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+Network Working Group P. Prindeville
+Request for Comments: 1051 McGill University
+ March 1988
+ A Standard for the Transmission of IP Datagrams
+ and ARP Packets over ARCNET Networks
+Status of this Memo
+ This RFC specifies a standard protocol for the Internet community.
+ Distribution of this memo is unlimited.
+ This RFC specifies a standard method of encapsulating Internet
+ Protocol (IP) [1] and Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) [2] datagrams
+ on an ARCNET [3].
+ The author wishes to express thanks to Robert Craig of the McGill
+ University Computing Centre and Bruce Hughes of Datapoint Corporation
+ for their generous support of facilities and information. I also
+ extend my gratitude to the readers of the PCIP mailing list for their
+ helpful ideas and comments.
+Frame Format
+ IP and ARP datagrams are transmitted in standard ARCNET packets. As
+ required by Datapoint Corporation, the first octet of the data field
+ is reserved for the network layer protocol identification (the
+ "system code" in Datapoint nomenclature), and must contain the value
+ 240 (F0 hex) for IP or 241 (F1 hex) for ARP. The ARP hardware
+ address type for ARCNET is 7 [9].
+ ARCNET supports packet formats containing 1-253 octets of data
+ (normal format) and 257-508 octets of data (extended format),
+ inclusive of system code. Note that there exists a range of data
+ lengths (254-256) which are 'forbidden'. IP packets within this
+ range should be padded (with octets of zero) to meet the minimum
+ extended packet size of 257 data octets. This padding is not part of
+ the IP packet and is not included in the total length field of the IP
+ header.
+Prindeville [Page 1]
+RFC 1051 IP and ARP on ARCNET March 1988
+ On networks where some hosts do not support extended packet format,
+ the IP Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) should be set to 253, though
+ implementors are encouraged to support the extended packet format
+ mode of operation.
+ Because the ARCNET maximum packet length is less than the Internet
+ default MTU, implementations are strongly encouraged to support IP
+ level fragmentation and reassembly. Hosts not supporting this should
+ take steps to discourage others from sending fragmented packets, such
+ as using the TCP Maximum Segment Size option [4].
+ The frame format is:
+ Normal Packet Extended Packet
+ +----------------+ +----------------+
+ | ALERT* | | ALERT* |
+ +----------------+ +----------------+
+ | SOH (1) | | SOH (1) |
+ +----------------+ +----------------+
+ | SID | | SID |
+ +----------------+ +----------------+
+ | | | |
+ + DID + + DID +
+ | | | |
+ +----------------+ +----------------+
+ | COUNT | | NUL (0) |
+ +----------------+ + +
+ +----------------+ +----------------+
+ | | | SYSTEM CODE |
+ : DATA : +----------------+
+ | | | |
+ +----------------+ : DATA :
+ | | | |
+ + CRC + +----------------+
+ | | | |
+ +----------------+ + CRC +
+ | |
+ +----------------+
+ ALERT*: Six mark bits signifying the beginning of a frame.
+ SID: Sender's node ID.
+ DID: Receipient's node ID (repeated for reliability).
+ COUNT: Length of data and system code (one's complement).
+ SYSTEM CODE: 240 for IP, 241 for ARP (decimal).
+ DATA: Is either an IP or an ARP packet, padded with NULs so
+ as to not be between 254 and 256 octets long.
+ CRC: Cyclic redundancy check (CRC-16).
+Prindeville [Page 2]
+RFC 1051 IP and ARP on ARCNET March 1988
+Address Mappings
+ The mappings between 32-bit Internet addresses to 8-bit ARCNET
+ addresses can be done several ways, recommended are:
+ Host Number Extraction
+ The easiest thing to do is to use the last eight bits of host
+ number part of the Internet address as the host's node id. This
+ has been implemented on Experimental Ethernet [5] and ProNET-10
+ [6].
