path: root/private/ntos/nthals/halncr/i386/ixstall.asm
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1 files changed, 481 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/private/ntos/nthals/halncr/i386/ixstall.asm b/private/ntos/nthals/halncr/i386/ixstall.asm
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index 000000000..4e33c55fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nthals/halncr/i386/ixstall.asm
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+ title "Stall Execution Support"
+; Copyright (c) 1989 Microsoft Corporation
+; Module Name:
+; ixstall.asm
+; Abstract:
+; This module implements the code necessary to field and process the
+; interval clock interrupt.
+; Author:
+; Shie-Lin Tzong (shielint) 12-Jan-1990
+; Environment:
+; Kernel mode only.
+; Revision History:
+; bryanwi 20-Sep-90
+; Add KiSetProfileInterval, KiStartProfileInterrupt,
+; KiStopProfileInterrupt procedures.
+; KiProfileInterrupt ISR.
+; KiProfileList, KiProfileLock are delcared here.
+; shielint 10-Dec-90
+; Add performance counter support.
+; Move system clock to irq8, ie we now use RTC to generate system
+; clock. Performance count and Profile use timer 1 counter 0.
+; The interval of the irq0 interrupt can be changed by
+; KiSetProfileInterval. Performance counter does not care about the
+; interval of the interrupt as long as it knows the rollover count.
+; Note: Currently I implemented 1 performance counter for the whole
+; i386 NT.
+; John Vert (jvert) 11-Jul-1991
+; Moved from ke\i386 to hal\i386. Removed non-HAL stuff
+; shie-lin tzong (shielint) 13-March-92
+; Move System clock back to irq0 and use RTC (irq8) to generate
+; profile interrupt. Performance counter and system clock use time1
+; counter 0 of 8254.
+; Landy Wang (corollary!landy) 04-Dec-92
+; Created this module by moving routines from ixclock.asm to here.
+ .xlist
+include ; calling convention macros
+include i386\
+include i386\
+include i386\
+include i386\
+ .list
+ EXTRNP _DbgBreakPoint,0,IMPORT
+ EXTRNP _HalpAcquireCmosSpinLock ,0
+ EXTRNP _HalpReleaseCmosSpinLock ,0
+; Constants used to initialize CMOS/Real Time Clock
+D_INT032 EQU 8E00h ; access word for 386 ring 0 interrupt gate
+RTCIRQ EQU 8 ; IRQ number for RTC interrupt
+ ; RT/CMOS Register 'B' Init byte
+ ; Values for byte shown are
+ ; Bit 7 = Update inhibit
+ ; Bit 6 = Periodic interrupt enable
+ ; Bit 5 = Alarm interrupt disable
+ ; Bit 4 = Update interrupt disable
+ ; Bit 3 = Square wave disable
+ ; Bit 2 = BCD data format
+ ; Bit 1 = 24 hour time mode
+ ; Bit 0 = Daylight Savings disable
+; RegisterAInitByte sets 8Hz clock rate, used during init to set up
+; KeStallExecutionProcessor, etc. (See RegASystemClockByte below.)
+RegisterAInitByte EQU 00101101B ; RT/CMOS Register 'A' init byte
+ ; 32.768KHz Base divider rate
+ ; 8Hz int rate, period = 125.0ms
+PeriodInMicroSecond EQU 125000 ;
+HalpP0BugBugStallCount dd 0
+_DATA ends
+ page ,132
+ subttl "Initialize Stall Execution Counter"
+; HalpInitializeStallExecution (
+; IN CCHAR ProcessorNumber
+; )
+; Routine Description:
+; This routine initialize the per Microsecond counter for
+; KeStallExecutionProcessor
+; Arguments:
+; ProcessorNumber - Processor Number
+; Return Value:
+; None.
+; Note:
+; Current implementation assumes that all the processors share
+; the same Real Time Clock. So, the dispatcher database lock is
+; acquired before entering this routine to guarantee only one
+; processor can access the routine.
+KiseInterruptCount equ [ebp-12] ; local variable
+cPublicProc _HalpInitializeStallExecution ,1
+ifndef NT_UP
+;; This function currently doesn't work from any processor but the
+;; boot processor - for now stub out the others
+ mov eax, PCR[PcPrcb]
+ cmp byte ptr [eax].PbNumber, 0
+ je @f
+ mov eax, HalpP0BugBugStallCount
+ mov PCR[PcStallScaleFactor], eax
+ stdRET _HalpInitializeStallExecution
+ push ebp ; save ebp
+ mov ebp, esp ; set up 12 bytes for local use
+ sub esp, 12
+ pushfd ; save caller's eflag
+; Initialize Real Time Clock to interrupt us for every 125ms at
+; IRQ 8.
