path: root/public/sdk/inc/mfc42/afxcmn.h
diff options
authorAdam <>2020-05-17 05:51:50 +0200
committerAdam <>2020-05-17 05:51:50 +0200
commite611b132f9b8abe35b362e5870b74bce94a1e58e (patch)
treea5781d2ec0e085eeca33cf350cf878f2efea6fe5 /public/sdk/inc/mfc42/afxcmn.h
Diffstat (limited to 'public/sdk/inc/mfc42/afxcmn.h')
1 files changed, 919 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/public/sdk/inc/mfc42/afxcmn.h b/public/sdk/inc/mfc42/afxcmn.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..57f99a2fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/sdk/inc/mfc42/afxcmn.h
@@ -0,0 +1,919 @@
+// This is a part of the Microsoft Foundation Classes C++ library.
+// Copyright (C) 1992-1995 Microsoft Corporation
+// All rights reserved.
+// This source code is only intended as a supplement to the
+// Microsoft Foundation Classes Reference and related
+// electronic documentation provided with the library.
+// See these sources for detailed information regarding the
+// Microsoft Foundation Classes product.
+#ifndef __AFXCMN_H__
+#define __AFXCMN_H__
+ #error Windows Common Control classes not supported in this library variant.
+#ifndef __AFXWIN_H__
+ #include <afxwin.h>
+#pragma component(minrebuild, off)
+#pragma component(mintypeinfo, on)
+#define IMAGE_BITMAP 0
+#ifndef _MAC
+// Win32 libraries
+#else //!_MAC
+// Mac libraries
+// RichEdit requires OLE
+#if !defined(_AFXDLL) && !defined(_USRDLL)
+ #ifdef _DEBUG
+ #pragma comment(lib, "wlmoled.lib")
+ #else
+ #pragma comment(lib, "wlmole.lib")
+ #endif
+ #ifdef _DEBUG
+ #pragma comment(lib, "msvcoled.lib")
+ #else
+ #pragma comment(lib, "msvcole.lib")
+ #endif
+#pragma comment(lib, "uuid.lib")
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ #pragma comment(lib, "ole2d.lib")
+ #pragma comment(lib, "ole2autd.lib")
+ #pragma comment(lib, "ole2.lib")
+ #pragma comment(lib, "ole2auto.lib")
+#endif //_MAC
+#endif //!_AFX_NOFORCE_LIBS
+#ifdef _AFX_PACKING
+#pragma pack(push, _AFX_PACKING)
+ #ifndef _RICHEDIT_
+ #include <richedit.h>
+ #endif
+ #ifdef __AFXOLE_H__ // only include richole if OLE support is included
+ #ifndef _RICHOLE_
+ #include <richole.h>
+ #define _RICHOLE_
+ #endif
+ #else
+ struct IRichEditOle;
+ struct IRichEditOleCallback;
+ #endif
+// AFXCMN - MFC COMCTL32 Control Classes
+// Classes declared in this file
+ class CToolInfo;
+ class CImageList;
+ //CCmdTarget;
+ //CWnd
+ // class CListBox;
+ class CDragListBox;
+ class CListCtrl;
+ class CTreeCtrl;
+ class CSpinButtonCtrl;
+ class CHeaderCtrl;
+ class CSliderCtrl;
+ class CProgressCtrl;
+ class CHotKeyCtrl;
+ class CToolTipCtrl;
+ class CTabCtrl;
+ class CAnimateCtrl;
+ class CToolBarCtrl;
+ class CStatusBarCtrl;
+ class CRichEditCtrl;
+#undef AFX_DATA
+// CToolInfo
+#ifdef _UNICODE
+class CToolInfo : public tagTOOLINFOW
+class CToolInfo : public tagTOOLINFOA
+ TCHAR szText[256];
+// CDragListBox
+class CDragListBox : public CListBox
+// Constructors
+ CDragListBox();
+// Attributes
+ int ItemFromPt(CPoint pt, BOOL bAutoScroll = TRUE) const;
