path: root/private/ntos/nthals/halsp/i386/spprofil.asm
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authorAdam <>2020-05-17 05:51:50 +0200
committerAdam <>2020-05-17 05:51:50 +0200
commite611b132f9b8abe35b362e5870b74bce94a1e58e (patch)
treea5781d2ec0e085eeca33cf350cf878f2efea6fe5 /private/ntos/nthals/halsp/i386/spprofil.asm
Diffstat (limited to 'private/ntos/nthals/halsp/i386/spprofil.asm')
1 files changed, 453 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/private/ntos/nthals/halsp/i386/spprofil.asm b/private/ntos/nthals/halsp/i386/spprofil.asm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4933bb8b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nthals/halsp/i386/spprofil.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,453 @@
+ title "Interval Clock Interrupt"
+; Copyright (c) 1989 Microsoft Corporation
+; Module Name:
+; spprofil.asm
+; Abstract:
+; This module implements the code necessary to initialize,
+; field and process the profile interrupt.
+; Author:
+; Shie-Lin Tzong (shielint) 12-Jan-1990
+; Environment:
+; Kernel mode only.
+; Revision History:
+; bryanwi 20-Sep-90
+; Add KiSetProfileInterval, KiStartProfileInterrupt,
+; KiStopProfileInterrupt procedures.
+; KiProfileInterrupt ISR.
+; KiProfileList, KiProfileLock are delcared here.
+; shielint 10-Dec-90
+; Add performance counter support.
+; Move system clock to irq8, ie we now use RTC to generate system
+; clock. Performance count and Profile use timer 1 counter 0.
+; The interval of the irq0 interrupt can be changed by
+; KiSetProfileInterval. Performance counter does not care about the
+; interval of the interrupt as long as it knows the rollover count.
+; Note: Currently I implemented 1 performance counter for the whole
+; i386 NT.
+; John Vert (jvert) 11-Jul-1991
+; Moved from ke\i386 to hal\i386. Removed non-HAL stuff
+; shie-lin tzong (shielint) 13-March-92
+; Move System clock back to irq0 and use RTC (irq8) to generate
+; profile interrupt. Performance counter and system clock use time1
+; counter 0 of 8254.
+ .xlist
+include ; calling convention macros
+include i386\
+include i386\
+include i386\
+ .list
+ EXTRNP _DbgBreakPoint,0,IMPORT
+ EXTRNP _KeProfileInterrupt,1,IMPORT
+ EXTRNP Kei386EoiHelper,0,IMPORT
+ EXTRNP _HalEndSystemInterrupt,2
+ EXTRNP _HalBeginSystemInterrupt,3
+ EXTRNP _HalpAcquireCmosSpinLock ,0
+ EXTRNP _HalpReleaseCmosSpinLock ,0
+; Constants used to initialize CMOS/Real Time Clock
+D_INT032 EQU 8E00h ; access word for 386 ring 0 interrupt gate
+ ; RT/CMOS Register 'B' Init byte
+ ; Values for byte shown are
+ ; Bit 7 = Update inhibit
+ ; Bit 6 = Periodic interrupt enable
+ ; Bit 5 = Alarm interrupt disable
+ ; Bit 4 = Update interrupt disable
+ ; Bit 3 = Square wave disable
+ ; Bit 2 = BCD data format
+ ; Bit 1 = 24 hour time mode
+ ; Bit 0 = Daylight Savings disable
+RegisterAProfileValue db 00101000B ; default interval = 3.90625 ms
+align 4
+ProfileIntervalTable dd 1221 ; unit = 100 ns
+ dd 2441
+ dd 4883
+ dd 9766
+ dd 19531
+ dd 39063
+ dd 78125
+ dd 156250
+ dd 312500
+ dd 625000
+ dd 1250000
+ dd 2500000
+ dd 5000000
+ dd 5000000 OR 80000000H
+ProfileIntervalInitTable db 00100011B
+ db 00100100B
+ db 00100101B
+ db 00100110B
+ db 00100111B
+ db 00101000B
+ db 00101001B
+ db 00101010B
+ db 00101011B
+ db 00101100B
+ db 00101101B
+ db 00101110B
+ db 00101111B
+ db 00101111B
+; The following array stores the per microsecond loop count for each
+; central processor.
