path: root/private/nw/install/setupdll/unlodctr.c
diff options
authorAdam <>2020-05-17 05:51:50 +0200
committerAdam <>2020-05-17 05:51:50 +0200
commite611b132f9b8abe35b362e5870b74bce94a1e58e (patch)
treea5781d2ec0e085eeca33cf350cf878f2efea6fe5 /private/nw/install/setupdll/unlodctr.c
Diffstat (limited to 'private/nw/install/setupdll/unlodctr.c')
1 files changed, 1006 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/private/nw/install/setupdll/unlodctr.c b/private/nw/install/setupdll/unlodctr.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0a9dc1c13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/nw/install/setupdll/unlodctr.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1006 @@
+Copyright (c) 1991-1993 Microsoft Corporation
+Module Name:
+ unlodctr.c
+ Program to remove the counter names belonging to the driver specified
+ in the command line and update the registry accordingly
+ Bob Watson (a-robw) 12 Feb 93
+Revision History:
+#define UNICODE 1
+#define _UNICODE 1
+// "C" Include files
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <malloc.h>
+// Windows Include files
+#include <windows.h>
+#include <winperf.h>
+#include <tchar.h>
+// local include files
+//#define _INITIALIZE_GLOBALS_ 1 // to define & init global buffers
+#include "common.h"
+#include "nwcfg.hxx"
+// version number for NT 1.0
+#define OLD_VERSION 0x010000
+DWORD dwSystemVersion; // PerfLib version number
+DWORD dwHelpItems; // number of explain text items
+DWORD dwCounterItems; // number of counter text items
+DWORD dwLastCounter;
+DWORD dwLastHelp;
+ IN HKEY hKeyPerflib, // handle to perflib key with counter names
+ IN LPTSTR lpszLangId, // unicode value of Language subkey
+ OUT PDWORD pdwLastItem, // size of array in elements
+ OUT HKEY *hKeyNames,
+ OUT LPTSTR CounterNameBuffer, // New version counter name key
+ OUT LPTSTR HelpNameBuffer // New version help name key
+ Caches the counter names and explain text to accelerate name lookups
+ for display.
+ hKeyPerflib
+ Handle to an open registry (this can be local or remote.) and
+ is the value returned by RegConnectRegistry or a default key.
+ lpszLangId
+ The unicode id of the language to look up. (default is 009)
+ pdwLastItem
+ The last array element
+Return Value:
+ pointer to an allocated table. (the caller must free it when finished!)
+ the table is an array of pointers to zero terminated TEXT strings.
+ A NULL pointer is returned if an error occured. (error value is
+ available using the GetLastError function).
+ The structure of the buffer returned is:
+ Array of pointers to zero terminated strings consisting of
+ pdwLastItem elements
+ MULTI_SZ string containing counter id's and names returned from
+ registry for the specified language
+ MULTI_SZ string containing explain text id's and explain text strings
+ as returned by the registry for the specified language
+ The structures listed above are contiguous so that they may be freed
+ by a single "free" call when finished with them, however only the
+ array elements are intended to be used.
+ LPTSTR *lpReturnValue; // returned pointer to buffer
+ LPTSTR *lpCounterId; //
+ LPTSTR lpCounterNames; // pointer to Names buffer returned by reg.
+ LPTSTR lpHelpText ; // pointet to exlpain buffer returned by reg.
+ LPTSTR lpThisName; // working pointer
+ BOOL bStatus; // return status from TRUE/FALSE fn. calls
+ LONG lWin32Status; // return status from fn. calls
+ DWORD dwValueType; // value type of buffer returned by reg.
