path: root/private/ntos/nbt/nt/netbtkd
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Diffstat (limited to 'private/ntos/nbt/nt/netbtkd')
6 files changed, 1418 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/private/ntos/nbt/nt/netbtkd/kdextlib.c b/private/ntos/nbt/nt/netbtkd/kdextlib.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..132d57b5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nbt/nt/netbtkd/kdextlib.c
@@ -0,0 +1,843 @@
+Copyright (c) 1990 Microsoft Corporation
+Module Name:
+ kdextlib.c
+ Library routines for dumping data structures given a meta level descrioption
+ Balan Sethu Raman (SethuR) 11-May-1994
+ The implementation tends to avoid memory allocation and deallocation as much as possible.
+ Therefore We have choosen an arbitrary length as the default buffer size. A mechanism will
+ be provided to modify this buffer length through the debugger extension commands.
+Revision History:
+ 11-Nov-1994 SethuR Created
+#include <nt.h>
+#include <ntrtl.h>
+#include "ntverp.h"
+#define KDEXTMODE
+#include <windef.h>
+#include <ntkdexts.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <kdextlib.h>
+PNTKD_GET_EXPRESSION lpGetExpressionRoutine;
+PNTKD_GET_SYMBOL lpGetSymbolRoutine;
+#define PRINTF lpOutputRoutine
+#define ERROR lpOutputRoutine
+#define NL 1
+#define NONL 0
+#define SETCALLBACKS() \
+ lpOutputRoutine = lpExtensionApis->lpOutputRoutine; \
+ lpGetExpressionRoutine = lpExtensionApis->lpGetExpressionRoutine; \
+ lpGetSymbolRoutine = lpExtensionApis->lpGetSymbolRoutine; \
+ lpReadMemoryRoutine = lpExtensionApis->lpReadVirtualMemRoutine;
+WCHAR *s_pUnicodeStringData = s_UnicodeStringData;
+CHAR *s_pAnsiStringData = s_AnsiStringData;
+// No. of columns used to display struct fields;
+ULONG s_MaxNoOfColumns = 3;
+ULONG s_NoOfColumns = 1;
+ * Fetches the data at the given address
+ */
+GetData( DWORD dwAddress, PVOID ptr, ULONG size)
+ BOOL b;
+ ULONG BytesRead;
+ b = (lpReadMemoryRoutine)((LPVOID) dwAddress, ptr, size, &BytesRead );
+ if (!b || BytesRead != size ) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ * Fetch the null terminated ASCII string at dwAddress into buf
+ */
+GetString( DWORD dwAddress, PSZ buf )
+ do {
+ if( !GetData( dwAddress,buf, 1) )
+ return FALSE;
+ dwAddress++;
+ buf++;
+ } while( *buf != '\0' );
+ return TRUE;
+ * Displays a byte in hexadecimal
+ */
+PrintHexChar( UCHAR c )
+ PRINTF( "%c%c", "0123456789abcdef"[ (c>>4)&7 ], "0123456789abcdef"[ c&7 ] );
+ * Displays a buffer of data in hexadecimal
+ */
+PrintHexBuf( PUCHAR buf, ULONG cbuf )
+ while( cbuf-- ) {
+ PrintHexChar( *buf++ );
+ PRINTF( " " );
+ }
+ * Displays a unicode string
+ */
+PrintStringW(LPSTR msg, PUNICODE_STRING puStr, BOOL nl )
+ UNICODE_STRING UnicodeString;
+ ANSI_STRING AnsiString;
+ if( msg )
+ PRINTF( msg );
+ if( puStr->Length == 0 ) {
+ if( nl )
+ PRINTF( "\n" );
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ UnicodeString.Buffer = s_pUnicodeStringData;
+ UnicodeString.MaximumLength = s_UnicodeStringDataLength;
+ UnicodeString.Length = (puStr->Length > s_UnicodeStringDataLength)
+ ? s_UnicodeStringDataLength
+ : puStr->Length;
+ b = (lpReadMemoryRoutine)(
+ (LPVOID) puStr->Buffer,
+ UnicodeString.Buffer,
+ UnicodeString.Length,
+ NULL);
+ if (b) {
+ RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString(&AnsiString, puStr, TRUE);
+ PRINTF("%s%s", AnsiString.Buffer, nl ? "\n" : "" );
+ RtlFreeAnsiString(&AnsiString);
+ }
+ return b;
+ * Displays a ANSI string
+ */
+PrintStringA(LPSTR msg, PANSI_STRING pStr, BOOL nl )
+ ANSI_STRING AnsiString;
+ if( msg )
+ PRINTF( msg );
+ if( pStr->Length == 0 ) {
+ if( nl )
+ PRINTF( "\n" );
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ AnsiString.Buffer = s_pAnsiStringData;
+ AnsiString.MaximumLength = s_AnsiStringDataLength;
+ AnsiString.Length = (pStr->Length > (s_AnsiStringDataLength - 1))
+ ? (s_AnsiStringDataLength - 1)
+ : pStr->Length;
+ b = (lpReadMemoryRoutine)(
+ (LPVOID) pStr->Buffer,
+ AnsiString.Buffer,
+ AnsiString.Length,
+ NULL);
+ if (b) {
+ AnsiString.Buffer[ AnsiString.Length ] = '\0';
+ PRINTF("%s%s", AnsiString.Buffer, nl ? "\n" : "" );
+ }
+ return b;
+ * Displays all the fields of a given struct. This is the driver routine that is called
+ * with the appropriate descriptor array to display all the fields in a given struct.
