path: root/private/nw/nw16/drv/ints.asm
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Diffstat (limited to 'private/nw/nw16/drv/ints.asm')
1 files changed, 368 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/private/nw/nw16/drv/ints.asm b/private/nw/nw16/drv/ints.asm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1dfe878ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/nw/nw16/drv/ints.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
+page ,132
+if 0
+Copyright (c) 1993 Microsoft Corporation
+Module Name:
+ ints.asm
+ Contains handler for Windows protect-mode NetwareRequest function, exported
+ by NETWARE.DRV. Code in this file access real mode memory via an LDT descriptor
+ created especially for this purpose. This selector gives us access to all
+ code and data contained in the Nw16 TSR
+ Richard L Firth 22-Jan-1994
+ Windows protect mode only
+Revision History:
+ 22-Jan-1994 rfirth
+ Created
+include ; NWDOSTABLE_ASM structure
+include ; DispatchCall
+.model medium,pascal
+_DATA segment word public 'DATA'
+OldInt21Handler dd ?
+RMSegment dw ?
+RMBase dw ? ; MUST be in this order - loaded
+RMSelector dw ? ; via lds dx,word ptr RMBase
+.errnz (RMSelector - (RMBase + 2))
+_DATA ends
+; code segment ordering
+INIT_TEXT segment byte public 'CODE'
+_TEXT segment byte public 'CODE'
+_TEXT ends
+; macros
+LOAD_DS macro
+ push _DATA
+ pop ds
+ assume ds:_DATA
+ endm
+SET_DS macro
+ push ds
+ endm
+ pop ds
+ assume ds:nothing
+ endm
+LOAD_RM_DS_BX macro
+ lds bx,dword ptr RMBase
+ assume ds:nothing
+ endm
+ pop bx
+ endm
+INIT_TEXT segment byte public 'CODE'
+ assume cs:INIT_TEXT
+ public GetLowRedirInfo
+GetLowRedirInfo proc far
+ mov ax,9f00h
+ int 21h ; get the RM data segment in BX
+ jc @f
+ mov RMSegment,bx
+ mov RMBase,dx
+ mov ax,2
+ int 31h
+ jc @f ; can't create selector
+ mov RMSelector,ax
+; now that we have the selector, we write the selector value into the low
+; memory area. The 32-bit DLL will use this value when setting output DS or ES
+; register values if the call originated in Protect Mode
+ lds bx,dword ptr RMBase
+ mov [bx]._PmSelector,ax
+; we now hook int 21
+ push es
+ mov ax,3521h
+ int 21h
+ mov word ptr OldInt21Handler,bx
+ mov word ptr OldInt21Handler[2],es
+ mov cx,_TEXT
+ mov dx,offset _TEXT:NewInt21Handler
+ mov ax,205h
+ mov bl,21h
+ int 31h
+ pop es
+ xor ax,ax ; success: return TRUE
+ inc ax
+ ret
+@@: xor ax,ax ; failure: return FALSE
+ ret
+GetLowRedirInfo endp
+_TEXT segment byte public 'CODE'
+ assume cs:_TEXT
+ public NewInt21Handler
+NewInt21Handler proc far
+ sti
+ cmp ah,0e3h
+ jb @f
+ call far ptr NetwareRequest
+ retf 2
+@@: sub sp,4
+ push bp
+ mov bp,sp
+ push es
+ push bx
+ les bx,OldInt21Handler
+ mov [bp+2],bx
+ mov [bp+4],es
+ pop bx
+ pop es
+ pop bp
+ retf
+NewInt21Handler endp
+ public NetwareRequest
+NetwareRequest proc far
+ push bx
+ push ds
+ cmp ah,0f0h
+ jne for_dll
+; these are the 0xF000, 0xF001, 0xF002, 0xF004, 0xF005 calls that we can handle
+; here without having to BOP. All we need do is access the table in the shared
+; real-mode/protect-mode (low) memory
+.errnz (_PrimaryServer - (_PreferredServer + 1))
+; point bx at PreferredServer in the low memory area. If the request is a
+; PrimaryServer request (0xF004, 0xF005) then point bx at PrimaryServer
+ lea bx,[bx]._PreferredServer; bx = offset of PreferredServer
+ cmp al,3
+ cmc
+ adc bx,0 ; bx = &PrimaryServer if F004 or F005
+ or al,al ; f000 = set preferred server
+ jz set_server
+ cmp al,4 ; f004 = set primary server
+ jnz try_01
+; 0xF000 or 0xF004: set Preferred or Primary Server to value contained in DL.
