path: root/private/oleauto/tests/disptest/ctime.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'private/oleauto/tests/disptest/ctime.cpp')
1 files changed, 266 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/private/oleauto/tests/disptest/ctime.cpp b/private/oleauto/tests/disptest/ctime.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fd8303d41
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+++ b/private/oleauto/tests/disptest/ctime.cpp
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+* Copyright (C) 1992, Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
+* Information Contained Herein Is Proprietary and Confidential.
+* This file implements the CTimeSuite test object.
+*Revision History:
+* [00] 30-Oct-92 bradlo: Created.
+*Implementation Notes:
+#include "disptest.h"
+#include "tstsuite.h"
+void DbPrDosDateTime(unsigned short, unsigned short);
+struct TEST {
+ HRESULT (*pfnTest)(void);
+ OLECHAR FAR* szName;
+HRESULT DosToVariant(void);
+HRESULT VariantToDos(void);
+static TEST rgtest[] = {
+ { DosToVariant, OLESTR("DosDateTimeToVariantTime") },
+ { VariantToDos, OLESTR("VariantTimeToDosDateTime") }
+// ITestSuite Methods
+CTimeSuite::GetNameOfSuite(BSTR FAR* pbstr)
+ return ErrBstrAlloc(OLESTR("Time API"), pbstr);
+CTimeSuite::GetNameOfLogfile(BSTR FAR* pbstr)
+ return ErrBstrAlloc(OLESTR("timeapi.log"), pbstr);
+CTimeSuite::GetTestCount(unsigned int FAR* pcTests)
+ *pcTests = DIM(rgtest);
+ return NOERROR;
+CTimeSuite::GetNameOfTest(unsigned int iTest, BSTR FAR* pbstr)
+ if(iTest >= DIM(rgtest))
+ return ErrBstrAlloc(rgtest[iTest].szName, pbstr);
+*HRESULT CTimeSuite::DoTest(unsigned int)
+* Execute a single CTimeSuite test.
+* iTest = the index of the test to execute
+* return value = HRESULT
+CTimeSuite::DoTest(unsigned int iTest)
+ if(iTest >= DIM(rgtest))
+ return rgtest[iTest].pfnTest();
+ ((((YEAR)-1980) << 9) + ((MONTH) << 5) + (DAY))
+ (((HOUR) << 11) + ((MIN) << 5) + ((SEC) / 2))
+ int i;
+ VARIANT var;
+ unsigned short wDosDate, wDosTime;
+static struct {
+ unsigned short wDosDate;
+ unsigned short wDosTime;
+} rgdostime[] = {
+ { DOSDATE(1, 1, 1980), DOSTIME(0, 0, 0) }
+ , { DOSDATE(1, 1, 1990), DOSTIME(0, 0, 0) }
+ , { DOSDATE(1, 1, 2000), DOSTIME(0, 0, 0) }
+ , { DOSDATE(1, 1, 2099), DOSTIME(0, 0, 0) }
+ , { DOSDATE(1, 1, 1980), DOSTIME(1, 0, 0) }
+ , { DOSDATE(1, 1, 1980), DOSTIME(1, 1, 0) }
+ , { DOSDATE(1, 1, 1980), DOSTIME(1, 1, 1) }
+ , { DOSDATE(1, 1, 1980), DOSTIME(1, 1, 2) }
+ , { DOSDATE(1, 1, 1980), DOSTIME(1, 1, 3) }
+ , { DOSDATE(1, 1, 1980), DOSTIME(1, 1, 4) }
+ , { DOSDATE(5, 8, 1983), DOSTIME(12, 22, 4) }
+ , { DOSDATE(10, 23, 2000), DOSTIME(1, 1, 9) }
+ , { DOSDATE(10, 23, 2015), DOSTIME(1, 1, 22) }