+ DWORD dwArraySize; // size of pointer array in bytes
+ DWORD dwBufferSize; // size of total buffer in bytes
+ DWORD dwCounterSize; // size of counter text buffer in bytes
+ DWORD dwHelpSize; // size of help text buffer in bytes
+ DWORD dwThisCounter; // working counter
+ DWORD dwLastId; // largest ID value used by explain/counter text
+ LPTSTR lpValueNameString; // pointer to buffer conatining subkey name
+ //initialize pointers to NULL
+ lpValueNameString = NULL;
+ lpReturnValue = NULL;
+ // check for null arguments and insert defaults if necessary
+ if (!lpszLangId) {
+ lpszLangId = DefaultLangId;
+ }
+ if (hKeyNames) {
+ *hKeyNames = NULL;
+ } else {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // use the greater of Help items or Counter Items to size array
+ if (dwHelpItems >= dwCounterItems) {
+ dwLastId = dwHelpItems;
+ } else {
+ dwLastId = dwCounterItems;
+ }
+ // array size is # of elements (+ 1, since names are "1" based)
+ // times the size of a pointer
+ dwArraySize = (dwLastId + 1) * sizeof(LPTSTR);
+ // allocate string buffer for language ID key string
+ lpValueNameString = malloc (
+ lstrlen(NamesKey) * sizeof (TCHAR) +
+ lstrlen(Slash) * sizeof (TCHAR) +
+ lstrlen(lpszLangId) * sizeof (TCHAR) +
+ sizeof (TCHAR));
+ if (!lpValueNameString) {
+ }
+ lWin32Status = RegOpenKeyEx ( // get handle to this key in the
+ hKeyPerflib, // registry
+ lpszLangId,
+ hKeyNames);
+ if (lWin32Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto BNT_BAILOUT;
+ // get size of counter names
+ dwBufferSize = 0;
+ lWin32Status = RegQueryValueEx (
+ *hKeyNames,
+ Counters,
+ &dwValueType,
+ &dwBufferSize);
+ if (lWin32Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto BNT_BAILOUT;
+ dwCounterSize = dwBufferSize;
+ // get size of help text
+ dwBufferSize = 0;
+ lWin32Status = RegQueryValueEx (
+ *hKeyNames,
+ Help,
+ &dwValueType,
+ &dwBufferSize);
+ if (lWin32Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto BNT_BAILOUT;
+ dwHelpSize = dwBufferSize;
+ // allocate buffer with room for pointer array, counter name
+ // strings and help name strings
+ lpReturnValue = malloc (dwArraySize + dwCounterSize + dwHelpSize);
+ if (!lpReturnValue) {
+ }
+ // initialize buffer
+ memset (lpReturnValue, 0, _msize(lpReturnValue));
+ // initialize pointers into buffer
+ lpCounterId = lpReturnValue;
+ lpCounterNames = (LPTSTR)((LPBYTE)lpCounterId + dwArraySize);
+ lpHelpText = (LPTSTR)((LPBYTE)lpCounterNames + dwCounterSize);
+ // read counter names into buffer. Counter names will be stored as
+ // a MULTI_SZ string in the format of "###" "Name"
+ dwBufferSize = dwCounterSize;
+ lWin32Status = RegQueryValueEx (
+ *hKeyNames,
+ Counters,
+ &dwValueType,
+ (LPVOID)lpCounterNames,
+ &dwBufferSize);
+ if (lWin32Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto BNT_BAILOUT;
+ // read explain text into buffer. Counter names will be stored as
+ // a MULTI_SZ string in the format of "###" "Text..."
+ dwBufferSize = dwHelpSize;
+ lWin32Status = RegQueryValueEx (
+ *hKeyNames,
+ Help,
+ &dwValueType,
+ (LPVOID)lpHelpText,
+ &dwBufferSize);
+ if (lWin32Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto BNT_BAILOUT;
+ // load counter array items, by locating each text string
+ // in the returned buffer and loading the
+ // address of it in the corresponding pointer array element.
+ for (lpThisName = lpCounterNames;
+ *lpThisName;
+ lpThisName += (lstrlen(lpThisName)+1) ) {
+ // first string should be an integer (in decimal digit characters)
+ // so translate to an integer for use in array element identification
+ bStatus = StringToInt (lpThisName, &dwThisCounter);
+ if (!bStatus) {
+ // error is in GetLastError
+ goto BNT_BAILOUT; // bad entry
+ }
+ // point to corresponding counter name which follows the id number
+ // string.
