path: root/private/ntos/inc/cxport.h
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authorAdam <>2020-05-17 05:51:50 +0200
committerAdam <>2020-05-17 05:51:50 +0200
commite611b132f9b8abe35b362e5870b74bce94a1e58e (patch)
treea5781d2ec0e085eeca33cf350cf878f2efea6fe5 /private/ntos/inc/cxport.h
Diffstat (limited to 'private/ntos/inc/cxport.h')
1 files changed, 1702 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/private/ntos/inc/cxport.h b/private/ntos/inc/cxport.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c37dffcd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/inc/cxport.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1702 @@
+/** Microsoft LAN Manager **/
+/** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1990-1992 **/
+/* :ts=4 */
+//** cxport.h - Common transport environment include file.
+// This file defines the structures and external declarations needed
+// to use the common transport environment.
+// Typedefs used in this file
+typedef unsigned long ulong;
+typedef unsigned short ushort;
+typedef unsigned char uchar;
+typedef unsigned int uint;
+#ifdef VXD
+// Following are the VXD definitions
+#ifndef i386
+#define i386
+#ifndef FAR
+#define FAR
+#define UNALIGNED
+#define STRUCT_OF(s, a, f) (s *)((char *)(a) - offsetof(s, f))
+// BUGBUG: Yank this when ndis gets it right.
+// Macros to portably manipulate NDIS buffers.
+#define NDIS_BUFFER_LINKAGE(Buf) (Buf)->Next
+#define NdisAdjustBufferLength(Buf, Len) (Buf)->Length = (Len)
+#define NdisBufferLength(Buffer) (Buffer)->Length
+#define NdisBufferVirtualAddress(Buffer) (Buffer)->VirtualAddress
+extern ulong _vxdhandle__;
+//* Initialization function.
+// A routine to initialize the CTE. All users must call this during
+// initialization, and must not attempt to call any other CTE functions
+// if it fails.
+// This routine returns 0 if it fails, non-0 if it succeeds.
+extern int CTEInitialize(void);
+//* Lock related definitions.
+// In the VxD environment, locks correspond to disabling interrupts. There
+// in no exact lock structure - the 'handle' returned by the locking routines
+// is all the space needed.
+// For debugging purposes we define a simple lock structure to keep
+// track of lock collisions - this should hopefully make the port to NT
+// easier.
+#ifdef DEBUG
+struct CTELock {
+ int l_count; // The lock count.
+ void *l_owner; // The owner of the lock.
+}; /* CTELock */
+typedef struct CTELock CTELock;
+#define LOCK_STRUCTURE_SIZE sizeof(CTELock)
+#define EXTERNAL_LOCK(x) extern CTELock x;
+// Macro for defining a lock structure.
+// Lock structure size
+#define EXTERNAL_LOCK(x)
+#endif // DEBUG
+// Initialize lock macro. This macro must be used once before a lock
+// can be used.
+#ifdef DEBUG
+#define CTEInitLock(l) (l)->l_count = 0
+#define CTEInitLock(l)
+#endif // DEBUG
+typedef unsigned int *CTELockHandle;
+// Get lock routine. This routine takes a lock address (unused), and
+// a pointer to a handle. The handle is the only interesting thing here.
+#ifdef DEBUG
+extern void _ICTEGetLock(CTELock *, CTELockHandle *); // The real lock routine.
+#define CTEGetLock(l,h) _ICTEGetLock((l),(h))
+#define CTEGetLock(l, h)
+#endif // DEBUG
+#define CTEGetLockAtDPC(l, h) CTEGetLock((l),(h))
+#define CTEFreeLockFromDPC(l, h) CTEFreeLock((l), (h))
+// Free lock routine. This routine takes a lock (unused) and a handle and
+// frees the lock.
+#ifdef DEBUG
+extern void _ICTEFreeLock(CTELock *, CTELockHandle);
+#define CTEFreeLock(l, h) _ICTEFreeLock((l),(h))
+#define CTEFreeLock(l, h)
+// Multiprocessor safe counter management routines. In the VXD environment,
+// these routines do not actually use any locks.
+// Adds an increment to a ULong. The increment may be negative. Returns the
+// original value of the addend.
+#define CTEInterlockedAddUlong(AddendPtr, Increment, LockPtr) \
+ (*(AddendPtr)); { *(AddendPtr) += (Increment); }
+// Adds an increment to a ULong. The increment may be negative. Returns the
+// original value of the addend. Note that this version does not require
+// a lock.
+#define CTEInterlockedExchangeAdd(AddendPtr, Increment) \
+ (*(AddendPtr)); { *(AddendPtr) += (Increment); }
+// Decrements a long Addend. Returns a long with the same sign as
+// the post-decrement state of the addend.