+ */
+char *NewLine = "\n";
+char *FieldSeparator = " ";
+char *DotSeparator = ".";
+#define NewLineForFields(FieldNo) \
+ ((((FieldNo) % s_NoOfColumns) == 0) ? NewLine : FieldSeparator)
+PrintStructFields( DWORD dwAddress, VOID *ptr, FIELD_DESCRIPTOR *pFieldDescriptors )
+ int i;
+ int j;
+ BYTE ch;
+ // Display the fields in the struct.
+ for( i=0; pFieldDescriptors->Name; i++, pFieldDescriptors++ ) {
+ // Indentation to begin the struct display.
+ PRINTF( " " );
+ if( strlen( pFieldDescriptors->Name ) > FIELD_NAME_LENGTH ) {
+ PRINTF( "%-17s...%s ", pFieldDescriptors->Name, pFieldDescriptors->Name+strlen(pFieldDescriptors->Name)-10 );
+ } else {
+ PRINTF( "%-30s ", pFieldDescriptors->Name );
+ }
+ PRINTF( "(0x%-2X) ", pFieldDescriptors->Offset );
+ switch( pFieldDescriptors->FieldType ) {
+ case FieldTypeByte:
+ case FieldTypeChar:
+ PRINTF( "%-16d%s",
+ *(BYTE *)(((char *)ptr) + pFieldDescriptors->Offset ),
+ NewLineForFields(i) );
+ break;
+ case FieldTypeBoolean:
+ PRINTF( "%-16s%s",
+ *(BOOLEAN *)(((char *)ptr) + pFieldDescriptors->Offset ) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE",
+ NewLineForFields(i));
+ break;
+ case FieldTypeBool:
+ PRINTF( "%-16s%s",
+ *(BOOLEAN *)(((char *)ptr) + pFieldDescriptors->Offset ) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE",
+ NewLineForFields(i));
+ break;
+ case FieldTypePointer:
+ PRINTF( "%-16X%s",
+ *(ULONG *)(((char *)ptr) + pFieldDescriptors->Offset ),
+ NewLineForFields(i) );
+ break;
+ case FieldTypeULongULong:
+ PRINTF( "%d%s",
+ *(ULONG *)(((char *)ptr) + pFieldDescriptors->Offset ),
+ FieldSeparator );
+ PRINTF( "%d%s",
+ *(ULONG *)(((char *)ptr) + pFieldDescriptors->Offset + sizeof(ULONG)),
+ NewLineForFields(i) );
+ break;
+ case FieldTypeListEntry:
+ if ( (ULONG)(dwAddress + pFieldDescriptors->Offset) ==
+ *(ULONG *)(((char *)ptr) + pFieldDescriptors->Offset ))
+ {
+ PRINTF( "%s", "List Empty\n" );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PRINTF( "%-8X%s",
+ *(ULONG *)(((char *)ptr) + pFieldDescriptors->Offset ),
+ FieldSeparator );
+ PRINTF( "%-8X%s",
+ *(ULONG *)(((char *)ptr) + pFieldDescriptors->Offset + sizeof(ULONG)),
+ NewLineForFields(i) );
+ }
+ break;
+ // Ip address: 4 bytes long
+ case FieldTypeIpAddr:
+ PRINTF( "%X%s",
+ *(ULONG *)(((char *)ptr) + pFieldDescriptors->Offset ),
+ FieldSeparator );
+ PRINTF( "(%d%s",
+ *(BYTE *)(((char *)ptr) + pFieldDescriptors->Offset + 3),
+ DotSeparator );
+ PRINTF( "%d%s",
+ *(BYTE *)(((char *)ptr) + pFieldDescriptors->Offset + 2 ),
+ DotSeparator );
+ PRINTF( "%d%s",
+ *(BYTE *)(((char *)ptr) + pFieldDescriptors->Offset + 1 ),
+ DotSeparator );
+ PRINTF( "%d)%s",
+ *(BYTE *)(((char *)ptr) + pFieldDescriptors->Offset ),
+ NewLineForFields(i) );
+ break;
+ // Mac address: 6 bytes long
+ case FieldTypeMacAddr:
+ for (j=0; j<5; j++)
+ {
+ PRINTF( "%X%s",
+ *(BYTE *)(((char *)ptr) + pFieldDescriptors->Offset + j),
+ FieldSeparator );
+ }
+ PRINTF( "%X%s",
+ *(BYTE *)(((char *)ptr) + pFieldDescriptors->Offset + 5),
+ NewLineForFields(i) );
+ break;
+ // Netbios name: 16 bytes long
+ case FieldTypeNBName:
+ //
+ // if first byte is printable, print the first 15 bytes as characters
+ // and 16th byte as a hex value. otherwise, print all the 16 bytes
+ // as hex values
+ //
+ ch = *(BYTE *)(((char *)ptr) + pFieldDescriptors->Offset);
+ if (ch >= 0x20 && ch <= 0x7e)
+ {
+ for (j=0; j<15; j++)
+ {
+ PRINTF( "%c", *(BYTE *)(((char *)ptr) + pFieldDescriptors->Offset + j));
+ }
+ PRINTF( "<%X>%s",
+ *(BYTE *)(((char *)ptr) + pFieldDescriptors->Offset + 15),
+ NewLineForFields(i) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (j=0; j<16; j++)
+ {
+ PRINTF( "%.2X",
+ *(BYTE *)(((char *)ptr) + pFieldDescriptors->Offset + j));
+ }
+ PRINTF( "%s", NewLineForFields(i) );
+ }
+ break;
+ case FieldTypeULong:
+ case FieldTypeLong:
+ PRINTF( "%-16d%s",
+ *(ULONG *)(((char *)ptr) + pFieldDescriptors->Offset ),
+ NewLineForFields(i) );
+ break;
+ case FieldTypeShort:
+ PRINTF( "%-16X%s",
+ *(SHORT *)(((char *)ptr) + pFieldDescriptors->Offset ),
+ NewLineForFields(i) );
+ break;
+ case FieldTypeUShort:
+ PRINTF( "%-16X%s",
+ *(USHORT *)(((char *)ptr) + pFieldDescriptors->Offset ),
+ NewLineForFields(i) );
+ break;
+ case FieldTypeUnicodeString:
+ PrintStringW( NULL, (UNICODE_STRING *)(((char *)ptr) + pFieldDescriptors->Offset ), NONL );
+ PRINTF( NewLine );
+ break;
+ case FieldTypeAnsiString:
+ PrintStringA( NULL, (ANSI_STRING *)(((char *)ptr) + pFieldDescriptors->Offset ), NONL );
+ PRINTF( NewLine );
+ break;
+ case FieldTypeSymbol:
+ {
+ UCHAR SymbolName[ 200 ];
+ ULONG Displacement;
+ PVOID sym = (PVOID)(*(ULONG *)(((char *)ptr) + pFieldDescriptors->Offset ));
+ lpGetSymbolRoutine( sym, SymbolName, &Displacement );
+ PRINTF( "%-16s%s",
+ SymbolName,
+ NewLineForFields(i) );
+ }
+ break;
+ case FieldTypeEnum:
+ {
+ ULONG EnumValue;
+ // Get the associated numericla value.