+ lpThisName += (lstrlen(lpThisName)+1);
+ // and load array element with pointer to string
+ lpCounterId[dwThisCounter] = lpThisName;
+ }
+ // repeat the above for the explain text strings
+ for (lpThisName = lpHelpText;
+ *lpThisName;
+ lpThisName += (lstrlen(lpThisName)+1) ) {
+ // first string should be an integer (in decimal unicode digits)
+ bStatus = StringToInt (lpThisName, &dwThisCounter);
+ if (!bStatus) {
+ // error is in GetLastError
+ goto BNT_BAILOUT; // bad entry
+ }
+ // point to corresponding counter name
+ lpThisName += (lstrlen(lpThisName)+1);
+ // and load array element;
+ lpCounterId[dwThisCounter] = lpThisName;
+ }
+ // if the last item arugment was used, then load the last ID value in it
+ if (pdwLastItem) *pdwLastItem = dwLastId;
+ // free the temporary buffer used
+ if (lpValueNameString) {
+ free ((LPVOID)lpValueNameString);
+ }
+ // exit returning the pointer to the buffer
+ return lpReturnValue;
+ if (lWin32Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
+ // if lWin32Status has error, then set last error value to it,
+ // otherwise assume that last error already has value in it
+ SetLastError (lWin32Status);
+ }
+ // free buffers used by this routine
+ if (lpValueNameString) {
+ free ((LPVOID)lpValueNameString);
+ }
+ if (lpReturnValue) {
+ free ((LPVOID)lpReturnValue);
+ }
+ return NULL;
+} // BuildNameTable
+GetDriverFromCommandLine (
+ HKEY hKeyMachine,
+ LPTSTR *lpDriverName,
+ HKEY *hDriverPerf,
+ LPSTR argv[]
+ locates the first argument in the command line string (after the
+ image name) and checks to see if
+ a) it's there
+ b) it's the name of a device driver listed in the
+ Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Services key
+ in the registry and it has a "Performance" subkey
+ c) that the "First Counter" value under the Performance subkey
+ is defined.
+ if all these criteria are true, then the routine returns TRUE and
+ passes the pointer to the driver name back in the argument. If any
+ one of them fail, then NULL is returned in the DriverName arg and
+ the routine returns FALSE
+ lpDriverName
+ the address of a LPTSTR to recive the pointer to the driver name
+ hDriverPerf
+ the key to the driver's performance subkey
+Return Value
+ TRUE if a valid driver was found in the command line
+ FALSE if not (see above)
+ LPTSTR lpDriverKey; // buffer to build driver key name in
+ LPTSTR lpThisChar;
+ LONG lStatus;
+ DWORD dwFirstCounter;
+ DWORD dwSize;
+ DWORD dwType;
+ if (!lpDriverName || !hDriverPerf) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ *lpDriverName = NULL; // initialize to NULL
+ *hDriverPerf = NULL;
+ lpThisChar = malloc( MAX_PATH * sizeof(TCHAR));
+ MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, argv[0], -1, lpThisChar, MAX_PATH);
+ if (*lpThisChar) {
+ // an argument was found so see if it's a driver
+ lpDriverKey = malloc (MAX_PATH * sizeof (TCHAR));
+ if (!lpDriverKey) {
+ if ( lpThisChar ) free (lpThisChar);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ lstrcpy (lpDriverKey, DriverPathRoot);
+ lstrcat (lpDriverKey, Slash);
+ lstrcat (lpDriverKey, lpThisChar);
+ lstrcat (lpDriverKey, Slash);
+ lstrcat (lpDriverKey, Performance);
+ lStatus = RegOpenKeyEx (
+ hKeyMachine,
+ lpDriverKey,
+ hDriverPerf);
+ if (lStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
+ //
+ // this driver has a performance section so see if its
+ // counters are installed by checking the First Counter
+ // value key for a valid return. If it returns a value
+ // then chances are, it has some counters installed, if
+ // not, then display a message and quit.
