DACL in the
+ // following order. Security access is granted or denied based on
+ // the order of the ACEs in the DACL.
+ //
+ RTL_ACE_DATA AceData[4] = {
+ GENERIC_ALL, &LocalAdminSid},
+ GENERIC_ALL, &NetworkSid},
+ };
+ return RtlCreateUserSecurityObject(
+ AceData,
+ 4,
+ LocalSystemSid,
+ LocalSystemSid,
+ &WsConfigInfoMapping,
+ &WkstaSecurityObject
+ );
+ AceData - Supplies the structure of information that describes the DACL.
+ AceCount - Supplies the number of entries in AceData structure.
+ OwnerSid - Supplies the pointer to the SID of the security descriptor
+ owner.
+ GroupSid - Supplies the pointer to the SID of the security descriptor
+ primary group.
+ IsDirectoryObject - Supplies the flag which indicates whether the
+ user-mode object is a directory object.
+ GenericMapping - Supplies the pointer to a generic mapping array denoting
+ the mapping between each generic right to specific rights.
+ NewDescriptor - Returns a pointer to the self-relative security descriptor
+ which represents the user-mode object.
+Return Value:
+ STATUS_SUCCESS - if successful
+ STATUS_NO_MEMORY - if cannot allocate memory for DACL, ACEs, and
+ security descriptor.
+ Any other status codes returned from the security Rtl routines.
+ NOTE : the user security object created by calling this function may be
+ freed up by calling RtlDeleteSecurityObject().
+ NTSTATUS ntstatus;
+ HANDLE TokenHandle;
+ PVOID HeapHandle = RtlProcessHeap();
+ ntstatus = RtlCreateAndSetSD(
+ AceData,
+ AceCount,
+ OwnerSid,
+ GroupSid,
+ &AbsoluteSd
+ );
+ if (! NT_SUCCESS(ntstatus)) {
+ return ntstatus;
+ }
+ ntstatus = NtOpenProcessToken(
+ NtCurrentProcess(),
+ &TokenHandle
+ );
+ if (! NT_SUCCESS(ntstatus)) {
+ (void) RtlFreeHeap(HeapHandle, 0, AbsoluteSd);
+ return ntstatus;
+ }
+ //
+ // Create the security object (a user-mode object is really a pseudo-
+ // object represented by a security descriptor that have relative
+ // pointers to SIDs and ACLs). This routine allocates the memory to
+ // hold the relative security descriptor so the memory allocated for the
+ // DACL, ACEs, and the absolute descriptor can be freed.
+ //
+ ntstatus = RtlNewSecurityObject(
+ NULL, // Parent descriptor
+ AbsoluteSd, // Creator descriptor
+ NewDescriptor, // Pointer to new descriptor
+ IsDirectoryObject, // Is directory object
+ TokenHandle, // Token
+ GenericMapping // Generic mapping
+ );
+ (void) NtClose(TokenHandle);
+ //
+ // Free dynamic memory before returning
+ //
+ (void) RtlFreeHeap(HeapHandle, 0, AbsoluteSd);
+ return ntstatus;
+ HANDLE ClientToken,
+ OUT PTOKEN_OWNER *ServerOwner,
+ )
+ HANDLE PrimaryToken;
+ PVOID HeapHandle;
+ NTSTATUS Status;
+ ULONG ServerGroupInfoSize;
+ ULONG ServerOwnerInfoSize;
+ ULONG TokenDaclInfoSize;
+ ULONG TokenGroupInfoSize;
+ ULONG TokenOwnerInfoSize;
+ BOOLEAN ClosePrimaryToken = FALSE;
+ *OwnerInfo = NULL;
+ *GroupInfo = NULL;
+ *DefaultDaclInfo = NULL;
+ *ServerOwner = NULL;
+ *ServerGroup = NULL;
+ HeapHandle = RtlProcessHeap();
+ //
+ // Obtain the default owner from the client.
