path: root/private/ntos/nthals/halast
diff options
authorAdam <>2020-05-17 05:51:50 +0200
committerAdam <>2020-05-17 05:51:50 +0200
commite611b132f9b8abe35b362e5870b74bce94a1e58e (patch)
treea5781d2ec0e085eeca33cf350cf878f2efea6fe5 /private/ntos/nthals/halast
Diffstat (limited to 'private/ntos/nthals/halast')
59 files changed, 7644 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/private/ntos/nthals/halast/drivesup.c b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/drivesup.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..38259e5f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/drivesup.c
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+// This file simply includes the common sources from the current HAL
+// directory. When the structure is finally changed, the real file should
+// be in this directory.
+#include "..\drivesup.c"
diff --git a/private/ntos/nthals/halast/hal.rc b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/hal.rc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3cba4ad89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/hal.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#include <windows.h>
+#include <ntverp.h>
+#define VER_FILEDESCRIPTION_STR "Hardware Abstraction Layer DLL"
+#define VER_INTERNALNAME_STR "hal.dll"
+#include "common.ver"
diff --git a/private/ntos/nthals/halast/hal.src b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/hal.src
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..da778bb9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/hal.src
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+// This file simply includes the common sources from the current HAL
+// directory. When the structure is finally changed, the real file should
+// be in this directory.
+#include "..\hal.src"
diff --git a/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/astclock.asm b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/astclock.asm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9f02059f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/astclock.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,578 @@
+ title "Interval Clock Interrupt"
+; Copyright (c) 1989 Microsoft Corporation
+; Copyright (c) 1992 AST Research Inc.
+; Module Name:
+; astclock.asm
+; Abstract:
+; This module implements the code necessary to field and process the
+; interval clock interrupt.
+; Author:
+; Shie-Lin Tzong (shielint) 12-Jan-1990
+; Environment:
+; Kernel mode only.
+; Revision History:
+; bryanwi 20-Sep-90
+; Add KiSetProfileInterval, KiStartProfileInterrupt,
+; KiStopProfileInterrupt procedures.
+; KiProfileInterrupt ISR.
+; KiProfileList, KiProfileLock are delcared here.
+; shielint 10-Dec-90
+; Add performance counter support.
+; Move system clock to irq8, ie we now use RTC to generate system
+; clock. Performance count and Profile use timer 1 counter 0.
+; The interval of the irq0 interrupt can be changed by
+; KiSetProfileInterval. Performance counter does not care about the
+; interval of the interrupt as long as it knows the rollover count.
+; Note: Currently I implemented 1 performance counter for the whole
+; i386 NT. It works on UP and SystemPro.
+; John Vert (jvert) 11-Jul-1991
+; Moved from ke\i386 to hal\i386. Removed non-HAL stuff
+; shie-lin tzong (shielint) 13-March-92
+; Move System clock back to irq0 and use RTC (irq8) to generate
+; profile interrupt. Performance counter and system clock use time1
+; counter 0 of 8254.
+; Quang Phan (v-quangp) 11-Aug-1992
+; Convert to ASTMP system. All processors receive interrupts from the
+; system clock and profile interrupts. Added support for the CPU leds.
+ .xlist
+include i386\
+include i386\
+include i386\
+include i386\
+ .list
+ EXTRNP _DbgBreakPoint,0,IMPORT
+ EXTRNP _KeUpdateSystemTime,0
+ EXTRNP _KeUpdateRunTime,1,IMPORT
+ EXTRNP Kei386EoiHelper,0,IMPORT
+ EXTRNP _HalEndSystemInterrupt,2
+ EXTRNP _HalBeginSystemInterrupt,3
+ EXTRNP _HalRequestIpi,1
+ EXTRNP _HalpAcquireCmosSpinLock ,0
+ EXTRNP _HalpReleaseCmosSpinLock ,0
+ EXTRNP _KeSetTimeIncrement,2,IMPORT
+ extrn _HalpSystemHardwareLock:DWORD
+ EXTRNP _DisplPanel,1
+ extrn _HalpIRQLtoVector:BYTE
+ extrn _EBI2_CallTab:DWORD
+ extrn _EBI2_MMIOTable:DWORD
+; Constants used to initialize timer 0
+TIMER1_DATA_PORT0 EQU 40H ; Timer1, channel 0 data port
+TIMER1_CONTROL_PORT0 EQU 43H ; Timer1, channel 0 control port
+TIMER1_IRQ EQU 0 ; Irq 0 for timer1 interrupt
+COMMAND_8254_COUNTER0 EQU 00H ; Select count 0
+COMMAND_8254_RW_16BIT EQU 30H ; Read/Write LSB firt then MSB
+COMMAND_8254_MODE2 EQU 4 ; Use mode 2
+COMMAND_8254_BCD EQU 0 ; Binary count down
+COMMAND_8254_LATCH_READ EQU 0 ; Latch read command
+; Constants used to initialize CMOS/Real Time Clock
+CMOS_STATUS_BUSY EQU 80H ; Time update in progress
+RTC_OFFSET_SECOND EQU 0 ; second field of RTC memory
+RTC_OFFSET_MINUTE EQU 2 ; minute field of RTC memory
+RTC_OFFSET_HOUR EQU 4 ; hour field of RTC memory
+RTC_OFFSET_DAY_OF_WEEK EQU 6 ; day-of-week field of RTC memory
+RTC_OFFSET_DATE_OF_MONTH EQU 7 ; date-of-month field of RTC memory
+RTC_OFFSET_MONTH EQU 8 ; month field of RTC memory
+RTC_OFFSET_YEAR EQU 9 ; year field of RTC memory
+RTC_OFFSET_CENTURY EQU 32h ; Century field of RTC memory
+; ==== Values used for System Clock ====
+; Convert the interval to rollover count for 8254 Timer1 device.
+; Timer1 counts down a 16 bit value at a rate of 1.193181667M counts-per-sec.
+; The best fit value closest to 10ms (but not below) is 10.0144012689ms:
+; Calculated error is -.0109472 s/day
+; The best fit value closest to 15ms (but not above) is 14.9952019ms:
+; Calculated error is -.0109472 s/day
+; On 486 class machines or better we use a 10ms tick, on 386
+; class machines we use a 15ms tick
+; 8254 spinlock. This must be acquired before touching the 8254 chip.
+ public _Halp8254Lock
+_Halp8254Lock dd 0
+; PerfCounter value lock. locks access to the HalpPerfCounterLow/High vars.
+_HalpPerfCounterLock dd 0
+ public HalpPerfCounterLow
+ public HalpPerfCounterHigh
+HalpPerfCounterLow dd 0
+HalpPerfCounterHigh dd 0
+HalpPerfCounterInit dd 0
+_DATA ends
+ page ,132
+ subttl "Initialize Clock"
+; HalpInitializeClock (
+; )
+; Routine Description:
+; This routine initialize system time clock using 8254 timer1 counter 0
+; to generate an interrupt at every 15ms interval at 8259 irq0
+; See the definition of TIME_INCREMENT and ROLLOVER_COUNT if clock rate
+; needs to be changed.
+; Arguments:
+; None
+; Return Value:
+; None.
+cPublicProc _HalpInitializeClock,0
+ pushfd ; save caller's eflag
+ cli ; make sure interrupts are disabled
+; Set clock rate
+ out TIMER1_CONTROL_PORT0, al ;program count mode of timer 0
+ IoDelay
+ mov al, cl
+ out TIMER1_DATA_PORT0, al ; program timer 0 LSB count
+ IoDelay
+ mov al,ch
+ out TIMER1_DATA_PORT0, al ; program timer 0 MSB count
+ popfd ; restore caller's eflag
+; Fill in PCR value with TIME_INCREMENT
+ stdCall _KeSetTimeIncrement, <edx, edx>
+ mov HalpPerfCounterInit, 1 ; Indicate performance counter
+ ; has been initialized.
+ stdRET _HalpInitializeClock
+stdENDP _HalpInitializeClock
+ page ,132
+ subttl "Query Performance Counter"
+; KeQueryPerformanceCounter (
+; )
+; Routine Description:
+; This routine returns current 64-bit performance counter and,
+; optionally, the Performance Frequency.
+; Note this routine can NOT be called at Profiling interrupt
+; service routine. Because this routine depends on IRR0 to determine
+; the actual count.
+; Also note that the performace counter returned by this routine
+; is not necessary the value when this routine is just entered.
+; The value returned is actually the counter value at any point
+; between the routine is entered and is exited.
+; Arguments:
+; PerformanceFrequency [TOS+4] - optionally, supplies the address
+; of a variable to receive the performance counter frequency.
+; Return Value:
+; Current value of the performance counter will be returned.
+; Parameter definitions
+KqpcFrequency EQU [esp+12] ; User supplied Performance Frequence
+cPublicProc _KeQueryPerformanceCounter,1
+ push ebx
+ push esi
+; First check to see if the performance counter has been initialized yet.
+; Since the kernel debugger calls KeQueryPerformanceCounter to support the
+; !timer command, we need to return something reasonable before 8254
+; initialization has occured. Reading garbage off the 8254 is not reasonable.
+ cmp HalpPerfCounterInit, 0
+ jne Kqpc01 ; ok, perf counter has been initialized
+; Initialization hasn't occured yet, so just return zeroes.
+ mov eax, 0
+ mov edx, 0
+ jmp Kqpc20
+Kqpc11: pushfd
+ cli
+ifndef NT_UP
+ lea eax, _Halp8254Lock
+; Fetch the base value. Note that interrupts are off.
+; NOTE:
+; Need to watch for Px reading the 'CounterLow', P0 updates both
+; then Px finishes reading 'CounterHigh' [getting the wrong value].
+; After reading both, make sure that 'CounterLow' didn't change.
+; If it did, read it again. This way, we won't have to use a spinlock.
+ mov ebx, HalpPerfCounterLow
+ mov esi, HalpPerfCounterHigh ; [esi:ebx] = Performance counter
+ cmp ebx, HalpPerfCounterLow ;
+ jne @b
+; Fetch the current counter value from the hardware
+ ;Latch PIT Ctr 0 command.
+ IODelay
+ in al, TIMER1_DATA_PORT0 ;Read PIT Ctr 0, LSByte.
+ IODelay
+ movzx ecx,al ;Zero upper bytes of (ECX).
+ in al, TIMER1_DATA_PORT0 ;Read PIT Ctr 0, MSByte.
+ mov ch, al ;(CX) = PIT Ctr 0 count.
+ifndef NT_UP
+ lea eax, _Halp8254Lock
+; Now enable interrupts such that if timer interrupt is pending, it can
+; be serviced and update the PerformanceCounter. Note that there could
+; be a long time between the sti and cli because ANY interrupt could come
+; in in between.
+ popfd ; don't re-enable interrupts if
+ nop ; the caller had them off!
+ jmp $+2
+; Fetch the base value again.
+ mov eax, HalpPerfCounterLow
+ mov edx, HalpPerfCounterHigh ; [edx:eax] = new counter value
+ cmp eax, HalpPerfCounterLow
+ jne @b
+; Compare the two reads of Performance counter. If they are different,
+; simply returns the new Performance counter. Otherwise, we add the hardware
+; count to the performance counter to form the final result.
+ cmp eax, ebx
+ jne short Kqpc20
+ cmp edx, esi
+ jne short Kqpc20
+ neg ecx ; PIT counts down from 0h
+ add eax, ecx
+ adc edx, 0 ; [edx:eax] = Final result
+; Return the counter
+ ; return value is in edx:eax
+; Return the freq. if caller wants it.
+ or dword ptr KqpcFrequency, 0 ; is it a NULL variable?
+ jz short Kqpc99 ; if z, yes, go exit
+ mov ecx, KqpcFrequency ; (ecx)-> Frequency variable
+ mov DWORD PTR [ecx], PERFORMANCE_FREQUENCY ; Set frequency
+ mov DWORD PTR [ecx+4], 0
+ pop esi ; restore esi and ebx
+ pop ebx
+ stdRET _KeQueryPerformanceCounter
+ifndef NT_UP
+Kqpc198: popfd
+ SPIN_ON_SPINLOCK eax,<Kqpc11>
+stdENDP _KeQueryPerformanceCounter
+; HalCalibratePerformanceCounter (
+; IN volatile PLONG Number
+; )
+; /*++
+; Routine Description:
+; This routine calibrates the performance counter value for a
+; multiprocessor system. The calibration can be done by zeroing
+; the current performance counter, or by calculating a per-processor
+; skewing between each processors counter.
+; Arguments:
+; Number - Supplies a pointer to count of the number of processors in
+; the configuration.
+; Return Value:
+; None.
+cPublicProc _HalCalibratePerformanceCounter,1
+ mov eax, [esp+4] ; ponter to Number
+ pushfd ; save previous interrupt state
+ cli ; disable interrupts (go to high_level)
+ lock dec dword ptr [eax] ; count down
+@@: cmp dword ptr [eax], 0 ; wait for all processors to signal
+ jnz short @b
+ ;
+ ; Nothing to calibrate on a AST MP machine. There is only a single
+ ; 8254 device
+ ;
+ popfd ; restore interrupt flag
+ stdRET _HalCalibratePerformanceCounter
+stdENDP _HalCalibratePerformanceCounter
+ page ,132
+ subttl "System Clock Interrupt"
+; Routine Description:
+; This routine is entered as the result of an interrupt generated by CLOCK2.
+; Its function is to dismiss the interrupt, raise system Irql to
+; CLOCK2_LEVEL, update performance counter and transfer control to the
+; standard system routine to update the system time and the execution
+; time of the current thread
+; and process.
+; Arguments:
+; None
+; Interrupt is disabled
+; Return Value:
+; Does not return, jumps directly to KeUpdateSystemTime, which returns
+; Sets Irql = CLOCK2_LEVEL and dismisses the interrupt
+ ENTER_DR_ASSIST Hci_a, Hci_t
+cPublicProc _HalpClockInterrupt,0
+; Save machine state in trap frame
+; (esp) - base of trap frame
+; dismiss interrupt and raise Irql
+ movzx eax,_HalpIRQLtoVector[CLOCK2_LEVEL]
+ push eax
+ sub esp, 4 ; allocate space to save OldIrql
+; esp - OldIrql
+ stdCall _HalBeginSystemInterrupt,<CLOCK2_LEVEL,eax,esp>
+ or al,al ; check for spurious interrupt
+ jz Hci100
+; Update performance counter
+ cmp fs:PcHal.PcrEBI2ProcessorID, 0
+ jnz short @f
+ add HalpPerfCounterLow, ROLLOVER_COUNT ; update performace counter
+ adc HalpPerfCounterHigh, 0
+; Check for Idle state and log processor state to the front panel CPU leds.
+ inc fs:PcHal.PcrCpuLedRateCount
+ cmp fs:PcHal.PcrCpuLedRateCount, CpuLedSamplingRate
+ jne Hci010 ; Don't update LED yet
+ mov fs:PcHal.PcrCpuLedRateCount,0 ;reset rate count
+ mov edx, fs:PcPrcb
+ mov eax, [edx].PbIdleThread
+ cmp eax, [edx].PbCurrentThread
+ je ProcIdle
+ CALL_EBI2 LogProcBusy,1
+ jmp Hci010
+ CALL_EBI2 LogProcIdle,1
+; (esp) = OldIrql
+; (esp+4) = Vector
+; (esp+8) = base of trap frame
+; (ebp) = address of trap frame
+; (eax) = time increment
+ cmp fs:PcHal.PcrEBI2ProcessorID, 0 ; is this the master cpu?
+ je _KeUpdateSystemTime@0 ; if it is, update system time
+ sti
+ stdCall _KeUpdateRunTime,<dword ptr [esp]> ; othewise update runtime
+ INTERRUPT_EXIT ; lower irql to old value, iret
+ add esp, 8 ; spurious, no EndOfInterrupt
+ SPURIOUS_INTERRUPT_EXIT ; exit interrupt without eoi
+stdENDP _HalpClockInterrupt
+; HalSetTimeIncrement (
+; IN ULONG DesiredIncrement
+; )
+; /*++
+; Routine Description:
+; This routine initialize system time clock to generate an
+; interrupt at every DesiredIncrement interval.
+; Arguments:
+; DesiredIncrement - desired interval between every timer tick (in
+; 100ns unit.)
+; Return Value:
+; The *REAL* time increment set.
+cPublicProc _HalSetTimeIncrement,1
+ stdRET _HalSetTimeIncrement
+stdENDP _HalSetTimeIncrement
+_TEXT ends
+ end
diff --git a/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/astdetct.c b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/astdetct.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cf2c00e90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/astdetct.c
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+Copyright (c) 1992 AST Research Inc.
+Module Name:
+ astdetct.c
+ Bob Beard (v-bobb) 24-Jul-1992
+ Kernel mode only.
+Revision History:
+ Bob Beard (v-bobb) 19-Aug-1992 detect if MP
+ Quang Phan (v-quangp) 27-Aug-1992 modified to work with the NT Setup
+ program.
+#ifndef _NTOS_
+#include "nthal.h"
+#include "halp.h"
+#include "astebiii.h"
+#define AST_MANUFACTURER_ID 0x0674
+#define AST_EBI2_STRING 0x32494245
+ULONG ProcCount;
+//#define MAX_EBI_SLOTS 32L
+// EBI_II function offset table
+EBI_II EBI2_CallTab;
+// Global pointer to BIOS
+PVOID BiosPtr;
+Routine Description:
+ Call EBI2 to get the number of processors in the system.
+ To make this call work with the NT current Setup environment,
+ (memory address limited to 16MB), a fake MMIOTable is passed to EBI.
+ ProcCount contains the number of processors in the system.
+ none.
+Return Value:
+ True if successfully initialized. False otherwise.
+ULONG *Alias = (ULONG *)&EBI2_CallTab;
+ebi_iiSig *Sig = (ebi_iiSig*)((ULONG)BiosPtr + EBI_II_SIGNATURE);
+ULONG *OffTab;
+// Build the EBI II offset table
+ OffTab =(ULONG *) ((ULONG)BiosPtr + (REAL_TO_LIN(Sig->seg,Sig->off) -
+ for( i = 0; i < ( sizeof( offsetTable ) / sizeof( ULONG )); i++ )
+ Alias[i] = OffTab[i] + (ULONG)BiosPtr;
+// Find out the number of good processors
+if ( (EBI2_CallTab.GetNumProcs)( (VOID *) 0, &ProcCount ) )
+ return(FALSE);
+ return(TRUE);
+ OUT PBOOLEAN IsConfiguredMp
+Routine Description:
+ Determine on which AST platform we are running. Special HAL is needed
+ for EBI II based AST machines.
+ PBOOLEAN IsConfiguredMp returns with value of TRUE if MP. FALSE if
+ UP.
+Return Value:
+ Boolean that indicates if AST EBI II platform is detected. TRUE means
+ an AST EBI II platform was detected. FALSE indicates it was not.
+USHORT ManufacturerId;
+PULONG EBI2StringPtr;
+ULONG ProcCount;
+UCHAR ProductId;
+// Read the EISA ManufactuerID and check for AST
+ManufacturerId = (((USHORT)(READ_PORT_UCHAR((PUCHAR)0xc80))) << 8)
+if (ManufacturerId != AST_MANUFACTURER_ID)
+ return(FALSE);
+//This HAL works with Manhattans that have EISA's ProductId 0x40-0x4F.
+ProductId = ((READ_PORT_UCHAR((PUCHAR)0xc82)));
+if ((ProductId & 0xF0) != 0x40)
+ return(FALSE);
+// Map in all of AST BIOS for EBI II calls
+BiosPtr = HalpMapPhysicalMemory(BiosPtr, 0x10000/PAGE_SIZE); // assumes PAGE_SIZE <= 64k
+if (BiosPtr == NULL)
+ return(FALSE);
+if (*EBI2StringPtr != AST_EBI2_STRING)
+ return(FALSE);
+// Call EBI II to get num. of processors
+if (!GetProcCount())
+ return(FALSE);
+// This is an MP hal
+ *IsConfiguredMp = TRUE;
diff --git a/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/astdisp.h b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/astdisp.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..36a78f35c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/astdisp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+Copyright (c) 1992 AST Research Inc.
+Module Name:
+ astdisp.h
+ Display codes for debugging of AST HAL and AST EBI errors.
+ Bob Beard (v-bobb) 25-Jul-1992
+Revision History:
+VOID DisplPanel(ULONG x);
+#ifdef BBTEST
+// Debugging codes 0x00 - 0x9f
+#define HALEnterDetect 0x01
+#define HALASTMachineDetected 0x02
+#define HALBIOSMappedOK 0x03
+#define HALBIOSSignatureOK 0x04
+#define HALEnterEBIInit 0x05
+#define HALInitMMIOTable 0x06
+#define HALExitEBIInit 0x07
+#define HALInitIpi 0x08
+#define HALInitIpiExit 0x09
+#define HALDoRequestIPI 0x0a
+#define HALInitInterrupts 0x0b
+#define HALEnterASTHAL 0x0c
+#define HALExitASTHAL 0x0d
+#define HALEnterInitMp 0x0e
+// Error codes 0xa0 - 0xff
+#define HALSlotProblem 0xa0
+#define HALMMIOProblem 0xa1
+#define HALPhysicalAllocProblem 0xa2
+#define HALEBIInitProblem 0xa3
+#define HALEBIGetProcProblem 0xa4
+#define HALEBINoProcsProblem 0xa5
+#define HALMemoryProblem 0xa6
+#define HALIpiInitVecProblem 0xa7
+#define HALIpiInitIDProblem 0xa8
+#define HALIntSubsystemProblem 0xa9
+#define HALCacheEnableProblem 0xaa
+#define HALSpiInitVecProblem 0xab
+#define HALGetRevisionProblem 0xac
diff --git a/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/astebi.c b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/astebi.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..95903b5a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/astebi.c
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+Copyright (c) 1992 AST Research Inc.
+Module Name:
+ astebi.c
+ NT HAL to AST EBI2 translation file. This file contains routines that
+ convert NT HAL calls to AST EBI2 calls.
+ Bob Beard (v-bobb) 24-Jul-1992
+ Kernel mode only.
+Revision History:
+ Quang Phan (v-quangp) 27-Aug-1992: Moved DisplPanel from astdetct.c
+ into to this module because astdetct is also used for the NT setup
+ program.
+#include "halp.h"
+#include "astebiii.h"
+#include "astdisp.h"
+extern VOID* EBI2_MMIOTable[];
+extern EBI_II EBI2_CallTab;
+#define ALL_IRQS (0x0000fffb)
+#define ALL_PROCS (0xffffffff)
+static UCHAR hex_to_asc(SHORT x)
+ return(x < 0xa ? x+'0' : x-10+'A');
+Routine Description:
+ Initialize the AST Interrupt environment. Called once by P0 during
+ Phase 0.
+ none.
+Return Value:
+ dWord subsystemType;
+ //
+ // Turn off all interrupts while setting the interrupt environment
+ //
+ _asm pushfd
+ _asm cli
+ //
+ // Check to see the type of interrupt subsystem
+ //
+ EBI2_CallTab.GetIntSubsysType( EBI2_MMIOTable, &subsystemType );
+ if ( subsystemType != EBI_INT_SUBSYS_ADI)
+ DisplPanel(HALIntSubsystemProblem);
+ //
+ // Set the IRQ vectors 0 & 8
+ //
+ if ( EBI2_CallTab.SetIRQVectorAssign( EBI2_MMIOTable, 0, IRQ0_VECTOR_BASE) )
+ DisplPanel(HALIntSubsystemProblem);
+ if ( EBI2_CallTab.SetIRQVectorAssign( EBI2_MMIOTable, 8, IRQ0_VECTOR_BASE+8) )
+ DisplPanel(HALIntSubsystemProblem);
+ //
+ // Mask off all Interrupts for All Processors Globally
+ // ( Except chain interrupt, IPI and SPI )
+ //
+ if ( EBI2_CallTab.SetGlobalIntMask( EBI2_MMIOTable, ALL_IRQS) )
+ DisplPanel(HALIntSubsystemProblem);
+ //
+ // Switch to Distributed Interrupt Handling
+ //
+ EBI2_CallTab.SetAdvIntMode( EBI2_MMIOTable );
+ //
+ // Cancel all pending interrupts (except IPI and SPI)
+ //
+ if ( EBI2_CallTab.CancelInterrupt( EBI2_MMIOTable, ALL_IRQS, ALL_PROCS) )
+ DisplPanel(HALIntSubsystemProblem);
+ //
+ // Return interrupts to entry state
+ //
+ _asm popfd
+Routine Description:
+ Enable the internal and external caches of the processor that calls
+ this routine.
+ none.
+Return Value:
+ if ( EBI2_CallTab.DisableRAMCache( EBI2_MMIOTable ) )
+ DisplPanel(HALCacheEnableProblem);
+ if ( EBI2_CallTab.EnableRAMCache( EBI2_MMIOTable ) )
+ DisplPanel(HALCacheEnableProblem);
+DisplPanel(ULONG x)
+Routine Description:
+ Display 2 hex digits on front panel of AST Manhattan. All digits
+ are preceded by a "H " (H blank) to indicate HAL output.
+ A SHORT value to output as hex digits.
+Return Value:
+ none.
+UCHAR digit1,digit2;
+#define DISP_ADR (PUCHAR) 0xec
+#define DISP_DAT (PUCHAR) 0xed
+ digit1 = hex_to_asc((SHORT)((x & 0xf0) >> 4));
+ digit2 = hex_to_asc((SHORT)(x & 0x0f));
+// digit 4
+// digit 3
+// digit 2
+// digit 1
diff --git a/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/ b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3f8343327
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/
@@ -0,0 +1,1227 @@
+; 06/16/92 Added an error message and few equates to help
+; with the UPS LED translation.
+; 06/08/92 Updating EBI II to meet the 2.8 EBI II specification.
+; Adding Multi-threading support for EBI II
+; 5/21/92 Reved version of EBI implementation to 2.8
+; Support for specific EOI.
+; A number of new equates.
+; 4/28/92 MPX updates.
+; Added IRQ0_Vector and IRQ8_Vector to EBI 2 memory
+; structure.
+; created a macro EDI_EBI_MEM_ADD
+; Added an IPI_ID_Valid_Mask
+; 4/17/92
+; Added Bios Time out Bit mask in NMICR
+; Added SMEARRegister entry to the EBI 2 memory structure.
+; 4/15/92 Coding OEM0 function to help NMI generation and
+; debugging.
+; 4/13/92 Updating this module to reflect the new EBI II Spec rel
+; 2.7.
+; All functions will be re-arranged. This file will
+; contain all EBI II functions need for the SCO EFS
+; Implementation. Refer to EBI2STAT.DOC for a
+; condensed list of these functions.
+; 4/2/92 Added more equates, new error messages.
+; 3/20/92 Added new equates and MemTable_To_Edi macro
+; 3/16/92 Adding more EBI 2 functionality to support the SCO
+; EFS implementation.
+; Compilation debugging switches
+DELETED_FUNCTIONS EQU 1 ;a flag to not compile the functions
+ ;that were in an older rev of the
+ ;EBI II spec but no longer are
+ ;needed.
+; Declare Equates
+;Equates for the AST OEM call Set_Irq13_Latch
+SET_IRQ13_LATCH equ 6 ;subfunc#
+IRQ13_LATCH_ON equ 1
+IRQ13_LATCH_OFF equ 0
+; The structure and the definitions for the new local int mask call
+;Function return successfull codes.