+ EnumValue = *((ULONG *)((BYTE *)ptr + pFieldDescriptors->Offset));
+ if ((pEnumValueDescr = pFieldDescriptors->AuxillaryInfo.pEnumValueDescriptor)
+ != NULL) {
+ //
+ // An auxilary textual description of the value is
+ // available. Display it instead of the numerical value.
+ //
+ LPSTR pEnumName = NULL;
+ while (pEnumValueDescr->EnumName != NULL) {
+ if (EnumValue == pEnumValueDescr->EnumValue) {
+ pEnumName = pEnumValueDescr->EnumName;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (pEnumName != NULL) {
+ PRINTF( "%-16s ", pEnumName );
+ } else {
+ PRINTF( "%-4d (%-10s) ", EnumValue,"@$#%^&*");
+ }
+ } else {
+ //
+ // No auxilary information is associated with the ehumerated type
+ // print the numerical value.
+ //
+ PRINTF( "%-16d",EnumValue);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case FieldTypeStruct:
+ PRINTF( "@%-15X%s",
+ (dwAddress + pFieldDescriptors->Offset ),
+ NewLineForFields(i) );
+ break;
+ case FieldTypeLargeInteger:
+ case FieldTypeFileTime:
+ default:
+ ERROR( "Unrecognized field type %c for %s\n", pFieldDescriptors->FieldType, pFieldDescriptors->Name );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+LPSTR LibCommands[] = {
+ "dump <Struct Type Name>@<address expr> ",
+ "columns <d> -- controls the number of columns in the display ",
+ "logdump <Log Address> ",
+ 0
+ DWORD dwCurrentPC,
+ LPSTR lpArgumentString
+ int i;
+ for( i=0; Extensions[i]; i++ )
+ PRINTF( " %s\n", Extensions[i] );
+ for( i=0; LibCommands[i]; i++ )
+ PRINTF( " %s\n", LibCommands[i] );
+ return TRUE;
+ DWORD dwCurrentPC,
+ LPSTR lpArgumentString
+ ULONG NoOfColumns;
+ int i;
+ sscanf(lpArgumentString,"%ld",&NoOfColumns);
+ if (NoOfColumns > s_MaxNoOfColumns) {
+ // PRINTF( "No. Of Columns exceeds maximum(%ld) -- directive Ignored\n", s_MaxNoOfColumns );
+ } else {
+ s_NoOfColumns = NoOfColumns;
+ }
+ PRINTF("Not Yet Implemented\n");
+ return TRUE;
+ DWORD dwCurrentPC,
+ LPSTR lpArgumentString
+ DWORD dwAddress;
+ CHAR buf[ 100 ];
+ int i;
+ int c=0;
+ strcpy( buf, "srv!" );
+ for( i=0; GlobalBool[i]; i++, c++ ) {
+ BOOL b;
+ strcpy( &buf[4], GlobalBool[i] );
+ dwAddress = (lpGetExpressionRoutine) ( buf );
+ if( dwAddress == 0 ) {
+ ERROR( "Unable to get address of %s\n", GlobalBool[i] );
+ continue;
+ }
+ if( !GetData( dwAddress,&b, sizeof(b)) )
+ return FALSE;
+ PRINTF( "%s%-30s %10s%s",
+ c&1 ? " " : "",
+ GlobalBool[i],
+ b ? " TRUE" : "FALSE",
+ c&1 ? "\n" : "" );
+ }
+ for( i=0; GlobalShort[i]; i++, c++ ) {
+ SHORT s;
+ strcpy( &buf[4], GlobalShort[i] );
+ dwAddress = (lpGetExpressionRoutine) ( buf );
+ if( dwAddress == 0 ) {
+ ERROR( "Unable to get address of %s\n", GlobalShort[i] );
+ continue;
+ }
+ if( !GetData( dwAddress,&s,sizeof(s)) )
+ return FALSE;
+ PRINTF( "%s%-30s %10d%s",
+ c&1 ? " " : "",
+ GlobalShort[i],
+ s,
+ c&1 ? "\n" : "" );
+ }
+ for( i=0; GlobalLong[i]; i++, c++ ) {
+ LONG l;
+ strcpy( &buf[4], GlobalLong[i] );
+ dwAddress = (lpGetExpressionRoutine) ( buf );
+ if( dwAddress == 0 ) {
+ ERROR( "Unable to get address of %s\n", GlobalLong[i] );
+ continue;
+ }
+ if( !GetData( dwAddress,&l, sizeof(l)) )
+ return FALSE;
+ PRINTF( "%s%-30s %10d%s",
+ c&1 ? " " : "",
+ GlobalLong[i],
+ l,
+ c&1 ? "\n" : "" );
+ }
+ PRINTF( "\n" );
+ return TRUE;
+ DWORD dwCurrentPC,
+ LPSTR lpArgumentString
+ char *kind = "checked";
+ char *kind = "free";
+ PRINTF( "Redirector debugger Extension dll for %s build %u\n", kind, VER_PRODUCTBUILD );
+ return TRUE;
+#define NAME_DELIMITER '@'
+#define NAME_DELIMITERS "@"
+#define INVALID_INDEX 0xffffffff
+#define MIN(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
+ULONG SearchStructs(LPSTR lpArgument)
+ ULONG i = 0;
+ STRUCT_DESCRIPTOR *pStructs = Structs;
+ ULONG ArgumentLength = strlen(lpArgument);
+ BOOLEAN fAmbigous = FALSE;
+ while ((pStructs->StructName != 0)) {
+ int Result = _strnicmp(lpArgument,
+ pStructs->StructName,
+ MIN(strlen(pStructs->StructName),ArgumentLength));
+ if (Result == 0) {
+ if (NameIndex != INVALID_INDEX) {
+ // We have encountered duplicate matches. Print out the
+ // matching strings and let the user disambiguate.
