path: root/private/nw/nw16/dll/debug.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'private/nw/nw16/dll/debug.c')
1 files changed, 584 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/private/nw/nw16/dll/debug.c b/private/nw/nw16/dll/debug.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..886acd75d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/nw/nw16/dll/debug.c
@@ -0,0 +1,584 @@
+Copyright (c) 1991-3 Microsoft Corporation
+Module Name:
+ debug.c
+ This component of netbios runs in the user process and can ( when
+ built in a debug kernel) will log to either the console or through the
+ kernel debugger.
+ Colin Watson (ColinW) 24-Jun-91
+Revision History:
+#include "procs.h"
+#if NWDBG
+// Set DebugControl to 1 to open the logfile on the first NW call and close it
+// on process exit.
+int DebugCtrl = 0;
+BOOL UseConsole = FALSE;
+BOOL UseLogFile = FALSE;
+BOOL Verbose = FALSE;
+#define LOGNAME (LPTSTR) TEXT("c:\\nwapi16.log")
+#define ERR_BUF_SIZE 260
+#define NAME_BUF_SIZE 260
+extern UCHAR CpuInProtectMode;
+ IN WORD FlagsRegister,
+ OUT LPSTR Buffer
+ );
+ );
+ PCHAR pch,
+ ULONG len,
+ PCHAR s,
+ );
+ int Command
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ This routine controls what we output as debug information and where.
+ IN int Command
+Return Value:
+ none.
+ switch (Command) {
+ case 0:
+ UseLogFile = TRUE;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ UseConsole = TRUE;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ if (LogFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
+ CloseHandle(LogFile);
+ }
+ UseLogFile = FALSE;
+ UseConsole = FALSE;
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ Verbose = TRUE; // Same as 4 only chatty
+ DebugCtrl = 4;
+ case 4:
+ UseLogFile = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ NwPrint(("DebugControl %x\n", Command ));
+ char *Format,
+ ...
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ This routine is equivalent to printf with the output being directed to
+ stdout.
+ IN char *Format - Supplies string to be output and describes following
+ (optional) parameters.
+Return Value:
+ none.
+ va_list arglist;
+ char OutputBuffer[200];
+ int length;
+ if (( UseConsole == FALSE ) &&
+ ( UseLogFile == FALSE )) {
+ return;
+ }
+ va_start( arglist, Format );
+ length = _vsnprintf( OutputBuffer, sizeof(OutputBuffer)-1, Format, arglist );
+ if (length < 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ OutputBuffer[sizeof(OutputBuffer)-1] = '\0'; // in-case length= 199;
+ va_end( arglist );
+ if ( UseConsole ) {
+ DbgPrint( "%s", OutputBuffer );
+ } else {
+ if ( LogFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
+ if ( UseLogFile ) {
+ LogFile = CreateFile( LOGNAME,
+ NULL );
+ if (LogFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
+ LogFile = CreateFile( LOGNAME,
+ NULL );
+ }
+ if ( LogFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
+ UseLogFile = FALSE;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ WriteFile( LogFile , (LPVOID )OutputBuffer, length, &length, NULL );
+ }
+} // NwPrintf
+ PCHAR far_p,
+ LONG len
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ This routine outputs a buffer in lines of text containing hex and
+ printable characters.
+ IN far_p - Supplies buffer to be displayed.
+ IN len - Supplies the length of the buffer in bytes.
+Return Value:
+ none.
+ ULONG l;
+ char s[80], t[80];
+ if (( UseConsole == FALSE ) &&
+ ( UseLogFile == FALSE )) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (( len > NwMaxDump ) ||
+ ( len < 0 )) {
+ len = NwMaxDump;
+ }
+ while (len) {
+ l = len < 16 ? len : 16;
+ NwPrint(("%lx ", far_p));
+ HexDumpLine (far_p, l, s, t);
+ NwPrint(("%s%.*s%s\n", s, 1 + ((16 - l) * 3), "", t));
+ len -= l;
+ far_p += l;
+ }
+ PCHAR pch,
+ ULONG len,
+ PCHAR s,
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ This routine builds a line of text containing hex and printable characters.
+ IN pch - Supplies buffer to be displayed.
