path: root/private/ole32/dbgexts
diff options
authorAdam <>2020-05-17 05:51:50 +0200
committerAdam <>2020-05-17 05:51:50 +0200
commite611b132f9b8abe35b362e5870b74bce94a1e58e (patch)
treea5781d2ec0e085eeca33cf350cf878f2efea6fe5 /private/ole32/dbgexts
Diffstat (limited to 'private/ole32/dbgexts')
34 files changed, 7805 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/private/ole32/dbgexts/daytona/makefile b/private/ole32/dbgexts/daytona/makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6ee4f43fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/dbgexts/daytona/makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE!!! Edit .\sources. if you want to add a new source
+# file to this component. This file merely indirects to the real make file
+# that is shared by all the components of NT OS/2
+!INCLUDE $(NTMAKEENV)\makefile.def
diff --git a/private/ole32/dbgexts/daytona/sources b/private/ole32/dbgexts/daytona/sources
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ce16e9e61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/dbgexts/daytona/sources
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+!IF 0
+Copyright (c) 1989 Microsoft Corporation
+Module Name:
+ sources.
+ This file specifies the target component being built and the list of
+ sources files needed to build that component. Also specifies optional
+ compiler switches and libraries that are unique for the component being
+ built.
+ Bruce Mansfield (brucema) 01-Jun-1995
+# The MAJORCOMP and MINORCOMP variables are defined
+# so that $(MAJORCOMP)$(MINORCOMP)filename can be used in
+# cross compiling to provide unique filenames in a flat namespace.
+# The TARGETNAME variable is defined by the developer. It is the name of
+# the target (component) that is being built by this makefile. It
+# should NOT include any path or file extension information.
+# The TARGETPATH and TARGETTYPE variables are defined by the developer.
+# The first specifies where the target is to be build. The second specifies
+# the type of target (either PROGRAM, DYNLINK, LIBRARY, UMAPPL_NOLIB or
+# BOOTPGM). UMAPPL_NOLIB is used when you're only building user-mode
+# apps and don't need to build a library.
+# Pick one of the following and delete the others
+DLLDEF= ..\ole.def
+# The TARGETLIBS specifies additional libraries to link with you target
+# image. Each library path specification should contain an asterisk (*)
+# where the machine specific subdirectory name should go.
+LINKLIBS= $(BASEDIR)\public\sdk\lib\*\kernel32.lib \
+ $(BASEDIR)\public\sdk\lib\*\user32.lib \
+ $(BASEDIR)\public\sdk\lib\*\gdi32.lib \
+ $(BASEDIR)\public\sdk\lib\*\advapi32.lib \
+ $(BASEDIR)\public\sdk\lib\*\crtdll.lib \
+ $(BASEDIR)\public\sdk\lib\*\uuid.lib
+# The INCLUDES variable specifies any include paths that are specific to
+# this source directory. Separate multiple directory paths with single
+# semicolons. Relative path specifications are okay.
+# The SOURCES variable is defined by the developer. It is a list of all the
+# source files for this component. Each source file should be on a separate
+# line using the line continuation character. This will minimize merge
+# conflicts if two developers adding source files to the same component.
+ ..\oleexts.cxx \
+ ..\ddllcach.cxx \
+ ..\drot.cxx \
+ ..\dvtbl.cxx \
+ ..\derror.cxx \
+ ..\dfileext.cxx \
+ ..\dfilepat.cxx \
+ ..\dpsclsid.cxx \
+ ..\dstdid.cxx \
+ ..\dchannel.cxx \
+ ..\dinfolvl.cxx \
+ ..\dmoniker.cxx \
+ ..\dtreatas.cxx \
+ ..\dclsinfo.cxx \
+ ..\dclscach.cxx \
+ ..\util.cxx \
+ ..\doxid.cxx \
+ ..\dipid.cxx \
+ ..\ole.rc
diff --git a/private/ole32/dbgexts/dchannel.cxx b/private/ole32/dbgexts/dchannel.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..113a0e388
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/dbgexts/dchannel.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+// Microsoft Windows
+// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995
+// File: dchannel.cxx
+// Contents: Ole NTSD extension routines to display the RPC channel
+// associated with a remote handler. This includes the
+// interestiong pieces of CRpcChannelBuffer, CRpcService and
+// CEndPoint.
+// Functions: channelHelp
+// displayChannel
+// History: 06-01-95 BruceMa Created
+#include <ole2int.h>
+#include <windows.h>
+#include "ole.h"
+#include "dipid.h"
+#include "dchannel.h"
+#include "dstdid.h"
+void FormatCLSID(REFGUID rguid, LPSTR lpsz);
+// Function: channelHelp
+// Synopsis: Display a menu for the command 'ch'
+// Arguments: -
+// Returns: -
+// History: 07-Mar-95 BruceMa Created
+void channelHelp(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis)
+ Printf("\nch addr - Display a CRpcChannelBuffer object:\n");
+ Printf("refs stdid state clientThread processLocal? handle OXID IPID destCtx\n");
+// Function: displayChannel
+// Synopsis: Display an RPC channel starting from the address of the
+// CRpcChannelBuffer object
+// Arguments: [hProcess] - Handle of this process
+// [lpExtensionApis] - Table of extension functions
+// [pChnlBfr] - Address of channel buffer
+// Returns: -
+// History: 07-Mar-95 BruceMa Created
+void displayChannel(HANDLE hProcess,
+ ULONG pChannel,
+ char *arg)
+ SRpcChannelBuffer chnlBfr;
+ SStdIdentity stdid;
+ SOXIDEntry oxid;
+ SIPIDEntry ipid;
+ char szClsid[CLSIDSTR_MAX];
+ // Check for help
+ if (arg[0] == '?')
+ {
+ Printf("refs stdid state clientThread processLocal? handle OXID IPID destCtx\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ // Read the rpc channel buffer
+ ReadMem(&chnlBfr, pChannel, sizeof(SRpcChannelBuffer));
+ // References
+ Printf("%d ", chnlBfr.ref_count);
+ // Standard identity object address
+ Printf("%x ", chnlBfr.pStdId);
+ // State
+ switch (chnlBfr.state)
+ {
+ case client_cs:
+ Printf("client_cs ");
+ break;
+ case proxy_cs:
+ Printf("proxy_cs ");
+ break;
+ case server_cs:
+ Printf("server_cs ");
+ break;
+ case freethreaded_cs:
+ Printf("freethreaded_cs ");
+ break;
+ default:
+ Printf("unknown ");
+ break;
+ }
+ // Client thread
+ Printf("%3x ", chnlBfr.client_thread);
+ // Process local
+ if (chnlBfr.process_local)
+ {
+ Printf("local ");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Printf("not-local ");
+ }
+ // Handle
+ Printf("%x ", chnlBfr.handle);
+ // OXID entry address
+ Printf("%x ", chnlBfr.pOXIDEntry);
+ // IPID entry address
+ Printf("%x ", chnlBfr.pIPIDEntry);
+ // Destination context
+ Printf("%x\n", chnlBfr.iDestCtx);
diff --git a/private/ole32/dbgexts/dchannel.h b/private/ole32/dbgexts/dchannel.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..18385585e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/dbgexts/dchannel.h
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+typedef enum EChannelState
+ // The channel on the client side held by the remote handler.
+ client_cs = 1,
+ // The channels on the client side held by proxies.
+ proxy_cs = 2,
+ // The server channels held by remote handlers.
+ server_cs = 16,
+ // Flag to indicate that the channel may be used on any thread.
+ freethreaded_cs = 64
+} EChannelState;
+// Forward reference
+struct SStdIdentity;
+struct SRpcChannelBuffer
+ void *_vtbl1;
+ ULONG ref_count;
+ SStdIdentity *pStdId;
+ DWORD state;
+ DWORD client_thread;
+ BOOL process_local;
+ handle_t handle;
+ SOXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry;
+ SIPIDEntry *pIPIDEntry;
+ DWORD iDestCtx;
diff --git a/private/ole32/dbgexts/dclscach.cxx b/private/ole32/dbgexts/dclscach.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..747f9dd34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/dbgexts/dclscach.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
+// Microsoft Windows
+// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995
+// File: dclscach.cxx
+// Contents: Ole NTSD extension routines to display the class cache in
+// the scm
+// Functions: displayClassCache
+// History: 06-01-95 BruceMa Created
+#include <ole2int.h>
+#include <windows.h>
+#include "ole.h"
+#include "dclscach.h"
+void FormatCLSID(REFGUID rguid, LPSTR lpsz);
+// Function: classCacheHelp
+// Synopsis: Prints a short help menu for !
+// Arguments: [lpExtensionApis] - Table of extension functions
+// Returns: -
+// History: 27-Jun-95 BruceMa Created
+void classCacheHelp(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis)
+ Printf("cc - Display class cache info\n");
+ Printf("local-server-path[(16)] clsid debug? [handler]\n");
+ Printf(" hRpc hWnd flags PSID desktop\n");
+ Printf(" ...\n");
+// Function: displayClassCache
+// Synopsis: Displays the retail scm class cache
+// Arguments: [hProcess] - Handle of this process
+// [lpExtensionApis] - Table of extension functions
+// Returns: -
+// History: 27-Jun-95 BruceMa Created
+void displayClassCache(HANDLE hProcess,
+ ULONG addr;
+ SClassCacheList sClassCacheList;
+ SSkipListEntry sSkipListEntry;
+ SClassData sClassData;
+ SLocalServer sLocalServer;
+ SStringID sStringId;
+ WCHAR *pwszUni;
+ WCHAR wszUni[128];
+ char szAnsi[128];
+ SArrayFValue sArrayFValue;
+ SSrvRegistration *pSrvReg;
+ // Read the class cache
+ addr = GetExpression("scm!g_pcllClassCache");
+ ReadMem(&addr, addr, sizeof(ULONG));
+ ReadMem(&sClassCacheList, addr, sizeof(SClassCacheList));
+ // Read the initial skiplist entry
+ ReadMem(&sSkipListEntry, sClassCacheList._pSkipList,
+ sizeof(SSkipListEntry));
+ // Do over skiplist entries
+ do
+ {
+ // Just in case
+ if (CheckControlC())
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Read the next skiplist entry
+ ReadMem(&sSkipListEntry, sSkipListEntry._apBaseForward,
+ sizeof(SSkipListEntry));
+ // Read the CClassData structure
+ ReadMem(&sClassData, sSkipListEntry._pvEntry, sizeof(SClassData));
+ // Read the CLocalServer structure
+ ReadMem(&sLocalServer, sClassData._slocalsrv, sizeof(SLocalServer));
+ // Print the path
+ pwszUni = (WCHAR *) OleAlloc(sLocalServer._stringId._cPath *
+ sizeof(WCHAR));
+ ReadMem(pwszUni, sLocalServer._stringId._pwszPath,
+ sLocalServer._stringId._cPath * sizeof(WCHAR));
+ Unicode2Ansi(szAnsi, pwszUni, sLocalServer._stringId._cPath *
+ sizeof(WCHAR));
+ if (sClassData._fLocalServer16)
+ {
+ Printf("%s(16) ", szAnsi);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Printf("%s ", szAnsi);
+ }
+ OleFree(pwszUni);
+ // Print the clsid
+ FormatCLSID(sClassData._clsid, szAnsi);
+ Printf("%s ", szAnsi);
+ // Whether activated under a debugger
+ if (sClassData._fDebug)
+ {
+ Printf("*Debug*");
+ }
+ // Any specified handler
+ if (sClassData._shandlr)
+ {
+ ReadMem(&sStringId, sClassData._shandlr, sizeof(SStringID));
+ // Print the path
+ pwszUni = (WCHAR *) OleAlloc(sStringId._cPath * sizeof(WCHAR));
+ ReadMem(pwszUni, sStringId._pwszPath,
+ sStringId._cPath * sizeof(WCHAR));
+ Unicode2Ansi(szAnsi, pwszUni, sStringId._cPath *
+ sizeof(WCHAR));
+ if (sClassData._fInprocHandler16)
+ {
+ Printf("%s(16) ", szAnsi);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Printf("%s ", szAnsi);
+ }
+ OleFree(pwszUni);
+ }
+ // Close the print line
+ Printf("\n");
+ // Read the endpoint registration array base
+ ReadMem(&sArrayFValue, sClassData._pssrvreg, sizeof(SArrayFValue));
+ // Read the array of endpoint registrations
+ pSrvReg = (SSrvRegistration *) OleAlloc(sArrayFValue.m_nSize *
+ sizeof(SSrvRegistration));
+ ReadMem(pSrvReg, sArrayFValue.m_pData,
+ sArrayFValue.m_nSize * sizeof(SSrvRegistration));
+ // Do over the RPC endpoints registered for this server
+ for (int cReg = 0; cReg < sArrayFValue.m_nSize; cReg++)
+ {
+ // Only look at non-empty binding handles
+ if (pSrvReg[cReg]._hRpc)
+ {
+ // The RPC binding handle
+ Printf(" %x ", pSrvReg[cReg]._hRpc);
+ // The window handle
+ Printf("%x ", pSrvReg[cReg]._ulWnd);
+ // Flags
+ Printf("%x ", pSrvReg[cReg]._dwFlags);
+ // Security Id
+ Printf("%x ", pSrvReg[cReg]._psid);
+ // The desktop
+ UINT cb = 0;
+ // We have to read memory one WCHAR at a time because any
+ // av prevents any reading
+ do
+ {
+ ReadMem(&wszUni[cb], &pSrvReg[cReg]._lpDesktop[cb],
+ sizeof(WCHAR));
+ cb++;
+ } until_(wszUni[cb - 1] == L'\0');
+ Unicode2Ansi(szAnsi, wszUni, cb);
+ Printf("%s\n\n", szAnsi);
+ }
+ }
+ } until_(sSkipListEntry._apBaseForward == sClassCacheList._pSkipList);
+// Function: displayClassCacheCk
+// Synopsis: Displays the checked scm class cache
+// Arguments: [hProcess] - Handle of this process
+// [lpExtensionApis] - Table of extension functions
+// Returns: -
+// History: 27-Jun-95 BruceMa Created
+// Notes: This was necessary because certain of the class cache
+// structures different depending on retail vs. checked
+void displayClassCacheCk(HANDLE hProcess,
+ ULONG addr;
+ SClassCacheList sClassCacheList;
+ SSkipListEntry sSkipListEntry;
+ SClassDataCk sClassData;
+ SLocalServerCk sLocalServer;
+ SStringIDCk sStringId;
+ WCHAR *pwszUni;
+ WCHAR wszUni[128];
+ char szAnsi[128];
+ SArrayFValue sArrayFValue;
+ SSrvRegistration *pSrvReg;
+ // Read the class cache
+ addr = GetExpression("scm!g_pcllClassCache");
+ ReadMem(&addr, addr, sizeof(ULONG));
+ ReadMem(&sClassCacheList, addr, sizeof(SClassCacheList));
+ // Read the initial skiplist entry
+ ReadMem(&sSkipListEntry, sClassCacheList._pSkipList,
+ sizeof(SSkipListEntry));
+ // Do over skiplist entries
+ do
+ {
+ // Just in case
+ if (CheckControlC())
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Read the next skiplist entry
+ ReadMem(&sSkipListEntry, sSkipListEntry._apBaseForward,
+ sizeof(SSkipListEntry));
+ // Read the CClassData structure
+ ReadMem(&sClassData, sSkipListEntry._pvEntry, sizeof(SClassDataCk));
+ // Read the CLocalServer structure
+ ReadMem(&sLocalServer, sClassData._slocalsrv, sizeof(SLocalServerCk));
+ // Print the path
+ pwszUni = (WCHAR *) OleAlloc(sLocalServer._stringId._cPath *
+ sizeof(WCHAR));
+ ReadMem(pwszUni, sLocalServer._stringId._pwszPath,
+ sLocalServer._stringId._cPath * sizeof(WCHAR));
+ Unicode2Ansi(szAnsi, pwszUni, sLocalServer._stringId._cPath *
+ sizeof(WCHAR));
+ if (sClassData._fLocalServer16)
+ {
+ Printf("%s(16) ", szAnsi);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Printf("%s ", szAnsi);
+ }
+ OleFree(pwszUni);
+ // Print the clsid
+ FormatCLSID(sClassData._clsid, szAnsi);
+ Printf("%s ", szAnsi);
+ // Whether activated under a debugger
+ if (sClassData._fDebug)
+ {
+ Printf("*Debug*");
+ }
+ // Any specified handler
+ if (sClassData._shandlr)
+ {
+ ReadMem(&sStringId, sClassData._shandlr, sizeof(SStringIDCk));
+ // Print the path
+ pwszUni = (WCHAR *) OleAlloc(sStringId._cPath * sizeof(WCHAR));
+ ReadMem(pwszUni, sStringId._pwszPath,
+ sStringId._cPath * sizeof(WCHAR));
+ Unicode2Ansi(szAnsi, pwszUni, sStringId._cPath *
+ sizeof(WCHAR));
+ if (sClassData._fInprocHandler16)
+ {
+ Printf("%s(16) ", szAnsi);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Printf("%s ", szAnsi);
+ }
+ OleFree(pwszUni);
+ }
+ // Close the print line
+ Printf("\n");
+ // Read the endpoint registration array base
+ ReadMem(&sArrayFValue, sClassData._pssrvreg, sizeof(SArrayFValue));
+ // Read the array of endpoint registrations
+ pSrvReg = (SSrvRegistration *) OleAlloc(sArrayFValue.m_nSize *
+ sizeof(SSrvRegistration));
+ ReadMem(pSrvReg, sArrayFValue.m_pData,
+ sArrayFValue.m_nSize * sizeof(SSrvRegistration));
+ // Do over the RPC endpoints registered for this server
+ for (int cReg = 0; cReg < sArrayFValue.m_nSize; cReg++)
+ {
+ // Only look at non-empty binding handles
+ if (pSrvReg[cReg]._hRpc)
+ {
+ // The RPC binding handle
+ Printf(" %x ", pSrvReg[cReg]._hRpc);
+ // The window handle
+ Printf("%x ", pSrvReg[cReg]._ulWnd);
+ // Flags
+ Printf("%x ", pSrvReg[cReg]._dwFlags);
+ // Security Id
+ Printf("%x ", pSrvReg[cReg]._psid);
+ // The desktop
+ UINT cb = 0;
+ // We have to read memory one WCHAR at a time because any
+ // av prevents any reading
+ do
+ {
+ ReadMem(&wszUni[cb], &pSrvReg[cReg]._lpDesktop[cb],
+ sizeof(WCHAR));
+ cb++;
+ } until_(wszUni[cb - 1] == L'\0');
+ Unicode2Ansi(szAnsi, wszUni, cb);
+ Printf("%s\n\n", szAnsi);
+ }
+ }
+ } until_(sSkipListEntry._apBaseForward == sClassCacheList._pSkipList);
diff --git a/private/ole32/dbgexts/dclscach.h b/private/ole32/dbgexts/dclscach.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..08b3dd3d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/dbgexts/dclscach.h
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+struct SStringID
+ void *_vtbl;
+ ULONG _culRefs;
+ int _cPathBytes;
+ int _cPath;
+ WCHAR *_pwszPath;
+struct SStringIDCk
+ void *_vtbl;
+ ULONG _ulSig;
+ ULONG _culRefs;
+ int _cPathBytes;
+ int _cPath;
+ WCHAR *_pwszPath;
+struct SLocalServer
+ SStringID _stringId;
+ SMutexSem _mxsProcessStart;
+ BOOL _fDebug;
+struct SLocalServerCk
+ SStringIDCk _stringId;
+ ULONG _ulSig;
+ SMutexSem _mxsProcessStart;
+ BOOL _fDebug;
+struct SSrvRegistration
+ HANDLE _hRpc;
+ ULONG _ulWnd;
+ DWORD _dwFlags;
+ PSID _psid;
+ WCHAR *_lpDesktop;
+struct SClassData
+ LPVOID _vtbl;
+ CLSID _clsid;
+ SStringID *_shandlr;
+ SStringID *_sinproc;
+ SStringID *_sinproc16;
+ SLocalServer *_slocalsrv;
+ ULONG _fActivateAtBits:1;
+ ULONG _fDebug:1;
+ ULONG _fInprocHandler16:1;
+ ULONG _fLocalServer16:1;
+ ULONG _ulInprocThreadModel:2;
+ ULONG _ulHandlerThreadModel:2;
+ HANDLE _hClassStart;
+ SArrayFValue *_pssrvreg;
+ ULONG _ulRefs;
+struct SClassDataCk
+ LPVOID _vtbl;
+ CLSID _clsid;
+ SStringIDCk *_shandlr;
+ SStringIDCk *_sinproc;
+ SStringIDCk *_sinproc16;
+ SLocalServerCk *_slocalsrv;
+ ULONG _fActivateAtBits:1;
+ ULONG _fDebug:1;
+ ULONG _fInprocHandler16:1;
+ ULONG _fLocalServer16:1;
+ ULONG _ulInprocThreadModel:2;
+ ULONG _ulHandlerThreadModel:2;
+ HANDLE _hClassStart;
+ SArrayFValue *_pssrvreg;
+ ULONG _ulRefs;
+struct SSkipListEntry
+ SClassData *_pvEntry;
+ SSkipListEntry *_apBaseForward;
+struct SClassCacheList
+ SSkipListEntry *_pSkipList;
diff --git a/private/ole32/dbgexts/dclsinfo.cxx b/private/ole32/dbgexts/dclsinfo.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b3d96c7bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/dbgexts/dclsinfo.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,607 @@
+// Microsoft Windows
+// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995
+// File: dclassInfo.cxx
+// Contents: Display registry class information
+// Functions: classInfoHelp
+// displayclassInfo
+// History: 06-01-95 BruceMa Created
+// BUGBUG: Add threading model flags
+#include <ole2int.h>
+#include <windows.h>
+#include "ole.h"
+#include "dinfolvl.h"
+#include "debnot.h"
+BOOL ScanCLSID(char *szClsid, CLSID *pClsid);
+void FormatCLSID(REFGUID rguid, LPSTR lpsz);
+static void GetSomeClsidValues(HKEY hKey,
+ char *szName,
+ char *szInprocHandler,
+ char *szInprocHandler32,
+ char *szInprocServer,
+ char *szInprocServer32,
+ char *szLocalServer,
+ char *szLocalServer32,
+ char *szProgid,
+ char *szTreatAs,
+ char *szAutoConvertTo,
+ char *szOle1Class);
+static void DisplayValues(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis,
+ char *szName,
+ char *szInprocHandler,
+ char *szInprocHandler32,
+ char *szInprocServer,
+ char *szInprocServer32,
+ char *szLocalServer,
+ char *szLocalServer32,
+ char *szProgid,
+ char *szTreatAs,
+ char *szAutoConvertTo,
+ char *szOle1Class);
+static void MungePath(char *szPath);
+static DWORD dwRESERVED = 0;
+// Function: classInfoHelp
+// Synopsis: Display a menu for the command 'id'
+// Arguments: -
+// Returns: -
+// History: 07-Mar-95 BruceMa Created
+void classInfoHelp(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis)
+ Printf("ci - Display registry class information\n");
+ Printf("ci clsid - Display registry class information for clsid\n");
+// Function: displayclassInfo
+// Synopsis: Display/set debug info levels
+// Arguments: [hProcess] - Handle of this process
+// [lpExtensionApis] - Table of extension functions
+// [CLSID *] - Get info for this clsid
+// Returns: -
+// History: 07-Mar-95 BruceMa Created
+BOOL displayClassInfo(HANDLE hProcess,
+ CLSID *pClsid)
+ HKEY hKey;
+ char szClsid[5 + 1 + CLSIDSTR_MAX];
+ char szName[64];
+ char szInprocHandler[64];
+ char szInprocHandler32[64];
+ char szInprocServer[64];
+ char szInprocServer32[64];
+ char szLocalServer[64];
+ char szLocalServer32[64];
+ char szProgid[64];
+ char szTreatAs[64];
+ char szAutoConvertTo[64];
+ char szOle1Class[64];
+ // Information for a specific clsid?