+// Operations
+ virtual void DrawInsert(int nItem);
+// Overridables
+ virtual BOOL BeginDrag(CPoint pt);
+ virtual void CancelDrag(CPoint pt);
+ virtual UINT Dragging(CPoint pt);
+ virtual void Dropped(int nSrcIndex, CPoint pt);
+// Implementation
+ int m_nLast;
+ void DrawSingle(int nIndex);
+ virtual void PreSubclassWindow();
+ virtual ~CDragListBox();
+ virtual BOOL OnChildNotify(UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM, LRESULT*);
+// CStatusBarCtrl
+class CStatusBarCtrl : public CWnd
+// Constructors
+ CStatusBarCtrl();
+ BOOL Create(DWORD dwStyle, const RECT& rect, CWnd* pParentWnd, UINT nID);
+// Attributes
+ BOOL SetText(LPCTSTR lpszText, int nPane, int nType);
+ CString GetText(int nPane, int* pType = NULL) const;
+ int GetText(LPCTSTR lpszText, int nPane, int* pType = NULL) const;
+ int GetTextLength(int nPane, int* pType = NULL) const;
+ BOOL SetParts(int nParts, int* pWidths);
+ int GetParts(int nParts, int* pParts) const;
+ BOOL GetBorders(int* pBorders) const;
+ BOOL GetBorders(int& nHorz, int& nVert, int& nSpacing) const;
+ void SetMinHeight(int nMin);
+ BOOL SetSimple(BOOL bSimple = TRUE);
+ BOOL GetRect(int nPane, LPRECT lpRect) const;
+// Overridables
+ virtual void DrawItem(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDrawItemStruct);
+// Implementation
+ virtual ~CStatusBarCtrl();
+ virtual BOOL OnChildNotify(UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM, LRESULT*);
+// CListCtrl
+class CListCtrl : public CWnd
+// Constructors
+ CListCtrl();
+ BOOL Create(DWORD dwStyle, const RECT& rect, CWnd* pParentWnd, UINT nID);
+// Attributes
+ COLORREF GetBkColor() const;
+ BOOL SetBkColor(COLORREF cr);
+ CImageList* GetImageList(int nImageList) const;
+ CImageList* SetImageList(CImageList* pImageList, int nImageListType);
+ int GetItemCount() const;
+ BOOL GetItem(LV_ITEM* pItem) const;
+ BOOL SetItem(const LV_ITEM* pItem);
+ BOOL SetItem(int nItem, int nSubItem, UINT nMask, LPCTSTR lpszItem,
+ int nImage, UINT nState, UINT nStateMask, LPARAM lParam);
+ UINT GetCallbackMask() const;
+ BOOL SetCallbackMask(UINT nMask);
+ int GetNextItem(int nItem, int nFlags) const;
+ BOOL GetItemRect(int nItem, LPRECT lpRect, UINT nCode) const;
+ BOOL SetItemPosition(int nItem, POINT pt);
+ BOOL GetItemPosition(int nItem, LPPOINT lpPoint) const;
+ int GetStringWidth(LPCTSTR lpsz) const;
+ CEdit* GetEditControl() const;
+ BOOL GetColumn(int nCol, LV_COLUMN* pColumn) const;
+ BOOL SetColumn(int nCol, const LV_COLUMN* pColumn);
+ int GetColumnWidth(int nCol) const;
+ BOOL SetColumnWidth(int nCol, int cx);
+ BOOL GetViewRect(LPRECT lpRect) const;
+ COLORREF GetTextColor() const;
+ BOOL SetTextColor(COLORREF cr);
+ COLORREF GetTextBkColor() const;
+ BOOL SetTextBkColor(COLORREF cr);
+ int GetTopIndex() const;
+ int GetCountPerPage() const;
+ BOOL GetOrigin(LPPOINT lpPoint) const;
+ BOOL SetItemState(int nItem, LV_ITEM* pItem);
+ BOOL SetItemState(int nItem, UINT nState, UINT nMask);
+ UINT GetItemState(int nItem, UINT nMask) const;