+ fAmbigous = TRUE;
+ break;
+ } else {
+ NameIndex = i;
+ }
+ }
+ pStructs++;i++;
+ }
+ if (fAmbigous) {
+ PRINTF("Ambigous Name Specification -- The following structs match\n");
+ PRINTF("%s\n",Structs[NameIndex].StructName);
+ PRINTF("%s\n",Structs[i].StructName);
+ while (pStructs->StructName != 0) {
+ if (_strnicmp(lpArgument,
+ pStructs->StructName,
+ MIN(strlen(pStructs->StructName),ArgumentLength)) == 0) {
+ PRINTF("%s\n",pStructs->StructName);
+ }
+ pStructs++;
+ }
+ PRINTF("Dumping Information for %s\n",Structs[NameIndex].StructName);
+ }
+ return(NameIndex);
+VOID DisplayStructs()
+ STRUCT_DESCRIPTOR *pStructs = Structs;
+ PRINTF("The following structs are handled .... \n");
+ while (pStructs->StructName != 0) {
+ PRINTF("\t%s\n",pStructs->StructName);
+ pStructs++;
+ }
+ DWORD dwCurrentPC,
+ LPSTR lpArgumentString
+ DWORD dwAddress;
+ if( lpArgumentString && *lpArgumentString ) {
+ // Parse the argument string to determine the structure to be displayed.
+ // Scan for the NAME_DELIMITER ( '@' ).
+ LPSTR lpName = lpArgumentString;
+ LPSTR lpArgs = strpbrk(lpArgumentString, NAME_DELIMITERS);
+ ULONG Index;
+ if (lpArgs) {
+ //
+ // The specified command is of the form
+ // dump <name>@<address expr.>
+ //
+ // Locate the matching struct for the given name. In the case
+ // of ambiguity we seek user intervention for disambiguation.
+ //
+ // We do an inplace modification of the argument string to
+ // facilitate matching.
+ //
+ *lpArgs = '\0';
+ Index = SearchStructs(lpName);
+ //
+ // Let us restore the original value back.
+ //
+ if (INVALID_INDEX != Index) {
+ BYTE DataBuffer[512];
+ dwAddress = (lpGetExpressionRoutine)( ++lpArgs );
+ if (GetData(dwAddress,DataBuffer,Structs[Index].StructSize)) {
+ "++++++++++++++++ %s@%lx ++++++++++++++++\n",
+ Structs[Index].StructName,
+ dwAddress);
+ PrintStructFields(
+ dwAddress,
+ &DataBuffer,
+ Structs[Index].FieldDescriptors);
+ "---------------- %s@%lx ----------------\n",
+ Structs[Index].StructName,
+ dwAddress);
+ } else {
+ PRINTF("Error reading Memory @ %lx\n",dwAddress);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // No matching struct was found. Display the list of
+ // structs currently handled.
+ DisplayStructs();
+ }
+ } else {
+ //
+ // The command is of the form
+ // dump <name>
+ //
+ // Currently we do not handle this. In future we will map it to
+ // the name of a global variable and display it if required.
+ //
+ DisplayStructs();
+ }
+ } else {
+ //
+ // display the list of structs currently handled.
+ //
+ DisplayStructs();
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+#if 0
+ DWORD dwCurrentPC,
+ LPSTR lpArgumentString
+ DWORD dwAddress;
+ BYTE DataBuffer[512];
+ if( lpArgumentString && *lpArgumentString ) {
+ RX_LOG RxLog;
+ dwAddress = (lpGetExpressionRoutine)(lpArgumentString);
+ if (GetData(dwAddress,&RxLog,sizeof(RX_LOG))) {
+ // Dump the log header followed by the log entries ...
