path: root/private/ntos/nthals/haleb164/alpha/ebinitnt.c
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diff --git a/private/ntos/nthals/haleb164/alpha/ebinitnt.c b/private/ntos/nthals/haleb164/alpha/ebinitnt.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c7ba7e0fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nthals/haleb164/alpha/ebinitnt.c
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+Copyright (c) 1994 Digital Equipment Corporation
+Module Name:
+ ebinitnt.c
+ This module implements the platform-specific initialization for
+ an EB164 system.
+ Joe Notarangelo 06-Sep-1994
+ Kernel mode only.
+Revision History:
+#include "halp.h"
+#include "pcrtc.h"
+#include "eb164.h"
+#include "iousage.h"
+#include "fwcallbk.h"
+#include <ntverp.h> // to get the product build number.
+// Define extern global buffer for the Uncorrectable Error Frame.
+// declared in halalpha\inithal.c
+extern PERROR_FRAME PUncorrectableError;
+// PLATFORM_TYPE enumeration so that the HAL can be used on
+// similar systems with run-time differences
+PLATFORM_TYPES PlatformType = UnknownPlatform;
+// Irql mask and tables
+// irql 0 - passive
+// irql 1 - sfw apc level
+// irql 2 - sfw dispatch level
+// irql 3 - device low
+// irql 4 - device high
+// irql 5 - interval clock
+// irql 6 - not used
+// irql 7 - error, mchk, nmi, performance counters
+// The hardware interrupt pins are used as follows for EB164
+// IRQ0 = CIA_INT
+// IRQ1 = SYS_INT (PCI and ESC interrupts)
+// IRQ2 = Interval Clock
+// IRQ3 = Error Interrupts
+// Define the bus type, this value allows us to distinguish between
+// EISA and ISA systems. We're only interested in distinguishing
+// between just those two buses.
+// Define global data used to communicate new clock rates to the clock
+// interrupt service routine.
+ULONG HalpCurrentTimeIncrement;
+ULONG HalpNextRateSelect;
+ULONG HalpNextTimeIncrement;
+ULONG HalpNewTimeIncrement;
+// External references.
+extern ULONG HalDisablePCIParityChecking;
+// Function prototypes.
+HalpInitializeEB164Interrupts (
+ );
+ );
+ );
+HalpInitializeInterrupts (
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ This function initializes interrupts for an EB164 system.
+ None.
+Return Value:
+ A value of TRUE is returned if the initialization is successfully
+ completed. Otherwise a value of FALSE is returned.
+ extern ULONG Halp21164CorrectedErrorInterrupt();
+ extern ULONG HalpCiaErrorInterrupt();
+ extern ULONG HalpDeviceInterrupt();
+ extern ULONG HalpHaltInterrupt();
+ ULONG Vector;
+ //
+ // Initialize HAL processor parameters based on estimated CPU speed.
+ // This must be done before HalpStallExecution is called. Compute integral
+ // megahertz first to avoid rounding errors due to imprecise cycle clock
+ // period values.
+ //
+ HalpInitializeProcessorParameters();
+ //
+ // Start the periodic interrupt from the RTC
+ //
+ HalpProgramIntervalTimer(MAXIMUM_RATE_SELECT);
+ //
+ // Initialize EB164 interrupts.
+ //
+ HalpInitializeEB164Interrupts();
+ //
+ // Initialize the EV5 (21164) interrupts.
+ //
+ HalpInitialize21164Interrupts();
+ PCR->InterruptRoutine[EV5_IRQ0_VECTOR] = (PKINTERRUPT_ROUTINE)HalpCiaErrorInterrupt;
+ PCR->InterruptRoutine[EV5_IRQ1_VECTOR] = (PKINTERRUPT_ROUTINE)HalpDeviceInterrupt;
+ PCR->InterruptRoutine[EV5_IRQ2_VECTOR] = (PKINTERRUPT_ROUTINE)HalpClockInterrupt;
+ PCR->InterruptRoutine[EV5_HALT_VECTOR] = (PKINTERRUPT_ROUTINE)HalpHaltInterrupt;
+ PCR->InterruptRoutine[EV5_MCHK_VECTOR] = (PKINTERRUPT_ROUTINE)HalpErrorInterrupt;
+ PCR->InterruptRoutine[EV5_CRD_VECTOR] = (PKINTERRUPT_ROUTINE)Halp21164CorrectedErrorInterrupt;
+ HalpStart21164Interrupts();
+ return TRUE;
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ This routine is responsible for setting the time increment for an EV4
+ based machine via a call into the kernel.
+ None.
+Return Value:
+ None.
+ //
+ // Set the time increment value.
+ //
+ HalpCurrentTimeIncrement = MAXIMUM_INCREMENT;
+ HalpNextTimeIncrement = MAXIMUM_INCREMENT;
+ HalpNextRateSelect = 0;
+// Define global data used to calibrate and stall processor execution.