+ //
+ free (lpDriverKey); // don't need this any more
+ dwType = 0;
+ dwSize = sizeof (dwFirstCounter);
+ lStatus = RegQueryValueEx (
+ *hDriverPerf,
+ FirstCounter,
+ &dwType,
+ (LPBYTE)&dwFirstCounter,
+ &dwSize);
+ if (lStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
+ // counter names are installed so return success
+ *lpDriverName = lpThisChar;
+ SetLastError (ERROR_SUCCESS);
+ if ( lpThisChar ) free (lpThisChar);
+ return TRUE;
+ } else {
+ SetLastError (ERROR_BADKEY);
+ if ( lpThisChar ) free (lpThisChar);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ } else { // key not found
+ SetLastError (lStatus);
+ free (lpDriverKey);
+ if ( lpThisChar ) free (lpThisChar);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ( lpThisChar ) free (lpThisChar);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+FixNames (
+ HANDLE hKeyLang,
+ LPTSTR *lpOldNameTable,
+ IN LPTSTR lpszLangId, // unicode value of Language subkey
+ DWORD dwLastItem,
+ DWORD dwFirstNameToRemove,
+ DWORD dwLastNameToRemove
+ )
+ LONG lStatus;
+ LPTSTR lpNameBuffer = NULL;
+ LPTSTR lpHelpBuffer = NULL;
+ DWORD dwTextIndex, dwSize;
+ LPTSTR lpNextHelpText;
+ LPTSTR lpNextNameText;
+ // allocate space for the array of new text it will point
+ // into the text buffer returned in the lpOldNameTable buffer)
+ lpNameBuffer = malloc (_msize(lpOldNameTable));
+ lpHelpBuffer = malloc (_msize(lpOldNameTable));
+ if (!lpNameBuffer || !lpHelpBuffer) {
+ return lStatus;
+ }
+ // remove this driver's counters from array
+ for (dwTextIndex = dwFirstNameToRemove;
+ dwTextIndex <= dwLastNameToRemove;
+ dwTextIndex++) {
+ if (dwTextIndex > dwLastItem)
+ break;
+ lpOldNameTable[dwTextIndex] = NULL;
+ }
+ lpNextHelpText = lpHelpBuffer;
+ lpNextNameText = lpNameBuffer;
+ // build new Multi_SZ strings from New Table
+ for (dwTextIndex = 0; dwTextIndex <= dwLastItem; dwTextIndex++){
+ if (lpOldNameTable[dwTextIndex]) {
+ // if there's a text string at that index, then ...
