path: root/private/ntos/nthals/halntp/mips/fxhwsup.c
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1 files changed, 3078 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/private/ntos/nthals/halntp/mips/fxhwsup.c b/private/ntos/nthals/halntp/mips/fxhwsup.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..73b4bbf49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nthals/halntp/mips/fxhwsup.c
@@ -0,0 +1,3078 @@
+#include "halp.h"
+#include "bugcodes.h"
+#include "eisa.h"
+// Put all code for HAL initialization in the INIT section. It will be
+// deallocated by memory management when phase 1 initialization is
+// completed.
+extern POBJECT_TYPE IoAdapterObjectType;
+// Globals used to keep track of the private buffer pool managed by the HAL.
+ULONG HalpContiguousBufferCurrentBase = 0;
+ULONG HalpContiguousBufferMax = 0;
+// The HAL supports the concept of map registers which provide scatter/gather
+// functionality for IO devices whether a device directly supports scatter/gather
+// or not. FALCON will use one master adapter object to manage the pool of
+// map registers that can be allocated in groups for transfers requiring
+// multiple contiguous pages. This pool of map registers will be managed using
+// a bitmap data structure and are only available to EISA/ISA devices
+// and not PCI devices. In general, this should not be a problem given that the
+// majority of PCI devices will be busmaster devices that already support scatter/gather
+// on-chip or on-board. In the circumstance where a PCI device wants to do
+// multi-page transfers but does not itself support scatter/gather, the HAL will
+// attempt to transfer the maximum amount of data that is physically contiguous
+// in the described user/device buffer (by interrogating the MDL passed to IoMapTransfer).
+// In the worst-case the device will have to transfer a page at a time which is better
+// than supporting buffered-io which is slower.
+PADAPTER_OBJECT MasterAdapterObject;
+PADAPTER_OBJECT HalpPciAdapterObject;
+ULONG HalpPciMemoryOffset;
+UCHAR HalpDma1Status;
+UCHAR HalpDma2Status;
+// Variable to save the contents of the
+// bus error registers upon an exception
+ULONG HalpPmpMemErrAckValue;
+ULONG HalpPmpMemErrAddrValue;
+ULONG HalpPmpPciErrAckValue;
+ULONG HalpPmpPciErrAddrValue;
+// Local storage of pointer to physical memory of
+// the start of the map buffer pool and how many
+// PAGE_SIZE buffers it contains
+ULONG HalpMapRegisterPhysicalBase;
+// Forward declarations
+HalpAllocationRoutine (
+ IN PIRP Irp,
+ IN PVOID MapRegisterBase,
+ IN PVOID Context
+ );
+HalpGetContiguousBufferPoolSize (
+ );
+Routine Description:
+ This routine allocates the adapter channel specified by the adapter object.
+ This is accomplished by placing the device object of the driver that wants
+ to allocate the adapter on the adapter's queue. If the queue is already
+ "busy", then the adapter has already been allocated, so the device object
+ is simply placed onto the queue and waits until the adapter becomes free.
+ Once the adapter becomes free (or if it already is), then the driver's
+ execution routine is invoked.
+ Also, a number of map registers may be allocated to the driver by specifying
+ a non-zero value for NumberOfMapRegisters. Then the map register must be
+ allocated from the master adapter. Once there are a sufficient number of
+ map registers available, then the execution routine is called and the
+ base address of the allocated map registers in the adapter is also passed
+ to the driver's execution routine.
+ AdapterObject - Pointer to the adapter control object to allocate to the
+ driver.
+ Wcb - Supplies a wait context block for saving the allocation parameters.
+ The DeviceObject, CurrentIrp and DeviceContext should be initalized.
+ NumberOfMapRegisters - The number of map registers that are to be allocated
+ from the channel, if any.
+ ExecutionRoutine - The address of the driver's execution routine that is
+ invoked once the adapter channel (and possibly map registers) have been
+ allocated.
+Return Value:
+ Returns STATUS_SUCESS unless too many map registers are requested.
+ Note that this routine MUST be invoked at DISPATCH_LEVEL or above.
+ IN ULONG NumberOfMapRegisters,
+ IN PDRIVER_CONTROL ExecutionRoutine
+ )
+ PADAPTER_OBJECT MasterAdapter;
+ LONG MapRegisterNumber;
+ KIRQL Irql;
+ ULONG Hint;
+ //
+ // For PCI devices we don't have to deal with
+ // map registers, but we do for EISA devices!
+ //
+ if (AdapterObject->InterfaceType == PCIBus) {
+ //
+ // Initialize the device object's wait context block in case this device
+ // must wait before being able to allocate the adapter.
+ //
+ Wcb->DeviceRoutine = ExecutionRoutine;
+ Wcb->NumberOfMapRegisters = NumberOfMapRegisters;
+ //
+ // Allocate the adapter object for this particular device. If the
+ // adapter cannot be allocated because it has already been allocated
+ // to another device, then return to the caller now; otherwise,
+ // continue.
+ //
+ if (!KeInsertDeviceQueue( &AdapterObject->ChannelWaitQueue, &Wcb->WaitQueueEntry )) {
+ AdapterObject->CurrentWcb = Wcb;
+ AdapterObject->NumberOfMapRegisters = Wcb->NumberOfMapRegisters;
+ //
+ // Invoke the driver's execution routine now.
+ //
+ Action = ExecutionRoutine( Wcb->DeviceObject,
+ Wcb->CurrentIrp,
+ AdapterObject->MapRegisterBase,
+ Wcb->DeviceContext);
+ //
+ // If the driver wishes to keep the map registers then set the number
+ // allocated to zero and set the action to deallocate object.
+ //
+ if (Action == DeallocateObjectKeepRegisters) {
+ AdapterObject->NumberOfMapRegisters = 0;
+ Action = DeallocateObject;
+ }
+ //
+ // If the driver would like to have the adapter deallocated,
+ // then deallocate any map registers allocated and then release
+ // the adapter object.
+ //
+ if (Action == DeallocateObject) {
+ IoFreeAdapterChannel( AdapterObject );
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ //
+ // Begin by obtaining a pointer to the master adapter associated with this
+ // request.
+ //
+ if (AdapterObject->MasterAdapter != NULL) {
+ MasterAdapter = AdapterObject->MasterAdapter;
+ } else {
+ MasterAdapter = AdapterObject;
+ }
+ //
+ // Initialize the device object's wait context block in case this device
+ // must wait before being able to allocate the adapter.
+ //
+ Wcb->DeviceRoutine = ExecutionRoutine;
+ Wcb->NumberOfMapRegisters = NumberOfMapRegisters;
+ //
+ // Allocate the adapter object for this particular device. If the
+ // adapter cannot be allocated because it has already been allocated
+ // to another device, then return to the caller now; otherwise,
+ // continue.
+ //
+ if (!KeInsertDeviceQueue( &AdapterObject->ChannelWaitQueue, &Wcb->WaitQueueEntry )) {
+ //
+ // The adapter was not busy so it has been allocated. Now check
+ // to see whether this driver wishes to allocate any map registers.
+ // If so, then queue the device object to the master adapter queue
+ // to wait for them to become available. If the driver wants map
+ // registers, ensure that this adapter has enough total map registers
+ // to satisfy the request.
+ //
+ AdapterObject->CurrentWcb = Wcb;
+ AdapterObject->NumberOfMapRegisters = Wcb->NumberOfMapRegisters;
+ if (NumberOfMapRegisters != 0) {
+ if (NumberOfMapRegisters > MasterAdapter->MapRegistersPerChannel) {
+ AdapterObject->NumberOfMapRegisters = 0;
+ IoFreeAdapterChannel(AdapterObject);
+ }
+ //
+ // Lock the map register bit map and the adapter queue in the
+ // master adapter object. The channel structure offset is used as
+ // a hint for the register search.
+ //
+ KeAcquireSpinLock( &MasterAdapter->SpinLock, &Irql );
+ MapRegisterNumber = -1;
+ if (IsListEmpty( &MasterAdapter->AdapterQueue)) {
+ Hint = 0;
+ MapRegisterNumber = RtlFindClearBitsAndSet(MasterAdapter->MapRegisters,
+ NumberOfMapRegisters,
+ Hint);
+ //
+ // Make sure this map register is valid for this adapter.
+ //
+ if ((ULONG) MapRegisterNumber < Hint) {
+ //
+ // Make it look like there are no map registers.
+ //
+ RtlClearBits(MasterAdapter->MapRegisters,
+ MapRegisterNumber,
+ NumberOfMapRegisters);
+ MapRegisterNumber = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (MapRegisterNumber == -1) {
+ //
+ // There were not enough free map registers. Queue this request
+ // on the master adapter where is will wait until some registers
+ // are deallocated.
+ //
+ InsertTailList( &MasterAdapter->AdapterQueue, &AdapterObject->AdapterQueue);
+ Busy = 1;
+ } else {
+ AdapterObject->MapRegisterBase = (PVOID) ((PTRANSLATION_ENTRY) MasterAdapter->MapRegisterBase + MapRegisterNumber);
+ }
+ KeReleaseSpinLock( &MasterAdapter->SpinLock, Irql );
+ }
+ //
+ // If there were either enough map registers available or no map
+ // registers needed to be allocated, invoke the driver's execution
+ // routine now.