+ if (pClsid)
+ {
+ // Prepare to open the "...CLSID\<clsid>" key
+ FormatCLSID(*pClsid, szCLSID);
+ lstrcpy(szClsid, "CLSID\\");
+ lstrcat(szClsid, szCLSID);
+ // Open the key for the specified clsid
+ if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szClsid, dwRESERVED,
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ // Read interesting values for this clsid
+ GetSomeClsidValues(hKey,
+ szName,
+ szInprocHandler,
+ szInprocHandler32,
+ szInprocServer,
+ szInprocServer32,
+ szLocalServer,
+ szLocalServer32,
+ szProgid,
+ szTreatAs,
+ szAutoConvertTo,
+ szOle1Class);
+ // Only display "interesting" entries
+ if ((szInprocHandler[0] &&
+ _stricmp(szInprocHandler, "ole2.dll") != 0) ||
+ (szInprocHandler32[0] &&
+ _stricmp(szInprocHandler32, "ole32.dll") != 0) ||
+ (szInprocServer[0] &&
+ _stricmp(szInprocServer, "ole2.dll") != 0) ||
+ (szInprocServer32[0] &&
+ _stricmp(szInprocServer32, "ole32.dll") != 0) ||
+ szLocalServer[0] ||
+ szLocalServer32[0] ||
+ szTreatAs[0] ||
+ szAutoConvertTo[0])
+ {
+ // Display them
+ DisplayValues(lpExtensionApis,
+ szName,
+ szInprocHandler,
+ szInprocHandler32,
+ szInprocServer,
+ szInprocServer32,
+ szLocalServer,
+ szLocalServer32,
+ szProgid,
+ szTreatAs,
+ szAutoConvertTo,
+ szOle1Class);
+ }
+ // Close registry handle and return success
+ CloseHandle(hKey);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ // Else display all of them
+ else
+ {
+ HKEY hKey2;
+ DWORD dwErr;
+ DWORD cbSubKey = 0;
+ char szClsid[64];
+ DWORD cbClsid;
+ DWORD cbClass;
+ FILETIME sLastWrite;
+ // Open the key for the root "CLSID"
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ // Enumerate over the keys under "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID"
+ do
+ {
+ // Enumerate the next subkey
+ cbClsid = 64;
+ dwErr = RegEnumKeyEx(hKey, cbSubKey, szClsid, &cbClsid,
+ NULL, NULL, NULL, &sLastWrite);
+ // Prepare for next subkey
+ cbSubKey++;
+ // If it does look like a clsid, skip it
+ CLSID clsid;
+ if (!ScanCLSID(szClsid, &clsid))
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Open this clsid key
+ if (RegOpenKeyEx(hKey, szClsid, dwRESERVED,
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ // Get the interesting values
+ GetSomeClsidValues(hKey2,
+ szName,
+ szInprocHandler,
+ szInprocHandler32,
+ szInprocServer,
+ szInprocServer32,
+ szLocalServer,
+ szLocalServer32,
+ szProgid,
+ szTreatAs,
+ szAutoConvertTo,
+ szOle1Class);
+ // Only display "interesting" entries
+ if ((szInprocHandler[0] &&
+ _stricmp(szInprocHandler, "ole2.dll") != 0) ||
+ (szInprocHandler32[0] &&
+ _stricmp(szInprocHandler32, "ole32.dll") != 0) ||
+ (szInprocServer[0] &&
+ _stricmp(szInprocServer, "ole2.dll") != 0) ||
+ (szInprocServer32[0] &&
+ _stricmp(szInprocServer32, "ole32.dll") != 0) ||
+ szLocalServer[0] ||
+ szLocalServer32[0] ||
+ szTreatAs[0] ||
+ szAutoConvertTo[0])
+ {
+ // Display the clsid
+ Printf("%s ", szClsid);
+ // Display its values
+ DisplayValues(lpExtensionApis,
+ szName,
+ szInprocHandler,
+ szInprocHandler32,
+ szInprocServer,
+ szInprocServer32,
+ szLocalServer,
+ szLocalServer32,
+ szProgid,
+ szTreatAs,
+ szAutoConvertTo,
+ szOle1Class);
+ }
+ // Close registry handle
+ CloseHandle(hKey2);
+ } until_(dwErr == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS || dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS);
+ // Close clsid registry handle
+ CloseHandle(hKey);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+// Function: GetSomeClsidValues
+// Synopsis: Given an open registry key to a clsid, read some of
+// the more interesting subkey values
+// Arguments: [hkey] Open registry key
+// [szName] Where to store the name
+// [szInprocHandler] Where to store the InprocHandler
+// [szInprocHandler32] Where to store the InprocHandler32
+// [szInprocServer] Where to store the InprocServer
+// [szInprocServer32] Where to store the InprocServer32
+// [szLocalServer] Where to store the LocalServer
+// [szLocalServer32] Where to store the LocalServer32
+// [ProgId] Where to store the ProgId
+// [TreatAs] Where to store the TreatAs
+// [AutoConvertTo] Where to store the AutoConvertTo
+// [Ole1Class] Where to store the Ole1Class
+// Returns: -
+// History: 01-Jun-95 BruceMa Created
+static void GetSomeClsidValues(HKEY hKey,
+ char *szName,
+ char *szInprocHandler,
+ char *szInprocHandler32,
+ char *szInprocServer,
+ char *szInprocServer32,
+ char *szLocalServer,
+ char *szLocalServer32,
+ char *szProgId,
+ char *szTreatAs,
+ char *szAutoConvertTo,
+ char *szOle1Class)
+ HKEY hKey2;
+ DWORD dwValueType;
+ DWORD cbValue;
+ // Initialize
+ szName[0] = '\0';
+ szInprocHandler[0] = '\0';
+ szInprocHandler32[0] = '\0';
+ szInprocServer[0] = '\0';
+ szInprocServer32[0] = '\0';
+ szLocalServer[0] = '\0';
+ szLocalServer32[0] = '\0';
+ szProgId[0] = '\0';
+ szTreatAs[0] = '\0';
+ szAutoConvertTo[0] = '\0';
+ szOle1Class[0] = '\0';
+ // Name
+ cbValue = 64;
+ if (RegQueryValueEx(hKey, NULL, NULL, &dwValueType,
+ (LPBYTE) szName, &cbValue) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ // InprocHandler
+ if (RegOpenKeyEx(hKey, "InprocHandler", dwRESERVED,
+ {
+ cbValue = 64;
+ RegQueryValueEx(hKey2, NULL, NULL, &dwValueType,
+ (LPBYTE) szInprocHandler, &cbValue);
+ MungePath(szInprocHandler);
+ CloseHandle(hKey2);
+ }
+ // InprocHandler32
+ if (RegOpenKeyEx(hKey, "InprocHandler32", dwRESERVED,
+ {
+ cbValue = 64;
+ RegQueryValueEx(hKey2, NULL, NULL, &dwValueType,
+ (LPBYTE) szInprocHandler32, &cbValue);
+ MungePath(szInprocHandler32);
+ CloseHandle(hKey2);
+ }
+ // InprocServer
+ if (RegOpenKeyEx(hKey, "InprocServer", dwRESERVED,
+ {
+ cbValue = 64;
+ RegQueryValueEx(hKey2, NULL, NULL, &dwValueType,
+ (LPBYTE) szInprocServer, &cbValue);
+ MungePath(szInprocServer);
+ CloseHandle(hKey2);
+ }
+ // InprocServer32
+ if (RegOpenKeyEx(hKey, "InprocServer32", dwRESERVED,
+ {
+ cbValue = 64;
+ RegQueryValueEx(hKey2, NULL, NULL, &dwValueType,
+ (LPBYTE) szInprocServer32, &cbValue);
+ MungePath(szInprocServer32);
+ CloseHandle(hKey2);
+ }
+ // LocalServer
+ if (RegOpenKeyEx(hKey, "LocalServer", dwRESERVED,
+ {
+ cbValue = 64;
+ RegQueryValueEx(hKey2, NULL, NULL, &dwValueType,
+ (LPBYTE) szLocalServer, &cbValue);
+ MungePath(szLocalServer);
+ CloseHandle(hKey2);
+ }
+ // LocalServer32
+ if (RegOpenKeyEx(hKey, "LocalServer32", dwRESERVED,
+ {
+ cbValue = 64;
+ RegQueryValueEx(hKey2, NULL, NULL, &dwValueType,
+ (LPBYTE) szLocalServer32, &cbValue);
+ MungePath(szLocalServer32);
+ CloseHandle(hKey2);
+ }
+ // ProgId
+ if (RegOpenKeyEx(hKey, "ProgId", dwRESERVED,
+ {
+ cbValue = 64;
+ RegQueryValueEx(hKey2, NULL, NULL, &dwValueType,
+ (LPBYTE) szProgId, &cbValue);
+ CloseHandle(hKey2);
+ }
+ // TreatAs
+ if (RegOpenKeyEx(hKey, "TreatAs", dwRESERVED,
+ {
+ cbValue = 64;
+ RegQueryValueEx(hKey2, NULL, NULL, &dwValueType,
+ (LPBYTE) szTreatAs, &cbValue);
+ CloseHandle(hKey2);
+ }
+ // AutoConvertTo
+ if (RegOpenKeyEx(hKey, "AutoConvertTo", dwRESERVED,
+ {
+ cbValue = 64;
+ RegQueryValueEx(hKey2, NULL, NULL, &dwValueType,
+ (LPBYTE) szAutoConvertTo, &cbValue);
+ CloseHandle(hKey2);
+ }
+ // Ole1Class
+ if (RegOpenKeyEx(hKey, "Ole1Class", dwRESERVED,
+ {
+ szOle1Class[0] = '1';
+ CloseHandle(hKey2);
+ }
+// Function: DisplayValues
+// Synopsis: Display the values read above
+// Arguments: [hkey] Open registry key
+// [szName] Where to store the name
+// [szInprocHandler] Where to store the InprocHandler
+// [szInprocHandler32] Where to store the InprocHandler32
+// [szInprocServer] Where to store the InprocServer
+// [szInprocServer32] Where to store the InprocServer32
+// [szLocalServer] Where to store the LocalServer
+// [szLocalServer32] Where to store the LocalServer32
+// [ProgId] Where to store the ProgId
+// [TreatAs] Where to store the TreatAs
+// [AutoConvertTo] Where to store the AutoConvertTo
+// [Ole1Class] Where to store the Ole1Class
+// Returns: -
+// History: 01-Jun-95 BruceMa Created
+static void DisplayValues(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis,
+ char *szName,
+ char *szInprocHandler,
+ char *szInprocHandler32,
+ char *szInprocServer,
+ char *szInprocServer32,
+ char *szLocalServer,
+ char *szLocalServer32,
+ char *szProgId,
+ char *szTreatAs,
+ char *szAutoConvertTo,
+ char *szOle1Class)
+ // Display the name
+ Printf("%s ", szName);
+ // Display ProgId (if unique)
+ if (szProgId[0] && lstrcmp(szProgId, szName) != 0)
+ {
+ Printf("%s ", szProgId);
+ }
+ // Display the server executable
+ if (szLocalServer[0])
+ {
+ Printf("%s ", szLocalServer32);
+ }
+ else if (szInprocServer32[0])
+ {
+ Printf("%s ", szInprocServer32);
+ }
+ else if (szLocalServer[0])
+ {
+ Printf("%s(16) ", szLocalServer);
+ }
+ else if (szInprocServer[0])
+ {
+ Printf("%s(16) ", szInprocServer);
+ }
+ // Display handler information
+ if (szInprocHandler32[0] &&
+ _stricmp(szInprocHandler32, "ole32.dll") != 0)
+ {
+ Printf("Hndlr: %s ", szInprocHandler32);
+ }
+ else if (szInprocHandler[0] &&
+ _stricmp(szInprocHandler, "ole2.dll") != 0)
+ {
+ Printf("Hndlr: %s(16) ", szInprocHandler);
+ }
+ // Display any TreatAs or AutoConvertTo information
+ if (szTreatAs[0])
+ {
+ Printf("TA: %s", szTreatAs);
+ }
+ if (szAutoConvertTo[0])
+ {
+ Printf("ACT: %s", szAutoConvertTo);
+ }
+ // Check if this is an ole1 class
+ if (szOle1Class[0])
+ {
+ Printf("ole1 class");
+ }
+ // We're done
+ Printf("\n");
+// Function: MungePath
+// Synopsis: Remove directory components from a file path
+// Arguments: [szPath] Path to munge
+// Returns: -
+// History: 01-Jun-95 BruceMa Created
+static void MungePath(char *szPath)
+ int cbLen = lstrlen(szPath);
+ DWORD cbPath;
+ for (cbPath = cbLen; cbPath > 0 && szPath[cbPath] != '\\'; cbPath--)
+ {
+ }
+ if (cbPath > 0)
+ {
+ lstrcpy(szPath, &szPath[cbPath + 1]);
+ }
diff --git a/private/ole32/dbgexts/ddllcach.cxx b/private/ole32/dbgexts/ddllcach.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cb1196c1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/dbgexts/ddllcach.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+// Microsoft Windows
+// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995
+// File: ddllcach.cxx
+// Contents: Ole NTSD extension routines to display a dll/class cache
+// Functions: displayDllCache
+// History: 06-01-95 BruceMa Created
+#include <ole2int.h>
+#include <windows.h>
+#include "ole.h"
+#include "ddllcach.h"
+void FormatCLSID(REFGUID rguid, LPSTR lpsz);
+// Function: dllCacheHelp
+// Synopsis: Display a menu for the command 'ds'
+// Arguments: -
+// Returns: -
+// History: 07-Mar-95 BruceMa Created
+void dllCacheHelp(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis)
+ Printf("\nds - Display entire Inproc Server dll/class cache:\n");
+ Printf("dh - Display entire Inproc Handler dll/class cache:\n\n");
+ Printf("Dll's\n");
+ Printf("-----\n");
+ Printf("path hModule DllGetClassObject() DllCanUnloadNow() apt ... apt \n");
+ Printf(" CLSID\n");
+ Printf(" ...\n");
+ Printf("...\n\n");
+ Printf("LocalServers\n");
+ Printf("------------\n");
+ Printf("CLSID IUnknown* [M|S|MS] reg_key reg_@_scm\n");
+ Printf("...\n\n");
+// Function: displayDllCache
+// Synopsis: Formats and writes a dll/class cache structure to the
+// debugger terminal
+// Arguments: [hProcess] - Handle of this process
+// [lpExtensionApis] - Table of extension functions
+// Returns: -
+// History: 07-Mar-95 BruceMa Created
+void displayDllCache(HANDLE hProcess,
+ SDllCache *pDllCache)
+ SDllPathEntry *pDllPathEntries;
+ SClassEntry *pClassEntries;
+ DWORD cbSize;
+// dbt("pDllCache", pDllCache, sizeof(SDllCache));
+ // Fetch the array of dll path entries
+ cbSize = sizeof(SDllPathEntry) * pDllCache->_cDllPathEntries;
+ pDllPathEntries = (SDllPathEntry *) OleAlloc(cbSize);
+ ReadMem(pDllPathEntries, pDllCache->_pDllPathEntries, cbSize);
+// dbt("pDllPathEntries", pDllPathEntries, cbSize);
+ // Fetch the array of class entries
+ cbSize = sizeof(SClassEntry) * pDllCache->_cClassEntries;
+ pClassEntries = (SClassEntry *) OleAlloc(cbSize);
+ ReadMem(pClassEntries, pDllCache->_pClassEntries, cbSize);
+// dbt("pClassEntries", pClassEntries, cbSize);
+ // We do the dll's first
+ Printf("Dll's:\n-----\n");
+ // Do over the registered dll's
+ for (DWORD dwDll = pDllCache->_nDllPathEntryInUse; dwDll != NONE;
+ dwDll = pDllPathEntries[dwDll]._dwNext)
+ {
+ // Fetch the dll path
+ WCHAR wszPath[MAX_PATH + 1];
+ CHAR szPath[2 * MAX_PATH + 1];
+ // We don't know the length of the path, so read one WCHAR
+ // at a time
+ INT k = -1;
+ do
+ {
+ k++;
+ ReadMem(&wszPath[k], &pDllPathEntries[dwDll]._pwszPath[k],
+ sizeof(WCHAR));
+ } until_(wszPath[k] == L'\0');
+ Unicode2Ansi(szPath, wszPath, 2 * MAX_PATH + 1);
+ // Fetch the apartment entries for this dll path entry
+ SDllAptEntry *pAptEntries;
+ cbSize = sizeof(SDllAptEntry) * pDllPathEntries[dwDll]._cAptEntries;
+ pAptEntries = (SDllAptEntry *) OleAlloc(cbSize);
+ ReadMem(pAptEntries, pDllPathEntries[dwDll]._pAptEntries,
+ cbSize);
+// dbt("pAptEntries", pAptEntries, cbSize);
+ // Display path
+ Printf("%s ", szPath);
+ // Display hModule and DllGetClassObject and DllCanUnloadNow entry
+ // points
+ Printf("%08x %08x %08x ",
+ pAptEntries[pDllPathEntries[dwDll]._nAptInUse]._hDll,
+ pDllPathEntries[dwDll]._pfnGetClassObject,
+ pDllPathEntries[dwDll]._pfnDllCanUnload);
+ // Display apartment id's
+ for (DWORD dwApt = pDllPathEntries[dwDll]._nAptInUse; dwApt != NONE;
+ dwApt = pAptEntries[dwApt]._dwNext)
+ {
+ Printf("%x ", pAptEntries[dwApt]._hApt);
+ }
+ Printf("\n");
+ // Do over CLSID's for this dll
+ for (DWORD dwCls = pDllPathEntries[dwDll]._dw1stClass; dwCls != NONE;
+ dwCls = pClassEntries[dwCls]._dwNextDllCls)
+ {
+ // Display the CLSID
+ FormatCLSID(pClassEntries[dwCls]._clsid, szClsid);
+ Printf(" %s \n", szClsid);
+ }
+ // Release the apartment entries for this dll
+ OleFree(pAptEntries);
+ Printf("\n");
+ }
+ // Release the array of dll path entries
+ OleFree(pDllPathEntries);
+ // Then we do the local servers
+ Printf("Local Servers:\n----------\n");
+ // Do over the locally registerd local servers
+ for (DWORD dwCls = pDllCache->_nClassEntryInUse; dwCls != NONE;
+ dwCls = pClassEntries[dwCls]._dwNext)
+ {
+ // Skip class entries associated with dll's
+ if (pClassEntries[dwCls]._dwDllEnt == NONE)
+ {
+ // Display the CLSID
+ FormatCLSID(pClassEntries[dwCls]._clsid, szClsid);
+ Printf(" %s ", szClsid);
+ // The class factory punk
+ Printf("%08x ", pClassEntries[dwCls]._pUnk);
+ // The flags
+ if (pClassEntries[dwCls]._dwFlags == REGCLS_SINGLEUSE)
+ {
+ Printf("S ");
+ }
+ else if (pClassEntries[dwCls]._dwFlags == REGCLS_MULTIPLEUSE)
+ {
+ Printf("M ");
+ }
+ else if (pClassEntries[dwCls]._dwFlags == REGCLS_MULTI_SEPARATE)
+ {
+ Printf("MS ");
+ }
+ // The registration key given to the user
+ Printf("%08x ", pClassEntries[dwCls]._dwReg);
+ // The registration key at the scm
+ Printf("%08x ", pClassEntries[dwCls]._dwScmReg);
+ // Whether this is an AtBits server
+ if (pClassEntries[dwCls]._fAtBits)
+ {
+ Printf("AtBits\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Printf("\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Printf("\n");
+ // Release the array of class entries
+ OleFree(pClassEntries);
diff --git a/private/ole32/dbgexts/ddllcach.h b/private/ole32/dbgexts/ddllcach.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..16c4a2b9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/dbgexts/ddllcach.h
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+// Microsoft Windows
+// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995
+// File: ddllcach.h
+// Contents: Contains structure definitons for the significant dll class/
+// cache ole classes which the ntsd extensions need to access.
+// These ole classes cannot be accessed more cleanly because
+// typically the members of interest are protected.