+ //
+ Status = NtQueryInformationToken(
+ ClientToken, // Handle
+ TokenOwner, // TokenInformationClass
+ NULL, // TokenInformation
+ 0, // TokenInformationLength
+ &TokenOwnerInfoSize // ReturnLength
+ );
+ if ( STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL != Status ) {
+ goto Cleanup;
+ }
+ *OwnerInfo = RtlAllocateHeap( HeapHandle, MAKE_TAG( SE_TAG ), TokenOwnerInfoSize );
+ if ( *OwnerInfo == NULL ) {
+ goto Cleanup;
+ }
+ Status = NtQueryInformationToken(
+ ClientToken, // Handle
+ TokenOwner, // TokenInformationClass
+ *OwnerInfo, // TokenInformation
+ TokenOwnerInfoSize, // TokenInformationLength
+ &TokenOwnerInfoSize // ReturnLength
+ );
+ if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) {
+ goto Cleanup;
+ }
+ //
+ // Obtain the default group from the client token.
+ //
+ Status = NtQueryInformationToken(
+ ClientToken, // Handle
+ TokenPrimaryGroup, // TokenInformationClass
+ *GroupInfo, // TokenInformation
+ 0, // TokenInformationLength
+ &TokenGroupInfoSize // ReturnLength
+ );
+ if ( STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL != Status ) {
+ goto Cleanup;
+ }
+ *GroupInfo = RtlAllocateHeap( HeapHandle, MAKE_TAG( SE_TAG ), TokenGroupInfoSize );
+ if ( *GroupInfo == NULL ) {
+ goto Cleanup;
+ }
+ Status = NtQueryInformationToken(
+ ClientToken, // Handle
+ TokenPrimaryGroup, // TokenInformationClass
+ *GroupInfo, // TokenInformation
+ TokenGroupInfoSize, // TokenInformationLength
+ &TokenGroupInfoSize // ReturnLength
+ );
+ if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) {
+ goto Cleanup;
+ }
+ Status = NtQueryInformationToken(
+ ClientToken, // Handle
+ TokenDefaultDacl, // TokenInformationClass
+ *DefaultDaclInfo, // TokenInformation
+ 0, // TokenInformationLength
+ &TokenDaclInfoSize // ReturnLength
+ );
+ if ( STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL != Status ) {
+ goto Cleanup;
+ }
+ *DefaultDaclInfo = RtlAllocateHeap( HeapHandle, MAKE_TAG( SE_TAG ), TokenDaclInfoSize );
+ if ( *DefaultDaclInfo == NULL ) {
+ goto Cleanup;
+ }
+ Status = NtQueryInformationToken(
+ ClientToken, // Handle
+ TokenDefaultDacl, // TokenInformationClass
+ *DefaultDaclInfo, // TokenInformation
+ TokenDaclInfoSize, // TokenInformationLength
+ &TokenDaclInfoSize // ReturnLength
+ );
+ if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) {
+ goto Cleanup;
+ }
+ //
+ // Now open the primary token to determine how to substitute for
+ // ServerOwner and ServerGroup.
+ //
+ Status = NtOpenProcessToken(
+ NtCurrentProcess(),
+ &PrimaryToken
+ );
+ if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) {
+ ClosePrimaryToken = FALSE;
+ goto Cleanup;
+ } else {
+ ClosePrimaryToken = TRUE;
+ }
+ Status = NtQueryInformationToken(
+ PrimaryToken, // Handle
+ TokenOwner, // TokenInformationClass
+ NULL, // TokenInformation
+ 0, // TokenInformationLength
+ &ServerOwnerInfoSize // ReturnLength
+ );
+ if ( STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL != Status ) {
+ goto Cleanup;
+ }
+ *ServerOwner = RtlAllocateHeap( HeapHandle, MAKE_TAG( SE_TAG ), ServerOwnerInfoSize );
+ if ( *ServerOwner == NULL ) {
+ goto Cleanup;
+ }
+ Status = NtQueryInformationToken(
+ PrimaryToken, // Handle
+ TokenOwner, // TokenInformationClass
+ *ServerOwner, // TokenInformation
+ ServerOwnerInfoSize, // TokenInformationLength
+ &ServerOwnerInfoSize // ReturnLength
+ );
+ if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) {
+ goto Cleanup;
+ }
+ //
+ // Find the server group.
