path: root/private/ntos/mm/shutdown.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'private/ntos/mm/shutdown.c')
1 files changed, 366 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/private/ntos/mm/shutdown.c b/private/ntos/mm/shutdown.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..333d16e4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/mm/shutdown.c
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
+Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation
+Module Name:
+ shutdown.c
+ This module contains the initialization for the memory management
+ system.
+ Lou Perazzoli (loup) 21-Aug-1991
+Revision History:
+#include "mi.h"
+extern ULONG MmSystemShutdown;
+#pragma alloc_text(PAGELK,MmShutdownSystem)
+ULONG MmZeroPageFile;
+MmShutdownSystem (
+ IN BOOLEAN RebootPending
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ This function performs the shutdown of memory management. This
+ is accomplished by writing out all modified pages which are
+ destined for files other than the paging file.
+ RebootPending - Indicates whether or not a reboot is to be performed after the system
+ has been shut down. This parameter is ignored by this routine.
+Return Value:
+ TRUE if the pages were successfully written, FALSE otherwise.
+ ULONG ModifiedPage;
+ PMMPFN Pfn1;
+ PSUBSECTION Subsection;
+ PCONTROL_AREA ControlArea;
+ PULONG Page;
+ PMDL Mdl;
+ NTSTATUS Status;
+ KEVENT IoEvent;
+ KIRQL OldIrql;
+ LARGE_INTEGER StartingOffset;
+ ULONG count;
+ ULONG j, k;
+ ULONG first;
+ ULONG write;
+ //
+ // Don't do this more than once.
+ //
+ if (!MmSystemShutdown) {
+ MmLockPagableSectionByHandle(ExPageLockHandle);
+ Mdl = (PMDL)&MdlHack;
+ Page = (PULONG)(Mdl + 1);
+ KeInitializeEvent (&IoEvent, NotificationEvent, FALSE);
+ MmInitializeMdl(Mdl,
+ Mdl->MdlFlags |= MDL_PAGES_LOCKED;
+ LOCK_PFN (OldIrql);
+ ModifiedPage = MmModifiedPageListHead.Flink;
+ while (ModifiedPage != MM_EMPTY_LIST) {
+ //
+ // There are modified pages.
+ //
+ Pfn1 = MI_PFN_ELEMENT (ModifiedPage);
+ if (Pfn1->OriginalPte.u.Soft.Prototype == 1) {
+ //
+ // This page is destined for a file.
+ //
+ Subsection = MiGetSubsectionAddress (&Pfn1->OriginalPte);
+ ControlArea = Subsection->ControlArea;
+ if ((!ControlArea->u.Flags.Image) &&
+ (!ControlArea->u.Flags.NoModifiedWriting)) {
+ MiUnlinkPageFromList (Pfn1);
+ //
+ // Issue the write.
+ //
+ Pfn1->u3.e1.Modified = 0;
+ //
+ // Up the reference count for the physical page as there
+ // is I/O in progress.
+ //
+ Pfn1->u3.e2.ReferenceCount += 1;
+ *Page = ModifiedPage;
+ ControlArea->NumberOfMappedViews += 1;
+ ControlArea->NumberOfPfnReferences += 1;
+ UNLOCK_PFN (OldIrql);
+ StartingOffset.QuadPart = MI_STARTING_OFFSET (Subsection,
+ Pfn1->PteAddress);
+ Mdl->StartVa = (PVOID)(Pfn1->u3.e1.PageColor << PAGE_SHIFT);
+ KeClearEvent (&IoEvent);
+ Status = IoSynchronousPageWrite (
+ ControlArea->FilePointer,
+ Mdl,
+ &StartingOffset,
+ &IoEvent,
+ &IoStatus );
+ //
+ // Ignore all I/O failures - there is nothing that can be
+ // done at this point.
+ //
+ if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) {
+ KeSetEvent (&IoEvent, 0, FALSE);
+ }
+ Status = KeWaitForSingleObject (&IoEvent,
+ WrPageOut,
+ KernelMode,
+ &MmTwentySeconds);
+ if (Status == STATUS_TIMEOUT) {
+ //
+ // The write did not complete in 20 seconds, assume
+ // that the file systems are hung and return an
+ // error.
+ //
+ Pfn1->u3.e1.Modified = 1;
+ return(FALSE);
+ }
+ if (Mdl->MdlFlags & MDL_MAPPED_TO_SYSTEM_VA) {
+ MmUnmapLockedPages (Mdl->MappedSystemVa, Mdl);
+ }
+ LOCK_PFN (OldIrql);
+ MiDecrementReferenceCount (ModifiedPage);
+ ControlArea->NumberOfMappedViews -= 1;
+ ControlArea->NumberOfPfnReferences -= 1;
+ if (ControlArea->NumberOfPfnReferences == 0) {
+ //
+ // This routine return with the PFN lock released!.