+ CString GetItemText(int nItem, int nSubItem) const;
+ int GetItemText(int nItem, int nSubItem, LPTSTR lpszText, int nLen) const;
+ BOOL SetItemText(int nItem, int nSubItem, LPCTSTR lpszText);
+ void SetItemCount(int nItems);
+ BOOL SetItemData(int nItem, DWORD dwData);
+ DWORD GetItemData(int nItem) const;
+ UINT GetSelectedCount() const;
+// Operations
+ int InsertItem(const LV_ITEM* pItem);
+ int InsertItem(int nItem, LPCTSTR lpszItem);
+ int InsertItem(int nItem, LPCTSTR lpszItem, int nImage);
+ BOOL DeleteItem(int nItem);
+ BOOL DeleteAllItems();
+ int FindItem(LV_FINDINFO* pFindInfo, int nStart = -1) const;
+ int HitTest(LV_HITTESTINFO* pHitTestInfo) const;
+ int HitTest(CPoint pt, UINT* pFlags = NULL) const;
+ BOOL EnsureVisible(int nItem, BOOL bPartialOK);
+ BOOL Scroll(CSize size);
+ BOOL RedrawItems(int nFirst, int nLast);
+ BOOL Arrange(UINT nCode);
+ CEdit* EditLabel(int nItem);
+ int InsertColumn(int nCol, const LV_COLUMN* pColumn);
+ int InsertColumn(int nCol, LPCTSTR lpszColumnHeading,
+ int nFormat = LVCFMT_LEFT, int nWidth = -1, int nSubItem = -1);
+ BOOL DeleteColumn(int nCol);
+ CImageList* CreateDragImage(int nItem, LPPOINT lpPoint);
+ BOOL Update(int nItem);
+ BOOL SortItems(PFNLVCOMPARE pfnCompare, DWORD dwData);
+// Overridables
+ virtual void DrawItem(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDrawItemStruct);
+// Implementation
+ int InsertItem(UINT nMask, int nItem, LPCTSTR lpszItem, UINT nState,
+ UINT nStateMask, int nImage, LPARAM lParam);
+ virtual ~CListCtrl();
+ void RemoveImageList(int nImageList);
+ virtual BOOL OnChildNotify(UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM, LRESULT*);
+ //{{AFX_MSG(CListCtrl)
+ afx_msg void OnNcDestroy();
+ //}}AFX_MSG
+// CTreeCtrl
+class CTreeCtrl : public CWnd
+// Constructors
+ CTreeCtrl();
+ BOOL Create(DWORD dwStyle, const RECT& rect, CWnd* pParentWnd, UINT nID);
+// Attributes
+ BOOL GetItemRect(HTREEITEM hItem, LPRECT lpRect, BOOL bTextOnly) const;
+ UINT GetCount() const;
+ UINT GetIndent() const;
+ void SetIndent(UINT nIndent);
+ CImageList* GetImageList(UINT nImageList) const;
+ CImageList* SetImageList(CImageList* pImageList, int nImageListType);
+ HTREEITEM GetNextItem(HTREEITEM hItem, UINT nCode) const;
+ HTREEITEM GetChildItem(HTREEITEM hItem) const;
+ HTREEITEM GetNextSiblingItem(HTREEITEM hItem) const;
+ HTREEITEM GetPrevSiblingItem(HTREEITEM hItem) const;
+ HTREEITEM GetParentItem(HTREEITEM hItem) const;
+ HTREEITEM GetFirstVisibleItem() const;
+ HTREEITEM GetNextVisibleItem(HTREEITEM hItem) const;
+ HTREEITEM GetPrevVisibleItem(HTREEITEM hItem) const;
+ HTREEITEM GetSelectedItem() const;
+ HTREEITEM GetDropHilightItem() const;
+ HTREEITEM GetRootItem() const;
+ BOOL GetItem(TV_ITEM* pItem) const;
+ CString GetItemText(HTREEITEM hItem) const;
+ BOOL GetItemImage(HTREEITEM hItem, int& nImage, int& nSelectedImage) const;
+ UINT GetItemState(HTREEITEM hItem, UINT nStateMask) const;
+ DWORD GetItemData(HTREEITEM hItem) const;
+ BOOL SetItem(TV_ITEM* pItem);