+OK equ 0
+NO_MEMORY_ERRORS EQU 4 ;No RAM errors were found
+MEMORY_ERRORS_FOUND EQU 5 ;Hardware detected a RAM error.
+WRONG_GRAPH_MODE EQU 6 ;can not write to Graph Mode in this mode.
+;Function return ERROR codes
+;OEM function error return codes
+;OEM completion codes.
+;NMI and SPI SOURCE equates
+NMI_SRC_NONE EQU 0 ;No source was found
+;1 is reserved.
+NMI_SRC_LOCALSOFTNMI EQU 2 ;Software generated NMI
+NMI_SRC_MEM EQU 3 ;Memory Double bit ECC error
+;5 is reserved.
+NMI_SRC_SYS_PARITY EQU 6 ;System bus Parity, address or data
+NMI_SRC_SYS_TIMEOUT EQU 7 ;System bus timeout.
+NMI_SRC_SHUTDOWN EQU 8 ;Shutdown Button.
+NMI_SRC_ATTENTION EQU 9 ;Attention Button.
+NMI_SRC_EISA_FAIL_SAFE EQU 0BH ;Eisa Fail safe timer error
+NMI_SRC_EISA_SWGEN EQU 0EH ;EISA software generated NMI
+NMI_SRC_SYS_IO EQU 0FH ;System I/O error
+NMI_SRC_MASK EQU 7 ;Mask for bits 0 - 2.
+;Interrupt Subsystem Type
+INT_SUBSYS_EISA EQU 0 ;EISA interrupt subsystem type.
+INT_SUBSYS_ISA EQU 1 ;ISA interrupt subsystem type.
+INT_SUBSYS_ADI EQU 2 ;ADI interrupt subsystem type.
+INT_SUBSYS_MPIC EQU 3 ;MPIC interrupt subsystem type.
+INT_MODE_BYPASS EQU 1 ;Bypass mode flag.
+INT_MODE_ADI EQU 2 ;Advanced Distributed int. mode
+IVR_0_ADR EQU 20H ;I/O port for 8259 Init. Master.
+IVR_8_ADR EQU 0A0H ;I/O port for 8259 Init. Slave.
+IVR_0_EISA_ADR EQU 4D0H ;EISA 8259 I/O port for Master.
+IVR_8_EISA_ADR EQU 4D1H ;EISA 8259 I/O port for Slave.
+IMR_0_ADR EQU 21H ;I/O port address for IRQ 0 - 7
+IMR_8_ADR EQU 0A1H ;I/O prot address for IRQ 8 - 15
+IRQ_MAX EQU 15 ;Highest IRQ number supported.
+ICW1_MASK EQU 11H ;8259 ICW1 settings. Cascade Mode
+ICW3_MASK_MASTER EQU 4 ;8259 ICW3 settings. Slave is on IRQ2
+ICW3_MASK_SLAVE EQU 2 ;8259 ICW3 settings. Slave ID
+ICW4_MASK EQU 1 ;8259 ICW4 settings. 8086 mode, Normal
+ ;EOI, fully nested mode, non buffered.
+OCW2_MASK EQU 60H ;Specific EOI Mask, bit 0-2 should
+ ;be the irq number.
+IRQ2_EOI_MASK EQU 62H ;Mask command to EOI IRQ 2.
+READ_ISR_COM EQU 0BH ;command to 8259 to read ISR
+READ_IRR_COM EQU 0AH ;command to 8259 to read IRR
+MAX_SPI_VECTOR EQU 255 ;Maximum SPI Vector number currently
+ ;supported by our hardware.
+MAX_IPI_VECTOR EQU 255 ;Maximum IPI Vector number currently
+ ;supported by our hardware.
+;EISA EOI registers
+;Bit positions.
+BIT_0 EQU 01H
+BIT_1 EQU 02H
+BIT_2 EQU 04H
+BIT_3 EQU 08H
+BIT_4 EQU 10H
+BIT_5 EQU 20H
+BIT_6 EQU 40H
+BIT_7 EQU 80H
+BIT_8 EQU 0100H
+BIT_9 EQU 0200H
+BIT_10 EQU 0400H
+BIT_11 EQU 0800H
+BIT_12 EQU 1000H
+BIT_13 EQU 2000H
+BIT_14 EQU 4000H
+BIT_15 EQU 8000H
+ ;The Bits that are set(1) indicated that such an interrupt
+ ;is supported in the Interrupt Mask Bitmap Definition.
+CLRSPI EQU BIT_2 ;clear SPI bit in ICR regs.
+ ;bit definition in the ADI for ISR and IRR for following Interrupts.
+TRUE EQU 01H ;Boolean True.
+FALSE EQU 00H ;Boolean False.
+ADIEOI_MASK EQU 40h ;bit 6 of ICR
+IGN_IPI EQU 08h ;IPI ignore bit in the ICR
+SWNMI EQU BIT_0 ;Software NMI bit in NMICR
+IOI_IR EQU BIT_3 ;in IRR register.
+;Type of ECC error from a memory board. This will be the values
+;returned to the caller in the memErrFlags.
+MEM_ERR_PARITY EQU 1 ;memory parity error.
+MEM_ERR_SINGLE_BIT EQU 2 ;memory single bit ECC error.
+MEM_ERR_MULTI_BIT EQU 3 ;memory Multi bit ECC error.
+MEM_ERR_INDETERMINTE EQU 0FFFFFFFFH ;-1 Info requested in indeterminate.
+ONE EQU 1 ;Decimal One.
+SIXTY4_KB EQU 10000H ;64 K Bytes.
+Sixteen_KB EQU 4000H ;16 KB bytes
+ONE_MB EQU 100000H ;1 MB.
+Eight_MB EQU 800000H ;8 MB.
+Sixteen_MB EQU 1000000H ;16 MB.
+Thirty2_MB EQU 2000000H ;32 MB.
+CPUBOARD_SETABLEREGS EQU 10000H ;Offset to the CPU board
+ ;settable registers from
+ ;the base address for the
+ ;slot it currently occupies.
+MEMBOARD_SETABLEREGS EQU 10100H ;Offset to the memory board
+ ;settable registers from the base
+ ;of DISTC address.
+VALID_UPS_LEDCOLORS EQU 3 ;highest color setting
+VALID_OFFSWITCH_MODES EQU 1 ;highest off switch mode setting
+VALID_CACHE_CONTROL_MODES EQU 1 ;highest cache control mode setting
+VALID_FRONT_PANEL_MODES EQU 1 ;highest valid front panel modes.
+ENABLE_FRONT_PANEL_INT EQU 1 ;enable front panel mode command.
+FIRST_PAIR_SIMMS EQU 10H ;Mem Config mask indicating
+SECOND_PAIR_SIMMS EQU 20H ;which pair of SIMMS are
+THIRD_PAIR_SIMMS EQU 40H ;present on the current
+FOURTH_PAIR_SIMMS EQU 80H ;memory board.
+MEM_BOARD_RESERVED EQU 0 ;reseved equate for mem board
+CACHE_READ_ONLY equ 1 ; Selectable cache modes.
+CACHE_WRITE_THRU equ 2 ; Mode 0 is default, which
+CACHE_WRITE_BACK equ 3 ; is NOT readonly and write
+CACHE_READ_WRITE equ 4 ; back.
+ASCII_ALPHA_NUM_DISP equ 1 ; Code for full ASCII display.
+ASCII_ALPHA_NUM_WID equ 4 ; Number of chars on FP disp.
+ATTENTION_MASK equ 20h ; Mask for attention button.
+CACHE_MASK equ 0ch ; Mask for bits 2,3.
+CACHE_RDONLY_MASK equ 4 ; Mask for bit 2 of CMMS reg.
+CACHE_WR_THRU_MASK equ 8 ; Mask for bit 3 of CMMS reg.
+DISABLE_CACHE equ 60000000h ; Set bits 29, 30 of CR0.
+CACHE_MODE_VALID EQU 07H ; valid mode masks.
+CACHE_MODE_MASK EQU 1CH ; CMMS cache mode mask.
+EBI_2_MAJOR equ 02h ; Revision 02.08.01
+EBI_2_MINOR equ 08h ; of the EBI II Specification.
+EBI_2_ZZ equ 01h
+FLUSH_MODE_MASK equ 3 ; Mask for bits 0,1.
+FP_MODE_MASK equ 1 ; Mask for bit 0.
+FP_SHUTDWN equ 80h ; Bit position for shutdown.
+FP_ENABLE_SHUTDOWN EQU 40h ;bit possition for enabling shutdown
+FP_THERMAL_MASK equ 10h ; Mask for bit 4.
+MAX_FP_DIGITS equ 4 ; 4-digit ASCII display.
+MEM_MAP_IO_BASE_ADDR equ 0d0000000h ; Start of hw i/o addresses.
+MEM_MAP_IO_SIZE equ 10000000h ; Size used for hw i/o.
+MEM_MAX_BANKS equ 4 ;max # of banks per mem board.
+MP_SPECIFIC_EOI equ 60h ; Sends specific EOI to PIC.
+FP_INTMODE_DISABLED EQU 0 ;indicates front panel interr
+ ;mode is disabled.
+NUM_KEY_POSITIONS equ 4 ; FP has 4 key positions.
+SHUTDOWN_MASK equ 8 ; Mask for bit 3.
+SHUTDOWN_NMI_SRC equ 8 ; Numerical equiv for OFF btn.
+TIMER_FREQ equ 1000 ; Hard code to 1000 KHz.
+UPS_LED_MASK equ 30h ; Mask for bits 4,5.
+NULL equ 0
+;hardware led setting.
+;EBI II specified led setting.
+CACHE_CONTROL_GRANULARITY EQU 100000H;Current granularity is 1MB
+EBI2_MEM_ENTRY EQU 16 ;This is the entry number for
+ ;EBI II memory in the MMIO
+ ;Table. 0 based table.
+VALID_GRAPH_MODES EQU 2 ;highest graph mode setting
+FP_HISTOGRAM EQU 0H ;currently definied Front
+FP_STATUS EQU 1H ;panel Graph Modes.
+IRQ_0 EQU 0 ;PIC #1 (Master)
+IRQ_1 EQU 1 ;PIC #1 (Master)
+IRQ_2 EQU 2 ;Inaccessable in cascaded PIC system
+IRQ_3 EQU 3 ;PIC #1 (Master)
+IRQ_4 EQU 4 ;PIC #1 (Master)
+IRQ_5 EQU 5 ;PIC #1 (Master)
+IRQ_6 EQU 6 ;PIC #1 (Master)
+IRQ_7 EQU 7 ;PIC #1 (Master)
+IRQ_8 EQU 8 ;PIC #2 (1st slave)
+IRQ_9 EQU 9 ;PIC #2 (1st slave)
+IRQ_10 EQU 10 ;PIC #2 (1st slave)
+IRQ_11 EQU 11 ;PIC #2 (1st slave)
+IRQ_12 EQU 12 ;PIC #2 (1st slave)
+IRQ_13 EQU 13 ;PIC #2 (1st slave)
+IRQ_14 EQU 14 ;PIC #2 (1st slave)
+IRQ_15 EQU 15 ;PIC #2 (1st slave)
+IRQ_16 EQU 16 ;Unused.
+IRQ_17 EQU 17 ;Unused.
+IRQ_18 EQU 18 ;Unused.
+IRQ_19 EQU 19 ;Unused.
+IRQ_20 EQU 20 ;Unused.
+IRQ_21 EQU 21 ;Unused.
+IRQ_22 EQU 22 ;Unused.
+IRQ_23 EQU 23 ;Unused.
+IRQ_24 EQU 24 ;SPI (See below)
+IRQ_25 EQU 25 ;LSI (See below)
+IRQ_26 EQU 26 ;IPI (See below)
+IRQ_27 EQU 27 ;Unused.
+IRQ_28 EQU 28 ;Unused.
+IRQ_29 EQU 29 ;Unused.
+IRQ_30 EQU 30 ;Unused.
+IRQ_31 EQU 31 ;Unused.
+NUM_POWER_SUPPLIES_SUPPORTED EQU 2 ;Current # of power supplies
+ ;supported on a Manhattan.
+PS_0_OK EQU BIT_6 ;Power supply 0 OK
+PS_1_OK EQU BIT_7 ;Power Supply 1 OK
+PS_0_INSTALLED EQU BIT_8 ;Power Supply 0 Installed
+PS_1_INSTALLED EQU BIT_9 ;Power Supply 1 Installed.
+;BIT definitions for the EBI_SEM, a semaphore dword to control
+;access to EBI II multi-threadable functions.
+SEM_EnableRAMCache EQU 1 ;bit 1 of EBI_SEM
+SEM_DisableRAMCache EQU 2
+SEM_FlushRAMCache EQU 3
+SEM_LogProcIdle EQU 4
+SEM_LogProcBusy EQU 5
+SEM_GetPanellAttnSwitch EQU 6
+SEM_GetPanelOffSwitch EQU 7
+SEM_GetNMISource EQU 8
+SEM_NonMaskableIntEOI EQU 9
+SEM_GetSPISource EQU 10
+SEM_MaskableIntEOI EQU 11
+SEM_GetLocalIRQStatus EQU 12
+SEM_GetGLobalIRQStatus EQU 13
+; Declare Structure Templates
+;Interrupt Mask Info.
+EBI2maskInfo struc
+ numPorts dd 0
+ flags dd 0
+ portAddress0 dd 0
+ portAddress1 dd 0
+ portAddress2 dd 0
+ portAddress3 dd 0
+ reserved0 dd 0
+ reserved1 dd 0
+EBI2maskInfo ends
+EBI2_Mstruc struc
+ FP_GraphMode DD ? ;Front Panel Graph Mode
+ FP_IntMode DD ? ;Front Panel Interrupt Mode
+ IntSubSysMode DD ? ;Interrupt subsystem mode
+ SMEARRegister DD ? ;storage for SMEAR
+ IRQ0_Vector DD ? ;Vector number for IRQ0-7
+ IRQ8_Vector DD ? ;and IRQ8-15
+ EBI_SEM DD ? ;Semaphor for Multi-threadable
+ ;functions.
+ EBI_2TEMP DD ? ;temporary location for debug
+ CPU_Activity DB ? ;CPU Activity value.
+ SimPowerFail DB ? ;Set if we are simulate a PFI
+EBI2_Mstruc ends
+parm_list struc
+ ebp_reg dd ? ;EBP register
+ ret_addr_off dd ? ;32 bit function return add.
+ MMIOPtr dd ? ;MMIOPtr
+ parm1dd dd ? ;1st 32 bit parameter
+ parm2dd dd ? ;2nd 32 bit parameter
+ parm3dd dd ? ;3RD 32 bit parameter
+ parm4dd dd ? ;4th 32 bit parameter
+parm_list ends
+;real mode parameter list.
+RMparm_list struc
+ RMebp_reg dw ? ;EBP register
+ RMret_addr dd ? ;32 bit function return add.
+ RMparm1 dd ? ;1st 32 bit parameter
+ RMparm2 dd ? ;2nd 32 bit parameter
+RMparm_list ends
+procConfigData struc
+ processorStatus db ?
+ processorType db ?
+ coprocessorType db ?
+ serialNum DD ?
+ boardRev db ?
+ board_Type db ?
+ manufacturing_1 DB ?
+ manufacturing_2 DB ?
+ manufacturing_3 DB ?
+ manufacturing_4 DB ?
+ manufacturing_5 DB ?
+ manufacturing_6 DB ?
+ manufacturing_7 DB ?
+ manufacturing_8 DB ?
+ board_Info_1 DB ?
+ board_Info_2 DB ?
+ board_Info_3 DB ?
+ board_Info_4 DB ?
+ board_Info_5 DB ?
+ board_Info_6 DB ?
+ board_Info_7 DB ?
+ board_Info_8 DB ?
+ board_Info_9 DB ?
+ board_Info_10 DB ?
+ board_Info_11 DB ?
+ board_Info_12 DB ?
+ board_Info_13 DB ?
+ board_Info_14 DB ?
+ board_Info_15 DB ?
+ board_Info_16 DB ?
+ board_Info_17 DB ?
+ board_Info_18 DB ?
+ board_Info_19 DB ?
+ board_Info_20 DB ?
+ slotNumber DD ?
+procConfigData ends
+SIZE_OF_MEMDESCE EQU 4 ;number of DD entries in MemDescEntry
+SIZE_OF_MMIO_TE EQU 4 ;number of DD in MMIO_Table_Entry
+MMIO_Table_Entry struc
+ slot_add_low DD ? ;physical slot address, lower 32 bits
+ slot_add_high DD ? ;physical slot address, upper 32 bits
+ slot_length DD ? ;length of address space required
+ slot_reserved DD ? ;reserved
+MMIO_Table_Entry ends
+memBankInfo struc
+ bankStartAddr_low DD ?
+ bankStartAddr_high DD ?
+ bankSize DD ?
+ bankECCSoftErrors DD ?
+ bankECCHardErrors DD ?
+ memBankInfoReserved DD ?
+memBankInfo ends
+memBoardInfo struc
+ attributes DD ?
+ numBanks DD ?
+ slotNum DD ?
+ mBI_Reserved DD ?
+memBoardInfo ends
+memoryErrorInfo struc
+ mEI_StartAddr_low DD ?
+ mEI_StartAddr_high DD ?
+ mEI_Length DD ? ;Length of block containing error.
+ mEI_Count DD ? ;Number of errors in this block
+ mEI_memErrFlags DD ? ;Additional info.
+ mEI_slotNumber DD ? ;Physical slot number of board
+ mEI_moduleNumber DD ? ;Module on board experiencing error.
+memoryErrorInfo ends
+cacheContInfo struc
+ cCI_Flags DD ? ;type of regional cache control
+ ;available by this hardware
+ cCI_Granularity DD ? ;Granularity of control region
+ cCI_Reserved DD ? ; ???NULL???
+cacheContInfo ends
+PhysicalAddress struc
+ PhsyAddrLow DD ? ;Lower 32 bits of a 64 Bit
+ ;physical address
+ PhsyAddrHi DD ? ;Upper 32 bits of a 64 bit
+ ;physical address.
+PhysicalAddress ends
+OEM0ParmPacket Struc
+ OEM0_subfunc DD ?
+ OEM0_parm1dd DD ?
+ OEM0_parm2dd DD ?
+ OEM0_parm3dd DD ?
+ OEM0_parm4dd DD ?
+OEM0ParmPacket ends
+revisionCode struc
+ major db ? ;revision number of
+ minor db ? ;EBI II in accordance with
+ ZZ db ? ;AST Revision number specification.
+revisionCode ends
+powerSupplyInfo struc
+ present DD ? ;1 - Supply installed,
+ ;0 - not present
+ onLine DD ? ;1- Supply providing nominal
+ ;power, 0 - no power
+ PSI_Reserved DD ? ;AST reserved.
+powerSupplyInfo ends
+; Declare Macros
+; Macro: ProcTable_To_ESI
+; We need to determine the offset to the begining of proc table.
+; It is a requirement for DS and SS to be the same becuase we are
+; running in a flat model addressing system.
+; we need to determine the current address.
+; we need to determine the difference between the current
+; address and the begining of ProcTable. Keep in mind ProcTable
+; is in a different segment.
+; Then we subtract the difference from the current address and
+; we have an offset that is pointing to the begining of ProcTable.
+; Inputs : name of a near label
+; Outputs : ESI will point to the begining of ProcTableLen
+; Register Usage : ESI
+ProcTable_To_ESI MACRO
+ LOCAL current_add
+ call current_add
+ pop esi ;esi contains the address of the
+ ;current instruciton.
+ push eax
+ mov eax,offset current_add
+ sub eax,offset ProcTableLen ;eax contains the difference between
+ ;our address and begining of PorcTableLen
+ sub esi,eax ;esi is pointing to start of ProcTableLen
+ pop eax
+ ;sub esi,(offset addres- offset ProcTableLen) ;this does not work.
+; Macro: MemDesc_To_ESI
+; We need to determine the offset to the begining of Memory Description table.
+; It is a requirement for DS and SS to be the same becuase we are
+; running in a flat model addressing system.
+; we need to determine the current address.
+; we need to determine the difference between the current
+; address and the begining of MemDescTable. Keep in mind MemDescTable
+; is in a different segment.
+; Then we subtract the difference from the current address and
+; we have an offset that is pointing to the begining of MemDescLen
+; Inputs : name of a near label
+; Outputs : ESI will point to the begining of MemDescLen
+; Register Usage : ESI
+ LOCAL MemDesc_add
+ call MemDesc_add
+ pop esi ;esi contains the address of the
+ ;current instruciton.
+ push eax
+ mov eax,offset MemDesc_add
+ sub eax,offset MemDescLen ;eax contains the difference between
+ ;our address and begining of MemDescLen
+ sub esi,eax ;esi is pointing to start of MemDescLen
+ pop eax
+; Macro: MemDesc_To_SI_16
+; Only in Real Mode or 16 bit protected mode.
+; We need to determine the offset to the begining of Memory Description table.
+; It is a requirement for DS and SS to be the same becuase we are
+; running in a flat model addressing system.
+; we need to determine the current address.
+; we need to determine the difference between the current
+; address and the begining of MemDescTable. Keep in mind MemDescTable
+; is in a different segment.
+; Then we subtract the difference from the current address and
+; we have an offset that is pointing to the begining of MemDescLen
+; Inputs : name of a near label
+; Outputs : SI will point to the begining of MemDescLen
+; Register Usage : SI
+MemDesc_To_SI_16 MACRO
+ LOCAL MemDesc_add_16
+ call MemDesc_add_16
+ pop si ;si contains the address of the
+ ;current instruciton.
+ push eax
+ mov eax,offset MemDesc_add_16
+ sub eax,offset MemDescLen ;ax contains the difference between
+ ;our address and begining of MemDescLen
+ sub si,ax ;si is pointing to start of MemDescLen
+ pop eax
+; Macro: MemTable_To_ESI
+; We need to determine the offset to the begining of Memoryc table.
+; It is a requirement for DS and SS to be the same becuase we are
+; running in a flat model addressing system.
+; we need to determine the current address.
+; we need to determine the difference between the current
+; address and the begining of MemTable. Keep in mind MemTable
+; is in a different segment.
+; Then we subtract the difference from the current address and
+; we have an offset that is pointing to the begining of MemTable.
+; Inputs : name of a near label
+; Outputs : ESI will point to the begining of MemTableLen
+; Register Usage : ESI
+MemTable_To_ESI MACRO
+ LOCAL MemTable_add
+ call MemTable_add
+ pop esi ;esi contains the address of the
+ ;current instruciton.
+ push eax
+ mov eax,offset MemTable_add
+ sub eax,offset MemTableLen ;eax contains the difference between
+ ;our address and begining of MemTableLen
+ sub esi,eax ;esi is pointing to start of MemTableLen
+ pop eax
+MemTable_To_EDI MACRO
+ LOCAL MemTable_add_edi
+ call MemTable_add_edi
+ pop edi ;edi contains the address of the
+ ;current instruciton.
+ push eax
+ mov eax,offset MemTable_add_edi
+ sub eax,offset MemTableLen ;eax contains the difference between
+ ;our address and begining of MemTableLen
+ sub edi,eax ;edi is pointing to start of MemTableLen
+ pop eax
+; Macro: MMIO_Table_To_ESI
+; We need to determine the offset to the begining of MMIO_Table
+; It is a requirement for DS and SS to be the same becuase we are
+; running in a flat model addressing system.
+; we need to determine the current address.
+; we need to determine the difference between the current
+; address and the begining of MMIO_Table. Keep in mind MMIO_Table
+; is in a different segment.
+; Then we subtract the difference from the current address and
+; we have an offset that is pointing to the begining of MMIO_TableLen.
+; Inputs : name of a near label
+; Outputs : ESI will point to the begining of MMIO_TableLen
+; Register Usage : ESI
+ LOCAL MMIOTable_add
+ call MMIOTable_add
+ pop esi ;esi contains the address of the
+ ;current instruciton.
+ push eax
+ mov eax,offset MMIOTable_add
+ sub eax,offset MMIO_TableLen ;eax contains the difference between
+ ;our address and begining of MMIO_TableLen
+ sub esi,eax ;esi is pointing to start of MMIO_TableLen
+ pop eax
+; Macro: OEM0_SubFuncStart_To_ESI
+OEM0_SubFuncStart_To_ESI MACRO
+ LOCAL OEM0_SubFuncStart_add
+ call OEM0_SubFuncStart_add
+ pop esi ;esi contains the address of the
+ ;current instruciton.
+ push eax
+ mov eax,offset OEM0_SubFuncStart_add
+ sub eax,offset OEM0_SubFuncLen
+ ;eax contains the difference between
+ ;our address and begining of OEM0_SubFuncLen
+ sub esi,eax ;esi is pointing to start of OEM0_SubFuncLen
+ pop eax
+; Macro: BaseofROM_To_ESI
+ LOCAL BaseofROM_add
+ call BaseofROM_add
+ pop esi ;esi contains the address of the
+ ;current instruciton.
+ sub esi,offset BaseofROM_add;esi contains the virtual address
+ ;to base of ROM.
+; The following Macro will determine the virtual memory mapped I/O address
+; for a certain slot number.
+; The slot number is passed in EAX, and the virtual address is returned
+; in ESI.
+; Inputs : EBP.parm_list.MMIOPTR
+; EAX slot number.
+; Outputs : ESI will contain the virtual memory mapped I/O address for
+; the specificed slot.
+; Register Usage : ESI and EAX
+; NOTE : For future enhancements or requirements, this macro should
+; only use ESI and EAX and NO OTHER REGISTERS.
+ ;Since MMIOPtr passed by the EBI II caller is a pointer to a
+ ;table containing the virtual address created by the OS for
+ ;the Manhattan memory mapped I/O address space.
+ ;
+ ;The first entry in the table is the virtual address for the
+ ;global (IOSM) MM I/O virtual address.
+ ;setup ESI to point to the MM IO Table provide to us by the
+ ;EBI II caller.
+ mov esi, dword ptr [ebp.parm_list.MMIOPtr]
+ ;eax is now the offset in to the MM IO Table to the virtual
+ ;address of memory mapped I/O for this slot.
+ ;update ESI to containing the virtual address of the memory
+ ;mapped I/O for the callers slot.
+ mov esi,[esi][eax*4]
+; The following Macro will determine the current CPU slot memory
+; mapped I/O address. This value will be returned in ESI.
+; Inputs : EBP.parm_list.MMIOPTR
+; Outputs : ESI will point to the begining of the current slots
+; MM I/O address
+; Register Usage : ESI and EAX
+; NOTE : For future enhancements or requirements, this macro should
+; only use ESI and EAX and NO OTHER REGISTERS.
+ ;Since MMIOPtr passed by the EBI II caller is a pointer to a
+ ;table containing the virtual address created by the OS for
+ ;the Manhattan memory mapped I/O address space.
+ ;
+ ;The first entry in the table is the virtual address for the
+ ;global (IOSM) MM I/O virtual address.
+ ;setup ESI to point to the MM IO Table provide to us by the
+ ;EBI II caller.
+ push eax ;save eax
+ mov esi, dword ptr [ebp.parm_list.MMIOPtr]
+ ;get the first entry from the table, which is the virtual address
+ ;for the global MM IO address space, also known as Slot 0
+ mov eax, [esi]
+ ;determine the caller SLOT number.
+ mov al, byte ptr [eax].G_SlotID
+ NOT al ;invert it back to 1 based.
+ and al,0FH ;clear upper nibble.