+ //
+ if (!Busy) {
+ Action = ExecutionRoutine( Wcb->DeviceObject,
+ Wcb->CurrentIrp,
+ AdapterObject->MapRegisterBase,
+ Wcb->DeviceContext);
+ //
+ // If the driver wishes to keep the map registers then set the number
+ // allocated to zero and set the action to deallocate object.
+ //
+ if (Action == DeallocateObjectKeepRegisters) {
+ AdapterObject->NumberOfMapRegisters = 0;
+ Action = DeallocateObject;
+ }
+ //
+ // If the driver would like to have the adapter deallocated,
+ // then deallocate any map registers allocated and then release
+ // the adapter object.
+ //
+ if (Action == DeallocateObject) {
+ IoFreeAdapterChannel( AdapterObject );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+Routine Description:
+ This function allocates the memory for a common buffer and maps so that it
+ can be accessed by a master device and the CPU.
+ AdapterObject - Supplies a pointer to the adapter object used by this
+ device.
+ Length - Supplies the length of the common buffer to be allocated.
+ LogicalAddress - Returns the logical address of the common buffer.
+ CacheEnable - Indicates whether the memory is cached or not.
+Return Value:
+ Returns the virtual address of the common buffer. If the buffer cannot be
+ allocated then NULL is returned.
+ IN ULONG Length,
+ IN BOOLEAN CacheEnabled
+ )
+ PVOID virtualAddress;
+ PVOID mapRegisterBase;
+ ULONG numberOfMapRegisters;
+ ULONG mappedLength;
+ KEVENT allocationEvent;
+ NTSTATUS status;
+ PMDL mdl;
+ KIRQL irql;
+ //
+ // Determine how many map registers (pages)
+ // the CommonBuffer requires.
+ //
+ numberOfMapRegisters = BYTES_TO_PAGES(Length);
+ //
+ // Allocate the buffer
+ //
+ if (CacheEnabled != FALSE) {
+ virtualAddress = ExAllocatePool(NonPagedPoolCacheAligned, Length);
+ } else {
+ if (Length > PAGE_SIZE) {
+ if ((HalpContiguousBufferCurrentBase + Length) <= HalpContiguousBufferMax) {
+ //
+ // This is an absolute hack but it is the only
+ // way I can get a contiguous buffer for those
+ // devices which insist on large buffers. Because
+ // we don't have an IO TLB we cannot guarantee
+ // contiguousness. Devices such as the Madge Token
+ // Ring and the 3DLabs Glint insist on having a large
+ // DMA buffer.
+ //
+ physAddr.HighPart = 0;
+ physAddr.LowPart = HalpContiguousBufferCurrentBase;
+ virtualAddress = MmMapIoSpace(physAddr, Length, FALSE);
+ if (virtualAddress != (PVOID)NULL) {
+ HalpContiguousBufferCurrentBase += (numberOfMapRegisters * PAGE_SIZE);
+ }
+ } else {
+ virtualAddress = (PVOID)NULL;
+ }
+ } else {
+ virtualAddress = MmAllocateNonCachedMemory(Length);
+ }
+ }
+ if (virtualAddress == NULL) {
+ return(virtualAddress);
+ }
+ //
+ // Initialize an event.
+ //
+ KeInitializeEvent( &allocationEvent, NotificationEvent, FALSE);
+ //
+ // Initialize the wait context block. Use the device object to indicate
+ // where the map register base should be stored.
+ //
+ wcb.DeviceObject = &mapRegisterBase;
+ wcb.CurrentIrp = NULL;
+ wcb.DeviceContext = &allocationEvent;
+ //
+ // Allocate the adapter and the map registers.
+ //
+ KeRaiseIrql(DISPATCH_LEVEL, &irql);
+ status = HalAllocateAdapterChannel(AdapterObject,
+ &wcb,
+ numberOfMapRegisters,
+ HalpAllocationRoutine);
+ KeLowerIrql(irql);
+ if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
+ //
+ // Cleanup and return NULL.
+ //
+ if (CacheEnabled != FALSE) {
+ ExFreePool(virtualAddress);
+ } else {
+ if (Length > PAGE_SIZE) {
+ MmUnmapIoSpace(virtualAddress, Length);
+ HalpContiguousBufferCurrentBase -= (numberOfMapRegisters * PAGE_SIZE);
+ } else {
+ MmFreeNonCachedMemory(virtualAddress, Length);
+ }
+ }
+ return(NULL);
+ }
+ //
+ // Wait for the map registers to be allocated.
+ //
+ status = KeWaitForSingleObject( &allocationEvent,
+ Executive,
+ KernelMode,
+ NULL);
+ if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
+ //
+ // Cleanup and return NULL.
+ //
+ if (CacheEnabled != FALSE) {
+ ExFreePool(virtualAddress);
+ } else {
+ if (Length > PAGE_SIZE) {
+ MmUnmapIoSpace(virtualAddress, Length);
+ HalpContiguousBufferCurrentBase -= (numberOfMapRegisters * PAGE_SIZE);
+ } else {
+ MmFreeNonCachedMemory(virtualAddress, Length);
+ }
+ }
+ return(NULL);
+ }
+ //
+ // Create an mdl to use with call to I/O map transfer.
+ //
+ mdl = IoAllocateMdl(virtualAddress,
+ Length,
+ NULL);
+ MmBuildMdlForNonPagedPool(mdl);
+ //
+ // Map the transfer so that the controller
+ // can access the memory.
+ //
+ mappedLength = Length;
+ *LogicalAddress = IoMapTransfer(NULL,
+ mdl,
+ mapRegisterBase,
+ virtualAddress,
+ &mappedLength,
+ TRUE);
+ IoFreeMdl(mdl);
+ if (mappedLength < Length) {
+ //
+ // Cleanup and indicate that the allocation failed.
+ //
+ HalFreeCommonBuffer(AdapterObject,
+ Length,
+ *LogicalAddress,
+ virtualAddress,
+ CacheEnabled);
+ return(NULL);
+ }
+ //
+ // The allocation completed successfully.
+ //
+ return(virtualAddress);
+Routine Description:
+ This function is called to flush any hardware adapter buffers when the
+ driver needs to read data written by an I/O master device to a common
+ buffer.
+ AdapterObject - Supplies a pointer to the adapter object used by this
+ device.
+ Length - Supplies the length of the common buffer. This should be the same
+ value used for the allocation of the buffer.
+ LogicalAddress - Supplies the logical address of the common buffer. This
+ must be the same value return by HalAllocateCommonBuffer.
+ VirtualAddress - Supplies the virtual address of the common buffer. This
+ must be the same value return by HalAllocateCommonBuffer.
+Return Value:
+ Returns TRUE if no errors were detected; otherwise, FALSE is return.
+ IN ULONG Length,
+ IN PVOID VirtualAddress
+ )
+ return(TRUE);
+Routine Description:
+ This function frees a common buffer and all of the resouces it uses.
+ AdapterObject - Supplies a pointer to the adapter object used by this
+ device.
+ Length - Supplies the length of the common buffer. This should be the same
+ value used for the allocation of the buffer.
+ LogicalAddress - Supplies the logical address of the common buffer. This
+ must be the same value return by HalAllocateCommonBuffer.
+ VirtualAddress - Supplies the virtual address of the common buffer. This
+ must be the same value return by HalAllocateCommonBuffer.
+ CacheEnable - Indicates whether the memeory is cached or not.
+Return Value:
+ None
+ IN ULONG Length,
+ IN PVOID VirtualAddress,
+ IN BOOLEAN CacheEnabled
+ )
+ ULONG numberOfMapRegisters;
+ ULONG mapRegisterNumber;
+ //
+ // We only need to free up map registers
+ // if this was not a PCI device
+ //
+ if (AdapterObject->InterfaceType == PCIBus) {
+ //
+ // Free the memory for the common buffer.
+ //
+ if (CacheEnabled != FALSE) {
+ ExFreePool(VirtualAddress);
+ } else {
+ if (Length < PAGE_SIZE) {
+ MmFreeNonCachedMemory(VirtualAddress, Length);
+ } else {
+ MmUnmapIoSpace(VirtualAddress, Length);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ //
+ // Devices which do not use auto-initialize
+ // CommonBuffer DMA can use the scatter/gather
+ // capabilities of the 82374 which we manage
+ // through map registers.
+ //
+ if (!AdapterObject->AutoInitialize) {
+ //
+ // Calculate the number of map registers, the map register number and
+ // the map register base.
+ //
+ numberOfMapRegisters = ADDRESS_AND_SIZE_TO_SPAN_PAGES(VirtualAddress, Length);
+ mapRegisterNumber = LogicalAddress.LowPart >> PAGE_SHIFT;
+ mapRegisterBase = (PTRANSLATION_ENTRY) MasterAdapterObject->MapRegisterBase + mapRegisterNumber;
+ //
+ // Free the map registers.