+ , { DOSDATE(11, 30, 2099), DOSTIME(23, 59, 59) }
+ for(i = 0; i < DIM(rgdostime); ++i){
+ wDosDate = rgdostime[i].wDosDate;
+ wDosTime = rgdostime[i].wDosTime;
+ DbPrDosDateTime(wDosDate, wDosTime);
+ DbPrintf(" = ");
+ V_VT(&var) = VT_DATE;
+ V_DATE(&var) = 0.0;
+ if(DosDateTimeToVariantTime(wDosDate, wDosTime, &V_DATE(&var)) == 0){
+ DbPrintf("False\n");
+ }else{
+ DbPrintf("vartime(%#g) = ", V_DATE(&var));
+ if(VariantChangeType(&var, &var, 0, VT_BSTR) != NOERROR)
+ return RESULT(E_FAIL);
+#if HC_MPW
+ DbPrintf("%s\n", V_BSTR(&var));
+ DbPrintf("%Fs\n", STRING(V_BSTR(&var)));
+ }
+ if(VariantClear(&var) != NOERROR)
+ return RESULT(E_FAIL);
+ }
+ return NOERROR;
+ int i;
+ VARIANT var;
+ unsigned short wDosDate;
+ unsigned short wDosTime;
+static OLECHAR FAR* rgszTime[] = {
+ OLESTR("1/1/1980")
+ , OLESTR("1/1/1990")
+ , OLESTR("1/1/2000")
+ , OLESTR("1/1/2099")
+ , OLESTR("1/1/1980 1:0:0")
+ , OLESTR("1/1/1980 1:1:0")
+ , OLESTR("1/1/1980 1:1:1")
+ , OLESTR("1/1/1980 1:1:2")
+ , OLESTR("1/1/1980 1:1:3")
+ , OLESTR("1/1/1980 1:1:4")
+ , OLESTR("5/8/1983 12:22:4")
+ , OLESTR("10/10/2000 1:1:18")
+ , OLESTR("11/30/2099 23:59:59")
+ VariantInit(&var);
+ for(i = 0; i < DIM(rgszTime); ++i){
+#if HC_MPW
+ DbPrintf("\'%s' = ", rgszTime[i]);
+ DbPrintf("\'%Fs' = ", STRING(rgszTime[i]));
+ V_VT(&var) = VT_BSTR;
+ V_BSTR(&var) = SysAllocString(rgszTime[i]);
+ if(VariantChangeType(&var, &var, 0, VT_DATE) != NOERROR)
+ return RESULT(E_FAIL);
+ DbPrintf("vartime(%#g) = ", V_DATE(&var));
+ if(VariantTimeToDosDateTime(V_DATE(&var), &wDosDate, &wDosTime) == 0){
+ DbPrintf("False\n");
+ }else{
+ DbPrDosDateTime(wDosDate, wDosTime);
+ DbPrintf("\n");
+ }
+ if(VariantClear(&var) != NOERROR)
+ return RESULT(E_FAIL);
+ }
+ return NOERROR;
+unsigned short
+YearOfDosDate(unsigned short wDosDate)
+ return ((wDosDate >> 9) & 0x007f);
+unsigned short
+MonthOfDosDate(unsigned short wDosDate)
+ return ((wDosDate >> 5) & 0x000f);
+unsigned short
+DayOfDosDate(unsigned short wDosDate)
+ return ((wDosDate) & 0x001f);
+DbPrDosDate(unsigned short wDosDate)
+ DbPrintf("%d-%d-%d",
+ MonthOfDosDate(wDosDate),
+ DayOfDosDate(wDosDate),
+ YearOfDosDate(wDosDate));
+unsigned short
+HourOfDosTime(unsigned short wDosTime)
+ return ((wDosTime >> 11) & 0x001f);
+unsigned short
+MinOfDosTime(unsigned short wDosTime)
+ return ((wDosTime >> 5) & 0x003f);
+unsigned short
+SecOfDosTime(unsigned short wDosTime)
+ return ((wDosTime) & 0x001f);
+DbPrDosTime(unsigned short wDosTime)
+ DbPrintf("%d:%d:%d",
+ HourOfDosTime(wDosTime),
+ MinOfDosTime(wDosTime),
+ SecOfDosTime(wDosTime));
+DbPrDosDateTime(unsigned short wDosDate, unsigned short wDosTime)
+ DbPrDosDate(wDosDate);
+ DbPrintf(" ");
+ DbPrDosTime(wDosTime);