+ ULONG dwCurEntry;
+ PRINTF("s_RxLog.State %lx\n",RxLog.State);
+ PRINTF("s_RxLog.pHeadEntry %lx\n",RxLog.pHeadEntry);
+ PRINTF("s_RxLog.pTailEntry %lx\n",RxLog.pTailEntry);
+ PRINTF("s_RxLog.LogBufferSize %lx\n",RxLog.LogBufferSize);
+ PRINTF("s_RxLog.pLogBuffer %lx\n",RxLog.pLogBuffer);
+ PRINTF("s_RxLog.pWrapAroundPoint %lx\n",RxLog.pWrapAroundPoint);
+ PRINTF("s_RxLog.NumberOfEntriesIgnored %lx\n",RxLog.NumberOfEntriesIgnored);
+ PRINTF("s_RxLog.NumberOfLogWriteAttempts %lx\n",RxLog.NumberOfLogWriteAttempts);
+ dwCurEntry = (DWORD)RxLog.pHeadEntry;
+ for (;;) {
+ ULONG LogRecordLength;
+ DWORD dwNextEntry;
+ if (!GetData(dwCurEntry,DataBuffer,sizeof(RX_LOG_ENTRY_HEADER))) {
+ PRINTF("Error reading Memory @ %lx\n",dwAddress);
+ break;
+ }
+ pHeader = (PRX_LOG_ENTRY_HEADER)DataBuffer;
+ LogRecordLength = pHeader->EntrySize - sizeof(RX_LOG_ENTRY_HEADER);
+ dwNextEntry = dwCurEntry + pHeader->EntrySize;
+ if ((pHeader->EntrySize > 0) &&
+ GetData((dwCurEntry + sizeof(RX_LOG_ENTRY_HEADER)),
+ DataBuffer,
+ LogRecordLength)) {
+ DataBuffer[LogRecordLength] = '\0';
+ PRINTF("%s",DataBuffer);
+ }
+ if (RxLog.pTailEntry > RxLog.pHeadEntry) {
+ if (dwNextEntry > (DWORD)RxLog.pTailEntry) {
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (dwNextEntry > (DWORD)RxLog.pHeadEntry) {
+ if ((dwNextEntry >= (DWORD)RxLog.pWrapAroundPoint) ||
+ (dwNextEntry >= (DWORD)((PBYTE)RxLog.pLogBuffer + RxLog.LogBufferSize))) {
+ dwNextEntry = (DWORD)RxLog.pLogBuffer;
+ }
+ } else if (dwNextEntry > (DWORD)RxLog.pTailEntry) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ dwCurEntry = dwNextEntry;
+ }
+ } else {
+ PRINTF("Error reading Memory @ %lx\n",dwAddress);
+ }
+ } else {
+ PRINTF("usage: logdump <log address>\n");
+ }
+ return TRUE;
diff --git a/private/ntos/nbt/nt/netbtkd/kdextlib.h b/private/ntos/nbt/nt/netbtkd/kdextlib.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..10bb0fbf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nbt/nt/netbtkd/kdextlib.h
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+Copyright (c) 1990 Microsoft Corporation
+Module Name:
+ rdr2kd.h
+ Redirector Kernel Debugger extension
+ Balan Sethu Raman (SethuR) 11-May-1994
+Revision History:
+ 11-Nov-1994 SethuR Created
+#ifndef _KDEXTLIB_H_
+#define _KDEXTLIB_H_
+#include <windef.h>
+// The help strings printed out
+extern LPSTR Extensions[];
+// The FIELD_DESCRIPTOR data structure is used to describe the field in a structure sufficiently
+// for displaying information during debugging. The three pieces of information that are required
+// are 1) the name of the field, 2) the offset in the corresponding structure and 3) a type descriptor.
+// The type descriptor covers most primitive types.
+// The task of generating these descriptors by augmenting the front end, but that will have to
+// wait till we play around with these extensions and modify the data structures to meet most
+// of the requirements.
+// There are some types that can benefit from some auxillary information in the descriptors. A
+// case in point is the "enum" defeinition. Merely printing out a numerical value for an enum
+// type will invariably force the person using these extensions to refer to the corresponding
+// include file. In order to avoid this we will accept an additional array for enum types that
+// contains a textual description of the numerical value.
+// There are certain conventions that have been adopted to ease the definition of the macros
+// as well as facilitate the automation of the generation of these descriptors.
+// These are as follows ....
+// 1) All ENUM_VALUE_DESCRIPTOR definitions are named EnumValueDescrsOf_ENUMTYPENAME, where
+// ENUMTYPENAME defines the corresponding enumerated type.
+typedef struct _ENUM_VALUE_DESCRIPTOR {
+ ULONG EnumValue;
+ LPSTR EnumName;
+typedef enum _FIELD_TYPE_CLASS {
+ FieldTypeByte,
+ FieldTypeChar,
+ FieldTypeBoolean,
+ FieldTypeBool,
+ FieldTypeULong,
+ FieldTypeLong,
+ FieldTypeUShort,
+ FieldTypeShort,
+ FieldTypePointer,
+ FieldTypeULongULong,
+ FieldTypeListEntry,
+ FieldTypeIpAddr,
+ FieldTypeMacAddr,
+ FieldTypeNBName,
+ FieldTypeUnicodeString,
+ FieldTypeAnsiString,
+ FieldTypeSymbol,
+ FieldTypeEnum,
+ FieldTypeByteBitMask,
+ FieldTypeWordBitMask,
+ FieldTypeDWordBitMask,
+ FieldTypeFloat,
+ FieldTypeDouble,
+ FieldTypeStruct,
+ FieldTypeLargeInteger,
+ FieldTypeFileTime
+typedef struct _FIELD_DESCRIPTOR_ {
+ FIELD_TYPE_CLASS FieldType; // The type of variable to be printed
+ LPSTR Name; // The name of the field
+ USHORT Offset; // The offset of the field in the structure
+ union {
+ ENUM_VALUE_DESCRIPTOR *pEnumValueDescriptor; // Auxillary information for enumerated types.
+ } AuxillaryInfo;
+#define FIELD3(FieldType,StructureName, FieldName) \
+ {FieldType, #FieldName , FIELD_OFFSET(StructureName,FieldName) ,NULL}
+#define FIELD4(FieldType, StructureName, FieldName, AuxInfo) \
+ {FieldType, #FieldName , FIELD_OFFSET(StructureName,FieldName) ,AuxInfo}
+// The structs that are displayed by the debugger extensions are further
+// described in another array. Each entry in the array contains the name of
+// the structure and the associated Field descriptor list.