+// History: 06-01-95 BruceMa Created
+typedef HRESULT (*DLLUNLOADFNP)(void);
+const DWORD NONE = ~0UL;
+struct SClassEntry
+ DWORD _fAtBits; // Whether server is an at bits server
+ DWORD _dwNext; // Next entry in in-use or avail list
+ DWORD _dwSig; // Marks entry as in use
+ CLSID _clsid; // Class of this server
+ IUnknown *_pUnk; // Class factory IUnknown
+ DWORD _dwContext; // Class context
+ DWORD _dwFlags; // Single vs. multiple use
+ DWORD _dwReg; // Registration key for caller
+ DWORD _dwScmReg; // Registration ID at the SCM
+ HAPT _hApt; // Thread Id
+ DWORD _cCallOut; // Count of active call outs
+ DWORD _fRevokePending;// Whether revoked while calling out
+ DWORD _dwDllEnt; // Associated dll path entry
+ DWORD _dwNextDllCls; // Next class entrry for this dll
+ HWND _hWndDdeServer; // Handle of associated DDE window
+struct SDllAptEntry
+ DWORD _dwNext; // Next entry in avail or in use list
+ DWORD _dwSig; // Unique signature for apt entries
+ HAPT _hApt; // apartment id
+ HMODULE _hDll; // module handle
+struct SDllPathEntry
+ DWORD _dwNext; // Next in-use/avail entry
+ DWORD _dwSig; // Unique signature for safty
+ LPWSTR _pwszPath; // The dll pathname
+ DWORD _dwHash; // Hash value for searching
+ LPFNGETCLASSOBJECT _pfnGetClassObject; // Create object entry point
+ DLLUNLOADFNP _pfnDllCanUnload; // DllCanUnloadNow entry point
+ DWORD _dwFlags; // Internal flags
+ DWORD _dwDllThreadModel:2; // Threading model for the DLL
+ DWORD _dw1stClass; // First class entry for dll
+ DWORD _cUsing; // Count of using threads
+ DWORD _cAptEntries; // Total apt entries
+ DWORD _nAptAvail; // List of available apt entries
+ DWORD _nAptInUse; // List of in use apt entries
+ SDllAptEntry *_pAptEntries; // Per thread info
+struct SDllCache
+ SMutexSem _mxsLoadLibrary; // Protects LoadLibrary calls
+ SMutexSem _mxs; // Protects from multiple threads
+ DWORD _cClassEntries; // Count of class entries
+ DWORD _nClassEntryInUse; // First in-use class entry
+ DWORD _nClassEntryAvail; // First available class entry
+ SClassEntry *_pClassEntries; // Array of class entries
+ DWORD _cDllPathEntries; // Count of dll path entries
+ DWORD _nDllPathEntryInUse; // First in-use dll path entry
+ DWORD _nDllPathEntryAvail; // First available dll path entry
+ SDllPathEntry *_pDllPathEntries; // Array of DLL path entries
diff --git a/private/ole32/dbgexts/derror.cxx b/private/ole32/dbgexts/derror.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cd0275afc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/dbgexts/derror.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+// Microsoft Windows
+// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995
+// File: derror.cxx
+// Contents: Ole NTSD extension routines to display the error
+// message for a Win32 or OLE error code
+// Functions: displayVtbl
+// History: 06-01-95 BruceMa Created
+#include <ole2int.h>
+#include <windows.h>
+#include "ole.h"
+// Function: displayHr
+// Synopsis: Display the mnesage for a Win32 error or OLE HRESULT
+// Arguments: [hProcess] - Handle of this process
+// [lpExtensionApis] - Table of extension functions
+// Returns: -
+// History: 01-Jun-95 BruceMa Created
+void displayHr (HANDLE hProcess,
+ char *arg)
+ DWORD err = 0;
+ BOOL fHex = FALSE;
+ // Determine if it's hex or decimal. Also allow '800xxxxx' to implicitly
+ // be treated as hexadecimal
+ if (arg[0] == '0' && (arg[1] == 'x' || arg[1] == 'X'))
+ {
+ fHex = TRUE;
+ arg += 2;
+ }
+ else if (arg[0] == '8' && arg[1] == '0' && arg[2] == '0')
+ {
+ fHex = TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ char *s = arg;
+ while (*s)
+ {
+ if (('a' <= *s && *s <= 'f') || ('A' <= *s && *s <= 'F'))
+ {
+ fHex = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ s++;
+ }
+ }
+ // Parse the error number
+ if (fHex)
+ {
+ int k = 0;
+ char c;
+ while (c = arg[k++])
+ {
+ c = c - '0';
+ if (c > 9)
+ {
+ if (c <= 'F' && c >= 'A')
+ {
+ c = c + '0' - 'A' + 10;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ c = c + '0' - 'a' + 10;
+ }
+ }
+ err = (16 * err) + c;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int k = 0;
+ char c;
+ while (c = arg[k++])
+ {
+ c = c - '0';
+ err = (10 * err) + c;
+ }
+ }
+ // Fetch the associated error message
+ int cbMsgLen;
+ char szBuffer[512];
+ cbMsgLen = FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM |
+ err,
+ szBuffer,
+ 511,
+ NULL);
+ // Output the message
+ if (cbMsgLen == 0)
+ {
+ Printf("...No such error code\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ szBuffer[cbMsgLen] = '\0';
+ Printf("%s\n", szBuffer);
+ }
diff --git a/private/ole32/dbgexts/dfileext.cxx b/private/ole32/dbgexts/dfileext.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..de0cca61e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/dbgexts/dfileext.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+// Microsoft Windows
+// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995
+// File: dfileext.cxx
+// Contents: Ole NTSD extension routines to dump the clsid/file extensions
+// cache
+// Functions: fileExtHelp
+// displayFileExtTbl
+// History: 06-01-95 BruceMa Created
+#include <ole2int.h>
+#include <windows.h>
+#include "ole.h"
+#include "dshrdmem.h"
+BOOL IsEqualCLSID(CLSID *pClsid1, CLSID *pClsid2);
+void FormatCLSID(REFGUID rguid, LPSTR lpsz);
+// Function: fileExtHelp
+// Synopsis: Display a menu for the command 'fe'
+// Arguments: -
+// Returns: -
+// History: 07-Mar-95 BruceMa Created
+void fileExtHelp(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis)
+ Printf("fe - Display entire file extensions table\n");
+ Printf("fe clsid - Display file extensions for clsid\n");
+ Printf("fe .ext - Display clsid for file extension ext\n");
+// Function: displayFileExtTbl
+// Synopsis: Display some or all of the file extensions table
+// Arguments: [hProcess] - Handle of this process
+// [lpExtensionApis] - Table of extension functions
+// [lpFileExtTbl] - Address of file extensions table
+// Returns: -
+// History: 01-Jun-95 BruceMa Created
+void displayFileExtTbl(HANDLE hProcess,
+ SDllShrdTbl *pShrdTbl,
+ CLSID *pClsid,
+ WCHAR *wszExt)
+ SDllShrdTbl sDllTbl;
+ SExtTblHdr *pExtTblHdr;
+ SExtTblHdr sExtTblHdr;
+ BYTE *pExtEntry;
+ LPVOID pEnd;
+ CLSID oldClsid = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
+ // Read the shared table locally
+ ReadMem(&sDllTbl, pShrdTbl, sizeof(SDllShrdTbl));
+ // Read the table header locally
+ pExtTblHdr = sDllTbl._FileExtTbl._pTblHdr;
+ ReadMem(&sExtTblHdr, pExtTblHdr, sizeof(SExtTblHdr));
+ // Set up to read the entries
+ pExtEntry = sDllTbl._FileExtTbl._pStart;
+ pEnd = pExtEntry + sExtTblHdr.OffsEnd - sizeof(SExtTblHdr);
+ // Do over the file extension entries
+ while (pExtEntry < pEnd)
+ {
+ ULONG ulLen;
+ SExtEntry sExtEnt;
+ WCHAR slop[16];
+ char szClsid[CLSIDSTR_MAX];
+ // Just in case the loop gets away from us
+ if (CheckControlC())
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Read the length of this entry
+ ReadMem(&ulLen, pExtEntry + sizeof(CLSID), sizeof(ULONG));
+ // Read the next entry locally
+ ReadMem(&sExtEnt, pExtEntry, ulLen);
+ // Print the clsid if dumping the whole table or searching by
+ // extension
+ if ((pClsid == NULL && wszExt == NULL) ||
+ (wszExt && !lstrcmpW(wszExt, sExtEnt.wszExt)))
+ {
+ FormatCLSID(sExtEnt.Clsid, szClsid);
+ Printf("%s ", szClsid);
+ // Save the clisd
+ oldClsid = sExtEnt.Clsid;
+ // Remember to printf a newline
+ fNL = TRUE;
+ }
+ // Print the extension if dumping the whole table or seraching
+ // by clsid
+ if ((pClsid == NULL && wszExt == NULL) ||
+ (pClsid && IsEqualCLSID(&sExtEnt.Clsid, pClsid)))
+ {
+ // Print the associated file extension
+ Printf("%ws ", sExtEnt.wszExt);
+ // Remember to printf a newline
+ fNL = TRUE;
+ }
+ // Check if we need to print a newline
+ if (fNL)
+ {
+ Printf("\n");
+ fNL = FALSE;
+ }
+ // Go to the next entry
+ pExtEntry += ulLen;
+ }
diff --git a/private/ole32/dbgexts/dfilepat.cxx b/private/ole32/dbgexts/dfilepat.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6508e0709
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/dbgexts/dfilepat.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+// Microsoft Windows
+// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995
+// File: dfilepat.cxx
+// Contents: Ole NTSD extension routines to dump the file type (bit
+// patterns) cache
+// Functions: filePatHelp
+// displayFilePatTbl
+// History: 06-01-95 BruceMa Created
+#include <ole2int.h>
+#include <windows.h>
+#include "ole.h"
+#include "dshrdmem.h"
+BOOL IsEqualCLSID(CLSID *pClsid1, CLSID *pClsid2);
+void FormatCLSID(REFGUID rguid, LPSTR lpsz);
+// Function: filePatHelp
+// Synopsis: Display a menu for the command 'ft'
+// Arguments: -
+// Returns: -
+// History: 07-Mar-95 BruceMa Created
+void filePatHelp(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis)
+ Printf("ft - Display entire file type patterns table\n");
+ Printf("ft clsid - Display file type patterns for clsid\n");
+// Function: displayFilePatTbl
+// Synopsis: Display some or all of the file type patterns table
+// Arguments: [hProcess] - Handle of this process
+// [lpExtensionApis] - Table of extension functions
+// [lpFileExtTbl] - Address of file extensions table
+// [pClsid] - Only for this clsid
+// Returns: -
+// History: 01-Jun-95 BruceMa Created
+void displayFilePatTbl(HANDLE hProcess,
+ SDllShrdTbl *pShrdTbl,
+ CLSID *pClsid)
+ SDllShrdTbl sDllTbl;
+ STblHdr *pTblHdr;
+ STblHdr sTblHdr;
+ BYTE *pStart;
+ LPVOID pEnd;
+ CLSID oldClsid = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
+ UINT ulCnt = 0;
+ // Read the shared table locally
+ ReadMem(&sDllTbl, pShrdTbl, sizeof(SDllShrdTbl));
+ // Read the table header locally
+ pTblHdr = sDllTbl._PatternTbl._pTblHdr;
+ ReadMem(&sTblHdr, pTblHdr, sizeof(STblHdr));
+ // Set up to read the entries
+ pStart = sDllTbl._PatternTbl._pStart;
+ pEnd = pStart + sTblHdr.OffsEnd - sizeof(STblHdr);
+ // Do over the file extension entries
+ while (pStart < pEnd)
+ {
+ ULONG ulLen;
+ SPatternEntry sPatEnt;
+ char szClsid[CLSIDSTR_MAX];
+ // Just in case the loop gets away from us
+ if (CheckControlC())
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Read the length of this entry
+ ReadMem(&ulLen, pStart + sizeof(CLSID), sizeof(ULONG));
+ // Read the next entry locally
+ ReadMem(&sPatEnt, pStart, ulLen);
+ // Print the clsid if we haven't yet
+ if (pClsid == NULL && !IsEqualCLSID(&sPatEnt.clsid, &oldClsid))
+ {
+ FormatCLSID(sPatEnt.clsid, szClsid);
+ Printf("\n%s\n", szClsid);
+ // Save the clisd
+ oldClsid = sPatEnt.clsid;
+ // Initialize a count per clsid
+ ulCnt = 0;
+ }
+ // Print only if printing the whole table or at our sought clsid
+ if (pClsid == NULL || IsEqualCLSID(pClsid, &sPatEnt.clsid))
+ {
+ // Print the index of this pattern
+ Printf("%2d ", ulCnt++);
+ // Print the file offset
+ Printf("%d\t", sPatEnt.lFileOffset);
+ // Print the length of the pattern in bytes
+ Printf("%3d ", sPatEnt.ulCb);
+ // Print the mask
+ for (UINT k = 0; k < sPatEnt.ulCb; k++)
+ {
+ Printf("%02x", sPatEnt.abData[k]);
+ }
+ Printf(" ");
+ // Print the pattern
+ for (k = 0; k < sPatEnt.ulCb; k++)
+ {
+ Printf("%02x", sPatEnt.abData[sPatEnt.ulCb + k]);
+ }
+ Printf("\n");
+ }
+ // Go to the next entry
+ pStart += ulLen;
+ }
diff --git a/private/ole32/dbgexts/dinfolvl.cxx b/private/ole32/dbgexts/dinfolvl.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5b4644215
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/dbgexts/dinfolvl.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+// Microsoft Windows
+// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995
+// File: dinfoLevel.cxx
+// Contents: Display and/or set vaious debug info levels
+// Functions: infoLevelHelp
+// displayInfoLevel
+// History: 06-01-95 BruceMa Created
+#include <ole2int.h>
+#include <windows.h>
+#include "ole.h"
+#include "dinfolvl.h"
+#include "debnot.h"
+void getArgument(LPSTR *lpArgumentString, LPSTR a);
+ULONG ScanAddr(char *lpsz);
+static void initInfoLevels(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis);
+static BOOL parseVal(char *arg, ULONG *val);
+STable1 debFlags[NUMDEBFLAGS] = {{"error", DEB_ERROR},
+ {"warn", DEB_WARN},
+ {"trace", DEB_TRACE},
+ {"dbgout", DEB_DBGOUT},
+ {"stdout", DEB_STDOUT},
+ {"ierror", DEB_IERROR},
+ {"iwarn", DEB_IWARN},
+ {"itrace", DEB_ITRACE},
+ {"user1", DEB_USER1},
+ {"user2", DEB_USER2},
+ {"user3", DEB_USER3},
+ {"user4", DEB_USER4},
+ {"user5", DEB_USER5},
+ {"user6", DEB_USER6},
+ {"user7", DEB_USER7},
+ {"user8", DEB_USER8},
+ {"user9", DEB_USER9},
+ {"user10", DEB_USER10},
+ {"user11", DEB_USER11},
+ {"user12", DEB_USER12},
+ {"user13", DEB_USER13},
+ {"user14", DEB_USER14},
+ {"user15", DEB_USER15}};
+STable2 infoLevel[NUMINFOLEVELS] = {{"com", NULL, "ole32!_CairoleInfoLevel"},
+ {"dd", NULL, "ole32!_DDInfoLevel"},
+ {"hep", NULL, "ole32!_heapInfoLevel"},
+ {"hk", NULL, "ole32!_hkInfoLevel"},
+ {"int", NULL, "ole32!_intrInfoLevel"},
+ {"le", NULL, "ole32!_LEInfoLevel"},
+ {"mem", NULL, "ole32!_memInfoLevel"},
+ {"mnk", NULL, "ole32!_mnkInfoLevel"},
+ {"msf", NULL, "ole32!_msfInfoLevel"},
+ {"ol", NULL, "ole32!_olInfoLevel"},
+ {"ref", NULL, "ole32!_RefInfoLevel"},
+ {"sim", NULL, "ole32!_simpInfoLevel"},
+ {"stk", NULL, "ole32!_StackInfoLevel"},
+ {"usr", NULL, "ole32!_UserNdrInfoLevel"}};
+// Function: infoLevelHelp
+// Synopsis: Display a menu for the command 'id'
+// Arguments: -
+// Returns: -
+// History: 07-Mar-95 BruceMa Created
+void infoLevelHelp(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis)
+ Printf("in - Display current value of all debug info levels\n");
+ Printf("in x - Display the current value of debug info level x\n");
+ Printf("in x y z ... - Set the value of debug info level x to\n");
+ Printf(" y | z | ... \n");
+ Printf("\nwhere x corresponds to:\n");
+ Printf(" --- --------------\n");
+ Printf(" com ole32!_CairoleInfoLevel\n");
+ Printf(" dd ole32!_DDInfoLevel\n");
+ Printf(" hep ole32!_heapInfoLevel\n");
+ Printf(" hk ole32!_hkInfoLevel\n");
+ Printf(" int ole32!_intrInfoLevel\n");
+ Printf(" le ole32!_LEInfoLevel\n");
+ Printf(" mem ole32!_memInfoLevel\n");
+ Printf(" mnk ole32!_mnkInfoLevel\n");
+ Printf(" msf ole32!_msfInfoLevel\n");
+ Printf(" ol ole32!_olInfoLevel\n");
+ Printf(" ref ole32!_RefInfoLevel\n");
+ Printf(" sim ole32!_simpInfoLevel\n");
+ Printf(" stk ole32!_StackInfoLevel\n");
+ Printf(" ndr ole32!_UserNdrInfoLevel\n");
+ Printf("\nand y... corresponds to:\n");
+ Printf(" ---- --------------\n");
+ Printf(" error DEB_ERROR\n");
+ Printf(" warn DEB_WARN\n");
+ Printf(" trace DEB_TRACE\n");
+ Printf(" dbgout DEB_DBGOUT\n");
+ Printf(" stdout DEB_STDOUT\n");
+ Printf(" ierror DEB_IERROR\n");
+ Printf(" iwarn DEB_IWARN\n");
+ Printf(" itrace DEB_ITRACE\n");
+ Printf(" user1 DEB_USER1\n");
+ Printf(" user2 DEB_USER2\n");
+ Printf(" user3 DEB_USER3\n");
+ Printf(" user4 DEB_USER4\n");
+ Printf(" user5 DEB_USER5\n");
+ Printf(" user6 DEB_USER6\n");
+ Printf(" user7 DEB_USER7\n");
+ Printf(" user8 DEB_USER8\n");
+ Printf(" user9 DEB_USER9\n");
+ Printf(" user10 DEB_USER10\n");
+ Printf(" user11 DEB_USER11\n");
+ Printf(" user12 DEB_USER12\n");
+ Printf(" user13 DEB_USER13\n");
+ Printf(" user14 DEB_USER14\n");
+ Printf(" user15 DEB_USER15\n");
+ Printf(" <hex>\n");
+// Function: displayInfoLevel
+// Synopsis: Display/set debug info levels
+// Arguments: [hProcess] - Handle of this process
+// [lpExtensionApis] - Table of extension functions
+// [char *] - Command line argument(s)
+// Returns: -
+// History: 07-Mar-95 BruceMa Created
+void displayInfoLevel(HANDLE hProcess,
+ LPSTR lpArgumentString)
+ Arg arg;
+ UINT k;
+ ULONG val;
+ ULONG argVal;
+ BOOL fSet = FALSE;
+ // Fetch the addresses for the various debug info levels
+ initInfoLevels(lpExtensionApis);
+ // Fetch the first argument
+ GetArg(arg);
+ Printf("%s %s\n", arg, lpArgumentString);
+ // If no argument simply display all info levels
+ if (!arg[0])
+ {
+ for (k = 0; k < NUMINFOLEVELS; k++)
+ {
+ ReadMem(&val, infoLevel[k].adr, sizeof(ULONG));
+ Printf("%s\t%08x\n", infoLevel[k].name, val);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // Check the info level name
+ for (k = 0; k < NUMINFOLEVELS; k++)
+ {
+ if (lstrcmp(arg, infoLevel[k].name) == 0)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ Printf("...unknown debug info level name\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ // Scan any values to set
+ val = 0;
+ for (GetArg(arg); *arg; GetArg(arg))
+ {
+ if (!parseVal(arg, &argVal))
+ {
+ Printf("...invalid flag expresson\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ val |= argVal;
+ fSet = TRUE;
+ }
+ // If only an info level name, then display its value
+ if (!fSet)
+ {
+ ReadMem(&val, infoLevel[k].adr, sizeof(ULONG));
+ Printf("%s\t%08x\n", infoLevel[k].name, val);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Otherwise we're setting an info level
+ WriteMem(infoLevel[k].adr, &val, sizeof(ULONG));
+ Printf("%s\t%08x\n", infoLevel[k].name, val);
+// Function: initInfoLevels
+// Synopsis: Find the addresses of the various infolevels
+// Arguments: -
+// Returns: -
+// History: 07-Mar-95 BruceMa Created
+static void initInfoLevels(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis)
+ // Check whether already initialized
+ if (infoLevel[0].adr != NULL)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Do over the info levels
+ for (UINT k = 0; k < NUMINFOLEVELS; k++)
+ {
+ infoLevel[k].adr = GetExpression(infoLevel[k].symbol);
+ }
+// Function: parseVal
+// Synopsis: Parse the next flag expression on the command line
+// Arguments: [char *] - Command line
+// [ULONG *] - Where to return the parsed value
+// Returns: -
+// History: 07-Mar-95 BruceMa Created
+static BOOL parseVal(char *arg, ULONG *val)
+ UINT k;
+ // Check whether it's a flag name
+ for (k = 0; k < NUMDEBFLAGS; k++)
+ {
+ if (lstrcmp(arg, debFlags[k].name) == 0)
+ {
+ *val = debFlags[k].flag;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ // It's not so it better be hex
+ k = 0;
+ if (arg[0] == '0' && arg[1] == 'x')
+ {
+ k += 2;
+ }
+ while (arg[k])
+ {
+ if (!(('0' <= arg[k] && arg[k] <= '9') ||
+ ('a' <= arg[k] && arg[k] <= 'f')))
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ k++;
+ }
+ *val = ScanAddr(arg);
+ return TRUE;
diff --git a/private/ole32/dbgexts/dinfolvl.h b/private/ole32/dbgexts/dinfolvl.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..acaa1a0c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/dbgexts/dinfolvl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+// Because these are not defined in retail mode
+#if DBG == 0
+# define DEB_ERROR 0x00000001 // exported error paths
+# define DEB_WARN 0x00000002 // exported warnings
+# define DEB_TRACE 0x00000004 // exported trace messages
+# define DEB_DBGOUT 0x00000010 // Output to debugger
+# define DEB_STDOUT 0x00000020 // Output to stdout
+# define DEB_IERROR 0x00000100 // internal error paths
+# define DEB_IWARN 0x00000200 // internal warnings
+# define DEB_ITRACE 0x00000400 // internal trace messages
+# define DEB_USER1 0x00010000 // User defined
+# define DEB_USER2 0x00020000 // User defined
+# define DEB_USER3 0x00040000 // User defined
+# define DEB_USER4 0x00080000 // User defined
+# define DEB_USER5 0x00100000 // User defined
+# define DEB_USER6 0x00200000 // User defined
+# define DEB_USER7 0x00400000 // User defined
+# define DEB_USER8 0x00800000 // User defined
+# define DEB_USER9 0x01000000 // User defined
+# define DEB_USER10 0x02000000 // User defined
+# define DEB_USER11 0x04000000 // User defined
+# define DEB_USER12 0x08000000 // User defined
+# define DEB_USER13 0x10000000 // User defined
+# define DEB_USER14 0x20000000 // User defined
+# define DEB_USER15 0x40000000 // User defined
+const UINT MAXSYMBOL = 32;
+struct STable1
+ char name[MAXDEBFLAG];
+ ULONG flag;
+struct STable2
+ char name[4];
+ ULONG adr;
+ char symbol[MAXSYMBOL];
diff --git a/private/ole32/dbgexts/dipid.cxx b/private/ole32/dbgexts/dipid.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2ab1eb344
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/dbgexts/dipid.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
+// Microsoft Windows
+// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995
+// File: dipid.cxx
+// Contents: Ole NTSD extension routines to display CIPID table
+// Functions: ipidHelp
+// displayIpid
+// History: 21-Aug-95 BruceMa Created
+#include <ole2int.h>
+#include <windows.h>
+#include "ole.h"
+#include "dipid.h"
+void FormatCLSID(REFGUID rguid, LPSTR lpsz);
+BOOL GetRegistryInterfaceName(REFIID iid, char *szValue, DWORD *pcbValue);
+ULONG ScanAddr(char *lpsz);
+// Function: ipidHelp
+// Synopsis: Display a menu for the command 'id'
+// Arguments: -
+// Returns: -
+// History: 21-Aug-95 BruceMa Created
+void ipidHelp(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis)
+ Printf("\nip - Display entire IPID table:\n");
+ Printf("index IPID oxidAddr nextIPIDsameObj\n");
+ Printf("...\n\n");
+ Printf("ip ipid - Display specific IPID entry:\n");
+ Printf("PID TID seq IID ChnlBfr* prxy/stub realPv oxidAddr flags strongRefs weakRefs nextIPIDsameObj\n");
+// Function: displayIpid
+// Synopsis: Display the entire IPID table
+// Arguments: [hProcess] - Handle of this process
+// [lpExtensionApis] - Table of extension functions
+// Returns: -
+// History: 21-Aug-95 BruceMa Created
+void displayIpid(HANDLE hProcess,
+ ULONG pAdr;
+ ULONG pStart;
+ ULONG pEnd;
+ UINT cPages;
+ SIPIDEntry **pIndexTable;
+ SIPIDEntry sIPIDentry[IPIDsPerPage];
+ SOXIDEntry sOXIDentry;
+ char szGuid[CLSIDSTR_MAX];
+ // Read the IPID page index table
+ pAdr = GetExpression("ole32!CIPIDTable___pTbl");
+ ReadMem(&pStart, pAdr, sizeof(SIPIDEntry **));
+ pAdr = GetExpression("ole32!CIPIDTable___pTblEnd");
+ ReadMem(&pEnd, pAdr, sizeof(SIPIDEntry **));
+ cPages = (pEnd - pStart) / sizeof(SIPIDEntry **);
+ pIndexTable = (SIPIDEntry **) OleAlloc(cPages * sizeof(SIPIDEntry *));
+ ReadMem(pIndexTable, pStart, cPages * sizeof(SIPIDEntry *));
+ // Do over IPID entry pages
+ for (UINT k = 0; k < cPages; k++)
+ {
+ // Read the next page of IPID entries
+ ReadMem(sIPIDentry, pIndexTable[k], IPIDTBL_PAGESIZE);
+ // Do over entries within this page
+ for (UINT j = 0; j < IPIDsPerPage; j++)
+ {
+ // Only look at non-vacant entries
+ if (!(sIPIDentry[j].dwFlags & IPIDF_VACANT))
+ {
+ // Print the page/offset for this entry
+ Printf("%d.%d ", k, j);
+ // Print the IPID
+ if (sIPIDentry[j] > 1000 ||
+ sIPIDentry[j] < 0)
+ {
+ FormatCLSID((GUID &) sIPIDentry[j].ipid, szGuid);
+ Printf("%s ", szGuid);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Printf("[%d.%d %3x %3x %d] ",
+ sIPIDentry[j],
+ sIPIDentry[j].ipid.offset,
+ sIPIDentry[j],
+ sIPIDentry[j].ipid.tid,
+ sIPIDentry[j].ipid.seq);
+ }
+ // Print the associated OXID addr
+ Printf("%x ", sIPIDentry[j].pOXIDEntry);
+ // Next IPID for this object
+ if (sIPIDentry[j].iNextOID != -1)
+ {
+ Printf("%d.%d\n",
+ sIPIDentry[j].iNextOID >> 16,
+ sIPIDentry[j].iNextOID & 0xffff);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Printf("NULL\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Release resources
+ OleFree(pIndexTable);
+// Function: displayIpidEntry
+// Synopsis: Display an entry in the IPID table
+// Arguments: [hProcess] - Handle of this process
+// [lpExtensionApis] - Table of extension functions
+// [arg] - IPID of entry to display
+// Returns: -
+// History: 21-Aug-95 BruceMa Created
+void displayIpidEntry(HANDLE hProcess,
+ char *arg)
+ char *s;
+ IPID ipid;
+ ULONG ppIPIDentry;;
+ SIPIDEntry *pIPIDentry;
+ SIPIDEntry sIPIDentry;
+ char szGuid[CLSIDSTR_MAX];
+ // Check for help
+ if (arg[0] == '?')