+ //
+ Status = NtQueryInformationToken(
+ PrimaryToken, // Handle
+ TokenPrimaryGroup, // TokenInformationClass
+ *ServerGroup, // TokenInformation
+ 0, // TokenInformationLength
+ &ServerGroupInfoSize // ReturnLength
+ );
+ if ( STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL != Status ) {
+ goto Cleanup;
+ }
+ *ServerGroup = RtlAllocateHeap( HeapHandle, MAKE_TAG( SE_TAG ), ServerGroupInfoSize );
+ if ( *ServerGroup == NULL ) {
+ goto Cleanup;
+ }
+ Status = NtQueryInformationToken(
+ PrimaryToken, // Handle
+ TokenPrimaryGroup, // TokenInformationClass
+ *ServerGroup, // TokenInformation
+ ServerGroupInfoSize, // TokenInformationLength
+ &ServerGroupInfoSize // ReturnLength
+ );
+ if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) {
+ goto Cleanup;
+ }
+ NtClose( PrimaryToken );
+ return( STATUS_SUCCESS );
+ if (*OwnerInfo != NULL) {
+ RtlFreeHeap( HeapHandle, 0, (PVOID)*OwnerInfo );
+ *OwnerInfo = NULL;
+ }
+ if (*GroupInfo != NULL) {
+ RtlFreeHeap( HeapHandle, 0, (PVOID)*GroupInfo );
+ *GroupInfo = NULL;
+ }
+ if (*DefaultDaclInfo != NULL) {
+ RtlFreeHeap( HeapHandle, 0, (PVOID)*DefaultDaclInfo );
+ *DefaultDaclInfo = NULL;
+ }
+ if (*ServerOwner != NULL) {
+ RtlFreeHeap( HeapHandle, 0, (PVOID)*ServerOwner );
+ *ServerOwner = NULL;
+ }
+ if (*ServerGroup != NULL) {
+ RtlFreeHeap( HeapHandle, 0, (PVOID)*ServerGroup );
+ *ServerGroup = NULL;
+ }
+ if (ClosePrimaryToken == TRUE) {
+ NtClose( PrimaryToken );
+ }
+ return( Status );
+ IN PACL Acl,
+ IN BOOLEAN AclUntrusted,
+ IN PSID ServerSid,
+ OUT PACL *ServerAcl,
+ OUT BOOLEAN *ServerAclAllocated
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ This routine takes an ACL and converts it into a server ACL.
+ Currently, that means converting all of the GRANT ACEs into
+ Compount Grants, and if necessary sanitizing any Compound
+ Grants that are encountered.
+Return Value:
+ USHORT RequiredSize = sizeof(ACL);
+ USHORT AceSizeAdjustment;
+ USHORT ServerSidSize;
+ ULONG i;
+ PVOID Target;
+ PVOID AcePosition;
+ PSID UntrustedSid;
+ PSID ClientSid;
+ NTSTATUS Status;
+ if (Acl == NULL) {
+ *ServerAclAllocated = FALSE;
+ *ServerAcl = NULL;
+ return( STATUS_SUCCESS );
+ }
+ AceSizeAdjustment = sizeof( KNOWN_COMPOUND_ACE ) - sizeof( KNOWN_ACE );
+ ASSERT( sizeof( KNOWN_COMPOUND_ACE ) >= sizeof( KNOWN_ACE ) );
+ ServerSidSize = (USHORT)RtlLengthSid( ServerSid );
+ //
+ // Do this in two passes. First, determine how big the final
+ // result is going to be, and then allocate the space and make
+ // the changes.