+ BOOL SetItem(HTREEITEM hItem, UINT nMask, LPCTSTR lpszItem, int nImage,
+ int nSelectedImage, UINT nState, UINT nStateMask, LPARAM lParam);
+ BOOL SetItemText(HTREEITEM hItem, LPCTSTR lpszItem);
+ BOOL SetItemImage(HTREEITEM hItem, int nImage, int nSelectedImage);
+ BOOL SetItemState(HTREEITEM hItem, UINT nState, UINT nStateMask);
+ BOOL SetItemData(HTREEITEM hItem, DWORD dwData);
+ BOOL ItemHasChildren(HTREEITEM hItem) const;
+ CEdit* GetEditControl() const;
+ UINT GetVisibleCount() const;
+// Operations
+ HTREEITEM InsertItem(UINT nMask, LPCTSTR lpszItem, int nImage,
+ int nSelectedImage, UINT nState, UINT nStateMask, LPARAM lParam,
+ HTREEITEM hParent, HTREEITEM hInsertAfter);
+ HTREEITEM hInsertAfter = TVI_LAST);
+ HTREEITEM InsertItem(LPCTSTR lpszItem, int nImage, int nSelectedImage,
+ BOOL DeleteItem(HTREEITEM hItem);
+ BOOL DeleteAllItems();
+ BOOL Expand(HTREEITEM hItem, UINT nCode);
+ BOOL Select(HTREEITEM hItem, UINT nCode);
+ BOOL SelectItem(HTREEITEM hItem);
+ BOOL SelectDropTarget(HTREEITEM hItem);
+ BOOL SelectSetFirstVisible(HTREEITEM hItem);
+ CEdit* EditLabel(HTREEITEM hItem);
+ HTREEITEM HitTest(CPoint pt, UINT* pFlags = NULL) const;
+ HTREEITEM HitTest(TV_HITTESTINFO* pHitTestInfo) const;
+ CImageList* CreateDragImage(HTREEITEM hItem);
+ BOOL SortChildren(HTREEITEM hItem);
+ BOOL EnsureVisible(HTREEITEM hItem);
+ BOOL SortChildrenCB(LPTV_SORTCB pSort);
+// Implementation
+ void RemoveImageList(int nImageList);
+ virtual ~CTreeCtrl();
+ //{{AFX_MSG(CTreeCtrl)
+ afx_msg void OnDestroy();
+ //}}AFX_MSG
+// CSpinButtonCtrl
+class CSpinButtonCtrl : public CWnd
+// Constructors
+ CSpinButtonCtrl();
+ BOOL Create(DWORD dwStyle, const RECT& rect, CWnd* pParentWnd, UINT nID);
+// Attributes
+ BOOL SetAccel(int nAccel, UDACCEL* pAccel);
+ UINT GetAccel(int nAccel, UDACCEL* pAccel) const;
+ int SetBase(int nBase);
+ UINT GetBase() const;
+ CWnd* SetBuddy(CWnd* pWndBuddy);
+ CWnd* GetBuddy() const;
+ int SetPos(int nPos);
+ int GetPos() const;
+ void SetRange(int nLower, int nUpper);
+ DWORD GetRange() const;
+ void GetRange(int &lower, int& upper) const;
+// Implementation
+ virtual ~CSpinButtonCtrl();
+// CSliderCtrl
+class CSliderCtrl : public CWnd
+// Constructors
+ CSliderCtrl();
+ BOOL Create(DWORD dwStyle, const RECT& rect, CWnd* pParentWnd, UINT nID);
+// Attributes
+ int GetLineSize() const;
+ int SetLineSize(int nSize);
+ int GetPageSize() const;
+ int SetPageSize(int nSize);
+ int GetRangeMax() const;
+ int GetRangeMin() const;
+ void GetRange(int& nMin, int& nMax) const;
+ void SetRangeMin(int nMin, BOOL bRedraw = FALSE);
+ void SetRangeMax(int nMax, BOOL bRedraw = FALSE);
+ void SetRange(int nMin, int nMax, BOOL bRedraw = FALSE);
+ void GetSelection(int& nMin, int& nMax) const;
+ void SetSelection(int nMin, int nMax);
+ void GetChannelRect(LPRECT lprc) const;
+ void GetThumbRect(LPRECT lprc) const;
+ int GetPos() const;
+ void SetPos(int nPos);
+ UINT GetNumTics() const;
+ DWORD* GetTicArray() const;
+ int GetTic(int nTic) const;
+ int GetTicPos(int nTic) const;
+ BOOL SetTic(int nTic);
