path: root/private/ntos/nthals/halx86/i386/ixlock.asm
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1 files changed, 475 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/private/ntos/nthals/halx86/i386/ixlock.asm b/private/ntos/nthals/halx86/i386/ixlock.asm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..98cf9c425
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/ntos/nthals/halx86/i386/ixlock.asm
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+ title "Irql Processing"
+; Copyright (c) 1989 Microsoft Corporation
+; Module Name:
+; ixlock.asm
+; Abstract:
+; This module implements various locking functions optimized for this hal.
+; Author:
+; Ken Reneris (kenr) 21-April-1994
+; Environment:
+; Kernel mode only.
+; Revision History:
+ .xlist
+include ; calling convention macros
+include i386\
+include i386\
+ .list
+ EXTRNP _KeSetEventBoostPriority, 2, IMPORT
+ EXTRNP _KeWaitForSingleObject,5, IMPORT
+ extrn FindHigherIrqlMask:DWORD
+ extrn SWInterruptHandlerTable:DWORD
+ EXTRNP _KeRaiseIrql,2
+ EXTRNP _KeLowerIrql,1
+ifdef NT_UP
+ LOCK_ADD equ add
+ LOCK_DEC equ dec
+ LOCK_ADD equ lock add
+ LOCK_DEC equ lock dec
+ page ,132
+ subttl "AcquireSpinLock"
+; KfAcquireSpinLock (
+; )
+; Routine Description:
+; This function raises to DISPATCH_LEVEL and then acquires a the
+; kernel spin lock.
+; In a UP hal spinlock serialization is accomplished by raising the
+; IRQL to DISPATCH_LEVEL. The SpinLock is not used; however, for
+; debugging purposes if the UP hal is compiled with the NT_UP flag
+; not set (ie, MP) we take the SpinLock.
+; Arguments:
+; (ecx) = SpinLock Supplies a pointer to an kernel spin lock.
+; Return Value:
+; OldIrql
+cPublicFastCall KfAcquireSpinLock,1
+cPublicFpo 0,0
+ xor eax, eax ; Eliminate partial stall on return to caller
+ mov al, PCR[PcIrql] ; (al) = Old Irql
+ mov byte ptr PCR[PcIrql], DISPATCH_LEVEL ; set new irql
+ifndef NT_UP
+asl10: ACQUIRE_SPINLOCK ecx,<short asl20>
+ inc HalRaiseIrqlCount
+if DBG
+ cmp al, DISPATCH_LEVEL ; old > new?
+ ja short asl99 ; yes, go bugcheck
+ fstRET KfAcquireSpinLock
+ifndef NT_UP
+asl20: SPIN_ON_SPINLOCK ecx,<short asl10>
+if DBG
+cPublicFpo 2,1
+asl99: movzx eax, al
+ push eax ; put old irql where we can find it
+ stdCall _KeBugCheck, <IRQL_NOT_GREATER_OR_EQUAL> ; never return
+ fstRET KfAcquireSpinLock
+fstENDP KfAcquireSpinLock
+; KeAcquireSpinLockRaiseToSynch (
+; )
+; Routine Description:
+; This function acquires the SpinLock at SYNCH_LEVEL. The function
+; is optmized for hoter locks (the lock is tested before acquired.
+; Any spin should occur at OldIrql; however, since this is a UP hal
+; we don't have the code for it)
+; In a UP hal spinlock serialization is accomplished by raising the
+; IRQL to SYNCH_LEVEL. The SpinLock is not used; however, for
+; debugging purposes if the UP hal is compiled with the NT_UP flag
+; not set (ie, MP) we take the SpinLock.
+; Arguments:
+; (ecx) = SpinLock Supplies a pointer to an kernel spin lock.
+; Return Value:
+; OldIrql
+cPublicFastCall KeAcquireSpinLockRaiseToSynch,1
+cPublicFpo 0,0
+ mov al, PCR[PcIrql] ; (al) = Old Irql
+ mov byte ptr PCR[PcIrql], SYNCH_LEVEL ; set new irql
+ifndef NT_UP
+asls10: ACQUIRE_SPINLOCK ecx,<short asls20>
+ inc HalRaiseIrqlCount
+if DBG
+ cmp al, SYNCH_LEVEL ; old > new?