+HalpProfileInterval dd -1
+HalpProfilingStopped dd 1
+; HALs wishing to reuse the code in this module should set the HAL
+; global variable IxProfileVector to their profile vector.
+ public _IxProfileVector
+_IxProfileVector dd PROFILE_VECTOR
+_DATA ends
+; HalStartProfileInterrupt(
+; IN ULONG Reserved
+; );
+; Routine Description:
+; What we do here is change the interrupt
+; rate from the slowest thing we can get away with to the value
+; that's been KeSetProfileInterval
+; All processors will run this routine, but it doesn't hurt to have
+; each one reinitialize the CMOS, since none of them will be let go
+; from the stall until they all finish.
+cPublicProc _HalStartProfileInterrupt ,1
+; On the SystemPro there is only one profile device, so starting/stopping
+; is only done from one processor.
+; Note: This code uses PbNumber so it doesn't touch any SystemPro specific
+; PCR value (so the code can be re-used by other hals)
+ mov eax, PCR[PcPrcb]
+ cmp byte ptr [eax].PbNumber, 0
+ jne epi_exit
+; Mark profiling as active
+ mov HalpProfilingStopped, 0
+; Set the interrupt rate to what is actually needed
+ stdCall _HalpAcquireCmosSpinLock ; intr disabled
+ mov al, RegisterAProfileValue
+ shl ax, 8
+ mov al, 0AH ; Register A
+ CMOS_WRITE ; Initialize it
+; Don't clobber the Daylight Savings Time bit in register B, because we
+; stash the LastKnownGood "environment variable" there.
+ mov ax, 0bh
+ and al, 1
+ mov ah, al
+ mov al, 0bh
+ CMOS_WRITE ; Initialize it
+ mov al,0CH ; Register C
+ CMOS_READ ; Read to initialize
+ mov al,0DH ; Register D
+ CMOS_READ ; Read to initialize
+ stdCall _HalpReleaseCmosSpinLock
+ stdRET _HalStartProfileInterrupt
+stdENDP _HalStartProfileInterrupt
+; HalStopProfileInterrupt(
+; IN ULONG Reserved
+; );
+; Routine Description:
+; What we do here is change the interrupt
+; rate from the high profiling rate to the slowest thing we
+; can get away with for PerformanceCounter rollover notification.
+cPublicProc _HalStopProfileInterrupt ,1
+; On the SystemPro there is only one profile device, so starting/stopping
+; is only done from one processor.
+; Note: This code uses PbNumber so it doesn't touch any SystemPro specific
+; PCR value (so the code can be re-used by other hals)
+ mov eax, PCR[PcPrcb]
+ cmp byte ptr [eax].PbNumber, 0
+ jne dpi_exit
+; Turn off profiling hit computation and profile interrupt
+; Don't clobber the Daylight Savings Time bit in register B, because we
+; stash the LastKnownGood "environment variable" there.
+ stdCall _HalpAcquireCmosSpinLock ; intr disabled
+ mov ax, 0bh
+ and al, 1
+ mov ah, al
+ mov al, 0bh
+ CMOS_WRITE ; Initialize it
+ mov al,0CH ; Register C
+ CMOS_READ ; dismiss pending profiling interrupt
+ mov HalpProfilingStopped, 1
+ stdCall _HalpReleaseCmosSpinLock
+ stdRET _HalStopProfileInterrupt
+stdENDP _HalStopProfileInterrupt
+; HalSetProfileInterval (
+; ULONG Interval
+; );
+; Routine Description:
+; This procedure sets the interrupt rate (and thus the sampling
+; interval) for the profiling interrupt.
+; If profiling is active (KiProfilingStopped == 0) the actual
+; hardware interrupt rate will be set. Otherwise, a simple
+; rate validation computation is done.
+; Arguments:
+; (TOS+4) - Interval in 100ns unit.
+; Return Value:
+; Interval actually used by system.
+cPublicProc _HalSetProfileInterval ,1
+ mov edx, [esp+4] ; [edx] = interval in 100ns unit
+ and edx, 7FFFFFFFh ; Remove highest bit.