+ //
+ MiCheckControlArea (ControlArea, NULL, OldIrql);
+ LOCK_PFN (OldIrql);
+ }
+ //
+ // Restart scan at the front of the list.
+ //
+ ModifiedPage = MmModifiedPageListHead.Flink;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ ModifiedPage = Pfn1->u1.Flink;
+ }
+ UNLOCK_PFN (OldIrql);
+ //
+ // If a high number of modified pages still exist, start the
+ // modified page writer and wait for 5 seconds.
+ //
+ if (MmAvailablePages < (MmFreeGoal * 2)) {
+ LARGE_INTEGER FiveSeconds = {(ULONG)(-5 * 1000 * 1000 * 10), -1};
+ KeSetEvent (&MmModifiedPageWriterEvent, 0, FALSE);
+ KeDelayExecutionThread (KernelMode,
+ &FiveSeconds);
+ }
+ //
+ // Indicate to the modified page writer that the system has
+ // shutdown.
+ //
+ MmSystemShutdown = 1;
+ //
+ // Check to see if the paging file should be overwritten.
+ // Only free blocks are written.
+ //
+ if (MmZeroPageFile) {
+ //
+ // Get pages to complete the write request.
+ //
+ Mdl->StartVa = NULL;
+ j = 0;
+ Page = (PULONG)(Mdl + 1);
+ LOCK_PFN (OldIrql);
+ if (MmAvailablePages < (MmModifiedWriteClusterSize + 20)) {
+ UNLOCK_PFN(OldIrql);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ do {
+ *Page = MiRemoveZeroPage (j);
+ Pfn1 = MI_PFN_ELEMENT (*Page);
+ Pfn1->u3.e2.ReferenceCount = 1;
+ Pfn1->u2.ShareCount = 0;
+ Pfn1->OriginalPte.u.Long = 0;
+ Page += 1;
+ j += 1;
+ } while (j < MmModifiedWriteClusterSize);
+ k = 0;
+ while (k < MmNumberOfPagingFiles) {
+ PagingFile = MmPagingFile[k];
+ count = 0;
+ write = FALSE;
+ for (j = 1; j < PagingFile->Size; j++) {
+ if (RtlCheckBit (PagingFile->Bitmap, j) == 0) {
+ if (count == 0) {
+ first = j;
+ }
+ count += 1;
+ if (count == MmModifiedWriteClusterSize) {
+ write = TRUE;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (count != 0) {
+ //
+ // Issue a write.
+ //
+ write = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((j == (PagingFile->Size - 1)) &&
+ (count != 0)) {
+ write = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (write) {
+ UNLOCK_PFN (OldIrql);
+ StartingOffset.QuadPart = (LONGLONG)first << PAGE_SHIFT;
+ Mdl->ByteCount = count << PAGE_SHIFT;
+ KeClearEvent (&IoEvent);
+ Status = IoSynchronousPageWrite (
+ PagingFile->File,
+ Mdl,
+ &StartingOffset,
+ &IoEvent,
+ &IoStatus);
+ //
+ // Ignore all I/O failures - there is nothing that can be
+ // done at this point.
+ //
+ if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) {
+ KeSetEvent (&IoEvent, 0, FALSE);
+ }
+ Status = KeWaitForSingleObject (&IoEvent,
+ WrPageOut,
+ KernelMode,
+ &MmTwentySeconds);
+ if (Status == STATUS_TIMEOUT) {
+ //
+ // The write did not complete in 20 seconds, assume
+ // that the file systems are hung and return an
+ // error.
+ //
+ return(FALSE);
+ }
+ if (Mdl->MdlFlags & MDL_MAPPED_TO_SYSTEM_VA) {
+ MmUnmapLockedPages (Mdl->MappedSystemVa, Mdl);
+ }
+ LOCK_PFN (OldIrql);
+ count = 0;
+ write = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ k += 1;
+ }
+ j = 0;
+ Page = (PULONG)(Mdl + 1);
+ do {
+ MiDecrementReferenceCount (*Page);
+ Page += 1;
+ j += 1;
+ } while (j < MmModifiedWriteClusterSize);
+ UNLOCK_PFN (OldIrql);
+ }
+ MmUnlockPagableImageSection(ExPageLockHandle);
+ }
+ return TRUE;