+ ja short asls99 ; yes, go bugcheck
+ fstRET KeAcquireSpinLockRaiseToSynch
+ifndef NT_UP
+asls20: SPIN_ON_SPINLOCK ecx,<short asls10>
+if DBG
+cPublicFpo 2,1
+asls99: movzx eax, al
+ push eax ; put old irql where we can find it
+ stdCall _KeBugCheck, <IRQL_NOT_GREATER_OR_EQUAL> ; never return
+ fstRET KeAcquireSpinLockRaiseToSynch
+fstENDP KeAcquireSpinLockRaiseToSynch
+ SUBTTL "Release Kernel Spin Lock"
+; KfReleaseSpinLock (
+; IN KIRQL NewIrql
+; )
+; Routine Description:
+; This function releases a kernel spin lock and lowers to the new irql
+; In a UP hal spinlock serialization is accomplished by raising the
+; IRQL to DISPATCH_LEVEL. The SpinLock is not used; however, for
+; debugging purposes if the UP hal is compiled with the NT_UP flag
+; not set (ie, MP) we use the SpinLock.
+; Arguments:
+; (ecx) = SpinLock Supplies a pointer to an executive spin lock.
+; (dl) = NewIrql New irql value to set
+; Return Value:
+; None.
+align 16
+cPublicFastCall KfReleaseSpinLock ,2
+cPublicFpo 0,0
+ifndef NT_UP
+ RELEASE_SPINLOCK ecx ; release it
+ xor ecx, ecx
+if DBG
+ cmp dl, PCR[PcIrql]
+ ja short rsl99
+ pushfd
+ cli
+ mov PCR[PcIrql], dl ; store old irql
+ mov cl, dl ; (ecx) = 32bit extended OldIrql
+ mov edx, PCR[PcIRR]
+ and edx, FindHigherIrqlMask[ecx*4] ; (edx) is the bitmask of
+ ; pending interrupts we need to
+ jne short rsl20 ; dispatch now.
+ popfd
+ fstRet KfReleaseSpinLock ; all done
+if DBG
+rsl99: stdCall _KeBugCheck, <IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL> ; never return
+cPublicFpo 0,1
+rsl20: bsr ecx, edx ; (ecx) = Pending irq level
+ jle short rsl40
+ mov eax, PCR[PcIDR] ; Clear all the interrupt
+ SET_8259_MASK ; masks
+ mov edx, 1
+ shl edx, cl
+ xor PCR[PcIRR], edx ; clear bit in IRR
+ call SWInterruptHandlerTable[ecx*4] ; Dispatch the pending int.
+ popfd
+cPublicFpo 0, 0
+ fstRet KfReleaseSpinLock ; all done
+fstENDP KfReleaseSpinLock
+; ExAcquireFastMutex (
+; )
+; Routine description:
+; This function acquire ownership of the FastMutex
+; Arguments:
+; (ecx) = FastMutex - Supplies a pointer to the fast mutex
+; Return Value:
+; None.
+cPublicFastCall ExAcquireFastMutex,1
+cPublicFpo 0,0
+ mov al, PCR[PcIrql] ; (cl) = OldIrql
+if DBG
+ cmp al, APC_LEVEL ; Is OldIrql > NewIrql?
+ ja short afm99 ; Yes, bugcheck
+ mov edx, PCR[PcPrcb]
+ mov edx, [edx].PbCurrentThread ; (edx) = Current Thread
+ cmp [ecx].FmOwner, edx ; Already owned by this thread?
+ je short afm98 ; Yes, error
+ mov byte ptr PCR[PcIrql], APC_LEVEL ; Set NewIrql
+ LOCK_DEC dword ptr [ecx].FmCount ; Get count
+ jz short afm_ret ; The owner? Yes, Done
+ inc dword ptr [ecx].FmContention
+cPublicFpo 0,2
+ push eax ; save OldIrql
+ push ecx ; Save FAST_MUTEX
+ add ecx, FmEvent ; Wait on Event
+ stdCall _KeWaitForSingleObject,<ecx,WrExecutive,0,0,0>
+ pop ecx ; (ecx) = FAST_MUTEX
+ pop eax ; (al) = OldIrql
+cPublicFpo 1,0
+if DBG
+ cli
+ mov edx, PCR[PcPrcb]
+ mov edx, [edx].PbCurrentThread ; (edx) = Current Thread
+ sti
+ mov [ecx].FmOwner, edx ; Save in Fast Mutex
+ mov byte ptr [ecx].FmOldIrql, al
+ fstRet ExAcquireFastMutex
+if DBG
+afm98: stdCall _KeBugCheck, <eax> ; never return
+afm99: stdCall _KeBugCheck, <IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL> ; never return
+ fstRet ExAcquireFastMutex
+fstENDP ExAcquireFastMutex
+; ExReleaseFastMutex (
+; )
+; Routine description:
+; This function releases ownership of the FastMutex
+; Arguments:
+; (ecx) = FastMutex - Supplies a pointer to the fast mutex
+; Return Value:
+; None.
