path: root/private/oleauto/sample/spoly2/cpoly.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'private/oleauto/sample/spoly2/cpoly.cpp')
1 files changed, 897 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/private/oleauto/sample/spoly2/cpoly.cpp b/private/oleauto/sample/spoly2/cpoly.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5f547e39f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/oleauto/sample/spoly2/cpoly.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,897 @@
+* Copyright (C) 1992-1994, Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
+* This module implements the CPoly and CPolyCF classes.
+* This module is intended as a sample implementation of the IDispatch
+* interface, and its purpose is to demonstrate how an object can
+* expose methods and properties for programatic and cross-process
+* access via the IDispatch interface.
+*Implementation Notes:
+#include "spoly.h"
+#include "cpoint.h"
+#include "cpoly.h"
+#include "cenumpt.h"
+#ifndef _MAC
+extern CStatBar FAR* g_psb;
+#ifdef _MAC
+extern "C" WindowPtr g_pwndClient;
+// our global list of polygons.
+// global count of polygons.
+int g_cPoly = 0;
+ m_refs = 0;
+ m_xorg = 0;
+ m_yorg = 0;
+ m_width = 0;
+ m_cPoints = 0;
+ m_red = 0;
+ m_green = 0;
+ m_blue = 0;
+ m_ptinfo = NULL;
+ m_ppointlink = NULL;
+ m_ppointlinkLast = NULL;
+*CPoly *CPoly::Create(void)
+* Create an instance of a CPoly object, and add it to the global
+* list of polygons.
+* None
+* returns a polygon object, NULL the allocation failed.
+CPoly FAR*
+ HRESULT hresult;
+ CPoly FAR* ppoly;
+ ITypeInfo FAR* ptinfo;
+ POLYLINK FAR* ppolylink;
+extern INTERFACEDATA NEAR g_idataCPoly;
+ if((ppolylink = new FAR POLYLINK) == (POLYLINK FAR*)NULL)
+ return (CPoly FAR*)NULL;
+ if((ppoly = new FAR CPoly()) == (CPoly FAR*)NULL)
+ return (CPoly FAR*)NULL;
+ ppoly->AddRef();
+ // create and attach its TypeInfo
+ //
+ hresult = CreateDispTypeInfo(&g_idataCPoly, LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, &ptinfo);
+ if(hresult != NOERROR)
+ goto LError0;
+ ppoly->m_ptinfo = ptinfo;
+ // push the new polygon onto the front of the polygon list.
+ //
+ ++g_cPoly;
+ ppolylink->ppoly = ppoly;
+ ppolylink->next = g_ppolylink;
+ g_ppolylink = ppolylink;
+#ifndef _MAC
+ SBprintf(g_psb, TSTR("#poly = %d"), g_cPoly);
+ return ppoly;
+ ppoly->Release();
+ return NULL;
+// IUnknown Methods
+CPoly::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void FAR* FAR* ppv)
+ if(!IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IUnknown))
+ if(!IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IDispatch)) {
+ *ppv = NULL;
+ return ResultFromScode(E_NOINTERFACE);
+ }
+ *ppv = this;
+ AddRef();
+ return NOERROR;
+STDMETHODIMP_(unsigned long)
+ return ++m_refs;
+STDMETHODIMP_(unsigned long)
+ POLYLINK FAR* FAR* pppolylink, FAR* ppolylinkDead;
+ if(--m_refs == 0){
+ Reset(); // release all CPoints
+ // remove ourselves from the global list of polygons
+ //
+ for( pppolylink = &g_ppolylink;
+ *pppolylink != NULL;
+ pppolylink = &(*pppolylink)->next)
+ {
+ if((*pppolylink)->ppoly == this){
+ ppolylinkDead = *pppolylink;
+ *pppolylink = (*pppolylink)->next;
+ delete ppolylinkDead;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(m_ptinfo != NULL){
+ m_ptinfo->Release();
+ }
+ --g_cPoly;
+#ifndef _MAC
+ SBprintf(g_psb, TSTR("#poly = %d"), g_cPoly);
+ delete this;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return m_refs;
+// IDispatch Methods
+CPoly::GetTypeInfoCount(unsigned int FAR* pctinfo)
+ // This object has a single *introduced* interface
+ //
+ *pctinfo = 1;
+ return NOERROR;
+CPoly::GetTypeInfo(unsigned int itinfo, LCID lcid, ITypeInfo FAR* FAR* pptinfo)
+ UNUSED(lcid);
+ if(itinfo != 0)
+ return ResultFromScode(DISP_E_BADINDEX);
+ m_ptinfo->AddRef();
+ *pptinfo = m_ptinfo;
+ return NOERROR;
+*HRESULT CPoly::GetIDsOfNames(char**, unsigned int, LCID, DISPID*)
+* This method translates the given array of names to a corresponding
+* array of DISPIDs.