+ void SetTicFreq(int nFreq);
+// Operations
+ void ClearSel(BOOL bRedraw = FALSE);
+ void VerifyPos();
+ void ClearTics(BOOL bRedraw = FALSE);
+// Implementation
+ virtual ~CSliderCtrl();
+// CProgressCtrl
+class CProgressCtrl : public CWnd
+// Constructors
+ CProgressCtrl();
+ BOOL Create(DWORD dwStyle, const RECT& rect, CWnd* pParentWnd, UINT nID);
+// Attributes
+ void SetRange(int nLower, int nUpper);
+ int SetPos(int nPos);
+ int OffsetPos(int nPos);
+ int SetStep(int nStep);
+// Operations
+ int StepIt();
+// Implementation
+ virtual ~CProgressCtrl();
+// CHeaderCtrl
+class CHeaderCtrl : public CWnd
+// Constructors
+ CHeaderCtrl();
+ BOOL Create(DWORD dwStyle, const RECT& rect, CWnd* pParentWnd, UINT nID);
+// Attributes
+ int GetItemCount() const;
+ BOOL GetItem(int nPos, HD_ITEM* pHeaderItem) const;
+ BOOL SetItem(int nPos, HD_ITEM* pHeaderItem);
+// Operations
+ int InsertItem(int nPos, HD_ITEM* phdi);
+ BOOL DeleteItem(int nPos);
+ BOOL Layout(HD_LAYOUT* pHeaderLayout);
+// Overridables
+ virtual void DrawItem(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDrawItemStruct);
+// Implementation
+ virtual ~CHeaderCtrl();
+ virtual BOOL OnChildNotify(UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM, LRESULT*);
+// CHotKeyCtrl
+class CHotKeyCtrl : public CWnd
+// Constructors
+ CHotKeyCtrl();
+ BOOL Create(DWORD dwStyle, const RECT& rect, CWnd* pParentWnd, UINT nID);
+// Attributes
+ void SetHotKey(WORD wVirtualKeyCode, WORD wModifiers);
+ DWORD GetHotKey() const;
+ void GetHotKey(WORD &wVirtualKeyCode, WORD &wModifiers) const;
+// Operations
+ void SetRules(WORD wInvalidComb, WORD wModifiers);
+// Implementation
+ virtual ~CHotKeyCtrl();
+// CToolTipCtrl
+class CToolTipCtrl : public CWnd
+// Constructors
+ CToolTipCtrl();
+ BOOL Create(CWnd* pParentWnd, DWORD dwStyle = 0);
+// Attributes
+ void GetText(CString& str, CWnd* pWnd, UINT nIDTool = 0) const;
+ BOOL GetToolInfo(CToolInfo& ToolInfo, CWnd* pWnd, UINT nIDTool = 0) const;
+ void SetToolInfo(LPTOOLINFO lpToolInfo);
+ void SetToolRect(CWnd* pWnd, UINT nIDTool, LPCRECT lpRect);
+ int GetToolCount() const;
+// Operations
+ void Activate(BOOL bActivate);
+ BOOL AddTool(CWnd* pWnd, UINT nIDText, LPCRECT lpRectTool = NULL,
+ UINT nIDTool = 0);
+ LPCRECT lpRectTool = NULL, UINT nIDTool = 0);
+ void DelTool(CWnd* pWnd, UINT nIDTool = 0);
+ BOOL HitTest(CWnd* pWnd, CPoint pt, LPTOOLINFO lpToolInfo) const;
+ void RelayEvent(LPMSG lpMsg);
+ void SetDelayTime(UINT nDelay);
+ void UpdateTipText(LPCTSTR lpszText, CWnd* pWnd, UINT nIDTool = 0);
+ void UpdateTipText(UINT nIDText, CWnd* pWnd, UINT nIDTool = 0);
+// Implementation
+ void FillInToolInfo(TOOLINFO& ti, CWnd* pWnd, UINT nIDTool) const;
+ virtual ~CToolTipCtrl();
+ BOOL DestroyToolTipCtrl();
+ //{{AFX_MSG(CToolTipCtrl)
+ afx_msg LRESULT OnDisableModal(WPARAM, LPARAM);
+ afx_msg LRESULT OnWindowFromPoint(WPARAM, LPARAM);
+ afx_msg LRESULT OnAddTool(WPARAM, LPARAM);
+ //}}AFX_MSG
+ CMapStringToPtr m_mapString;
+ friend class CWnd;
