path: root/private/ntos/nbt/vxd/client.asm
diff options
authorAdam <>2020-05-17 05:51:50 +0200
committerAdam <>2020-05-17 05:51:50 +0200
commite611b132f9b8abe35b362e5870b74bce94a1e58e (patch)
treea5781d2ec0e085eeca33cf350cf878f2efea6fe5 /private/ntos/nbt/vxd/client.asm
Diffstat (limited to 'private/ntos/nbt/vxd/client.asm')
1 files changed, 427 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/private/ntos/nbt/vxd/client.asm b/private/ntos/nbt/vxd/client.asm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0c44bbf79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nbt/vxd/client.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
+ page ,132
+ title client16.asm - 16-bit client support routines
+;** Microsoft Windows **
+;** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1993-1994 **
+; client16.asm
+; VXDLIB routines for dealing with 16-bit clients.
+; The following functions are exported by this module:
+; VxdMapSegmentOffsetToFlat
+; Koti 14-Jun-1994 Stole from KeithMo
+;;; Flag to _LinPage[Un]Lock.
+ifdef CHICAGO
+else ; !CHICAGO
+VxdLinPageFlag equ 0
+endif ; CHICAGO
+;*** Locked code segment.
+;;; Public functions.
+; NAME: VxdMapSegmentOffsetToFlat
+; SYNOPSIS: Maps a segment/offset pair to the corresponding flat
+; pointer.
+; ENTRY: VirtualHandle - VM handle.
+; UserSegment - Segment value.
+; UserOffset - Offset value
+; RETURNS: LPVOID - The flat pointer, -1 if unsuccessful.
+; NOTES: This routine was more-or-less stolen from the Map_Flat
+; source in dos386\vmm\vmmutil.asm.
+; KeithMo 27-Jan-1994 Created.
+BeginProc _VxdMapSegmentOffsetToFlat, PUBLIC, CCALL, ESP
+ArgVar VirtualHandle, DWORD
+ArgVar UserSegment, DWORD
+ArgVar UserOffset, DWORD
+ EnterProc
+ SaveReg <ebx, ecx, edx, esi>
+;;; Capture the parameters.
+ mov ebx, VirtualHandle ; (EBX) = VM handle
+ movzx eax, word ptr UserSegment ; (EAX) = segment
+ movzx esi, word ptr UserOffset ; (ESI) = offset
+;;; Short-circuit for NULL pointer. This is OK.
+ or eax, eax
+ jz vmsotf_Exit
+;;; Determine if the current virtual machine is running in V86
+;;; mode or protected mode.
+ test [ebx.CB_VM_Status], VMStat_PM_Exec
+ jz vmsotf_V86Mode
+;;; The target virtual machine is in protected mode. Map the
+;;; selector to a flat pointer, then add the offset.
+ VMMCall _SelectorMapFlat <ebx, eax, 0>
+ cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh
+ je vmsotf_Exit
+ add eax, esi
+;;; If the pointer is within the first 1Meg+64K, add in the
+;;; high-linear offset.
+ cmp eax, 00110000h
+ jae short vmsotf_Exit
+ add eax, [ebx.CB_High_Linear]
+;;; Cleanup stack & return.
+ RestoreReg <esi, edx, ecx, ebx>
+ LeaveProc
+ Return
+;;; The target virtual machine is in V86 mode. Map the segment/offset
+;;; pair to a linear address.
+ shl eax, 4
+ add eax, esi
+ jmp vmsotf_AddHighLinear
+EndProc _VxdMapSegmentOffsetToFlat
+; NAME: VxdLockBuffer
+; SYNOPSIS: Locks a user-mode buffer so it may be safely accessed
+; from ring 0.
+; ENTRY: Buffer - Starting virtual address of user-mode buffer.
+; BufferLength - Length (in BYTEs) of user-mode buffer.
+; RETURN: LPVOID - Global locked address if successful,
+; NULL if not.
+; KeithMo 10-Nov-1993 Created.
+BeginProc _VxdLockBuffer, PUBLIC, CCALL, ESP
+ArgVar Buffer, DWORD
+ArgVar BufferLength, DWORD
+ EnterProc
+ SaveReg <ebx, edi, esi>
+;;; Grab parameters from stack.
+ mov eax, Buffer ; User-mode buffer address.
+ mov ebx, BufferLength ; Buffer length.
+;;; Short-circuit for NULL buffer or zero length.
+ or eax, eax
+ jz lub_Exit
+ or ebx, ebx
+ jz lub_Exit
+;;; Calculate the starting page number & number of pages to lock.
+ movzx ecx, ax
+ and ch, 0Fh ; ecx = offset within first page.