+ mov ecx, 0 ; index = 0
+ mov eax, ProfileIntervalTable[ecx * 4]
+ cmp edx, eax ; if request interval < suport interval
+ jbe short Hspi10 ; if be, find supported interval
+ inc ecx
+ jmp short Hspi00
+ and eax, 7FFFFFFFh ; remove highest bit from supported interval
+ jecxz short Hspi20 ; If first entry then use it
+ push esi ; See which is closer to requested
+ mov esi, eax ; rate - current entry, or preceeding
+ sub esi, edx
+ sub edx, ProfileIntervalTable[ecx * 4 - 4]
+ cmp esi, edx
+ pop esi
+ jc short Hspi20
+ dec ecx ; use preceeding entry
+ mov eax, ProfileIntervalTable[ecx * 4]
+ push eax ; save interval value
+ mov al, ProfileIntervalInitTable[ecx]
+ mov RegisterAProfileValue, al
+ test HalpProfilingStopped,-1
+ jnz short Hspi90
+ stdCall _HalStartProfileInterrupt,<0> ; Re-start profile interrupt
+ ; with the new interval
+Hspi90: pop eax
+ stdRET _HalSetProfileInterval ; (eax) = cReturn interval
+stdENDP _HalSetProfileInterval
+ page ,132
+ subttl "System Profile Interrupt"
+; Routine Description:
+; This routine is entered as the result of a profile interrupt.
+; Its function is to dismiss the interrupt, raise system Irql to
+; PROFILE_LEVEL and transfer control to
+; the standard system routine to process any active profiles.
+; Arguments:
+; None
+; Interrupt is disabled
+; Return Value:
+; Does not return, jumps directly to KeProfileInterrupt, which returns
+; Sets Irql = PROFILE_LEVEL and dismisses the interrupt
+ ENTER_DR_ASSIST Hpi_a, Hpi_t
+cPublicProc _HalpProfileInterrupt ,0
+; Save machine state in trap frame
+; (esp) - base of trap frame
+; HalBeginSystemInterrupt must be called before any sti's
+ push _IxProfileVector
+ sub esp, 4 ; allocate space to save OldIrql
+ stdCall _HalBeginSystemInterrupt, <PROFILE_LEVEL,_IxProfileVector,esp>
+ or al,al ; check for spurious interrupt
+ jz short Hpi100
+; If profiling not enabled, then don't ack device or count this interrupt.
+; (this occurs during bootup when other processors sync PcStallScaleFactor)
+ cmp HalpProfilingStopped,0
+ jne short Hpi90
+; On the SystemPro there is only one profile device, so the CMOS is only
+; EOIed once.
+; Note: This code uses PbNumber so it doesn't touch any SystemPro specific
+; PCR value (so the code can be re-used by other hals)
+ mov eax, PCR[PcPrcb]
+ cmp byte ptr [eax].PbNumber, 0
+ jne short _HalpProfileInterrupt2ndEntry@0
+; This is the RTC interrupt, so we have to clear the
+; interrupt flag on the RTC.
+ stdCall _HalpAcquireCmosSpinLock
+; clear interrupt flag on RTC by banging on the CMOS. On some systems this
+; doesn't work the first time we do it, so we do it twice. It is rumored that
+; some machines require more than this, but that hasn't been observed with NT.
+ mov al,0CH ; Register C
+ CMOS_READ ; Read to initialize
+ mov al,0CH ; Register C
+ CMOS_READ ; Read to initialize
+if DBG
+Hpi10: test al, 80h
+ jz short Hpi15
+ mov al,0CH ; Register C
+ CMOS_READ ; Read to initialize
+ jmp short Hpi10
+endif ; DBG
+ stdCall _HalpReleaseCmosSpinLock
+; This entry point is provided for symmetric multiprocessor HALs.
+; Since it only makes sense for one processor to clear the CMOS,
+; all other processors can instead jmp into this entry point.
+ align 4
+ public _HalpProfileInterrupt2ndEntry@0
+ stdCall _KeProfileInterrupt,<ebp> ; (ebp) = trap frame
+ add esp, 8 ; spurious, no EndOfInterrupt
+ SPURIOUS_INTERRUPT_EXIT ; exit interrupt without eoi
+stdENDP _HalpProfileInterrupt
+_TEXT ends
+ end