+* This method deferrs to a common implementation shared by
+* both the CPoly and CPoint objects. See the description of
+* 'SPolyGetIDsOfNames()' in dispimpl.cpp for more information.
+* rgszNames = pointer to an array of names
+* cNames = the number of names in the rgszNames array
+* lcid = the callers locale ID
+* return value = HRESULT
+* rgdispid = array of DISPIDs corresponding to the rgszNames array
+* this array will contain -1 for each entry that is not known.
+ REFIID riid,
+ OLECHAR FAR* FAR* rgszNames,
+ unsigned int cNames,
+ LCID lcid,
+ DISPID FAR* rgdispid)
+ UNUSED(lcid);
+ if(!IsEqualIID(riid, IID_NULL))
+ return ResultFromScode(DISP_E_UNKNOWNINTERFACE);
+ return DispGetIDsOfNames(m_ptinfo, rgszNames, cNames, rgdispid);
+*HRESULT CPoly::Invoke(...)
+* Dispatch a method or property request for objects of type CPoly.
+* see the IDispatch document for more information, and a general
+* description of this method.
+* dispidMember = the DISPID of the member being requested
+* riid = reference to the interface ID of the interface on this object
+* that the requested member belongs to. IID_NULL means to interpret
+* the member as belonging to the implementation defined "default"
+* or "primary" interface.
+* lcid = the caller's locale ID
+* wFlags = flags indicating the type of access being requested
+* pdispparams = pointer to the DISPPARAMS struct containing the
+* requested members arguments (if any) and its named parameter
+* DISPIDs (if any).
+* return value = HRESULT
+* see the IDispatch spec for a description of possible success codes.
+* pvarResult = pointer to a caller allocated VARIANT containing
+* the members return value (if any).
+* pexcepinfo = caller allocated exception info structure, this will
+* be filled in only if an exception was raised that must be passed
+* up through Invoke to an enclosing handler.
+* puArgErr = pointer to a caller allocated UINT, that will contain the
+* index of the offending argument if a DISP_E_TYPEMISMATCH error
+* was returned indicating that one of the arguments was of an
+* incorrect type and/or could not be reasonably coerced to a proper
+* type.
+ DISPID dispidMember,
+ REFIID riid,
+ LCID lcid,
+ unsigned short wFlags,
+ DISPPARAMS FAR* pdispparams,
+ VARIANT FAR* pvarResult,
+ EXCEPINFO FAR* pexcepinfo,
+ unsigned int FAR* puArgErr)
+ UNUSED(lcid);
+ if(!IsEqualIID(riid, IID_NULL))
+ return ResultFromScode(DISP_E_UNKNOWNINTERFACE);
+ return DispInvoke(
+ this, m_ptinfo,
+ dispidMember, wFlags, pdispparams,
+ pvarResult, pexcepinfo, puArgErr);
+// Introduced Methods
+*void CPoly::Draw(void)
+* Draw the polygon, using the current x/y origin and line width
+* properties.
+* None
+* None
+ short xorg, yorg;
+ POINTLINK FAR* ppointlinkFirst, FAR* ppointlink;
+ if((ppointlinkFirst = m_ppointlink) == (POINTLINK FAR*)NULL)
+ return;
+#ifdef _MAC /* { */
+ short x,y;
+ RGBColor rgb;
+ WindowPtr pwndSaved;
+ GetPort(&pwndSaved);
+ SetPort(g_pwndClient);
+ PenNormal();
+ PenSize(m_width, m_width);
+ = m_red;
+ = m_green;
+ = m_blue;
+ RGBForeColor(&rgb);
+ xorg = m_xorg;
+ yorg = m_yorg;
+ MoveTo(
+ xorg + ppointlinkFirst->ppoint->m_x,
+ yorg + ppointlinkFirst->ppoint->m_y);
+ for(ppointlink = ppointlinkFirst->next;
+ ppointlink != (POINTLINK FAR*)NULL;
+ ppointlink = ppointlink->next)
+ {
+ x = xorg + ppointlink->ppoint->m_x;
+ y = yorg + ppointlink->ppoint->m_y;
+ LineTo(x, y);
+ }
+ LineTo(
+ xorg + ppointlinkFirst->ppoint->m_x,
+ yorg + ppointlinkFirst->ppoint->m_y);
+ SetPort(pwndSaved);
+#else /* }{ */
+ HDC hdc;
+ RECT rect;
+ HPEN hpen, hpenOld;
+extern HWND g_hwndClient;
+ GetClientRect(g_hwndClient, &rect);
+ xorg = m_xorg + (short) rect.left;
+ yorg = m_yorg + (short);
+ hdc = GetDC(g_hwndClient);
+ hpen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, m_width, RGB(m_red, m_green, m_blue));
+ hpenOld = (HPEN)SelectObject(hdc, hpen);
+#ifdef WIN32
+ MoveToEx(hdc,
+ xorg + ppointlinkFirst->ppoint->m_x,
+ yorg + ppointlinkFirst->ppoint->m_y, NULL);
+ MoveTo(hdc,
+ xorg + ppointlinkFirst->ppoint->m_x,
+ yorg + ppointlinkFirst->ppoint->m_y);
+ for(ppointlink = ppointlinkFirst->next;
+ ppointlink != (POINTLINK FAR*)NULL;
+ ppointlink = ppointlink->next)
+ {
+ LineTo(hdc,
+ xorg + ppointlink->ppoint->m_x,
+ yorg + ppointlink->ppoint->m_y);
+ }
+ LineTo(hdc,
+ xorg + ppointlinkFirst->ppoint->m_x,
+ yorg + ppointlinkFirst->ppoint->m_y);
+ SelectObject(hdc, hpenOld);
+ DeleteObject(hpen);
+ ReleaseDC(g_hwndClient, hdc);
+#endif /* } */
+*void CPoly::Reset(void)
+* Release all points referenced by this poly.