+ //
+ IoFreeMapRegisters(AdapterObject,
+ (PVOID) mapRegisterBase,
+ numberOfMapRegisters);
+ }
+ //
+ // Free the memory for the common buffer.
+ //
+ if (CacheEnabled != FALSE) {
+ ExFreePool(VirtualAddress);
+ } else {
+ if (Length < PAGE_SIZE) {
+ MmFreeNonCachedMemory(VirtualAddress, Length);
+ } else {
+ MmUnmapIoSpace(VirtualAddress, Length);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+Routine Description:
+ This function returns the appropriate adapter object for the device defined
+ in the device description structure. Three bus types are supported for the
+ system: PCI, Isa, and Eisa.
+ DeviceDescription - Supplies a description of the deivce.
+ NumberOfMapRegisters - Returns the maximum number of map registers which
+ may be allocated by the device driver.
+Return Value:
+ A pointer to the requested adapter object or NULL if an adapter could not
+ be created.
+ IN OUT PULONG NumberOfMapRegisters
+ )
+ PADAPTER_OBJECT adapterObject;
+ //
+ // Make sure this is the correct version.
+ //
+ if (DeviceDescription->Version > DEVICE_DESCRIPTION_VERSION1) {
+ return(NULL);
+ }
+ //
+ // If the request is for a unsupported bus then return NULL.
+ //
+ if (DeviceDescription->InterfaceType != Internal
+ && DeviceDescription->InterfaceType != PCIBus
+ && DeviceDescription->InterfaceType != Isa
+ && DeviceDescription->InterfaceType != Eisa) {
+ return(NULL);
+ }
+ //
+ // Set the maximum number of map registers if requested.
+ //
+ if (NumberOfMapRegisters != NULL) {
+ //
+ // Return number of map registers requested based on the maximum
+ // transfer length.
+ //
+ *NumberOfMapRegisters = BYTES_TO_PAGES(DeviceDescription->MaximumLength) + 1;
+ }
+ if (DeviceDescription->InterfaceType == PCIBus) {
+ //
+ // Create a PCI adapter object.
+ //
+ if (HalpPciAdapterObject == NULL) {
+ adapterObject = HalpAllocateAdapter(0, NULL, NULL);
+ adapterObject->InterfaceType = DeviceDescription->InterfaceType;
+ adapterObject->MasterAdapter = NULL;
+ HalpPciAdapterObject = adapterObject;
+ } else {
+ adapterObject = HalpPciAdapterObject;
+ }
+ } else {
+ //
+ // Create an EISA adapter object.
+ //
+ adapterObject = HalpAllocateEisaAdapter(DeviceDescription);
+ if (adapterObject == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ } else {
+ if ( *NumberOfMapRegisters > (MasterAdapterObject->MapRegistersPerChannel / 4) ) {
+ *NumberOfMapRegisters = MasterAdapterObject->MapRegistersPerChannel / 4;
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // Set auto-initialize mode according to device's descriptor
+ // so that we don't use scatter/gather for common buffer
+ // devices
+ //
+ adapterObject->AutoInitialize = DeviceDescription->AutoInitialize;
+ //
+ // !!! HACK !!!
+ //
+ // This may not be necessary but it
+ // doesn't hurt given that the only
+ // devices who use this mode are sound
+ // cards.
+ //
+ if (adapterObject->AutoInitialize) {
+ *NumberOfMapRegisters = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return(adapterObject);
+ IN PBUS_HANDLER RootHandler,
+ IN OUT PULONG AddressSpace,
+ )
+ //
+ // We must replicate bits 31:28 into
+ // bits 35:32 so that in a wide mode
+ // system, both system asics can see
+ // the upper nibble of the address.
+ //
+ TranslatedAddress->QuadPart = BusAddress.QuadPart;
+ if (*AddressSpace) {
+ //
+ // EISA IO Space
+ //
+ // Note : for the keyboard controller, we need to munge the
+ // low-order address to be word-aligned as opposed to
+ // the previous byte-aligned address used by MIPS
+ // machines such as JAZZ, STRIKER and DUO.
+ //
+ if ((BusAddress.LowPart == 0xE0000061) || (BusAddress.LowPart == 0xA0000061)) {
+ TranslatedAddress->LowPart = EISA_IO_PHYSICAL_BASE | 0x00000064;
+ TranslatedAddress->HighPart = TranslatedAddress->LowPart >> 28;
+ } else {
+ TranslatedAddress->LowPart = BusAddress.LowPart | EISA_IO_PHYSICAL_BASE;
+ TranslatedAddress->HighPart = TranslatedAddress->LowPart >> 28;
+ }
+ } else {
+ //
+ // EISA Memory Space
+ //
+ // Note : for the keyboard controller, we need to munge the
+ // low-order address to be word-aligned as opposed to
+ // the previous byte-aligned address used by MIPS
+ // machines such as JAZZ, STRIKER and DUO.
+ //
+ if ((BusAddress.LowPart == 0xE0000061) || (BusAddress.LowPart == 0xA0000061)) {
+ TranslatedAddress->LowPart = EISA_IO_PHYSICAL_BASE | 0x00000064;
+ TranslatedAddress->HighPart = TranslatedAddress->LowPart >> 28;
+ } else {
+ TranslatedAddress->LowPart = BusAddress.LowPart | EISA_MEMORY_PHYSICAL_BASE;
+ TranslatedAddress->HighPart = TranslatedAddress->LowPart >> 28;
+ }
+ }
+ *AddressSpace = 0;
+ return(TRUE);
+ IN PBUS_HANDLER RootHandler,
+ IN OUT PULONG AddressSpace,
+ )
+ pRange = NULL;
+ switch (*AddressSpace) {
+ case 0:
+ // verify memory address is within buses memory limits
+ for (pRange = &BusHandler->BusAddresses->PrefetchMemory; pRange; pRange = pRange->Next) {
+ if (BusAddress.QuadPart >= pRange->Base &&
+ BusAddress.QuadPart <= pRange->Limit) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!pRange) {
+ for (pRange = &BusHandler->BusAddresses->Memory; pRange; pRange = pRange->Next) {
+ if (BusAddress.QuadPart >= pRange->Base &&
+ BusAddress.QuadPart <= pRange->Limit) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ // verify IO address is within buses IO limits
+ for (pRange = &BusHandler->BusAddresses->IO; pRange; pRange = pRange->Next) {
+ if (BusAddress.QuadPart >= pRange->Base &&
+ BusAddress.QuadPart <= pRange->Limit) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (pRange) {
+ TranslatedAddress->QuadPart = BusAddress.QuadPart;
+ //
+ // We must replicate bits 31:28 into
+ // bits 35:32 so that in a wide mode
+ // system, both system asics can see
+ // the upper nibble of the address.
+ //
+ if (*AddressSpace) {
+ //
+ // EISA IO Space
+ //
+ // Note : for the keyboard controller, we need to munge the
+ // low-order address to be word-aligned as opposed to
+ // the previous byte-aligned address used by MIPS
+ // machines such as JAZZ, STRIKER and DUO.
+ //
+ if ((BusAddress.LowPart == 0xE0000061) || (BusAddress.LowPart == 0xA0000061)) {
+ TranslatedAddress->LowPart = EISA_IO_PHYSICAL_BASE | 0x00000064;
+ TranslatedAddress->HighPart = TranslatedAddress->LowPart >> 28;
+ } else {
+ TranslatedAddress->LowPart = BusAddress.LowPart | EISA_IO_PHYSICAL_BASE;
+ TranslatedAddress->HighPart = TranslatedAddress->LowPart >> 28;
+ }
+ } else {
+ //
+ // EISA Memory Space
+ //
+ // Note : for the keyboard controller, we need to munge the
+ // low-order address to be word-aligned as opposed to
+ // the previous byte-aligned address used by MIPS
+ // machines such as JAZZ, STRIKER and DUO.
+ //
+ if ((BusAddress.LowPart == 0xE0000061) || (BusAddress.LowPart == 0xA0000061)) {
+ TranslatedAddress->LowPart = EISA_IO_PHYSICAL_BASE | 0x00000064;
+ TranslatedAddress->HighPart = TranslatedAddress->LowPart >> 28;
+ } else {
+ TranslatedAddress->LowPart = BusAddress.LowPart | EISA_MEMORY_PHYSICAL_BASE;
+ TranslatedAddress->HighPart = TranslatedAddress->LowPart >> 28;
+ }
+ }
+ *AddressSpace = 0;
+ return(TRUE);
+ }
+ return(FALSE);
+ IN PBUS_HANDLER RootHandler,
+ IN OUT PULONG AddressSpace,
+ )
+ pRange = NULL;
+ switch (*AddressSpace) {
+ case 0:
+ // verify memory address is within buses memory limits
+ for (pRange = &BusHandler->BusAddresses->PrefetchMemory; pRange; pRange = pRange->Next) {
+ if (BusAddress.QuadPart >= pRange->Base &&
+ BusAddress.QuadPart <= pRange->Limit) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!pRange) {
+ for (pRange = &BusHandler->BusAddresses->Memory; pRange; pRange = pRange->Next) {
+ if (BusAddress.QuadPart >= pRange->Base &&
+ BusAddress.QuadPart <= pRange->Limit) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ // verify IO address is within buses IO limits
+ for (pRange = &BusHandler->BusAddresses->IO; pRange; pRange = pRange->Next) {
+ if (BusAddress.QuadPart >= pRange->Base &&
+ BusAddress.QuadPart <= pRange->Limit) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (pRange) {
+ //
+ // We must replicate bits 31:28 into
+ // bits 35:32 so that in a wide mode
+ // system, both system asics can see
+ // the upper nibble of the address.