+ ;clear the upper 24 bits of eax.
+ and eax,0ffH
+ ;eax is now the offset in to the MM IO Table to the virtual
+ ;address of memory mapped I/O for this slot.
+ ;update ESI to containing the virtual address of the memory
+ ;mapped I/O for the callers slot.
+ mov esi,[esi][eax*4]
+ pop eax
+; The following Macro will determine the Global memory
+; mapped I/O address. This value will be returned in ESI.
+; Inputs : EBP.parm_list.MMIOPTR
+; Outputs : ESI will point to the begining of the Global memory
+; mapped I/O address
+; Register Usage : ESI
+; NOTE : For future enhancements or requirements, this macro should
+; only use ESI and NO OTHER REGISTERS.
+ ;Since MMIOPtr passed by the EBI II caller is a pointer to a
+ ;table containing the virtual address created by the OS for
+ ;the Manhattan memory mapped I/O address space.
+ ;
+ ;The first entry in the table is the virtual address for the
+ ;global (IOSM) MM I/O virtual address.
+ ;setup ESI to point to the MM IO Table provide to us by the
+ ;EBI II caller.
+ mov esi, dword ptr [ebp.parm_list.MMIOPtr]
+ ;get the first entry from the table, which is the virtual address
+ ;for the global MM IO address space, also known as Slot 0
+ mov esi, [esi]
+; The following Macro will determine the virtual memory mapped I/O address
+; for the memory reserved for EBI II.
+; Inputs : EBP.parm_list.MMIOPTR
+; Outputs : ESI will contain the virtual memory mapped I/O address for
+; the memory reserved for EBI II.
+; Register Usage : ESI
+; NOTE : For future enhancements or requirements, this macro should
+ ;Since MMIOPtr passed by the EBI II caller is a pointer to a
+ ;table containing the virtual address created by the OS for
+ ;the Manhattan memory mapped I/O address space.
+ ;
+ ;The first entry in the table is the virtual address for the
+ ;global (IOSM) MM I/O virtual address.
+ ;setup ESI to point to the MM IO Table provide to us by the
+ ;EBI II caller.
+ mov esi, dword ptr [ebp.parm_list.MMIOPtr]
+ ;eax is now the offset in to the MM IO Table to the virtual
+ ;address of memory mapped I/O for this slot.
+ ;update ESI to containing the virtual address of the memory
+ ;mapped I/O for the memory reserved for EBI II.
+ mov esi,dword ptr [esi][EBI2_MEM_ENTRY*4]
+ mov edi, dword ptr [ebp.parm_list.MMIOPtr]
+ ;eax is now the offset in to the MM IO Table to the virtual
+ ;address of memory mapped I/O for this slot.
+ ;update ESI to containing the virtual address of the memory
+ ;mapped I/O for the memory reserved for EBI II.
+ mov edi,dword ptr [edi][EBI2_MEM_ENTRY*4]
+ LOCAL LS_CheckSem,LS_QuickCheck,LS_ProbableSucess
+ LOCAL LS_Sucess
+ push esi ;save esi
+ ESI_EBI_MEM_ADD ;point esi to EBI II memory space.
+ lock bts dword ptr [esi].EBI2_Mstruc.EBI_SEM,SEM_NUM
+ jnc LS_Sucess ;the semaphore was previously not set
+ ;Some one has already locked this semaphore, do a quick check
+ ;hoping for it to free, if we time out then we return with the
+ ;carry set and an error code in eax.
+ push ecx
+ mov ecx, NEGONE
+ bt dword ptr [esi].EBI2_Mstruc.EBI_SEM,SEM_NUM
+ jnc LS_ProbableSucess ;it must have clear, make sure it is so
+ loop LS_QuickCheck ;do another quick check, until ecx is 0
+ ;we must have timeout, in order to prevent a dead lock
+ ;return an error code.
+ pop ecx
+ stc ;set the carry indicating a problem with the macro
+ jmp LS_Sucess ;exit macro.
+ ;the Semaphore seems to have cleared, but we need to make
+ ;sure by doing a lock bts
+ pop ecx
+ jmp LS_CheckSem
+ pop esi
+ push esi ;save esi
+ ESI_EBI_MEM_ADD ;point esi to EBI II memory space.
+ ;clear the semaphore in question.
+ LOCK btr dword ptr [esi].EBI2_Mstruc.EBI_SEM,UN_SEM_NUM
+ pop esi
+; Macro: IODELAY
+ jmp Short $+2
+ jmp Short $+2
+ jmp Short $+2
+ jmp Short $+2
diff --git a/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/astebiii.h b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/astebiii.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..251c200c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/astebiii.h
@@ -0,0 +1,745 @@
+* File: ebi_ii.h - Standard definitions for EBI II interfacing. *
+* *
+* Data structures, defined values and function prototypes for accessing *
+* AST EBI II compliant function libraries. *
+* *
+* By D. Shively II (dash) *
+* *
+* *
+* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
+* Edit history: *
+* *
+* Who Date Comment *
+* ----- -------- ----------------------------------------------- *
+* Dash 10/11/91 Inception *
+* Dash 10/16/91 Version 2.1 *
+* Dash 10/28/91 Version 2.2 *
+* Dash 11/13/91 Version 2.3 *
+* Dash 12/03/91 Version 2.4 *
+* Dash 12/13/91 Version 2.4a *
+* Dash 12/17/91 Version 2.4b *
+* Dash 12/20/91 Version 2.4c *
+* Dash 1/02/92 Version 2.5 *
+* Dash 2/10/92 Version 2.5a (Note: was previously erroneously 2.6) *
+* Dash & *
+* rossw 3/03/92 Version 2.6 *
+* Dash 4/14/92 Version 2.7 *
+* Dash 4/26/92 Version 2.7.01 *
+* Dash 4/30/92 Version 2.7.02 *
+* Dash 6/02/92 Version 2.8 *
+* Dash 9/21/92 Version 2.9 *
+* *
+#ifndef EBI_II_H
+#define EBI_II_H
+ * Portable data type definitions
+ */
+typedef unsigned char byte; // 8-bit quantity
+typedef unsigned short word; // 16-bit quantity
+typedef unsigned long dWord; // 32-bit quantity
+typedef long status; // Completion status return data type
+ * The structure and the definitions for the new local int mask call
+ */
+#define PORT_TYPE_MASK (3)
+#define PORT_TYPE_MEMORY (0)
+#define PORT_TYPE_IO (1)
+#define PORT_WIDTH_MASK (0x1C)
+#define EIGHT_BIT_PORTS (0)
+#define SIXTEEN_BIT_PORTS (4)
+#define THIRTY_TWO_BIT_PORT (8)
+typedef struct {
+ dWord numPorts;
+ dWord flags;
+ dWord portAddress[4];
+ dWord reserved[2];
+} maskInfo;
+ * Macro to convert a segmented real mode address into a linear
+ * physical address.
+ */
+#define REAL_TO_LIN(seg,off) ((seg << 4) + off)
+ * The EBI II signature is located in the BIOS segment at offset
+ * EBI_II_SIGNATURE. Thus, to derive it's linear address we
+ */
+#define BIOS_SEG (0xf000)
+#define EBI_II_SIGNATURE (0xffe2)
+ * Data structure defining EBI II signature/pointer area.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ char sig[4]; // Signature string: literally "EBI2"
+ word seg; // Real mode segment
+ word off; // Real mode offset
+} ebi_iiSig;
+ * System board control register defines
+ */
+#define CFRAM_BIT 0x2
+#define CFRAM_OFFSET 0x20000
+#define CMMS_BIT 0x3
+#define CMMS_OFFSET 0x10008L
+#define CMAS_BIT 0x1F
+#define CMAS_OFFSET 0x10010L
+#define MEMSLOT_BASEADDR 0xD0000000
+#define CPU_BOARD 0x10000L
+#define CMCR_OFFSET 0x178L
+#define BRSEL_BIT 0x40
+#define IBSR01_OFFSET 0x118L
+#define ICR_OFFSET 0x128L
+ * EBI II function completion codes. Non-error values are zero
+ * or greater. Erroneous results are less than zero.
+ */
+#define OK (0)
+#define PROC_RUNNING (1)
+#define PROC_STOPPED (2)
+#define NO_CACHE (3)
+#define NO_MEMORY_ERRORS (4)
+#define EMPTY_MEMORY_BANK (10000)
+#define BAD (-1)
+#define ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED (-2)
+#define ERR_NONESUCH (-3)
+#define ERR_BAD_PROC_ID (-4)
+#define ERR_PROC_ABSENT (-5)
+#define ERR_PROC_BAD (-6)
+#define ERR_UNKNOWN_INT (-7)
+#define ERR_BAD_CHARS (-9)
+#define ERR_BAD_SELECTOR (-10)
+#define ERR_BAD_CACHE_MODE (-11)
+#define ERR_BAD_VECTOR (-12)
+#define ERR_BAD_COLOR (-13)
+#define ERR_BAD_GRAPH_MODE (-14)
+#define ERR_BAD_BOARD_NUM (-15)
+#define ERR_BAD_MODULE_NUM (-16)
+#define ERR_BAD_IRQ_NUM (-17)
+#define ERR_BAD_OFFSWITCH (-18)
+#define ERR_BAD_PHYS_ADDR (-19)
+#define ERR_BAD_LENGTH (-20)
+#define ERR_BAD_BLOCK_NUM (-21)
+#define ERR_BAD_GLOB_MASK_IRQ (-22)
+#define ERR_BAD_LOC_MASK_IRQ (-23)
+#define ERR_CANT_CANCEL_INT (-24)
+#define ERR_POWER_SUPPLY_NUM (-26)
+#define ERR_BAD_VIS_MODE (-27)
+#define IsOK(n) ( n >= OK )
+#define IsBad(n) ( n < OK )
+ * Independent hardware manufacturers and OEMs are allowed to define
+ * function extensions to the calling system in the OEM function array
+ * at the end of the ebi_ii structure. To avoid collisions in OEM
+ * specified completion/error codes, use the following system:
+ * To define a non-error completion code, define it as:
+ * #define name OEMCompCode(OEMNum,sequenceNum)
+ *
+ * Define an error code as:
+ * #define name OEMErrorCode( OEMNum,sequenceNum)
+ *
+ * Where:
+ *
+ * OEMNum The OEM number assigned you by AST (if you don't
+ * have one, contact them. Really, go ahead.) For
+ * example, AST themselves are OEM #0.
+ *
+ * sequenceNum The conditions sequential number. I.e.- the
+ * 1st condition defined is 0, then next 1, etc.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * AST uses the following definition in it's OEM include file, astoem.h:
+ *
+ * #define ERR_BAD_COM2_OVERRIDE OEMErrorCode(0,-1)
+ *
+ * (See astoem.h for additional examples.)
+ */
+ * Macros for OEM completion code definition.
+ */
+#define EBI2_OEM_COMP_CODE_BASE (65536L)
+#define EBI2_OEM_ERR_CODE_BASE (-65536L)
+#define EBI2_OEM_COMP_CODE_GAP (65536L)
+#define OEMCompCode(OEMNum,sequenceNum) \
+ + sequenceNum )
+#define OEMErrorCode(OEMNum,sequenceNum) \
+ - sequenceNum )
+ * Processor configuration data table
+ */
+typedef struct procConfigData {
+ byte processorStatus; // See Table 3
+ byte processorType; // See Table 4
+ byte coprocessorType; // See Table 6
+ byte serialNum[4]; // Packed BCD board serial number
+ byte boardRev; // 2 byte Hex board revision
+ byte boardType; // See table 5
+ byte manufacturing[8]; // Unused bytes, NULL filled
+ byte boardInfo[20]; // Board specific info, format
+ // to be defined
+ dWord slotNumber; // Physical slot this board occupies
+} procConfigData;
+ * ProcessorType codes
+ */
+#define PTYPE_80386 (0x10) // Intel family of processors
+#define PTYPE_80486 (0x11)
+#define PTYPE_80586 (0x12)
+#define PTYPE_80686 (0x13)
+#define PTYPE_80786 (0x14)
+#define PTYPE_SPARC (0x20) // Sun SPARC type processor
+#define PTYPE_MIPS4000 (0x30) // Mips
+#define PTYPE_MIPS5000 (0x31)
+#define PTYPE_68030 (0x40) // Motorola 68000 family
+#define PTYPE_68040 (0x41)
+#define PTYPE_68050 (0x42)
+#define PTYPE_88000 (0x50) // Motorola 88000 RISC family
+#define PTYPE_88110 (0x51)
+#define PTYPE_34010 (0x60) // TI 34000 graphics processor family
+#define PTYPE_34020 (0x61)
+#define PTYPE_34030 (0x62)
+#define PTYPE_R6000 (0x70) // IBM
+#define PTYPE_80860 (0x80) // Intel i860 RISC processor family
+#define PTYPE_80960 (0x81)
+ * ProcessorStatus codes
+ */
+#define PSTAT_ABSENT (0)
+#define PSTAT_RUNNING (1)
+#define PSTAT_RESET (2)
+#define PSTAT_FAULT (0x0f)
+ * coprocessorType codes
+ */
+#define CPTYPE_387 (0x10) // Intel type coprocessor family
+#define CPTYPE_487 (0x11)
+#define CPTYPE_587 (0x12)
+#define CPTYPE_3167 (0x20) // Weitek coprocessors for 80x86 processors
+#define CPTYPE_4167 (0x21)
+#define CPTYPE_5167 (0x22)
+#define CPTYPE_68881 (0x30) // Motorola mathco's
+#define CPTYPE_68882 (0x31)
+#define CPTYPE_34081 (0x40) // Floating point coprocessors for TI 34000
+#define CPTYPE_34082 (0x41) // family
+ * ProcessorGraph mode values
+ */
+#define HISTO_MODE 0 // Histogram mode
+#define STATUS_MODE 1
+#define OVERRIDE_MODE 2
+ * Define data type for a 64-bit linear physical address.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ dWord low;
+ dWord high;
+} physAddr;
+ * Define cache mode values
+ */
+#define ENABLE_CACHE (0)
+#define DISABLE_CACHE (4)
+#define AUTO_WRITE_THRU (0)
+#define FORCE_WRITE_THRU (2)
+#define AUTO_READ_ONLY (0)
+#define FORCE_READ_ONLY (1)
+ * cache region control word values
+ */
+ * The Cache control information structure; returned GetCacheControlInfo().
+ */
+typedef struct cacheControlInfo {
+ dWord flags; // See table 9.
+ dWord controlGranularity; // In bytes.
+} cacheControlInfo;
+typedef struct {
+ dWord r_eax;
+ dWord r_ebx;
+ dWord r_ecx;
+ dWord r_edx;
+ dWord r_edi;
+ dWord r_esi;
+ dWord r_ebp;
+} poss_regs;
+ * memoryBlockInfo definition
+ */
+typedef struct memoryBlockInfo {
+ physAddr blockStartAddr; // Start address of this memory block
+ dWord blockSize; // Size of this block
+ dWord blockAttributes; // Attributes of this block
+} memoryBlockInfo;
+ * Module attribute bit definitions and macros. Also used on
+ * GetMemBankInfoPacket (See astoem.h).
+ */
+#define RAM_WIDTH_MASK (0x0f)
+#define extractRAMWidth(n) ((n) & RAM_WIDTH_MASK )
+#define RAM_PRESENT (0x10)
+#define ECC_PRESENT (0x100)
+#define INTERLEAVED (0x200)
+#define BIT_MODE_MASK (0xfc00)
+#define BIT_MODE_64 (0)
+#define BIT_MODE_128 (0x400)
+#define extractBitMode(n) ((n) & BIT_MODE_MASK)
+ * memoryErrorInfo definition
+ */
+typedef struct memoryErrorInfo {
+ physAddr location; // Location of block containing error
+ dWord length; // Length of block containing errors in bytes
+ dWord count; // Number of errors in this block
+ dWord memErrFlags; // Additional info; see definitions below and Table 20
+ dWord slotNumber; // Physical slot number of board experiencing error
+ dWord moduleNumber; // Module on board experiencing error
+} memoryErrorInfo;
+ * memErrFlags bits definitions
+ */
+#define MEM_ERR_TYPE_MASK 0x0f
+#define MEM_NO_ERROR (0)
+#define MEM_ERR_PARITY (1)
+ * Front panel UPS light color codes
+ */
+#define UPS_COLOR_DARK (0)
+#define UPS_COLOR_GREEN (2)
+#define UPS_COLOR_AMBER (3)
+#define UPS_COLOR_RED (1)
+ * Font panel key position codes
+ */
+#define KEY_POS_LOCKED 0
+#define KEY_POS_SERVICE 1
+#define KEY_POS_OFF 3
+ * The EBI II revision code structure
+ */
+typedef struct revisionCode {
+ byte major; // EBI II revision major number (the XX in XX.YY)
+ byte minor; // EBI II revision minor number (the YY in XX.YY)
+ byte RESERVED;
+} revisionCode;
+ * Define data type describing the in ROM offset table.
+ */
+typedef dWord offsetTable[128]; // Unresolved BIOS offset table
+ * IOInfoTable structure. The address of such a table must be
+ * provided during virtually any EBI II call.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ physAddr address; // Physical address of this slot's I/O area
+ dWord length; // Length of area, or 0 if no I/O area
+ dWord flags; // Allocation type flags} IOInfoTable;
+} IOInfoTable;
+#define ALLOCATE_RAM (1) // Only one bit used so far
+ * NMI and SPI Source constants
+ */
+#define NMI_NONE_FOUND (0)
+// RESERVED (1)
+#define NMI_SW_GEN_NMI (2)
+#define NMI_MEMORY_ERROR (3)
+#define NMI_PROC_ERROR (4)
+// RESERVED (5)
+#define NMI_BUS_PARITY (6)
+#define NMI_BUS_TIMEOUT (7)
+#define NMI_FP_SHUTDOWN (8)
+#define NMI_FP_ATTENTION (9)
+#define NMI_POWERFAIL (10)
+#define NMI_EISA_BUS_TIMEOUT (12)
+#define NMI_EISA_IO_CHECK (13)
+#define NMI_EISA_SW_GEN_NMI (14)
+#define NMI_SYS_IO_ERROR (15)
+#define OEM_NMI_BASE (0x10000000L)
+#define OEM_NMI_GAP (0x01000000L)
+#define OEM_NMI_NUM(OEM,NMI_NUM) ( \
+ (OEM_NMI_GAP * OEM) + \
+ )
+#define SPI_NONE_FOUND (0)
+// RESERVED (1)
+// RESERVED (2)
+#define SPI_MEMORY_ERROR (3)
+#define SPI_PROC_ERROR (4)
+// RESERVED (5)
+#define SPI_BUS_PARITY (6)
+#define SPI_BUS_TIMEOUT (7)
+#define SPI_FP_SHUTDOWN (8)
+#define SPI_FP_ATTENTION (9)
+#define SPI_POWERFAIL (10)
+#define SPI_EISA_BUS_TIMEOUT (12)
+#define SPI_EISA_IO_CHECK (13)
+#define SPI_EISA_SW_GEN_NMI (14)
+#define SPI_SYS_IO_ERROR (15)
+#define OEM_SPI_BASE (0x10000000L)
+#define OEM_SPI_GAP (0x01000000L)
+#define OEM_SPI_NUM(OEM,SPI_NUM) ( \
+ (OEM_SPI_GAP * OEM) + \
+ )
+ * Front panel OFF switch mode constants
+ */
+#define OFF_SWITCH_NMI (0)
+ * Interrupt subsystem typecodes
+ */
+#define EBI_INT_SUBSYS_EISA (0)
+#define EBI_INT_SUBSYS_ISA (1)
+#define EBI_INT_SUBSYS_ADI (2)
+#define EBI_INT_SUBSYS_MPIC (3)
+ * IRQ numbers.
+ */
+#define EBI_IRQ0 (0L) // PIC #1 (Master)
+#define EBI_IRQ1 (1L) // PIC #1 (Master)
+#define EBI_IRQ2 (2L) // Inaccessable in cascaded PIC system
+#define EBI_IRQ3 (3L) // PIC #1 (Master)
+#define EBI_IRQ4 (4L) // PIC #1 (Master)
+#define EBI_IRQ5 (5L) // PIC #1 (Master)
+#define EBI_IRQ6 (6L) // PIC #1 (Master)
+#define EBI_IRQ7 (7L) // PIC #1 (Master)
+#define EBI_IRQ8 (8L) // PIC #2 (1st slave)
+#define EBI_IRQ9 (9L) // PIC #2 (1st slave)
+#define EBI_IRQ10 (10L) // PIC #2 (1st slave)
+#define EBI_IRQ11 (11L) // PIC #2 (1st slave)
+#define EBI_IRQ12 (12L) // PIC #2 (1st slave)
+#define EBI_IRQ13 (13L) // PIC #2 (1st slave)
+#define EBI_IRQ14 (14L) // PIC #2 (1st slave)
+#define EBI_IRQ15 (15L) // PIC #2 (1st slave)
+#define EBI_IRQ16 (16L) // PIC #3 (2nd slave)
+#define EBI_IRQ17 (17L) // PIC #3 (2nd slave)
+#define EBI_IRQ18 (18L) // PIC #3 (2nd slave)
+#define EBI_IRQ19 (19L) // PIC #3 (2nd slave)
+#define EBI_IRQ20 (20L) // PIC #3 (2nd slave)
+#define EBI_IRQ21 (21L) // PIC #3 (2nd slave)
+#define EBI_IRQ22 (22L) // PIC #3 (2nd slave)
+#define EBI_IRQ23 (23L) // PIC #3 (2nd slave)
+#define EBI_IRQ24 (24L) // SPI (See below)
+#define EBI_IRQ25 (25L) // LSI (See below)
+#define EBI_IRQ26 (26L) // IPI (See below)
+#define EBI_IRQ27 (27L) // Reserved
+#define EBI_IRQ28 (28L) // Reserved
+#define EBI_IRQ29 (29L) // Reserved
+#define EBI_IRQ30 (30L) // Reserved
+#define EBI_IRQ31 (31L) // Reserved
+#define EBI_SPI_IRQ (EBI_IRQ24)
+#define EBI_LSI_IRQ (EBI_IRQ25)
+#define EBI_IPI_IRQ (EBI_IRQ26)
+#define EBI_IRQBIT0 (0x1L) // PIC #1 (Master)
+#define EBI_IRQBIT1 (0x2L) // PIC #1 (Master)
+#define EBI_IRQBIT2 (0x4L) // Inaccessable in cascaded PIC system
+#define EBI_IRQBIT3 (0x8L) // PIC #1 (Master)
+#define EBI_IRQBIT4 (0x10L) // PIC #1 (Master)
+#define EBI_IRQBIT5 (0x20L) // PIC #1 (Master)
+#define EBI_IRQBIT6 (0x40L) // PIC #1 (Master)
+#define EBI_IRQBIT7 (0x80L) // PIC #1 (Master)
+#define EBI_IRQBIT8 (0x100L) // PIC #2 (1st slave)
+#define EBI_IRQBIT9 (0x200L) // PIC #2 (1st slave)
+#define EBI_IRQBIT10 (0x400L) // PIC #2 (1st slave)
+#define EBI_IRQBIT11 (0x800L) // PIC #2 (1st slave)
+#define EBI_IRQBIT12 (0x1000L) // PIC #2 (1st slave)
+#define EBI_IRQBIT13 (0x2000L) // PIC #2 (1st slave)
+#define EBI_IRQBIT14 (0x4000L) // PIC #2 (1st slave)
+#define EBI_IRQBIT15 (0x8000L) // PIC #2 (1st slave)
+#define EBI_IRQBIT16 (0x10000L) // PIC #3 (2nd slave)
+#define EBI_IRQBIT17 (0x20000L) // PIC #3 (2nd slave)
+#define EBI_IRQBIT18 (0x40000L) // PIC #3 (2nd slave)
+#define EBI_IRQBIT19 (0x80000L) // PIC #3 (2nd slave)
+#define EBI_IRQBIT20 (0x100000L) // PIC #3 (2nd slave)
+#define EBI_IRQBIT21 (0x200000L) // PIC #3 (2nd slave)
+#define EBI_IRQBIT22 (0x400000L) // PIC #3 (2nd slave)
+#define EBI_IRQBIT23 (0x800000L) // PIC #3 (2nd slave)
+#define EBI_IRQBIT24 (0x1000000L) // SPI (See below)
+#define EBI_IRQBIT25 (0x2000000L) // LSI (See below)
+#define EBI_IRQBIT26 (0x4000000L) // IPI (See below)
+#define EBI_IRQBIT27 (0x8000000L) // Reserved
+#define EBI_IRQBIT28 (0x10000000L) // Reserved
+#define EBI_IRQBIT29 (0x20000000L) // Reserved
+#define EBI_IRQBIT30 (0x40000000L) // Reserved
+#define EBI_IRQBIT31 (0x80000000L) // Reserved
+ * Constants used in powerSupplyInfo.present and onLine (See Below)
+ */
+ * Power supply information structure.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ dWord present; // 1 - Supply installed, 0 - absent
+ dWord onLine; // 1 - Supply providing nominal power, 0 - no power provided
+ dWord RESERVED[8]; // Unused at this time, reserved by AST
+} powerSupplyInfo;
+ * Front panel switch visibility values
+ */
+ * 32-bit protected mode EBI II call structure. This structure is built
+ * based on the ROM offset table.