+; If DL > 8, set respective server index to 0
+ xor al,al
+ cmp dl,8
+ ja @f
+ mov al,dl
+@@: mov [bx],al
+ jmp short exit_f0
+; 0xF001 or 0xF005: get Preferred or Primary Server
+try_01: cmp al,1 ; f001 = get preferred server
+ jz get_server
+ cmp al,5
+ jnz try_02
+ mov al,[bx]
+ jmp short exit_f0
+try_02: cmp al,2 ; f002 = get default server
+ jnz for_dll ; try to handle on 32-bit side
+ mov al,[bx] ; al = PreferredServer
+ or al,al
+ jnz exit_f0
+ mov al,[bx+1] ; al = PrimaryServer
+ ret
+; if we're here then the call must go through to the 32-bit DLL. Save any relevant
+; info in the low memory area, load the handle and BOP (DispatchCall)
+for_dll:mov [bx]._SavedAx,ax ; save AX value for DLL
+ push word ptr [bx]._hVdd ; put VDD handle on top of stack
+ cmp ah,0BCh ; bc, bd, be need handle mapping
+ jb @f
+ cmp ah,0BEh
+ ja @f
+ pop ax ; ax = hVdd
+ RESTORE_DS_BX ; ds, bx = user ds, bx
+ call MapNtHandle
+ jmp dispatchola
+@@: push bp
+ cmp ah, 0E3h ; Is it new or old Create Job request?
+ je lookupcode
+ cmp ax, 0F217h
+ jne check_f3
+ mov bp,sp
+ mov ds,[bp+4]
+ cmp byte ptr [si+2],68h
+ je createjob
+ cmp byte ptr [si+2],79h
+ je createjob
+ jmp short outtahere
+ mov [bx]._SavedAx,9f02h
+ push ax ; Open \\Server\queue for NCP
+ mov ax,[bp+2] ; ax = hVdd
+ mov ds,[bp+4] ; ds = users ds
+ push ds
+ push dx ; users dx
+ DispatchCall ; Set DeNovellBuffer to \\Server\queue
+ ; and registers ready for DOS OpenFile
+ int 21h ; Open \\server\queue
+ jc openfailed
+ mov [bx]._JobHandle, al
+ mov [bx]._CreatedJob, 1 ; Flag JobHandle is valid
+ push bx
+ mov bx, ax ; JobHandle
+ call MapNtHandle ; take bx and find the Nt handle
+ pop bx
+ pop dx
+ pop ds ; Proceed and send the NCP
+ pop ax
+ push ds
+ push bx
+ mov [bx]._SavedAx, ax
+ pop bx
+ pop ds ; users DS
+ jmp short outtahere
+ cmp ah, 0F3h
+ jne outtahere
+ ; FileServerCopy, change both
+ ; handles in the structure es:di
+ push bx
+ mov bx,word ptr es:[di] ; Map Source Handle
+ call MapNtHandle
+ pop bx
+ mov ax,[bx]._NtHandleHi
+ mov [bx]._NtHandleSrcHi,ax
+ mov ax,[bx]._NtHandleLow
+ mov [bx]._NtHandleSrcLow,ax
+ mov bx,word ptr es:[di+2] ; Map Destination Handle
+ call MapNtHandle
+ pop bp
+ pop ax ; ax = hVdd
+ RESTORE_DS_BX ; ds, bx = user ds, bx
+ DispatchCall ; BOP: DLL performs action
+ ret ; return to the application
+; if the request was not recognized by the DLL, it modifies IP so that control
+; will resume at the next int 21. We just fill the intervening space with NOPs
+; (space that makes up a retf <n> instruction in the RM TSR)
+ nop
+ nop
+ int 21h
+ ret
+NetwareRequest endp
+; *** MapNtHandle
+; *
+; * Given a handle in BX, map it to a 32-bit Nt handle in NtHandle[Hi|Low]
+; *
+; * ENTRY bx = handle to map
+; *
+; * EXIT Success - NtHandle set to 32-bit Nt handle from SFT
+; *
+; * USES ax, bx, flags
+; *
+; * ASSUMES nothing
+; *
+; ***
+MapNtHandle proc near
+ push ax
+ mov ax,9f01h ; call MapNtHandle on (BX) in RM
+ int 21h ; update NtHandleHi, NtHandleLow
+ pop ax
+@@: ret
+MapNtHandle endp
+_TEXT ends