+ //
+ TranslatedAddress->QuadPart = BusAddress.QuadPart;
+ if (*AddressSpace) {
+ //
+ // PCI IO Space
+ //
+ TranslatedAddress->LowPart = BusAddress.LowPart | PCI_IO_PHYSICAL_BASE;
+ TranslatedAddress->HighPart = TranslatedAddress->LowPart >> 28;
+ } else {
+ //
+ // PCI Memory Space
+ //
+ TranslatedAddress->LowPart = BusAddress.LowPart | PCI_MEMORY_PHYSICAL_BASE;
+ TranslatedAddress->HighPart = TranslatedAddress->LowPart >> 28;
+ }
+ *AddressSpace = 0;
+ return(TRUE);
+ }
+ return(FALSE);
+Routine Description:
+ This routine allocates and initializes an adapter object to represent an
+ adapter or a DMA controller on the system.
+ MapRegistersPerChannel : 0 means PCI adapter or EISA adapter;
+ otherwise, its the master adapter
+ AdapterBaseVa : Base virtual address of the adapter itself.
+ If NULL, then assume master adapter object.
+ MapRegisterBase : unused.
+Return Value:
+ The function value is a pointer to the allocate adapter object.
+ IN ULONG MapRegistersPerChannel,
+ IN PVOID AdapterBaseVa,
+ IN PVOID MapRegisterBase
+ )
+ PADAPTER_OBJECT AdapterObject;
+ OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes;
+ ULONG Size;
+ ULONG BitmapSize;
+ HANDLE Handle;
+ NTSTATUS Status;
+ //
+ // Initalize the master adapter if necessary.
+ //
+ if (MasterAdapterObject == NULL && AdapterBaseVa != NULL ) {
+ MasterAdapterObject = HalpAllocateAdapter( DMA_TRANSLATION_LIMIT / sizeof(TRANSLATION_ENTRY), NULL, NULL);
+ //
+ // If we could not allocate the master adapter then give up.
+ //
+ if (MasterAdapterObject == NULL) {
+ return(NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // Begin by initializing the object attributes structure to be used when
+ // creating the adapter object.
+ //
+ InitializeObjectAttributes( &ObjectAttributes,
+ //
+ // Determine the size of the adapter object. If this is the master object
+ // then allocate space for the register bit map; otherwise, just allocate
+ // an adapter object.
+ //
+ if ( AdapterBaseVa == NULL && MapRegistersPerChannel ) {
+ BitmapSize = (((sizeof( RTL_BITMAP ) +
+ + 3) & ~3);
+ Size = sizeof( ADAPTER_OBJECT ) + BitmapSize;
+ } else {
+ Size = sizeof( ADAPTER_OBJECT );
+ }
+ //
+ // Now create the adapter object.
+ //
+ Status = ObCreateObject(KernelMode,
+ *((POBJECT_TYPE *)IoAdapterObjectType),
+ &ObjectAttributes,
+ KernelMode,
+ Size,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ (PVOID *)&AdapterObject );
+ //
+ // Reference the object.
+ //
+ if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) {
+ Status = ObReferenceObjectByPointer(
+ AdapterObject,
+ *((POBJECT_TYPE *)IoAdapterObjectType),
+ KernelMode
+ );
+ }
+ //
+ // If the adapter object was successfully created, then attempt to insert
+ // it into the the object table.
+ //
+ if (NT_SUCCESS( Status )) {
+ Status = ObInsertObject(AdapterObject,
+ 0,
+ &Handle );
+ if (NT_SUCCESS( Status )) {
+ ZwClose(Handle);
+ //
+ // Initialize the adapter object itself.
+ //
+ AdapterObject->Type = IO_TYPE_ADAPTER;
+ AdapterObject->Size = (USHORT) Size;
+ AdapterObject->MapRegistersPerChannel = DMA_TRANSLATION_LIMIT / sizeof( TRANSLATION_ENTRY);
+ AdapterObject->AdapterBaseVa = AdapterBaseVa;
+ AdapterObject->PagePort = NULL;
+ AdapterObject->MasterAdapter = MasterAdapterObject;
+ //
+ // Initialize the channel wait queue for this
+ // adapter.
+ //
+ KeInitializeDeviceQueue( &AdapterObject->ChannelWaitQueue );
+ //
+ // If this is the MasterAdapter then initialize the register bit map,
+ // AdapterQueue and the spin lock.
+ //
+ if ( AdapterBaseVa == NULL && MapRegistersPerChannel ) {
+ KeInitializeSpinLock( &AdapterObject->SpinLock );
+ InitializeListHead( &AdapterObject->AdapterQueue );
+ AdapterObject->MapRegisters = (PVOID) ( AdapterObject + 1);
+ RtlInitializeBitMap(AdapterObject->MapRegisters,
+ (PULONG) (((PCHAR) (AdapterObject->MapRegisters)) + sizeof( RTL_BITMAP )),
+ RtlClearAllBits( AdapterObject->MapRegisters );
+ //
+ // Convert the physical address to a non-cached virtual address.
+ //
+ AdapterObject->MapRegisterBase = (PVOID) (HalpMapRegisterPhysicalBase | KSEG1_BASE);
+ }
+ } else {
+ //
+ // An error was incurred for some reason. Set the return value
+ // to NULL.
+ //
+ AdapterObject = (PADAPTER_OBJECT) NULL;
+ }
+ } else {
+ AdapterObject = (PADAPTER_OBJECT) NULL;
+ }
+ return AdapterObject;
+Routine Description:
+ This routine deallocates the map registers for the adapter. If there are
+ any queued adapter waiting for an attempt is made to allocate the next
+ entry.
+ AdapterObject - The adapter object to where the map register should be
+ returned.
+ MapRegisterBase - The map register base of the registers to be deallocated.
+ NumberOfMapRegisters - The number of registers to be deallocated.
+Return Value:
+ None
+ PADAPTER_OBJECT AdapterObject,
+ PVOID MapRegisterBase,
+ ULONG NumberOfMapRegisters
+ )
+ PADAPTER_OBJECT MasterAdapter;
+ LONG MapRegisterNumber;
+ KIRQL Irql;
+ ULONG Hint;
+ //
+ // Do this only for non-PCI devices
+ //
+ if (AdapterObject->InterfaceType != PCIBus) {
+ //
+ // Begin by getting the address of the master adapter.
+ //
+ if (AdapterObject->MasterAdapter != NULL) {
+ MasterAdapter = AdapterObject->MasterAdapter;
+ } else {
+ MasterAdapter = AdapterObject;
+ }
+ MapRegisterNumber = (PTRANSLATION_ENTRY) MapRegisterBase -
+ (PTRANSLATION_ENTRY) MasterAdapter->MapRegisterBase;
+ //
+ // Acquire the master adapter spinlock which locks the adapter queue and the
+ // bit map for the map registers.
+ //
+ KeAcquireSpinLock(&MasterAdapter->SpinLock, &Irql);
+ //
+ // Return the registers to the bit map.
+ //
+ RtlClearBits( MasterAdapter->MapRegisters, MapRegisterNumber, NumberOfMapRegisters);
+ //
+ // Process any requests waiting for map registers in the adapter queue.
+ // Requests are processed until a request cannot be satisfied or until
+ // there are no more requests in the queue.
+ //
+ while(TRUE) {
+ if ( IsListEmpty(&MasterAdapter->AdapterQueue) ){
+ break;
+ }
+ Packet = RemoveHeadList( &MasterAdapter->AdapterQueue );
+ AdapterObject = CONTAINING_RECORD( Packet, ADAPTER_OBJECT, AdapterQueue);
+ Wcb = AdapterObject->CurrentWcb;
+ //
+ // Attempt to allocate map registers for this request.
+ //
+ Hint = 0;
+ MapRegisterNumber = RtlFindClearBitsAndSet( MasterAdapter->MapRegisters, NumberOfMapRegisters, Hint);
+ //
+ // Make sure this map register is valid for this adapter.
+ //
+ if ((ULONG) MapRegisterNumber < Hint) {
+ //
+ // Make it look like there are no map registers.
+ //
+ RtlClearBits(MasterAdapter->MapRegisters, MapRegisterNumber, NumberOfMapRegisters);
+ MapRegisterNumber = -1;
+ }
+ if (MapRegisterNumber == -1) {
+ //
+ // There were not enough free map registers. Put this request back on
+ // the adapter queue where it came from.
+ //
+ InsertHeadList( &MasterAdapter->AdapterQueue, &AdapterObject->AdapterQueue);
+ break;
+ }
+ //
+ // Release spin lock
+ //
+ KeReleaseSpinLock( &MasterAdapter->SpinLock, Irql );
+ //
+ // Adjust map register base address
+ //
+ AdapterObject->MapRegisterBase = (PVOID) ((PTRANSLATION_ENTRY) MasterAdapter->MapRegisterBase + MapRegisterNumber);
+ //
+ // Invoke the driver's execution routine now.