+ {
+ Printf("PID TID seq IID ChnlBfr* prxy/stub realPv oxidAddr flags strongRefs weakRefs nextIPIDsameObj\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ // arg may be either page.offset or a hex address
+ BOOL fAdr = TRUE;
+ for (s = arg; *s; s++)
+ {
+ if (*s == '.')
+ {
+ fAdr = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ // The argument is a hex address
+ if (fAdr)
+ {
+ pIPIDentry = (SIPIDEntry *) ScanAddr(arg);
+ }
+ // The argment has the form page.offset
+ else
+ {
+ // Make sure the argument looks like an IPID
+ BOOL fOk = TRUE;
+ UINT cPoint = 0;
+ if (!IsDecimal(arg[0]))
+ {
+ fOk = FALSE;
+ }
+ for (s = arg; *s; s++)
+ {
+ if (*s != '.' && !IsDecimal(*s))
+ {
+ fOk = FALSE;
+ }
+ if (*s == '.')
+ {
+ cPoint++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!IsDecimal(*(s - 1)))
+ {
+ fOk = FALSE;
+ }
+ if (!(fOk && cPoint == 1))
+ {
+ Printf("...%s is not an IPID\n", arg);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Convert the argument to an IPID
+ for ( = 0; *arg && *arg != '.'; arg++)
+ {
+ = 10 * + *arg - '0';
+ }
+ for (arg++, ipid.offset = 0; *arg; arg++)
+ {
+ ipid.offset = 10 * ipid.offset + *arg - '0';
+ }
+ // Read the address of the page containing the entry we want
+ ppIPIDentry = GetExpression("ole32!CIPIDTable___pTbl");
+ ReadMem(&ppIPIDentry, ppIPIDentry, sizeof(SIPIDEntry **));
+ ppIPIDentry += * sizeof(SIPIDEntry **);
+ ReadMem(&pIPIDentry, ppIPIDentry, sizeof(SIPIDEntry *));
+ // Compute the address of the entry we're seeking
+ pIPIDentry += ipid.offset;
+ }
+ // Now read the entry
+ ReadMem(&sIPIDentry, pIPIDentry, sizeof(SIPIDEntry));
+ // Check whether the entry is vacant
+ if (sIPIDentry.dwFlags & IPIDF_VACANT)
+ {
+ Printf("VACANT\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ // The ipid may just be a GUID; e.g. client side scm interfaces
+ if ( >> 1000 || < 0)
+ {
+ FormatCLSID((GUID &) sIPIDentry.ipid, szGuid);
+ Printf("%s ", szGuid);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Server PID
+ Printf("%3x ",;
+ // Server TID
+ Printf("%3x ", sIPIDentry.ipid.tid);
+ // Sequence number
+ Printf("%d ", sIPIDentry.ipid.seq);
+ }
+ // IID
+ DWORD cbValue;
+ if (!GetRegistryInterfaceName(sIPIDentry.iid, szGuid, &cbValue))
+ {
+ FormatCLSID(sIPIDentry.iid, szGuid);
+ }
+ Printf("%s ", szGuid);
+ // CRpcChannelBuffer *
+ Printf("%x ", sIPIDentry.pChnl);
+ // Address of proxy/stub
+ Printf("%x ", sIPIDentry.pStub);
+ // Real interface pinter
+ Printf("%x ", sIPIDentry.pv);
+ // Associated OXID
+ Printf("%x ", sIPIDentry.pOXIDEntry);
+ // Flags
+ if (sIPIDentry.dwFlags & IPIDF_CONNECTING)
+ {
+ Printf("C");
+ }
+ if (sIPIDentry.dwFlags & IPIDF_DISCONNECTED)
+ {
+ Printf("D");
+ }
+ if (sIPIDentry.dwFlags & IPIDF_SERVERENTRY)
+ {
+ Printf("S");
+ }
+ if (sIPIDentry.dwFlags & IPIDF_NOPING)
+ {
+ Printf("N");
+ }
+ Printf(" ole32!CCacheEnum__Skip+0x82");
+ // Strong references
+ Printf("%d ", sIPIDentry.cStrongRefs);
+ // Weak references
+ Printf("%d ", sIPIDentry.cWeakRefs);
+ // Next IPID for this object (if any)
+ if (sIPIDentry.iNextOID != -1)
+ {
+ Printf("%d.%d\n",
+ sIPIDentry.iNextOID >> 16,
+ sIPIDentry.iNextOID & 0xffff);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Printf("NULL\n");
+ }
diff --git a/private/ole32/dbgexts/dipid.h b/private/ole32/dbgexts/dipid.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3bdba1c06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/dbgexts/dipid.h
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+// Microsoft Windows
+// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995
+// File: dipid.h
+// Contents: Contains structure definitons for the significant OXID and
+// IPID structures which the ntsd extensions need to access.
+// These ole classes cannot be accessed more cleanly because
+// typically the members of interest are protected.
+// History: 08-11-95 BruceMa Created
+typedef GUID OXID;
+struct IPID
+ WORD offset; // These are reversed because of little-endian
+ WORD page; // These are reversed because of little-endian
+ DWORD pid;
+ DWORD tid;
+ DWORD seq;
+ unsigned long size;
+ unsigned short awszStringArray[1];
+struct SOXIDEntry
+ struct SOXIDEntry *pPrev; // previous entry on inuse list
+ struct SOXIDEntry *pNext; // next entry on free/inuse list
+ DWORD dwPid; // process id of server
+ DWORD dwTid; // thread id of server
+ OXID oxid; // object exporter identifier
+ STRINGARRAY *psa; // ptr to server obj exp string arrary
+ DWORD dwFlags; // state flags
+ handle_t hServer; // rpc binding handle of server
+ void *pRU; // proxy for Remote Unknown
+ IPID ipidRundown;// IPID of IRundown and Remote Unknown
+ LONG cRefs; // count of IPIDs using this OXIDEntry
+typedef enum tagOXIDFLAGS
+ OXIDF_REGISTERED = 1, // oxid is registered with Resolver
+ OXIDF_MACHINE_LOCAL = 2, // oxid is local to this machine
+ OXIDF_STOPPED = 4, // thread can no longer receive calls
+ OXIDF_PENDINGRELEASE= 8 // oxid entry is already being released
+#define OXIDTBL_PAGESIZE 4096
+// Forward reference
+struct SRpcChannelBuffer;
+struct SIPIDEntry
+ IPID ipid; // interface pointer identifier
+ IID iid; // interface iid
+ SRpcChannelBuffer *pChnl; // channel pointer
+ IUnknown *pStub; // proxy or stub pointer
+ void *pv; // real interface pointer
+ SOXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry; // ptr to OXIDEntry in OXID Table
+ DWORD dwFlags; // flags (see IPIDFLAGS)
+ ULONG cStrongRefs;// strong reference count
+ ULONG cWeakRefs; // weak reference count
+ LONG iNextOID; // next entry in this table for same object
+typedef enum tagIPIDFLAGS
+ IPIDF_CONNECTING = 1, // ipid is being connected
+ IPIDF_DISCONNECTED = 2, // ipid is disconnected
+ IPIDF_NOPING = 8, // dont need to ping the server or release
+ IPIDF_VACANT = 128 // entry is vacant (ie available to reuse)
+#define IPIDTBL_PAGESIZE 4096
+#define IPIDTBL_PAGEMASK 0x0000ffff
+#define IPIDsPerPage (IPIDTBL_PAGESIZE / sizeof(SIPIDEntry))
diff --git a/private/ole32/dbgexts/dirs b/private/ole32/dbgexts/dirs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..52db9fdb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/dbgexts/dirs
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+!IF 0
+Copyright (c) 1989 Microsoft Corporation
+Module Name:
+ dirs.
+ This file specifies the subdirectories of the current directory that
+ contain component makefiles.
+ BruceMa 01-Jun-1995
+# This is a list of all subdirectories that build required components.
+# Each subdirectory name should appear on a line by itself. The build
+# follows the order in which the subdirectories are specified.
+# This is a list of all subdirectories that build optional components.
+# Each subdirectory name should appear on a line by itself. The build
+# follows the order in which the subdirectories are specified.
+ daytona \
diff --git a/private/ole32/dbgexts/dmoniker.cxx b/private/ole32/dbgexts/dmoniker.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c07b2b7e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/dbgexts/dmoniker.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,931 @@
+// Microsoft Windows
+// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995
+// File: dmoniker.cxx
+// Contents: Interpret a moniker object
+// Functions: monikersHelp
+// displayMonikers
+// History: 06-01-95 BruceMa Created
+#include <ole2int.h>
+#include <windows.h>
+#include "ole.h"
+#include "dmoniker.h"
+static void displayFileMoniker(HANDLE hProcess,
+ ULONG pMoniker);
+static void displayFileMonikerCk(HANDLE hProcess,
+ ULONG pMoniker);
+static void displayItemMoniker(HANDLE hProcess,
+ ULONG pMoniker);
+static void displayItemMonikerCk(HANDLE hProcess,
+ ULONG pMoniker);
+static void displayCompositeMoniker(HANDLE hProcess,
+ ULONG pMoniker);
+static void displayCompositeMonikerCk(HANDLE hProcess,
+ ULONG pMoniker);
+static void displayPointerMoniker(HANDLE hProcess,
+ ULONG pMoniker);
+static void displayPointerMonikerCk(HANDLE hProcess,
+ ULONG pMoniker);
+static void displayAntiMoniker(HANDLE hProcess,
+ ULONG pMoniker);
+static void displayAntiMonikerCk(HANDLE hProcess,
+ ULONG pMoniker);
+static enum mnkType findMnkType(HANDLE hProcess,
+ ULONG pMoniker);
+extern BOOL fInScm;
+static BOOL fRetail;
+// Function: monikerHelp
+// Synopsis: Display a menu for the command 'mk'
+// Arguments: -
+// Returns: -
+// History: 07-Mar-95 BruceMa Created
+void monikerHelp(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis)
+ Printf("mk addr - Interpret addr as a moniker\n");
+// Function: displayMoniker
+// Synopsis: Display a moniker
+// Arguments: [hProcess] - Handle of this process
+// [lpExtensionApis] - Table of extension functions
+// Returns: -
+// History: 07-Mar-95 BruceMa Created
+BOOL displayMoniker(HANDLE hProcess,
+ ULONG pMoniker)
+ ULONG pAdr;
+ enum mnkType mType;
+ // Determine if this is checked or retail ole
+ if (fInScm)
+ {
+ pAdr = GetExpression("scm!_CairoleInfoLevel");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pAdr = GetExpression("ole32!_CairoleInfoLevel");
+ }
+ fRetail = pAdr == NULL ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ mType = findMnkType(hProcess, lpExtensionApis, pMoniker);
+ switch (mType)
+ {
+ case NOMNK:
+ return FALSE;
+ case FILEMNK:
+ if (fRetail)
+ {
+ displayFileMoniker(hProcess, lpExtensionApis, pMoniker);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ displayFileMonikerCk(hProcess, lpExtensionApis, pMoniker);
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ if (fRetail)
+ {
+ displayPointerMoniker(hProcess, lpExtensionApis, pMoniker);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ displayPointerMonikerCk(hProcess, lpExtensionApis, pMoniker);
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ case ITEMMNK:
+ if (fRetail)
+ {
+ displayItemMoniker(hProcess, lpExtensionApis, pMoniker);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ displayItemMonikerCk(hProcess, lpExtensionApis, pMoniker);
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ case ANTIMNK:
+ if (fRetail)
+ {
+ displayAntiMoniker(hProcess, lpExtensionApis, pMoniker);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ displayAntiMonikerCk(hProcess, lpExtensionApis, pMoniker);
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ if (fRetail)
+ {
+ displayCompositeMoniker(hProcess, lpExtensionApis, pMoniker);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ displayCompositeMonikerCk(hProcess, lpExtensionApis, pMoniker);
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+// Function: displayFileMoniker
+// Synopsis: Display a retail file moniker
+// Arguments: [ULONG] - The moniker
+// Returns: -
+// History: 07-Mar-95 BruceMa Created
+static void displayFileMoniker(HANDLE hProcess,
+ ULONG pMoniker)
+ SFileMonikerCk file;
+ WCHAR *pwszPath;
+ // Fetch the moniker
+ ReadMem(&file, pMoniker, sizeof(SFileMoniker));
+ // It's a file moniker
+ Printf("File Moniker\n");
+ // The current references
+ Printf("refs = %d\n", file.m_refs);
+ // The path
+ pwszPath = (WCHAR *) OleAlloc(2 * (file.m_ccPath + 1));
+ ReadMem(pwszPath, file.m_szPath, 2 * (file.m_ccPath + 1));
+ Printf("%ws", pwszPath);
+ OleFree(pwszPath);
+ if (file.m_fHashValueValid)
+ {
+ Printf(" (%d)\n", file.m_dwHashValue);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Printf("\n");
+ }
+ // The version
+ if (file.m_ole1 == ole1)
+ {
+ Printf("ole1\n");
+ }
+ // The anti count (if any)
+ if (file.m_cAnti)
+ {
+ Printf("CAnti count = %d\n", file.m_cAnti);
+ }
+ // The extents (if any)
+ if (file.m_ExtentList.m_cbMonikerExtents)
+ {
+ BYTE *pExtent;
+ BYTE *pEnd ;
+ ULONG cbExtentBytes;
+ // A header
+ Printf("Extents:\n");
+ // Read all the extents
+ pExtent = (BYTE *) OleAlloc(file.m_ExtentList.m_cbMonikerExtents);
+ ReadMem(pExtent, file.m_ExtentList.m_pchMonikerExtents,
+ file.m_ExtentList.m_cbMonikerExtents);
+ pEnd = pExtent;
+ // Do over the extents
+ while (pExtent < pEnd)
+ {
+ // Fetch length
+ cbExtentBytes = (*pExtent++ << 16) | *pExtent++;
+ // Fetch and display key
+ switch (*pExtent++)
+ {
+ case mnk_MAC:
+ Printf("mnk_MAC ");
+ break;
+ case mnk_DFS:
+ Printf("mnk_DFS ");
+ break;
+ case mnk_UNICODE:
+ Printf("mnk_UNICODE ");
+ break;
+ case mnk_MacPathName:
+ Printf("mnk_MacPathName ");
+ break;
+ case mnk_ShellLink:
+ Printf("mnk_ShellLink ");
+ break;
+ default:
+ Printf("%15d ");
+ }
+ // Display the extent in hexadecimal
+ UINT k = 0;
+ while (cbExtentBytes--)
+ {
+ Printf("%2x ", *pExtent++);
+ k++;
+ if (k % 16 == 0)
+ {
+ Printf("\n ");
+ k = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (k % 8 != 0)
+ {
+ Printf("\n");
+ }
+ }
+ // Release the allocated extent buffer
+ OleFree(pExtent);
+ }
+// Function: displayFileMonikerCk
+// Synopsis: Display a checked file moniker
+// Arguments: [ULONG] - The moniker
+// Returns: -
+// History: 07-Mar-95 BruceMa Created
+static void displayFileMonikerCk(HANDLE hProcess,
+ ULONG pMoniker)
+ SFileMonikerCk file;
+ WCHAR *pwszPath;
+ // Fetch the moniker
+ ReadMem(&file, pMoniker, sizeof(SFileMonikerCk));
+ // It's a file moniker
+ Printf("File Moniker\n");
+ // The current references
+ Printf("refs = %d\n", file.m_refs);
+ // The path
+ pwszPath = (WCHAR *) OleAlloc(2 * (file.m_ccPath + 1));
+ ReadMem(pwszPath, file.m_szPath, 2 * (file.m_ccPath + 1));
+ Printf("%ws", pwszPath);
+ OleFree(pwszPath);
+ if (file.m_fHashValueValid)
+ {
+ Printf(" (%d)\n", file.m_dwHashValue);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Printf("\n");
+ }
+ // The version
+ if (file.m_ole1 == ole1)
+ {
+ Printf("ole1\n");
+ }
+ // The anti count (if any)
+ if (file.m_cAnti)
+ {
+ Printf("CAnti count = %d\n", file.m_cAnti);
+ }
+ // The extents (if any)
+ if (file.m_ExtentList.m_cbMonikerExtents)
+ {
+ BYTE *pExtent;
+ BYTE *pEnd ;
+ ULONG cbExtentBytes;
+ // A header
+ Printf("Extents:\n");
+ // Read all the extents
+ pExtent = (BYTE *) OleAlloc(file.m_ExtentList.m_cbMonikerExtents);
+ ReadMem(pExtent, file.m_ExtentList.m_pchMonikerExtents,
+ file.m_ExtentList.m_cbMonikerExtents);
+ pEnd = pExtent;
+ // Do over the extents
+ while (pExtent < pEnd)
+ {
+ // Fetch length
+ cbExtentBytes = (*pExtent++ << 16) | *pExtent++;
+ // Fetch and display key
+ switch (*pExtent++)
+ {
+ case mnk_MAC:
+ Printf("mnk_MAC ");
+ break;
+ case mnk_DFS:
+ Printf("mnk_DFS ");
+ break;
+ case mnk_UNICODE:
+ Printf("mnk_UNICODE ");
+ break;
+ case mnk_MacPathName:
+ Printf("mnk_MacPathName ");
+ break;
+ case mnk_ShellLink:
+ Printf("mnk_ShellLink ");
+ break;
+ default:
+ Printf("%15d ");
+ }
+ // Display the extent in hexadecimal
+ UINT k = 0;
+ while (cbExtentBytes--)
+ {
+ Printf("%2x ", *pExtent++);
+ k++;
+ if (k % 16 == 0)
+ {
+ Printf("\n ");
+ k = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (k % 8 != 0)
+ {
+ Printf("\n");
+ }
+ }
+ // Release the allocated extent buffer
+ OleFree(pExtent);
+ }
+// Function: displayItemMoniker
+// Synopsis: Display a retail item moniker
+// Arguments: [ULONG] - The moniker
+// Returns: -
+// History: 07-Mar-95 BruceMa Created
+static void displayItemMoniker(HANDLE hProcess,
+ ULONG pMoniker)
+ SItemMonikerCk item;
+ WCHAR *pwszItem;
+ WCHAR *pwszDelimiter;
+ // Fetch the moniker
+ ReadMem(&item, pMoniker, sizeof(SItemMoniker));
+ // It's an item moniker
+ Printf("Item Moniker\n");
+ // The current references
+ Printf("refs = %d\n", item.m_refs);
+ // The delimiter plus item
+ pwszDelimiter = (WCHAR *) OleAlloc(2 * (item.m_ccDelimiter + 1));
+ ReadMem(pwszDelimiter, item.m_lpszDelimiter, 2 * (item.m_ccDelimiter + 1));
+ pwszItem = (WCHAR *) OleAlloc(2 * (item.m_ccItem + 1));
+ ReadMem(pwszItem, item.m_lpszItem, 2 * (item.m_ccItem + 1));
+ Printf("item = %ws%ws\n", pwszDelimiter, pwszItem);
+ OleFree(pwszItem);
+ // The hash value
+ if (item.m_fHashValueValid)
+ {
+ Printf("hash = %d\n", item.m_dwHashValue);
+ }
+// Function: displayItemMonikerCk
+// Synopsis: Display a checked item moniker
+// Arguments: [ULONG] - The moniker
+// Returns: -
+// History: 07-Mar-95 BruceMa Created
+static void displayItemMonikerCk(HANDLE hProcess,
+ ULONG pMoniker)
+ SItemMonikerCk item;
+ WCHAR *pwszItem;
+ WCHAR *pwszDelimiter;
+ // Fetch the moniker
+ ReadMem(&item, pMoniker, sizeof(SItemMonikerCk));
+ // It's an item moniker
+ Printf("Item Moniker\n");
+ // The current references
+ Printf("refs = %d\n", item.m_refs);
+ // The delimiter plus item
+ pwszDelimiter = (WCHAR *) OleAlloc(2 * (item.m_ccDelimiter + 1));
+ ReadMem(pwszDelimiter, item.m_lpszDelimiter, 2 * (item.m_ccDelimiter + 1));
+ pwszItem = (WCHAR *) OleAlloc(2 * (item.m_ccItem + 1));
+ ReadMem(pwszItem, item.m_lpszItem, 2 * (item.m_ccItem + 1));
+ Printf("item = %ws%ws\n", pwszDelimiter, pwszItem);
+ OleFree(pwszItem);
+ // The hash value
+ if (item.m_fHashValueValid)
+ {
+ Printf("hash = %d\n", item.m_dwHashValue);
+ }
+// Function: displayCompositeMoniker
+// Synopsis: Display a retail composite moniker
+// Arguments: [ULONG] - The moniker
+// Returns: -
+// History: 07-Mar-95 BruceMa Created
+static void displayCompositeMoniker(HANDLE hProcess,
+ ULONG pMoniker)
+ SCompositeMonikerCk composite;
+ // Fetch the moniker
+ ReadMem(&composite, pMoniker, sizeof(SCompositeMoniker));
+ // It's a composite moniker
+ Printf("Composite Moniker\n");
+ // The current references
+ Printf("refs = %d\n", composite.m_refs);
+ // Reduced?