+ cli ; make sure interrupts are disabled
+; Get and save current 8259 masks
+ xor eax,eax
+; Assume there is no third and fourth PICs
+; Get interrupt Mask on PIC2
+ in al,PIC2_PORT1
+ shl eax, 8
+; Get interrupt Mask on PIC1
+ in al,PIC1_PORT1
+ push eax ; save the masks
+ mov eax, NOT (( 1 SHL PIC_SLAVE_IRQ) + (1 SHL RTCIRQ))
+ ; Mask all the irqs except irq 2 and 8
+ SET_IRQ_MASK ; Set 8259's int mask register
+; Since RTC interrupt will come from IRQ 8, we need to
+; Save original irq 8 descriptor and set the descriptor to point to
+; our own handler.
+ sidt fword ptr [ebp-8] ; get IDT address
+ mov ecx, [ebp-6] ; (ecx)->IDT
+ shl eax, 3 ; 8 bytes per IDT entry
+ add ecx, eax ; now at the correct IDT RTC entry
+ push dword ptr [ecx] ; (TOS) = original desc of IRQ 8
+ push dword ptr [ecx + 4] ; each descriptor has 8 bytes
+ ;
+ ; Pushing the appropriate entry address now (instead of
+ ; the IDT start address later) to make the pop at the end simpler.
+ ;
+ push ecx ; (TOS) -> &IDT[HalProfileVector]
+ mov eax, offset FLAT:RealTimeClockHandler
+ mov word ptr [ecx], ax ; Lower half of handler addr
+ mov word ptr [ecx+2], KGDT_R0_CODE ; set up selector
+ mov word ptr [ecx+4], D_INT032 ; 386 interrupt gate
+ shr eax, 16 ; (ax)=higher half of handler addr
+ mov word ptr [ecx+6], ax
+ mov dword ptr KiseinterruptCount, 0 ; set no interrupt yet
+ stdCall _HalpAcquireCmosSpinLock ; intr disabled
+ mov ax,(RegisterAInitByte SHL 8) OR 0AH ; Register A
+ CMOS_WRITE ; Initialize it
+; Don't clobber the Daylight Savings Time bit in register B, because we
+; stash the LastKnownGood "environment variable" there.
+ mov ax, 0bh
+ and al, 1
+ mov ah, al
+ mov al, 0bh
+ CMOS_WRITE ; Initialize it
+ mov al,0CH ; Register C
+ CMOS_READ ; Read to initialize
+ mov al,0DH ; Register D
+ CMOS_READ ; Read to initialize
+ mov dword ptr [KiseInterruptCount], 0
+ stdCall _HalpReleaseCmosSpinLock
+; Now enable the interrupt and start the counter
+; (As a matter of fact, only IRQ8 can come through.)
+ xor eax, eax ; (eax) = 0, initialize loopcount
+ sti
+ jmp kise10
+ sub eax, 1 ; increment the loopcount
+ jnz short kise10
+if DBG
+; Counter overflowed
+ stdCall _DbgBreakPoint
+ jmp short kise10
+; Our RealTimeClock interrupt handler. The control comes here through
+; irq 8.
+; Note: we discard first real time clock interrupt and compute the
+; permicrosecond loopcount on receiving of the second real time
+; interrupt. This is because the first interrupt is generated
+; based on the previous real time tick interval.
+ inc dword ptr KiseInterruptCount ; increment interrupt count
+ cmp dword ptr KiseInterruptCount,1 ; Is this the first interrupt?
+ jnz short kise25 ; no, its the second go process it
+ pop eax ; get rid of original ret addr
+ push offset FLAT:kise10 ; set new return addr
+ stdCall _HalpAcquireCmosSpinLock ; intr disabled
+ mov ax,(RegisterAInitByte SHL 8) OR 0AH ; Register A
+ CMOS_WRITE ; Initialize it
+; Don't clobber the Daylight Savings Time bit in register B, because we
+; stash the LastKnownGood "environment variable" there.