+ //
+ Action = Wcb->DeviceRoutine( Wcb->DeviceObject,
+ Wcb->CurrentIrp,
+ AdapterObject->MapRegisterBase,
+ Wcb->DeviceContext);
+ //
+ // If the driver wishes to keep the map registers then set the number
+ // allocated to zero and set the action to deallocate object.
+ //
+ if (Action == DeallocateObjectKeepRegisters) {
+ AdapterObject->NumberOfMapRegisters = 0;
+ Action = DeallocateObject;
+ }
+ //
+ // If the driver would like to have the adapter deallocated,
+ // then deallocate any map registers allocated and then release
+ // the adapter object.
+ //
+ if (Action == DeallocateObject) {
+ //
+ // The map registers are deallocated here rather than in
+ // IoFreeAdapterChannel. This limits the number of times
+ // this routine can be called recursively possibly overflowing
+ // the stack. The worst case occurs if there is a pending
+ // request for the adapter that uses map registers and whose
+ // execution routine decallocates the adapter. In that case, if there
+ // are no requests in the master adapter queue, then IoFreeMapRegisters
+ // will get called again.
+ //
+ if (AdapterObject->NumberOfMapRegisters != 0) {
+ //
+ // Deallocate the map registers and clear the count so that
+ // IoFreeAdapterChannel will not deallocate them again.
+ //
+ KeAcquireSpinLock( &MasterAdapter->SpinLock, &Irql );
+ RtlClearBits( MasterAdapter->MapRegisters, MapRegisterNumber, AdapterObject->NumberOfMapRegisters);
+ AdapterObject->NumberOfMapRegisters = 0;
+ KeReleaseSpinLock( &MasterAdapter->SpinLock, Irql );
+ }
+ IoFreeAdapterChannel( AdapterObject );
+ }
+ KeAcquireSpinLock( &MasterAdapter->SpinLock, &Irql );
+ }
+ KeReleaseSpinLock( &MasterAdapter->SpinLock, Irql );
+ }
+Routine Description:
+ This routine is invoked to deallocate the specified adapter object.
+ Any map registers that were allocated are also automatically deallocated.
+ No checks are made to ensure that the adapter is really allocated to
+ a device object. However, if it is not, then kernel will bugcheck.
+ If another device is waiting in the queue to allocate the adapter object
+ it will be pulled from the queue and its execution routine will be
+ invoked.
+ AdapterObject - Pointer to the adapter object to be deallocated.
+Return Value:
+ None.
+ )
+ PADAPTER_OBJECT MasterAdapter;
+ KIRQL Irql;
+ LONG MapRegisterNumber;
+ ULONG Hint;
+ //
+ // For PCI devices we don't need to deal with
+ // map registers. For EISA devices we do.
+ //
+ if (AdapterObject->InterfaceType == PCIBus) {
+ while( TRUE ) {
+ //
+ // Simply remove the next entry from the adapter's device wait queue.
+ // If there were no waiting jobs, break out of loop.
+ //
+ Packet = KeRemoveDeviceQueue( &AdapterObject->ChannelWaitQueue );
+ if (Packet == NULL) {
+ //
+ // There are no more requests break out of the loop.
+ //
+ break;
+ }
+ //
+ // Get current WCB
+ //
+ //
+ // Invoke the driver's execution routine now.
+ //
+ AdapterObject->CurrentWcb = Wcb;
+ AdapterObject->NumberOfMapRegisters = Wcb->NumberOfMapRegisters;
+ Action = Wcb->DeviceRoutine( Wcb->DeviceObject,
+ Wcb->CurrentIrp,
+ AdapterObject->MapRegisterBase,
+ Wcb->DeviceContext);
+ //
+ // If the execution routine would like to have the adapter
+ // deallocated, then release the adapter object.
+ //
+ if (Action == KeepObject) {
+ //
+ // This request wants to keep the channel a while so break
+ // out of the loop.
+ //
+ break;
+ }
+ //
+ // If the driver wants to keep the map registers then set the
+ // number allocated to 0. This keeps the deallocation routine
+ // from deallocating them.
+ //
+ if (Action == DeallocateObjectKeepRegisters) {
+ AdapterObject->NumberOfMapRegisters = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ //
+ // Begin by getting the address of the master adapter.
+ //
+ if (AdapterObject->MasterAdapter != NULL) {
+ MasterAdapter = AdapterObject->MasterAdapter;
+ } else {
+ MasterAdapter = AdapterObject;
+ }
+ //
+ // Pull requests off the adapter's device wait queue as long as the
+ // adapter is free and there are sufficient map registers available.
+ //
+ while( TRUE ){
+ //
+ // Begin by checking to see whether there are any map registers that
+ // need to be deallocated. If so, then deallocate them now.
+ //
+ if (AdapterObject->NumberOfMapRegisters != 0) {
+ IoFreeMapRegisters( AdapterObject,
+ AdapterObject->MapRegisterBase,
+ AdapterObject->NumberOfMapRegisters);
+ }
+ //
+ // Simply remove the next entry from the adapter's device wait queue.
+ // If one was successfully removed, allocate any map registers that it
+ // requires and invoke its execution routine.
+ //
+ Packet = KeRemoveDeviceQueue( &AdapterObject->ChannelWaitQueue );
+ if (Packet == NULL) {
+ //
+ // There are no more requests break out of the loop.
+ //
+ break;
+ }
+ AdapterObject->CurrentWcb = Wcb;
+ AdapterObject->NumberOfMapRegisters = Wcb->NumberOfMapRegisters;
+ //
+ // Check to see whether this driver wishes to allocate any map
+ // registers. If so, then queue the device object to the master
+ // adapter queue to wait for them to become available. If the driver
+ // wants map registers, ensure that this adapter has enough total
+ // map registers to satisfy the request.
+ //
+ if (Wcb->NumberOfMapRegisters != 0) {
+ if (Wcb->NumberOfMapRegisters > MasterAdapter->MapRegistersPerChannel) {
+ }
+ //
+ // Lock the map register bit map and the adapter queue in the
+ // master adapter object. The channel structure offset is used as
+ // a hint for the register search.
+ //
+ KeAcquireSpinLock( &MasterAdapter->SpinLock, &Irql );
+ MapRegisterNumber = -1;
+ if (IsListEmpty( &MasterAdapter->AdapterQueue)) {
+ Hint = 0;
+ MapRegisterNumber = RtlFindClearBitsAndSet( MasterAdapter->MapRegisters,
+ Wcb->NumberOfMapRegisters,
+ Hint);
+ //
+ // Make sure this map register is valid for this adapter.
+ //
+ if ((ULONG) MapRegisterNumber < Hint) {
+ //
+ // Make it look like there are no map registers.
+ //
+ RtlClearBits( MasterAdapter->MapRegisters,
+ MapRegisterNumber,
+ Wcb->NumberOfMapRegisters);
+ MapRegisterNumber = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (MapRegisterNumber == -1) {
+ //
+ // There were not enough free map registers. Queue this request
+ // on the master adapter where is will wait until some registers
+ // are deallocated.
+ //
+ InsertTailList( &MasterAdapter->AdapterQueue, &AdapterObject->AdapterQueue);
+ Busy = 1;
+ } else {
+ AdapterObject->MapRegisterBase = (PVOID) ((PTRANSLATION_ENTRY) MasterAdapter->MapRegisterBase + MapRegisterNumber);
+ }
+ KeReleaseSpinLock( &MasterAdapter->SpinLock, Irql );
+ }
+ //
+ // If there were either enough map registers available or no map
+ // registers needed to be allocated, invoke the driver's execution
+ // routine now.
+ //
+ if (!Busy) {
+ AdapterObject->CurrentWcb = Wcb;
+ Action = Wcb->DeviceRoutine( Wcb->DeviceObject,
+ Wcb->CurrentIrp,
+ AdapterObject->MapRegisterBase,
+ Wcb->DeviceContext);
+ //
+ // If the execution routine would like to have the adapter
+ // deallocated, then release the adapter object.
+ //
+ if (Action == KeepObject) {
+ //
+ // This request wants to keep the channel a while so break
+ // out of the loop.
+ //
+ break;
+ }
+ //
+ // If the driver wants to keep the map registers then set the
+ // number allocated to 0. This keeps the deallocation routine
+ // from deallocating them.
+ //
+ if (Action == DeallocateObjectKeepRegisters) {
+ AdapterObject->NumberOfMapRegisters = 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ //
+ // This request did not get the requested number of map registers so
+ // out of the loop.
+ //
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+Routine Description:
+ This routine is invoked to set up the map registers in the DMA controller
+ to allow a transfer to or from a device.
+ AdapterObject - Pointer to the adapter object representing the DMA
+ controller channel that has been allocated.
+ Mdl - Pointer to the MDL that describes the pages of memory that are
+ being read or written.