+#define CTEInterlockedDecrementLong(AddendPtr) \
+ (--(*(AddendPtr)))
+// Increments a long Addend. Returns a long with the same sign as
+// the post-increment state of the addend.
+#define CTEInterlockedIncrementLong(AddendPtr) \
+ (++(*(AddendPtr)))
+//* VxD defintions of a CTEULargeInt
+struct CTEULargeInt {
+ ulong LowPart;
+ ulong HighPart;
+}; /* CTEULargeInt */
+typedef struct CTEULargeInt CTEULargeInt;
+__inline ulong
+CTEEnlargedUnsignedDivide (
+ CTEULargeInt Dividend,
+ ulong Divisor,
+ ulong *Remainder
+ )
+ _asm {
+ mov eax, Dividend.LowPart
+ mov edx, Dividend.HighPart
+ mov ecx, Remainder
+ div Divisor ; eax = eax:edx / divisor
+ or ecx, ecx ; save remainer?
+ jz short done
+ mov [ecx], edx
+ }
+//* Delayed event definitions
+// Delayed events are events scheduled that can be scheduled to
+// occur 'later', without a timeout. They happen as soon as the system
+// is ready for them. The caller specifies a parameter that will be
+// passed to the event proc when the event is called.
+typedef void (*CTEEventRtn)(struct CTEEvent *, void *);
+struct CTEEvent {
+ struct CTEEvent *ce_next; // Linkage field.
+ CTEEventRtn ce_event; // Procedure to be called.
+ void *ce_param; // Parameter to be passed to event proc.
+ void *ce_ehandle; // VMM event handle;
+ ulong ce_handle; // VxD handle
+}; /* CTEEvent */
+typedef struct CTEEvent CTEEvent;
+// Macro to initialize an event. This macro must be used once on each event.
+#define CTEInitEvent(e,p) (e)->ce_ehandle = (void *)0;\
+ (e)->ce_event = (p);\
+ (e)->ce_handle = _vxdhandle__;
+// Routine to schedule an event.
+extern int CTEScheduleEvent(CTEEvent *, void *);
+// Routine to cancel an event.
+extern int CTECancelEvent(CTEEvent *);
+//* Timer related declarations
+// Each timer requires a structure of type CTETimer.
+// CTETimer definitions for a VxD environment.
+// Note: It is IMPORTANT that t_event be the first thing in the CTETimer
+// structure. Don't change this without looking at vtdirtns.asm.
+struct CTETimer {
+ struct CTEEvent t_event; // Event structure to be called when TO happens.
+ void *t_thandle; // VMM timer handle. 0 if no timer running
+}; /* CTETimer */
+typedef struct CTETimer CTETimer;
+// Macro to initialize a timer. This macro must be used once on
+// every timer. It must not be invoked on a running timer.
+#define CTEInitTimer(t) (t)->t_thandle = (t)->t_event.ce_ehandle = (void *)0;\
+ (t)->t_event.ce_handle = _vxdhandle__
+// Start timer routine. CTEStartTimer takes a pointer to a timer structure,
+// a time (in milliseconds) for the timer, the time out routine to be
+// called upon expiration, and a context value to be passed to the time out
+// routine.
+extern void * CTEStartTimer(CTETimer *, unsigned long, CTEEventRtn, void *);
+// Stop timer routine. This routine stops a timer. It may be called on
+// a timer that is already stopped - doing so has no effect. This function
+// returns non-zero if the timer was succesfully stopped, 0 if it couldn't
+// be stopped or wasn't running.
+extern int CTEStopTimer(CTETimer *);
+// System up time routine. This routine returns the time in milliseconds
+// that the system has been up.
+extern unsigned long CTESystemUpTime(void);
+//* Memory allocation functions.
+// There are only two main functions, CTEAllocMem and CTEFreeMem. Locks
+// should not be held while calling these functions, and it is possible
+// that they may yield when called, particularly in the VxD environment.
+// In the VxD environment there is a third auxillary function CTERefillMem,
+// used to refill the VxD heap manager.
+// Routine to allocate memory.
+extern void *CTEAllocMem(unsigned int);
+// Routine to free memory.
+extern void *CTEFreeMem(void *);
+// Routine to Refill memory.
+extern void CTERefillMem(void);
+//* String definitions and manipulation routines
+// Converts a C style ASCII string to an NDIS_STRING. Resources needed for
+// the NDIS_STRING are allocated and must be freed by a call to
+// CTEFreeString. Returns TRUE if initialization succeeded. FALSE otherwise.