+typedef struct _STRUCT_DESCRITOR_ {
+ LPSTR StructName;
+ ULONG StructSize;
+ FIELD_DESCRIPTOR *FieldDescriptors;
+#define STRUCT(StructTypeName,FieldDescriptors) \
+ { #StructTypeName,sizeof(StructTypeName),FieldDescriptors}
+// The array of structs handled by the debugger extension.
+extern STRUCT_DESCRIPTOR Structs[];
+// Support for displaying global variables
+extern LPSTR GlobalBool[];
+extern LPSTR GlobalShort[];
+extern LPSTR GlobalLong[];
+extern LPSTR GlobalPtrs[];
+#endif // _KDEXTLIB_H_
diff --git a/private/ntos/nbt/nt/netbtkd/makefile b/private/ntos/nbt/nt/netbtkd/makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6ee4f43fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nbt/nt/netbtkd/makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE!!! Edit .\sources. if you want to add a new source
+# file to this component. This file merely indirects to the real make file
+# that is shared by all the components of NT OS/2
+!INCLUDE $(NTMAKEENV)\makefile.def
diff --git a/private/ntos/nbt/nt/netbtkd/netbtkd.c b/private/ntos/nbt/nt/netbtkd/netbtkd.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6e1c60b41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nbt/nt/netbtkd/netbtkd.c
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+Copyright (c) 1990 Microsoft Corporation
+Module Name:
+ netbtkd.c
+ Netbt Kernel Debugger extension
+ Shirish Koti
+Revision History:
+ 6-Jun-1991 Koti Created
+#include "types.h"
+#include <kdextlib.h>
+ * RDR2 global variables.
+ *
+ */
+LPSTR GlobalBool[] = {0};
+LPSTR GlobalShort[] = {0};
+LPSTR GlobalLong[] = {0};
+LPSTR GlobalPtrs[] = {0};
+LPSTR Extensions[] = {
+ "Netbt debugger extensions",
+ 0
+ * DeviceContext debugging.
+ *
+ */
+FIELD_DESCRIPTOR DeviceContext[] =
+ {
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeStruct,tDEVICECONTEXT,DeviceObject),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeListEntry,tDEVICECONTEXT,Linkage),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tDEVICECONTEXT,SpinLock),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tDEVICECONTEXT,Verify),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeListEntry,tDEVICECONTEXT,UpConnectionInUse),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeListEntry,tDEVICECONTEXT,LowerConnection),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeListEntry,tDEVICECONTEXT,LowerConnFreeHead),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeUnicodeString,tDEVICECONTEXT,BindName),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeUnicodeString,tDEVICECONTEXT,ExportName),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeIpAddr,tDEVICECONTEXT,IpAddress),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeIpAddr,tDEVICECONTEXT,SubnetMask),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeIpAddr,tDEVICECONTEXT,BroadcastAddress),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeIpAddr,tDEVICECONTEXT,NetMask),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tDEVICECONTEXT,hNameServer),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tDEVICECONTEXT,pNameServerDeviceObject),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tDEVICECONTEXT,pNameServerFileObject),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tDEVICECONTEXT,hDgram),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tDEVICECONTEXT,pDgramDeviceObject),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tDEVICECONTEXT,pDgramFileObject),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tDEVICECONTEXT,hSession),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tDEVICECONTEXT,pSessionDeviceObject),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tDEVICECONTEXT,pSessionFileObject),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tDEVICECONTEXT,hControl),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tDEVICECONTEXT,pControlDeviceObject),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tDEVICECONTEXT,pControlFileObject),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeIpAddr,tDEVICECONTEXT,lNameServerAddress),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeIpAddr,tDEVICECONTEXT,lBackupServer),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tDEVICECONTEXT,pPermClient),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeULongULong,tDEVICECONTEXT,AdapterNumber),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeMacAddr,tDEVICECONTEXT,MacAddress),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeChar,tDEVICECONTEXT,LockNumber),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeBoolean,tDEVICECONTEXT,RefreshToBackup),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeBoolean,tDEVICECONTEXT,PointToPoint),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeBoolean,tDEVICECONTEXT,WinsIsDown),
+ 0
+ };
+ {
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeListEntry,tNAMEADDR,Linkage),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tNAMEADDR,pAddressEle),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeIpAddr,tNAMEADDR,IpAddress),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tNAMEADDR,pIpAddrsList),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tNAMEADDR,pTracker),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tNAMEADDR,pTimer),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tNAMEADDR,Ttl),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeULong,tNAMEADDR,RefCount),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tNAMEADDR,NameTypeState),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tNAMEADDR,Verify),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeULongULong,tNAMEADDR,AdapterMask),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeULongULong,tNAMEADDR,RefreshMask),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeUShort,tNAMEADDR,TimeOutCount),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeBoolean,tNAMEADDR,fProxyReq),
+#ifdef PROXY_NODE
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeBoolean,tNAMEADDR,fPnode),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeNBName,tNAMEADDR,Name),
+ 0
+ };
+ {
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeListEntry,tADDRESSELE,Linkage),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tADDRESSELE,Verify),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tADDRESSELE,SpinLock),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeListEntry,tADDRESSELE,ClientHead),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tADDRESSELE,pNameAddr),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeULong,tADDRESSELE,RefCount),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tADDRESSELE,pDeviceContext),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tADDRESSELE,SecurityDescriptor),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeUShort,tADDRESSELE,NameType),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeChar,tADDRESSELE,LockNumber),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeBoolean,tADDRESSELE,MultiClients),
+ 0
+ };
+ {