+ULONG HalpProfileCountRate;
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ This function is called during phase 1 initialization to complete
+ the initialization of clock interrupts. For EV4, this function
+ connects the true clock interrupt handler and initializes the values
+ required to handle profile interrupts.
+ None.
+Return Value:
+ None.
+ //
+ // Compute the profile interrupt rate.
+ //
+ HalpProfileCountRate = ((1000 * 1000 * 10) / KeQueryTimeIncrement());
+ return;
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ This routine performs the initialization necessary for the HAL to
+ begin servicing machine checks.
+ None.
+Return Value:
+ None.
+ BOOLEAN PciParityChecking;
+ BOOLEAN ReportCorrectables;
+ //
+ // Connect the machine check handler via the PCR.
+ //
+ PCR->MachineCheckError = HalMachineCheck;
+ HalpInitializeCiaMachineChecks( ReportCorrectables = FALSE,
+ PciParityChecking = FALSE );
+ return;
+ IN ULONG Phase,
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ This function performs any EV4-specific initialization based on
+ the current phase on initialization.
+ Phase - Supplies an indicator for phase of initialization, phase 0 or
+ phase 1.
+ LoaderBlock - supplies a pointer to the loader block.
+Return Value:
+ None.
+ ULONG BusIrql;
+ ULONG BusNumber;
+ BOOLEAN ReportCorrectables;
+ BOOLEAN PciParityChecking;
+ CIA_REVISION CiaRevision; // kmc - used to figure out if this is a PC164
+ //
+ // Since we have a flash device mapped in PCI memory space, but its
+ // HAL driver is pretending to be a cmos8k driver - override the
+ // HalpCMOSRamBase value set in HalpMapIoSpace (ciamapio.c) with the
+ // correct QVA to reach the environment block in the flash through
+ // the SIO.
+ //
+ if( Phase == 0 ){
+ //
+ // Phase 0 Initialization.
+ //
+ //
+ // Determine the system type, if there's a REV 3 CIA
+ // then it's an AlphaPC164, otherwiser it's an EB164
+ //
+ CiaRevision.all =
+ PlatformType = EB164;
+ if (CiaRevision.CiaRev == CIA_REVISION_3) {
+ PlatformType = AlphaPC164;
+ }
+#ifdef HALDBG
+ DbgPrint("LOOK AT THIS ONE\r\n");
+ DumpCia(CiaGeneralRegisters |
+ CiaErrorRegisters |
+ CiaScatterGatherRegisters);
+ //
+ // Parse the Loader Parameter block looking for PCI entry to determine
+ // if PCI parity should be disabled
+ //
+ HalpParseLoaderBlock( LoaderBlock );
+ //
+ // Establish the error handler, to reflect the PCI parity checking.
+ //
+ PciParityChecking = (BOOLEAN)(HalDisablePCIParityChecking == 0);
+ HalpInitializeCiaMachineChecks(ReportCorrectables = TRUE,
+ PciParityChecking);
+ } else {
+ //
+ // Phase 1 Initialization.
+ //
+ //
+ // Initialize the existing bus handlers.
+ //
+ HalpRegisterInternalBusHandlers();
+ //
+ // Initialize PCI Bus.
+ //
+ HalpInitializePCIBus(LoaderBlock);
+ //
+ // Initialize profiler.
+ //
+ HalpInitializeProfiler();
+ }
+ return;
+HalSetTimeIncrement (
+ IN ULONG DesiredIncrement
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ This function is called to set the clock interrupt rate to the frequency
+ required by the specified time increment value.
+ DesiredIncrement - Supplies desired number of 100ns units between clock
+ interrupts.
+Return Value:
+ The actual time increment in 100ns units.
+ ULONG NewTimeIncrement;
+ ULONG NextRateSelect;
+ KIRQL OldIrql;
+ //
+ // Raise IRQL to the highest level, set the new clock interrupt
+ // parameters, lower IRQl, and return the new time increment value.
+ //
+ KeRaiseIrql(HIGH_LEVEL, &OldIrql);
+ if (DesiredIncrement < MINIMUM_INCREMENT) {
+ DesiredIncrement = MINIMUM_INCREMENT;
+ }
+ if (DesiredIncrement > MAXIMUM_INCREMENT) {
+ DesiredIncrement = MAXIMUM_INCREMENT;
+ }
+ //
+ // Find the allowed increment that is less than or equal to
+ // the desired increment.