+ if (composite.m_fReduced)
+ {
+ Printf("reduced\n");
+ }
+ // The left component
+ Printf("\nleft component\n");
+ Printf("--------------\n");
+ if (composite.m_pmkLeft)
+ {
+ displayMoniker(hProcess, lpExtensionApis,
+ (ULONG) composite.m_pmkLeft);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Printf("NULL\n");
+ }
+ // The right component
+ Printf("\nright component\n");
+ Printf("---------------\n");
+ if (composite.m_pmkRight)
+ {
+ displayMoniker(hProcess, lpExtensionApis,
+ (ULONG) composite.m_pmkRight);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Printf("NULL\n");
+ }
+// Function: displayCompositeMonikerCk
+// Synopsis: Display a checked composite moniker
+// Arguments: [ULONG] - The moniker
+// Returns: -
+// History: 07-Mar-95 BruceMa Created
+static void displayCompositeMonikerCk(HANDLE hProcess,
+ ULONG pMoniker)
+ SCompositeMonikerCk composite;
+ // Fetch the moniker
+ ReadMem(&composite, pMoniker, sizeof(SCompositeMonikerCk));
+ // It's a composite moniker
+ Printf("Composite Moniker\n");
+ // The current references
+ Printf("refs = %d\n", composite.m_refs);
+ // Reduced?
+ if (composite.m_fReduced)
+ {
+ Printf("reduced\n");
+ }
+ // The left component
+ Printf("\nleft component\n");
+ Printf("--------------\n");
+ if (composite.m_pmkLeft)
+ {
+ displayMoniker(hProcess, lpExtensionApis,
+ (ULONG) composite.m_pmkLeft);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Printf("NULL\n");
+ }
+ // The right component
+ Printf("\nright component\n");
+ Printf("---------------\n");
+ if (composite.m_pmkRight)
+ {
+ displayMoniker(hProcess, lpExtensionApis,
+ (ULONG) composite.m_pmkRight);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Printf("NULL\n");
+ }
+// Function: displayPointerMoniker
+// Synopsis: Display a retail pointer moniker
+// Arguments: [ULONG] - The moniker
+// Returns: -
+// History: 07-Mar-95 BruceMa Created
+static void displayPointerMoniker(HANDLE hProcess,
+ ULONG pMoniker)
+ SPointerMoniker pointer;
+ // Fetch the moniker
+ ReadMem(&pointer, pMoniker, sizeof(SPointerMoniker));
+ // It's a pointer moniker
+ Printf("Pointer Moniker\n");
+ // The current references
+ Printf("refs = %d\n", pointer.m_refs);
+ // The pointer
+ Printf("IUnknown = %08x\n", pointer.m_pUnk);
+// Function: displayPointerMonikerCk
+// Synopsis: Display a checked pointer moniker
+// Arguments: [ULONG] - The moniker
+// Returns: -
+// History: 07-Mar-95 BruceMa Created
+static void displayPointerMonikerCk(HANDLE hProcess,
+ ULONG pMoniker)
+ SPointerMonikerCk pointer;
+ // Fetch the moniker
+ ReadMem(&pointer, pMoniker, sizeof(SPointerMonikerCk));
+ // It's a pointer moniker
+ Printf("Pointer Moniker\n");
+ // The current references
+ Printf("refs = %d\n", pointer.m_refs);
+ // The pointer
+ Printf("IUnknown = %08x\n", pointer.m_pUnk);
+// Function: displayAntiMoniker
+// Synopsis: Display a retail anti moniker
+// Arguments: [ULONG] - The moniker
+// Returns: -
+// History: 07-Mar-95 BruceMa Created
+static void displayAntiMoniker(HANDLE hProcess,
+ ULONG pMoniker)
+ SAntiMoniker anti;
+ // Fetch the moniker
+ ReadMem(&anti, pMoniker, sizeof(SAntiMoniker));
+ // It's a pointer moniker
+ Printf("Anti Moniker\n");
+ // The current references
+ Printf("refs = %d\n", anti.m_refs);
+ // The count
+ Printf("count = %d\n", anti.m_count);
+// Function: displayAntiMonikerCk
+// Synopsis: Display a checked anti moniker
+// Arguments: [ULONG] - The moniker
+// Returns: -
+// History: 07-Mar-95 BruceMa Created
+static void displayAntiMonikerCk(HANDLE hProcess,
+ ULONG pMoniker)
+ SAntiMonikerCk anti;
+ // Fetch the moniker
+ ReadMem(&anti, pMoniker, sizeof(SAntiMonikerCk));
+ // It's a pointer moniker
+ Printf("Anti Moniker\n");
+ // The current references
+ Printf("refs = %d\n", anti.m_refs);
+ // The count
+ Printf("count = %d\n", anti.m_count);
+// Function: findMnkType
+// Synopsis: Given a moniker, compute its type
+// Arguments: [HANDLE] - process handle
+// [PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS] Convenience routines
+// [ULONG] - The moniker
+// Returns: -
+// History: 07-Mar-95 BruceMa Created
+static enum mnkType findMnkType(HANDLE hProcess,
+ ULONG pMoniker)
+ void *vtbl;
+ char szSymbol[128];
+ DWORD dwOffset;
+ // Read the symbol for the first element in the first vtbl
+ ReadMem(&vtbl, pMoniker, sizeof(ULONG));
+ ReadMem(&vtbl, vtbl, sizeof(ULONG));
+ szSymbol[0] = '\0';
+ GetSymbol(vtbl, (UCHAR *) szSymbol, &dwOffset);
+ // We better be looking at a QueryInterface on a moniker
+ if (dwOffset != 0)
+ {
+ return NOMNK;
+ }
+ if (lstrcmp(szSymbol, "ole32!CFileMoniker__QueryInterface") == 0)
+ {
+ return FILEMNK;
+ }
+ else if (lstrcmp(szSymbol, "ole32!CItemMoniker__QueryInterface") == 0)
+ {
+ return ITEMMNK;
+ }
+ else if (lstrcmp(szSymbol, "ole32!CCompositeMoniker__QueryInterface") == 0)
+ {
+ }
+ else if (lstrcmp(szSymbol, "ole32!CPointerMoniker__QueryInterface") == 0)
+ {
+ return POINTERMNK;
+ }
+ else if (lstrcmp(szSymbol, "ole32!CAntiMoniker__QueryInterface") == 0)
+ {
+ return ANTIMNK;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return NOMNK;
+ }
diff --git a/private/ole32/dbgexts/dmoniker.h b/private/ole32/dbgexts/dmoniker.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..70ad42a6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/dbgexts/dmoniker.h
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+enum olever {undetermined, ole1, ole2 };
+enum ExtentKeys
+ mnk_MAC = 1,
+ mnk_DFS = 2,
+ mnk_UNICODE = 3,
+ mnk_MacPathName = 4,
+ mnk_ShellLink = 5
+struct SExtentList
+ ULONG m_cbMonikerExtents;
+ BYTE *m_pchMonikerExtents;
+struct SFileMoniker
+ void *vtbl1;
+ void *vtbl2;
+ ULONG m_refs;
+ void *vtbl3;
+ ULONG m_marshal;
+ CLSID m_clsid;
+ SExtentList m_ExtentList;
+ WCHAR *m_szPath;
+ char *m_pszAnsiPath;
+ USHORT m_ccPath;
+ USHORT m_cbAnsiPath;
+ DWORD m_dwHashValue;
+ ULONG m_fUnicodeExtent:1;
+ ULONG m_fClassVerified:1;
+ ULONG m_fHashValueValid:1;
+ USHORT m_cAnti;
+ USHORT m_endServer;
+ enum olever m_ole1;
+struct SFileMonikerCk
+ void *vtbl1;
+ void *vtbl2;
+ ULONG m_refs;
+ void *vtbl3;
+ ULONG m_marshal;
+ void *vtbl4;
+ ULONG m_debug;
+ CLSID m_clsid;
+ SExtentList m_ExtentList;
+ WCHAR *m_szPath;
+ char *m_pszAnsiPath;
+ USHORT m_ccPath;
+ USHORT m_cbAnsiPath;
+ DWORD m_dwHashValue;
+ ULONG m_fUnicodeExtent:1;
+ ULONG m_fClassVerified:1;
+ ULONG m_fHashValueValid:1;
+ USHORT m_cAnti;
+ USHORT m_endServer;
+ enum olever m_ole1;
+struct SPointerMoniker
+ void *vtbl1;
+ void *vtbl2;
+ ULONG m_refs;
+ void *vtbl3;
+ ULONG m_marshal;
+struct SPointerMonikerCk
+ void *vtbl1;
+ void *vtbl2;
+ ULONG m_refs;
+ void *vtbl3;
+ ULONG m_marshal;
+ void *vtbl4;
+ ULONG m_debug;
+struct SItemMoniker
+ void *vtbl1;
+ void *vtbl2;
+ ULONG m_refs;
+ void *vtbl3;
+ ULONG m_marshal;
+ WCHAR *m_lpszItem;
+ char *m_pszAnsiItem;
+ USHORT m_ccItem;
+ USHORT m_cbAnsiItem;
+ WCHAR *m_lpszDelimiter;
+ char *m_pszAnsiDelimiter;
+ USHORT m_ccDelimiter;
+ USHORT m_cbAnsiDelimiter;
+ ULONG m_fHashValueValid:1;
+ DWORD m_dwHashValue;
+struct SItemMonikerCk
+ void *vtbl1;
+ void *vtbl2;
+ ULONG m_refs;
+ void *vtbl3;
+ ULONG m_marshal;
+ void *vtbl4;
+ ULONG m_debug;
+ WCHAR *m_lpszItem;
+ char *m_pszAnsiItem;
+ USHORT m_ccItem;
+ USHORT m_cbAnsiItem;
+ WCHAR *m_lpszDelimiter;
+ char *m_pszAnsiDelimiter;
+ USHORT m_ccDelimiter;
+ USHORT m_cbAnsiDelimiter;
+ ULONG m_fHashValueValid:1;
+ DWORD m_dwHashValue;
+struct SAntiMoniker
+ void *vtbl1;
+ void *vtbl2;
+ ULONG m_refs;
+ void *vtbl3;
+ ULONG m_marshal;
+ ULONG m_count;
+struct SAntiMonikerCk
+ void *vtbl1;
+ void *vtbl2;
+ ULONG m_refs;
+ void *vtbl3;
+ ULONG m_marshal;
+ void *vtbl4;
+ ULONG m_debug;
+ ULONG m_count;
+struct SCompositeMoniker
+ void *vtbl1;
+ void *vtbl2;
+ ULONG m_refs;
+ void *vtbl3;
+ ULONG m_marshal;
+ LPMONIKER m_pmkLeft;
+ LPMONIKER m_pmkRight;
+ BOOL m_fReduced;
+struct SCompositeMonikerCk
+ void *vtbl1;
+ void *vtbl2;
+ ULONG m_refs;
+ void *vtbl3;
+ ULONG m_marshal;
+ void *vtbl4;
+ ULONG m_debug;
+ LPMONIKER m_pmkLeft;
+ LPMONIKER m_pmkRight;
+ BOOL m_fReduced;
diff --git a/private/ole32/dbgexts/doxid.cxx b/private/ole32/dbgexts/doxid.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..44ef0f637
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/dbgexts/doxid.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+// Microsoft Windows
+// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995
+// File: doxid.cxx
+// Contents: Ole NTSD extension routines to display COXID table
+// Functions: oxidHelp
+// displayOxid
+// History: 21-Aug-95 BruceMa Created
+#include <ole2int.h>
+#include <windows.h>
+#include "ole.h"
+#include "dipid.h"
+void FormatCLSID(REFGUID rguid, LPSTR lpsz);
+BOOL ScanCLSID(LPSTR lpsz, CLSID *pClsid);
+ULONG ScanAddr(char *lpsz);
+static char *aszProtSeq[] = {/* 0x00 */ 0,
+ /* 0x01 */ "mswmsg",
+ /* 0x02 */ 0,
+ /* 0x03 */ 0,
+ /* 0x04 */ "ncacn_dnet_dsp",
+ /* 0x05 */ 0,
+ /* 0x06 */ 0,
+ /* 0x07 */ "ncacn_ip_tcp",
+ /* 0x08 */ "ncadg_ip_udp",
+ /* 0x09 */ "ncacn_nb_tcp",
+ /* 0x0a */ 0,
+ /* 0x0b */ 0,
+ /* 0x0c */ "ncacn_spx",
+ /* 0x0d */ "ncacn_nb_ipx",
+ /* 0x0e */ "ncadg_ipx",
+ /* 0x0f */ "ncacn_np",
+ /* 0x10 */ "ncalrpc",
+ /* 0x11 */ 0,
+ /* 0x12 */ 0,
+ /* 0x13 */ "ncacn_nb_nb"};
+// Function: oxidHelp
+// Synopsis: Display a menu for the command 'id'
+// Arguments: -
+// Returns: -
+// History: 21-Aug-95 BruceMa Created
+void oxidHelp(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis)
+ Printf("\nox - Display entire OXID table:\n");
+ Printf("addr oxid\n");
+ Printf("...\n\n");
+ Printf("ox addr - Display specific OXID entry:\n");
+ Printf("oxid serverPid serverTid flags hRpc IRemUnknown* runDownIPID refs stringBindings\n");
+// Function: displayOxid
+// Synopsis: Display the entire OXID table
+// Arguments: [hProcess] - Handle of this process
+// [lpExtensionApis] - Table of extension functions
+// Returns: -
+// History: 21-Aug-95 BruceMa Created
+void displayOxid(HANDLE hProcess,
+ ULONG pAdr;
+ SOXIDEntry *pOXIDentry;
+ SOXIDEntry *pFirstOXIDentry;
+ SOXIDEntry sOXIDentry;
+ char szGuid[CLSIDSTR_MAX];
+ STRINGARRAY *pBindings;
+ ULONG ulSize;
+ // Read the address of the first in use OXID entry
+ pAdr = GetExpression("ole32!COXIDTable___InUseHead");
+ pFirstOXIDentry = (SOXIDEntry *) pAdr;
+ ReadMem(&pOXIDentry, pAdr + sizeof(ULONG), sizeof(SOXIDEntry *));
+ // Do over in use OXID entries
+ do
+ {
+ // Read the next OXID entry
+ ReadMem(&sOXIDentry, pOXIDentry, sizeof(SOXIDEntry));
+ // Print the address
+ Printf("%x ", pOXIDentry);
+ // Print the OXID
+ FormatCLSID((GUID &) sOXIDentry.oxid, szGuid);
+ Printf("%s\n", szGuid);
+ // Go to the next in use OXID entry
+ pOXIDentry = sOXIDentry.pNext;
+ // Just in case
+ if (CheckControlC())
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ } until_(pOXIDentry == pFirstOXIDentry);
+// Function: displayOxidEntry
+// Synopsis: Display an entry in the OXID table
+// Arguments: [hProcess] - Handle of this process
+// [lpExtensionApis] - Table of extension functions
+// [arg] - OXID of entry to display
+// Returns: -
+// History: 21-Aug-95 BruceMa Created
+void displayOxidEntry(HANDLE hProcess,
+ char *arg)
+ OXID oxid;
+ ULONG pAdr;
+ SOXIDEntry *pOXIDentry;
+ SOXIDEntry *pFirstOXIDentry;
+ SOXIDEntry sOXIDentry;
+ char szGuid[CLSIDSTR_MAX];
+ STRINGARRAY *pBindings;
+ ULONG ulSize;
+ // Check for help
+ if (arg[0] == '?')
+ {
+ Printf("oxid serverPid serverTid flags hRpc IRemUnknown* runDownIPID refs stringBindings\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ // Convert the argument to an OXID
+ pAdr = ScanAddr(arg);
+ // Read the OXID entry
+ ReadMem(&sOXIDentry, pAdr, sizeof(SOXIDEntry));
+ // OXID
+ FormatCLSID((GUID &) sOXIDentry.oxid, szGuid);
+ Printf("%s ", szGuid);
+ // Server PID
+ Printf("%3x ", sOXIDentry.dwPid);
+ // Server TID
+ Printf("%3x ", sOXIDentry.dwTid);
+ // Flags
+ if (sOXIDentry.dwFlags & OXIDF_REGISTERED)
+ {
+ Printf("R");
+ }
+ if (sOXIDentry.dwFlags & OXIDF_MACHINE_LOCAL)
+ {
+ Printf("L");
+ }
+ if (sOXIDentry.dwFlags & OXIDF_STOPPED)
+ {
+ Printf("S");
+ }
+ if (sOXIDentry.dwFlags & OXIDF_PENDINGRELEASE)
+ {
+ Printf("P");
+ }
+ Printf(" ");
+ // RPC binding handle
+ Printf("%x ", sOXIDentry.hServer);
+ // Proxy for RemUnknown
+ Printf("%x ", sOXIDentry.pRU);
+ // IPID of IRunDown and Remote Unknown
+ Printf("[%d.%d %3x %3x %d] ",
+ sOXIDentry.ipidRundown.offset,
+ sOXIDentry.ipidRundown.tid,
+ sOXIDentry.ipidRundown.seq);
+ // References
+ Printf("%d\n ", sOXIDentry.cRefs);
+ // Print the string bindings
+ ReadMem(&ulSize, sOXIDentry.psa, sizeof(ULONG));
+ pBindings = (STRINGARRAY *) OleAlloc(ulSize * sizeof(WCHAR));
+ ReadMem(pBindings, sOXIDentry.psa, ulSize * sizeof(WCHAR));
+ // Do over protocol sequence/network address pairs
+ for (UINT k = 0; k < ulSize - 2 ||
+ pBindings->awszStringArray[k] == 0; )
+ {
+ char *pszProtSeq;
+ // The protocol sequence
+ pszProtSeq = aszProtSeq[pBindings->awszStringArray[k]];
+ if (pszProtSeq == NULL)
+ {
+ Printf("%d", pBindings->awszStringArray[k]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Printf("%s", pszProtSeq);
+ }
+ k++;
+ // The network address
+ Printf("%ws ", &pBindings->awszStringArray[k]);
+ k += lstrlenW(&pBindings->awszStringArray[k]) + 1;
+ }
+ Printf("\n");
+ OleFree(pBindings);
diff --git a/private/ole32/dbgexts/dpsclsid.cxx b/private/ole32/dbgexts/dpsclsid.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b48dc01b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/dbgexts/dpsclsid.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
+// Microsoft Windows
+// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995
+// File: dpsclsid.cxx
+// Contents: Ole NTSD extension routines to dump the proxy/stub
+// clsid cache
+// Functions: psClsidHelp
+// displayPsClsidTbl
+// History: 06-01-95 BruceMa Created
+#include <ole2int.h>
+#include <windows.h>
+#include "ole.h"
+#include "dshrdmem.h"
+BOOL IsEqualCLSID(CLSID *pClsid1, CLSID *pClsid2);
+void FormatCLSID(REFGUID rguid, LPSTR lpsz);
+BOOL GetRegistryInterfaceName(REFIID iid, char *szValue, DWORD *pcbValue);
+BOOL GetRegistryClsidKey(REFCLSID clsid, char *szKey,
+ char *szValue, DWORD *pcbValue);
+// Function: psClsidHelp
+// Synopsis: Display a menu for the command 'ps'
+// Arguments: -
+// Returns: -
+// History: 07-Mar-95 BruceMa Created
+void psClsidHelp(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis)
+ Printf("ps - Display infomation for all IID's\n");
+ Printf("ps IID - Display infomation for IID\n");
+// Function: displayPsClsidTbl
+// Synopsis: Given an interface IID display the CLSID of the
+// associated proxy/stub handler dll
+// Arguments: [hProcess] - Handle of this process
+// [lpExtensionApis] - Table of extension functions
+// [lpFileExtTbl] - Address of file extensions table
+// [pClsid] - Only for this clsid
+// Returns: -
+// History: 01-Jun-95 BruceMa Created
+void displayPsClsidTbl(HANDLE hProcess,
+ SDllShrdTbl *pShrdTbl,
+ IID *pIid)
+ SDllShrdTbl sDllTbl;
+ GUIDMAP sGuidMap;
+ GUIDPAIR *pGuidPair;
+ DWORDPAIR *pDwordPair;
+ IID iid = {0, 0, 0, {0xc0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x46}};
+ char szClsid[CLSIDSTR_MAX];
+ char szName[129];
+ DWORD cbValue;
+ // Read the shared table locally
+ ReadMem(&sDllTbl, pShrdTbl, sizeof(SDllShrdTbl));
+ // Read the guid map locally
+ ReadMem(&sGuidMap, sDllTbl._PSClsidTbl._pGuidMap, sizeof(GUIDMAP));
+ // Allocate for the guid pair list
+ pGuidPair = (GUIDPAIR *) OleAlloc(sGuidMap.ulCntLong * sizeof(GUIDPAIR));
+ // Allocate for the dword pair list
+ pDwordPair = (DWORDPAIR *) OleAlloc(sGuidMap.ulCntShort *
+ sizeof(DWORDPAIR));
+ // Read the guid pair list
+ ReadMem(pGuidPair, sDllTbl._PSClsidTbl._pLongList -
+ (sGuidMap.ulCntLong - 1),
+ sGuidMap.ulCntLong * sizeof(GUIDPAIR));
+ // Read the dword pair list
+ ReadMem(pDwordPair, sDllTbl._PSClsidTbl._pShortList,
+ sGuidMap.ulCntShort * sizeof(DWORDPAIR));
+ // Are we looking for a specific IID?