+ if (dwTextIndex & 0x1) { // ODD number == Help Text
+ lpNextHelpText +=
+ _stprintf (lpNextHelpText, TEXT("%d"), dwTextIndex) + 1;
+ lpNextHelpText +=
+ _stprintf (lpNextHelpText, TEXT("%s"),
+ lpOldNameTable[dwTextIndex]) + 1;
+ if (dwTextIndex > dwLastHelp){
+ dwLastHelp = dwTextIndex;
+ }
+ } else { // EVEN number == counter name text
+ lpNextNameText +=
+ _stprintf (lpNextNameText, TEXT("%d"), dwTextIndex) + 1;
+ lpNextNameText +=
+ _stprintf (lpNextNameText, TEXT("%s"),
+ lpOldNameTable[dwTextIndex]) + 1;
+ if (dwTextIndex > dwLastCounter){
+ dwLastCounter = dwTextIndex;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } // for dwTextIndex
+ // add MULTI_SZ terminating NULL
+ *lpNextNameText++ = TEXT ('\0');
+ *lpNextHelpText++ = TEXT ('\0');
+ // update counter name text buffer
+ dwSize = (DWORD)((LPBYTE)lpNextNameText - (LPBYTE)lpNameBuffer);
+ lStatus = RegSetValueEx (
+ hKeyLang,
+ Counters,
+ (LPBYTE)lpNameBuffer,
+ dwSize);
+ if (lStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
+// printf (GetFormatResource(UC_UNABLELOADLANG),
+// Counters, lpLangName, lStatus);
+ goto UCN_FinishLang;
+ }
+ dwSize = (DWORD)((LPBYTE)lpNextHelpText - (LPBYTE)lpHelpBuffer);
+ lStatus = RegSetValueEx (
+ hKeyLang,
+ Help,
+ (LPBYTE)lpHelpBuffer,
+ dwSize);
+ if (lStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
+// printf (GetFormatResource(UC_UNABLELOADLANG),
+// Help, lpLangName, lStatus);
+ goto UCN_FinishLang;
+ }
+ free (lpNameBuffer);
+ free (lpHelpBuffer);
+ free (lpOldNameTable);
+ RegCloseKey (hKeyLang);
+ return lStatus;
+UnloadCounterNames (
+ HKEY hKeyMachine,
+ HKEY hDriverPerf,
+ LPTSTR lpDriverName
+ removes the names and explain text for the driver referenced by
+ hDriverPerf and updates the first and last counter values accordingly
+ update process:
+ - set "updating" flag under Perflib to name of driver being modified
+ - FOR each language under perflib key
+ -- load current counter names and explain text into array of
+ pointers
+ -- look at all drivers and copy their names and text into a new
+ buffer adjusting for the removed counter's entries keeping
+ track of the lowest entry copied. (the names for the driver
+ to be removed will not be copied, of course)
+ -- update each driver's "first" and "last" index values
+ -- copy all other entries from 0 to the lowest copied (i.e. the
+ system counters)
+ -- build a new MULIT_SZ string of help text and counter names
+ -- load new strings into registry
+ - update perflibl "last" counters
+ - delete updating flag
+ ******************************************************
+ * *
+ * *
+ * this routine assumes that: *
+ * *
+ * ALL COUNTER NAMES are even numbered and *
+ * ALL HELP TEXT STRINGS are odd numbered *
+ * *
+ ******************************************************
+ hKeyMachine
+ handle to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE node of registry on system to
+ remove counters from
+ hDrivefPerf
+ handle to registry key of driver to be de-installed
+ lpDriverName
+ name of driver being de-installed
+Return Value
+ DOS Error code.
+ ERROR_SUCCESS if all went OK
+ error value if not.
+ HKEY hPerflib;
+ HKEY hServices;
+ HKEY hKeyLang;
+ LONG lStatus;
+ DWORD dwLangIndex;
+ DWORD dwSize;
+ DWORD dwType;
+ DWORD dwLastItem;
+ DWORD dwRemLastDriverCounter;
+ DWORD dwRemFirstDriverCounter;
+ DWORD dwRemLastDriverHelp;
+ DWORD dwRemFirstDriverHelp;
+ DWORD dwFirstNameToRemove;
+ DWORD dwLastNameToRemove;
+ LPTSTR *lpOldNameTable;
+ LPTSTR lpLangName = NULL;
+ LPTSTR lpThisDriver = NULL;
+ BOOL bPerflibUpdated = FALSE;
+ BOOL bDriversShuffled = FALSE;
+ DWORD dwBufferSize; // size of total buffer in bytes
+ TCHAR CounterNameBuffer [40];
+ TCHAR HelpNameBuffer [40];
+ lStatus = RegOpenKeyEx (
+ hKeyMachine,
+ DriverPathRoot,
+ &hServices);
+ if (lStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
+ return lStatus;
+ }
+ // open registry handle to perflib key
+ lStatus = RegOpenKeyEx (
+ hKeyMachine,
+ NamesKey,
+ &hPerflib);
+ if (lStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
+ return lStatus;
+ }
+ // check & set Busy flag...
