path: root/private/crt32/string/i386/memset.asm
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Diffstat (limited to 'private/crt32/string/i386/memset.asm')
1 files changed, 127 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/private/crt32/string/i386/memset.asm b/private/crt32/string/i386/memset.asm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6a6f2ca58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/crt32/string/i386/memset.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+ page ,132
+ title memset - set sections of memory all to one byte
+;memset.asm - set a section of memory to all one byte
+; Copyright (c) 1985-1991, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+; contains the memset() routine
+;Revision History:
+; 05-07-84 RN initial version
+; 06-30-87 SKS faster algorithm
+; 05-17-88 SJM Add model-independent (large model) ifdef
+; 08-04-88 SJM convert to cruntime/ add 32-bit support
+; 08-19-88 JCR Enable word alignment code for all models/CPUs,
+; Some code improvement
+; 10-25-88 JCR General cleanup for 386-only code
+; 10-27-88 JCR More optimization (dword alignment, no ebx usage, etc)
+; 03-23-90 GJF Changed to _stdcall. Also, fixed the copyright.
+; 05-10-91 GJF Back to _cdecl, sigh...
+ .xlist
+ include
+ .list
+;char *memset(dst, val, count) - sets "count" bytes at "dst" to "val"
+; Sets the first "count" bytes of the memory starting
+; at "dst" to the character value "val".
+; Algorithm:
+; char *
+; memset (dst, val, count)
+; char *dst;
+; char val;
+; unsigned int count;
+; {
+; char *start = dst;
+; while (count--)
+; *dst++ = val;
+; return(start);
+; }
+; char *dst - pointer to memory to fill with val
+; char val - value to put in dst bytes
+; int count - number of bytes of dst to fill
+; returns dst, with filled bytes
+ public memset
+memset proc \
+ uses edi, \
+ dst:ptr byte, \
+ value:byte, \
+ count:IWORD
+ mov ecx,[count] ; cx = count
+ jecxz short toend ; if no work to do
+ ; set all 4 bytes of eax to [value]
+ mov al,[value] ; the byte value to be stored
+ mov ah,al ; store it as a word
+ mov edx,eax ; lo 16 bits dx=ax=val/val
+ ror eax,16 ; move val/val to hi 16-bits
+ mov ax,dx ; eax = all 4 bytes = [value]
+; Align address on dword boundary
+ mov edi,[dst] ; di = dest pointer
+ mov edx,edi ; dx = di = *dst
+ neg edx
+ and edx,(ISIZE-1) ; dx = # bytes before dword boundary
+ jz short dwords ; jump if address already aligned
+ cmp ecx,edx ; count >= # leading bytes??
+ jb short tail ; nope, just move ecx bytes
+ sub ecx,edx ; cx = adjusted count (for later)
+ xchg ecx,edx ; cx = leading byte count / dx = adjusted count
+ rep stosb ; store leading bytes
+ mov ecx,edx ; cx = count of remaining bytes
+ ;jecxz short toend ; jump out if nothing left to do
+; Move dword-sized blocks
+ mov edx,ecx ; save original count
+ shr ecx,ISHIFT ; cx = dword count
+ rep stos IWORD ptr [edi] ; fill 'em up
+ mov ecx,edx ; retrieve original byte count
+; Move remaining bytes
+tail: ; store remaining 1,2, or 3 bytes
+ and ecx,(ISIZE-1) ; get byte count
+ rep stosb ; store remaining bytes, if necessary
+; Done
+ mov eax,[dst] ; return dest pointer
+ifdef _STDCALL_
+ ret DPSIZE + 2*ISIZE ; _stdcall return
+ ret ; _cdecl return
+memset endp
+ end