+#define CTEInitString(D, S) \
+ ( (CTEAllocateString((D), strlen((S)) + 1) == TRUE) ? \
+ ((D)->Length = (D)->MaximumLength, strcpy((D)->Buffer, (S)), TRUE) : \
+// Allocates a data buffer for Length characters in an uninitialized
+// NDIS_STRING. The allocated space must be freed by a call to CTEFreeString.
+// Returns TRUE if it succeeds. FALSE otherwise.
+#define CTEAllocateString(S, L) \
+ ( (((S)->Buffer = CTEAllocMem(L)) != NULL) ? \
+ ((S)->Length = 0, (S)->MaximumLength = (L), TRUE) : \
+// Routine to free the string buffer associated with an NDIS_STRING. The
+// buffer must have been allocated by a previous call to CTEInitString.
+// Returns nothing.
+#define CTEFreeString(String) CTEFreeMem((String)->Buffer)
+// Calculates and returns the length of an NDIS_STRING in bytes.
+#define CTELengthString(String) ((String)->Length)
+// Compares two NDIS_STRING variables for case-sensitive equality
+// Returns TRUE if the strings are equivalent. FALSE otherwise.
+#define CTEEqualString(S1, S2) \
+ ((strcmp((S1)->Buffer, (S2)->Buffer) == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE)
+// Copies one NDIS_STRING to another. Behavior is undefined if the
+// destination is not long enough to hold the source. Returns nothing.
+#define CTECopyString(D, S) (void) strcpy((D)->Buffer, (S)->Buffer); \
+ (D)->Length = (S)->Length
+//* Buffer descriptor manipulation routines.
+// These definitions describe the format of a buffer descriptor.
+// Macros are provided to query the size and pointer values of a
+// buffer desc.
+// Note that for the VxD implementation this must be kept in sync.
+// with NDIS.H
+struct CTEBufDesc {
+ struct CTEBufDesc *cbd_next; // Next in chain.
+ void *cbd_data; // Pointer to buffer.
+ uint cbd_size; // Size in bytes of buffer.
+}; /* CTEBufDesc */
+typedef struct CTEBufDesc CTEBufDesc;
+#define CTE_BDBUFFER(b) (b)->cbd_data
+#define CTE_BDSIZE(b) (b)->cbd_size
+#define CTE_BDNEXT(b) (b)->cbd_next
+#define CTE_EOL ((CTEBufDesc *)NULL)
+//* Memory manipulation routines.
+#define CTEMemCopy(d,s,l) memcpy((d),(s),(l))
+#define CTEMemSet(d, v, l) memset((d), (v), (l))
+#define CTEMemCmp(d, s, l) memcmp((d), (s), (l))
+//* Blocking routines. These routines allow a limited blocking capability. Using
+// them requires care, and they probably shouldn't be used outside of initialization time.
+struct CTEBlockStruc {
+ uint cbs_status;
+ uint cbs_flag;
+ uint cbs_vm;
+}; /* CTEBlockStruc */
+typedef struct CTEBlockStruc CTEBlockStruc;
+#define CTEInitBlockStruc(x) (x)->cbs_status = NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS;(x)->cbs_flag = 0;\
+ (x)->cbs_vm = 0;
+extern uint CTEBlock(CTEBlockStruc *);
+extern void CTESignal(CTEBlockStruc *, uint);
+// Debugging routines.
+#ifdef DEBUG
+#ifdef VXD
+#define DEBUGCHK _asm int 3
+#define DEBUGSTRING(v, s) uchar v[] = s
+extern void _CTECheckMem(uint, char *, uint);
+#define CTECheckMem(s) _CTECheckMem(0, s, __LINE__)
+extern void CTEPrint(char *);
+extern void CTEPrintNum(int);
+extern void CTEPrintCRLF(void);
+#define CTEStructAssert(s, t) if ((s)->t##_sig != t##_signature) {\
+ CTEPrint("Structure assertion failure for type " #t " in file " __FILE__ " line ");\
+ CTEPrintNum(__LINE__);\
+ CTEPrintCRLF();\
+ }
+#define CTEAssert(c) if (!(c)) {\
+ CTEPrint("Assertion failure in file " __FILE__ " line ");\
+ CTEPrintNum(__LINE__);\
+ CTEPrintCRLF();\
+ }
+#else // VXD
+#define DEBUGCHK
+#define DEBUGSTRING(v,s)
+#define CTECheckMem(s)
+#define CTEStructAssert(s,t )
+#define CTEAssert(c)
+#define CTEPrint(s)
+#endif // VXD
+#else // DEBUG
+#define DEBUGCHK
+#define DEBUGSTRING(v,s)
+#define CTECheckMem(s)
+#define CTEStructAssert(s,t )
+#define CTEAssert(c)
+#define CTEPrint(s)
+#endif // DEBUG
+//* Request completion routine definition.