+cPublicFastCall ExReleaseFastMutex,1
+cPublicFpo 0,0
+ xor eax, eax
+if DBG
+ cli
+ mov edx, PCR[PcPrcb]
+ mov edx, [edx].PbCurrentThread ; (edx) = CurrentThread
+ sti
+ cmp [ecx].FmOwner, edx ; Owner == CurrentThread?
+ jne short rfm_threaderror ; No, bugcheck
+ or byte ptr [ecx].FmOwner, 1 ; not the owner anymore
+ mov al, byte ptr [ecx].FmOldIrql ; (eax) = OldIrql
+ LOCK_ADD dword ptr [ecx].FmCount, 1 ; Remove our count
+ js short rfm05 ; if < 0, set event
+ jnz short rfm10 ; if != 0, don't set event
+cPublicFpo 0,2
+ push eax ; Save OldIrql
+ add ecx, FmEvent
+ stdCall _KeSetEventBoostPriority, <ecx, 0>
+ pop eax
+cPublicFpo 0,0
+ cli
+ mov PCR[PcIrql], eax
+ mov edx, PCR[PcIRR]
+ and edx, FindHigherIrqlMask[eax*4] ; (edx) is the bitmask of
+ ; pending interrupts we need to
+ jne short rfm20 ; dispatch now.
+ sti
+ fstRet ExReleaseFastMutex ; all done
+if DBG
+ stdCall _KeBugCheck, <eax>
+rfm20: bsr ecx, edx ; (ecx) = Pending irq level
+ jle short rfm40
+ mov eax, PCR[PcIDR] ; Clear all the interrupt
+ SET_8259_MASK ; masks
+ mov edx, 1
+ shl edx, cl
+ xor PCR[PcIRR], edx ; clear bit in IRR
+ call SWInterruptHandlerTable[ecx*4] ; Dispatch the pending int.
+ sti
+ fstRet ExReleaseFastMutex ; all done
+fstENDP ExReleaseFastMutex
+; ExTryToAcquireFastMutex (
+; )
+; Routine description:
+; This function acquire ownership of the FastMutex
+; Arguments:
+; (ecx) = FastMutex - Supplies a pointer to the fast mutex
+; Return Value:
+; Returns TRUE if the FAST_MUTEX was acquired; otherwise false
+cPublicFastCall ExTryToAcquireFastMutex,1
+cPublicFpo 0,0
+ mov al, PCR[PcIrql] ; (al) = OldIrql
+if DBG
+ cmp al, APC_LEVEL ; Is OldIrql > NewIrql?
+ ja short tam99 ; Yes, bugcheck
+; Try to acquire - but needs to support 386s.
+; *** Warning: This code is NOT MP safe ***
+; But, we know that this hal really only runs on UP machines
+ cli
+ cmp dword ptr [ecx].FmCount, 1 ; Busy?
+ jne short tam20 ; Yes, abort
+ mov dword ptr [ecx].FmCount, 0 ; acquire count
+if DBG
+ mov edx, PCR[PcPrcb]
+ mov edx, [edx].PbCurrentThread ; (edx) = Current Thread
+ mov [ecx].FmOwner, edx ; Save in Fast Mutex
+ mov PCR[PcIrql], APC_LEVEL
+ sti
+ mov byte ptr [ecx].FmOldIrql, al
+ mov eax, 1 ; return TRUE
+ fstRet ExTryToAcquireFastMutex
+tam20: sti
+ xor eax, eax ; return FALSE
+ fstRet ExTryToAcquireFastMutex ; all done
+if DBG
+tam99: stdCall _KeBugCheck, <IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL> ; never return
+ xor eax, eax ; return FALSE
+ fstRet ExTryToAcquireFastMutex
+fstENDP ExTryToAcquireFastMutex
+_TEXT$01 ends
+ end