+ //
+ for (i = 0, Ace = FirstAce(Acl);
+ i < Acl->AceCount;
+ i += 1, Ace = NextAce(Ace)) {
+ //
+ // If it's an ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE, we'll need to add in the
+ // size of the Server SID.
+ //
+ if (Ace->AceType == ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE) {
+ //
+ // Simply add the size of the new Server SID plus whatever
+ // adjustment needs to be made to increase the size of the ACE.
+ //
+ RequiredSize += ( ServerSidSize + AceSizeAdjustment );
+ } else {
+ if (AclUntrusted && Ace->AceType == ACCESS_ALLOWED_COMPOUND_ACE_TYPE ) {
+ //
+ // Since the Acl is untrusted, we don't care what is in the
+ // server SID, we're going to replace it.
+ //
+ UntrustedSid = RtlCompoundAceServerSid( Ace );
+ if ((USHORT)RtlLengthSid(UntrustedSid) > ServerSidSize) {
+ RequiredSize += ((USHORT)RtlLengthSid(UntrustedSid) - ServerSidSize);
+ } else {
+ RequiredSize += (ServerSidSize - (USHORT)RtlLengthSid(UntrustedSid));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ RequiredSize += Ace->AceSize;
+ }
+ (*ServerAcl) = (PACL)RtlAllocateHeap( RtlProcessHeap(), MAKE_TAG( SE_TAG ), RequiredSize );
+ if ((*ServerAcl) == NULL) {
+ }
+ //
+ // Mark as allocated so caller knows to free it.
+ //
+ *ServerAclAllocated = TRUE;
+ Status = RtlCreateAcl( (*ServerAcl), RequiredSize, ACL_REVISION3 );
+ ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS( Status ));
+ for (i = 0, Ace = FirstAce(Acl), Target=FirstAce( *ServerAcl );
+ i < Acl->AceCount;
+ i += 1, Ace = NextAce(Ace)) {
+ //
+ // If it's an ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE, convert to a Server ACE.
+ //
+ if (Ace->AceType == ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE ||
+ (AclUntrusted && Ace->AceType == ACCESS_ALLOWED_COMPOUND_ACE_TYPE )) {
+ AcePosition = Target;
+ if (Ace->AceType == ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE) {
+ ClientSid = &((PKNOWN_ACE)Ace)->SidStart;
+ } else {
+ ClientSid = RtlCompoundAceClientSid( Ace );
+ }
+ //
+ // Copy up to the access mask.
+ //
+ RtlMoveMemory(
+ Target,
+ Ace,
+ );
+ //
+ // Now copy the correct Server SID
+ //
+ RtlMoveMemory(
+ Target,
+ ServerSid,
+ RtlLengthSid(ServerSid)
+ );
+ Target = (PVOID)((ULONG)Target + (UCHAR)RtlLengthSid(ServerSid));
+ //
+ // Now copy in the correct client SID. We can copy this right out of
+ // the original ACE.
+ //
+ RtlMoveMemory(
+ Target,
+ ClientSid,
+ RtlLengthSid(ClientSid)
+ );
+ Target = (PVOID)((ULONG)Target + RtlLengthSid(ClientSid));
+ //
+ // Set the size of the ACE accordingly
+ //
+ ((PKNOWN_COMPOUND_ACE)AcePosition)->Header.AceSize =
+ (USHORT)RtlLengthSid(ServerSid) +
+ (USHORT)RtlLengthSid(ClientSid);
+ //
+ // Set the type
+ //
+ } else {
+ //
+ // Just copy the ACE as is.
+ //
+ RtlMoveMemory( Target, Ace, Ace->AceSize );
+ Target = (PVOID)((ULONG)Target + Ace->AceSize);
+ }
+ }
+ (*ServerAcl)->AceCount = Acl->AceCount;
+ return( STATUS_SUCCESS );