+typedef void (*CTEReqCmpltRtn)(void *, uint , uint);
+//* Routine to notify CTE that you're unloading.
+extern void CTEUnload(uchar *);
+//* Definition of a load/unload notification procedure handler.
+typedef void (*CTENotifyRtn)(uchar *);
+//* Routine to set load and unload notification handlers.
+extern ulong CTESetLoadNotifyProc(CTENotifyRtn Handler);
+extern ulong CTESetUnloadNotifyProc(CTENotifyRtn Handler);
+#else // VXD
+#ifdef NT
+// Following are the NT environment definitions
+#ifndef FAR
+#define FAR
+// Structure manipulation macros
+#ifndef offsetof
+#define offsetof(type, field) FIELD_OFFSET(type, field)
+#define STRUCT_OF(type, address, field) CONTAINING_RECORD(address, type, field)
+// Macros to portably manipulate NDIS buffers.
+#define NdisBufferLength(Buffer) MmGetMdlByteCount(Buffer)
+#define NdisBufferVirtualAddress(Buffer) MmGetSystemAddressForMdl(Buffer)
+//* CTE Initialization.
+// int
+// CTEInitialize(
+// void
+// );
+// Routine Description:
+// Initializes the Common Transport Environment. All users of the CTE
+// must call this routine during initialization before calling any
+// other CTE routines.
+// Arguments:
+// None.
+// Return Value:
+// Returns zero on failure, non-zero if it succeeds.
+extern int
+ void
+ );
+//* Lock related definitions.
+typedef KSPIN_LOCK CTELock;
+typedef KIRQL CTELockHandle;
+#define LOCK_STRUCTURE_SIZE sizeof(CTELock)
+#define EXTERNAL_LOCK(x) extern CTELock x;
+// VOID
+// CTEInitLock(
+// CTELOCK *SpinLock
+// );
+// Routine Description:
+// Initializes a spin lock.
+// Arguments:
+// SpinLock - Supplies a pointer to the lock structure.
+// Return Value:
+// None.
+#define CTEInitLock(l) KeInitializeSpinLock(l)
+// VOID
+// CTEGetLock(
+// CTELock *SpinLock,
+// CTELockHandle *OldIrqlLevel
+// );
+// Routine Description:
+// Acquires a spin lock
+// Arguments:
+// SpinLock - A pointer to the lock structure.
+// OldIrqlLevel - A pointer to a variable to receive the old IRQL level .
+// Return Value:
+// None.
+#define CTEGetLock(l, h) ExAcquireSpinLock((l),(h))
+// VOID
+// CTEGetLockAtDPC(
+// CTELock *SpinLock,
+// CTELockHandle *OldIrqlLevel
+// );
+// Routine Description:
+// Acquires a spin lock when the processor is already running at
+// Arguments:
+// SpinLock - A pointer to the lock structure.
+// OldIrqlLevel - A pointer to a variable to receive the old IRQL level .
+// This parameter is not used in the NT version.
+// Return Value:
+// None.
+#define CTEGetLockAtDPC(l, h) ExAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel((l))
+// VOID
+// CTEFreeLock(
+// CTELock *SpinLock,
+// CTELockHandle OldIrqlLevel
+// );
+// Routine Description:
+// Releases a spin lock
+// Arguments:
+// SpinLock - A pointer to the lock variable.
+// OldIrqlLevel - The IRQL level to restore.
+// Return Value:
+// None.
+#define CTEFreeLock(l, h) ExReleaseSpinLock((l),(h))
+// VOID
+// CTEFreeLockFromDPC(
+// CTELock *SpinLock,
+// CTELockHandle OldIrqlLevel
+// );
+// Routine Description:
+// Releases a spin lock
+// Arguments:
+// SpinLock - A pointer to the lock variable.
+// OldIrqlLevel - The IRQL level to restore. This parameter is ignored
+// in the NT version.
+// Return Value:
+// None.
+#define CTEFreeLockFromDPC(l, h) ExReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel((l))
+// Interlocked counter management routines.
+// ulong
+// CTEInterlockedAddUlong(
+// ulong *AddendPtr,
+// ulong Increment,
+// CTELock *LockPtr
+// );
+// Routine Description:
+// Adds an increment to an unsigned long quantity using a spinlock
+// for synchronization.
+// Arguments:
+// AddendPtr - A pointer to the quantity to be updated.
+// LockPtr - A pointer to the spinlock used to synchronize the operation.
+// Return Value:
+// The initial value of the Added variable.
+// Notes:
+// It is not permissible to mix calls to CTEInterlockedAddULong with
+// calls to the CTEInterlockedIncrement/DecrementLong routines on the
+// same value.