+* None
+* None
+ POINTLINK FAR* ppointlink, FAR* ppointlinkNext;
+ for(ppointlink = m_ppointlink;
+ ppointlink != (POINTLINK FAR*)NULL;
+ ppointlink = ppointlinkNext)
+ {
+ ppointlinkNext = ppointlink->next;
+ ppointlink->ppoint->Release();
+ delete ppointlink;
+ }
+ m_cPoints = 0;
+ m_ppointlink = NULL;
+ m_ppointlinkLast = NULL;
+*HRESULT CPoly::AddPoint(short, short)
+* Add a CPoint with the given coordinates to the end of our current
+* list of points.
+* x,y = the x and y coordinates of the new point.
+* return value = HRESULT
+CPoly::AddPoint(short x, short y)
+ CPoint FAR* ppoint;
+ POINTLINK FAR* ppointlink;
+ ppoint = CPoint::Create();
+ if(ppoint == (CPoint FAR*)NULL)
+ return ResultFromScode(E_OUTOFMEMORY);
+ ppoint->SetX(x);
+ ppoint->SetY(y);
+ ppointlink = new FAR POINTLINK;
+ if(ppointlink == (POINTLINK FAR*)NULL){
+ delete ppoint;
+ return ResultFromScode(E_OUTOFMEMORY);
+ }
+ ppointlink->ppoint = ppoint;
+ ppointlink->next = (POINTLINK FAR*)NULL;
+ if(m_ppointlinkLast == (POINTLINK FAR*)NULL){
+ m_ppointlink = m_ppointlinkLast = ppointlink;
+ }else{
+ m_ppointlinkLast->next = ppointlink;
+ m_ppointlinkLast = ppointlink;
+ }
+ ++m_cPoints;
+ return NOERROR;
+*IUnknown FAR* CPoly::EnumPoints(void);
+* Return and enumerator for the points in this polygon.
+* None
+* return value = HRESULT
+* *ppenum = pointer to an IEnumVARIANT for the points in this polygon
+ unsigned int i;
+ HRESULT hresult;
+ VARIANT var;
+ IUnknown FAR* punk;
+ CEnumPoint FAR* penum;
+ POINTLINK FAR* ppointlink;
+ SAFEARRAYBOUND rgsabound[1];
+ rgsabound[0].lLbound = 0;
+ rgsabound[0].cElements = m_cPoints;
+ psa = SafeArrayCreate(VT_VARIANT, 1, rgsabound);
+ if(psa == NULL){
+ hresult = ResultFromScode(E_OUTOFMEMORY);
+ goto LError0;
+ }
+ ppointlink = m_ppointlink;
+ for(i = 0; i < m_cPoints; ++i){
+ long ix[1];
+ if(ppointlink == NULL){
+ // this indicates an internal consistency error.
+ // (this test should probably be an assertion)
+ hresult = ResultFromScode(E_FAIL);
+ goto LError1;
+ }
+ V_VT(&var) = VT_DISPATCH;
+ hresult = ppointlink->ppoint->QueryInterface(
+ IID_IDispatch, (void FAR* FAR*)&V_DISPATCH(&var));
+ if(hresult != NOERROR)
+ goto LError1;
+ ix[0] = i;
+ SafeArrayPutElement(psa, ix, &var);
+ ppointlink = ppointlink->next;
+ }
+ hresult = CEnumPoint::Create(psa, &penum);
+ if(hresult != NOERROR)
+ goto LError1;
+ // ownership of the array has passed to the enumerator
+ psa = NULL;
+ hresult = penum->QueryInterface(IID_IUnknown, (void FAR* FAR*)&punk);
+ if(hresult != NOERROR)
+ goto LError2;
+ penum->Release();
+ return punk;
+ penum->Release();
+ // destroy the array if we were not successful creating the enumerator.