+ * Calls are made thusly:
+ *
+ * EBI_II callTab;
+ * void *MMIOTable;
+ * dWord numProcs;
+ *
+ * retStat = (callTab.GetNumProcs)( MMIOTable, &numProcsPtr );
+ */
+typedef struct EBI_II {
+ status (__cdecl *GetNumProcs)( void *MMIOTable, dWord *numProcs ); // 1
+ status (__cdecl *GetProcConf)( void *MMIOTable,
+ dWord processorID,
+ procConfigData *configData ); // 2
+ status (__cdecl *StartProc)( void *MMIOTable, dWord processorID ); // 3
+ status (__cdecl *StopProc)( void *MMIOTable, dWord processorID ); // 4
+ status (__cdecl *GetProcID)( void *MMIOTable, dWord *processorID ); // 5
+ status (__cdecl *EnableRAMCache)( void *MMIOTable ); // 6
+ status (__cdecl *DisableRAMCache)( void *MMIOTable ); // 7
+ status (__cdecl *FlushRAMCache)( void *MMIOTable, dWord flushType ); // 8
+ status (__cdecl *ControlCacheRegion)( void *MMIOTable,
+ dWord control,
+ physAddr start,
+ dWord length ); // 9
+ status (__cdecl *GetCacheControlInfo)( void *MMIOTable,
+ cacheControlInfo *info ); // 10
+ status (__cdecl *SetPanelUPS)( void *MMIOTable, dWord LEDColor ); // 11
+ status (__cdecl *GetPanelUPS)( void *MMIOTable, dWord *LEDColor ); // 12
+ status (__cdecl *SetPanelProcGraphMode)( void *MMIOTable,
+ dWord displayMode ); // 13
+ status (__cdecl *GetPanelProcGraphMode)( void *MMIOTable,
+ dWord *displayMode ); // 14
+ status (__cdecl *SetPanelProcGraphValue)( void *MMIOTable, dWord value ); // 15
+ status (__cdecl *GetPanelProcGraphValue)( void *MMIOTable, dWord *value ); // 16
+ status (__cdecl *LogProcIdle)( void *MMIOTable ); // 17
+ status (__cdecl *LogProcBusy)( void *MMIOTable ); // 18
+ status (__cdecl *GetPanelAttnSwitchLatch)( void *MMIOTable, dWord *latch ); // 19
+ status (__cdecl *GetPanelOffSwitchLatch)( void *MMIOTable, dWord *latch ); // 20
+ status (__cdecl *GetPanelKeyPos)( void *MMIOTable, dWord *keyPos ); // 21
+ status (__cdecl *GetPanelAlphaNumInfo)( void *MMIOTable,
+ dWord *displayType,
+ dWord *width ); // 22
+ status (__cdecl *GetPanelAlphaNum)( void *MMIOTable, byte *contents ); // 23
+ status (__cdecl *SetPanelAlphaNum)( void *MMIOTable, byte *string ); // 24
+ status (__cdecl *SetPanelOffSwitchMode)( void *MMIOTable, dWord mode ); // 25
+ status (__cdecl *GetPanelOffSwitchMode)( void *MMIOTable, dWord *mode ); // 26
+ status (__cdecl *GetIntSubsysType)( void *MMIOTable, dWord *subsystemType ); // 27
+ status (__cdecl *SetGlobalIntMask)( void *MMIOTable, dWord mask ); // 28
+ status (__cdecl *GetGlobalIntMask)( void *MMIOTable, dWord *mask ); // 29
+ status (__cdecl *SetLocalIntMask)( void *MMIOTable,
+ dWord mask,
+ dWord processorID ); // 30
+ status (__cdecl *GetLocalIntMask)( void *MMIOTable,
+ dWord *mask,
+ dWord processorID ); // 31
+ status (__cdecl *SetAdvIntMode)( void *MMIOTable ); // 32
+ status (__cdecl *SetIRQVectorAssign)( void *MMIOTable,
+ dWord IRQNum,
+ dWord vectorNum ); // 33
+ status (__cdecl *GetIRQVectorAssign)( void *MMIOTable,
+ dWord IRQNum,
+ dWord *vectorNum ); // 34
+ status (__cdecl *GetNumPowerSupplies)( void *MMIOTable,
+ dWord *numSupplies ); // 35
+ status (__cdecl *GetPowerSupplyInfo)( void *MMIOTable,
+ dWord supplyNum,
+ powerSupplyInfo *info ); // 36
+ status (__cdecl *DeInitEBI)( void *MMIOTable ); // 37
+ status (__cdecl *SetLSIVector)( void *MMIOTable,
+ dWord processorID,
+ dWord vector ); // 38
+ status (__cdecl *GetLSIVector)( void *MMIOTable,
+ dWord processorID,
+ dWord *vector ); // 39
+ status (__cdecl *SetSPIVector)( void *MMIOTable,
+ dWord processorID,
+ dWord vector ); // 40
+ status (__cdecl *GetSPIVector)( void *MMIOTable,
+ dWord processorID,
+ dWord *vector ); // 41
+ status (__cdecl *SetIPIVector)( void *MMIOTable,
+ dWord processorID,
+ dWord vector ); // 42
+ status (__cdecl *GetIPIVector)( void *MMIOTable,
+ dWord processorID,
+ dWord *vector ); // 43
+ status (__cdecl *SetIPIID)( void *MMIOTable, dWord processorID, dWord ID ); // 44
+ status (__cdecl *GetIPIID)( void *MMIOTable, dWord processorID, dWord *ID ); // 45
+ status (__cdecl *GenIPI)( void *MMIOTable, dWord ID ); // 46
+ status (__cdecl *GenLSI)( void *MMIOTable ); // 47
+ status (__cdecl *GetNMISource)( void *MMIOTable, dWord *NMISource ); // 48
+ status (__cdecl *GetSPISource)( void *MMIOTable, dWord *SPISource ); // 49
+ status (__cdecl *GetLocalIRQStatus)( void *MMIOTable,
+ dWord processorID,
+ dWord *inService,
+ dWord *requested ); // 50
+ status (__cdecl *MaskableIntEOI)( void *MMIOTable, dWord intNum ); // 51
+ status (__cdecl *NonMaskableIntEOI)( void *MMIOTable ); // 52
+ status (__cdecl *CancelInterrupt)( void *MMIOTable,
+ dWord mask,
+ dWord processorID ); // 53
+ status (__cdecl *GetSysTimer)( void *MMIOTable, dWord *timerValue ); // 54
+ status (__cdecl *GetSysTimerFreq)( void *MMIOTable, dWord *frequency ); // 55
+ status (__cdecl *GetNumMemBlocks)( void *MMIOTable, dWord *numBlocks ); // 56
+ dWord GetNumMemBlocks16; // Not accessable in protected mode // 57
+ status (__cdecl *GetMemBlockInfo)( void *MMIOTable,
+ memoryBlockInfo *blockInfo,
+ dWord blockNum ); // 58
+ dWord GetMemBlockInfo16; // Not accessable in protected mode // 59
+ status (__cdecl *GetMemErrorInfo)( void *MMIOTable, memoryErrorInfo *info ); // 60
+ status (__cdecl *GetRevision)( void *MMIOTable, revisionCode *rev ); // 61
+ status (__cdecl *GetNumSlots)( dWord *numSlots ); // 62
+ status (__cdecl *GetMMIOTable)( IOInfoTable *infoTable ); // 63
+ status (__cdecl *InitEBI)( void *MMIOTable ); // 64
+ status (__cdecl *GetThermalState)( void *MMIOTable, dWord *temperature ); // 65
+ status (__cdecl *ShutdownPowerSupply)( void *MMIOTable ); // 66
+ status (__cdecl *SimulatePowerFail)( void *MMIOTable,
+ dWord processorID ); // 67
+ status (__cdecl *SetPanelSwitchVisibility)( void *MMIOTable, dWord mode ); // 68
+ status (__cdecl *GetPanelSwitchVisibility)( void *MMIOTable, dWord *mode ); // 69
+ status (__cdecl *GetGlobalIRQStatus)( void *MMIOTable,
+ dWord *inService,
+ dWord *requested ); // 70
+ status (__cdecl *FastSetLocalIntMask)( dWord handle, dWord mask ); // 71
+ status (__cdecl *GetProcIntHandle)( void *MMIOTable,
+ dWord processorID,
+ dWord *handle ); // 72
+ status (__cdecl *RegSetLocalIntMask)(); //73
+ status (__cdecl *GetLocalIntMaskInfo)( void *MMIOTable, //74
+ maskInfo *info,
+ dWord proccessorID );
+ status (__cdecl *ASTx[22])( void *MMIOTable, ... ); // 75..96
+ status (__cdecl *OEM[32])( void *MMIOTable, ... ); // 97..128
+} EBI_II;
+/* ----------------------- End of ebi_ii.h ----------------------- */
diff --git a/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/astebini.c b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/astebini.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5984377d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/astebini.c
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+Copyright (c) 1992 AST Research Inc.
+Module Name:
+ astebini.c
+ Initialization code for AST Manhattan system.
+ Bob Beard (v-bobb) 24-Jul-1992
+ Kernel mode only.
+Revision History:
+#ifndef _NTOS_
+#include "nthal.h"
+#include "halp.h"
+#include "astebiii.h"
+#include "astdisp.h"
+VOID DisplPanel(ULONG x);
+extern PVOID BiosPtr;
+// *** temporary way to do MMIOTable & EbiMemory
+#define MAX_EBI_SLOTS 32L
+#define MAX_EBI_MEMORY 1024L
+static UCHAR EbiMemory[MAX_EBI_MEMORY];
+// EBI Revision
+revisionCode EBI2_revision;
+// Number of good processors in the system
+ULONG EBI2_ProcCnt;
+ULONG MpCount; // zero based version for HalStartNextProcessor
+// EBI_II function offset table
+extern EBI_II EBI2_CallTab;
+Routine Description:
+ Initialize the AST EBI II environment. Only called if an AST machine
+ with EBI II capability. Gets table of EBI II call addresses in ebi_call_table.
+ Sets up EBI2_MMIOTable (EBI II Memory Mapped I/O Table).
+ none.
+Return Value:
+ True if EBI II successfully initialized. False otherwise.
+//ULONG *Alias = (ULONG *)&EBI2_CallTab;
+//ebi_iiSig *Sig = (ebi_iiSig*)((ULONG)BiosPtr + EBI_II_SIGNATURE);
+//ULONG *OffTab;
+dWord NumSlots;
+ULONG Pages;
+procConfigData ConfigData;
+ULONG ProcCount;
+//*** v-quangp: This table is already build at astdetct.c **
+// Build the EBI II offset table
+// OffTab =(ULONG *) ((ULONG)BiosPtr + (REAL_TO_LIN(Sig->seg,Sig->off) -
+// for( i = 0; i < ( sizeof( offsetTable ) / sizeof( ULONG )); i++ )
+// Alias[i] = OffTab[i] + (ULONG)BiosPtr;
+// Get the number of "slots" (logical address spaces)
+EBI2_CallTab.GetNumSlots( &NumSlots );
+if (NumSlots > MAX_EBI_SLOTS)
+ { DisplPanel(HALSlotProblem); return(FALSE); }
+// Get the Memory Mapped I/O Information
+if ( (EBI2_CallTab.GetMMIOTable( IOInfo )))
+ { DisplPanel(HALMMIOProblem); return(FALSE); }
+for( i = 0; i < NumSlots; i++ )
+ if( IOInfo[i].length ) {
+// Allocate some memory for EBI II
+ if ( IOInfo[i].flags & ALLOCATE_RAM )
+ { if (IOInfo[i].length > MAX_EBI_MEMORY)
+ { DisplPanel(HALMemoryProblem); return(FALSE); }
+ EBI2_MMIOTable[i] = EbiMemory;
+ }
+// Allocate a virtual address spanning the memory mapped I/O range
+// for a given slot.
+ else {
+ Pages = IOInfo[i].length / PAGE_SIZE;
+ if ( IOInfo[i].length % PAGE_SIZE )
+ Pages++;
+ EBI2_MMIOTable[i] = HalpMapPhysicalMemory( (PVOID)IOInfo[i].address.low, Pages );
+ if ( EBI2_MMIOTable[i] == NULL )
+ { DisplPanel(HALPhysicalAllocProblem); return(FALSE); }
+ }
+ }
+// Initialize EBI II
+ if ( (EBI2_CallTab.InitEBI)( EBI2_MMIOTable ) )
+ { DisplPanel(HALEBIInitProblem); return(FALSE); }
+// Put NT on the front panel display
+ EBI2_CallTab.SetPanelAlphaNum( EBI2_MMIOTable, " NT ");
+// Find out the number of good processors
+ if ( (EBI2_CallTab.GetNumProcs)( EBI2_MMIOTable, &ProcCount ) )
+ { DisplPanel(HALEBIGetProcProblem); return(FALSE); }
+ EBI2_ProcCnt = ProcCount;
+ for (i=0; i<ProcCount; i++)
+ if ( (EBI2_CallTab.GetProcConf)( EBI2_MMIOTable, i, &ConfigData ) )
+ EBI2_ProcCnt--;
+ if (EBI2_ProcCnt == 0)
+ { DisplPanel(HALEBINoProcsProblem); return(FALSE); }
+ MpCount = EBI2_ProcCnt - 1;
+// Turn on the front panel cpu activity bar graph in histogram mode
+ EBI2_CallTab.SetPanelProcGraphMode( EBI2_MMIOTable, 0 );
+// Get EBI2 Revision
+if ( (EBI2_CallTab.GetRevision( EBI2_MMIOTable, &EBI2_revision )))
+ { DisplPanel(HALGetRevisionProblem); return(FALSE); }
+ return(TRUE);
diff --git a/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/asthal.c b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/asthal.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d3be648dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/asthal.c
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation
+Copyright (c) 1992 AST Research Inc.
+Module Name:
+ asthal.c
+ This module implements the initialization of the system dependent
+ functions that define the Hardware Architecture Layer (HAL) for an
+ AST EBI2 (Manhattan) system.
+ David N. Cutler (davec) 25-Apr-1991
+ Kernel mode only.
+Revision History:
+ Bob Beard (v-bobb) 31-Jul-1992 convert for AST EBI2 system
+#include "halp.h"
+#include "astdisp.h"
+ULONG HalpBusType;
+ADDRESS_USAGE HalpDefaultASTIoSpace = {
+ NULL, CmResourceTypePort, InternalUsage,
+ {
+ // Standard PC ISA I/O space used...
+ 0x000, 0x10, // ISA DMA
+ 0x0C0, 0x10, // ISA DMA
+ 0x080, 0x10, // DMA
+ 0x020, 0x2, // PIC
+ 0x0A0, 0x2, // Cascaded PIC
+ 0x040, 0x4, // Timer1, Referesh, Speaker, Control Word
+ 0x048, 0x4, // Timer2, Failsafe
+ 0x061, 0x1, // NMI (system control port B)
+ 0x092, 0x1, // system control port A
+ 0x070, 0x2, // Cmos/NMI enable
+ 0x0F0, 0x10, // coprocessor ports
+ // Standard PC EISA I/O space used...
+ 0x0D0, 0x10, // DMA
+ 0x400, 0x10, // DMA
+ 0x480, 0x10, // DMA
+ 0x4C2, 0xE, // DMA
+ 0x4D4, 0x2C, // DMA
+ 0x461, 0x2, // Extended NMI
+ 0x464, 0x2, // Last Eisa Bus Muster granted
+ 0x4D0, 0x2, // edge/level control registers
+ 0xC84, 0x1, // System board enable
+ // AST I/O Space used...
+ 0x0E8, 0x1, // XBus configuration register
+ 0x0EB, 0x1, // BIOS Flash register
+ 0x0EC, 0x2, // Front panel display addr/data registers
+ 0x36E, 0x2, // SuperIO Index/Data register set#1
+ 0x398, 0x2, // SuperIO Index/Data register set#2
+ 0, 0
+ }
+ IN ULONG Phase,
+ );
+ IN ULONG ProcessorID
+ );
+ IN ULONG ProcessorID
+ );
+extern CCHAR HalpIRQLtoVector[];
+extern ULONG MpCount;
+KSPIN_LOCK HalpSystemHardwareLock;
+HalInitSystem (
+ IN ULONG Phase,
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ This function initializes the Hardware Architecture Layer (HAL) for an
+ x86 AST Manhattan system.
+ None.
+Return Value:
+ A value of TRUE is returned is the initialization was successfully
+ complete. Otherwise a value of FALSE is returend.
+ KIRQL CurrentIrql;
+ ULONG BuildType;
+ pPRCB = KeGetCurrentPrcb();
+ if (Phase == 0) {
+ HalpBusType = LoaderBlock->u.I386.MachineType & 0x00ff;
+ //
+ // Verify Prcb version and build flags conform to
+ // this image
+ //
+ BuildType = 0;
+#if DBG
+ BuildType |= PRCB_BUILD_DEBUG;
+#ifdef NT_UP
+ if (pPRCB->MajorVersion != PRCB_MAJOR_VERSION) {
+ 1, pPRCB->MajorVersion, PRCB_MAJOR_VERSION, 0);
+ }
+ if (pPRCB->BuildType != BuildType) {
+ 2, pPRCB->BuildType, BuildType, 0);
+ }
+ //
+ // Phase 0 initialization
+ // only called by P0
+ //
+ HalpInitializePICs();
+ //
+ // Now that the PICs are initialized, we need to mask them to
+ // reflect the current Irql
+ //
+ CurrentIrql = KeGetCurrentIrql();
+ CurrentIrql = KfRaiseIrql(CurrentIrql);
+ //
+ // Fill in handlers for APIs which this hal supports
+ //
+ HalQuerySystemInformation = HaliQuerySystemInformation;
+ HalSetSystemInformation = HaliSetSystemInformation;
+ //
+ // Initialize CMOS
+ //
+ HalpInitializeCmos();
+ //
+ // Register base IO space used by hal
+ //
+ HalpRegisterAddressUsage (&HalpDefaultASTIoSpace);
+ HalpInitializeDisplay();
+ //
+ // Initialize spinlock used by HalGetBusData hardware access routines
+ //
+ KeInitializeSpinLock(&HalpSystemHardwareLock);
+ //
+ // Determine if there is physical memory above 16 MB.
+ //
+ LessThan16Mb = TRUE;
+ NextMd = LoaderBlock->MemoryDescriptorListHead.Flink;
+ while (NextMd != &LoaderBlock->MemoryDescriptorListHead) {
+ Descriptor = CONTAINING_RECORD( NextMd,
+ ListEntry );
+ if (Descriptor->BasePage + Descriptor->PageCount > 0x1000) {
+ LessThan16Mb = FALSE;
+ }
+ NextMd = Descriptor->ListEntry.Flink;
+ }
+ //
+ // Determine the size need for map buffers. If this system has
+ // memory with a physical address of greater than
+ // MAXIMUM_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS, then allocate a large chunk; otherwise,
+ // allocate a small chunk.
+ //
+ if (LessThan16Mb) {
+ //
+ // Allocate a small set of map buffers. They are only need for
+ // slave DMA devices.
+ //
+ } else {
+ //
+ // Allocate a larger set of map buffers. These are used for
+ // slave DMA controllers and Isa cards.
+ //
+ }
+ //
+ // Allocate map buffers for the adapter objects
+ //
+ HalpMapBufferPhysicalAddress.LowPart =
+ HalpAllocPhysicalMemory (LoaderBlock, MAXIMUM_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS,
+ HalpMapBufferSize >> PAGE_SHIFT, TRUE);
+ HalpMapBufferPhysicalAddress.HighPart = 0;
+ if (!HalpMapBufferPhysicalAddress.LowPart) {
+ //
+ // There was not a satisfactory block. Clear the allocation.
+ //
+ HalpMapBufferSize = 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ //
+ // Phase 1 initialization
+ //
+ //
+ // Enable caching on the processor
+ //
+ ASTEnableCaches();
+ if (pPRCB->Number == 0) {
+ HalpRegisterInternalBusHandlers ();
+ }
+ //
+ // Initialize the profile interrupt vector.
+ //
+ KiSetHandlerAddressToIDT( HalpIRQLtoVector[PROFILE_LEVEL],
+ HalpProfileInterrupt);
+ //
+ // enable PROFILE interrupt
+ //
+ HalEnableSystemInterrupt( HalpIRQLtoVector[PROFILE_LEVEL],
+ PROFILE_LEVEL, Latched);
+ //
+ // Initialize stall execution on each processor
+ //
+ HalpInitializeStallExecution(KeGetPcr()->Prcb->Number);
+ HalStopProfileInterrupt(0);
+ //
+ // Initialize the clock interrupt vector
+ //
+ //
+ KiSetHandlerAddressToIDT( HalpIRQLtoVector[CLOCK2_LEVEL],
+ HalpClockInterrupt);
+ //
+ // enable CLOCK2 interrupt
+ //
+ HalEnableSystemInterrupt( HalpIRQLtoVector[CLOCK2_LEVEL],
+ CLOCK2_LEVEL, Latched);
+// HalpEnableInterruptHandler (
+// DeviceUsage, // Report as device vector
+// 8, // Bus interrupt level
+// HalpIRQLtoVector[CLOCK2_LEVEL], // System IDT
+// CLOCK2_LEVEL, // System Irql
+// HalpClockInterrupt, // ISR
+// Latched );
+ //
+ // Initialize the IPI vector
+ //
+ EBI2_InitIpi(KeGetPcr()->Prcb->Number);
+ //
+ // Initialize the SPI vector
+ //
+ EBI2_InitSpi(KeGetPcr()->Prcb->Number);
+ //
+ // If this is the first processor, initialize the clock
+ //
+ if (pPRCB->Number == 0) {
+ HalpInitializeClock();
+ }
+ }
+ HalpInitMP(Phase, LoaderBlock);
+ return TRUE;
diff --git a/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/astipi.asm b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/astipi.asm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bb8467d6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/astipi.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+ title "Interprocessor Interrupt"
+;Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation
+;Copyright (c) 1992 AST Research Inc.
+;Module Name:
+; astipi.asm
+; AST Manhattan IPI code.
+; Provides the HAL support for Interprocessor Interrupts for the
+; MP Manhattan implementation.
+; Ken Reneris (kenr) 13-Jan-1992
+; Bob Beard (v-bobb) 24-Jul-1992 added support for AST EBI2 machines
+;Revision History:
+; Quang Phan (v-quangp) 15-Dec-1992: Added code to get ProcIntHandle
+; for FastSetLocalIntMask calls.
+; Quang Phan (v-quangp) 27-Aug-1992: Changed back to call ASTInitEBI2
+; at HalInitialzeProcessor (was at detectAST()).
+ .xlist
+; Normal includes
+include i386\
+include i386\
+include i386\
+ EXTRNP _KiCoprocessorError,0,IMPORT
+ EXTRNP Kei386EoiHelper,0,IMPORT
+ EXTRNP _HalBeginSystemInterrupt,3
+ EXTRNP _HalEndSystemInterrupt,2
+ EXTRNP _KiIpiServiceRoutine,2,IMPORT
+ EXTRNP _HalEnableSystemInterrupt,3
+ EXTRNP _HalpInitializePICs,0
+ EXTRNP _HalDisplayString,1
+ EXTRNP _HalEnableSystemInterrupt,3
+ EXTRNP _HalDisableSystemInterrupt,2
+ EXTRNP _DetectAST,1
+ EXTRNP _DisplPanel,1
+ EXTRNP _EBI2_InitIpi,1
+ EXTRNP _KeSetTimeIncrement,2,IMPORT
+ extrn _HalpIRQLtoVector:BYTE
+ extrn _EBI2_CallTab:DWORD
+ extrn _EBI2_MMIOTable:DWORD
+ extrn EBI2_InitLocalIntFunctions:NEAR
+ extrn _HalpDefaultInterruptAffinity:DWORD
+ public _HalpProcessorPCR, _HalpInitializedProcessors
+_HalpProcessorPCR dd MAXIMUM_PROCESSORS dup (?) ; PCR pointer for each processor
+_HalpInitializedProcessors dd 0
+BadHalString db 'HAL: AST HAL.DLL cannot be run on non AST MP machine',cr,lf
+ db ' or AST MP machine not configured properly.',cr, lf
+ db ' Replace the hal.dll with the correct hal', cr, lf
+ db ' or configure the machine properly', cr, lf
+ db ' System is HALTING *********', 0
+BadEBIString db 'HAL: AST EBI2 cannot be initialized',cr,lf
+ db ' System is HALTING *********', 0
+MPFlag db 0 ; Flag for MP determination
+_DATA ends
+ page ,132
+ subttl "Post InterProcessor Interrupt"
+; HalInitializeProcessor(
+; ULONG Number
+; );
+;Routine Description:
+; Initialize hal pcr values for current processor (if any)
+; (called shortly after processor reaches kernel, before
+; HalInitSystem if P0)
+; IPI's and KeReadir/LowerIrq's must be available once this function
+; returns. (IPI's are only used once two or more processors are
+; available)
+; . Enable IPI interrupt (makes sense for P1, P2, ...).
+; . Save Processor Number in PCR.
+; . if (P0)
+; . determine what kind of system is it,
+; . if (NotAST_EBI2) Halt;
+; . Enable PINTs on CPU.
+; Number - Logical processor number of calling processor
+;Return Value:
+; None.
+cPublicProc _HalInitializeProcessor,1
+ ; Set initial interrupt bit mask for this processor
+ mov dword ptr fs:PcIDR, MaskAllIrqs ; Set to EBI2 Bit mask
+ ; EBI2 processor ID = NT processor ID
+ mov eax, [esp+4] ; Save processor # in PCR
+ mov fs:PcHal.PcrEBI2ProcessorID, eax
+ lock bts _HalpDefaultInterruptAffinity, eax
+ lock inc _HalpInitializedProcessors
+ mov ecx, fs:PcSelfPcr ; Flat address of this PCR
+ mov _HalpProcessorPCR[eax*4], ecx ; Save it away
+ mov dword ptr fs:PcStallScaleFactor, INITIAL_STALL_COUNT
+ push eax
+ stdCall _KeSetTimeIncrement, <eax, eax>
+ pop eax
+ mov dword ptr fs:PcHal.PcrCpuLedRateCount, 0 ;init CpuLed rate count
+ or eax, eax
+ jnz ipi_10
+ ; Run on P0 only
+; Detect if AST machine
+ stdCall _DetectAST,<offset MPFlag>
+ or eax, eax
+ jz NotAST
+ stdCall _ASTInitEBI2 ; Init EBI2
+ or eax,eax
+ jz EBI2InitProblem
+ ; Done with P0 initialization
+ifdef QPTEST
+; Enable IPIs for each processor
+; push the processor number
+ stdCall _EBI2_InitIpi,<[esp+4]>
+ or eax, eax
+ jz NotAST
+;Initialize data structure for EBI SetLocalMask call
+ call EBI2_InitLocalIntFunctions
+ or eax,eax
+ jnz EBI2InitProblem
+;Store EBI2 MMIO_Table for later use.
+ lea eax,_EBI2_MMIOTable
+ mov fs:PcHal.PcrEBI2MMIOtable, eax
+ stdRET _HalInitializeProcessor
+ stdCall _HalDisplayString, <offset BadHalString>
+@@: jmp short @b
+ stdCall _HalDisplayString, <offset BadEBIString>
+@@: jmp short @b
+stdENDP _HalInitializeProcessor
+; HalpIPInterrupt (
+; );
+; Routine Description:
+; This routine is entered as the result of an interrupt generated by the
+; IPI hardware.
+; Arguments:
+; None.
+; Interrupt is dismissed
+; Return Value:
+; None.
+ ENTER_DR_ASSIST Hipi_a, Hipi_t
+cPublicProc _HalpIPInterrupt,0
+; Save machine state in trap frame
+ ENTER_INTERRUPT Hipi_a, Hipi_t ; (ebp) -> Trap frame
+; Save previous IRQL
+ movzx eax, _HalpIRQLtoVector[IPI_LEVEL]
+ push eax ;interrupt vector
+ sub esp, 4 ;space for OldIrql
+; esp &OldIrql
+; eax interrupt vector
+; IPI_LEVEL new Irql
+ ;raise to new Irql
+ stdCall _HalBeginSystemInterrupt,<IPI_LEVEL,eax,esp>
+ or al, al
+ jz Hipi100 ;jump if spurrious interrupt
+; Pass Null ExceptionFrame
+; Pass TrapFrame to Ipi service rtn
+ stdCall _KiIpiServiceRoutine,<ebp,0>
+; Do interrupt exit processing
+ INTERRUPT_EXIT ; will return to caller
+ DisplPanel HalSpuriousInterrupt4
+ add esp, 8 ; spurious, no EndOfInterrupt
+ EXIT_ALL ,,NoPreviousMode ; without lowering irql
+stdENDP _HalpIPInterrupt
diff --git a/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/astipirq.c b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/astipirq.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..88d7beb83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/astipirq.c
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+Copyright (c) 1992 AST Research Inc.
+Module Name:
+ astipirq.c
+ IPI interrupt generation and initialization
+ Bob Beard (v-bobb) 24-Jul-1992
+ Kernel mode only.
+Revision History:
+#include "halp.h"
+#include "astebiii.h"
+#include "astdisp.h"
+extern VOID* EBI2_MMIOTable[];
+extern EBI_II EBI2_CallTab;
+extern CCHAR HalpIRQLtoVector[];
+VOID DisplPanel(ULONG x);
+VOID HalpIPInterrupt(VOID);
+VOID HalpSPInterrupt(VOID);
+KSPIN_LOCK EBI2_ipi_lock;
+ IN ULONG ProcessorID
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ Initialize the IPI for this processor
+ ProcessorID - The EBI2 processor to be initialized for IPI
+Return Value:
+ TRUE if IPI set up properly. FALSE otherwise.