+#define CTEInterlockedAddUlong(AddendPtr, Increment, LockPtr) \
+ ExInterlockedAddUlong(AddendPtr, Increment, LockPtr)
+// ulong
+// CTEInterlockedExchangeAdd(
+// ulong *AddendPtr,
+// ulong Increment,
+// );
+// Routine Description:
+// Adds an increment to an unsigned long quantity without using a spinlock.
+// Arguments:
+// AddendPtr - A pointer to the quantity to be updated.
+// Increment - The amount to be added to *AddendPtr
+// Return Value:
+// The initial value of the Added variable.
+// Notes:
+#define CTEInterlockedExchangeAdd(AddendPtr, Increment) \
+ InterlockedExchangeAdd(AddendPtr, Increment)
+// long
+// CTEInterlockedDecrementLong(
+// ulong *AddendPtr
+// );
+// Routine Description:
+// Decrements a long quantity atomically
+// Arguments:
+// AddendPtr - A pointer to the quantity to be decremented
+// Return Value:
+// < 0 if Addend is < 0 after decrement.
+// == 0 if Addend is = 0 after decrement.
+// > 0 if Addend is > 0 after decrement.
+// Notes:
+// It is not permissible to mix calls to CTEInterlockedAddULong with
+// calls to the CTEInterlockedIncrement/DecrementLong routines on the
+// same value.
+#define CTEInterlockedDecrementLong(AddendPtr) \
+ InterlockedDecrement(AddendPtr)
+// long
+// CTEInterlockedIncrementLong(
+// ulong *AddendPtr
+// );
+// Routine Description:
+// Increments a long quantity atomically
+// Arguments:
+// AddendPtr - A pointer to the quantity to be incremented.
+// Return Value:
+// < 0 if Addend is < 0 after decrement.
+// == 0 if Addend is = 0 after decrement.
+// > 0 if Addend is > 0 after decrement.
+// Notes:
+// It is not permissible to mix calls to CTEInterlockedAddULong with
+// calls to the CTEInterlockedIncrement/DecrementLong routines on the
+// same value.
+#define CTEInterlockedIncrementLong(AddendPtr) \
+ InterlockedIncrement(AddendPtr)
+// Large Integer manipulation routines.
+// ulong
+// CTEEnlargedUnsignedDivide(
+// CTEULargeInt Dividend,
+// ulong Divisor,
+// ulong *Remainder
+// );
+// Routine Description:
+// Divides an unsigned large integer quantity by an unsigned long quantity
+// to yield an unsigned long quotient and an unsigned long remainder.
+// Arguments:
+// Dividend - The dividend value.
+// Divisor - The divisor value.
+// Remainder - A pointer to a variable to receive the remainder.
+// Return Value:
+// The unsigned long quotient of the division.
+#define CTEEnlargedUnsignedDivide(Dividend, Divisor, Remainder) \
+ RtlEnlargedUnsignedDivide (Dividend, Divisor, Remainder)
+//* String definitions and manipulation routines
+// CTEInitString(
+// PNDIS_STRING DestinationString,
+// char *SourceString
+// );
+// Routine Description:
+// Converts a C style ASCII string to an NDIS_STRING. Resources needed for
+// the NDIS_STRING are allocated and must be freed by a call to
+// CTEFreeString.
+// Arguments:
+// DestinationString - A pointer to an NDIS_STRING variable with no
+// associated data buffer.
+// SourceString - The C style ASCII string source.
+// Return Value:
+// TRUE if the initialization succeeded. FALSE otherwise.
+ PUNICODE_STRING DestinationString,
+ char *SourceString
+ );
+// CTEAllocateString(
+// PNDIS_STRING String,
+// unsigned short Length
+// );
+// Routine Description:
+// Allocates a data buffer for Length characters in an uninitialized
+// NDIS_STRING. The allocated space must be freed by a call to
+// CTEFreeString.
+// Arguments:
+// String - A pointer to an NDIS_STRING variable with no
+// associated data buffer.
+// MaximumLength - The maximum length of the string. The unit of this
+// value is system dependent.
+// Return Value:
+// TRUE if the initialization succeeded. FALSE otherwise.
+ unsigned short Length
+ );
+// VOID
+// CTEFreeString(
+// PNDIS_STRING String,
+// );
+// Routine Description:
+// Frees the string buffer associated with an NDIS_STRING. The buffer must
+// have been allocated by a previous call to CTEInitString.
+// Arguments:
+// String - A pointer to an NDIS_STRING variable.
+// Return Value:
+// None.
+#define CTEFreeString(String) ExFreePool((String)->Buffer)
+// unsigned short
+// CTELengthString(
+// );
+// Routine Description:
+// Calculates the length of an NDIS_STRING.