+ Dynamic Discovery
+ Mappings between 32-bit Internet addresses and 8-bit ARCNET node
+ ids could be accomplished through ARP. Internet addresses are
+ assigned arbitrarily on some Internet networks. All
+ implementations supporting ARP must have a means of disabling ARP
+ and using the above Host Number Extraction method of address
+ mapping so that systems may interoperate.
+ The use of ARP is optional. However, ARP is desirable when using
+ IP implementations that don't support subnetting [7], as in the
+ Proxy ARP scenario [8].
+Broadcast Address
+ The broadcast Internet address (the address on the network with a
+ host part of all binary ones) should be mapped to the broadcast node
+ id 0.
+Prindeville [Page 3]
+RFC 1051 IP and ARP on ARCNET March 1988
+ [1] Postel, J., "Internet Protocol", RFC-791, Network Information
+ Center, SRI, September 1981.
+ [2] Plummer, D., "An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol", RFC- 826,
+ Network Information Center, SRI, November 1982.
+ [3] "ARCNET Designer's Handbook", Order Number 61610, Datapoint
+ Corporation, 1983.
+ [4] Postel, J., "The TCP Maximum Segment Size Option and Related
+ Topics", RFC-879, Network Information Center, SRI, November 1983.
+ [5] Postel, J., "A Standard for the Transmission of IP Datagrams over
+ Experimental Ethernet Networks", RFC-895, Network Information
+ Center, SRI, April 1984.
+ [6] "ProNET-10 Model p1300 IBM PC Interface System Installation and
+ Programming Guide", Version 4.0, Proteon Inc., July 1986.
+ [7] Mogul, J. and J. Postel, "Internet Standard Subnetting
+ Procedure", RFC-950, Network Information Center, SRI, October
+ 1984.
+ [8] Carl-Mitchell, S. and J.S. Quarterman, "Using ARP to Implement
+ Transparent Subnet Gateways", RFC-1027, Network Information
+ Center, SRI, October 1987.
+ [9] Reynolds, J., and J. Postel, "Assigned Numbers", RFC-1010,
+ Network Information Center, SRI, May 1987.
+Prindeville [Page 4]
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+Network Working Group D. Provan
+Request for Comments: 1201 Novell, Inc.
+Obsoletes: RFC 1051 February 1991
+ Transmitting IP Traffic over ARCNET Networks
+Status of this Memo
+ This memo defines a protocol for the transmission of IP and ARP
+ packets over the ARCnet Local Area Network. This RFC specifies an
+ IAB standards track protocol for the Internet community, and requests
+ discussion and suggestions for improvements. Please refer to the
+ current edition of the "IAB Official Protocol Standards" for the
+ standardization state and status of this protocol. Distribution of
+ this memo is unlimited.
+1. Introduction
+ This memo specifies a method of encapsulating Internet Protocol (IP)
+ [1] and Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) [2] datagrams for
+ transmission across ARCNET [3] using the "ARCNET Packet Header
+ Definition Standard" [4]. This memo offers a replacement for RFC
+ 1051. RFC 1051 uses an ARCNET framing protocol which limits
+ unfragmented IP packets to 508 octets [5].
+2. ARCNET Packet Format
+ In 1989, Apple Computers, Novell, ACTINET Systems, Standard
+ Microsystems, and Pure Data Research agreed to use the ARCNET
+ datalink protocol defined in "ARCNET Packet Header Definition
+ Standard" [4]. We'll begin with a brief description of that
+ protocol.
+2.1. ARCNET Framing
+ ARCNET hardware supports two types of frames: short frames, which are
+ always 256 octets long, and long frames, which are always 512 octets
+ long. All frames begin with a hardware header and end with the
+ client's data preceded by a software header. Software places padding
+ in the middle of the packet between the hardware header and the
+ software header to make the frame the appropriate fixed length.
+ Unbeknown to the software, the hardware removes this padding during
+ transmission.
+ Short frames can hold from 0 to 249 octets of client data. Long
+ frames can hold from 253 to 504 octets of client data. To handle
+ frames with 250, 251, or 252 octets of data, the datalink protocol
+Provan [Page 1]
+RFC 1201 IP on ARCNET February 1991
+ introduces a third frame type: the exception frame.