+ lStatus = RegQueryValueEx (
+ hPerflib,
+ Busy,
+ &dwType,
+ &dwSize);
+ if (lStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // perflib is in use at the moment
+ return ERROR_BUSY;
+ }
+ lStatus = RegSetValueEx (
+ hPerflib,
+ Busy,
+ (LPBYTE)lpDriverName,
+ lstrlen(lpDriverName) * sizeof(TCHAR));
+ if (lStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
+ RegCloseKey (hPerflib);
+ return lStatus;
+ }
+ // query registry to get number of Explain text items
+ dwBufferSize = sizeof (dwHelpItems);
+ lStatus = RegQueryValueEx (
+ hPerflib,
+ LastHelp,
+ &dwType,
+ (LPBYTE)&dwHelpItems,
+ &dwBufferSize);
+ if ((lStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) || (dwType != REG_DWORD)) {
+ RegCloseKey (hPerflib);
+ return lStatus;
+ }
+ // query registry to get number of counter and object name items
+ dwBufferSize = sizeof (dwCounterItems);
+ lStatus = RegQueryValueEx (
+ hPerflib,
+ LastCounter,
+ &dwType,
+ (LPBYTE)&dwCounterItems,
+ &dwBufferSize);
+ if ((lStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) || (dwType != REG_DWORD)) {
+ RegCloseKey (hPerflib);
+ return lStatus;
+ }
+ // query registry to get PerfLib system version
+ dwBufferSize = sizeof (dwSystemVersion);
+ lStatus = RegQueryValueEx (
+ hPerflib,
+ VersionStr,
+ &dwType,
+ (LPBYTE)&dwSystemVersion,
+ &dwBufferSize);
+ if ((lStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) || (dwType != REG_DWORD)) {
+ // Key not there, must be NT 1.0 version
+ dwSystemVersion = OLD_VERSION;
+ }
+ if ( dwSystemVersion != OLD_VERSION )
+ {
+ // ERROR. The caller should check the version before calling me.
+ // let return busy for now...
+ return(ERROR_BUSY);
+ }
+ // allocate temporary String buffer
+ lpLangName = malloc (MAX_PATH * sizeof(TCHAR));
+ lpThisDriver = malloc (MAX_PATH * sizeof(TCHAR));
+ if (!lpLangName || !lpThisDriver) {
+ goto UCN_ExitPoint;
+ }
+ // Get the values that are in use by the driver to be removed
+ dwSize = sizeof (dwRemLastDriverCounter);
+ lStatus = RegQueryValueEx (
+ hDriverPerf,
+ LastCounter,
+ &dwType,
+ (LPBYTE)&dwRemLastDriverCounter,
+ &dwSize);
+ if (lStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
+ goto UCN_ExitPoint;
+ }
+ dwSize = sizeof (dwRemFirstDriverCounter);
+ lStatus = RegQueryValueEx (
+ hDriverPerf,
+ FirstCounter,
+ &dwType,
+ (LPBYTE)&dwRemFirstDriverCounter,
+ &dwSize);
+ if (lStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
+ goto UCN_ExitPoint;
+ }
+ dwSize = sizeof (dwRemLastDriverHelp);
+ lStatus = RegQueryValueEx (
+ hDriverPerf,
+ LastHelp,
+ &dwType,
+ (LPBYTE)&dwRemLastDriverHelp,
+ &dwSize);
+ if (lStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
+ goto UCN_ExitPoint;
+ }
+ dwSize = sizeof (dwRemFirstDriverHelp);
+ lStatus = RegQueryValueEx (
+ hDriverPerf,
+ FirstHelp,
+ &dwType,
+ (LPBYTE)&dwRemFirstDriverHelp,
+ &dwSize);
+ if (lStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
+ goto UCN_ExitPoint;
+ }
+ // get the first and last counters to define block of names used
+ // by this device
+ dwFirstNameToRemove = (dwRemFirstDriverCounter <= dwRemFirstDriverHelp ?