+ friend class CToolBar;
+// CTabCtrl
+class CTabCtrl : public CWnd
+// Constructors
+ CTabCtrl();
+ BOOL Create(DWORD dwStyle, const RECT& rect, CWnd* pParentWnd, UINT nID);
+// Attributes
+ CImageList* GetImageList() const;
+ CImageList* SetImageList(CImageList* pImageList);
+ int GetItemCount() const;
+ BOOL GetItem(int nItem, TC_ITEM* pTabCtrlItem) const;
+ BOOL SetItem(int nItem, TC_ITEM* pTabCtrlItem);
+ BOOL GetItemRect(int nItem, LPRECT lpRect) const;
+ int GetCurSel() const;
+ int SetCurSel(int nItem);
+ CSize SetItemSize(CSize size);
+ void SetPadding(CSize size);
+ int GetRowCount() const;
+ CToolTipCtrl* GetTooltips() const;
+ void SetTooltips(CToolTipCtrl* pWndTip);
+ int GetCurFocus() const;
+// Operations
+ BOOL InsertItem(int nItem, TC_ITEM* pTabCtrlItem);
+ BOOL DeleteItem(int nItem);
+ BOOL DeleteAllItems();
+ void AdjustRect(BOOL bLarger, LPRECT lpRect);
+ void RemoveImage(int nImage);
+ int HitTest(TC_HITTESTINFO* pHitTestInfo) const;
+// Overridables
+ virtual void DrawItem(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDrawItemStruct);
+// Implementation
+ virtual ~CTabCtrl();
+ virtual BOOL OnChildNotify(UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM, LRESULT*);
+ //{{AFX_MSG(CTabCtrl)
+ afx_msg void OnDestroy();
+ //}}AFX_MSG
+// CAnimateCtrl
+class CAnimateCtrl : public CWnd
+// Constructors
+ CAnimateCtrl();
+ BOOL Create(DWORD dwStyle, const RECT& rect, CWnd* pParentWnd, UINT nID);
+// Operations
+ BOOL Open(LPCTSTR lpszFileName);
+ BOOL Open(UINT nID);
+ BOOL Play(UINT nFrom, UINT nTo, UINT nRep);
+ BOOL Stop();
+ BOOL Close();
+ BOOL Seek(UINT nTo);
+// Implementation
+ virtual ~CAnimateCtrl();
+// CImageList
+class CImageList : public CObject
+// Constructors
+ CImageList();
+ BOOL Create(int cx, int cy, UINT nFlags, int nInitial, int nGrow);
+ BOOL Create(UINT nBitmapID, int cx, int nGrow, COLORREF crMask);
+ BOOL Create(LPCTSTR lpszBitmapID, int cx, int nGrow, COLORREF crMask);
+ BOOL Create(CImageList& imagelist1, int nImage1, CImageList& imagelist2,
+ int nImage2, int dx, int dy);
+// Attributes
+ HIMAGELIST m_hImageList; // must be first data member
+ operator HIMAGELIST() const;
+ HIMAGELIST GetSafeHandle() const;
+ static CImageList* PASCAL FromHandle(HIMAGELIST hImageList);
+ static CImageList* PASCAL FromHandlePermanent(HIMAGELIST hImageList);
+ static void PASCAL DeleteTempMap();
+ BOOL Attach(HIMAGELIST hImageList);
+ HIMAGELIST Detach();
+ int GetImageCount() const;
+ COLORREF GetBkColor() const;
+ BOOL GetImageInfo(int nImage, IMAGEINFO* pImageInfo) const;
+// Operations
+ BOOL DeleteImageList();
+ int Add(CBitmap* pbmImage, CBitmap* pbmMask);
+ int Add(CBitmap* pbmImage, COLORREF crMask);
+ BOOL Remove(int nImage);
+ BOOL Replace(int nImage, CBitmap* pbmImage, CBitmap* pbmMask);
+ int Add(HICON hIcon);
+ int Replace(int nImage, HICON hIcon);
+ HICON ExtractIcon(int nImage);
+ BOOL Draw(CDC* pDC, int nImage, POINT pt, UINT nStyle);
+ BOOL SetOverlayImage(int nImage, int nOverlay);
+ BOOL Read(CArchive* pArchive);