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeListEntry,tCLIENTELE,Linkage),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tCLIENTELE,Verify),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tCLIENTELE,pIrp),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tCLIENTELE,SpinLock),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tCLIENTELE,pAddress),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeListEntry,tCLIENTELE,ConnectHead),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeListEntry,tCLIENTELE,ConnectActive),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeListEntry,tCLIENTELE,RcvDgramHead),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeListEntry,tCLIENTELE,ListenHead),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeListEntry,tCLIENTELE,SndDgrams),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tCLIENTELE,evConnect),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tCLIENTELE,ConEvContext),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tCLIENTELE,evReceive),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tCLIENTELE,RcvEvContext),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tCLIENTELE,evDisconnect),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tCLIENTELE,DiscEvContext),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tCLIENTELE,evError),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tCLIENTELE,ErrorEvContext),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tCLIENTELE,evRcvDgram),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tCLIENTELE,RcvDgramEvContext),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tCLIENTELE,evRcvExpedited),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tCLIENTELE,RcvExpedEvContext),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tCLIENTELE,evSendPossible),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tCLIENTELE,SendPossEvContext),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tCLIENTELE,pDeviceContext),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeULong,tCLIENTELE,RefCount),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeChar,tCLIENTELE,LockNumber),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeBoolean,tCLIENTELE,WaitingForRegistration),
+ 0
+ };
+ {
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeListEntry,tCONNECTELE,Linkage),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tCONNECTELE,Verify),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tCONNECTELE,SpinLock),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tCONNECTELE,pLowerConnId),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tCONNECTELE,pClientEle),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tCONNECTELE,ConnectContext),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeNBName,tCONNECTELE,RemoteName),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tCONNECTELE,pNewMdl),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeULong,tCONNECTELE,CurrentRcvLen),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeULong,tCONNECTELE,FreeBytesInMdl),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeULong,tCONNECTELE,TotalPcktLen),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeULong,tCONNECTELE,BytesInXport),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeULong,tCONNECTELE,BytesRcvd),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeULong,tCONNECTELE,ReceiveIndicated),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tCONNECTELE,pNextMdl),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeULong,tCONNECTELE,OffsetFromStart),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tCONNECTELE,pIrp),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tCONNECTELE,pIrpClose),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tCONNECTELE,pIrpDisc),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tCONNECTELE,pIrpRcv),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeULong,tCONNECTELE,RefCount),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeULong,tCONNECTELE,state),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeBoolean,tCONNECTELE,Orig),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeChar,tCONNECTELE,LockNumber),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeChar,tCONNECTELE,SessionSetupCount),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeChar,tCONNECTELE,DiscFlag),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeBoolean,tCONNECTELE,JunkMsgFlag),
+ 0
+ };
+ {
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeListEntry,tLOWERCONNECTION,Linkage),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tLOWERCONNECTION,Verify),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tLOWERCONNECTION,SpinLock),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tLOWERCONNECTION,pUpperConnection),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tLOWERCONNECTION,FileHandle),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tLOWERCONNECTION,pFileObject),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tLOWERCONNECTION,AddrFileHandle),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tLOWERCONNECTION,pAddrFileObject),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tLOWERCONNECTION,pDeviceContext),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tLOWERCONNECTION,pIndicateMdl),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeULongULong,tLOWERCONNECTION,BytesRcvd),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeULongULong,tLOWERCONNECTION,BytesSent),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tLOWERCONNECTION,pMdl),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeUShort,tLOWERCONNECTION,BytesInIndicate),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeUShort,tLOWERCONNECTION,StateRcv),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tLOWERCONNECTION,pIrp),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tLOWERCONNECTION,CurrentStateProc),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeBoolean,tLOWERCONNECTION,bReceivingToIndicateBuffer),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeChar,tLOWERCONNECTION,LockNumber),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeBoolean,tLOWERCONNECTION,bOriginator),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeBoolean,tLOWERCONNECTION,InRcvHandler),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeBoolean,tLOWERCONNECTION,DestroyConnection),
+ 0
+ };
+ {
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeListEntry,tDGRAM_SEND_TRACKING,Linkage),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeListEntry,tDGRAM_SEND_TRACKING,TrackerList),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tDGRAM_SEND_TRACKING,Verify),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tDGRAM_SEND_TRACKING,pClientIrp),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tDGRAM_SEND_TRACKING,pConnEle),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeStruct,tDGRAM_SEND_TRACKING,SendBuffer),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tDGRAM_SEND_TRACKING,pSendInfo),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tDGRAM_SEND_TRACKING,pDeviceContext),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tDGRAM_SEND_TRACKING,pTimer),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tDGRAM_SEND_TRACKING,RefCount),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tDGRAM_SEND_TRACKING,pNameAddr),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tDGRAM_SEND_TRACKING,pTimeout),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tDGRAM_SEND_TRACKING,AllocatedLength),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tDGRAM_SEND_TRACKING,CompletionRoutine),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeListEntry,tDGRAM_SEND_TRACKING,DebugLinkage),
+ 0
+ };
+ {