+ dwRemFirstDriverCounter : dwRemFirstDriverHelp);
+ dwLastNameToRemove = (dwRemLastDriverCounter >= dwRemLastDriverHelp ?
+ dwRemLastDriverCounter : dwRemLastDriverHelp);
+ dwLastCounter = dwLastHelp = 0;
+ // do each language under perflib
+ for (dwLangIndex = 0, dwSize = _msize(lpLangName);
+ (RegEnumKey(hPerflib, dwLangIndex, lpLangName, dwSize)) == ERROR_SUCCESS;
+ dwLangIndex++, dwSize = _msize(lpLangName)) {
+ lpOldNameTable = BuildNameTable (hPerflib, lpLangName,
+ &dwLastItem, &hKeyLang, CounterNameBuffer, HelpNameBuffer);
+ if (lpOldNameTable) {
+ if (!FixNames (
+ hKeyLang,
+ lpOldNameTable,
+ lpLangName,
+ dwLastItem,
+ dwFirstNameToRemove,
+ dwLastNameToRemove)) {
+ bPerflibUpdated = TRUE;
+ }
+ } else { // unable to unload names for this language
+ // display error message
+ }
+ } // end for (more languages)
+ if (bPerflibUpdated) {
+ // update perflib's "last" values
+ dwSize = sizeof (dwLastCounter);
+ lStatus = RegSetValueEx (
+ hPerflib,
+ LastCounter,
+ (LPBYTE)&dwLastCounter,
+ dwSize);
+ dwSize = sizeof (dwLastHelp);
+ lStatus = RegSetValueEx (
+ hPerflib,
+ LastHelp,
+ (LPBYTE)&dwLastHelp,
+ dwSize);
+ // update "driver"s values (i.e. remove them)
+ RegDeleteValue (hDriverPerf, FirstCounter);
+ RegDeleteValue (hDriverPerf, LastCounter);
+ RegDeleteValue (hDriverPerf, FirstHelp);
+ RegDeleteValue (hDriverPerf, LastHelp);
+ }
+ RegDeleteValue (hPerflib, Busy);
+ RegCloseKey (hPerflib);
+ RegCloseKey (hServices);
+ if (lpLangName) free (lpLangName);
+ if (lpThisDriver) free (lpThisDriver);
+ return lStatus;
+BOOL FAR PASCAL unlodctr(DWORD argc,LPSTR argv[], LPSTR *ppszResult )
+ entry point to Counter Name Unloader
+ argc
+ # of command line arguments present
+ argv
+ array of pointers to command line strings
+ (note that these are obtained from the GetCommandLine function in
+ order to work with both UNICODE and ANSI strings.)
+ 0 (ERROR_SUCCESS) if command was processed
+ Non-Zero if command error was detected.
+ LPTSTR lpDriverName; // name of driver to delete from perflib
+ HKEY hDriverPerf; // handle to performance sub-key of driver
+ DWORD dwStatus; // return status of fn. calls
+ *ppszResult = achBuff;
+ wsprintfA( achBuff, "{\"NO_ERROR\"}");
+ if (!GetDriverFromCommandLine (
+ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, &lpDriverName, &hDriverPerf, argv)) {
+ // error message was printed in routine if there was an error
+ wsprintfA( achBuff,"{\"ERROR\"}");
+ return (FALSE);
+ }
+ // removes names and explain text for driver in lpDriverName
+ // displays error messages for errors encountered
+ dwStatus = (DWORD)UnloadCounterNames (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
+ hDriverPerf, lpDriverName);
+ RegCloseKey (hDriverPerf);
+ if ( dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS )
+ {
+ wsprintfA( achBuff,"{\"ERROR\"}");
+ }
+ return (dwStatus==ERROR_SUCCESS);