+ MapRegisterBase - The address of the base map register that has been
+ allocated to the device driver for use in mapping the transfer.
+ CurrentVa - Current virtual address in the buffer described by the MDL
+ that the transfer is being done to or from.
+ Length - Supplies the length of the transfer. This determines the
+ number of map registers that need to be written to map the transfer.
+ Returns the length of the transfer which was actually mapped.
+ WriteToDevice - Boolean value that indicates whether this is a write
+ to the device from memory (TRUE), or vice versa.
+Return Value:
+ Returns the logical address to be used by bus masters.
+ IN PMDL Mdl,
+ IN PVOID MapRegisterBase,
+ IN PVOID CurrentVa,
+ IN BOOLEAN WriteToDevice
+ )
+ ULONG SgtMemoryAddress;
+ PULONG PageFrameNumber;
+ ULONG NumberOfPages;
+ ULONG Offset;
+ ULONG LogicalAddress;
+ ULONG EisaLogicalAddress;
+ ULONG TransferLength;
+ ULONG i;
+ //
+ // Begin by determining where in the buffer this portion of the operation
+ // is taking place.
+ //
+ Offset = BYTE_OFFSET( (PCHAR) CurrentVa - (PCHAR) Mdl->StartVa );
+ TransferLength = PAGE_SIZE - Offset;
+ NumberOfPages = (Offset + *Length + PAGE_SIZE - 1) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
+ PageFrameNumber = (PULONG) (Mdl + 1);
+ PageFrameNumber += (((PCHAR) CurrentVa - (PCHAR) Mdl->StartVa) >> PAGE_SHIFT);
+ //
+ // Calculate LogicalAddress
+ //
+ LogicalAddress = ((*PageFrameNumber << PAGE_SHIFT) + Offset) & 0x7FFFFFFF;
+ LogicalAddress += HalpPciMemoryOffset;
+ if ( AdapterObject == NULL || AdapterObject->InterfaceType == PCIBus) {
+ if (NumberOfPages > 1) {
+ //
+ // Determine how much of the buffer is
+ // physically contiguous (if a multiple-page transfer)
+ // and adjust *Length accordingly.
+ //
+ while( TransferLength < *Length ){
+ //
+ // If next page in mdl not adjacent
+ // to current page, break out of loop
+ //
+ if ((*PageFrameNumber + 1) != *(PageFrameNumber + 1))
+ break;
+ //
+ // Adjust TransferLength and
+ // mdl pointer
+ //
+ TransferLength += PAGE_SIZE;
+ PageFrameNumber++;
+ }
+ //
+ // Limit the TransferLength to the requested Length.
+ //
+ *Length = (TransferLength > *Length) ? *Length : TransferLength;
+ }
+ return(RtlConvertUlongToLargeInteger(LogicalAddress));
+ } else {
+ //
+ // Devices which do not use auto-initialize
+ // CommonBuffer DMA can use the scatter/gather
+ // capabilities of the 82374 which we manage
+ // through map registers.
+ //
+ if (!AdapterObject->AutoInitialize) {
+ EisaLogicalAddress = LogicalAddress;
+ //
+ // Setup Scatter/Gather Table in the 82374
+ // based on the length of the transfer
+ //
+ if (NumberOfPages > 1) {
+ //
+ // Setup first page as a special case where
+ // count is less than a page size.
+ //
+ DmaMapRegister->Address = (ULONG) EisaLogicalAddress;
+ DmaMapRegister->ByteCountAndEol = (ULONG) (TransferLength - 1);
+ DmaMapRegister++;
+ PageFrameNumber++;
+ EisaLogicalAddress = (*PageFrameNumber << PAGE_SHIFT) & 0x7FFFFFFF;
+ EisaLogicalAddress += HalpPciMemoryOffset;
+ //
+ // Setup transfers that are each a page size
+ // in length except for the last page which
+ // we will special case due to the EOL bit
+ // that we must set to signify the end of the
+ // scatter-gather list.
+ //
+ for (i = 1; i < (NumberOfPages-1); i++) {
+ DmaMapRegister->Address = (ULONG) EisaLogicalAddress;
+ DmaMapRegister->ByteCountAndEol = (ULONG) (PAGE_SIZE - 1);
+ TransferLength += PAGE_SIZE;
+ DmaMapRegister++;
+ PageFrameNumber++;
+ EisaLogicalAddress = (*PageFrameNumber << PAGE_SHIFT) & 0x7FFFFFFF;
+ EisaLogicalAddress += HalpPciMemoryOffset;
+ }
+ //
+ // Now setup last page including the EOL bit.
+ //
+ DmaMapRegister->Address = (ULONG) EisaLogicalAddress;
+ DmaMapRegister->ByteCountAndEol = (ULONG) (*Length - TransferLength - 1) | SCATTER_GATHER_EOL;
+ TransferLength += (*Length - TransferLength);
+ } else {
+ DmaMapRegister->Address = (ULONG) EisaLogicalAddress;
+ DmaMapRegister->ByteCountAndEol = (ULONG) (*Length - 1) | SCATTER_GATHER_EOL;
+ TransferLength = *Length;
+ }
+ //
+ // Limit the TransferLength to the requested Length.
+ //
+ *Length = (TransferLength > *Length) ? *Length : TransferLength;
+ //
+ // Calculate the start of the SGD Table for this
+ // particular transfer
+ //
+ SgtMemoryAddress = (ULONG)MapRegisterBase & ~KSEG1_BASE;
+ SgtMemoryAddress += HalpPciMemoryOffset;
+ //
+ // Start the EISA DMA controller.
+ //
+ HalpEisaMapTransfer( AdapterObject, SgtMemoryAddress, *Length, WriteToDevice);
+ return(RtlConvertUlongToLargeInteger(LogicalAddress));
+ } else {
+ //
+ // For CommonBuffer devices (i.e., auto-initialize mode
+ // which cannot be used in conjunction with the 82374's
+ // scatter/gather mode) we will attempt to transfer the
+ // largest quantity possible based on how contiguous the
+ // buffer is.
+ //
+ if (NumberOfPages > 1) {
+ //
+ // Determine how much of the buffer is
+ // physically contiguous (if a multiple-page transfer)
+ // and adjust TransferLength accordingly.
+ //
+ while( TransferLength < *Length ){
+ //
+ // If next page in mdl not adjacent
+ // to current page, or if it crosses
+ // a 64K boundary, break out of loop
+ //
+ if ( (*PageFrameNumber + 1) != *(PageFrameNumber + 1) )
+ break;
+ //
+ // Adjust TransferLength and
+ // mdl pointer
+ //
+ TransferLength += PAGE_SIZE;
+ PageFrameNumber++;
+ }
+ //
+ // Limit the TransferLength to the requested Length
+ // or less than the requested Length if pages were
+ // non-contiguous.
+ //
+ *Length = (TransferLength > *Length) ? *Length : TransferLength;
+ }
+ HalpEisaMapTransfer( AdapterObject, LogicalAddress, *Length, WriteToDevice);
+ return(RtlConvertUlongToLargeInteger(LogicalAddress));
+ }
+ }
+Routine Description:
+ This routine flushes the DMA adapter object buffers and clears the
+ enable flag which aborts the dma.
+ AdapterObject - Pointer to the adapter object representing the DMA
+ controller channel.
+ Mdl - A pointer to a Memory Descriptor List (MDL) that maps the locked-down
+ buffer to/from which the I/O occured.
+ MapRegisterBase - A pointer to the base of the map registers in the adapter
+ or DMA controller.
+ CurrentVa - The current virtual address in the buffer described the the Mdl
+ where the I/O operation occurred.
+ Length - Supplies the length of the transfer.
+ WriteToDevice - Supplies a BOOLEAN value that indicates the direction of
+ the data transfer was to the device.
+Return Value:
+ TRUE - If the transfer was successful.
+ FALSE - If there was an error in the transfer.
+ IN PMDL Mdl,
+ IN PVOID MapRegisterBase,
+ IN PVOID CurrentVa,
+ IN ULONG Length,
+ IN BOOLEAN WriteToDevice
+ )
+ UCHAR DataByte;
+ if (AdapterObject == NULL) {
+ //
+ // This is a master adapter so there is nothing to do.
+ //
+ return(TRUE);
+ }
+ //
+ // If this is a master channel, then just return since the DMA
+ // request does not need to be disabled.
+ //
+ DataByte = AdapterObject->AdapterMode;
+ if (((PDMA_EISA_MODE) &DataByte)->RequestMode == CASCADE_REQUEST_MODE) {
+ return(TRUE);
+ }
+ //
+ // Clear the EISA DMA adapter.