+ mov esi, ecx ; save it for later
+ add ebx, ecx
+ add ebx, 0FFFh
+ shr ebx, 12 ; ebx = number of pages to lock.
+ shr eax, 12 ; eax = starting page number.
+;;; Ask VMM to lock the buffer.
+ VMMCall _LinPageLock, <eax, ebx, VxdLinPageFlag>
+ or eax, eax
+ jz lub_Failure
+ifdef CHICAGO
+ add eax, esi ; add offset into first page.
+else ; !CHICAGO
+ mov eax, Buffer ; retrieve original address.
+endif ; CHICAGO
+;;; Common exit path. Cleanup stack & return.
+ RestoreReg <esi, edi, ebx>
+ LeaveProc
+ Return
+;;; LinPageLock failure.
+ Trace_Out "VxdLockBuffer: _LinPageLock failed"
+ xor eax, eax
+ jmp lub_Exit
+EndProc _VxdLockBuffer
+; NAME: VxdUnlockBuffer
+; SYNOPSIS: Unlocks a user-mode buffer locked with LockUserBuffer.
+; ENTRY: Buffer - Starting virtual address of user-mode buffer.
+; BufferLength - Length (in BYTEs) of user-mode buffer.
+; RETURN: DWORD - !0 if successful, 0 if not.
+; KeithMo 10-Nov-1993 Created.
+BeginProc _VxdUnlockBuffer, PUBLIC, CCALL, ESP
+ArgVar Buffer, DWORD
+ArgVar BufferLength, DWORD
+ EnterProc
+ SaveReg <ebx, edi, esi>
+;;; Grab parameters from stack.
+ mov eax, Buffer ; User-mode buffer address.
+ mov ebx, BufferLength ; Buffer length.
+;;; Short-circuit for NULL buffer or zero length.
+ or eax, eax
+ jz uub_Success
+ or ebx, ebx
+ jz uub_Success
+;;; Calculate the starting page number & number of pages to unlock.
+ movzx ecx, ax
+ and ch, 0Fh ; ecx = offset within first page.
+ add ebx, ecx
+ add ebx, 0FFFh
+ shr ebx, 12 ; ebx = number of pages to lock.
+ shr eax, 12 ; eax = starting page number.
+;;; Ask VMM to unlock the buffer.
+ VMMCall _LinPageUnLock, <eax, ebx, VxdLinPageFlag>
+ or eax, eax
+ jz uub_Failure
+ mov eax, 1 ; !0 == success
+;;; Common exit path. Cleanup stack & return.
+ RestoreReg <esi, edi, ebx>
+ LeaveProc
+ Return
+;;; LinPageUnLock failure.
+ Trace_Out "VxdUnlockBuffer: _LinPageUnlock failed"
+ xor eax, eax
+ jmp uub_Exit
+EndProc _VxdUnlockBuffer
+; BUGBUG: VxdValidateBuffer is currently not used. Unifdef it if needed
+; NAME: VxdValidateBuffer
+; SYNOPSIS: Validates that all pages within the given buffer are
+; valid.
+; ENTRY: Buffer - Starting virtual address of user-mode buffer.
+; BufferLength - Length (in BYTEs) of user-mode buffer.
+; RETURN: BOOL - TRUE if all pages in buffer are valid, FALSE
+; otherwise.
+; KeithMo 20-May-1994 Created.
+BeginProc _VxdValidateBuffer, PUBLIC, CCALL, ESP
+ArgVar Buffer, DWORD
+ArgVar BufferLength, DWORD
+ EnterProc
+ SaveReg <ebx, edi, esi>
+;;; Grab parameters from stack.
+ mov eax, Buffer ; User-mode buffer address.
+ mov ebx, BufferLength ; Buffer length.
+;;; Short-circuit for NULL buffer or zero length.
+ or eax, eax
+ jz vub_Success
+ or ebx, ebx
+ jz vub_Success
+;;; Calculate the starting page number & number of pages to validate.
+ movzx ecx, ax
+ and ch, 0Fh ; ecx = offset within first page.
+ add ebx, ecx
+ add ebx, 0FFFh
+ shr ebx, 12 ; ebx = number of pages to check.
+ shr eax, 12 ; eax = starting page number.
+ mov ecx, ebx ; save page count
+;;; Ask VMM to validate the buffer.
+ VMMCall _PageCheckLinRange, <eax, ebx, 0>
+ cmp eax, ecx
+ jne vub_Failure
+ mov eax, 1 ; TRUE == success.
+;;; Common exit path. Cleanup stack & return.
+ RestoreReg <esi, edi, ebx>
+ LeaveProc
+ Return
+;;; _PageCheckLinRange failure.
+ xor eax, eax
+ jmp vub_Exit
+EndProc _VxdValidateBuffer