+ if (pIid != NULL)
+ {
+ // Search the short list first
+ for (UINT cCnt = 0; cCnt < sGuidMap.ulCntShort; pDwordPair++, cCnt++)
+ {
+ if (pIid->Data1 == pDwordPair->dw1)
+ {
+ iid.Data1 = pIid->Data1;
+ // Fetch and print the interface name
+ cbValue = 64;
+ if(GetRegistryInterfaceName(iid, szName, &cbValue))
+ {
+ Printf("%s\t", szName);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Printf("-\t");
+ }
+ // The clsid
+ iid.Data1 = pDwordPair->dw2;
+ FormatCLSID(iid, szClsid);
+ Printf("%s\t", szClsid);
+ // Fetch and print the proxy/stub handler dll
+ cbValue = 128;
+ if (GetRegistryClsidKey(iid, "InprocServer32", szName,
+ &cbValue))
+ {
+ Printf("%s\n", szName);
+ }
+ else if(GetRegistryClsidKey(iid, "InprocServer", szName,
+ &cbValue))
+ {
+ Printf("%s(16)\n", szName);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Printf("-\n");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // Search the long list next
+ for (cCnt = 0; cCnt < sGuidMap.ulCntLong; pGuidPair++, cCnt++)
+ {
+ if (IsEqualCLSID(pIid, &pGuidPair->guid1))
+ {
+ // Fetch and print the interface name
+ cbValue = 64;
+ if(GetRegistryInterfaceName(pGuidPair->guid1, szName,
+ &cbValue))
+ {
+ Printf("%s\t", szName);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Printf("-\t");
+ }
+ // The clsid
+ FormatCLSID(pGuidPair->guid2, szClsid);
+ Printf("%s\t", szClsid);
+ // Fetch and print the proxy/stub handler dll
+ cbValue = 128;
+ if (GetRegistryClsidKey(pGuidPair->guid2, "InprocServer32",
+ szName,
+ &cbValue))
+ {
+ Printf("%s\n", szName);
+ }
+ else if(GetRegistryClsidKey(pGuidPair->guid2, "InprocServer",
+ szName, &cbValue))
+ {
+ Printf("%s(16)\n", szName);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Printf("-\n");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Else dump everything
+ else
+ {
+ // Print header
+ Printf("where -. = '-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}'\n\n");
+ Printf(" IID interface clsid p/s dll\n");
+ Printf("----------- ------------------ ----------- ---------\n");
+ // Do over the short list
+ for (UINT cCnt = 0 ; cCnt < sGuidMap.ulCntShort; pDwordPair++, cCnt++)
+ {
+ // Print the IID
+ iid.Data1 = pDwordPair->dw1;
+ FormatCLSID(iid, szClsid);
+ if (lstrcmp(&szClsid[9], "-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}") == 0)
+ {
+ szClsid[9] = '\0';
+ Printf("%s-.", szClsid);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Printf("%s\n", szClsid);
+ }
+ // Fetch and print the interface name
+ cbValue = 64;
+ if(GetRegistryInterfaceName(iid, szName, &cbValue))
+ {
+ Printf(" %s", szName);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Printf(" -");
+ }
+ // Do some pretty printing alignment
+ for (UINT cCh = 24 - lstrlen(szName); cCh > 0; cCh--)
+ {
+ Printf(" ");
+ }
+ Printf(" ");
+ // The clsid
+ iid.Data1 = pDwordPair->dw2;
+ FormatCLSID(iid, szClsid);
+ if (lstrcmp(&szClsid[9], "-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}") == 0)
+ {
+ szClsid[9] = '\0';
+ Printf("%s-.\t", szClsid);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Printf("%s\t", szClsid);
+ }
+ // Fetch and print the proxy/stub handler dll
+ cbValue = 128;
+ if (GetRegistryClsidKey(iid, "InprocServer32", szName, &cbValue))
+ {
+ Printf("%s\n", szName);
+ }
+ else if(GetRegistryClsidKey(iid, "InprocServer", szName,
+ &cbValue))
+ {
+ Printf("%s(16)\n", szName);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Printf("-\n");
+ }
+ }
+ // Do over the long list
+ for (cCnt = 0; cCnt < sGuidMap.ulCntLong; pGuidPair++, cCnt++)
+ {
+ // Print the IID
+ FormatCLSID(pGuidPair->guid1, szClsid);
+ Printf("%s ", szClsid);
+ // Fetch and print the interface name
+ cbValue = 64;
+ if(GetRegistryInterfaceName(pGuidPair->guid1, szName, &cbValue))
+ {
+ Printf(" %s", szName);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Printf(" -");
+ }
+ // Do some pretty printing alignment
+ for (UINT cCh = 24 - lstrlen(szName); cCh > 0; cCh--)
+ {
+ Printf(" ");
+ }
+ Printf(" ");
+ // The clsid
+ FormatCLSID(pGuidPair->guid2, szClsid);
+ if (lstrcmp(&szClsid[9], "-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}") == 0)
+ {
+ szClsid[9] = '\0';
+ Printf("%s-.\t", szClsid);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Printf("%s\t", szClsid);
+ }
+ // Fetch and print the proxy/stub handler dll
+ cbValue = 128;
+ if (GetRegistryClsidKey(pGuidPair->guid2, "InprocServer32",
+ szName, &cbValue))
+ {
+ Printf("%s\n", szName);
+ }
+ else if(GetRegistryClsidKey(iid, "InprocServer32", szName,
+ &cbValue))
+ {
+ Printf("%s(16)\n", szName);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Printf("-\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Release allocated resources
+ OleFree(pGuidPair);
+ OleFree(pDwordPair);
diff --git a/private/ole32/dbgexts/drot.cxx b/private/ole32/dbgexts/drot.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d6b654424
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/dbgexts/drot.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+// Microsoft Windows
+// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995
+// File: drot.cxx
+// Contents: Ole NTSD extension routines to display the ROT
+// Functions: displayRot
+// History: 06-01-95 BruceMa Created
+// 06-26-95 BruceMa Add SCM ROT support
+#include <ole2int.h>
+#include <windows.h>
+#include "ole.h"
+#include "drot.h"
+void FormatCLSID(REFGUID rguid, LPSTR lpsz);
+// Function: cliRotHelp
+// Synopsis: Display a menu for the command 'rt'
+// Arguments: -
+// Returns: -
+// History: 01-Jun-95 BruceMa Created
+void cliRotHelp(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis)
+ Printf("rt - Display the Running Object Table:\n");
+ Printf("Client side ROT\n");
+ Printf("sig\tcall?\t(scmLoc scmId)\thApt\n");
+ Printf("...\n\n");
+ Printf("Client side hint table\n");
+ Printf("<indices of set indicators>\n");
+// Function: scmRotHelp
+// Synopsis: Display a menu for the command 'rt'
+// Arguments: -
+// Returns: -
+// History: 01-Jun-95 BruceMa Created
+void scmRotHelp(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis)
+ Printf("rt - Display the Running Object Table:\n");
+ Printf("Client side ROT\n");
+ Printf("sig\tcall?\t(scmLoc scmId)\thApt\n");
+ Printf("...\n\n");
+ Printf("Client side hint table\n");
+ Printf("<indices of set indicators>\n");
+// Function: displayCliRot
+// Synopsis: Formats and writes an ole processes' version of the
+// ROT to the debug terminal
+// Arguments: [hProcess] - Handle of this process
+// [lpExtensionApis] - Table of extension functions
+// Returns: -
+// History: 01-Jun-95 BruceMa Created
+void displayCliRot(HANDLE hProcess, PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis)
+ ULONG padr;
+ SRunningObjectTable *psRot;
+ SRunningObjectTable sRot;
+ SRotItem sRotItm;
+ SRotItem **ppsRotItm;
+ SRotItem *psRotItm;
+ int cSize;
+ // Read the CRunningObjectTable
+ padr = GetExpression("ole32!pRot");
+ ReadMem(&psRot, padr, sizeof(SRunningObjectTable *));
+ ReadMem(&sRot, psRot, sizeof(SRunningObjectTable));
+ // Read the array of pointers to ROT items
+ UINT ulSize = sRot._afvRotList.m_nSize * sizeof(SRotItem *);
+ ppsRotItm = (SRotItem **) OleAlloc(ulSize);
+ ReadMem(ppsRotItm, sRot._afvRotList.m_pData, ulSize);
+ // Display the ROT items in the table
+ Printf("Client side ROT\n");
+ for (cSize = 0; cSize < sRot._afvRotList.m_nSize; cSize++)
+ {
+ psRotItm = ppsRotItm[cSize];
+ if (psRotItm != NULL)
+ {
+ // Fetch the next ROT item
+ ReadMem(&sRotItm, psRotItm, sizeof(SRotItem));
+ // Display this ROT item
+ if (sRotItm._fDontCallApp)
+ {
+ Printf("%d\tTRUE\t(%x %x)\t%x\n",
+ sRotItm._wItemSig,
+ sRotItm._scmregkey.dwEntryLoc,
+ sRotItm._scmregkey.dwScmId,
+ sRotItm._hApt);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Printf("%d\tFALSE\t(%x %x)\t%x\n",
+ sRotItm._wItemSig,
+ sRotItm._scmregkey.dwEntryLoc,
+ sRotItm._scmregkey.dwScmId,
+ sRotItm._hApt);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Display the client side ROT hint table
+ BYTE *pHint;
+ UINT k, l;
+ // Read the client side ROT hint table
+ pHint = (BYTE *) OleAlloc(SCM_HASH_SIZE * sizeof(DWORD));
+ ReadMem(pHint, sRot._crht._pbHintArray, SCM_HASH_SIZE * sizeof(BYTE));
+ // Display the client side hint table
+ Printf("\nClient side hint table\n");
+ for (l = 0, k = 0; k < SCM_HASH_SIZE; k++)
+ {
+ if (l == 16)
+ {
+ Printf("\n");
+ l = 0;
+ }
+ if (pHint[k])
+ {
+ Printf("%02d ", k);
+ l++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (l > 1)
+ {
+ Printf("\n");
+ }
+ // Delete resources
+ OleFree(ppsRotItm);
+ OleFree(pHint);
+// Function: displayScmRot
+// Synopsis: Formats and writes the full ROT to the debug terminal
+// Arguments: [hProcess] - Handle of this process
+// [lpExtensionApis] - Table of extension functions
+// Returns: -
+// History: 26-Jun-95 BruceMa Created
+void displayScmRot(HANDLE hProcess,
+ ULONG addr;
+ UINT cEnt;
+ char szClsid[CLSIDSTR_MAX];
+ SPerMachineROT sPerMachineRot;
+ SRotAcctEntry sRotAcctEntry;
+ SScmRot sScmRot;
+ SScmRotEntry **ppScmHashTbl;
+ SScmRotEntry *pScmRotEntry;
+ SScmRotEntry sScmRotEntry;
+ WCHAR wszSID[64];
+ char szSID[64];
+ MNKEQBUF *pMnkEqBfr;
+ IFData sIFData;
+ SYSTEMTIME sSystemTime;
+ // Get the address of the per machine ROT global
+ addr = GetExpression("scm!pPerMachineRot");
+ // Read the CPerMachineRot
+ ReadMem(&addr, addr, sizeof(ULONG));
+ ReadMem(&sPerMachineRot, addr, sizeof(SPerMachineROT));
+ // Read the first CRotAcctEntry
+ ReadMem(&sRotAcctEntry, sPerMachineRot._safvRotAcctTable.m_pData,
+ sizeof(SRotAcctEntry));
+ // Read the CScmRot table
+ ReadMem(&sScmRot, sRotAcctEntry.pscmrot, sizeof(SScmRot));
+ // Read the hash table of CScmRotEntry *'s
+ ppScmHashTbl = (SScmRotEntry **) OleAlloc(sScmRot._sht._ndwHashTableSize *
+ sizeof(SScmRotEntry *));
+ ReadMem(ppScmHashTbl, sScmRot._sht._apsheHashTable,
+ sScmRot._sht._ndwHashTableSize * sizeof(SScmRotEntry *));
+ // A header
+ ReadMem(wszSID, sRotAcctEntry.unicodestringSID, 64);
+ Unicode2Ansi(szSID, wszSID, 64);
+ szSID[32] = '\0';
+ Printf("\nSCM side ROT for SID %s\n\n", szSID);
+ // Do over entries in the hash table
+ for (cEnt = 0, pScmRotEntry = ppScmHashTbl[0];
+ cEnt < sScmRot._sht._ndwHashTableSize;
+ cEnt++, pScmRotEntry = ppScmHashTbl[cEnt])
+ {
+ // Only look at non-empty entries
+ while (pScmRotEntry)
+ {
+ // Read the CScmRotEntry
+ ReadMem(&sScmRotEntry, pScmRotEntry, sizeof(SScmRotEntry));
+ // Read the moniker comparison buffer
+ ULONG ulSize;
+ ReadMem(&ulSize, sScmRotEntry._pmkeqbufKey, sizeof(ULONG));
+ pMnkEqBfr = (MNKEQBUF *) OleAlloc(sizeof(ULONG) + ulSize);
+ ReadMem(pMnkEqBfr, sScmRotEntry._pmkeqbufKey,
+ sizeof(ULONG) + ulSize);
+ // Read the interface data buffer
+ ReadMem(&sIFData, sScmRotEntry._pifdObject,
+ sizeof(IFData));
+ // The registration Id
+ Printf("RegID: %x\n", sScmRotEntry._dwScmRotId);
+ // The moniker display name
+ Unicode2Ansi(szSID, pMnkEqBfr->_wszName, 64);
+ Printf("Display Name: %s\n", szSID);
+ // The last time changed
+ FileTimeToSystemTime(&sScmRotEntry._filetimeLastChange,
+ &sSystemTime);
+ Printf("Last Change: %2d:%02d:%02d %2d/%2d/%2d\n",
+ sSystemTime.wHour - 7,
+ sSystemTime.wMinute,
+ sSystemTime.wSecond,
+ sSystemTime.wMonth,
+ sSystemTime.wDay,
+ sSystemTime.wYear - 1900);
+ // The clsid of the moniker
+ FormatCLSID(pMnkEqBfr->_clsid, szClsid);
+ Printf("Moniker Type: %s\n", szClsid);
+ // The server unique id (from CoGetCurrentProcess())
+ Printf("Server ID: %d\n", sScmRotEntry._dwProcessID);
+ // The RPC end point
+ Unicode2Ansi(szSID, sIFData._wszEndPoint, 64);
+ Printf("Endpoint: %s\n", szSID);
+ // The object ID
+ FormatCLSID(sIFData._oid, szClsid);
+ Printf("Object OID: %s\n", szClsid);
+ // The IID of the object
+ FormatCLSID(sIFData._iid, szClsid);
+ Printf("Object IID: %s\n\n", szClsid);
+ // The hash table entry can be a list, i.e. a hash bucket, of
+ // ROT entries having the same hash value
+ pScmRotEntry = sScmRotEntry._sheNext;
+ // Release the moniker compare buffer
+ OleFree(pMnkEqBfr);
+ }
+ }
+ OleFree(ppScmHashTbl);
diff --git a/private/ole32/dbgexts/drot.h b/private/ole32/dbgexts/drot.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fb9d651ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/dbgexts/drot.h
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+// Microsoft Windows
+// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995
+// File: drot.h
+// Contents: Contains structure definitons for the significant ROT
+// classes which the ntsd extensions need to access.
+// These ole classes cannot be accessed more cleanly because
+// typically the members of interest are private.
+// History: 06-01-95 BruceMa Created
+// 06-26-95 BruceMa Add SCM ROT support
+#define SCM_HASH_SIZE 251
+ DWORD dwEntryLoc;
+ DWORD dwScmId;
+struct SRotItem
+ WORD _wItemSig;
+ BOOL _fDontCallApp;
+ SCMREGKEY _scmregkey;
+ HAPT _hApt;
+struct SCliRotHintTable
+ BYTE *_pbHintArray;
+ HANDLE _hSm;
+struct SRunningObjectTable
+ LPVOID _vtbl;
+ SArrayFValue _afvRotList;
+ SCliRotHintTable _crht;
+ WORD _wSigRotItem;
+struct SPerMachineROT
+ SMutexSem _mxs;
+ DWORD _dwTotalAcctsReg;
+ SArrayFValue _safvRotAcctTable;
+struct SScmRotHintTable
+ HANDLE _hSm;
+struct MNKEQBUF
+ DWORD _cbSize;
+ CLSID _clsid;
+ WCHAR _wszName[1];
+struct IFData
+ GUID _oid;
+ IID _iid;
+ WCHAR _wszEndPoint[64];
+struct SScmRotEntry
+ LPVOID _vtbl;
+ SScmRotEntry *_sheNext;
+ DWORD _dwSig;
+ DWORD _dwScmRotId;
+ DWORD _dwProcessID;
+ FILETIME _filetimeLastChange;
+ IFData *_pifdObject;
+ MNKEQBUF *_pmkeqbufKey;
+ IFData *_pifdObjectName;
+ BYTE _ab[1];
+struct SScmHashEntry
+ SScmHashEntry * _sheNext;
+struct SScmHashTable
+ SScmHashEntry **_apsheHashTable;
+ DWORD _ndwHashTableSize;
+ DWORD _ndwCount;
+struct SScmRot
+ SMutexSem _mxs;
+ DWORD _dwIdCntr;
+ SScmRotHintTable _rht;
+ SScmHashTable _sht;
+struct SRotAcctEntry
+ WCHAR *unicodestringSID;
+ SScmRot *pscmrot;
diff --git a/private/ole32/dbgexts/dshrdmem.h b/private/ole32/dbgexts/dshrdmem.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..27aa83adc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/dbgexts/dshrdmem.h
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+// Microsoft Windows
+// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995
+// File: dshrdmem.h
+// Contents: Contains structure definitons for the significant file
+// extensions table classes which the ntsd extensions need
+// to access. These ole classes cannot be accessed more
+// cleanly because typically the members of interest are private.
+// History: 06-01-95 BruceMa Created
+ DWORD dw1; // IID
+ DWORD dw2; // CLSID
+struct GUIDPAIR
+ GUID guid1; // IID
+ GUID guid2; // CLSID
+struct GUIDMAP
+ ULONG ulSize; // size of table
+ ULONG ulFreeSpace; // Free space in table
+ ULONG ulCntShort; // number of entries in the short list
+ ULONG ulCntLong; // number of entries in the long list
+struct SShrdTblHdr
+ DWORD dwSeqNum; // update sequence number
+ ULONG OffsIIDTbl; // offset of the start of IID table
+ ULONG OffsPatTbl; // offset to start of file pattern table
+ ULONG OffsExtTbl; // offset to file extension table
+ ULONG OffsClsTbl; // offset to start of CLSID table
+ ULONG pad[1]; // pad to 8 byte boundary
+struct SSharedMemoryBlock
+ HANDLE _hMem;
+ BYTE *_pbBase;
+ ULONG _culCommitSize; // current commit size
+ ULONG _culInitCommitSize; // initial commit size
+ BOOL _fCreated; // mem created vs already existed
+ BOOL _fReadWrite; // want read/write access
+struct SSmMutex
+ BOOL _fCreated;
+ HANDLE _hMutex;
+struct SPSClsidTbl
+ GUIDMAP * _pGuidMap; // ptr to table header
+ DWORDPAIR * _pShortList; // list of OLE style guids
+ GUIDPAIR * _pLongList; // list of non OLE style guids
+struct STblHdr
+ ULONG ulSize; // size of pattern table
+ ULONG cbLargest; // largest pattern size
+ ULONG OffsStart; // offset to start of entries
+ ULONG OffsEnd; // offset to end of entries
+struct SPatternEntry
+ CLSID clsid; // index of clsid the pattern maps to
+ ULONG ulEntryLen; // length of this entry
+ LONG lFileOffset; // offset in file where pattern begins
+ ULONG ulCb; // count bytes in pattern
+ BYTE abData[128]; // start of mask & pattern strings
+struct SPatternTbl
+ STblHdr *_pTblHdr; // ptr to table header struct
+ BYTE *_pStart; // ptr to first entry in the memory block
+struct SExtTblHdr
+ ULONG ulSize; // table size
+ ULONG cEntries; // count of entries in table
+ ULONG OffsStart; // offset to start of entries
+ ULONG OffsEnd; // offset to end of entries
+struct SExtEntry
+ CLSID Clsid; // clsid the extension maps to
+ ULONG ulEntryLen; // length of this entry
+ WCHAR wszExt[1]; // start of filename extension
+struct SFileExtTbl
+ SExtTblHdr *_pTblHdr; // ptr to table header structure
+ BYTE *_pStart; // ptr to first entry in the memory block
+struct SDllShrdTbl
+ SSharedMemoryBlock _smb; // shared memory block
+ SSmMutex _mxs; // shared mutex
+ HANDLE _hRegEvent; // shared event handle
+ SPSClsidTbl _PSClsidTbl; // proxy stub clsid table
+ SPatternTbl _PatternTbl; // file pattern table
+ SFileExtTbl _FileExtTbl; // file extension table
+ SShrdTblHdr *_pShrdTblHdr; // shared mem copy of table
+ DWORD _dwSeqNum; // sequence number
diff --git a/private/ole32/dbgexts/dstdid.cxx b/private/ole32/dbgexts/dstdid.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cf9319ec1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/dbgexts/dstdid.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+// Microsoft Windows
+// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995
+// File: dstdid.cxx
+// Contents: Ole NTSD extension routines to display CStdIdentity table
+// Functions: stdidHelp
+// displayStdid
+// History: 06-01-95 BruceMa Created
+#include <ole2int.h>
+#include <windows.h>
+#include "ole.h"
+#include "dipid.h"
+#include "dchannel.h"
+#include "dstdid.h"
+void FormatCLSID(REFGUID rguid, LPSTR lpsz);
+ULONG ScanAddr(char *lpsz);
+// Function: stdidHelp
+// Synopsis: Display a menu for the command 'id'
+// Arguments: -
+// Returns: -
+// History: 07-Mar-95 BruceMa Created
+void stdidHelp(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis)
+ Printf("\nid - Display entire CStdIdentity table:\n");
+ Printf("addr oid tid pUnkControl\n");
+ Printf("...\n\n");
+ Printf("\nid <stdidAdr> - Display CStdIdentity entry:\n");
+ Printf("oid mrshlFlags 1stIPID chnlBfr nestedCalls mrshlTime pUnkOuter [pIEC] strongRefs\n");
+ Printf("...\n\n");
+// Function: displayStdid
+// Synopsis: Display the CStdIdentify table
+// Arguments: [hProcess] - Handle of this process
+// [lpExtensionApis] - Table of extension functions
+// Returns: -
+// History: 07-Mar-95 BruceMa Created
+void displayStdid(HANDLE hProcess,
+ ULONG p)
+ SIDArray stdidtbl;
+ int nEnt;
+ IDENTRY *pStdEntries;
+ IDENTRY stdEntry;
+ SStdIdentity stdid;
+ SRpcChannelBuffer chanBfr;
+ // Read the standard identity table
+ ReadMem(&stdidtbl, p, sizeof(SIDArray));
+ // Do over entries in this table
+ for (nEnt = 0, pStdEntries = (IDENTRY *) stdidtbl.m_afv.m_pData;
+ nEnt < stdidtbl.m_afv.m_nSize;
+ nEnt++, pStdEntries++)
+ {
+ // Read the next entry
+ ReadMem(&stdEntry, pStdEntries, sizeof(IDENTRY));
+ // CStdIdentity address
+ Printf("%x ", stdEntry.m_pStdID);
+ // Display the object identifier
+ FormatCLSID(stdEntry.m_oid, szOID);
+ Printf("%s ", szOID);
+ // The thread ID
+ Printf("%3x ", stdEntry.m_tid);
+ // pUnkControl
+ Printf("%x\n", stdEntry.m_pUnkControl);
+ }
+ Printf("\n");
+// Function: displayStdidEntry
+// Synopsis: Display an entry in the CStdIdentify table
+// Arguments: [hProcess] - Handle of this process
+// [lpExtensionApis] - Table of extension functions
+// Returns: -
+// History: 07-Mar-95 BruceMa Created
+void displayStdidEntry(HANDLE hProcess,
+ ULONG p,
+ char *arg)
+ ULONG pAdr;
+ SStdIdentity stdid;
+ // Check for help
+ if (arg[0] == '?')