+// *** Hack to get around EBI2 problem of destroying ebx on call
+// to SetIpiVector
+ULONG EBI2_Hack_Val;
+EBI2_Hack_Val = ProcessorID+1;
+if ( EBI2_CallTab.SetIPIVector( EBI2_MMIOTable, ProcessorID,
+ HalpIRQLtoVector[IPI_LEVEL] ) )
+ {DisplPanel(HALIpiInitVecProblem); return(FALSE); }
+//if ( EBI2_CallTab.SetIPIID( EBI2_MMIOTable, ProcessorID,
+// (1 << ProcessorID) ) )
+if ( EBI2_CallTab.SetIPIID( EBI2_MMIOTable, (EBI2_Hack_Val-1),
+ (1 << (EBI2_Hack_Val-1) ) ) )
+ {DisplPanel(HALIpiInitIDProblem); return(FALSE); }
+KiSetHandlerAddressToIDT( HalpIRQLtoVector[IPI_LEVEL], HalpIPInterrupt );
+KeInitializeSpinLock( &EBI2_ipi_lock );
+HalEnableSystemInterrupt( HalpIRQLtoVector[IPI_LEVEL], IPI_LEVEL, Latched );
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ Generate an IPI to each processor requested in the Mask
+ Mask - a bit mask of the processors to be interrupted
+Return Value:
+ None.
+ _asm {
+ pushfd
+ cli
+ }
+ KiAcquireSpinLock( &EBI2_ipi_lock);
+ EBI2_CallTab.GenIPI( EBI2_MMIOTable, Mask );
+ KiReleaseSpinLock( &EBI2_ipi_lock);
+ _asm {
+ popfd
+ }
+ IN ULONG ProcessorID
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ Initialize the SPI for this processor
+ ProcessorID - The EBI2 processor to be initialized for SPI
+Return Value:
+ TRUE if SPI set up properly. FALSE otherwise.
+// Set the vector for SPI
+if ( EBI2_CallTab.SetSPIVector( EBI2_MMIOTable, ProcessorID,
+ HalpIRQLtoVector[POWER_LEVEL] ) )
+ {DisplPanel(HALSpiInitVecProblem); return(FALSE); }
+KiSetHandlerAddressToIDT( HalpIRQLtoVector[POWER_LEVEL], HalpSPInterrupt );
+HalEnableSystemInterrupt( HalpIRQLtoVector[POWER_LEVEL], POWER_LEVEL, Latched );
+// Make the switches visible to software
+EBI2_CallTab.SetPanelSwitchVisibility( EBI2_MMIOTable, PANEL_SWITCHES_VISIBLE);
diff --git a/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/astirql.asm b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/astirql.asm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..349984167
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/astirql.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,1110 @@
+ title "Irql Processing"
+; Copyright (c) 1989 Microsoft Corporation
+; Copyright (c) 1992 AST Research Inc.
+; Module Name:
+; astirql.asm
+; Abstract:
+; This module implements the code necessary to raise and lower i386
+; Irql and dispatch software interrupts with the AST MP hardware.
+; Author:
+; Shie-Lin Tzong (shielint) 8-Jan-1990
+; Environment:
+; Kernel mode only.
+; Revision History:
+; Quang Phan (v-quangp) 15-Dec-92
+; Implemented the fast SetLocalInterruptMask in Raise/LowerIrql.
+; Removed spinlock in Raise/LowerIrql routines.
+; Quang Phan (v-quangp) 24-Jul-1992
+; Converted to AST MP hardware.
+; John Vert (jvert) 27-Nov-1991
+; Moved from kernel into HAL
+ .xlist
+include i386\
+include i386\
+include i386\
+include i386\
+ .list
+ extrn _HalpApcInterrupt:NEAR
+ extrn _HalpDispatchInterrupt:NEAR
+ extrn _HalpApcInterrupt2ndEntry:NEAR
+ extrn _HalpDispatchInterrupt2ndEntry:NEAR
+ extrn _KiUnexpectedInterrupt:NEAR
+ extrn _HalpBusType:DWORD
+ extrn _EBI2_CallTab:DWORD
+ extrn _EBI2_MMIOTable:DWORD
+ extrn _EBI2_Lock:DWORD
+ extrn HalpIRQLtoEBIIntNumber:DWORD
+ extrn _EBI2_revision:DWORD
+ EXTRNP _DisplPanel,1
+ EXTRNP Kei386EoiHelper,0,IMPORT
+ EXTRNP _KiDispatchInterrupt,0,IMPORT
+; Interrupt flag bit maks for EFLAGS
+EFLAGS_IF equ 200H
+; IRQL level of hardware interrupts
+; Information for irq, irql and mask (EBI2) translation
+;System System Bus
+;IRQL EBI Vector IRQ Common use Name
+;----- --- ------ ------ ---------- ----
+; 00 LOW_LEV
+; 02 25 ??? LSI DPC_LEVEL
+; 04
+; 05
+; 06
+; 07
+; 08
+; 09
+; 10
+; 11
+; 12 7 PVB+7 EISA IRQ7 LPT1
+; 13 6 PVB+6 EISA IRQ6 Flpy
+; 14 5 PVB+5 EISA IRQ5 LPT2
+; 15 4 PVB+4 EISA IRQ4 COM1
+; 16 3 PVB+3 EISA IRQ3 COM2
+; 17 15 PVB+15 EISA IRQ15
+; 18 14 PVB+14 EISA IRQ14 AT disk
+; 19 13 PVB+13 EISA IRQ13
+; 20 12 PVB+12 EISA IRQ12
+; 21 11 PVB+11 EISA IRQ11
+; 22 10 PVB+10 EISA IRQ10
+; 23 9 PVB+9 EISA IRQ9
+; 24 8 PVB+8 EISA IRQ8
+; 25 2 PVB+9 EISA IRQ2 (IRQ chaining)
+; 26 1 PVB+1 EISA IRQ1 Kbd
+; 29 26 PVB+26 IPI IPI_LEVELx
+; Notes:
+; 1. PVB: PRIMARY_VECTOR_BASE = 30h (PIC1BASE = 30h, PIC2BASE = 38h)
+; CCHAR HalpIRQLtoEBIBitMask[32]; This array is used to get the value
+; for the EBI bitmask from the KIRQL.
+ Public _HalpIRQLtoEBIBitMask
+ align 4
+_HalpIRQLtoEBIBitMask Label Byte
+ dd 0 ;IRQL 0 (Unused Mask)
+ dd 0 ;IRQL 1
+ dd 1 SHL (IRQ_25) ;IRQL 2 (EBI IRQ-25)
+ dd 0 ;IRQL 3
+ dd 0 ;IRQL 4
+ dd 0 ;IRQL 5
+ dd 0 ;IRQL 6
+ dd 0 ;IRQL 7
+ dd 0 ;IRQL 8
+ dd 0 ;IRQL 9
+ dd 0 ;IRQL 10
+ dd 0 ;IRQL 11
+ dd 1 SHL (IRQ_7) ;IRQL 12
+ dd 1 SHL (IRQ_6) ;IRQL 13
+ dd 1 SHL (IRQ_5) ;IRQL 14
+ dd 1 SHL (IRQ_4) ;IRQL 15
+ dd 1 SHL (IRQ_3) ;IRQL 16
+ dd 1 SHL (IRQ_15) ;IRQL 17
+ dd 1 SHL (IRQ_14) ;IRQL 18
+ dd 1 SHL (IRQ_13) ;IRQL 19
+ dd 1 SHL (IRQ_12) ;IRQL 20
+ dd 1 SHL (IRQ_11) ;IRQL 21
+ dd 1 SHL (IRQ_10) ;IRQL 22
+ dd 1 SHL (IRQ_9) ;IRQL 23
+ dd 1 SHL (IRQ_8) ;IRQL 24
+ dd 1 SHL (IRQ_2) ;IRQL 25
+ dd 1 SHL (IRQ_1) ;IRQL 26
+ dd 1 SHL (IRQ_8) ;IRQL 27 (IRQ-8) (Profile clock)
+ dd 0 ;IRQL 28 (IRQ-0) (clock)
+ dd 1 SHL (IRQ_26) ;IRQL 29 (IPI-0)
+ dd 1 SHL (IRQ_24) ;IRQL 30 (SPI-0)
+ dd 0 ;IRQL 31
+; CCHAR HalpIRQLtoVector[36]; this array is used to get the interrupt
+; vector used for a given KIRQL, zero
+; means no vector is used for the KIRQL
+ Public _HalpIRQLtoVector
+_HalpIRQLtoVector Label Byte
+; ;IRQL
+ db 0 ;0
+ db 0 ;1 APC_LEVEL
+ db 0 ;3 WAKE_LEVEL
+ db 0 ;4
+ db 0 ;5
+ db 0 ;6
+ db 0 ;7
+ db 0 ;8
+ db 0 ;9
+ db 0 ;10
+ db 0 ;11
+ db PRIMARY_VECTOR_BASE+7 ;12 irq7
+ db PRIMARY_VECTOR_BASE+6 ;13 irq6
+ db PRIMARY_VECTOR_BASE+5 ;14 irq5
+ db PRIMARY_VECTOR_BASE+4 ;15 irq4
+ db PRIMARY_VECTOR_BASE+3 ;16 irq3
+ db PRIMARY_VECTOR_BASE+15 ;17 irq15
+ db PRIMARY_VECTOR_BASE+14 ;18 irq14
+ db PRIMARY_VECTOR_BASE+13 ;19 irq13
+ db PRIMARY_VECTOR_BASE+12 ;20 irq12
+ db PRIMARY_VECTOR_BASE+11 ;21 irq11
+ db PRIMARY_VECTOR_BASE+10 ;22 irq10
+ db PRIMARY_VECTOR_BASE+9 ;23 irq9
+ db PRIMARY_VECTOR_BASE+8 ;24 irq8
+ db 0 ;25 irq2 (used for chaining)
+ db PRIMARY_VECTOR_BASE+1 ;26 irq1
+ db 0 ;prevent CPL 0 enable changes ;HIGH_LEVEL
+ db 0, 0, 0, 0 ;four extra levels for good luck
+; CCHAR HalpBusIntToIRQL[16]; this array is used to get the IRQL
+; from the the Bus Interrupt number
+ Public _HalpBusIntToIRQL
+_HalpBusIntToIRQL Label Byte
+; IRQL ;Bus Interrupt number
+ db CLOCK2_LEVEL ;0
+ db 0 ;2
+ db PROFILE_LEVEL-11 ;3
+ db PROFILE_LEVEL-12 ;4
+ db PROFILE_LEVEL-13 ;5
+ db PROFILE_LEVEL-14 ;6
+ db PROFILE_LEVEL-15 ;7
+ db PROFILE_LEVEL-5 ;10
+ db PROFILE_LEVEL-6 ;11
+ db PROFILE_LEVEL-7 ;12
+ db PROFILE_LEVEL-8 ;13
+ db PROFILE_LEVEL-9 ;14
+ db PROFILE_LEVEL-10 ;15
+;Translation table from Irql to EBI interrupt bit mask. This table is
+;used for setting the processor interrupt level (irql)
+ public KiEBI2IntMaskTable
+KiEBI2IntMaskTable label dword
+ align 4
+; ILS <--- irqs ----->
+; PSP
+; III 11.. ..10
+; ... 54 ..
+; vvv vv vv
+ dd 00000000000000000000000000000000B ; irql 0
+ dd 00000000000000000000000000000000B ; irql 1
+ dd 00000000000000000000000000000000B ; irql 2
+ dd 00000000000000000000000000000000B ; irql 3
+ dd 00000000000000000000000000000000B ; irql 4
+ dd 00000010000000000000000000000000B ; irql 5
+ dd 00000010000000000000000000000000B ; irql 6
+ dd 00000010000000000000000000000000B ; irql 7
+ dd 00000010000000000000000000000000B ; irql 8
+ dd 00000010000000000000000000000000B ; irql 9
+ dd 00000010000000000000000000000000B ; irql 10
+ dd 00000010000000000000000000000000B ; irql 11
+ dd 00000010000000000000000010000000B ; irql 12 irq7
+ dd 00000010000000000000000011000000B ; irql 13 irq6
+ dd 00000010000000000000000011100000B ; irql 14 irq5
+ dd 00000010000000000000000011110000B ; irql 15 irq4
+ dd 00000010000000000000000011111000B ; irql 16 irq3
+ dd 00000010000000001000000011111000B ; irql 17 irq15
+ dd 00000010000000001100000011111000B ; irql 18 irq14
+ dd 00000010000000001110000011111000B ; irql 19 irq13
+ dd 00000010000000001111000011111000B ; irql 20 irq12
+ dd 00000010000000001111100011111000B ; irql 21 irq11
+ dd 00000010000000001111110011111000B ; irql 22 irq10
+ dd 00000010000000001111111011111000B ; irql 23 irq9
+ dd 00000010000000001111111111111010B ; irql 24 irq8
+ dd 00000010000000001111111011111000B ; irql 25 irq2
+ dd 00000010000000001111111011111010B ; irql 26 irq1
+ dd 00000010000000001111111111111010B ; irql 27 irq8 (Profile)
+ dd 00000010000000001111111111111011B ; irql 28 irq0
+ dd 00000110000000001111111111111011B ; irql 29 ipi
+ dd 00000111000000001111111111111011B ; irql 30 spi
+ dd 00000111000000001111111111111011B ; irql 31
+; 10987654321098765432109876543210- ; bit position
+ align 4
+; The following tables define the addresses of software interrupt routers
+; Use this table if there is NO machine state frame on stack already
+ public SWInterruptHandlerTable
+SWInterruptHandlerTable label dword
+ dd offset FLAT:_KiUnexpectedInterrupt ; irql 0
+ dd offset FLAT:_HalpApcInterrupt ; irql 1
+ dd offset FLAT:_HalpDispatchInterrupt ; irql 2
+ dd offset FLAT:_KiUnexpectedInterrupt ; irql 3
+ dd offset FLAT:_KiUnexpectedInterrupt ; irql 4
+ dd offset FLAT:_KiUnexpectedInterrupt ; irql 5
+ dd offset FLAT:_KiUnexpectedInterrupt ; irql 6
+ dd offset FLAT:_KiUnexpectedInterrupt ; irql 7
+ dd offset FLAT:_KiUnexpectedInterrupt ; irql 8
+ dd offset FLAT:_KiUnexpectedInterrupt ; irql 9
+ dd offset FLAT:_KiUnexpectedInterrupt ; irql 10
+ dd offset FLAT:_KiUnexpectedInterrupt ; irql 11
+ dd offset FLAT:_KiUnexpectedInterrupt ; irql 12
+ dd offset FLAT:_KiUnexpectedInterrupt ; irql 13
+ dd offset FLAT:_KiUnexpectedInterrupt ; irql 14
+ dd offset FLAT:_KiUnexpectedInterrupt ; irql 15
+ dd offset FLAT:_KiUnexpectedInterrupt ; irql 16
+ dd offset FLAT:_KiUnexpectedInterrupt ; irql 17
+ dd offset FLAT:_KiUnexpectedInterrupt ; irql 18
+ dd offset FLAT:_KiUnexpectedInterrupt ; irql 19
+ dd offset FLAT:_KiUnexpectedInterrupt ; irql 20
+ dd offset FLAT:_KiUnexpectedInterrupt ; irql 21
+ dd offset FLAT:_KiUnexpectedInterrupt ; irql 22
+ dd offset FLAT:_KiUnexpectedInterrupt ; irql 23
+ dd offset FLAT:_KiUnexpectedInterrupt ; irql 24
+ dd offset FLAT:_KiUnexpectedInterrupt ; irql 25
+ dd offset FLAT:_KiUnexpectedInterrupt ; irql 26
+ dd offset FLAT:_KiUnexpectedInterrupt ; irql 27
+ dd offset FLAT:_KiUnexpectedInterrupt ; irql 28
+ dd offset FLAT:_KiUnexpectedInterrupt ; irql 29)
+ public ASTSWInterruptHandlerTable
+ASTSWInterruptHandlerTable label dword
+ dd offset FLAT:_KiUnexpectedInterrupt ; irql 0
+ dd offset FLAT:_HalpApcInterrupt ; irql 1
+ dd offset FLAT:_ASTDispatchInterrupt ; irql 2
+ dd offset FLAT:_KiUnexpectedInterrupt ; irql 3
+ dd offset FLAT:_KiUnexpectedInterrupt ; irql 4
+ dd offset FLAT:_KiUnexpectedInterrupt ; irql 5
+ dd offset FLAT:_KiUnexpectedInterrupt ; irql 6
+ dd offset FLAT:_KiUnexpectedInterrupt ; irql 7
+ dd offset FLAT:_KiUnexpectedInterrupt ; irql 8
+ dd offset FLAT:_KiUnexpectedInterrupt ; irql 9
+ dd offset FLAT:_KiUnexpectedInterrupt ; irql 10
+ dd offset FLAT:_KiUnexpectedInterrupt ; irql 11
+ dd offset FLAT:_KiUnexpectedInterrupt ; irql 12
+ dd offset FLAT:_KiUnexpectedInterrupt ; irql 13
+ dd offset FLAT:_KiUnexpectedInterrupt ; irql 14
+ dd offset FLAT:_KiUnexpectedInterrupt ; irql 15
+ dd offset FLAT:_KiUnexpectedInterrupt ; irql 16
+ dd offset FLAT:_KiUnexpectedInterrupt ; irql 17
+ dd offset FLAT:_KiUnexpectedInterrupt ; irql 18
+ dd offset FLAT:_KiUnexpectedInterrupt ; irql 19
+ dd offset FLAT:_KiUnexpectedInterrupt ; irql 20
+ dd offset FLAT:_KiUnexpectedInterrupt ; irql 21
+ dd offset FLAT:_KiUnexpectedInterrupt ; irql 22
+ dd offset FLAT:_KiUnexpectedInterrupt ; irql 23
+ dd offset FLAT:_KiUnexpectedInterrupt ; irql 24
+ dd offset FLAT:_KiUnexpectedInterrupt ; irql 25
+ dd offset FLAT:_KiUnexpectedInterrupt ; irql 26
+ dd offset FLAT:_KiUnexpectedInterrupt ; irql 27
+ dd offset FLAT:_KiUnexpectedInterrupt ; irql 28
+ dd offset FLAT:_KiUnexpectedInterrupt ; irql 29)
+; The following table picks up the highest pending software irq level
+; from software irr
+ public SWInterruptLookUpTable
+SWInterruptLookUpTable label byte
+ db 0 ; SWIRR=0, so highest pending SW irql= 0
+ db 0 ; SWIRR=1, so highest pending SW irql= 0
+ db 1 ; SWIRR=2, so highest pending SW irql= 1
+ db 1 ; SWIRR=3, so highest pending SW irql= 1
+ db 2 ; SWIRR=4, so highest pending SW irql= 2
+ db 2 ; SWIRR=5, so highest pending SW irql= 2
+ db 2 ; SWIRR=6, so highest pending SW irql= 2
+ db 2 ; SWIRR=7, so highest pending SW irql= 2
+ db 3 ; SWIRR=8, so highest pending SW irql= 3
+ db 3 ; SWIRR=9, so highest pending SW irql= 3
+ db 3 ; SWIRR=A, so highest pending SW irql= 3
+ db 3 ; SWIRR=B, so highest pending SW irql= 3
+ db 3 ; SWIRR=C, so highest pending SW irql= 3
+ db 3 ; SWIRR=D, so highest pending SW irql= 3
+ db 3 ; SWIRR=E, so highest pending SW irql= 3
+ db 3 ; SWIRR=F, so highest pending SW irql= 3
+ db 4 ; SWIRR=10, so highest pending SW irql= 4
+ db 4 ; SWIRR=11, so highest pending SW irql= 4
+ db 4 ; SWIRR=12, so highest pending SW irql= 4
+ db 4 ; SWIRR=13, so highest pending SW irql= 4
+ db 4 ; SWIRR=14, so highest pending SW irql= 4
+ db 4 ; SWIRR=15, so highest pending SW irql= 4
+ db 4 ; SWIRR=16, so highest pending SW irql= 4
+ db 4 ; SWIRR=17, so highest pending SW irql= 4
+ db 4 ; SWIRR=18, so highest pending SW irql= 4
+ db 4 ; SWIRR=19, so highest pending SW irql= 4
+ db 4 ; SWIRR=1A, so highest pending SW irql= 4
+ db 4 ; SWIRR=1B, so highest pending SW irql= 4
+ db 4 ; SWIRR=1C, so highest pending SW irql= 4
+ db 4 ; SWIRR=1D, so highest pending SW irql= 4
+ db 4 ; SWIRR=1E, so highest pending SW irql= 4
+ db 4 ; SWIRR=1F, so highest pending SW irql= 4
+ public EBI2_ProcIntHandle
+ public EBI2_maskInfo
+EBI2_maskInfo dd 8 dup(0)
+EBI2_ProcIntHandle dd 0
+ page ,132
+ subttl "Raise Irql"
+; KfRaiseIrql (
+; IN KIRQL NewIrql
+; )
+; Routine Description:
+; This routine is used to raise IRQL to the specified value.
+; Also, a mask will be used to mask off all the lower lever 8259
+; interrupts.
+; Arguments:
+; (ecx) = NewIrql - the new irql to be raised to
+; Return Value:
+; OldIrql - the addr of a variable which old irql should be stored
+; equates for accessing arguments
+; since eflags and iret addr are pushed into stack, all the arguments
+; offset by 8 bytes
+cPublicFastCall KfRaiseIrql,1
+cPublicFpo 0,1
+ pushfd
+ cli
+ movzx eax,cl ; get new irql value
+ movzx ecx,byte ptr fs:PcIrql ; get current irql
+if DBG
+ cmp cl,al ; old > new?
+ jbe short Kri99 ; no, we're OK
+ push eax ; put new irql where we can find it
+ push ecx ; put old irql where we can find it
+ mov byte ptr fs:PcIrql,0 ; avoid recursive error
+ stdCall _KeBugCheck, <IRQL_NOT_GREATER_OR_EQUAL>
+ mov fs:PcIrql, al ; set the new irql
+ cmp al,HARDWARE_LEVEL ; software level?
+ jb short kri10 ; go skip setting 8259 hardware
+;Disable interrupt locally. Depending on type of hardware this function
+;will jump to the appropriate code that was setup priviously via the
+;PcrEBI2SetLocalIntMaskFunction pointer
+ mov eax,KiEBI2IntMaskTable[eax*4] ;get ebi2 bitmask (eax=irql)
+ or eax,fs:PcIDR ;mask off irq which disabled
+ jmp dword ptr fs:[PcHal.PcrEBI2RaiseIrqlFunction]
+;Code for using direct hardware access (32-bit interface hw)
+ mov edx,fs:PcHal.PcrEBI2portAddress0
+ mov dword ptr [edx], eax
+ mov eax, dword ptr [edx] ;flush write buffer
+; Note: It is very important that we set the old irql AFTER we raised to
+; the new irql. Otherwise, if there is an interrupt that comes in between
+; and the OldIrql is not a local variable, the caller will get the wrong
+; OldIrql. The bottom line is the raising irql and returning old irql has
+; to be atomic to the caller.
+ mov eax, ecx ; (al) = OldIrql
+ popfd ; restore flags (including interrupts)
+ fstRET KfRaiseIrql
+;Code for using direct hardware access (8-bit interface hw)
+ mov edx,fs:PcHal.PcrEBI2portAddress0
+ mov byte ptr [edx], al
+ mov edx,fs:PcHal.PcrEBI2portAddress1
+ mov byte ptr [edx], ah
+ shr eax,24 ;get mask bit 24-31
+ mov edx,fs:PcHal.PcrEBI2portAddress3
+ mov byte ptr [edx], al
+ mov al, byte ptr [edx] ;flush write buffer
+ mov eax, ecx ; (al) = OldIrql
+ popfd ; restore flags (including interrupts)
+ fstRET KfRaiseIrql
+;Code for using RegisterEBI2 Call
+ push esi
+ push ecx
+ mov esi,fs:PcHal.PcrEBI2ProcInterruptHandle
+ lea edx, _EBI2_CallTab
+ call [edx]+RegSetLocalIntMask
+ pop esi ;restore esi
+ pop eax
+ popfd ; restore flags (including interrupts)
+ fstRET KfRaiseIrql
+fstENDP KfRaiseIrql
+ page ,132
+ subttl "Lower irql"
+; KfLowerIrql (
+; IN KIRQL NewIrql
+; )
+; Routine Description:
+; This routine is used to lower IRQL to the specified value.
+; The IRQL and PIRQL will be updated accordingly. Also, this
+; routine checks to see if any software interrupt should be
+; generated. The following condition will cause software
+; interrupt to be simulated:
+; any software interrupt which has higher priority than
+; current IRQL's is pending.
+; NOTE: This routine simulates software interrupt as long as
+; any pending SW interrupt level is higher than the current
+; IRQL, even when interrupts are disabled.
+; Arguments:
+; (cl) = NewIrql - the new irql to be set.
+; Return Value:
+; None.