+ if(psa != NULL)
+ SafeArrayDestroy(psa);
+ return NULL;
+ return m_xorg;
+CPoly::SetXOrigin(short x)
+ m_xorg = x;
+ return m_yorg;
+CPoly::SetYOrigin(short y)
+ m_yorg = y;
+ return m_width;
+CPoly::SetWidth(short width)
+ m_width = width;
+ return m_red;
+CPoly::set_red(short red)
+ m_red = red;
+ return m_green;
+CPoly::set_green(short green)
+ m_green = green;
+ return m_blue;
+CPoly::set_blue(short blue)
+ m_blue = blue;
+*void CPoly::Dump(void)
+* Output a debug dump of this instance.
+* None
+* None
+#ifdef _MAC
+ // REVIEW: implement for the mac
+ TCHAR buffer[80];
+ POINTLINK FAR* ppointlink;
+ wsprintf(buffer, TSTR("CPoly(0x%x) =\n"), (int)this);
+ OutputDebugString(buffer);
+ wsprintf(buffer,
+ TSTR(" xorg = %d, yorg = %d, width = %d, rgb = {%d,%d,%d}\n points = "),
+ m_xorg, m_yorg, m_width,
+ get_red(),
+ get_green(),
+ get_blue());
+ OutputDebugString(buffer);
+ for(ppointlink = m_ppointlink;
+ ppointlink != (POINTLINK FAR*)NULL;
+ ppointlink = ppointlink->next)
+ {
+ wsprintf(buffer, TSTR("{%d,%d}"),
+ ppointlink->ppoint->GetX(),
+ ppointlink->ppoint->GetY());
+ OutputDebugString(buffer);
+ wsprintf(buffer, TSTR(" "));
+ OutputDebugString(buffer);
+ }
+ wsprintf(buffer, TSTR("\n"));
+ OutputDebugString(buffer);
+*void CPoly::PolyDraw(void)
+* Draw all polygons.
+* None
+* None
+ POLYLINK FAR* polylink;
+ for(polylink = g_ppolylink;
+ polylink != (POLYLINK FAR*)NULL;
+ polylink = polylink->next)
+ {
+ polylink->ppoly->Draw();
+ }
+*void PolyTerm(void)
+* Release all polygons.
+* None
+* None
+ POLYLINK FAR* ppolylink;
+ POLYLINK FAR* ppolylinkNext;
+ for(ppolylink = g_ppolylink;
+ ppolylink != (POLYLINK FAR*)NULL;
+ ppolylink = ppolylinkNext)
+ {
+ ppolylinkNext = ppolylink->next;
+ ppolylink->ppoly->Release();
+ delete ppolylink;
+ }
+ g_ppolylink = NULL;
+*void PolyDump(void)
+* Invoke the debug Dump() method on all polygons were currently
+* holding on to.
+* None
+* None
+ POLYLINK FAR* ppolylink;
+ if(g_ppolylink == (POLYLINK FAR*)NULL){
+#ifndef _MAC
+ OutputDebugString(TSTR("\t(none)\n"));
+ return;
+ }
+ for(ppolylink = g_ppolylink;
+ ppolylink != (POLYLINK FAR*)NULL;
+ ppolylink = ppolylink->next)
+ {
+ ppolylink->ppoly->Dump();
+ }
+// Implementation of the CPoly Class Factory
+ m_refs = 0;
+IClassFactory FAR*
+ CPolyCF FAR* pCF;
+ if((pCF = new FAR CPolyCF()) == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ pCF->AddRef();
+ return pCF;
+CPolyCF::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void FAR* FAR* ppv)
+ if(IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IUnknown) || IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IClassFactory)){
+ *ppv = this;
+ ++m_refs;
+ return NOERROR;
+ }
+ *ppv = NULL;
+ return ResultFromScode(E_NOINTERFACE);
+STDMETHODIMP_(unsigned long)
+ return ++m_refs;
+STDMETHODIMP_(unsigned long)
+ if(--m_refs == 0){
+ delete this;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return m_refs;
+ IUnknown FAR* punkOuter,
+ REFIID iid,
+ void FAR* FAR* ppv)
+ HRESULT hresult;
+ CPoly FAR *ppoly;
+ UNUSED(punkOuter);
+ if((ppoly = CPoly::Create()) == NULL){
+ *ppv = NULL;
+ return ResultFromScode(E_OUTOFMEMORY);
+ }
+ hresult = ppoly->QueryInterface(iid, ppv);
+ ppoly->Release();
+ return hresult;
+#ifdef _MAC
+CPolyCF::LockServer(unsigned long fLock)
+CPolyCF::LockServer(BOOL fLock)
+ UNUSED(fLock);
+ return NOERROR;