path: root/private/ntos/boot/bootcode/hpfs/i386/
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Diffstat (limited to 'private/ntos/boot/bootcode/hpfs/i386/')
1 files changed, 102 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/private/ntos/boot/bootcode/hpfs/i386/ b/private/ntos/boot/bootcode/hpfs/i386/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dbeba1b9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/boot/bootcode/hpfs/i386/
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+;static char *SCCSID = "@(#)volume.h 12.2 89/09/19";
+; Maximum number of volumes that we can mount
+; The volume ID is kept in the high bits of the sector numbers
+; kept in our RAM structures,
+; so there is a tradeoff between max volumes and max sectors.
+; 32 max volumes gives us a 65 billion byte volume limit,
+; which should last us for a while. Since sector numbers
+; are stored on the disk without their volume upper bits
+; this is strictly an implimentation detail; we can adjust
+; the number of volumes or eliminate this tradeoff in other
+; implimentations which will be 100% media compatable.
+; We use the term VSector to indicate a vol/sector combination
+; and PSector to indicate just the physical absolute sector #
+; Bitmap related numbers
+BANDSHIFT equ BSHIFT+3 ; right shift sector # to band index
+BANDMASK equ SPB*SECSIZE*8L-1 ; mask for within band bits
+BANDSIZE equ SPB*SECSIZE*8L ; # of sectors in a full band
+;* BandTab - Disk Band Table
+; The disk is broken up into logical bands, each band being
+; the amount of space that is addressed in 2K of bitmap.
+; This structure tracks the bands: the location of their respective
+; bit maps, the amount of free space, etc.
+BANDTAB struc
+ BT_MAP db (size SECPTR) dup (?) ; Vsector # and hint pointer for map
+ BT_FREE dw ? ; # of free sectors in this band
+ BT_OFC dw ? ; # of files allocating from this band
+ BT_BASE dd ? ; Psector # of first sector in map
+ BT_LEN dd ? ; byte length of this map
+ BT_HWO dd ? ; high water offset to 1st non-zero byte
+ ; BUGBUG - use BT_HWO
+;* VolTab - Volume Table
+; VolPtr[i] points to the VolTab structure for that volume.
+; This table contains volume specific information.
+; Nearly all file system API refers to a single particular volume.
+; The proper volume is determined when the file system is entered
+; and the TDB structure contains a pointer to it. Most code ignores
+; volumes and deals with 32 bit physical sector #'s. When we're about
+; to interface with the device driver we then peek at the "global"
+; volume value pointed to by TDB.
+; There are two exceptions to this, where per-volume structures are
+; pooled, the buffer pool and the OFT pool. In these two cases the
+; sector number has the volume index set in it's high order VOLLSHIFT
+; bits so that a single DWORD compare will qualify a sector on both
+; a volume and sector basis.
+VOLTAB struc
+ VOL_FFLAG db ? ; Fault flags - checked on most calls
+ VOL_SFLAG db ? ; status flags
+ VOL_PAD dw ? ; unused - bugbug
+ VOL_SECVAL dd ? ; value to set on high order part of sector #
+ VOL_BCNT dw ? ; # of bitmap bands in this volume
+ VOL_VDBCnt dw ? ; count of outstanding VerifyDB calls *.
+ VOL_SDBcnt dd ? ; count of spare DIRBLKs left for volume, if
+ ; all are unused, else 0
+ VOL_SBSEC dd ? ; SB_SEC value from superblock
+ VOL_DB db (size BANDTAB) dup (?) ; DIRBLK bandtab
+ VOL_ROOT dw ? ; Root SBDIR pointer
+ VOL_SPACE dd ? ; alloctable space limit
+ VOL_DBSIZE dd ? ; copy of SP_DBSIZE value
+ VOL_HFUSE dd ? ; # of hot fixes in effect
+ VOL_HFMAX dd ?
+ VOL_HFPTR dd ? ; address of hotfix heap array - bad sectors
+ VOL_HFNEW dd ? ; address of substitute list - replacement sectors
+ VOL_BPTR dw 1 dup (?) ; first of VOL_BCNT pointers
+ ; one per band. The BANDTABs that they
+ ; point to must be physically contiguous
+VOLTAB ends
+; VOL_FFLAG fault flags
+; these represent conditions that we're trying to repair,
+; we check these on most major file system calls
+VF_NEEDHOT equ 01h ; hotfix list is partially used
+VF_NEEDDIR equ 02h ; dirblk reserved list is partially used
+; VOL_SFLAG status flags
+VS_BADSEC equ 01h ; we have at least one bad sector on there