+// Arguments:
+// The string to test.
+// Return Value:
+// The length of the string parameter. The unit of this value is
+// system dependent.
+#define CTELengthString(String) ((String)->Length)
+// CTEEqualString(
+// CTEString *String1,
+// CTEString *String2
+// );
+// Routine Description:
+// Compares two NDIS_STRINGs for case-sensitive equality
+// Arguments:
+// String1 - A pointer to the first string to compare.
+// String2 - A pointer to the second string to compare.
+// Return Value:
+// TRUE if the strings are equivalent. FALSE otherwise.
+#define CTEEqualString(S1, S2) RtlEqualUnicodeString(S1, S2, FALSE)
+// VOID
+// CTECopyString(
+// CTEString *DestinationString,
+// CTEString *SourceString
+// );
+// Routine Description:
+// Copies one NDIS_STRING to another. Behavior is undefined if the
+// destination is not long enough to hold the source.
+// Arguments:
+// DestinationString - A pointer to the destination string.
+// SourceString - A pointer to the source string.
+// Return Value:
+// None.
+#define CTECopyString(D, S) RtlCopyUnicodeString(D, S)
+//* Delayed event definitions
+// Delayed events are events scheduled that can be scheduled to
+// occur 'later', without a timeout. They happen as soon as the system
+// is ready for them. The caller specifies a parameter that will be
+// passed to the event proc when the event is called.
+// In the NT environmnet, delayed events are implemented using Executive
+// worker threads.
+// NOTE: The event handler routine may not block.
+typedef void (*CTEEventRtn)(struct CTEEvent *, void *);
+struct CTEEvent {
+ uint ce_scheduled;
+ CTELock ce_lock;
+ CTEEventRtn ce_handler; // Procedure to be called.
+ void *ce_arg; // Argument to pass to handler.
+ WORK_QUEUE_ITEM ce_workitem; // Kernel ExWorkerThread queue item.
+}; /* CTEEvent */
+typedef struct CTEEvent CTEEvent;
+// void
+// CTEInitEvent(
+// IN CTEEvent *Event,
+// IN CTEEventRtn *Handler
+// );
+// Routine Description:
+// Initializes a delayed event structure.
+// Arguments:
+// Event - Pointer to a CTE Event variable
+// Handler - Pointer to the function to be called when the event is
+// scheduled.
+// Return Value:
+// None.
+extern void
+ IN CTEEvent *Event,
+ IN CTEEventRtn Handler
+ );
+// int
+// CTEScheduleEvent(
+// IN CTEEvent *Event,
+// IN void *Argument
+// );
+// Routine Description:
+// Schedules a routine to be executed later in a different context. In the
+// NT environment, the event is implemented as a kernel DPC.
+// Arguments:
+// Event - Pointer to a CTE Event variable
+// Argument - An argument to pass to the event handler when it is called
+// Return Value:
+// 0 if the event could not be scheduled. Nonzero otherwise.
+ IN CTEEvent *Event,
+ IN void *Argument OPTIONAL
+ );
+// int
+// CTECancelEvent(
+// IN CTEEvent *Event
+// );
+// Routine Description:
+// Cancels a previously scheduled delayed event routine.
+// Arguments:
+// Event - Pointer to a CTE Event variable
+// Return Value:
+// 0 if the event couldn't be cancelled. Nonzero otherwise.
+// Notes:
+// In the NT environment, a delayed event cannot be cancelled.
+#define CTECancelEvent(Event) 0
+//* Timer related declarations
+struct CTETimer {
+ uint t_running;
+ CTELock t_lock;
+ CTEEventRtn t_handler;
+ void *t_arg;
+ KDPC t_dpc; // DPC for this timer.
+ KTIMER t_timer; // Kernel timer structure.
+}; /* CTETimer */
+typedef struct CTETimer CTETimer;
+// void
+// CTEInitTimer(
+// IN CTETimer *Timer
+// );
+// Routine Description:
+// Initializes a CTE Timer structure. This routine must be used
+// once on every timer before it is set. It may not be invoked on
+// a running timer.
+// Arguments:
+// Timer - Pointer to the CTE Timer to be initialized.
+// Return Value:
+// 0 if the timer could not be initialized. Nonzero otherwise.
+extern void
+ IN CTETimer *Timer
+ );
+// extern void *
+// CTEStartTimer(
+// IN CTETimer *Timer
+// );
+// Routine Description:
+// This routine starts a CTE timer running.
+// Arguments:
+// Timer - Pointer to the CTE Timer to start.
+// DueTime - The time in milliseconds from the present at which the
+// timer will be due.