+ //
+ if (DesiredIncrement >= RTC_PERIOD_IN_CLUNKS4) {
+ NewTimeIncrement = RTC_PERIOD_IN_CLUNKS4;
+ NextRateSelect = RTC_RATE_SELECT4;
+ } else if (DesiredIncrement >= RTC_PERIOD_IN_CLUNKS3) {
+ NewTimeIncrement = RTC_PERIOD_IN_CLUNKS3;
+ NextRateSelect = RTC_RATE_SELECT3;
+ } else if (DesiredIncrement >= RTC_PERIOD_IN_CLUNKS2) {
+ NewTimeIncrement = RTC_PERIOD_IN_CLUNKS2;
+ NextRateSelect = RTC_RATE_SELECT2;
+ } else {
+ NewTimeIncrement = RTC_PERIOD_IN_CLUNKS1;
+ NextRateSelect = RTC_RATE_SELECT1;
+ }
+ HalpNextRateSelect = NextRateSelect;
+ HalpNewTimeIncrement = NewTimeIncrement;
+ KeLowerIrql(OldIrql);
+ return NewTimeIncrement;
+// This routine is bogus and does not apply to EB164 and the call should be
+// ripped out of fwreturn (or at least changed to something that is more
+// abstract).
+ )
+ return;
+ PULONG RawProcessorSize,
+ PULONG RawSystemInfoSize
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ This function returns the size of the system specific structures.
+ RawProcessorSize - Pointer to a buffer that will receive the
+ size of the processor specific error information buffer.
+ RawSystemInfoSize - Pointer to a buffer that will receive the
+ size of the system specific error information buffer.
+Return Value:
+ none
+ *RawProcessorSize = sizeof(PROCESSOR_EV5_UNCORRECTABLE);
+ *RawSystemInfoSize = sizeof(CIA_UNCORRECTABLE_FRAME);
+ return;
+HalpGetSystemInfo(SYSTEM_INFORMATION *SystemInfo)
+Routine Description:
+ This function fills in the System information.
+ SystemInfo - Pointer to the SYSTEM_INFORMATION buffer that needs
+ to be filled in.
+Return Value:
+ none
+ char systemtype[] = "eb164";
+ VenReturnExtendedSystemInformation(&FwExtSysInfo);
+ RtlCopyMemory(SystemInfo->FirmwareRevisionId,
+ FwExtSysInfo.FirmwareVersion,
+ 16);
+ RtlCopyMemory(SystemInfo->SystemType,systemtype, 8);
+ SystemInfo->ClockSpeed =
+ ((1000 * 1000) + (PCR->CycleClockPeriod >> 1)) / PCR->CycleClockPeriod;
+ SystemInfo->SystemRevision = PCR->SystemRevision;
+ RtlCopyMemory(SystemInfo->SystemSerialNumber,
+ PCR->SystemSerialNumber,
+ 16);
+ SystemInfo->SystemVariant = PCR->SystemVariant;
+ SystemInfo->PalMajorVersion = PCR->PalMajorVersion;
+ SystemInfo->PalMinorVersion = PCR->PalMinorVersion;
+ SystemInfo->OsRevisionId = VER_PRODUCTBUILD;
+ //
+ // For now fill in dummy values.
+ //
+ SystemInfo->ModuleVariant = 1UL;
+ SystemInfo->ModuleRevision = 1UL;
+ SystemInfo->ModuleSerialNumber = 0;
+ return;
+HalpInitializeUncorrectableErrorFrame (
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ This function Allocates an Uncorrectable Error frame for this
+ system and initializes the frame with certain constant/global
+ values.
+ This is routine called during machine dependent system
+ Initialization.
+ none
+Return Value:
+ none
+ //
+ // If the Uncorrectable error buffer is not set then simply return
+ //
+ if(PUncorrectableError == NULL)
+ return;
+ PUncorrectableError->Signature = ERROR_FRAME_SIGNATURE;
+ PUncorrectableError->FrameType = UncorrectableFrame;
+ //
+ // ERROR_FRAME_VERSION is define in errframe.h and will
+ // change as and when there is a change in the errframe.h.
+ // This Version number helps the service, that reads this
+ // information from the dumpfile, to check if it knows about
+ // this frmae version type to decode. If it doesn't know, it
+ // will dump the entire frame to the EventLog with a message
+ // "Error Frame Version Mismatch".
+ //
+ PUncorrectableError->VersionNumber = ERROR_FRAME_VERSION;
+ //
+ // The sequence number will always be 1 for Uncorrectable errors.
+ //
+ PUncorrectableError->SequenceNumber = 1;
+ //
+ // The PerformanceCounterValue field is not used for Uncorrectable
+ // errors.
+ //
+ PUncorrectableError->PerformanceCounterValue = 0;
+ //
+ // We will fill in the UncorrectableFrame.SystemInfo here.
+ //
+ HalpGetSystemInfo(&PUncorrectableError->UncorrectableFrame.System);
+ PUncorrectableError->UncorrectableFrame.Flags.SystemInformationValid = 1;
+ return;
+//jnfix - this variable is needed because the clock interrupt handler
+// - in intsup.s was made to be familiar with ev4prof.c, unfortunate
+// - since we don't use ev4prof.c, so for now this is a hack, later
+// - we will either fix intsup.s or create a new intsup.s that does
+// - not have this hack
+ULONG HalpNumberOfTicksReload;