+ mov ax, 0bh
+ and al, 1
+ mov ah, al
+ mov al, 0bh
+ CMOS_WRITE ; Initialize it
+ mov al,0CH ; Register C
+ CMOS_READ ; Read to initialize
+ mov al,0DH ; Register D
+ CMOS_READ ; Read to initialize
+ stdCall _HalpReleaseCmosSpinLock
+; Dismiss the interrupt.
+ mov al, OCW2_NON_SPECIFIC_EOI ; send non specific eoi to slave
+ out PIC2_PORT0, al
+ mov al, PIC2_EOI ; specific eoi to master for pic2 eoi
+ out PIC1_PORT0, al ; send irq2 specific eoi to master
+ xor eax, eax ; reset loop counter
+ iretd
+; ** temporary - check for incorrect KeStallExecutionProcessorLoopCount
+if DBG
+ cmp eax, 0
+ jnz short kise30
+ stdCall _DbgBreakPoint
+ ; never return
+; ** End temporay code
+ neg eax
+ xor edx, edx ; (edx:eax) = divident
+ mov ecx, PeriodInMicroSecond; (ecx) = time spent in the loop
+ div ecx ; (eax) = loop count per microsecond
+ cmp edx, 0 ; Is remainder =0?
+ jz short kise40 ; yes, go kise40
+ inc eax ; increment loopcount by 1
+ mov PCR[PcStallScaleFactor], eax
+ mov HalpP0BugBugStallCount, eax
+; Reset return address to kexit
+ pop eax ; discard original return address
+ push offset FLAT:kexit ; return to kexit
+ mov eax, (HIGHEST_LEVEL_FOR_8259 - RTCIRQ)
+; Shutdown periodic interrupt
+ stdCall _HalpAcquireCmosSpinLock
+ mov ax,(RegisterAInitByte SHL 8) OR 0AH ; Register A
+ CMOS_WRITE ; Initialize it
+ mov ax, 0bh
+ and al, 1
+ mov ah, al
+ mov al, 0bh
+ CMOS_WRITE ; Initialize it
+ mov al,0CH ; Register C
+ CMOS_READ ; dismiss pending interrupt
+ stdCall _HalpReleaseCmosSpinLock
+; Dismiss the interrupt.
+ mov eax, RTCIRQ
+ mov al, OCW2_NON_SPECIFIC_EOI ; send non specific eoi to slave
+ out PIC2_PORT0, al
+ mov al, PIC2_EOI ; specific eoi to master for pic2 eoi
+ out PIC1_PORT0, al ; send irq2 specific eoi to master
+ and word ptr [esp+8], NOT 0200H ; Disable interrupt upon return
+ iretd
+kexit: ; Interrupts are disabled
+ pop ecx ; (ecx) -> &IDT[HalProfileVector]
+ pop [ecx+4] ; restore higher half of RTC desc
+ pop [ecx] ; restore lower half of RTC desc
+ pop eax ; (eax) = origianl 8259 int masks
+ popfd ; restore caller's eflags
+ mov esp, ebp
+ pop ebp ; restore ebp
+ stdRET _HalpInitializeStallExecution
+stdENDP _HalpInitializeStallExecution
+INIT ends
+ page ,132
+ subttl "Stall Execution"
+; KeStallExecutionProcessor (
+; IN ULONG MicroSeconds
+; )
+; Routine Description:
+; This function stalls execution for the specified number of microseconds.
+; KeStallExecutionProcessor
+; Arguments:
+; MicroSeconds - Supplies the number of microseconds that execution is to be
+; stalled.
+; Return Value:
+; None.
+MicroSeconds equ [esp + 4]
+cPublicProc _KeStallExecutionProcessor ,1
+cPublicFpo 1, 0
+ mov ecx, MicroSeconds ; (ecx) = Microseconds
+ jecxz short kese10 ; return if no loop needed
+ mov eax, PCR[PcStallScaleFactor] ; get per microsecond
+ ; loop count for the processor
+ mul ecx ; (eax) = desired loop count
+if DBG
+; Make sure we the loopcount is less than 4G and is not equal to zero
+ cmp edx, 0
+ jz short @f
+ int 3
+@@: cmp eax,0
+ jnz short @f
+ int 3
+ jmp kese05
+kese05: sub eax, 1 ; (eax) = (eax) - 1
+ jnz short kese05
+ stdRET _KeStallExecutionProcessor
+stdENDP _KeStallExecutionProcessor
+_TEXT ends
+ end