+// Handler - The function to call when the timer expires.
+// Context - A value to pass to the Handler routine.
+// Return Value:
+// NULL if the timer could not be started. Non-NULL otherwise.
+// Notes:
+// In the NT environment, the first argument to the Handler function is
+// a pointer to the timer structure, not to a CTEEvent structure.
+extern void *
+ IN CTETimer *Timer,
+ IN unsigned long DueTime,
+ IN CTEEventRtn Handler,
+ IN void *Context OPTIONAL
+ );
+// int
+// CTEStopTimer(
+// IN CTETimer *Timer
+// );
+// Routine Description:
+// Cancels a running CTE timer.
+// Arguments:
+// Timer - Pointer to the CTE Timer to be cancelled.
+// Return Value:
+// 0 if the timer could not be cancelled. Nonzero otherwise.
+// Notes:
+// Calling this function on a timer that is not active has no effect.
+// If this routine fails, the timer may be in the process of expiring
+// or may have already expired. In either case, the caller must
+// sychronize with the Handler function as appropriate.
+#define CTEStopTimer(Timer) ((int) KeCancelTimer(&((Timer)->t_timer)))
+// unsigned long
+// CTESystemUpTime(
+// void
+// );
+// Routine Description:
+// Returns the time in milliseconds that the system has been running.
+// Arguments:
+// None.
+// Return Value:
+// The time in milliseconds.
+extern unsigned long
+ void
+ );
+//* Memory allocation functions.
+// There are only two main functions, CTEAllocMem and CTEFreeMem. Locks
+// should not be held while calling these functions, and it is possible
+// that they may yield when called, particularly in the VxD environment.
+// In the VxD environment there is a third auxillary function CTERefillMem,
+// used to refill the VxD heap manager.
+// void *
+// CTEAllocMem(
+// ulong Size
+// );
+// Routine Description:
+// Allocates a block of memory from nonpaged pool.
+// Arguments:
+// Size - The size in bytes to allocate.
+// Return Value:
+// A pointer to the allocated block, or NULL.
+#define CTEAllocMem(Size) ExAllocatePool(NonPagedPool, (Size))
+// void
+// CTEFreeMem(
+// void *MemoryPtr
+// );
+// Routine Description:
+// Frees a block of memory allocated with CTEAllocMem.
+// Arguments:
+// MemoryPtr - A pointer to the memory to be freed.
+// Return Value:
+// None.
+#define CTEFreeMem(MemoryPtr) ExFreePool((MemoryPtr));
+// Routine to Refill memory. Not used in NT environment.
+#define CTERefillMem()
+//* Memory manipulation routines.
+// void
+// CTEMemCopy(
+// void *Source,
+// void *Destination,
+// unsigned long Length
+// );
+// RoutineDescription:
+// Copies data from one buffer to another.
+// Arguments:
+// Source - Source buffer.
+// Destination - Destination buffer,
+// Length - Number of bytes to copy.
+// Return Value:
+// None.
+#define CTEMemCopy(Dst, Src, Len) RtlCopyMemory((Dst), (Src), (Len))
+// void
+// CTEMemSet(
+// void *Destination,
+// unsigned char *Fill
+// unsigned long Length
+// );
+// RoutineDescription:
+// Sets the bytes of the destination buffer to a specific value.
+// Arguments:
+// Destination - Buffer to fill.
+// Fill - Value with which to fill buffer.
+// Length - Number of bytes of buffer to fill.
+// Return Value:
+// None.
+#define CTEMemSet(Dst, Fill, Len) RtlFillMemory((Dst), (Len), (Fill))
+// unsigned long
+// CTEMemCmp(
+// void *Source1,
+// void *Source2,
+// unsigned long Length
+// );
+// RoutineDescription:
+// Compares Length bytes of Source1 to Source2 for equality.
+// Arguments:
+// Source1 - First source buffer.
+// Source2 - Second source buffer,
+// Length - Number of bytes of Source1 to compare against Source2.
+// Return Value:
+// Zero if the data in the two buffers are equal for Length bytes.
+// NonZero otherwise.
+#define CTEMemCmp(Src1, Src2, Len) \
+ ((RtlCompareMemory((Src1), (Src2), (Len)) == (Len)) ? 0 : 1)
+//* Blocking routines. These routines allow a limited blocking capability.
+// Using them requires care, and they probably shouldn't be used outside
+// of initialization time.
+struct CTEBlockStruc {
+ uint cbs_status;
+ KEVENT cbs_event;
+}; /* CTEBlockStruc */
+typedef struct CTEBlockStruc CTEBlockStruc;
+// VOID
+// CTEInitBlockStruc(
+// IN CTEBlockStruc *BlockEvent
+// );
+// Routine Description:
+// Initializes a CTE blocking structure
+// Arguments:
+// BlockEvent - Pointer to the variable to intialize.