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tNBTCONFIG,SpinLock),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeULong,tNBTCONFIG,NumConnections),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeULong,tNBTCONFIG,NumAddresses),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeListEntry,tNBTCONFIG,DeviceContexts),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeListEntry,tNBTCONFIG,DgramTrackerFreeQ),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeListEntry,tNBTCONFIG,NodeStatusHead),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeListEntry,tNBTCONFIG,AddressHead),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeListEntry,tNBTCONFIG,PendingNameQueries),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tNBTCONFIG,pControlObj),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tNBTCONFIG,DriverObject),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeListEntry,tNBTCONFIG,IrpFreeList),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tNBTCONFIG,SessionMdlFreeSingleList),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tNBTCONFIG,DgramMdlFreeSingleList),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tNBTCONFIG,pTcpBindName),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tNBTCONFIG,pLocalHashTbl),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tNBTCONFIG,pRemoteHashTbl),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeStruct,tNBTCONFIG,OutOfRsrc),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeUShort,tNBTCONFIG,uNumDevices),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeUShort,tNBTCONFIG,uNumLocalNames),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeUShort,tNBTCONFIG,uNumRemoteNames),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeUShort,tNBTCONFIG,uNumBucketsRemote),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeUShort,tNBTCONFIG,uNumBucketsLocal),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeUShort,tNBTCONFIG,TimerQSize),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeULong,tNBTCONFIG,uBcastTimeout),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeULong,tNBTCONFIG,uRetryTimeout),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeUShort,tNBTCONFIG,uNumRetries),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeUShort,tNBTCONFIG,uNumBcasts),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeUShort,tNBTCONFIG,ScopeLength),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeUShort,tNBTCONFIG,SizeTransportAddress),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tNBTCONFIG,pScope),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tNBTCONFIG,pBcastNetbiosName),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeULong,tNBTCONFIG,MinimumTtl),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeULong,tNBTCONFIG,RefreshDivisor),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeULong,tNBTCONFIG,RemoteHashTimeout),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeULong,tNBTCONFIG,WinsDownTimeout),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tNBTCONFIG,pRefreshTimer),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tNBTCONFIG,pSessionKeepAliveTimer),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tNBTCONFIG,pRemoteHashTimer),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeULong,tNBTCONFIG,InitialRefreshTimeout),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeULong,tNBTCONFIG,KeepAliveTimeout),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeULong,tNBTCONFIG,RegistryBcastAddr),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeUShort,tNBTCONFIG,DhcpNumConnections),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeUShort,tNBTCONFIG,CurrentHashBucket),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeUShort,tNBTCONFIG,PduNodeType),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeUShort,tNBTCONFIG,TransactionId),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeUShort,tNBTCONFIG,NameServerPort),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeUShort,tNBTCONFIG,sTimeoutCount),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeStruct,tNBTCONFIG,JointLock),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeChar,tNBTCONFIG,LockNumber),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeUShort,tNBTCONFIG,RemoteTimeoutCount),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeBoolean,tNBTCONFIG,UseRegistryBcastAddr),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeULong,tNBTCONFIG,MaxDgramBuffering),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeULong,tNBTCONFIG,LmHostsTimeout),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tNBTCONFIG,pLmHosts),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeULong,tNBTCONFIG,PathLength),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeChar,tNBTCONFIG,AdapterCount),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeBoolean,tNBTCONFIG,MultiHomed),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeBoolean,tNBTCONFIG,SingleResponse),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeBoolean,tNBTCONFIG,SelectAdapter),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeBoolean,tNBTCONFIG,ResolveWithDns),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeBoolean,tNBTCONFIG,EnableLmHosts),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeBoolean,tNBTCONFIG,EnableProxyRegCheck),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeBoolean,tNBTCONFIG,DoingRefreshNow),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeChar,tNBTCONFIG,CurrProc),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeUShort,tNBTCONFIG,OpRefresh),
+ 0
+ };
+FIELD_DESCRIPTOR NbtWorkContext[] =
+ {
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,NBT_WORK_ITEM_CONTEXT,pTracker),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,NBT_WORK_ITEM_CONTEXT,pClientContext),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,NBT_WORK_ITEM_CONTEXT,ClientCompletion),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeBoolean,NBT_WORK_ITEM_CONTEXT,TimedOut),
+ 0
+ };
+ {
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeStruct,tTIMERQENTRY,VxdTimer),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeListEntry,tTIMERQENTRY,Linkage),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tTIMERQENTRY,Context),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tTIMERQENTRY,Context2),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tTIMERQENTRY,CompletionRoutine),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tTIMERQENTRY,ClientContext),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tTIMERQENTRY,ClientCompletion),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tTIMERQENTRY,pCacheEntry),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeULong,tTIMERQENTRY,DeltaTime),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeUShort,tTIMERQENTRY,Flags),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeUShort,tTIMERQENTRY,Retries),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeChar,tTIMERQENTRY,RefCount),
+ 0
+ };
+ {
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tDNS_QUERIES,QueryIrp),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeListEntry,tDNS_QUERIES,ToResolve),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypePointer,tDNS_QUERIES,Context),
+ FIELD3(FieldTypeBoolean,tDNS_QUERIES,ResolvingNow),
+ 0
+ };
+// List of structs currently handled by the debugger extensions
+ {
+ 0
+ };
diff --git a/private/ntos/nbt/nt/netbtkd/netbtkd.def b/private/ntos/nbt/nt/netbtkd/netbtkd.def
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3e91e095e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nbt/nt/netbtkd/netbtkd.def
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+DESCRIPTION 'Netbt KD extensions'
+ help
+ dump
+ columns
diff --git a/private/ntos/nbt/nt/netbtkd/sources b/private/ntos/nbt/nt/netbtkd/sources
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f8bca6009
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nbt/nt/netbtkd/sources
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+!IF 0
+Copyright (c) 1989 Microsoft Corporation
+Module Name:
+ sources.
+ This file specifies the target component being built and the list of
+ sources files needed to build that component. Also specifies optional
+ compiler switches and libraries that are unique for the component being
+ built.
+ Steve Wood (stevewo) 12-Apr-1990
+NOTE: Commented description of this file is in \nt\bak\bin\sources.tpl
+TARGETLIBS=$(BASEDIR)\public\sdk\lib\*\libc.lib \
+ $(BASEDIR)\public\sdk\lib\*\user32.lib\
+ $(BASEDIR)\public\sdk\lib\*\kernel32.lib
+SOURCES=kdextlib.c \
+ netbtkd.c