+cPublicFastCall KfLowerIrql,1
+ pushfd ; save caller's eflags
+ cli
+ movzx ecx, cl ; get new irql value
+ mov al, fs:PcIrql ; get old irql value
+if DBG
+ cmp cl,al
+ jbe short Kli99
+ push ecx ; new irql for debugging
+ push fs:PcIrql ; old irql for debugging
+ mov byte ptr fs:PcIrql,HIGH_LEVEL ; avoid recursive error
+ stdCall _KeBugCheck, <IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL>
+ cmp al,HARDWARE_LEVEL ; see if hardware was masked
+ jb short Soft_Ints
+;Disable interrupt locally. Depending on type of hardware this function
+;will jump to the appropriate code that was setup priviously via the
+;PcrEBI2SetLocalIntMaskFunction pointer
+ mov eax,KiEBI2IntMaskTable[ecx*4] ;get ebi2 bitmask (eax=irql)
+ jmp dword ptr fs:[PcHal.PcrEBI2LowerIrqlFunction]
+;Code for using direct hardware access (32-bit interface hw)
+ or eax,fs:PcIDR ;mask off irq which disabled
+ mov edx,fs:PcHal.PcrEBI2portAddress0
+ mov dword ptr [edx], eax
+ mov eax, dword ptr [edx] ;flush write buffer
+ mov fs:PcIrql, cl ; save new IRQL
+ mov edx, fs:dword ptr PcIRR
+ and edx,0Eh ; mask for valid IRR bits
+ jnz short Kli09a ; jump if yes
+ popfd ; restore flags, including ints
+ fstRET KfLowerIrql ; RETURN
+ movzx eax, SWInterruptLookUpTable[edx]
+;When we come to Kli10a, (eax) = soft interrupt index
+ cmp al, fs:PcIrql ; compare with current IRQL
+ jna short Kli08a ; jump if higher priority
+ call ASTSWInterruptHandlerTable[eax*4] ; SIMULATE INTERRUPT
+ ; to the appropriate handler
+ jmp short Kli02a ; check for another
+;Code for using direct hardware access (8-bit interface hw)
+ or eax,fs:PcIDR ;mask off irq which disabled
+ mov edx,fs:PcHal.PcrEBI2portAddress0
+ mov byte ptr [edx], al
+ mov edx,fs:PcHal.PcrEBI2portAddress1
+ mov byte ptr [edx], ah
+ shr eax,24 ;get mask bit 24-31
+ mov edx,fs:PcHal.PcrEBI2portAddress3
+ mov byte ptr [edx], al
+ mov al, byte ptr [edx] ;flush write buffer
+ mov fs:PcIrql, cl ; save new IRQL
+ mov edx, fs:dword ptr PcIRR
+ and edx,0Eh ; mask for valid IRR bits
+ jnz short Kli09 ; jump if yes
+ popfd ; restore flags, including ints
+ fstRET KfLowerIrql ; RETURN
+ movzx eax, SWInterruptLookUpTable[edx]
+;When we come to Kli10, (eax) = soft interrupt index
+ cmp al, fs:PcIrql ; compare with current IRQL
+ jna short Kli08 ; jump if higher priority
+ call ASTSWInterruptHandlerTable[eax*4] ; SIMULATE INTERRUPT
+ ; to the appropriate handler
+ jmp short Kli02 ; check for another
+;Code for using RegisterEBI2 Call
+ or eax,fs:PcIDR ;mask off irq which disabled
+ push esi
+ mov esi,fs:PcHal.PcrEBI2ProcInterruptHandle
+ lea edx, _EBI2_CallTab
+ call [edx]+RegSetLocalIntMask
+ pop esi
+ mov fs:PcIrql, cl ; save new IRQL
+ mov edx, fs:dword ptr PcIRR
+ and edx,0Eh ; mask for valid IRR bits
+ jnz short Kli09b ; jump if yes
+ popfd ; restore flags, including ints
+ fstRET KfLowerIrql ; RETURN
+ movzx eax, SWInterruptLookUpTable[edx]
+;When we come to Kli10b, (eax) = soft interrupt index
+ cmp al, fs:PcIrql ; compare with current IRQL
+ jna short Kli08b ; jump if higher priority
+ call ASTSWInterruptHandlerTable[eax*4] ; SIMULATE INTERRUPT
+ ; to the appropriate handler
+ jmp short Kli02b ; check for another
+fstENDP KfLowerIrql
+cPublicProc _HalpEndSoftwareInterrupt,1
+cPublicFpo 1,0
+ mov ecx, [esp+4]
+ fstCall KfLowerIrql
+ stdRet _HalpEndSoftwareInterrupt
+stdENDP _HalpEndSoftwareInterrupt
+; HalpEndSystemInterrupt
+; IN KIRQL NewIrql,
+; IN ULONG Vector
+; )
+; Routine Description:
+; This routine is used to lower IRQL to the specified value.
+; The IRQL and PIRQL will be updated accordingly. Also, this
+; routine checks to see if any software interrupt should be
+; generated. The following condition will cause software
+; interrupt to be simulated:
+; any software interrupt which has higher priority than
+; current IRQL's is pending.
+; NOTE: This routine simulates software interrupt as long as
+; any pending SW interrupt level is higher than the current
+; IRQL, even when interrupts are disabled.
+; Arguments:
+; NewIrql - the new irql to be set.
+; Vector - Vector number of the interrupt
+; Note that esp+8 is the beginning of interrupt/trap frame and upon
+; entering to this routine the interrupts are off.
+; Return Value:
+; None.
+HeiNewIrql equ byte ptr [esp + 4]
+HeiVector equ byte ptr [esp + 8]
+cPublicProc _HalEndSystemInterrupt,2
+ lea eax, _EBI2_Lock
+ cli
+ movzx eax, HeiVector
+ ; to EOI
+ sub eax, PRIMARY_VECTOR_BASE ; get EBI2 Interrupt number
+ push eax ; EOI the interrupt
+ CALL_EBI2 MaskableIntEOI,2
+if DBG
+ or eax, eax
+ je EOI_OK
+ DisplPanel HalEndSystemInterruptEnter
+endif ;DBG
+ lea eax, _EBI2_Lock
+ mov ecx, dword ptr HeiNewIrql
+ fstCall KfLowerIrql
+ stdRet _HalEndSystemInterrupt
+ SPIN_ON_SPINLOCK eax, EndIntAcquire
+stdENDP _HalEndSystemInterrupt
+; ASTDispatchInterrupt(
+; );
+; Routine Description:
+; This is HalpDispatchInterrupt from IXSWINT.ASM. It's a pre-ship
+; fix for a stack overflow condition found on an AST machine.
+; This function assumes that the caller will re-check for a DPC
+; interrupt and loop, whereas the normal HalpDispatchInterrupt calls
+; lowerirql.
+; Arguments:
+; Return Value:
+ ENTER_DR_ASSIST ahdpi_a, ahdpi_t
+ align dword
+ public _ASTDispatchInterrupt
+_ASTDispatchInterrupt proc
+; Create IRET frame on stack
+ pop eax
+ pushfd
+ push cs
+ push eax
+; Save machine state on trap frame
+ ENTER_INTERRUPT ahdpi_a, ahdpi_t
+.FPO ( FPO_LOCALS+1, 0, 0, 0, 0, FPO_TRAPFRAME )
+; Save previous IRQL and set new priority level
+ push PCR[PcIrql] ; save previous IRQL
+ mov byte ptr PCR[PcIrql], DISPATCH_LEVEL; set new irql
+ btr dword ptr PCR[PcIRR], DISPATCH_LEVEL; clear the pending bit in IRR
+; Now it is safe to enable interrupt to allow higher priority interrupt
+; to come in.
+ sti
+; Go do Dispatch Interrupt processing
+ stdCall _KiDispatchInterrupt
+; Do interrupt exit processing
+ cli
+ pop eax ; saved irql
+ mov PCR[PcIrql], al ; restore it
+ SPURIOUS_INTERRUPT_EXIT ; exit interrupt without EOI
+ ; (return to loop in LowerIrql)
+_ASTDispatchInterrupt endp
+ page ,132
+ subttl "Specific Raise irql functions"
+; KeRaiseIrqlToDpcLevel (
+; )
+; Routine Description:
+; This routine is used to raise IRQL to DPC level.
+; The APIC TPR is used to block all lower-priority HW interrupts.
+; Arguments:
+; Return Value:
+; OldIrql - the addr of a variable which old irql should be stored
+cPublicProc _KeRaiseIrqlToDpcLevel,0
+ jmp @KfRaiseIrql
+stdENDP _KeRaiseIrqlToDpcLevel
+; KeRaiseIrqlToSynchLevel (
+; )
+; Routine Description:
+; This routine is used to raise IRQL to SYNC level.
+; The APIC TPR is used to block all lower-priority HW interrupts.
+; Arguments:
+; Return Value:
+; OldIrql - the addr of a variable which old irql should be stored
+cPublicProc _KeRaiseIrqlToSynchLevel,0
+ mov ecx, SYNCH_LEVEL
+ jmp @KfRaiseIrql
+stdENDP _KeRaiseIrqlToSynchLevel
+ page ,132
+ subttl "Get current irql"
+; KeGetCurrentIrql (VOID)
+; Routine Description:
+; This routine returns to current IRQL.
+; Arguments:
+; None.
+; Return Value:
+; The current IRQL.
+cPublicProc _KeGetCurrentIrql,0
+ movzx eax, byte ptr fs:PcIrql ; Current irql is in the PCR
+ stdRET _KeGetCurrentIrql
+stdENDP _KeGetCurrentIrql
+; HalpDisableAllInterrupts (VOID)
+; Routine Description:
+; This routine is called during a system crash. The hal needs all
+; interrupts disabled.
+; Arguments:
+; None.
+; Return Value:
+; None - all interrupts are masked off
+cPublicProc _HalpDisableAllInterrupts,0
+ ;
+ ; Raising to HIGH_LEVEL disables interrupts for the ast HAL
+ ;
+ mov ecx, HIGH_LEVEL
+ fstCall KfRaiseIrql
+ stdRET _HalpDisableAllInterrupts
+stdENDP _HalpDisableAllInterrupts
+; EBI2_InitLocalMaskFunctionPtr
+; Routine Description:
+; This routine is called during processor initialization (P1).
+; It will setup the data structure used by RaiseIrql and LowerIrql.
+; Arguments:
+; None.
+; Return Value:
+; None
+ Public EBI2_InitLocalIntFunctions
+EBI2_InitLocalIntFunctions Proc
+; Get EBI2 Revision#. This version of HAL requires EBI2 rev >= 2.9
+; If 2.9 then use RegSetLocalIntMask; Else, use directly access hw
+; to set LocalIntMask.
+ lea eax, _EBI2_revision
+ cmp [eax].major,2
+ jb EBI2_InitLocalIntRet
+ cmp [eax].minor,9
+ jb EBI2_InitLocalIntRet
+; Get Processor's Interrupt handler for each processor
+ mov eax,offset EBI2_ProcIntHandle
+ push eax
+ mov eax,fs:PcHal.PcrEBI2ProcessorID
+ push eax ; push the processor number
+ CALL_EBI2 GetProcIntHandle,3
+ or eax, eax
+ jnz EBI2_InitLocalIntRet
+ mov eax,EBI2_ProcIntHandle
+ mov dword ptr fs:PcHal.PcrEBI2ProcInterruptHandle,eax ;save int hdlr
+;Set function pointer for Raise and Lower Irql functions to use
+;RegSetLocalIntMask as default
+ mov eax,offset FLAT:KriRegSetLocalIntMask
+ mov fs:PcHal.PcrEBI2RaiseIrqlFunction,eax
+ mov eax,offset FLAT:KliRegSetLocalIntMask
+ mov fs:PcHal.PcrEBI2LowerIrqlFunction,eax
+;Check for Rev.minor >= 10. If it is then use direct hardware access
+;to set LocalIntMask.
+ lea eax, _EBI2_revision
+ cmp [eax].minor,10
+ jb EBI2_InitLocalIntRet2
+; Get Processor's LocalMaskInfo for each processor
+ mov eax,fs:PcHal.PcrEBI2ProcessorID
+ push eax ; push the processor number
+ mov eax,offset EBI2_maskInfo
+ push eax
+ CALL_EBI2 GetLocalIntMaskInfo,3
+ or eax, eax
+ jnz EBI2_InitLocalIntRet
+ mov eax,EBI2_MaskInfo.portAddress0
+ mov dword ptr fs:PcHal.PcrEBI2portAddress0,eax
+ mov eax,EBI2_MaskInfo.portAddress1
+ mov dword ptr fs:PcHal.PcrEBI2portAddress1,eax
+ mov eax,EBI2_MaskInfo.portAddress2
+ mov dword ptr fs:PcHal.PcrEBI2portAddress2,eax
+ mov eax,EBI2_MaskInfo.portAddress3
+ mov dword ptr fs:PcHal.PcrEBI2portAddress3,eax
+ mov eax,EBI2_MaskInfo.flags
+ and eax,PORT_TYPE_MASK
+ jne short EBI2_InitLocalIntRet ;else set error exit
+ mov eax,EBI2_MaskInfo.flags
+ je short EBI2_ILIF32
+ je short EBI2_ILIF08
+ jmp short EBI2_InitLocalIntRet ;else set error exit
+;Set function pointer for Raise and Lower Irql to use
+;direct hw access for setting LocalIntMask (8-bit hw).
+ mov eax,offset FLAT:KriDirectAccessIntMask8
+ mov fs:PcHal.PcrEBI2RaiseIrqlFunction,eax
+ mov eax,offset FLAT:KliDirectAccessIntMask8
+ mov fs:PcHal.PcrEBI2LowerIrqlFunction,eax
+ jmp short EBI2_InitLocalIntRet2
+;Set function pointer for Raise and Lower Irql to use
+;direct hw access for setting LocalIntMask. (32-bit hw)
+ mov eax,offset FLAT:KriDirectAccessIntMask32
+ mov fs:PcHal.PcrEBI2RaiseIrqlFunction,eax
+ mov eax,offset FLAT:KliDirectAccessIntMask32
+ mov fs:PcHal.PcrEBI2LowerIrqlFunction,eax
+ xor eax,eax ;return status
+ ret
+EBI2_InitLocalIntFunctions Endp
+_TEXT ends
+ end
diff --git a/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/ b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ebb46a101
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+; Module Name:
+; Abstract:
+; ASTMP include file
+; Author:
+; Quang Phan (v-quangp) 25-Jul-1992
+; Modification:
+; Quang Phan (v-quangp) 15-Sep-1993:
+; Save MMIOtable and SPIsource in Pcr area.
+; Quang Phan (v-quangp) 15-Dec-1992:
+; Added new functions to the EBI2 call table.
+; The kernel leaves some space (64 byte) of the PCR for the HAL to use
+; as it needs. Currently this space is used for some efficiency in
+; some of the MP specific code and is highly implementation
+; dependant.
+PcHalData struc
+ PcrEBI2ProcessorID dd 0 ; EBI2 ProcessorID
+ PcrCpuLedRateCount dd 0 ; Cur. cnt for sampling CPU LED
+ PcrEBI2ProcInterruptHandle dd 0 ; EBI2 Processor Interrupt handle
+ PcrEBI2RaiseIrqlFunction dd 0 ; EBI2 ProcessorID
+ PcrEBI2LowerIrqlFunction dd 0 ; EBI2 ProcessorID
+ PcrEBI2portAddress0 dd 0 ; EBI2 Addr for Port0
+ PcrEBI2portAddress1 dd 0 ; EBI2 Addr for Port1
+ PcrEBI2portAddress2 dd 0 ; EBI2 Addr for Port2
+ PcrEBI2portAddress3 dd 0 ; EBI2 Addr for Port3
+ PcrEBI2MMIOtable dd 0 ; Addr of EBI2MMIO_Table
+ PcrEBI2SPIsource dd 0 ; SPI sources
+PcHalData ends
+;EBI2 Function call table:
+ebi_2_func_tbl struc
+ GetNumProcs dd ? ;Func # 1
+ GetProcConf dd ? ;Func # 2
+ StartProc dd ? ;Func # 3
+ StopProc dd ? ;Func # 4
+ GetProcID dd ? ;Func # 5
+ EnableRAMCache dd ? ;Func # 6
+ DisableRAMCache dd ? ;Func # 7
+ FlushRAMCache dd ? ;Func # 8
+ ControlCacheRegion dd ? ;Func # 9
+ GetCacheControlInfo dd ? ;Func # 10
+ SetPanelUPS dd ? ;Func # 11
+ GetPanelUPS dd ? ;Func # 12
+ SetPanelProcGraphMode dd ? ;Func # 13
+ GetPanelProcGraphMode dd ? ;Func # 14
+ SetPanelProcGraphValue dd ? ;Func # 15
+ GetPanelProcGraphValue dd ? ;Func # 16
+ LogProcIdle dd ? ;Func # 17
+ LogProcBusy dd ? ;Func # 18
+ GetPanelAttnSwitchLatch dd ? ;Func # 19
+ GetPanelOffSwitchLatch dd ? ;Func # 20
+ GetPanelKeyPos dd ? ;Func # 21
+ GetPanelAlphaNumInfo dd ? ;Func # 22
+ GetPanelAlphaNum dd ? ;Func # 23
+ SetPanelAlphaNum dd ? ;Func # 24
+ SetPanelOffSwitchMode dd ? ;Func # 25
+ GetPanelOffSwitchMode dd ? ;Func # 26
+ GetIntSybsysType dd ? ;Func # 27
+ SetGlobalIntMask dd ? ;Func # 28
+ GetGlobalIntMask dd ? ;Func # 29
+ SetLocalIntMask dd ? ;Func # 30
+ GetLocalIntMask dd ? ;Func # 31
+ SetAdvIntMode dd ? ;Func # 32
+ SetIRQVectorAssign dd ? ;Func # 33
+ GetIRQVectorAssign dd ? ;Func # 34
+ GetNumPowerSupplies dd ? ;Func # 35
+ GetPowerSupplyInfo dd ? ;Func # 36
+ DeInitEBI dd ? ;Func # 37
+ SetLSIVector dd ? ;Func # 38
+ GetLSIVector dd ? ;Func # 39
+ SetSPIVector dd ? ;Func # 40
+ GetSPIVector dd ? ;Func # 41
+ SetIPIVector dd ? ;Func # 42
+ GetIPIVector dd ? ;Func # 43
+ SetIPIID dd ? ;Func # 44
+ GetIPIID dd ? ;Func # 45
+ GenIPI dd ? ;Func # 46
+ GenerateLSI dd ? ;Func # 47
+ GetNMISource dd ? ;Func # 48
+ GetSPISource dd ? ;Func # 49
+ GetLocalIRQStatus dd ? ;Func # 50
+ MaskableIntEOI dd ? ;Func # 51
+ NonMaskableIntEOI dd ? ;Func # 52
+ CancelInterrupt dd ? ;Func # 53
+ GetSysTimer dd ? ;Func # 54
+ GetSysTimerFreq dd ? ;Func # 55
+ GetNumMemBlocks dd ? ;Func # 56
+ GetNumMemBlocks16 dd ? ;Func # 57
+ GetMemInfoTable dd ? ;Func # 58
+ GetMemInfoTable16 dd ? ;Func # 59
+ GetMemoryErrorInfo dd ? ;Func # 60
+ GetRevision dd ? ;Func # 61
+ GetMMIOTableLen dd ? ;Func # 62
+ GetMMIOTable dd ? ;Func # 63
+ InitEBI dd ? ;Func # 64
+ GetThermalState dd ? ;Func # 65
+ ShutdownPowerSupply dd ? ;Func # 66
+ SimulatePowerFail dd ? ;Func # 67
+ SetPanelSwitchVisibility dd ? ;Func # 68
+ GetPanelSwitchVisibility dd ? ;Func # 69
+ GetGlobalIRQStatus dd ? ;Func # 70
+ FastSetLocalIntMask dd ? ;Func # 71
+ GetProcIntHandle dd ? ;Func # 72
+ RegSetLocalIntMask dd ? ;Func # 73
+ GetLocalIntMaskInfo dd ? ;Func # 74
+ AST_Invalid_Func dd 22 DUP (?)
+ OEM0 dd ? ;Func #97
+ OEM_Invalid_Func dd 31 DUP (?)
+ebi_2_func_tbl ends
+; Equates.
+cr equ 0ah
+lf equ 0dh
+MaskAllIrqs equ 0700FFFBh ; EBI2's mask for all irqs
+ ; (but irq2 for chaining)
+NOT_ASSIGNED equ 0FFh ;used in IrqlToProcessor table,
+ ;(irql not assigned to any proc yet)
+;##qp: Temp fix the stall scale to a fix number for now.
+DefaultStallScaleFactor equ 9 ; temp default value for Stall scale
+WarmResetVector equ 0467h
+CpuLedSamplingRate equ 10 ; 15ms * X
+; The following equates used for debugging HAL (ifdef'ed by DBG). The
+; hex number will be displayed to the front panel as 'H xx'
+; e.g. "DisplPanel HalEnableSystemInterruptEnter" will display as 'H 10'
+; where HalEnableSystemInterruptEnter is equated to 010h.
+HalEnableSystemInterruptEnter equ 010h
+HalEnableSystemInterruptExit equ 011h
+HalEnableSystemInterruptError equ 012h
+HalDisableSystemInterruptEnter equ 015h
+HalDisableSystemInterruptExit equ 016h
+HalDisableSystemInterruptError equ 017h
+HalEndSystemInterruptEnter equ 018h
+HalEndSystemInterruptExit equ 019h
+HalLowerIrqlEnter equ 020h
+HalLowerIrqlExit equ 021h
+HalRaiseIrqlEnter equ 022h
+HalRaiseIrqlExit equ 023h
+HalBeginSystemInterruptEnter equ 024h
+HalBeginSystemInterruptExit equ 025h
+HalStartProfileInterruptEnter equ 026h
+HalStartProfileInterruptExit equ 027h
+HalStopProfileInterruptEnter equ 028h
+HalStopProfileInterruptExit equ 029h
+HalClockInterruptEnter equ 030h
+HalStartNextProcEnter equ 040h
+HalStartNextProcExit equ 041h
+HalStartNextProcProblem equ 0c0h
+HalSpuriousInterrupt equ 0c1h
+HalDisableInterruptProblem equ 0c2h
+HalRaiseIrqlProblem equ 0c3h
+HalSpuriousInterrupt2 equ 0c4h
+HalSpuriousInterrupt3 equ 0c5h
+HalSpuriousInterrupt4 equ 0c6h
+;*** MACRO ***
+;DisplPanel displays 'DisplCode' in hex to the front panel display
+DisplPanel macro DisplCode
+ if DBG
+ stdCall _DisplPanel,<DisplCode>
+ endif ;DBG
+ endm
+;CALL_EBI2 setups the MMIOTable argument, calls the specified EBI function
+;'EBI2Function', and then cleans up the stack according to the number of
+;arguments 'NumArg'
+CALL_EBI2 macro EBI2Function,NumArg
+ lea eax,_EBI2_MMIOTable
+ push eax
+ lea edx, _EBI2_CallTab
+ call [edx]+EBI2Function
+ add esp,NumArg * 4 ;clean stack
+ endm
+CALL_FastEBI2 macro EBI2Function,NumArg
+ lea edx, _EBI2_CallTab
+ call [edx]+EBI2Function
+ add esp,NumArg * 4 ;clean stack
+ endm
diff --git a/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/astmpint.c b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/astmpint.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..42cbe4bd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/astmpint.c
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation
+Module Name:
+ astmpint.c
+ This module implements the HAL HalGetInterruptVector routine
+ for an x86 system
+ John Vert (jvert) 17-Jul-1991
+ Kernel mode
+Revision History:
+ Bob Beard 7-Aug-92 For AST Manhattan system
+#include "halp.h"
+extern CCHAR HalpBusIntToIRQL[];
+ULONG HalpDefaultInterruptAffinity;
+ IN PBUS_HANDLER RootHandler,
+ IN OUT PULONG AddressSpace,
+ );
+ IN PBUS_HANDLER RootHandler,
+ IN ULONG BusInterruptLevel,
+ IN ULONG BusInterruptVector,
+ );
+#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,HalpGetSystemInterruptVector)
+ IN PBUS_HANDLER RootHandler,
+ IN OUT PULONG AddressSpace,
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ This function translates a bus-relative address space and address into
+ a system physical address.
+ BusAddress - Supplies the bus-relative address
+ AddressSpace - Supplies the address space number.
+ Returns the host address space number.
+ AddressSpace == 0 => memory space
+ AddressSpace == 1 => I/O space
+ TranslatedAddress - Supplies a pointer to return the translated address
+Return Value:
+ A return value of TRUE indicates that a system physical address
+ corresponding to the supplied bus relative address and bus address
+ number has been returned in TranslatedAddress.
+ A return value of FALSE occurs if the translation for the address was
+ not possible
+ if (BusAddress.HighPart != 0 || *AddressSpace > 1) {
+ return (FALSE);
+ }
+ TranslatedAddress->LowPart = BusAddress.LowPart;
+ TranslatedAddress->HighPart = 0;
+ return(TRUE);
+ IN PBUS_HANDLER RootHandler,
+ IN ULONG BusInterruptLevel,
+ IN ULONG BusInterruptVector,
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ BusInterruptLevel - Supplies the bus specific interrupt level.
+ BusInterruptVector - Supplies the bus specific interrupt vector.
+ Irql - Returns the system request priority.
+ Affinity - Returns the system wide irq affinity.
+Return Value:
+ Returns the system interrupt vector corresponding to the specified device.
+ ULONG SystemVector;
+ SystemVector = BusInterruptLevel + PRIMARY_VECTOR_BASE;
+ if (SystemVector < PRIMARY_VECTOR_BASE ||
+ HalpIDTUsage[SystemVector].Flags & IDTOwned ) {
+ //
+ // This is an illegal BusInterruptVector and cannot be connected.
+ //
+ return(0);
+ }
+ *Irql = (KIRQL) HalpBusIntToIRQL[BusInterruptLevel];
+ *Affinity = HalpDefaultInterruptAffinity;
+ ASSERT(HalpDefaultInterruptAffinity);
+ return SystemVector;
diff --git a/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/astnls.h b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/astnls.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d63073815
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/astnls.h
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+Copyright (c) 1993 Microsoft Corporation
+Module Name:
+ astnls.h
+ Strings which are used in the HAL
+ English
+#define MSG_NMI_EBI2_ERR "EBI2 Problem: Cannot get NMI Source\n"
+#define MSG_NMI_SYS_IO_ERR "NMI: System I/O error\n"
+#define MSG_NMI_SW_GEN_NMI "NMI: Software generated NMI\n"
+#define MSG_NMI_MEMORY_ERR "NMI: Memory error\n"
+#define MSG_NMI_PROCESSOR_ERR "NMI: Processor error\n"
+#define MSG_NMI_POWER_FAILURE "NMI: Power Failure\n"
+#define MSG_NMI_BUS_ERR "NMI: Bus Address/Data error\n"
+#define MSG_NMI_TIMEOUT_ERR "NMI: System Timeout error\n"
+#define MSG_NMI_SHUTDOWN "NMI: Shutdown Button\n"
+#define MSG_NMI_ATTENTION "NMI: Attention Button\n"
+#define MSG_NMI_NO_NMI_FOUND "NMI: No NMI found\n"
+#define MSG_NMI_UNKOWN "NMI: Unkown NMI error\n"
diff --git a/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/astnmi.c b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/astnmi.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c8e5af31b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/astnmi.c
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation
+Module Name:
+ astnmi.c
+ -Provides standard x86 NMI handler
+ -This code is AST specific.
+ kenr
+Revision History:
+ Quang Phan (v-quangp) 17-Dec-92: Check for other NMI sources and
+ print out the proper messages.
+#include "halp.h"
+#include "bugcodes.h"
+#include "astebiii.h"
+#include "astdisp.h"
+#include "astnls.h"
+extern VOID* EBI2_MMIOTable[];
+extern EBI_II EBI2_CallTab;
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ Called DURING an NMI. The system will BugCheck when an NMI occurs.
+ This function can return the proper bugcheck code, bugcheck itself,
+ or return success which will cause the system to iret from the nmi.
+ This function is called during an NMI - no system services are available.
+ In addition, you don't want to touch any spinlock which is normally
+ used since we may have been interrupted while owning it, etc, etc...
+ Do NOT:
+ Make any system calls
+ Attempt to acquire any spinlock used by any code outside the NMI handler
+ Change the interrupt state. Do not execute any IRET inside this code
+ Passing data to non-NMI code must be done using manual interlocked
+ functions. (xchg instructions).
+ NmiInfo - Pointer to NMI information structure (TBD)
+ - NULL means no NMI information structure was passed
+Return Value:
+ BugCheck code
+ UCHAR StatusByte;
+ UCHAR EisaPort;
+ UCHAR c;
+ ULONG port, i;
+ HalDisplayString (MSG_HARDWARE_ERROR1);
+ HalDisplayString (MSG_HARDWARE_ERROR2);
+ if (StatusByte & 0x80) {
+ HalDisplayString (MSG_NMI_PARITY);
+ }
+ if (StatusByte & 0x40) {
+ HalDisplayString (MSG_NMI_CHANNEL_CHECK);
+ }
+ if (HalpBusType == MACHINE_TYPE_EISA) {
+ //
+ // This is an Eisa machine, check for extnded nmi information...