+ These three frame formats are shown here. Except as noted, each
+ block represents one octet.
+ Short Frame Long Frame Exception Frame
+ +---------------+ +---------------+ +---------------+
+ | source | | source | | source |
+ +---------------+ +---------------+ +---------------+
+ | destination | | destination | | destination |
+ +---------------+ +---------------+ +---------------+
+ | offset | | 0 | | 0 |
+ +---------------+ +---------------+ +---------------+
+ . unused . | offset | | offset |
+ . (offset - 3 . +---------------+ +---------------+
+ . octets) . . unused . . unused .
+ +---------------+ . (offset - 4 . . (offset - 4 .
+ | protocol ID | . octets) . . octets) .
+ +---------------+ +---------------+ +---------------+
+ | split flag | | protocol ID | | protocol ID |
+ +---------------+ +---------------+ +---------------+
+ | sequence | | split flag | | flag: FF hex |
+ + number + +---------------+ +---------------+
+ | (2 octets) | | sequence | | padding: 0xFF |
+ +---------------+ + number + +---------------+
+ . . | (2 octets) | | padding: 0xFF |
+ . client data . +---------------+ +---------------+
+ . (256 - offset . . . | (protocol ID) |
+ . - 4 octets) . . . +---------------+
+ . . . . | split flag |
+ +---------------+ . . +---------------+
+ . . | sequence |
+ . client data . + number +
+ . (512 - offset . | (2 octets) |
+ . - 4 octets) . +---------------+
+ . . . .
+ . . . client data .
+ . . . (512 - offset .
+ . . . - 8 octets) .
+ . . . .
+ +---------------+ +---------------+
+ These packet formats are presented as software would see them
+ through ARCNET hardware. [3] refers to this as the "buffer
+ format". The actual format of packets on the wire is a little
+ different: the destination ID is duplicated, the padding between
+Provan [Page 2]
+RFC 1201 IP on ARCNET February 1991
+ the offset field and the protocol ID field is not transmitted, and
+ there's some hardware framing information. In addition, the
+ hardware transmits special packets for buffer allocation and
+ reception acknowledgement which are not described here [3].
+2.2. Datalink Layer Fragmentation
+ ARCNET hardware limits individual frames to 512 octets, which allows
+ 504 octets of client data. This ARCNET datalink protocol allows the
+ datalink layer to break packets into as many as 120 fragments for
+ transmission. This allows ARCNET clients to transmit up to 60,480
+ octets in each packet.
+ The "split flag" describes datalink layer packet fragments. There
+ are three cases: an unfragmented packet, the first fragment of a
+ fragmented packet, and any other fragment of a fragmented packet.
+ Unfragmented packets always have a split flag of zero.
+ The first fragment of a fragmented packet has a split flag equal to
+ ((T-2)*2)+1, where T is the total number of fragments to expect for
+ the packet.
+ Subsequent fragments of a fragmented packet have a split flag equal
+ to ((N-1)*2), where N is the number of this fragment. For example,
+ the fourth fragment of a packet will always have the split flag value
+ of six ( (4-1)*2 ).
+ The receiving station can identify the last fragment of a packet
+ because the value of its 8-bit split flag will be one greater than
+ the split flag of the first fragment of the packet.
+ A previous version of this ARCNET datalink protocol definition
+ only allowed packets which could be contained in two fragments.
+ In this older standard, the only legal split flags were 0, 1, and
+ 2. Compatibility with this older standard can be maintained by
+ configuring the maximum client data length to 1008 octets.
+ No more that 120 fragments are allowed. The highest legal split flag
+ value is EE hex. (Notice that the split flag value FF hex is used to
+ flag exception packets in what would otherwise be a long packet's
+ split flag field.)
+ All fragments of a single packet carry the same sequence number.
+2.3. Datalink Layer Reassembly
+ The previous section provides enough information to implement
+Provan [Page 3]
+RFC 1201 IP on ARCNET February 1991
+ datalink reassembly. To avoid buffer allocation problems during
+ reassembly, we recommend allocating enough space for the entire
+ reassembled packet when the first fragment arrives.