+ //
+ if (AdapterObject->AdapterNumber == 1) {
+ //
+ // This request is for DMA controller 1
+ //
+ PDMA1_CONTROL dmaControl;
+ dmaControl = AdapterObject->AdapterBaseVa;
+ HalpDma1Status = READ_REGISTER_UCHAR( &dmaControl->DmaStatus);
+ WRITE_REGISTER_UCHAR( &dmaControl->SingleMask,
+ (UCHAR) (DMA_SETMASK | AdapterObject->ChannelNumber) );
+ } else {
+ //
+ // This request is for DMA controller 2
+ //
+ PDMA2_CONTROL dmaControl;
+ dmaControl = AdapterObject->AdapterBaseVa;
+ HalpDma2Status = READ_REGISTER_UCHAR( &dmaControl->DmaStatus);
+ WRITE_REGISTER_UCHAR( &dmaControl->SingleMask,
+ (UCHAR) (DMA_SETMASK | AdapterObject->ChannelNumber) );
+ }
+ return(TRUE);
+Routine Description:
+ This function is called by HalAllocateAdapterChannel when sufficent resources
+ are available to the driver. This routine saves the MapRegisterBase,
+ and set the event pointed to by the context parameter.
+ DeviceObject - Supplies a pointer where the map register base should be
+ stored.
+ Irp - Unused.
+ MapRegisterBase - Supplied by the Io subsystem for use in IoMapTransfer.
+ Context - Supplies a pointer to an event which is set to indicate the
+ AdapterObject has been allocated.
+Return Value:
+ DeallocateObjectKeepRegisters - Indicates the adapter should be freed
+ and mapregisters should remain allocated after return.
+HalpAllocationRoutine (
+ IN PIRP Irp,
+ IN PVOID MapRegisterBase,
+ IN PVOID Context
+ )
+ *((PVOID *) DeviceObject) = MapRegisterBase;
+ (VOID) KeSetEvent( (PKEVENT) Context, 0L, FALSE );
+ return(DeallocateObjectKeepRegisters);
+HalpGetEisaData (
+ IN PBUS_HANDLER RootHandler,
+ IN ULONG SlotNumber,
+ IN PVOID Buffer,
+ IN ULONG Offset,
+ IN ULONG Length
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ The function returns the Eisa bus data for a slot or address.
+ Buffer - Supplies the space to store the data.
+ Length - Supplies a count in bytes of the maximum amount to return.
+Return Value:
+ Returns the amount of data stored into the buffer.
+ OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes;
+ OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES BusObjectAttributes;
+ PWSTR EisaPath = L"\\Registry\\Machine\\Hardware\\Description\\System\\EisaAdapter";
+ PWSTR ConfigData = L"Configuration Data";
+ ANSI_STRING TmpString;
+ ULONG BusNumber;
+ UCHAR BusString[] = "00";
+ UNICODE_STRING RootName, BusName;
+ UNICODE_STRING ConfigDataName;
+ NTSTATUS NtStatus;
+ ULONG PartialCount;
+ ULONG TotalDataSize, SlotDataSize;
+ HANDLE EisaHandle, BusHandle;
+ ULONG BytesWritten, BytesNeeded;
+ PUCHAR KeyValueBuffer;
+ ULONG i;
+ ULONG DataLength = 0;
+ PUCHAR DataBuffer = Buffer;
+ RtlInitUnicodeString(
+ &RootName,
+ EisaPath
+ );
+ InitializeObjectAttributes(
+ &ObjectAttributes,
+ &RootName,
+ );
+ //
+ // Open the EISA root
+ //
+ NtStatus = ZwOpenKey(
+ &EisaHandle,
+ &ObjectAttributes
+ );
+ if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) {
+#if DBG
+ DbgPrint("HAL: Open Status = %x\n",NtStatus);
+ return(0);
+ }
+ //
+ // Init bus number path
+ //
+ BusNumber = BusHandler->BusNumber;
+ if (BusNumber > 99) {
+ return (0);
+ }
+ if (BusNumber > 9) {
+ BusString[0] += (UCHAR) (BusNumber/10);
+ BusString[1] += (UCHAR) (BusNumber % 10);
+ } else {
+ BusString[0] += (UCHAR) BusNumber;
+ BusString[1] = '\0';
+ }
+ RtlInitAnsiString(
+ &TmpString,
+ BusString
+ );
+ RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString(
+ &BusName,
+ &TmpString,
+ );
+ InitializeObjectAttributes(
+ &BusObjectAttributes,
+ &BusName,
+ (HANDLE)EisaHandle,
+ );
+ //
+ // Open the EISA root + Bus Number
+ //
+ NtStatus = ZwOpenKey(
+ &BusHandle,
+ &BusObjectAttributes
+ );
+ if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) {
+#if DBG
+ DbgPrint("HAL: Opening Bus Number: Status = %x\n",NtStatus);
+ return(0);
+ }
+ //
+ // opening the configuration data. This first call tells us how
+ // much memory we need to allocate
+ //
+ RtlInitUnicodeString(
+ &ConfigDataName,
+ ConfigData
+ );
+ //
+ // This should fail. We need to make this call so we can
+ // get the actual size of the buffer to allocate.
+ //
+ ValueInformation = (PKEY_VALUE_FULL_INFORMATION) &i;
+ NtStatus = ZwQueryValueKey(
+ BusHandle,
+ &ConfigDataName,
+ KeyValueFullInformation,
+ ValueInformation,
+ 0,
+ &BytesNeeded
+ );
+ KeyValueBuffer = ExAllocatePool(
+ NonPagedPool,
+ BytesNeeded
+ );
+ if (KeyValueBuffer == NULL) {
+#if DBG
+ DbgPrint("HAL: Cannot allocate Key Value Buffer\n");
+ ZwClose(BusHandle);
+ return(0);
+ }
+ ValueInformation = (PKEY_VALUE_FULL_INFORMATION)KeyValueBuffer;
+ NtStatus = ZwQueryValueKey(
+ BusHandle,
+ &ConfigDataName,
+ KeyValueFullInformation,
+ ValueInformation,
+ BytesNeeded,
+ &BytesWritten
+ );
+ ZwClose(BusHandle);
+ if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) {
+#if DBG
+ DbgPrint("HAL: Query Config Data: Status = %x\n",NtStatus);
+ ExFreePool(KeyValueBuffer);
+ return(0);
+ }
+ //
+ // We get back a Full Resource Descriptor List
+ //
+ Descriptor = (PCM_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR)((PUCHAR)ValueInformation +
+ ValueInformation->DataOffset);
+ &(Descriptor->PartialResourceList.PartialDescriptors);
+ PartialCount = Descriptor->PartialResourceList.Count;
+ for (i = 0; i < PartialCount; i++) {
+ //
+ // Do each partial Resource
+ //
+ switch (PartialResource->Type) {
+ case CmResourceTypeNull:
+ case CmResourceTypePort:
+ case CmResourceTypeInterrupt:
+ case CmResourceTypeMemory:
+ case CmResourceTypeDma:
+ //
+ // We dont care about these.
+ //
+ PartialResource++;
+ break;
+ case CmResourceTypeDeviceSpecific:
+ //
+ // Bingo!
+ //
+ TotalDataSize = PartialResource->u.DeviceSpecificData.DataSize;
+ ((PUCHAR)PartialResource +
+ while (((LONG)TotalDataSize) > 0) {
+ if (SlotInformation->ReturnCode == EISA_EMPTY_SLOT) {
+ SlotDataSize = sizeof(CM_EISA_SLOT_INFORMATION);
+ } else {
+ SlotDataSize = sizeof(CM_EISA_SLOT_INFORMATION) +
+ SlotInformation->NumberFunctions *
+ }
+ if (SlotDataSize > TotalDataSize) {
+ //
+ // Something is wrong again
+ //
+ ExFreePool(KeyValueBuffer);
+ return(0);
+ }
+ if (SlotNumber != 0) {
+ SlotNumber--;
+ ((PUCHAR)SlotInformation + SlotDataSize);
+ TotalDataSize -= SlotDataSize;
+ continue;
+ }
+ //
+ // This is our slot
+ //
+ Found = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ //
+ // End loop
+ //
+ i = PartialCount;
+ break;
+ default:
+#if DBG
+ DbgPrint("Bad Data in registry!\n");
+ ExFreePool(KeyValueBuffer);
+ return(0);
+ }
+ }
+ if (Found) {
+ i = Length + Offset;
+ if (i > SlotDataSize) {
+ i = SlotDataSize;
+ }
+ DataLength = i - Offset;
+ RtlMoveMemory (Buffer, ((PUCHAR)SlotInformation + Offset), DataLength);
+ }
+ ExFreePool(KeyValueBuffer);
+ return DataLength;
+Routine Description:
+ This function reads the DMA counter and returns the number of bytes left
+ to be transfered.
+ AdapterObject - Supplies a pointer to the adapter object to be read.
+Return Value:
+ Returns the number of bytes still be be transfered.
+ )
+ ULONG count;
+ ULONG high;
+ KIRQL Irql;
+ //
+ // Grab the spinlock for the system DMA controller.
+ //
+ KeAcquireSpinLock( &AdapterObject->MasterAdapter->SpinLock, &Irql );
+ //
+ // Determine the controller number based on the Adapter number.
+ //
+ if (AdapterObject->AdapterNumber == 1) {
+ //
+ // This request is for DMA controller 1
+ //
+ PDMA1_CONTROL dmaControl;
+ dmaControl = AdapterObject->AdapterBaseVa;
+ //
+ // Initialize count to a value which will not match.
+ //
+ count = 0xFFFF00;
+ //
+ // Loop until the same high byte is read twice.