+ {
+ Printf("oid mrshlFlags 1stIPID chnlBfr nestedCalls mrshlTime pUnkOuter [pIEC] strongRefs\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ // Read the standard identity entry
+ pAdr = ScanAddr(arg);
+ ReadMem(&stdid, pAdr, sizeof(SStdIdentity));
+ // Display the object identifier
+ FormatCLSID(stdid.m_oid, szOID);
+ Printf("%s ", szOID);
+ // Marshal flags
+ Printf("%08x ", stdid._dwFlags);
+ // First IPID
+ Printf("%d.%d ", stdid._iFirstIPID >> 16, stdid._iFirstIPID & 0xffff);
+ // Address of CRpcChannelBuffer
+ Printf("%x ", stdid._pChnl);
+ // Count of nested calls
+ Printf("%d ", stdid._cNestedCalls);
+ // Marshal time
+ Printf("%d ", stdid._dwMarshalTime);
+ // Address of pUnkOuter
+ Printf("%x ", stdid.m_pUnkOuter);
+ // Address of IExternalConnection (if present)
+ if (stdid.m_pIEC)
+ {
+ Printf("%x ", stdid.m_pIEC);
+ }
+ // Count of strong references
+ Printf("%d\n", stdid.m_cStrongRefs);
diff --git a/private/ole32/dbgexts/dstdid.h b/private/ole32/dbgexts/dstdid.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a37b98b50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/dbgexts/dstdid.h
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+typedef enum tagSTDID_FLAGS
+ STDID_SERVER = 0, // on server side
+ STDID_CLIENT = 1, // on client side (non-local in RH terms)
+ STDID_STDMARSHAL = 2, // was created with PSTDMARSHAL
+ STDID_HASEC = 4, // server supports IEC for connections
+struct SIDArray
+ SArrayFValue m_afv;
+struct IDENTRY
+ OID m_oid;
+ DWORD m_tid;
+ IUnknown *m_pUnkControl;
+ IStdIdentity *m_pStdID;
+// Forward reference
+struct SRpcChannelBuffer;
+struct SStdIdentity
+ void *vtbl1;
+ void *vtbl2;
+ DWORD _dwFlags;
+ LONG _iFirstIPID;
+ SStdIdentity *_pStdId;
+ SRpcChannelBuffer *_pChnl;
+ CLSID _clsidHandler;
+ LONG _cNestedCalls;
+ DWORD _dwMarshalTime;
+ void *vtbl3;
+ DWORD m_refs;
+ DWORD m_flags;
+ IUnknown *m_pUnkOuter;
+ IUnknown *m_pUnkControl;
+ OID m_oid;
+ IExternalConnection *m_pIEC;
+ ULONG m_cStrongRefs;
diff --git a/private/ole32/dbgexts/dtreatas.cxx b/private/ole32/dbgexts/dtreatas.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e9c76a80b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/dbgexts/dtreatas.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+// Microsoft Windows
+// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995
+// File: dtreatas.cxx
+// Contents: Ole NTSD extension routines to display a dll/class cache
+// Functions: displayTreatAsCache
+// History: 06-01-95 BruceMa Created
+#include <ole2int.h>
+#include <windows.h>
+#include "ole.h"
+#include "dtreatas.h"
+extern BOOL fInScm;
+void FormatCLSID(REFGUID rguid, LPSTR lpsz);
+BOOL IsEqualCLSID(CLSID *pClsid1, CLSID *pClsid2);
+// Function: treatAsCacheHelp
+// Synopsis: Display a menu for the command 'ds'
+// Arguments: -
+// Returns: -
+// History: 07-Mar-95 BruceMa Created
+void treatAsCacheHelp(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis)
+ Printf("ta - Display entire TreatAs class cache:\n");
+ Printf("ta clsid - Display Treat As class for clsid (if any)\n");
+// Function: displayTreatAsCache
+// Synopsis: Formats and writes all or part of the TreatAs class cache
+// Arguments: [hProcess] - Handle of this process
+// [lpExtensionApis] - Table of extension functions
+// [REFCLSID] - If not CLSID_NULL only for this clsid
+// Returns: -
+// History: 07-Mar-95 BruceMa Created
+void displayTreatAsCache(HANDLE hProcess,
+ CLSID *clsid)
+ ULONG pAdr;
+ BOOL fRetail;
+ ULONG gptrtlstTreatClasses;
+ ULONG pTreatAs;
+ STreatList sTreatList;
+ STreatEntry *pTreatEntry;
+ BOOL fInit = TRUE;
+ char szClsid[CLSIDSTR_MAX];
+ // Determine if this is checked or retail ole
+ if (fInScm)
+ {
+ pAdr = GetExpression("scm!_CairoleInfoLevel");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pAdr = GetExpression("ole32!_CairoleInfoLevel");
+ }
+ fRetail = pAdr == NULL ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ // Read the pointer to the TreatAs class cache
+ gptrtlstTreatClasses = GetExpression("ole32!gptrtlstTreatClasses");
+ ReadMem(&pTreatAs, gptrtlstTreatClasses, sizeof(ULONG));
+ if (pTreatAs == NULL)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Read the TreatAs cache header
+ ReadMem(&sTreatList, pTreatAs, sizeof(STreatList));
+ Printf(" clsid is treated as clsid\n");
+ Printf("-------------------------------------- --------------------------------------\n");
+ if (sTreatList._centries > 0)
+ {
+ // Read the array of entries
+ pTreatEntry = (STreatEntry *) OleAlloc(sTreatList._centries *
+ sizeof(STreatEntry));
+ ReadMem(pTreatEntry, sTreatList._array.m_pData,
+ sTreatList._centries * sizeof(STreatEntry));
+ for (DWORD i = 0; i < sTreatList._centries; i++)
+ {
+ // Display the clsid and the TreatAs clsid
+ if (clsid == NULL)
+ {
+ FormatCLSID(pTreatEntry[i]._clsid, szClsid);
+ Printf("%s ", szClsid);
+ FormatCLSID(pTreatEntry[i]._treatAsClsid, szClsid);
+ Printf("%s\n", szClsid);
+ }
+ // We are looking for a particular clsid
+ else if (IsEqualCLSID(clsid, &pTreatEntry[i]._clsid))
+ {
+ FormatCLSID(pTreatEntry[i]._clsid, szClsid);
+ Printf("%s ", szClsid);
+ FormatCLSID(pTreatEntry[i]._treatAsClsid, szClsid);
+ Printf("%s\n", szClsid);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/private/ole32/dbgexts/dtreatas.h b/private/ole32/dbgexts/dtreatas.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..77ed4ed85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/dbgexts/dtreatas.h
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+struct STreatEntry
+ CLSID _clsid;
+ CLSID _treatAsClsid;
+struct STreatList
+ SArrayFValue _array;
+ DWORD _centries;
diff --git a/private/ole32/dbgexts/dvtbl.cxx b/private/ole32/dbgexts/dvtbl.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cf1327489
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/dbgexts/dvtbl.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+// Microsoft Windows
+// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995
+// File: dvtbl.cxx
+// Contents: Ole NTSD extension routines to dump a vtbl
+// Functions: displayVtbl
+// History: 06-01-95 BruceMa Created
+#include <ole2int.h>
+#include <windows.h>
+#include "ole.h"
+// Function: vtblHelp
+// Synopsis: Display a menu for the command 'vt'
+// Arguments: -
+// Returns: -
+// History: 07-Mar-95 BruceMa Created
+void vtblHelp(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis)
+ Printf("vt obj - Interpret vtbl for object obj:\n");
+// Function: displayVtbl
+// Synopsis: Given an object interpret its vtbl
+// Arguments: [hProcess] - Handle of this process
+// [lpExtensionApis] - Table of extension functions
+// Returns: -
+// History: 01-Jun-95 BruceMa Created
+void displayVtbl(HANDLE hProcess,
+ void *lpObj)
+ DWORD lpVtbl = 0xdeaddead;
+ DWORD dwVtblOffset;
+ char achSymbol[256];
+ // Get the address of the vtbl
+ ReadMem(&lpVtbl, lpObj, sizeof(LPVOID));
+ // Check for some reasonableness
+ if (lpVtbl == 0 || lpVtbl == 0xdededede || lpVtbl == 0xedededed ||
+ lpVtbl == 0xdeaddead)
+ {
+ if (lpVtbl == 0xdeaddead)
+ {
+ Printf("...vtbl pointer could not be read\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Printf("...vtbl pointer == 0x%x is unreasonable\n", lpVtbl);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // vtbl entries should always point at functions. Therefore, we should
+ // always have a displacement of zero. To check for the end of the table
+ // we will reevaluate the vtbl pointer. If the offset isn't what we
+ // expected, then we are done.
+ DWORD dwIndex;
+ for (dwIndex = 0 ; dwIndex < 512 ; dwIndex += 4, lpVtbl += 4)
+ {
+ DWORD dwVtblEntry;
+ // Just in case the loop gets away from us
+ if (CheckControlC())
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Read the next vtbl entry
+ ReadMem(&dwVtblEntry, lpVtbl, sizeof(dwVtblEntry));
+ // If the function is at zero, then must be at end of table
+ if (dwVtblEntry == 0)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Now, determine the symbol for the entry in the vtbl
+ GetSymbol((LPVOID) dwVtblEntry, (UCHAR *) achSymbol, &dwVtblOffset);
+ // If it doesn't point to the start of a routine, then it
+ // probably isn't part of the vtbl
+ if (dwVtblOffset != 0)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Print the vtbl entry symbolically
+ Printf(" 0x%08x %s\n", dwVtblEntry, achSymbol);
+ }
diff --git a/private/ole32/dbgexts/ole.def b/private/ole32/dbgexts/ole.def
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ee5f49e67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/dbgexts/ole.def
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+DESCRIPTION Ole32 Debugger Extensions
+ cc
+ ch
+ ci
+ ck
+ dh
+ ds
+ er
+ fe
+ ft
+ help
+ id
+ in
+ ip
+ mk
+ ox
+ pg
+ pl
+ ps
+ rt
+ ta
+ ts
+ vt
diff --git a/private/ole32/dbgexts/ole.h b/private/ole32/dbgexts/ole.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4d7bf715e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/dbgexts/ole.h
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+// Microsoft Windows
+// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995
+// File: ole.h
+// Contents: Implements ntsd extensions to dump ole tables
+// Functions:
+// History: 06-01-95 BruceMa Created
+#include <ntsdexts.h>
+const UINT MAX_ARG = 64;
+const UINT MAX_FILESIZE = 128;
+typedef char Arg[MAX_ARG];
+#define until_(x) while(!(x))
+#define DEFINE_EXT(e) void e(HANDLE hProcess,HANDLE hThread,DWORD dwPc,PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis,LPSTR lpArgumentString)
+#define Printf (*(lpExtensionApis->lpOutputRoutine))
+#define CheckForScm() checkForScm(lpExtensionApis)
+#define GetExpression (*(lpExtensionApis->lpGetExpressionRoutine))
+#define GetSymbol (*(lpExtensionApis->lpGetSymbolRoutine))
+#define CheckControlC (*(lpExtensionApis->lpCheckControlCRoutine))
+#define ReadMem(a,b,c) readMemory(hProcess, lpExtensionApis, (BYTE *) (a), (BYTE *) (b), (c))
+#define WriteMem(a,b,c) writeMemory(hProcess, lpExtensionApis, (BYTE *) (a), (BYTE *) (b), (c))
+#define OleAlloc(n) HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0,(n))
+#define OleFree(p) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,(p))
+#define GetArg(a) getArgument(&lpArgumentString, a)
+#define IsDecimal(x) ('0' <= (x) && (x) <= '9')
+#define Unicode2Ansi(x, y, z) AreFileApisANSI?WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, WC_COMPOSITECHECK, y, -1, x, z, NULL, NULL):WideCharToMultiByte(CP_OEMCP, WC_COMPOSITECHECK, y, -1, x, z, NULL, NULL);
+#define NOTINSCM if(fInScm){NotInScm(lpExtensionApis);return;}
+#define NOTINOLE if(!fInScm){NotInOle(lpExtensionApis);return;}
+#define dbt(a, b, c) dbTrace(a, (DWORD *) b, (c) / (sizeof(DWORD)), lpExtensionApis)
+#define NOTIMPLEMENTED Printf("...Not implemented yet!\n");
+void dbTrace(char *sz, DWORD *adr, ULONG amt,
+ PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis);
+void getArgument(LPSTR lpArgumentString, LPSTR a);
+void FormatCLSID(REFGUID rguid, LPWSTR lpsz);
+void readMemory(HANDLE hProcess, PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis,
+ BYTE *to, BYTE *from, INT cbSize);
+void writeMemory(HANDLE hProcess, PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis,
+ BYTE *to, BYTE *from, INT cbSize);
+// Common structures
+struct SMutexSem
+struct SArrayFValue
+ BYTE **m_pData;
+ UINT m_cbValue;
+ int m_nSize;
+ int m_nMaxSize;
+ int m_nGrowBy;
diff --git a/private/ole32/dbgexts/ole.rc b/private/ole32/dbgexts/ole.rc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..576fd9852
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/dbgexts/ole.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#include <windows.h>
+#include <ntverp.h>
+#define VER_FILEDESCRIPTION_STR "Ole32 Debug Extensions"
+#define VER_INTERNALNAME_STR "oleexts.dll"
+#define VER_ORIGINALFILENAME_STR "oleexts.dll"
+#include "common.ver"
diff --git a/private/ole32/dbgexts/oleexts.cxx b/private/ole32/dbgexts/oleexts.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..36fa30072
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/dbgexts/oleexts.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1145 @@
+// Microsoft Windows
+// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995
+// File: ole.cxx
+// Contents: Implements ntsd extensions to dump ole tables
+// Functions:
+// History: 06-01-95 BruceMa Created
+#include <ole2int.h>
+#include <windows.h>
+#include <ole2.h>
+#include "ole.h"
+#include "ddllcach.h"
+#include "dshrdmem.h"
+#define OLE_VERSION "1.0"
+void getArgument(LPSTR *lpArgumentString, LPSTR a);
+void checkForScm(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis);
+void NotInScm(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis);
+void NotInOle(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis);
+ULONG ScanAddr(char *lpsz);
+void channelHelp(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis);
+void displayChannel(HANDLE hProcess,
+ ULONG pChannel,
+ char *arg);
+void classCacheHelp(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis);
+void displayClassCache(HANDLE hProcess,
+ PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis);
+void displayClassCacheCk(HANDLE hProcess,
+ PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis);
+void classInfoHelp(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis);
+BOOL displayClassInfo(HANDLE hProcess,
+ CLSID *clsid);
+void dllCacheHelp(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis);
+void displayDllCache(HANDLE hProcess,
+ SDllCache *p);
+void displayHr(HANDLE hProcess,
+ char *arg);
+void fileExtHelp(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis);
+void displayFileExtTbl(HANDLE hProcess,
+ SDllShrdTbl *pShrdTbl,
+ CLSID *pClsid,
+ WCHAR *wszExt);
+void filePatHelp(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis);
+void displayFilePatTbl(HANDLE hProcess,
+ SDllShrdTbl *pShrdTbl,
+ CLSID *pClsid);
+void stdidHelp(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis);
+void displayStdidEntry(HANDLE hProcess,
+ ULONG p,
+ char *arg);
+void displayStdid(HANDLE hProcess,
+ ULONG p);
+void infoLevelHelp(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis);
+void displayInfoLevel(HANDLE hProcess,
+ LPSTR lpArgumentString);
+void monikerHelp(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis);
+BOOL displayMoniker(HANDLE hProcess,
+ ULONG pMoniker);
+void psClsidHelp(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis);
+void displayPsClsidTbl(HANDLE hProcess,
+ SDllShrdTbl *pShrdTbl,
+ CLSID *clisd);
+void ipidHelp(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis);
+void displayIpid(HANDLE hProcess,
+ PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis);
+void displayIpidEntry(HANDLE hProcess,
+ char *arg);
+void oxidHelp(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis);
+void displayOxid(HANDLE hProcess,
+ PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis);
+void displayOxidEntry(HANDLE hProcess,
+ char *arg);
+void displayCliRot(HANDLE hProcess, PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis);
+void displayScmRot(HANDLE hProcess, PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis);
+void cliRotHelp(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis);
+void scmRotHelp(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis);
+void vtblHelp(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis);
+void displayVtbl(HANDLE hProcess,
+ void *lpObj);
+void treatAsCacheHelp(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis);
+void displayTreatAsCache(HANDLE hProcess,
+ CLSID *clsid);
+void determineIfScm(void);
+BOOL ScanCLSID(LPSTR lpsz, LPGUID pguid);
+void FormatCLSID(REFGUID rguid, LPSTR lpsz);
+BOOL fScmNeedsInit = TRUE;
+// Extension: !
+// Synopsis: Display a help menu of all the supported extensions
+// in this dll
+// History: 01-Jun-95 BruceMa Created
+ Arg arg;
+ // Check whether debuggee is the scm
+ CheckForScm();
+ // Help menu for an OLE client or server
+ if (!fInScm)
+ {
+ // Check for any argument
+ GetArg(arg);
+ // CRpcChannelBuffer help
+ if (lstrcmpA(arg, "ch") == 0)
+ {
+ channelHelp(lpExtensionApis);
+ }
+ // Class information help
+ else if (lstrcmpA(arg, "ci") == 0)
+ {
+ classInfoHelp(lpExtensionApis);
+ }
+ // DllCache help
+ else if (lstrcmpA(arg, "ds") == 0 || lstrcmpA(arg, "dh") == 0)
+ {
+ dllCacheHelp(lpExtensionApis);
+ }
+ // File extension cache help
+ else if (lstrcmpA(arg, "fe") == 0)
+ {
+ fileExtHelp(lpExtensionApis);
+ }
+ // File type patterns cache help
+ else if (lstrcmpA(arg, "ft") == 0)
+ {
+ filePatHelp(lpExtensionApis);
+ }
+ // Standard identity table
+ else if (lstrcmpA(arg, "id") == 0)
+ {
+ stdidHelp(lpExtensionApis);
+ }
+ // Debug info levels
+ else if (lstrcmpA(arg, "in") == 0)
+ {
+ infoLevelHelp(lpExtensionApis);
+ }
+ // IPID table
+ else if (lstrcmpA(arg, "ip") == 0)
+ {
+ ipidHelp(lpExtensionApis);
+ }
+ // A moniker
+ else if (lstrcmpA(arg, "mk") == 0)
+ {
+ monikerHelp(lpExtensionApis);
+ }
+ // OXID table
+ else if (lstrcmpA(arg, "ox") == 0)
+ {
+ oxidHelp(lpExtensionApis);
+ }
+ // IID to class mapping
+ else if (lstrcmpA(arg, "ps") == 0)
+ {
+ psClsidHelp(lpExtensionApis);
+ }
+ // ROT help
+ else if (lstrcmpA(arg, "rt") == 0)
+ {
+ cliRotHelp(lpExtensionApis);
+ }
+ // TreatAs help
+ else if (lstrcmpA(arg, "ta") == 0)
+ {
+ treatAsCacheHelp(lpExtensionApis);
+ }
+ // Vtbl help
+ else if (lstrcmpA(arg, "vt") == 0)
+ {
+ vtblHelp(lpExtensionApis);
+ }
+ // Print the full help menu
+ else
+ {
+ Printf("Ole32 NTSD extensions - Version %s\n\n", OLE_VERSION);
+ Printf("ch addr - Decode addr as an RPC channel\n");
+ Printf("ci [clsid] - Display registry class information\n");
+ Printf("ck - Is this a checked or retail version of ole32?\n");
+ Printf("dh - Display Inproc Handler dll/class cache\n");
+ Printf("ds - Display Inproc Server dll/class cache\n");
+ Printf("ep - Display current RPC endpoints\n");
+ Printf("er err - Display the message for error number err \n");
+ Printf("fe [e|c] - Display file extensions cache\n");
+ Printf("ft [clsid] - Display file type pattern(s)\n");
+ Printf("help [cmd] - Display this menu or specific help\n");
+ Printf("id - Display CStdIdentity table\n");
+ Printf("in - Set/reset debug info level\n");
+ Printf("ip - Display IPID table information\n");
+ Printf("mk addr - Decode addr as a moniker\n");
+ Printf("ox - Display OXID table information\n");
+ Printf("pg addr - Display addr as a guid\n");
+ Printf("pl - Display platform information\n");
+ Printf("ps - Display proxy/stub clsid cache\n");
+ Printf("rh addr - Decode addr as a remote handler\n");
+ Printf("rt - Display Running Object Table\n");
+ Printf("ta [clsid] - Display TreatAs cache\n");
+ Printf("vt obj - Interpret vtbl for object obj\n");
+ }
+ }
+ // Help menu for the scm
+ else
+ {
+ // Check for any argument
+ GetArg(arg);
+ if (lstrcmp(arg, "rt") == 0)
+ {
+ scmRotHelp(lpExtensionApis);
+ }
+ if (lstrcmp(arg, "cc") == 0)
+ {
+ classCacheHelp(lpExtensionApis);
+ }
+ // Print the full help menu
+ else
+ {
+ Printf("Ole32 NTSD extensions - Version %s\n\n", OLE_VERSION);
+ Printf("cc - Display class cache info\n");
+ Printf("ck - Is this a checked or retail version of scm?\n");
+ Printf("ep - Display current RPC endpoints\n");
+ Printf("er err - Display the message for error number err \n");
+ Printf("help [cmd] - Display this menu or specific help\n");
+ Printf("in - Set/reset debug info level\n");
+ Printf("mk addr - Decode addr as a moniker\n");
+ Printf("pg addr - Display addr as a guid\n");
+ Printf("rh - Display active remote handlers\n");
+ Printf("rt - Display Running Object Table\n");
+ Printf("ts - Display thread information\n");
+ Printf("vt obj - Interpret vtbl for object obj\n");
+ }
+ }
+// Extension: !
+// Synopsis: Display the scm class cache
+// History: 01-Jun-95 BruceMa Created
+ ULONG padr;
+ // Check whether debuggee is the scm
+ CheckForScm();
+ // Determine if thisis checked or retail scm
+ padr = GetExpression("scm!_CairoleInfoLevel");
+ // Display the scm's class cache
+ if (padr == NULL)
+ {
+ displayClassCache(hProcess, lpExtensionApis);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ displayClassCacheCk(hProcess, lpExtensionApis);
+ }
+// Extension: !
+// Synopsis: Display a channel controller
+// History: 01-Jun-95 BruceMa Created
+ Arg arg;
+ ULONG addr;
+ // Check whether debuggee is the scm
+ CheckForScm();
+ // Fetch the argument
+ GetArg(arg);
+ if (!arg[0])
+ {
+ Printf("...use ! <address CRpcChannelBuffer>\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ // Parse it as a hexadecimal address
+ if (arg[0] != '?')