+ Since fragments are sent in order, the reassembly procedure can give
+ up on a packet if it receives a fragment out of order. There is one
+ exception, however. It is possible for successfully received
+ fragments to be retransmitted. Reassembly software should ignore
+ repetitious fragments without giving up on the packet.
+ Since fragments will be sent briskly, the reassembly procedure can
+ give up on a partially reassembled packet if no additional fragments
+ for it arrive within a few seconds.
+2.4. Datalink Layer Retransmission
+ For each unicast ARCNET packet, the hardware indicates to the sender
+ whether or not the receiver acknowledged the packet. To improve
+ reliability, datalink implementations are encouraged to retransmit
+ unacknowledged packets or packet fragments. Several retransmissions
+ may be necessary. Broadcast packets, however, are never acknowledged
+ and, therefore, they should never be retransmitted.
+ Packets which are successfully received may not be successfully
+ acknowledged. Consequently, retransmission by the datalink
+ implementation can cause duplicate packets or duplicate fragments.
+ Duplicate packets are not a problem for IP or ARP. As mentioned in
+ the previous section, ARCNET reassembly support should ignore any
+ redundant fragments.
+3. Transmitting IP and ARP Datagrams
+ IP and ARP datagrams are carried in the client data area of ARCNET
+ packets. Datalink support places each datagram in an appropriate
+ size ARCNET frame, fragmenting IP datagrams larger than 504 octets
+ into multiple frames as described in the previous section.
+4. IP Address Mappings
+ This section explains how each of the three basic 32-bit internet
+ address types are mapped to 8-bit ARCNET addresses.
+4.1. Unicast Addresses
+ A unicast IP address is mapped to an 8-bit ARCNET address using ARP
+ as specified in [2]. A later section covers the specific values
+ which should be used in ARP packets sent on ARCNET networks.
+Provan [Page 4]
+RFC 1201 IP on ARCNET February 1991
+ It is possible to assign IP addresses such that the last eight
+ bits are the same as the 8-bit ARCNET address. This would allow
+ direct mapping of IP address to ARCNET address without using a
+ discovery protocol. Some implementations might provide this as an
+ option, but it is not recommended practice. Although such hard-
+ wired mapping is initially appealing, experience shows that ARP is
+ a much more flexible and convenient approach which has a very
+ small cost.
+4.2. Broadcast Addresses
+ All IP broadcast addresses must be mapped to the ARCNET broadcast
+ address of 0.
+ Unlike unicast packets, ARCNET does not attempt to insure delivery
+ of broadcast packets, so they may be lost. This will not have a
+ major impact on IP since neither IP nor ARP expect all packets to
+ be delivered.
+4.3. Multicast Addresses
+ Since ARCNET provides no support for multicasts, all IP multicast
+ addresses must be mapped to the ARCNET broadcast address of 0.
+5. ARP
+ The hardware address length is 1 octet for ARP packets sent over
+ ARCNET networks. The ARP hardware type for ARCNET is 7. ARP request
+ packets are broadcast by directing them to ARCNET broadcast address,
+ which is 0.
+6. RARP
+ Reverse Address Resolution Protocol [6] packets can also be
+ transmitted over ARCNET. For the purposes of datalink transmission
+ and reception, RARP is identical to ARP and can be handled the same
+ way. There are a few differences to notice, however, between RARP
+ when running over ARCNET, which has a one octet hardware address, and
+ Ethernet, which has a six octet hardware address.
+ First, there are only 255 different hardware addresses for any given
+ ARCNET while there's an very large number of possible Ethernet
+ addresses. Second, ARCNET hardware addresses are more likely to be
+ duplicated on different ARCNET networks; Ethernet hardware addresses
+ will normally be globally unique. Third, an ARCNET hardware address
+ is not as constant as an Ethernet address: ARCNET hardware addresses
+ are set by switches, not fixed in ROM as they are on Ethernet.