+ BOOL Write(CArchive* pArchive);
+// Drag APIs
+ BOOL BeginDrag(int nImage, CPoint ptHotSpot);
+ static void PASCAL EndDrag();
+ static BOOL PASCAL DragMove(CPoint pt);
+ BOOL SetDragCursorImage(int nDrag, CPoint ptHotSpot);
+ static BOOL PASCAL DragShowNolock(BOOL bShow);
+ static CImageList* PASCAL GetDragImage(LPPOINT lpPoint, LPPOINT lpPointHotSpot);
+ static BOOL PASCAL DragEnter(CWnd* pWndLock, CPoint point);
+ static BOOL PASCAL DragLeave(CWnd* pWndLock);
+// Implementation
+ virtual ~CImageList();
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const;
+ virtual void AssertValid() const;
+// CToolBarCtrl
+class CToolBarCtrl : public CWnd
+// Construction
+ CToolBarCtrl();
+ BOOL Create(DWORD dwStyle, const RECT& rect, CWnd* pParentWnd, UINT nID);
+// Attributes
+ BOOL IsButtonEnabled(int nID) const;
+ BOOL IsButtonChecked(int nID) const;
+ BOOL IsButtonPressed(int nID) const;
+ BOOL IsButtonHidden(int nID) const;
+ BOOL IsButtonIndeterminate(int nID) const;
+ BOOL SetState(int nID, UINT nState);
+ int GetState(int nID) const;
+ BOOL GetButton(int nIndex, LPTBBUTTON lpButton) const;
+ int GetButtonCount() const;
+ BOOL GetItemRect(int nIndex, LPRECT lpRect) const;
+ void SetButtonStructSize(int nSize);
+ BOOL SetButtonSize(CSize size);
+ BOOL SetBitmapSize(CSize size);
+ CToolTipCtrl* GetToolTips() const;
+ void SetToolTips(CToolTipCtrl* pTip);
+ void SetOwner(CWnd* pWnd);
+ void SetRows(int nRows, BOOL bLarger, LPRECT lpRect);
+ int GetRows() const;
+ BOOL SetCmdID(int nIndex, UINT nID);
+ UINT GetBitmapFlags() const;
+// Operations
+ BOOL EnableButton(int nID, BOOL bEnable = TRUE);
+ BOOL CheckButton(int nID, BOOL bCheck = TRUE);
+ BOOL PressButton(int nID, BOOL bPress = TRUE);
+ BOOL HideButton(int nID, BOOL bHide = TRUE);
+ BOOL Indeterminate(int nID, BOOL bIndeterminate = TRUE);
+ int AddBitmap(int nNumButtons, UINT nBitmapID);
+ int AddBitmap(int nNumButtons, CBitmap* pBitmap);
+ BOOL AddButtons(int nNumButtons, LPTBBUTTON lpButtons);
+ BOOL InsertButton(int nIndex, LPTBBUTTON lpButton);
+ BOOL DeleteButton(int nIndex);
+ UINT CommandToIndex(UINT nID) const;
+ void SaveState(HKEY hKeyRoot, LPCTSTR lpszSubKey,
+ LPCTSTR lpszValueName);
+ void RestoreState(HKEY hKeyRoot, LPCTSTR lpszSubKey,
+ LPCTSTR lpszValueName);
+ void Customize();
+ int AddString(UINT nStringID);
+ int AddStrings(LPCTSTR lpszStrings);
+ void AutoSize();
+// Implementation
+ virtual ~CToolBarCtrl();
+ //{{AFX_MSG(CToolBarCtrl)
+ afx_msg int OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct);
+ //}}AFX_MSG
+// CRichEditCtrl
+class CRichEditCtrl : public CWnd
+// Constructors
+ CRichEditCtrl();
+ BOOL Create(DWORD dwStyle, const RECT& rect, CWnd* pParentWnd, UINT nID);
+// Attributes
+ BOOL CanUndo() const;
+ int GetLineCount() const;
+ BOOL GetModify() const;
+ void SetModify(BOOL bModified = TRUE);
+ void GetRect(LPRECT lpRect) const;
+ CPoint GetCharPos(long lChar) const;
+ void SetOptions(WORD wOp, DWORD dwFlags);
+ // NOTE: first word in lpszBuffer must contain the size of the buffer!