+ IN len - Supplies the length of the buffer in bytes.
+ IN s - Supplies the start of the buffer to be loaded with the string
+ of hex characters.
+ IN t - Supplies the start of the buffer to be loaded with the string
+ of printable ascii characters.
+Return Value:
+ none.
+ static UCHAR rghex[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
+ UCHAR c;
+ UCHAR *hex, *asc;
+ hex = s;
+ asc = t;
+ *(asc++) = '*';
+ while (len--) {
+ c = *(pch++);
+ *(hex++) = rghex [c >> 4] ;
+ *(hex++) = rghex [c & 0x0F];
+ *(hex++) = ' ';
+ *(asc++) = (c < ' ' || c > '~') ? (CHAR )'.' : c;
+ }
+ *(asc++) = '*';
+ *asc = 0;
+ *hex = 0;
+ DWORD errorCode;
+ DWORD status;
+ status = WNetGetLastError(
+ &errorCode,
+ errorBuf,
+ nameBuf,
+ if(status != WN_SUCCESS) {
+ NwPrint(("nwapi32: WNetGetLastError failed %d\n",status));
+ return;
+ }
+ NwPrint(("nwapi32: EXTENDED ERROR INFORMATION: (from GetLastError)\n"));
+ NwPrint(("nwapi32: Code: %d\n",errorCode));
+ NwPrint(("nwapi32: Description: "FORMAT_LPSTR"\n",errorBuf));
+ NwPrint(("nwapi32: Provider: "FORMAT_LPSTR"\n\n",nameBuf));
+ return;
+ IN BOOL DebugStyle
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ Displays dump of 16-bit
+ real-mode 80286 registers - gp registers (8), segment registers (4), flags
+ register (1) instruction pointer register (1)
+ DebugStyle - determines look of output:
+DebugStyle == TRUE:
+ax=1111 bx=2222 cx=3333 dx=4444 sp=5555 bp=6666 si=7777 di=8888
+ds=aaaa es=bbbb ss=cccc cs=dddd ip=iiii fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl
+DebugStyle == FALSE:
+cs:ip=cccc:iiii ss:sp=ssss:pppp bp=bbbb ax=1111 bx=2222 cx=3333 dx=4444
+ds:si=dddd:ssss es:di=eeee:dddd flags[ODIxSZxAxPxC]=fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl
+Return Value:
+ None.
+ char flags_string[25];
+ if (( UseConsole == FALSE ) &&
+ ( UseLogFile == FALSE )) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (CpuInProtectMode) {
+ NwPrint(( "Protect Mode:\n"));
+ }
+ if (DebugStyle) {
+ NwPrint((
+ "ax=%04x bx=%04x cx=%04x dx=%04x sp=%04x bp=%04x si=%04x di=%04x\n"
+ "ds=%04x es=%04x ss=%04x cs=%04x ip=%04x %s\n\n",
+ pNwDosTable->SavedAx, //getAX(),
+ getBX(),
+ getCX(),
+ getDX(),
+ getSP(),
+ getBP(),
+ getSI(),
+ getDI(),
+ getDS(),
+ getES(),
+ getSS(),
+ getCS(),
+ getIP(),
+ ConvertFlagsToString(GetFlags(), flags_string)
+ ));
+ } else {
+ NwPrint((
+ "cs:ip=%04x:%04x ss:sp=%04x:%04x bp=%04x ax=%04x bx=%04x cx=%04x dx=%04x\n"
+ "ds:si=%04x:%04x es:di=%04x:%04x flags[ODITSZxAxPxC]=%s\n\n",
+ getCS(),
+ getIP(),
+ getSS(),
+ getSP(),
+ getBP(),
+ pNwDosTable->SavedAx, //getAX(),
+ getBX(),
+ getCX(),
+ getDX(),
+ getDS(),
+ getSI(),
+ getES(),
+ getDI(),
+ ConvertFlagsToString(GetFlags(), flags_string)
+ ));
+ }
+ IN WORD FlagsRegister,
+ OUT LPSTR Buffer
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ Given a 16-bit word, interpret bit positions as for x86 Flags register
+ and produce descriptive string of flags state (as per debug) eg:
+ NV UP DI PL NZ NA PO NC ODItSZxAxPxC = 000000000000b