+ //
+ if (StatusByte & 0x80) {
+ HalDisplayString (MSG_NMI_FAIL_SAFE);
+ }
+ if (StatusByte & 0x40) {
+ HalDisplayString (MSG_NMI_BUS_TIMEOUT);
+ }
+ if (StatusByte & 0x20) {
+ HalDisplayString (MSG_NMI_SOFTWARE_NMI);
+ }
+ //
+ // Look for any Eisa expansion board. See if it asserted NMI.
+ //
+ for (EisaPort = 1; EisaPort <= 0xf; EisaPort++) {
+ port = (EisaPort << 12) + 0xC80;
+ WRITE_PORT_UCHAR ((PUCHAR) port, 0xff);
+ StatusByte = READ_PORT_UCHAR ((PUCHAR) port);
+ if ((StatusByte & 0x80) == 0) {
+ //
+ // Found valid Eisa board, Check to see if it's
+ // if IOCHKERR is asserted.
+ //
+ StatusByte = READ_PORT_UCHAR ((PUCHAR) port+4);
+ if (StatusByte & 0x2) {
+ c = (EisaPort > 9 ? 'A'-10 : '0') + EisaPort;
+ for (i=0; EisaNMIMsg[i]; i++) {
+ if (EisaNMIMsg[i] == '%') {
+ EisaNMIMsg[i] = c;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ HalDisplayString (EisaNMIMsg);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( (EBI2_CallTab.GetNMISource)( EBI2_MMIOTable, &EBI2NMISource ) )
+ { HalDisplayString (MSG_NMI_EBI2_ERR); }
+ switch (EBI2NMISource) {
+ case NMI_SYS_IO_ERROR: p = MSG_NMI_SYS_IO_ERR; break;
+ case NMI_SW_GEN_NMI: p = MSG_NMI_SW_GEN_NMI; break;
+ case NMI_BUS_PARITY: p = MSG_NMI_BUS_ERR; break;
+ default: p = MSG_NMI_UNKOWN; break;
+ }
+ HalDisplayString (p);
+ HalDisplayString (MSG_HALT);
+ KeEnterKernelDebugger();
diff --git a/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/astproc.c b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/astproc.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2cf10da6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/astproc.c
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
+Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation
+Copyright (c) 1992 AST Research Inc.
+Module Name:
+ spsproc.c
+ AST EBI2 Start Next Processor c code.
+ This module implements the initialization of the system dependent
+ functions that define the Hardware Architecture Layer (HAL) for an
+ AST Manhattan EBI2 system.
+ Ken Reneris (kenr) 22-Jan-1991
+ Kernel mode only.
+Revision History:
+ Bob Beard (v-bobb) 3-Aug-1992
+#include "halp.h"
+#include "astdisp.h"
+UCHAR HalName[] = "AST Manhattan MP HAL";
+HalpMapCR3 (
+ IN ULONG VirtAddress,
+ IN PVOID PhysicalAddress,
+ IN ULONG Length
+ );
+HalpBuildTiledCR3 (
+ );
+HalpFreeTiledCR3 (
+ );
+#define MAX_PT 8
+#define LOW_MEMORY 0x000100000
+extern __cdecl StartPx_PMStub();
+PUCHAR MpLowStub; // pointer to low memory bootup stub
+PVOID MpLowStubPhysicalAddress; // pointer to low memory bootup stub
+PUCHAR MppIDT; // pointer to physical memory 0:0
+PVOID MpFreeCR3[MAX_PT]; // remember pool memory to free
+extern ULONG HalpIpiClock; // bitmask of processors to ipi
+HalpInitMP (
+ IN ULONG Phase,
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ Allows MP initialization from HalInitSystem.
+ Same as HalInitSystem
+Return Value:
+ none.
+ pPCR = KeGetPcr();
+ if (Phase == 0) {
+ MppIDT = HalpMapPhysicalMemory (0, 1);
+ //
+ // Allocate some low memory for processor bootup stub
+ //
+ MpLowStubPhysicalAddress = (PVOID)HalpAllocPhysicalMemory (LoaderBlock,
+ if (!MpLowStubPhysicalAddress)
+ return TRUE;
+ MpLowStub = (PCHAR) HalpMapPhysicalMemory (MpLowStubPhysicalAddress, 1);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+HalReportResourceUsage (
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ The registery is now enabled - time to report resources which are
+ used by the HAL.
+Return Value:
+ HalInitSystemPhase2();
+ RtlInitAnsiString (&AHalName, HalName);
+ RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString (&UHalName, &AHalName, TRUE);
+ HalpReportResourceUsage (
+ &UHalName, // descriptive name
+ Eisa // Manhattan's are Eisa machines
+ );
+ RtlFreeUnicodeString (&UHalName);
+HalAllProcessorsStarted (
+ )
+ return TRUE;
+HalpResetAllProcessors (
+ )
+ // Just return, that will invoke the standard PC reboot code
+HalpBuildTiledCR3 (
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ When the x86 processor is reset it starts in real-mode. In order to
+ move the processor from real-mode to protected mode with flat addressing
+ the segment which loads CR0 needs to have it's linear address mapped
+ to machine the phyiscal location of the segment for said instruction so
+ the processor can continue to execute the following instruction.
+ This function is called to built such a tiled page directory. In
+ addition, other flat addresses are tiled to match the current running
+ flat address for the new state. Once the processor is in flat mode,
+ we move to a NT tiled page which can then load up the remaining processors
+ state.
+ ProcessorState - The state the new processor should start in.
+Return Value:
+ Physical address of Tiled page directory
+#define GetPdeAddress(va) ((PHARDWARE_PTE)((((((ULONG)(va)) >> 22) & 0x3ff) << 2) + (PUCHAR)MpFreeCR3[0]))
+#define GetPteAddress(va) ((PHARDWARE_PTE)((((((ULONG)(va)) >> 12) & 0x3ff) << 2) + (PUCHAR)pPageTable))
+// bugbug kenr 27mar92 - fix physical memory usage!
+ MpFreeCR3[0] = ExAllocatePool (NonPagedPool, PAGE_SIZE);
+ RtlZeroMemory (MpFreeCR3[0], PAGE_SIZE);
+ //
+ // Map page for real mode stub (one page)
+ //
+ HalpMapCR3 ((ULONG) MpLowStubPhysicalAddress,
+ MpLowStubPhysicalAddress,
+ //
+ // Map page for protect mode stub (one page)
+ //
+ HalpMapCR3 ((ULONG) &StartPx_PMStub, NULL, 0x1000);
+ //
+ // Map page(s) for processors GDT
+ //
+ HalpMapCR3 (ProcessorState->SpecialRegisters.Gdtr.Base, NULL,
+ ProcessorState->SpecialRegisters.Gdtr.Limit);
+ //
+ // Map page(s) for processors IDT
+ //
+ HalpMapCR3 (ProcessorState->SpecialRegisters.Idtr.Base, NULL,
+ ProcessorState->SpecialRegisters.Idtr.Limit);
+ return MmGetPhysicalAddress (MpFreeCR3[0]).LowPart;
+HalpMapCR3 (
+ IN ULONG VirtAddress,
+ IN PVOID PhysicalAddress,
+ IN ULONG Length
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ Called to build a page table entry for the passed page directory.
+ Used to build a tiled page directory with real-mode & flat mode.
+ VirtAddress - Current virtual address
+ PhysicalAddress - Optional. Physical address to be mapped to, if passed
+ as a NULL then the physical address of the passed
+ virtual address is assumed.
+ Length - number of bytes to map
+Return Value:
+ none.
+ ULONG i;
+ PVOID pPageTable;
+ while (Length) {
+ PTE = GetPdeAddress (VirtAddress);
+ if (!PTE->PageFrameNumber) {
+ pPageTable = ExAllocatePool (NonPagedPool, PAGE_SIZE);
+ RtlZeroMemory (pPageTable, PAGE_SIZE);
+ for (i=0; i<MAX_PT; i++) {
+ if (!MpFreeCR3[i]) {
+ MpFreeCR3[i] = pPageTable;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ pPhysicalPage = MmGetPhysicalAddress (pPageTable);
+ PTE->PageFrameNumber = (pPhysicalPage.LowPart >> PAGE_SHIFT);
+ PTE->Valid = 1;
+ PTE->Write = 1;
+ }
+ pPhysicalPage.LowPart = PTE->PageFrameNumber << PAGE_SHIFT;
+ pPhysicalPage.HighPart = 0;
+ pPageTable = MmMapIoSpace (pPhysicalPage, PAGE_SIZE, TRUE);
+ PTE = GetPteAddress (VirtAddress);
+ if (!PhysicalAddress) {
+ PhysicalAddress = (PVOID)MmGetPhysicalAddress ((PVOID)VirtAddress).LowPart;
+ }
+ PTE->PageFrameNumber = ((ULONG) PhysicalAddress >> PAGE_SHIFT);
+ PTE->Valid = 1;
+ PTE->Write = 1;
+ MmUnmapIoSpace (pPageTable, PAGE_SIZE);
+ PhysicalAddress = 0;
+ VirtAddress += PAGE_SIZE;
+ if (Length > PAGE_SIZE) {
+ Length -= PAGE_SIZE;
+ } else {
+ Length = 0;
+ }
+ }
+HalpFreeTiledCR3 (
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ Free's any memory allocated when the tiled page directory was built.
+ none
+Return Value:
+ none
+ ULONG i;
+ for (i=0; MpFreeCR3[i]; i++) {
+ ExFreePool (MpFreeCR3[i]);
+ MpFreeCR3[i] = 0;
+ }
+HalpInitOtherBuses (
+ )
+ // no other buses
+HalpGetMcaLog (
+ OUT PULONG ReturnedLength
+ )
+ )
+HalSystemVectorDispatchEntry (
+ IN ULONG Vector,
+ )
+ return FALSE;
diff --git a/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/astproca.asm b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/astproca.asm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..401c0dd3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/astproca.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+ title "MP primitives for AST Manhattan EBI2"
+;Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation
+;Copyright (c) 1992 AST Research Inc.
+;Module Name:
+; spsproca.asm
+; AST Manhattan Start Next Processor assemble code
+; This module along with astproc.c implement the code to start
+; off additional processors on the AST Manhattan.
+; Ken Reneris (kenr) 12-Jan-1992
+;Revision History:
+; Bob Beard (v-bobb) 4-Aug-1992
+ .xlist
+include i386\
+include i386\
+include i386\
+ .list
+ EXTRNP _HalpBuildTiledCR3,1
+ EXTRNP _HalpFreeTiledCR3,0
+ EXTRNP _DisplPanel,1
+ extrn _MppIDT:DWORD
+ extrn _MpLowStub:DWORD
+ extrn _MpLowStubPhysicalAddress:DWORD
+ extrn _MpCount:DWORD
+ extrn _EBI2_CallTab:DWORD
+ extrn _EBI2_MMIOTable:DWORD
+; Internal defines and structures
+PxParamBlock struc
+ SPx_flag dd ?
+ SPx_TiledCR3 dd ?
+ SPx_P0EBP dd ?
+ SPx_ProcNum dd ?
+ SPx_PB db processorstatelength dup (?)
+PxParamBlock ends
+_TEXT SEGMENT PARA PUBLIC 'CODE' ; Start 32 bit code
+; HalStartNextProcessor (
+; IN PLOADER_BLOCK pLoaderBlock,
+; )
+; Routine Description:
+; This routine is called by the kernel durning kernel initialization
+; to obtain more processors. It is called until no more processors
+; are available.
+; If another processor exists this function is to initialize it to
+; the passed in processorstate structure, and return TRUE.
+; If another processor does not exists, then a FALSE is returned.
+; Also note that the loader block has been setup for the next processor.
+; The new processor logical thread number can be obtained from it, if
+; required.
+; Arguments:
+; pLoaderBlock, - Loader block which has been intialized for the
+; next processor.
+; pProcessorState - The processor state which is to be loaded into
+; the next processor.
+; Return Value:
+; TRUE - ProcessorNumber was dispatched.
+; FALSE - A processor was not dispatched. no other processors exists.
+pLoaderBlock equ dword ptr [ebp+8] ; zero based
+pProcessorState equ dword ptr [ebp+12]
+; Local variables
+PxFrame equ [ebp - size PxParamBlock]
+cPublicProc _HalStartNextProcessor ,2
+ push ebp ; save ebp
+ mov ebp, esp ;
+ sub esp, size PxParamBlock ; Make room for local vars
+ push esi
+ push edi
+ push ebx
+ xor eax, eax
+ mov PxFrame.SPx_flag, eax
+ cmp _MpCount, eax
+ je snp_exit ; exit FALSE
+ mov esi, OFFSET FLAT:StartPx_RMStub
+ mov ecx, StartPx_RMStub_Len
+ mov edi, _MpLowStub ; Copy RMStub to low memory
+ add edi, size PxParamBlock
+ rep movsb
+ lea edi, PxFrame.SPx_PB
+ mov esi, pProcessorState
+ mov ecx, processorstatelength ; Copy processorstate
+ rep movsb ; to PxFrame
+ stdCall _HalpBuildTiledCR3,<pProcessorState>
+ mov PxFrame.SPx_TiledCR3, eax
+ mov PxFrame.SPx_P0EBP, ebp
+ mov eax, pLoaderBlock ; lookup processor # we are
+ mov eax, [eax].LpbPrcb ; starting
+ movzx eax, byte ptr [eax].PbNumber
+ mov PxFrame.SPx_ProcNum, eax
+ mov ecx, size PxParamBlock ; copy param block
+ lea esi, PxFrame ; to low memory stub
+ mov edi, _MpLowStub
+ mov eax, edi
+ rep movsb
+ add eax, size PxParamBlock
+ mov ebx, OFFSET FLAT:StartPx_RMStub
+ sub eax, ebx ; (eax) = adjusted pointer
+ mov bx, word ptr [PxFrame.SPx_PB.PsContextFrame.CsSegCs]
+ mov [eax.SPrxFlatCS], bx ; patch realmode stub with
+ mov [eax.SPrxPMStub], offset _StartPx_PMStub ; valid long jump
+ mov ebx, _MppIDT
+ add ebx, WarmResetVector
+ cli
+ push dword ptr [ebx] ; Save current vector
+ push ebx
+ mov eax, _MpLowStubPhysicalAddress
+ shl eax, 12 ; seg:0
+ add eax, size PxParamBlock
+ mov dword ptr [ebx], eax ; start Px here
+ push PxFrame.SPx_ProcNum
+ CALL_EBI2 StartProc,2
+ifdef DBG
+ or eax,eax
+ je Start_Ok
+ push 0ffh
+ DisplPanel HalStartNextProcProblem
+ add esp,4
+ int 3
+ cmp PxFrame.SPx_flag, 0
+ jz loop_till_started
+ pop ebx
+ pop dword ptr [ebx] ; restore vector
+ sti
+ stdCall _HalpFreeTiledCR3 ; free memory used for tiled
+ ; CR3
+ dec _MpCount ; one less
+ mov eax, 1 ; return TRUE
+ pop ebx
+ pop edi
+ pop esi
+ mov esp, ebp
+ pop ebp
+ stdRET _HalStartNextProcessor
+stdENDP _HalStartNextProcessor
+_TEXT ends ; end 32 bit code
+_TEXT16 SEGMENT DWORD PUBLIC USE16 'CODE' ; start 16 bit code
+; StartPx_RMStub
+; Routine Description:
+; When a new processor is started, it starts in real-mode and is
+; sent to a copy of this function which has been copied into low memory.
+; (below 1m and accessable from real-mode).
+; Once CR0 has been set, this function jmp's to a StartPx_PMStub
+; Arguments:
+; none
+; Return Value:
+; does not return, jumps to StartPx_PMStub
+ public StartPx_RMStub
+StartPx_RMStub proc
+ cli
+ db 066h ; load the GDT
+ lgdt fword ptr cs:[SPx_PB.PsSpecialRegisters.SrGdtr]
+ db 066h ; load the IDT
+ lidt fword ptr cs:[SPx_PB.PsSpecialRegisters.SrIdtr]
+ mov eax, cs:[SPx_TiledCR3]
+ mov cr3, eax
+ mov ebp, dword ptr cs:[SPx_P0EBP]
+ mov ecx, dword ptr cs:[SPx_PB.PsContextFrame.CsSegDs]
+ mov ebx, dword ptr cs:[SPx_PB.PsSpecialRegisters.SrCr3]
+ mov eax, dword ptr cs:[SPx_PB.PsSpecialRegisters.SrCr0]
+ mov cr0, eax ; into prot mode
+ db 066h
+ db 0eah ; reload cs:eip
+SPrxPMStub dd 0
+SPrxFlatCS dw 0
+StartPx_RMStub_Len equ $ - StartPx_RMStub
+StartPx_RMStub endp
+_TEXT16 ends ; End 16 bit code
+_TEXT SEGMENT ; Start 32 bit code
+; StartPx_PMStub
+; Routine Description:
+; This function completes the processor's state loading, and signals
+; the requesting processor that the state has been loaded.
+; Arguments:
+; ebx - requested CR3 for this processors_state
+; cx - requested ds for this processors_state
+; ebp - EBP of P0
+; Return Value:
+; does not return - completes the loading of the processors_state
+ align 16 ; to make sure we don't cross a page boundry
+ ; before reloading CR3
+ public _StartPx_PMStub
+_StartPx_PMStub proc
+ ; process is now in the load image copy of this function.
+ ; (ie, it's not the low memory copy)
+ mov cr3, ebx ; get real CR3
+ mov ds, cx ; set real ds
+ lea esi, PxFrame.SPx_PB.PsSpecialRegisters
+ lldt word ptr ds:[esi].SrLdtr ; load ldtr
+ ltr word ptr ds:[esi].SrTr ; load tss
+ lea edi, PxFrame.SPx_PB.PsContextFrame
+ mov es, word ptr ds:[edi].CsSegEs ; Set other selectors
+ mov fs, word ptr ds:[edi].CsSegFs
+ mov gs, word ptr ds:[edi].CsSegGs
+ mov ss, word ptr ds:[edi].CsSegSs
+ add esi, SrKernelDr0
+ .errnz (SrKernelDr1 - SrKernelDr0 - 1 * 4)
+ .errnz (SrKernelDr2 - SrKernelDr0 - 2 * 4)
+ .errnz (SrKernelDr3 - SrKernelDr0 - 3 * 4)
+ .errnz (SrKernelDr6 - SrKernelDr0 - 4 * 4)
+ .errnz (SrKernelDr7 - SrKernelDr0 - 5 * 4)
+ lodsd
+ mov dr0, eax ; load dr0-dr7
+ lodsd
+ mov dr1, eax
+ lodsd
+ mov dr2, eax
+ lodsd
+ mov dr3, eax
+ lodsd
+ mov dr6, eax
+ lodsd
+ mov dr7, eax
+ mov esp, dword ptr ds:[edi].CsEsp
+ mov esi, dword ptr ds:[edi].CsEsi
+ mov ecx, dword ptr ds:[edi].CsEcx
+ push dword ptr ds:[edi].CsEflags
+ popfd ; load eflags
+ push dword ptr ds:[edi].CsEip ; make a copy of remaining
+ push dword ptr ds:[edi].CsEax ; registers which need
+ push dword ptr ds:[edi].CsEbx ; loaded
+ push dword ptr ds:[edi].CsEdx
+ push dword ptr ds:[edi].CsEdi
+ push dword ptr ds:[edi].CsEbp
+ ; eax, ebx, edx are still free
+ inc [PxFrame.SPx_flag] ; Signal p0 that we are
+ ; done with it's data
+ ; Set remaining registers
+ pop ebp
+ pop edi
+ pop edx
+ pop ebx
+ pop eax
+ ret ; Set eip
+_StartPx_PMStub endp
+_TEXT ends ; end 32 bit code
+ end
diff --git a/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/astspi.asm b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/astspi.asm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..427b6544f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/astspi.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+ title "Special Interrupt"
+;Copyright (c) 1992 AST Research Inc.
+;Module Name:
+; astspi.asm
+; AST Manhattan SPI code.
+; Provides the HAL support for Special Interrupts for the
+; MP Manhattan implementation.
+; Bob Beard (v-bobb) 14-Aug-1992
+;Revision History:
+ .xlist
+; Normal includes
+include i386\
+include i386\
+include i386\
+ EXTRNP _DisplPanel,1
+ EXTRNP Kei386EoiHelper,0,IMPORT
+ EXTRNP _HalBeginSystemInterrupt,3
+ EXTRNP _HalEndSystemInterrupt,2
+ extrn _EBI2_CallTab:DWORD
+ extrn _EBI2_MMIOTable:DWORD
+ extrn _HalpIRQLtoVector:BYTE
+_EBI2_SpiSource dd 0 ; Global variable indicating SPI source
+_EBI2_SetIrq13Packet dd 3 dup (0) ;Parameter packet for OEMfunc SetIrq13Latch
+_DATA ends
+ page ,132
+ subttl "Post InterProcessor Interrupt"
+; HalpSpiInterrupt
+;Routine Description:
+; Determine type of SPI interrupt that occurred.
+; EOI the interrupt.
+; Defer all works to the device driver by latching IRQ13
+; None
+; Interrupt is disabled
+;Return Value:
+; None.
+ ENTER_DR_ASSIST Hsi_a, Hsi_t
+cPublicProc _HalpSPInterrupt,0
+; Save Machine state in trap frame
+; (esp) - base of trap frame
+; get the SPI interrupt source and store in _EBI2_SpiSource
+ push offset _EBI2_SpiSource
+ CALL_EBI2 GetSPISource, 2
+if DBG
+ int 3
+ or eax,eax
+ jz Spi_10
+ int 3
+endif ;DBG
+;Defer any processing to the device driver by set IRQ13 latche
+ mov eax,_EBI2_SpiSource ;save SPI sources
+ mov fs:PcHal.PcrEBI2SPIsource,eax ;
+ mov eax,offset _EBI2_SetIrq13Packet
+ mov [eax].OEM0_subfunc,SET_IRQ13_LATCH
+ mov [eax].OEM0_parm1dd,IRQ13_LATCH_ON ;latch mode
+ mov [eax].OEM0_parm2dd,0 ;set to processor 0
+ push eax
+if DBG
+ or eax,eax
+ jz Spi_20
+ int 3
+endif ;DBG
+ movzx eax, _HalpIRQLtoVector[POWER_LEVEL]
+ push eax
+ sub esp,4 ; space for OldIrql
+ stdCall _HalBeginSystemInterrupt,<POWER_LEVEL,eax,esp>
+ or al,al ; check for spurious interrupt
+ jz Spi_100
+; (esp) = OldIrql
+; (esp+4) = Vector
+; (esp+8) = base of trap frame
+ add esp,8 ; spurious
+ EXIT_ALL ,,NoPreviousMode ; no EOI or lowering irql
+stdENDP _HalpSPInterrupt
diff --git a/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/aststall.asm b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/aststall.asm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..184407832
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/aststall.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+ title "Stall Execution Support"
+; Copyright (c) 1989 Microsoft Corporation
+; Module Name:
+; aststall.asm
+; Abstract:
+; This module implements the code necessary to initialize the per
+; microsecond count used by the KeStallExecution.
+; This implementation is very specific to the AST Manhattan system.
+; Author:
+; Shie-Lin Tzong (shielint) 12-Jan-1990
+; Environment:
+; Kernel mode only.
+; Revision History:
+; bryanwi 20-Sep-90
+; Add KiSetProfileInterval, KiStartProfileInterrupt,
+; KiStopProfileInterrupt procedures.
+; KiProfileInterrupt ISR.
+; KiProfileList, KiProfileLock are delcared here.
+; shielint 10-Dec-90
+; Add performance counter support.
+; Move system clock to irq8, ie we now use RTC to generate system
+; clock. Performance count and Profile use timer 1 counter 0.
+; The interval of the irq0 interrupt can be changed by
+; KiSetProfileInterval. Performance counter does not care about the
+; interval of the interrupt as long as it knows the rollover count.
+; Note: Currently I implemented 1 performance counter for the whole
+; i386 NT.
+; John Vert (jvert) 11-Jul-1991
+; Moved from ke\i386 to hal\i386. Removed non-HAL stuff
+; shie-lin tzong (shielint) 13-March-92
+; Move System clock back to irq0 and use RTC (irq8) to generate
+; profile interrupt. Performance counter and system clock use time1
+; counter 0 of 8254.
+; Landy Wang (corollary!landy) 04-Dec-92
+; Created this module by moving routines from ixclock.asm to here.
+; Quang Phan (v-quangp) 07-Jan-93
+; Modified for AST MP system.
+ .xlist
+include ; calling convention macros
+include i386\
+include i386\
+include i386\
+include i386\
+include i386\
+ .list
+ EXTRNP _DbgBreakPoint,0,IMPORT
+ extrn _EBI2_CallTab:DWORD
+ extrn _EBI2_MMIOTable:DWORD
+; Constants
+BaseStallCount EQU 40h ; Init. count
+UpperLimitCount EQU 400h ; Upper limit count for debbuging
+SysTimerUpperLimit EQU 0FFFFFFC0h ; SysTimer nears wrap arround
+EBI2_SysTimerCount dd 0 ;loc for EBI2GetSysTimer data
+_DATA ends
+ page ,132
+ subttl "Initialize Stall Execution Counter"
+; HalpInitializeStallExecution (
+; IN CCHAR ProcessorNumber
+; )
+; Routine Description:
+; This routine initialize the per Microsecond counter for
+; KeStallExecutionProcessor.
+; This function does not use the interval clock interrupt. Instead,
+; it use the global system timer of 1 microsecond available in the
+; AST Manhattan system.
+; Arguments:
+; ProcessorNumber - Processor Number
+; Return Value:
+; None.
+; Note:
+cPublicProc _HalpInitializeStallExecution ,1
+ pushfd ; save caller's eflag
+ cli ; make sure interrupts are disabled
+ push ebx ; save ebx for internal use
+ mov ecx,BaseStallCount
+;Sync on transition of the system timer.
+ lea eax, EBI2_SysTimerCount ;ptr to data
+ push eax
+ CALL_EBI2 GetSysTimer,2
+if DBG
+ or eax,eax
+ je @f
+ int 3 ;trap for debugging
+ mov ebx, EBI2_SysTimerCount ;save last SysTimer
+ lea eax, EBI2_SysTimerCount ;ptr to data
+ push eax
+ CALL_EBI2 GetSysTimer,2
+if DBG
+ or eax,eax
+ je @f
+ int 3 ;trap for debugging
+ cmp ebx, EBI2_SysTimerCount ;cmp with last SysTimer
+ jae Kise10 ;if wrap or the same.
+ mov ebx, EBI2_SysTimerCount ;last SysTimer
+ cmp ebx, SysTimerUpperLimit ; if near wrap around
+ ja kise10 ; then try again.
+ add ebx, 32 ;sample in 32 us.
+ mov eax, ecx ;init loop count
+ sub eax, 1 ; dec loop count
+ jnz short @b
+;Check if system timer roll over.
+ lea eax, EBI2_SysTimerCount ;ptr to data
+ push eax
+ CALL_EBI2 GetSysTimer,2
+if DBG
+ or eax,eax
+ je short @f
+ int 3 ;trap for debugging
+ cmp EBI2_SysTimerCount, ebx ;cmp with last SysTimer
+ jb Kise30 ;go increment BaseStallCount
+ shr ecx,5 ;/32=count for 1us
+ mov PCR[PcStallScaleFactor], ecx
+if DBG
+ cmp ecx, 0
+ jnz short @f
+ stdCall _DbgBreakPoint
+ cmp ecx, UpperLimitCount
+ jb short @f
+ stdCall _DbgBreakPoint
+ pop ebx
+ popfd ; restore caller's eflags
+ stdRET _HalpInitializeStallExecution
+;SysTimer does not reach the reference yet, increment stall count then retry.