+ //
+ do {
+ high = count;
+ WRITE_PORT_UCHAR( &dmaControl->ClearBytePointer, 0 );
+ //
+ // Read the current DMA count.
+ //
+ count = READ_PORT_UCHAR(&dmaControl->DmaAddressCount[AdapterObject->ChannelNumber].DmaBaseCount);
+ count |= READ_PORT_UCHAR(&dmaControl->DmaAddressCount[AdapterObject->ChannelNumber].DmaBaseCount) << 8;
+ } while ((count & 0xFFFF00) != (high & 0xFFFF00));
+ } else {
+ //
+ // This request is for DMA controller 2
+ //
+ PDMA2_CONTROL dmaControl;
+ dmaControl = AdapterObject->AdapterBaseVa;
+ //
+ // Initialize count to a value which will not match.
+ //
+ count = 0xFFFF00;
+ //
+ // Loop until the same high byte is read twice.
+ //
+ do {
+ high = count;
+ WRITE_PORT_UCHAR( &dmaControl->ClearBytePointer, 0 );
+ //
+ // Read the current DMA count.
+ //
+ count = READ_PORT_UCHAR(&dmaControl->DmaAddressCount[AdapterObject->ChannelNumber].DmaBaseCount);
+ count |= READ_PORT_UCHAR(&dmaControl->DmaAddressCount[AdapterObject->ChannelNumber].DmaBaseCount) << 8;
+ } while ((count & 0xFFFF00) != (high & 0xFFFF00));
+ }
+ //
+ // Release the spinlock for the system DMA controller.
+ //
+ KeReleaseSpinLock( &AdapterObject->MasterAdapter->SpinLock, Irql );
+ //
+ // The DMA counter has a bias of one and can only be 16 bit long.
+ //
+ count = (count + 1) & 0xFFFF;
+ return(count);
+Routine Description:
+ This routine allocates memory for map registers directly from the loader
+ block information. This memory must be non-cached and contiguous.
+ LoaderBlock - Pointer to the loader block which contains the memory descriptors.
+Return Value:
+ None.
+ )
+ ULONG MaxPageAddress;
+ ULONG PhysicalAddress;
+ ULONG MapRegisterSize;
+ //
+ // FALCON does not support an IO TLB! However,
+ // the 82374 does support Scatter/Gather so we
+ // will use it for all EISA/ISA devices that need
+ // to do multi-page transfers provided that they
+ // do not use auto-initialize mode which cannot be
+ // used with the 82374's scatter/gather engine. In
+ // the case of auto-initialize devices, we will allocate
+ // a 64K buffer pool from which we will allocate
+ // common buffers to ensure physical contiguous-ness.
+ // Otherwise, we would have to break up the auto-initialize
+ // transfers on page boundaries which does not work
+ // for devices like SoundBlaster, etc.
+ //
+ // In the case of PCI devices, we will break transfers
+ // up according to the physical contiguous-ness of the
+ // buffer. There are no auto-initialize limitations
+ // associated with PCI devices.
+ //
+ MapRegisterSize = BYTES_TO_PAGES(MapRegisterSize);
+ //
+ // The address must be in KSEG 1.
+ //
+ MaxPageAddress = (KSEG1_BASE >> PAGE_SHIFT) - 1 ;
+ //
+ // Scan the memory allocation descriptors and allocate map buffers
+ //
+ NextMd = LoaderBlock->MemoryDescriptorListHead.Flink;
+ while (NextMd != &LoaderBlock->MemoryDescriptorListHead) {
+ //
+ // Search for a block of memory which is contains a memory chuck
+ // that is greater than size pages, and has a physical address less
+ //
+ if ((Descriptor->MemoryType == LoaderFree ||
+ Descriptor->MemoryType == MemoryFirmwareTemporary) &&
+ (Descriptor->BasePage) &&
+ (Descriptor->PageCount >= MapRegisterSize) &&
+ (Descriptor->BasePage + MapRegisterSize < MaxPageAddress)) {
+ PhysicalAddress = Descriptor->BasePage << PAGE_SHIFT;
+ break;
+ }
+ NextMd = NextMd->Flink;
+ }
+ //
+ // Use the extra descriptor to define the memory at the end of the
+ // original block.
+ //
+ ASSERT(NextMd != &LoaderBlock->MemoryDescriptorListHead);
+ if (NextMd == &LoaderBlock->MemoryDescriptorListHead)
+ return;
+ //
+ // Adjust the memory descriptors.
+ //
+ Descriptor->BasePage += MapRegisterSize;
+ Descriptor->PageCount -= MapRegisterSize;
+ if (Descriptor->PageCount == 0) {
+ //
+ // The whole block was allocated,
+ // Remove the entry from the list completely.
+ //
+ RemoveEntryList(&Descriptor->ListEntry);
+ }
+ //
+ // Initialize internal data structure
+ // responsible for maintaining address,
+ // size, and buffer number information.
+ //
+ HalpMapRegisterPhysicalBase = PhysicalAddress;
+ //
+ // Initialize the HAL buffer pool variables
+ //
+ HalpContiguousBufferCurrentBase = HalpMapRegisterPhysicalBase + (2*PAGE_SIZE);
+ HalpContiguousBufferMax = HalpContiguousBufferCurrentBase + HALP_CONTIGUOUS_BUFFER_POOL_SIZE - 1;
+ IN OUT PULONG NumberOfMapRegisters
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ This routine is called during the crash dump disk driver's initialization
+ to allocate a number map registers permanently.
+ AdapterObject - Pointer to the adapter control object to allocate to the
+ driver.
+Return Value:
+ Returns STATUS_SUCESS if map registers allocated.
+ PADAPTER_OBJECT MasterAdapter;
+ ULONG MapRegisterNumber;
+ ULONG Hint;
+ if (0) {
+ //
+ // Begin by obtaining a pointer to the master adapter associated with this
+ // request.
+ //
+ if (AdapterObject->MasterAdapter) {
+ MasterAdapter = AdapterObject->MasterAdapter;
+ } else {
+ MasterAdapter = AdapterObject;
+ }
+ //
+ // Set the number of map registers required.
+ //
+ *NumberOfMapRegisters = 16;
+ //
+ // Ensure that this adapter has enough total map registers to satisfy
+ // the request.
+ //
+ if (*NumberOfMapRegisters > AdapterObject->MapRegistersPerChannel) {
+ AdapterObject->NumberOfMapRegisters = 0;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ //
+ // Attempt to allocate the required number of map registers w/o
+ // affecting those registers that were allocated when the system
+ // crashed. Note that once again the map registers to be allocated
+ // must be above the 1MB range if this is an EISA bus device.
+ //
+ MapRegisterNumber = (ULONG)-1;
+ Hint = 0;
+ MapRegisterNumber = RtlFindClearBitsAndSet(MasterAdapter->MapRegisters,
+ *NumberOfMapRegisters,
+ Hint);
+ //
+ // Ensure that any allocated map registers are valid for this adapter.
+ //
+ if ((ULONG) MapRegisterNumber < Hint) {
+ //
+ // Make it appear as if there are no map registers.
+ //
+ RtlClearBits(MasterAdapter->MapRegisters,
+ MapRegisterNumber,
+ *NumberOfMapRegisters);
+ MapRegisterNumber = (ULONG) -1;
+ }
+ if (MapRegisterNumber == (ULONG)-1) {
+ //
+ // Not enough free map registers were found, so they were busy
+ // being used by the system when it crashed. Force the appropriate
+ // number to be "allocated" at the base by simply overjamming the
+ // bits and return the base map register as the start.
+ //
+ RtlSetBits(MasterAdapter->MapRegisters,
+ Hint,
+ *NumberOfMapRegisters);
+ MapRegisterNumber = Hint;
+ }
+ //
+ // Calculate the map register base from the allocated map
+ // register and base of the master adapter object.
+ //
+ AdapterObject->MapRegisterBase = (PVOID) ((PTRANSLATION_ENTRY) MasterAdapter->MapRegisterBase + MapRegisterNumber);
+ return AdapterObject->MapRegisterBase;
+ }
+Routine Description:
+ This routine gets the contiguous buffer pool size from a
+ firmware environment variable.
+ None.
+Return Value:
+ None.
+ )
+ register int i;
+ ULONG bufferpoolSize;
+ UCHAR buffer[20];
+ ULONG status;
+ status = (ULONG)HalGetEnvironmentVariable ("BUFFER_POOL_SIZE", sizeof(buffer), &buffer[0]);
+ if (status)
+ return 0;
+ bufferpoolSize = 0;
+ for (i=0; i < 8; i++) {
+ if (buffer[i] >= '0' && buffer[i] <= '9')
+ bufferpoolSize = 16 * bufferpoolSize + buffer[i] - '0';
+ else if (buffer[i] >= 'A' && buffer[i] <= 'F')
+ bufferpoolSize = 16 * bufferpoolSize + buffer[i] - 'A';
+ else if (buffer[i] >= 'a' && buffer[i] <= 'f')
+ bufferpoolSize = 16 * bufferpoolSize + buffer[i] - 'a';
+ }
+ return bufferpoolSize;