+// Return Value:
+// None.
+#define CTEInitBlockStruc(Event) \
+ { \
+ (Event)->cbs_status = NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS; \
+ KeInitializeEvent( \
+ &((Event)->cbs_event), \
+ SynchronizationEvent, \
+ ); \
+ }
+// uint
+// CTEBlock(
+// IN CTEBlockStruc *BlockEvent
+// );
+// Routine Description:
+// Blocks the current thread of execution on the occurrence of an event.
+// Arguments:
+// BlockEvent - Pointer to the event on which to block.
+// Return Value:
+// The status value provided by the signaller of the event.
+extern uint
+ IN CTEBlockStruc *BlockEvent
+ );
+// VOID
+// CTESignal(
+// IN CTEBlockStruc *BlockEvent,
+// IN uint Status
+// );
+// Routine Description:
+// Releases one thread of execution blocking on an event. Any other
+// threads blocked on the event remain blocked.
+// Arguments:
+// BlockEvent - Pointer to the event to signal.
+// Status - Status to return to the blocking thread.
+// Return Value:
+// None.
+extern void
+ IN CTEBlockStruc *BlockEvent,
+ IN uint Status
+ );
+// Event Logging routines.
+// NOTE: These definitions are tentative and subject to change!!!!!!
+ sizeof(ULONG) \
+ ) & 0xFFFFFFFC \
+ )
+// Routine Description:
+// This function allocates an I/O error log record, fills it in and
+// writes it to the I/O error log.
+// Arguments:
+// LoggerId - Pointer to the driver object logging this event.
+// EventCode - Identifies the error message.
+// UniqueEventValue - Identifies this instance of a given error message.
+// NumStrings - Number of unicode strings in strings list.
+// DataSize - Number of bytes of data.
+// Strings - Array of pointers to unicode strings (PWCHAR').
+// Data - Binary dump data for this message, each piece being
+// aligned on word boundaries.
+// Return Value:
+// TDI_SUCCESS - The error was successfully logged.
+// TDI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL - The error data was too large to be logged.
+// TDI_NO_RESOURCES - Unable to allocate memory.
+// Notes:
+// This code is paged and may not be called at raised IRQL.
+ IN PVOID LoggerId,
+ IN ULONG EventCode,
+ IN ULONG UniqueEventValue,
+ IN USHORT NumStrings,
+ IN ULONG DataSize,
+ );
+// Debugging routines.
+#if DBG
+#ifndef DEBUG
+#define DEBUG 1
+#endif //DBG
+#ifdef DEBUG
+#define DEBUGCHK DbgBreakPoint()
+#define DEBUGSTRING(v, s) uchar v[] = s
+// extern void _CTECheckMem(uint, char *, uint);
+// #define CTECheckMem(s) _CTECheckMem(0, s, __LINE__)
+#define CTECheckMem(s)
+#define CTEPrint(String) DbgPrint(String)
+#define CTEPrintNum(Num) DbgPrint("%d", Num)
+#define CTEPrintCRLF() DbgPrint("\n");
+#define CTEStructAssert(s, t) if ((s)->t##_sig != t##_signature) {\
+ CTEPrint("Structure assertion failure for type " #t " in file " __FILE__ " line ");\
+ CTEPrintNum(__LINE__);\
+ CTEPrintCRLF();\
+ }
+#define CTEAssert(c) if (!(c)) {\
+ CTEPrint("Assertion failure in file " __FILE__ " line ");\
+ CTEPrintNum(__LINE__);\
+ CTEPrintCRLF();\
+ }
+#else // DEBUG
+#define DEBUGCHK
+#define DEBUGSTRING(v,s)
+#define CTECheckMem(s)
+#define CTEStructAssert(s,t )
+#define CTEAssert(c)
+#define CTEPrint(s)
+#define CTEPrintNum(Num)
+#define CTEPrintCRLF()
+#endif // DEBUG
+//* Request completion routine definition.
+typedef void (*CTEReqCmpltRtn)(void *, unsigned int , unsigned int);
+//* Defintion of CTEUnload
+#define CTEUnload(Name)
+//* Definition of a load/unload notification procedure handler.
+typedef void (*CTENotifyRtn)(uchar *);
+//* Defintion of set load and unload notification handlers.
+#define CTESetLoadNotifyProc(Handler)
+#define CTESetUnloadNotifyProc(Handler)
+#else // NT
+// Definitions for additional environments go here
+#error Environment specific definitions missing
+#endif // NT
+#endif // VXD
+#endif // _CXPORT_H_INCLUDED_