+ inc ecx
+ jmp Kise10 ;try again
+stdENDP _HalpInitializeStallExecution
+ page ,132
+ subttl "Stall Execution"
+; KeStallExecutionProcessor (
+; IN ULONG MicroSeconds
+; )
+; Routine Description:
+; This function stalls execution for the specified number of microseconds.
+; KeStallExecutionProcessor
+; Arguments:
+; MicroSeconds - Supplies the number of microseconds that execution is to be
+; stalled.
+; Return Value:
+; None.
+MicroSeconds equ [esp + 4]
+cPublicProc _KeStallExecutionProcessor ,1
+ mov ecx, MicroSeconds ; (ecx) = Microseconds
+ jecxz short kese10 ; return if no loop needed
+ mov eax, PCR[PcStallScaleFactor] ; get per microsecond
+ ; loop count for the processor
+ mul ecx ; (eax) = desired loop count
+if DBG
+; Make sure we the loopcount is less than 4G and is not equal to zero
+ cmp edx, 0
+ jz short @f
+ int 3
+@@: cmp eax,0
+ jnz short @f
+ int 3
+@@: sub eax, 1 ; (eax) = (eax) - 1
+ jnz short @b
+ stdRET _KeStallExecutionProcessor
+stdENDP _KeStallExecutionProcessor
+_TEXT ends
+ end
diff --git a/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/astsyint.asm b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/astsyint.asm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e30022ed2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/astsyint.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,592 @@
+;Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation
+;Copyright (c) 1992 AST Research Inc.
+;Module Name:
+; astsyint.asm
+; This module implements the HAL routines to enable/disable system
+; interrupts, for the AST MP (Manhattan) implementation
+; John Vert (jvert) 22-Jul-1991
+; Quang Phan (v-quangp) 24-Jul-1992
+; Kernel Mode
+;Revision History:
+; Quang Phan (v-quangp) 15-Dec-1992:
+; Used different display codes for different spurious interrupt status.
+ .xlist
+include i386\
+include i386\
+include i386\
+include i386\
+ .list
+ extrn KiEBI2IntMaskTable:DWORD
+ extrn _HalpIRQLtoEBIBitMask:DWORD
+ extrn _EBI2_CallTab:DWORD
+ extrn _EBI2_MMIOTable:DWORD
+ extrn _HalpInitializedProcessors:DWORD
+ extrn _HalpIRQLtoVector:BYTE
+ EXTRNP _DisplPanel,1
+ EXTRNP _KeRaiseIrql,2
+;spinlock for EBI2 access
+ align dword
+ public _EBI2_Lock
+_EBI2_Lock dd 0 ;for Enable/DisableSystemInterrupt
+EBI2_GlobalIntMask dd 0 ;loc for EBI2GetGlobalIntMask data
+;HalpInterruptToProc table is used by HAL to figure out which interrupt
+;(irql) will be assigned to which processor. The current implementation
+;assigns interrupts to processors on a round-robin basis.
+ public IrqlAssignToProcTable ;InterruptToProcessor assignment table
+IrqlAssigntoProcTable label dword
+ dd 32 dup(0FFh) ;irql -> ProcID
+CurrentAssignProcessor dd 0 ; Current proc. assigned to irql
+; HalDismissSystemInterrupt does an indirect jump through this table so it
+; can quickly execute specific code for different interrupts.
+ public HalpSpecialDismissTable
+HalpSpecialDismissTable label dword
+ dd offset FLAT:HalpDismissNormal ; irql 0
+ dd offset FLAT:HalpDismissNormal ; irql 1
+ dd offset FLAT:HalpDismissNormal ; irql 2
+ dd offset FLAT:HalpDismissNormal ; irql 3
+ dd offset FLAT:HalpDismissNormal ; irql 4
+ dd offset FLAT:HalpDismissNormal ; irql 5
+ dd offset FLAT:HalpDismissNormal ; irql 6
+ dd offset FLAT:HalpDismissNormal ; irql 7
+ dd offset FLAT:HalpDismissNormal ; irql 8
+ dd offset FLAT:HalpDismissNormal ; irql 9
+ dd offset FLAT:HalpDismissNormal ; irql 10
+ dd offset FLAT:HalpDismissNormal ; irql 11
+ dd offset FLAT:HalpDismissIrq07 ; irql 12 (irq7)
+ dd offset FLAT:HalpDismissNormal ; irql 13
+ dd offset FLAT:HalpDismissNormal ; irql 14
+ dd offset FLAT:HalpDismissNormal ; irql 15
+ dd offset FLAT:HalpDismissNormal ; irql 16
+ dd offset FLAT:HalpDismissIrq0f ; irql 17 (irq15)
+ dd offset FLAT:HalpDismissNormal ; irql 18
+ dd offset FLAT:HalpDismissNormal ; irql 19
+ dd offset FLAT:HalpDismissNormal ; irql 20
+ dd offset FLAT:HalpDismissNormal ; irql 21
+ dd offset FLAT:HalpDismissNormal ; irql 22
+ dd offset FLAT:HalpDismissNormal ; irql 23
+ dd offset FLAT:HalpDismissNormal ; irql 24
+ dd offset FLAT:HalpDismissNormal ; irql 25
+ dd offset FLAT:HalpDismissNormal ; irql 26
+ dd offset FLAT:HalpDismissNormal ; irql 27
+ dd offset FLAT:HalpDismissNormal ; irql 28
+ dd offset FLAT:HalpDismissNormal ; irql 29
+ dd offset FLAT:HalpDismissNormal ; irql 30
+ dd offset FLAT:HalpDismissNormal ; irql 31
+;Translation table from system IRQL to EBI's IntNum used in MaskableIntEOI.
+ Public HalpIRQLtoEBIIntNumber
+ align 4
+HalpIRQLtoEBIIntNumber Label Dword
+ dd 0 ;IRQL 0 (Unused Mask)
+ dd 0 ;IRQL 1
+ dd IRQ_25 ;IRQL 2 (EBI IRQ-25)
+ dd 0 ;IRQL 3
+ dd 0 ;IRQL 4
+ dd 0 ;IRQL 5
+ dd 0 ;IRQL 6
+ dd 0 ;IRQL 7
+ dd 0 ;IRQL 8
+ dd 0 ;IRQL 9
+ dd 0 ;IRQL 10
+ dd 0 ;IRQL 11
+ dd IRQ_7 ;IRQL 12
+ dd IRQ_6 ;IRQL 13
+ dd IRQ_5 ;IRQL 14
+ dd IRQ_4 ;IRQL 15
+ dd IRQ_3 ;IRQL 16
+ dd IRQ_15 ;IRQL 17
+ dd IRQ_14 ;IRQL 18
+ dd IRQ_13 ;IRQL 19
+ dd IRQ_12 ;IRQL 20
+ dd IRQ_11 ;IRQL 21
+ dd IRQ_10 ;IRQL 22
+ dd IRQ_9 ;IRQL 23
+ dd IRQ_8 ;IRQL 24
+ dd IRQ_2 ;IRQL 25
+ dd IRQ_1 ;IRQL 26
+ dd IRQ_8 ;IRQL 27
+ dd IRQ_0 ;IRQL 28
+ dd IRQ_26 ;IRQL 29 (IPI)
+ dd IRQ_24 ;IRQL 30 (SPI)
+ dd 0 ;IRQL 31
+; IN KIRQL Irql
+; IN CCHAR Vector,
+; )
+;Routine Description:
+; This routine is used to dismiss the specified vector number. It is called
+; before any interrupt service routine code is executed.
+; Irql - Supplies the IRQL to raise to
+; Vector - Supplies the vector of the interrupt to be dismissed
+; OldIrql- Location to return OldIrql
+;Return Value:
+; FALSE - Interrupt is spurious and should be ignored
+; TRUE - Interrupt successfully dismissed and Irql raised.
+align dword
+HbsiIrql equ byte ptr [esp+4]
+HbsiVector equ byte ptr [esp+8]
+HbsiOldIrql equ dword ptr [esp+12]
+cPublicProc _HalBeginSystemInterrupt,3
+ movzx eax,HbsiIrql ; (eax) = System Irql
+ movzx ecx,byte ptr fs:PcIrql ; (ecx) = Current Irql
+if DBG
+ cmp eax, 31 ; Irql in table?
+ ja hbsi00 ; no go handle
+ cmp cl, al
+ ja hbsi00 ; Dismiss as spurious
+endif ;DBG
+ jmp HalpSpecialDismissTable[eax*4] ; ck for spurious int's
+; Interrupt is out of range. There's no EOI here since it wouldn't
+; have been out of range if it occured on either interrupt controller
+; which is known about.
+ DisplPanel HalSpuriousInterrupt
+ int 3
+ mov eax,0 ; return FALSE
+ stdRET _HalBeginSystemInterrupt
+;Normal handler
+ movzx eax,HbsiIrql ; (eax) = System Irql
+ movzx ecx,byte ptr fs:PcIrql ; (ecx) = Current Irql
+ mov dl, _HalpIRQLtoVector[eax] ; Does irql match interrupt
+ cmp dl, HbsiVector ; vector?
+ jne short hbsi10 ; no, (then it's higher) go raise
+ mov edx, HbsiOldIrql ; (edx) = OldIrql address
+ mov fs:PcIrql, al ; Set new irql
+ mov byte ptr[edx], cl ; return OldIrql
+; mov dword ptr[edx], ecx
+ mov eax, 1 ; set return value to true
+ sti
+ stdRET _HalBeginSystemInterrupt
+ mov edx, HbsiOldIrql ; (edx) = OldIrql address
+ stdCall _KeRaiseIrql <eax, edx>
+ mov eax, 1 ; set return value to true
+ sti
+ stdRET _HalBeginSystemInterrupt
+;Handler for irq0Fh
+; Check to see if this is a spurious interrupt by reading the global IRQ status
+ sub esp, 8 ;alloc room in stack for 2 dword
+ mov eax,esp
+ add eax,4
+ push eax ;ptr to GlobalIRR
+ mov eax,esp
+ add eax,4
+ push eax ;ptr to GlobalISR
+ CALL_EBI2 GetGlobalIRQStatus,3
+if DBG
+ or eax,eax
+ je BeginSysInt4_OK
+ int 3 ;trap for debugging
+ bt dword ptr [esp],IRQ_15 ;chk In-Service for irq15
+ pop eax ;dummy pop to adj stack
+ pop eax ;..
+ jc short HalpDismissNormal2 ; =1: NOT a spurious int
+;Else, is a spurious interrupt. In this case, we have to send EOI to
+;the ADI to dismiss the interrupt.
+ DisplPanel HalSpuriousInterrupt2
+ push IRQ_15 ;EOI Irq_15
+ CALL_EBI2 MaskableIntEOI,2
+if DBG
+ or eax,eax
+ je BeginSysInt3_OK
+ int 3 ;trap for debugging
+ mov eax, 0 ; return FALSE
+ stdRET _HalBeginSystemInterrupt
+;Handler for irq07
+; Check to see if this is a spurious interrupt by reading the global IRQ status
+ sub esp, 8 ;alloc room in stack for 2 dword
+ mov eax,esp
+ add eax, 4
+ push eax ;ptr to GlobalIRR
+ mov eax,esp
+ add eax, 4
+ push eax ;ptr to GlobalISR
+ CALL_EBI2 GetGlobalIRQStatus,3
+if DBG
+ or eax,eax
+ je BeginSysInt2_OK
+ int 3 ;trap for debugging
+ bt dword ptr [esp],IRQ_7 ; chk In-Service for irq7
+ pop eax ;dummy pop to adj stack
+ pop eax ;..
+ jc HalpDismissNormal2 ; =1: NOT a spurious int
+;Else, is a spurious interrupt. In this case, we have to send EOI to
+;the ADI to dismiss the interrupt.
+ DisplPanel HalSpuriousInterrupt3
+ push IRQ_7 ;EOI Irq_7
+ CALL_EBI2 MaskableIntEOI,2
+if DBG
+ or eax,eax
+ je BeginSysInt1_OK
+ int 3 ;trap for debugging
+ mov eax, 0 ; return FALSE
+ stdRET _HalBeginSystemInterrupt
+stdENDP _HalBeginSystemInterrupt
+; IN CCHAR Vector,
+; IN KIRQL Irql
+; )
+;Routine Description:
+; Disables a system interrupt.
+; Vector - Supplies the vector of the interrupt to be disabled
+; Irql - Supplies the interrupt level of the interrupt to be disabled
+;Return Value:
+; None.
+cPublicProc _HalDisableSystemInterrupt,2
+ movzx ecx, byte ptr [esp+4] ;get vector
+ jc DisSysIntError ;jump if not H/W interrupt
+ cmp ecx, CLOCK2_LEVEL
+ jnc DisSysIntError
+ movzx ecx, byte ptr [esp+8] ;get IRQL (ecx)
+ mov ecx, HalpIRQLtoEBIIntNumber[ecx*4] ;get ebi2 int# (edx)
+ cli
+ bts fs:PcIDR, ecx ;disable int locally
+ jc DisSysIntExit ;jump if already disabled
+ lea eax, _EBI2_Lock
+;Mark the appropirate entry in the Irql assign table to NOT_ASSIGNED.
+ movzx eax, byte ptr [esp+8] ;get IRQL
+ mov IrqlAssignToProcTable[eax*4],NOT_ASSIGNED
+;Get the global interrupt mask
+ lea eax, EBI2_GlobalIntMask
+ push eax
+ CALL_EBI2 GetGlobalIntMask,2
+if DBG
+ or eax,eax
+ je DisableSysInt4_OK
+ int 3 ;trap for debugging
+;Disable interrupt globally at PIC
+ bts EBI2_GlobalIntMask,ecx ;disable int at global mask
+ push EBI2_GlobalIntMask
+ CALL_EBI2 SetGlobalIntMask,2
+if DBG
+ or eax,eax
+ je DisableSysInt1_OK
+ int 3 ;trap for debugging
+;Disable interrupt locally
+ mov cl, fs:PcIrql
+ fstCall KfRaiseIrql
+ lea eax, _EBI2_Lock
+;## DisplPanel HalDisableSystemInterruptExit
+ sti
+ stdRET _HalDisableSystemInterrupt
+ DisplPanel HalDisableSystemInterruptError
+if DBG
+ int 3
+ sti
+ xor eax,eax
+ ret
+ SPIN_ON_SPINLOCK eax, DisSysIntAquire
+stdENDP _HalDisableSystemInterrupt
+; IN ULONG Vector,
+; IN KIRQL Irql,
+; )
+;Routine Description:
+; Enables a system interrupt
+; Vector - Supplies the vector of the interrupt to be enabled
+; Irql - Supplies the interrupt level of the interrupt to be enabled.
+;Return Value:
+; None.
+cPublicProc _HalEnableSystemInterrupt,3
+;## DisplPanel HalEnableSystemInterruptEnter
+; int 3
+ movzx eax, byte ptr [esp+4] ;get vector
+ jc EnbSysIntError ;jump if not H/W interrupt
+; cmp eax, CLOCK2_LEVEL
+; jnc EnbSysIntError
+;Determine if this irq is to be assigned to this processor.
+;Irqs are to be assigned to the available processors on a round-robin
+ movzx ecx, byte ptr [esp+8] ;get IRQL
+ jae HESI_010 ;skip for PROFILE irql and above.
+;To have the fpanel switch work properly, irq13 must be assigned to P0.
+;This is because EBI2 clears switch status when asthal eoi SPI interrupt.
+;The current implementation is that switch status will be read and saved
+;by SPI handler.
+ cmp eax,13 ;irq13 vector?
+ jne HSEI_006
+ mov eax,fs:PcHal.PcrEBI2ProcessorID
+ or eax,eax
+ jne EnbSysIntExit
+ mov IrqlAssignToProcTable[ecx*4],eax ;update IrqlAssingnTable
+ jmp short HESI_010 ;go assign irq13 to P0
+ cmp IrqlAssignToProcTable[ecx*4],NOT_ASSIGNED
+ jne EnbSysIntExit ;skip if irql already assigned
+ mov eax,CurrentAssignProcessor
+ cmp eax,fs:PcHal.PcrEBI2ProcessorID
+ jne EnbSysIntExit
+ mov IrqlAssignToProcTable[ecx*4],eax ;update IrqlAssingnTable
+ cmp _HalpInitializedProcessors,1
+ je HESI_010 ;skip if only one processor
+ inc eax ;1-base count
+ cmp eax,_HalpInitializedProcessors
+ jae HESI_008
+ inc CurrentAssignProcessor
+ jmp HESI_010
+ mov CurrentAssignProcessor,0 ;reset to 0
+ mov eax, HalpIRQLtoEBIIntNumber[ecx*4] ;get ebi2 int #
+ cli
+ btr fs:PcIDR, eax ;enable int locally
+ jnc EnbSysIntExit ;jump if already enabled
+ lea eax, _EBI2_Lock
+;Enable interrupt locally
+ mov cl, fs:PcIrql
+ fstCall KfRaiseIrql
+;Get the global interrupt mask
+ lea eax, EBI2_GlobalIntMask
+ push eax
+ CALL_EBI2 GetGlobalIntMask,2
+if DBG
+ or eax,eax
+ je EnableSysInt4_OK
+ int 3 ;trap for debugging
+;Enable interrupt globally at PIC
+ mov eax,EBI2_GlobalIntMask ;current Global mask
+ and eax,fs:PcIDR ;enable int according PcIDR
+ and eax,0FFFFh ;EBI allows only irqs
+ push eax
+ CALL_EBI2 SetGlobalIntMask,2
+if DBG
+ or eax,eax
+ je EnableSysInt3_OK
+ int 3 ;trap for debugging
+ lea eax, _EBI2_Lock
+;## DisplPanel HalEnableSystemInterruptExit
+ sti
+ mov eax, 1
+ stdRET _HalEnableSystemInterrupt
+ DisplPanel HalEnableSystemInterruptError
+if DBG
+ int 3
+ sti
+ xor eax,eax
+ stdRET _HalEnableSystemInterrupt
+ SPIN_ON_SPINLOCK eax, EnbSysIntAquire
+stdENDP _HalEnableSystemInterrupt
diff --git a/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/halp.h b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/halp.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..49a60e028
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/halp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+// Include code from halx86
+// This is a cpp style symbolic link
+#include "halx86\i386\halp.h"
diff --git a/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/ b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b9e0a196a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+; Include code from halx86
+; This is a cpp style symbolic link
+include ..\halx86\i386\
diff --git a/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/ixbeep.asm b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/ixbeep.asm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f53bd3e58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/ixbeep.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+; Include code from halx86
+; This is a cpp style symbolic link
+include ..\halx86\i386\ixbeep.asm
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a42039752
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/ixbusdat.c
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+// Include code from halx86
+// This is a cpp style symbolic link
+#include "..\halx86\i386\ixbusdat.c"
diff --git a/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/ixcmos.asm b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/ixcmos.asm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7f4e7393e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/ixcmos.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+; Include code from halx86
+; This is a cpp style symbolic link
+include ..\halx86\i386\ixcmos.asm
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2fe289fb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+; Include code from halx86
+; This is a cpp style symbolic link
+include ..\halx86\i386\
diff --git a/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/ixdat.c b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/ixdat.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f6b0e34de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/ixdat.c
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+// Include code from halx86
+// This is a cpp style symbolic link
+#include "..\halx86\i386\ixdat.c"
diff --git a/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/ixenvirv.c b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/ixenvirv.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e194820ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/ixenvirv.c
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+// Include code from halx86
+// This is a cpp style symbolic link
+#include "..\halx86\i386\ixenvirv.c"
diff --git a/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/ixfirm.c b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/ixfirm.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f666e405c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/ixfirm.c
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+// Include code from halx86
+// This is a cpp style symbolic link
+#include "..\halx86\i386\ixfirm.c"
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ea91dc8d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/ixhwsup.c
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+// Include code from halx86
+// This is a cpp style symbolic link
+#include "..\halx86\i386\ixhwsup.c"
diff --git a/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/ixidle.asm b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/ixidle.asm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9bdd670f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/ixidle.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+; Include code from halx86
+; This is a cpp style symbolic link
+include ..\halx86\i386\ixidle.asm
diff --git a/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/ixinfo.c b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/ixinfo.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7f211f7a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/ixinfo.c
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+// Include code from halx86
+// This is a cpp style symbolic link
+#include "..\halx86\i386\ixinfo.c"
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f67b35f49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/ixisa.h
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+// Include code from halx86
+// This is a cpp style symbolic link
+#include "..\halx86\i386\ixisa.h"
diff --git a/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/ixisabus.c b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/ixisabus.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c1edfb067
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/ixisabus.c
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+// Include code from halx86
+// This is a cpp style symbolic link
+#include "..\halx86\i386\ixisabus.c"
diff --git a/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/ixisasup.c b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/ixisasup.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..58c426544
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/ixisasup.c
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+// Include code from halx86
+// This is a cpp style symbolic link
+#include "..\halx86\i386\ixisasup.c"
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..29bb8308e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/ixkdcom.c
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+// Include code from halx86
+// This is a cpp style symbolic link
+#include "..\halx86\i386\ixkdcom.c"
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..22f1aac09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/ixkdcom.h
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+// Include code from halx86
+// This is a cpp style symbolic link
+#include "..\halx86\i386\ixkdcom.h"
diff --git a/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/ixphwsup.c b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/ixphwsup.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a1cdab598
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/ixphwsup.c
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+// Include code from halx86
+// This is a cpp style symbolic link
+#include "..\halx86\i386\ixphwsup.c"
diff --git a/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/ixreboot.c b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/ixreboot.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..15d7bd898
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/ixreboot.c
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+// Include code from halx86
+// This is a cpp style symbolic link
+#include "..\halx86\i386\ixreboot.c"
diff --git a/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/ixswint.asm b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/ixswint.asm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..68b302dfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/ixswint.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+; Include code from halx86
+; This is a cpp style symbolic link
+include ..\halx86\i386\ixswint.asm
diff --git a/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/ixthunk.c b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/ixthunk.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6f15aad73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/ixthunk.c
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+// Include code from halx86
+// This is a cpp style symbolic link
+#include "..\halx86\i386\ixthunk.c"
diff --git a/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/ixusage.c b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/ixusage.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..519ec31f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/ixusage.c
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+// Include code from halx86
+// This is a cpp style symbolic link
+#include "..\halx86\i386\ixusage.c"
diff --git a/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/spprofil.asm b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/spprofil.asm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8bc9f5e3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/spprofil.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+; Include code from halx86
+; This is a cpp style symbolic link
+include ..\halsp\i386\spprofil.asm
diff --git a/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/spspin.asm b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/spspin.asm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0d70c442f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/spspin.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+; Include code from halsp
+; This is a cpp style symbolic link
+include ..\halsp\i386\spspin.asm
diff --git a/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/xxbiosa.asm b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/xxbiosa.asm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bc0173a17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/xxbiosa.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+; Include code from halx86
+; This is a cpp style symbolic link
+include ..\halx86\i386\xxbiosa.asm
diff --git a/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/xxbiosc.c b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/xxbiosc.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..60cf92748
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/xxbiosc.c
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+// Include code from halx86
+// This is a cpp style symbolic link
+#include "..\halx86\i386\xxbiosc.c"
diff --git a/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/xxdisp.c b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/xxdisp.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d48977df0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/xxdisp.c
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+// Include code from halx86
+// This is a cpp style symbolic link
+#include "..\halx86\i386\xxdisp.c"
diff --git a/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/xxflshbf.c b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/xxflshbf.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b054121cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/xxflshbf.c
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+// Include code from halx86
+// This is a cpp style symbolic link
+#include "..\halx86\i386\xxflshbf.c"
diff --git a/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/xxioacc.asm b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/xxioacc.asm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8445c3404
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/xxioacc.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+; Include code from halx86
+; This is a cpp style symbolic link
+include ..\halx86\i386\xxioacc.asm
diff --git a/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/xxkdsup.c b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/xxkdsup.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6e569b5ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/xxkdsup.c
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+// Include code from halx86
+// This is a cpp style symbolic link
+#include "..\halx86\i386\xxkdsup.c"
diff --git a/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/xxmemory.c b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/xxmemory.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..920714540
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/xxmemory.c
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+// Include code from halx86
+// This is a cpp style symbolic link
+#include "..\halx86\i386\xxmemory.c"
diff --git a/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/xxstubs.c b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/xxstubs.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8421fb30a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/xxstubs.c
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+// Include code from halx86
+// This is a cpp style symbolic link
+#include "..\halx86\i386\xxstubs.c"
diff --git a/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/xxtime.c b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/xxtime.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..92abb2aeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/i386/xxtime.c
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+// Include code from halx86
+// This is a cpp style symbolic link
+#include "..\halx86\i386\xxtime.c"
diff --git a/private/ntos/nthals/halast/makefile b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6ee4f43fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE!!! Edit .\sources. if you want to add a new source
+# file to this component. This file merely indirects to the real make file
+# that is shared by all the components of NT OS/2
+!INCLUDE $(NTMAKEENV)\makefile.def
diff --git a/private/ntos/nthals/halast/ b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cb912aa51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+obj\i386\hal.def: hal.src
+ $(TARGET_CPP) /EP -Di386 $(C_DEFINES) hal.src > obj\i386\hal.def
diff --git a/private/ntos/nthals/halast/sources b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/sources
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ea2bfddce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nthals/halast/sources
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+!IF 0
+Copyright (c) 1989 Microsoft Corporation
+Module Name:
+ sources.
+ This file specifies the target component being built and the list of
+ sources files needed to build that component. Also specifies optional
+ compiler switches and libraries that are unique for the component being
+ built.
+ Steve Wood (stevewo) 12-Apr-1990
+NOTE: Commented description of this file is in \nt\bak\bin\sources.tpl
+!IF $(386)
+i386_SOURCES=hal.rc \
+ drivesup.c \
+ bushnd.c \
+ rangesup.c \
+ i386\ixbeep.asm \
+ i386\ixbusdat.c \
+ i386\ixdat.c \
+ i386\ixisabus.c \
+ i386\ixcmos.asm \
+ i386\ixenvirv.c \
+ i386\ixfirm.c \
+ i386\ixhwsup.c \
+ i386\ixidle.asm \
+ i386\ixinfo.c \
+ i386\ixisasup.c \
+ i386\ixkdcom.c \
+ i386\ixphwsup.c \
+ i386\ixreboot.c \
+ i386\ixswint.asm \
+ i386\ixthunk.c \
+ i386\ixusage.c \
+ i386\xxbiosa.asm \
+ i386\xxbiosc.c \
+ i386\xxdisp.c \
+ i386\xxioacc.asm \
+ i386\xxkdsup.c \
+ i386\xxmemory.c \
+ i386\xxstubs.c \
+ i386\xxtime.c \
+ i386\spspin.asm \
+ i386\spprofil.asm \
+ i386\astdetct.c \
+ i386\astebi.c \
+ i386\asthal.c \
+ i386\astipirq.c \
+ i386\astebini.c \
+ i386\astipi.asm \
+ i386\astclock.asm \
+ i386\astirql.asm \
+ i386\astsyint.asm \
+ i386\astproc.c \
+ i386\astmpint.c \
+ i386\astspi.asm \
+ i386\aststall.asm \
+ i386\astproca.asm \
+ i386\astnmi.c
+!IF $(386)