+Provan [Page 5]
+RFC 1201 IP on ARCNET February 1991
+7. Maximum Transmission Unit
+ The maximum IP packet length possible using this encapsulation method
+ is 60,480 octets. Since this length is impractical, all ARCNET
+ implementations on a given ARCNET network will need to agree on a
+ smaller value. Therefore, the maximum packet size MUST be
+ configurable in implementations of this specification.
+ In any case, implementations must be able to send and receive IP
+ datagrams up to 576 octets in length, and are strongly encouraged to
+ handle IP datagrams up to 1500 octets in length.
+ Implementations may accept arriving IP datagrams which are larger
+ than their configured maximum transmission unit. They are not
+ required to discard such datagrams.
+ To minimize the amount of ARCNET fragmentation, implementations may
+ want to aim at an optimum IP packet size of 504 bytes. This avoids
+ the overhead of datalink fragmentation, but at the expense of
+ increasing the number of IP packets which must be handled by each
+ node in the path. In addition to encouraging local applications to
+ generate smaller packets, an implementation might also use the TCP
+ maximum segment size option to indicate a desire for 464 octet TCP
+ segments [7], or it might announce an IP MTU of 504 octets through
+ an MTU discovery mechanism such as [8]. These would inform non-
+ ARCNET nodes of the smaller optimum packet size.
+8. Assigned Numbers
+ Datapoint Corporation assigns ARCNET protocol IDs to identify
+ different protocols running on the same ARCNET medium. For
+ implementations of this specification, Datapoint has assigned 212
+ decimal to IP, 213 decimal to ARP, and 214 decimal to RARP. These
+ are not the numbers assigned to the IP encapsulation defined by RFC
+ 1051 [5]. Implementations of RFC 1051 can exist on the same ARCNET
+ as implementations of this specification, although the two would not
+ be able to communicate with each other.
+ The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) assigns ARP hardware
+ type values. It has assigned ARCNET the ARP hardware type of 7 [9].
+ Several people have reviewed this specification and provided useful
+ input. I'd like to thank Wesley Hardell at Datapoint and Troy Thomas
+ at Novell's Provo office for helping me figure out ARCNET. In
+ addition, I particularly appreciate the effort by James VanBokkelen
+ at FTP Software who picked on me until all the fuzzy edges were
+Provan [Page 6]
+RFC 1201 IP on ARCNET February 1991
+ smoothed out.
+ The pioneering work in transmitting IP traffic on ARCNET networks was
+ done by Philippe Prindeville.
+ [1] Postel, J., "Internet Protocol", RFC 791, DARPA, September 1981.
+ [2] Plummer, D., "An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol", RFC 826,
+ MIT, November 1982.
+ [3] Datapoint, Corp., "ARCNET Designer's Handbook", Document Number
+ 61610, 2nd Edition, Datapoint Corporation, 1988.
+ [4] Novell, Inc., "ARCNET Packet Header Definition Standard", Novell,
+ Inc., November 1989.
+ [5] Prindeville, P., "A Standard for the Transmission of IP Datagrams
+ and ARP Packets over ARCNET Networks", RFC 1051, McGill
+ University, March 1988.
+ [6] Finlayson, R., Mann, T., Mogul, J., and M. Theimer, "A Reverse
+ Address Resolution Protocol", RFC 903, Stanford, June 1984.
+ [7] Postel, J., "Transmission Control Protocol", RFC 793, DARPA,
+ September 1981.
+ [8] Mogul, J., Kent, C., Partridge, C., and K. McCloghrie, "IP MTU
+ Discovery Options", RFC 1063, DEC, BBN, TWG, July 1988.
+ [9] Reynolds, J., and J. Postel, "Assigned Numbers", RFC 1060,
+ USC/Information Sciences Institute, March 1990.
+Security Considerations
+ Security issues are not discussed in this memo.
+Author's Address
+ Don Provan
+ Novell, Inc.
+ 2180 Fortune Drive
+ San Jose, California, 95131
+ Phone: (408) 473-8440
+ EMail: donp@Novell.Com
+Provan [Page 7]