+ int GetLine(int nIndex, LPTSTR lpszBuffer) const;
+ int GetLine(int nIndex, LPTSTR lpszBuffer, int nMaxLength) const;
+ BOOL CanPaste(UINT nFormat = 0) const;
+ void GetSel(long& nStartChar, long& nEndChar) const;
+ void GetSel(CHARRANGE &cr) const;
+ void LimitText(long nChars = 0);
+ long LineFromChar(long nIndex) const;
+ void SetSel(long nStartChar, long nEndChar);
+ void SetSel(CHARRANGE &cr);
+ DWORD GetDefaultCharFormat(CHARFORMAT &cf) const;
+ DWORD GetSelectionCharFormat(CHARFORMAT &cf) const;
+ long GetEventMask() const;
+ long GetLimitText() const;
+ DWORD GetParaFormat(PARAFORMAT &pf) const;
+ // richedit EM_GETSELTEXT is ANSI
+ long GetSelText(LPSTR lpBuf) const;
+ CString GetSelText() const;
+ WORD GetSelectionType() const;
+ COLORREF SetBackgroundColor(BOOL bSysColor, COLORREF cr);
+ BOOL SetDefaultCharFormat(CHARFORMAT &cf);
+ BOOL SetSelectionCharFormat(CHARFORMAT &cf);
+ BOOL SetWordCharFormat(CHARFORMAT &cf);
+ DWORD SetEventMask(DWORD dwEventMask);
+ BOOL SetParaFormat(PARAFORMAT &pf);
+ BOOL SetTargetDevice(HDC hDC, long lLineWidth);
+ BOOL SetTargetDevice(CDC &dc, long lLineWidth);
+ long GetTextLength() const;
+ BOOL SetReadOnly(BOOL bReadOnly = TRUE);
+ int GetFirstVisibleLine() const;
+// Operations
+ void EmptyUndoBuffer();
+ int LineIndex(int nLine = -1) const;
+ int LineLength(int nLine = -1) const;
+ void LineScroll(int nLines, int nChars = 0);
+ void ReplaceSel(LPCTSTR lpszNewText, BOOL bCanUndo = FALSE);
+ void SetRect(LPCRECT lpRect);
+ BOOL DisplayBand(LPRECT pDisplayRect);
+ long FindText(DWORD dwFlags, FINDTEXTEX* pFindText) const;
+ long FormatRange(FORMATRANGE* pfr, BOOL bDisplay = TRUE);
+ void HideSelection(BOOL bHide, BOOL bPerm);
+ void PasteSpecial(UINT nClipFormat, DWORD dvAspect = 0, HMETAFILE hMF = 0);
+ void RequestResize();
+ long StreamIn(int nFormat, EDITSTREAM &es);
+ long StreamOut(int nFormat, EDITSTREAM &es);
+ // Clipboard operations
+ BOOL Undo();
+ void Clear();
+ void Copy();
+ void Cut();
+ void Paste();
+// OLE support
+ IRichEditOle* GetIRichEditOle() const;
+ BOOL SetOLECallback(IRichEditOleCallback* pCallback);
+// Implementation
+ virtual ~CRichEditCtrl();
+// Inline function declarations
+#ifdef _AFX_PACKING
+#pragma pack(pop)
+#define _AFXCMN_INLINE inline
+#include <afxcmn.inl>
+#undef AFX_DATA
+#define AFX_DATA
+#pragma component(minrebuild, on)
+#pragma component(mintypeinfo, off)
+#endif //__AFXCMN_H__