+ {
+ addr = ScanAddr(arg);
+ if (addr == NULL)
+ {
+ Printf("...%s is not a valid address\n", arg);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // BUGBUG: Check that this is indeed an CRpcChannelBuffer
+ // Display the parsed address as a CRpcChannelBuffer
+ displayChannel(hProcess, lpExtensionApis, addr, arg);
+// Extension: !
+// Synopsis: Display registry class information
+// History: 01-Jun-95 BruceMa Created
+ Arg arg;
+ CLSID clsid;
+ // Check whether debuggee is the scm
+ CheckForScm();
+ // Fetch the argument
+ GetArg(arg);
+ // Parse it as a clsid
+ if (arg[0])
+ {
+ if (!ScanCLSID(arg, &clsid))
+ {
+ Printf("...%s is not a valid clsid\n", arg);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // Display all or particular registry class information
+ if (arg[0])
+ {
+ displayClassInfo(hProcess, lpExtensionApis, &clsid);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ displayClassInfo(hProcess, lpExtensionApis, NULL);
+ }
+// Extension: !
+// Synopsis: Is this the checked or retail version of OLE?
+// History: 01-Jun-95 BruceMa Created
+ ULONG padr;
+ // Check whether debuggee is the scm
+ CheckForScm();
+ if (fInScm)
+ {
+ padr = GetExpression("scm!_CairoleInfoLevel");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ padr = GetExpression("ole32!_CairoleInfoLevel");
+ }
+ if (padr == NULL)
+ {
+ Printf("Retail\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Printf("Checked\n");
+ }
+// Extension: !ole.dh
+// Synopsis: Display the dll/class cache for inproc handlers
+// History: 01-Jun-95 BruceMa Created
+ SDllCache dllCache;
+ ULONG padr;
+ // Check whether debuggee is the scm
+ CheckForScm();
+ // Fetch the dll/class cache object
+ padr = GetExpression("ole32!gdllcacheHandler");
+ ReadMem((void *) &dllCache, padr, sizeof(SDllCache));
+ Printf("Dll/class cache for in-process handlers\n\n");
+ displayDllCache(hProcess, lpExtensionApis, &dllCache);
+// Extension: !ole.ds
+// Synopsis: Display the dll/class cache for inproc servers
+// History: 01-Jun-95 BruceMa Created
+ SDllCache dllCache;
+ ULONG padr;
+ // Check whether debuggee is the scm
+ CheckForScm();
+ padr = GetExpression("ole32!gdllcacheInprocSrv");
+ ReadMem(&dllCache, padr, sizeof(SDllCache));
+ Printf("Dll/class cache for in-process servers\n\n");
+ displayDllCache(hProcess, lpExtensionApis, &dllCache);
+// Extension: !
+// Synopsis: Display a Win32 or OLE error message
+// History: 01-Jun-95 BruceMa Created
+ Arg arg;
+ // Check whether debuggee is the scm
+ CheckForScm();
+ GetArg(arg);
+ displayHr(hProcess, lpExtensionApis, arg);
+// Extension: !ole.fe
+// Synopsis: Display file extension information
+// History: 01-Jun-95 BruceMa Created
+ Arg arg;
+ ULONG pAdr;
+ SDllShrdTbl *pShrdTbl;
+ CLSID clsid;
+ WCHAR wszExt[16];
+ // Check whether debuggee is the scm
+ CheckForScm();
+ // Check for any argument
+ GetArg(arg);
+ if (arg[0])
+ {
+ if (arg[0] == '{')
+ {
+ if(!ScanCLSID(arg, &clsid))
+ {
+ Printf("...%s is not a valid CLSID\n", arg);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (arg[0] == '.')
+ {
+ if (!MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, arg, -1, wszExt,
+ 16 * sizeof(WCHAR)))
+ {
+ Printf("..%ws\n", wszExt);
+ Printf("...invalid extension %s\n", arg);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Printf("...can't understand argument\n");
+ }
+ }
+ // Fetch the address of the shared memory table
+ pAdr = GetExpression("ole32!g_pShrdTbl");
+ ReadMem(&pShrdTbl, pAdr, sizeof(ULONG));
+ if (arg[0])
+ {
+ if (arg[0] == '{')
+ {
+ displayFileExtTbl(hProcess, lpExtensionApis, pShrdTbl, &clsid,
+ NULL);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ displayFileExtTbl(hProcess, lpExtensionApis, pShrdTbl, NULL,
+ wszExt);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ displayFileExtTbl(hProcess, lpExtensionApis, pShrdTbl, NULL, NULL);
+ }
+// Extension: !ole.ft
+// Synopsis: Display file type patterns
+// History: 01-Jun-95 BruceMa Created
+ Arg arg;
+ ULONG pAdr;
+ SDllShrdTbl *pShrdTbl;
+ CLSID clsid;
+ // Check whether debuggee is the scm
+ CheckForScm();
+ // Check for an argument
+ GetArg(arg);
+ if (arg[0])
+ {
+ if (arg[0] == '{')
+ {
+ if(!ScanCLSID(arg, &clsid))
+ {
+ Printf("...%s is not a valid CLSID\n", arg);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Printf("...%s is not a valid CLSID\n", arg);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // Fetch the address of the shared memory table
+ pAdr = GetExpression("ole32!g_pShrdTbl");
+ ReadMem(&pShrdTbl, pAdr, sizeof(ULONG));
+ if (arg[0] == '{')
+ {
+ displayFilePatTbl(hProcess, lpExtensionApis, pShrdTbl, &clsid);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ displayFilePatTbl(hProcess, lpExtensionApis, pShrdTbl, NULL);
+ }
+// Extension: !
+// Synopsis: Display the CStdIdentity taable
+// History: 01-Jun-95 BruceMa Created
+ ULONG pAdr;
+ Arg arg;
+ // Check whether debuggee is the scm
+ CheckForScm();
+ // Fetch the address of the standard identity table
+ pAdr = GetExpression("ole32!sg_idtable");
+ // Check for any argument
+ GetArg(arg);
+ // Display all or one entry
+ if (arg[0])
+ {
+ displayStdidEntry(hProcess, lpExtensionApis, pAdr, arg);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ displayStdid(hProcess, lpExtensionApis, pAdr);
+ }
+// Extension: !
+// Synopsis: Display/change debug info levels
+// History: 01-Jun-95 BruceMa Created
+ // Check whether debuggee is the scm
+ CheckForScm();
+ // Set/display an info level
+ displayInfoLevel(hProcess, lpExtensionApis, lpArgumentString);
+// Extension: !ole.ip
+// Synopsis: Display IPID table
+// History: 11-Aug-95 BruceMa Created
+ Arg arg;
+ // Check whether debuggee is the scm
+ CheckForScm();
+ // Check for an argument
+ GetArg(arg);
+ // The whole table or a single entry
+ if (arg[0])
+ {
+ displayIpidEntry(hProcess, lpExtensionApis, arg);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ displayIpid(hProcess, lpExtensionApis);
+ }
+// Extension: !
+// Synopsis: Interpret a moniker object
+// History: 01-Jun-95 BruceMa Created
+ Arg arg;
+ ULONG pAdr;
+ // Check whether debuggee is the scm
+ CheckForScm();
+ // Scan the argument
+ GetArg(arg);
+ if (!arg[0])
+ {
+ Printf("...use ! <moniker address>\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ pAdr = ScanAddr(arg);
+ // Interpret this address as a moniker
+ if (!displayMoniker(hProcess, lpExtensionApis, pAdr))
+ {
+ Printf("...%08x isn't a system moniker\n", pAdr);
+ }
+// Extension: !ole.ox
+// Synopsis: Display OXID table
+// History: 11-Aug-95 BruceMa Created
+ Arg arg;
+ // Check whether debuggee is the scm
+ CheckForScm();
+ // Check for an argument
+ GetArg(arg);
+ // The whole table or a single entry
+ if (arg[0])
+ {
+ displayOxidEntry(hProcess, lpExtensionApis, arg);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ displayOxid(hProcess, lpExtensionApis);
+ }
+// Extension: !
+// Synopsis: Pretty print a guid
+// History: 01-Jun-95 BruceMa Created
+ Arg arg;
+ ULONG addr;
+ GUID guid;
+ char szGuid[CLSIDSTR_MAX];
+ // Fetch the argument
+ GetArg(arg);
+ if (!arg[0])
+ {
+ Printf("...requires an addr argument\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ addr = ScanAddr(arg);
+ // Fetch the guid
+ ReadMem(&guid, addr, sizeof(GUID));
+ // Format and print the guid
+ FormatCLSID((GUID &) guid, szGuid);
+ Printf("%s\n", szGuid);
+// Extension: !
+// Synopsis: Display platform information
+// History: 01-Jun-95 BruceMa Created
+ osInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO);
+ if (GetVersionEx(&osInfo))
+ {
+ Printf("Cairo %d.%d Build %d\n",
+ osInfo.dwMajorVersion,
+ osInfo.dwMinorVersion,
+ osInfo.dwBuildNumber);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Printf("...Unable to get version/platform info\n");
+ }
+// Extension: !
+// Synopsis: Display CLSID of proxy/stub handler dll for given IID
+// History: 01-Jun-95 BruceMa Created
+ Arg arg;
+ ULONG pAdr;
+ SDllShrdTbl *pShrdTbl;
+ IID iid;
+ WCHAR wszExt[16];
+ // Check whether debuggee is the scm
+ CheckForScm();
+ // Check for any argument
+ GetArg(arg);
+ if (arg[0])
+ {
+ if(!ScanCLSID(arg, &iid))
+ {
+ Printf("...%s is not a valid CLSID\n", arg);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // Fetch the address of the shared memory table
+ pAdr = GetExpression("ole32!g_pShrdTbl");
+ ReadMem(&pShrdTbl, pAdr, sizeof(ULONG));
+ if (arg[0])
+ {
+ displayPsClsidTbl(hProcess, lpExtensionApis, pShrdTbl, &iid);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ displayPsClsidTbl(hProcess, lpExtensionApis, pShrdTbl, NULL);
+ }
+// Extension: !ole.rt
+// Synopsis: Display the ROT
+// History: 01-Jun-95 BruceMa Created
+ // Check whether debuggee is the scm
+ CheckForScm();
+ if (fInScm)
+ {
+ displayScmRot(hProcess, lpExtensionApis);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ displayCliRot(hProcess, lpExtensionApis);
+ }
+// Extension: !ole.ta
+// Synopsis: Display TreatAs cache
+// History: 01-Jun-95 BruceMa Created
+ Arg arg;
+ CLSID clsid;
+ // Check whether debuggee is the scm
+ CheckForScm();
+ // Check whether a clsid was supplied
+ GetArg(arg);
+ if (arg[0])
+ {
+ if (!ScanCLSID(arg, &clsid))
+ {
+ Printf("..%s is not a valid CLSID\n", arg);
+ return;
+ }
+ displayTreatAsCache(hProcess, lpExtensionApis, &clsid);
+ }
+ // Display the entire TreatAs class cache
+ else
+ {
+ displayTreatAsCache(hProcess, lpExtensionApis, NULL);
+ }
+// Extension: !ole.ts
+// Synopsis: Display thread information
+// History: 01-Jun-95 BruceMa Created
+ // Check whether debuggee is the scm
+ CheckForScm();
+ Printf("...NOT IMPLEMENTED YET\n");
+// Extension: !ole.vt
+// Synopsis: Display a vtbl
+// History: 01-Jun-95 BruceMa Created
+ Arg arg;
+ DWORD dwObj = NULL;
+ char *s;
+ // Check whether debuggee is the scm
+ CheckForScm();
+ // Get the object
+ GetArg(arg);
+ for (s = arg; *s; s++)
+ {
+ dwObj = 16 * dwObj + *s - '0';
+ if ('A' <= *s && *s <= 'F')
+ {
+ dwObj -= 7;
+ }
+ if ('a' <= *s && *s <= 'f')
+ {
+ dwObj -= 39;
+ }
+ }
+ // Display the vtbl
+ if (dwObj != NULL)
+ {
+ displayVtbl(hProcess, lpExtensionApis, (LPVOID) dwObj);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Printf("...vtbl address of NULL is not meaningful\n");
+ }
diff --git a/private/ole32/dbgexts/util.cxx b/private/ole32/dbgexts/util.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..255dd2d9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ole32/dbgexts/util.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,543 @@
+// Microsoft Windows
+// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995
+// File: ole.cxx
+// Contents: Implements ntsd extensions to dump ole tables
+// Functions:
+// History: 06-01-95 BruceMa Created
+#include <ole2int.h>
+#include <windows.h>
+#include "ole.h"
+// Function: readMemory
+// Synopsis: Transfer memory from debuggee virtual space to a local
+// kernel memory
+// Arguments: [lpArgumentString] - command line string
+// [a] - where to return next argument
+// Returns: -
+void readMemory(HANDLE hProcess, PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis,
+ BYTE *to, BYTE *from, INT cbSize)
+ __try
+ {
+ NtReadVirtualMemory(hProcess, (void *) from, (void *) to,
+ cbSize , NULL);
+ }
+ {
+ Printf("...Exception reading %08x-%08x\n", from, from + cbSize - 1);
+ }
+// Function: writeMemory
+// Synopsis: Transfer memory from local memoryto debuggee virtual space
+// Arguments:
+// Returns: -
+void writeMemory(HANDLE hProcess, PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis,
+ BYTE *to, BYTE *from, INT cbSize)
+ __try
+ {
+ NtWriteVirtualMemory(hProcess, (void *) to, (void *) from,
+ cbSize, NULL);
+ }
+ {
+ Printf("...Exception writing %08x-%08x\n", to, to + cbSize - 1);
+ }
+// Function: getArgument
+// Synopsis: Return next command line argument
+// Arguments: [lpArgumentString] - command line string
+// [a] - where to return next argument
+// Returns: -
+void getArgument(LPSTR *lpArgumentString, LPSTR a)
+ char *s = *lpArgumentString;
+ // Skip whitespace
+ while (*s && (*s == ' ' || *s == '\t'))
+ {
+ s++;
+ }
+ while (*s && *s != ' ' && *s != '\t')
+ {
+ *a++ = *s++;
+ }
+ *a = '\0';
+ *lpArgumentString = s;
+// Function: IsEqualGUID
+// Synopsis: Compares two guids for equality
+// Arguments: [pClsid1] - the first clsid
+// [pClsid2] - the second clsid to compare the first one with
+// Returns: TRUE if equal, FALSE if not.
+BOOL IsEqualCLSID(CLSID *pClsid1, CLSID *pClsid2)
+ return !memcmp((void *) pClsid1,(void *) pClsid2, sizeof(CLSID));
+// Function: ScanAddr
+// Synopsis: Parse the indput string as a hexadecimal address
+// Arguments: [lpsz] - the hex string to convert
+// Returns: TRUE for success
+ULONG ScanAddr(char *lpsz)
+ ULONG val = NULL;
+ // Peel off any leading "0x"
+ if (lpsz[0] == '0' && lpsz[1] == 'x')
+ {
+ lpsz += 2;
+ }
+ // Parse as a hex address
+ while (*lpsz)
+ {
+ if (*lpsz >= '0' && *lpsz <= '9')
+ {
+ val = (val << 4) + *lpsz - '0';
+ }
+ else if (*lpsz >= 'A' && *lpsz <= 'F')
+ {
+ val = (val << 4) + *lpsz - 'A' + 10;
+ }
+ else if (*lpsz >= 'a' && *lpsz <= 'f')
+ {
+ val = (val << 4) + *lpsz - 'a' + 10;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ lpsz++;
+ }
+ return val;
+// Function: HexStringToDword
+// Synopsis: scan lpsz for a number of hex digits (at most 8); update lpsz
+// return value in Value; check for chDelim;
+// Arguments: [lpsz] - the hex string to convert
+// [Value] - the returned value
+// [cDigits] - count of digits
+// Returns: TRUE for success
+static BOOL HexStringToDword(LPSTR &lpsz, DWORD &Value,
+ int cDigits, WCHAR chDelim)
+ int Count;
+ Value = 0;
+ for (Count = 0; Count < cDigits; Count++, lpsz++)
+ {
+ if (*lpsz >= '0' && *lpsz <= '9')
+ Value = (Value << 4) + *lpsz - '0';
+ else if (*lpsz >= 'A' && *lpsz <= 'F')
+ Value = (Value << 4) + *lpsz - 'A' + 10;
+ else if (*lpsz >= 'a' && *lpsz <= 'f')
+ Value = (Value << 4) + *lpsz - 'a' + 10;
+ else
+ return(FALSE);
+ }
+ if (chDelim != 0)
+ return *lpsz++ == chDelim;
+ else
+ return TRUE;
+// Function: CLSIDFromString
+// Synopsis: Parse above format; always writes over *pguid.
+// Arguments: [lpsz] - the guid string to convert
+// [pguid] - guid to return
+// Returns: TRUE if successful
+BOOL ScanCLSID(LPSTR lpsz, CLSID *pClsid)
+ DWORD dw;
+ if (*lpsz++ != '{')
+ return FALSE;
+ if (!HexStringToDword(lpsz, pClsid->Data1, sizeof(DWORD)*2, '-'))
+ return FALSE;
+ if (!HexStringToDword(lpsz, dw, sizeof(WORD)*2, '-'))
+ return FALSE;
+ pClsid->Data2 = (WORD)dw;
+ if (!HexStringToDword(lpsz, dw, sizeof(WORD)*2, '-'))
+ return FALSE;
+ pClsid->Data3 = (WORD)dw;
+ if (!HexStringToDword(lpsz, dw, sizeof(BYTE)*2, 0))
+ return FALSE;
+ pClsid->Data4[0] = (BYTE)dw;
+ if (!HexStringToDword(lpsz, dw, sizeof(BYTE)*2, '-'))
+ return FALSE;
+ pClsid->Data4[1] = (BYTE)dw;
+ if (!HexStringToDword(lpsz, dw, sizeof(BYTE)*2, 0))
+ return FALSE;
+ pClsid->Data4[2] = (BYTE)dw;
+ if (!HexStringToDword(lpsz, dw, sizeof(BYTE)*2, 0))
+ return FALSE;
+ pClsid->Data4[3] = (BYTE)dw;
+ if (!HexStringToDword(lpsz, dw, sizeof(BYTE)*2, 0))
+ return FALSE;
+ pClsid->Data4[4] = (BYTE)dw;
+ if (!HexStringToDword(lpsz, dw, sizeof(BYTE)*2, 0))
+ return FALSE;
+ pClsid->Data4[5] = (BYTE)dw;
+ if (!HexStringToDword(lpsz, dw, sizeof(BYTE)*2, 0))
+ return FALSE;
+ pClsid->Data4[6] = (BYTE)dw;
+ if (!HexStringToDword(lpsz, dw, sizeof(BYTE)*2, /*(*/ '}'))
+ return FALSE;
+ pClsid->Data4[7] = (BYTE)dw;
+ return TRUE;
+// Function: FormatCLSID
+// Synopsis: converts GUID into {...} form without leading identifier;
+// Arguments: [rguid] - the guid to convert
+// [lpszy] - buffer to hold the results
+// [cbMax] - sizeof the buffer
+// Returns: amount of data copied to lpsz if successful
+// 0 if buffer too small.
+void FormatCLSID(REFGUID rguid, LPSTR lpsz)
+ wsprintf(lpsz, "{%08lX-%04X-%04X-%02X%02X-%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X}\0",
+ rguid.Data1, rguid.Data2, rguid.Data3,
+ rguid.Data4[0], rguid.Data4[1],
+ rguid.Data4[2], rguid.Data4[3],
+ rguid.Data4[4], rguid.Data4[5],
+ rguid.Data4[6], rguid.Data4[7]);
+extern BOOL fScmNeedsInit;
+extern BOOL fInScm;
+// Function: CheckForScm
+// Synopsis: Checks whether the debuggee is 'scm'
+// Arguments: -
+// Returns: Sets global boolean fInScm to TRUE if this is the scm;
+// FALSE otherwise
+void checkForScm(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis)
+ ULONG padr = NULL;
+ if (fScmNeedsInit)
+ {
+ fScmNeedsInit = FALSE;
+ padr = GetExpression("scm!CPerMachineROT__CPerMachineROT");
+ fInScm = padr != NULL ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ }
+// Function: NotInScm
+// Synopsis: Prints error message
+// Arguments: -
+// Returns:
+void NotInScm(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis)
+ Printf("...not meaningful in the scm\n");
+// Function: NotInOle
+// Synopsis: Prints error message
+// Arguments: -
+// Returns:
+void NotInOle(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis)
+ Printf("...only meaningful in the scm\n");
+// F O R D E B U G G I N G
+void dbTrace(char *sz, DWORD *adr, ULONG amt,
+ UINT k;
+ Printf("\n%s", sz);
+ for (k = 0; k < amt; k++)
+ {
+ if (k % 8 == 0)
+ {
+ Printf("\n");
+ }
+ Printf("%08x ", *adr++);
+ }
+ Printf("\n");
+// Function: GetRegistryInterfaceName
+// Algorithm: Fetch the name from the registry for the specified interface
+// History: 21-Jun-95 BruceMa Created
+BOOL GetRegistryInterfaceName(REFIID iid, char *szValue, DWORD *pcbValue)
+ HKEY hKey;
+ char szInterface[32 + 1 + CLSIDSTR_MAX];
+ DWORD dwValueType;
+ HKEY hClsidKey;
+ HKEY hInproc32Key;
+ // Prepare to open the "...Interface\<iid>" key
+ FormatCLSID(iid, szIID);
+ lstrcpy(szInterface, "Interface\\");
+ lstrcat(szInterface, szIID);
+ // Open the key for the specified interface
+ if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szInterface, dwRESERVED,
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ // Read the value as the interface name
+ if (RegQueryValueEx(hKey, NULL, NULL, &dwValueType,
+ (LPBYTE) szValue, pcbValue) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ CloseHandle(hKey);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ // Close registry handle and return success
+ CloseHandle(hKey);
+ return TRUE;
+// Function: GetRegistryClsidKey
+// Algorithm: Fetch the value from the registry for the specified clsid
+// and key
+// History: 21-Jun-95 BruceMa Created
+BOOL GetRegistryClsidKey(REFCLSID clsid, char *szKey,
+ char *szValue, DWORD *pcbValue)
+ HKEY hKey;
+ char szClsid[5 + 1 + CLSIDSTR_MAX + 1 + 32];
+ DWORD dwValueType;
+ HKEY hClsidKey;
+ HKEY hInproc32Key;
+ // Prepare to open the "...Interface\<clsid>" key
+ FormatCLSID(clsid, szCLSID);
+ lstrcpy(szClsid, "CLSID\\");
+ lstrcat(szClsid, szCLSID);
+ lstrcat(szClsid,"\\");
+ lstrcat(szClsid, szKey);
+ // Open the key for the specified clsid and key
+ if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szClsid, dwRESERVED,
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ // Read the value for the specified key
+ if (RegQueryValueEx(hKey, NULL, NULL, &dwValueType,
+ (LPBYTE) szValue, pcbValue) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ CloseHandle(hKey);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ // Close registry handle and return success
+ CloseHandle(hKey);
+ return TRUE;