+ OV DN EI NG ZR AC PE CY ODItSZxAxPxC = 111111111111b
+ Trap Flag (t) is not dumped since this has no interest for programs which
+ are not debuggers or don't examine program execution (ie virtually none)
+ FlagsRegister - 16-bit flags
+ Buffer - place to store string. Requires 25 bytes inc \0
+Return Value:
+ Address of <Buffer>
+ static char* flags_states[16][2] = {
+ //0 1
+ "NC", "CY", // CF (0x0001) - Carry
+ "", "", // x (0x0002)
+ "PO", "PE", // PF (0x0004) - Parity
+ "", "", // x (0x0008)
+ "NA", "AC", // AF (0x0010) - Aux (half) carry
+ "", "", // x (0x0020)
+ "NZ", "ZR", // ZF (0x0040) - Zero
+ "PL", "NG", // SF (0x0080) - Sign
+ "", "", // TF (0x0100) - Trap (not dumped)
+ "DI", "EI", // IF (0x0200) - Interrupt
+ "UP", "DN", // DF (0x0400) - Direction
+ "NV", "OV", // OF (0x0800) - Overflow
+ "", "", // x (0x1000) - (I/O Privilege Level) (not dumped)
+ "", "", // x (0x2000) - (I/O Privilege Level) (not dumped)
+ "", "", // x (0x4000) - (Nested Task) (not dumped)
+ "", "" // x (0x8000)
+ };
+ int i;
+ WORD bit;
+ BOOL on;
+ *Buffer = 0;
+ for (bit=0x0800, i=11; bit; bit >>= 1, --i) {
+ on = (BOOL)((FlagsRegister & bit) == bit);
+ if (flags_states[i][on][0]) {
+ strcat(Buffer, flags_states[i][on]);
+ strcat(Buffer, " ");
+ }
+ }
+ return Buffer;
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ Supplies the missing softpc function
+ None.
+Return Value:
+ Conglomerates softpc flags into x86 flags word
+ WORD flags;
+ flags = (WORD)getCF();
+ flags |= (WORD)getPF() << 2;
+ flags |= (WORD)getAF() << 4;
+ flags |= (WORD)getZF() << 6;
+ flags |= (WORD)getSF() << 7;
+ flags |= (WORD)getIF() << 9;
+ flags |= (WORD)getDF() << 10;
+ flags |= (WORD)getOF() << 11;
+ return flags;
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ Dumps out the state of the 16 bit datastructures.
+ none.
+Return Value:
+ None.
+ int index;
+ int Drive;
+ if (Verbose == FALSE) {
+ return;
+ }
+ NwPrint(( "Preferred = %x, Primary = %x\n",
+ pNwDosTable->PreferredServer,
+ pNwDosTable->PrimaryServer));
+ for (index = 0; index < MC; index++) {
+ if ((PUCHAR)pNwDosTable->ServerNameTable[index][0] != 0 ) {
+ if (pNwDosTable->ConnectionIdTable[index].ci_InUse != IN_USE) {
+ NwPrint(("Warning Connection not in use %x: %x\n",
+ index,
+ pNwDosTable->ConnectionIdTable[index].ci_InUse));
+ }
+ NwPrint((" Server %d = %s, Connection = %d\n",
+ index,
+ (PUCHAR)pNwDosTable-> ServerNameTable[index],
+ (((pNwDosTable->ConnectionIdTable[index]).ci_ConnectionHi * 256) +
+ ( pNwDosTable-> ConnectionIdTable[index]).ci_ConnectionLo )));
+ } else {
+ if (pNwDosTable->ConnectionIdTable[index].ci_InUse != FREE) {
+ NwPrint(("Warning Connection in use but name is null %x: %x\n",
+ index,
+ pNwDosTable->ConnectionIdTable[index]));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (Drive = 0; Drive < MD; Drive++ ) {
+ if (pNwDosTable->DriveFlagTable[Drive] & 3) {
+ NwPrint(("%c=%x on server %d,",'A' + Drive,
+ pNwDosTable->DriveFlagTable[Drive],
+ pNwDosTable->DriveIdTable[ Drive ] ));
+ }
+ }
+ NwPrint(("\n"));