path: root/public/sdk/inc/mfc42/afxsock.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'public/sdk/inc/mfc42/afxsock.h')
1 files changed, 365 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/public/sdk/inc/mfc42/afxsock.h b/public/sdk/inc/mfc42/afxsock.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ced4fb851
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/sdk/inc/mfc42/afxsock.h
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+// This is a part of the Microsoft Foundation Classes C++ library.
+// Copyright (C) 1992-1995 Microsoft Corporation
+// All rights reserved.
+// This source code is only intended as a supplement to the
+// Microsoft Foundation Classes Reference and related
+// electronic documentation provided with the library.
+// See these sources for detailed information regarding the
+// Microsoft Foundation Classes product.
+#ifndef __AFXSOCK_H__
+#define __AFXSOCK_H__
+ #error Windows Sockets classes not supported in this library variant.
+#ifndef __AFXWIN_H__
+ #include <afxwin.h>
+#ifndef _WINSOCKAPI_
+ #include <winsock.h>
+#pragma component(minrebuild, off)
+#pragma component(mintypeinfo, on)
+#ifndef _MAC
+// Win32 libraries
+#ifdef _AFXDLL
+ #if defined(_DEBUG) && !defined(_AFX_MONOLITHIC)
+ #ifndef _UNICODE
+ #pragma comment(lib, "mfcn42d.lib")
+ #else
+ #pragma comment(lib, "mfcn42ud.lib")
+ #endif
+ #endif
+#pragma comment(lib, "wsock32.lib")
+#else //!_MAC
+// Mac libraries
+#ifdef _AFXDLL
+ #if defined(_DEBUG)
+ #pragma comment(lib, "mfcn42pd.lib")
+ #pragma comment(lib, "wslmd.lib")
+ #else
+ #pragma comment(lib, "mfcn42p.lib")
+ #pragma comment(lib, "wslm.lib")
+ #endif
+#endif //_MAC
+#endif //!_AFX_NOFORCE_LIBS
+#ifdef _AFX_PACKING
+#pragma pack(push, _AFX_PACKING)
+// AFXSOCK - MFC support for Windows Sockets
+// Classes declared in this file
+ // CObject
+ class CAsyncSocket; // Async Socket implementation and
+ // base class for Synchronous Socket
+ class CSocket; // Synchronous Socket
+ // CFile
+ class CSocketFile; // Used with CSocket and CArchive for
+ // streaming objects on sockets.
+// AFXDLL support
+#undef AFX_DATA
+// CSocketWnd -- internal use only
+// Implementation for sockets notification callbacks.
+// Future versions of MFC may or may not include this exact class.
+class CSocketWnd : public CWnd
+// Construction
+ CSocketWnd();
+ //{{AFX_MSG(CSocketWnd)
+ LRESULT OnSocketNotify(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
+ LRESULT OnSocketDead(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
+ //}}AFX_MSG
+// CAsyncSocket
+class CAsyncSocket : public CObject
+ CAsyncSocket(const CAsyncSocket& rSrc); // no implementation
+ void operator=(const CAsyncSocket& rSrc); // no implementation
+// Construction
+ CAsyncSocket();
+ BOOL Create(UINT nSocketPort = 0, int nSocketType=SOCK_STREAM,
+ LPCTSTR lpszSocketAddress = NULL);
+// Attributes
+ SOCKET m_hSocket;
+ operator SOCKET() const;
+ BOOL Attach(SOCKET hSocket, long lEvent =
+ SOCKET Detach();
+ BOOL GetPeerName(CString& rPeerAddress, UINT& rPeerPort);
+ BOOL GetPeerName(SOCKADDR* lpSockAddr, int* lpSockAddrLen);
+ BOOL GetSockName(CString& rSocketAddress, UINT& rSocketPort);
+ BOOL GetSockName(SOCKADDR* lpSockAddr, int* lpSockAddrLen);
+ BOOL SetSockOpt(int nOptionName, const void* lpOptionValue,
+ int nOptionLen, int nLevel = SOL_SOCKET);
+ BOOL GetSockOpt(int nOptionName, void* lpOptionValue,
+ int* lpOptionLen, int nLevel = SOL_SOCKET);
+ static CAsyncSocket* PASCAL FromHandle(SOCKET hSocket);
+ static int PASCAL GetLastError();
+// Operations
+ virtual BOOL Accept(CAsyncSocket& rConnectedSocket,
+ SOCKADDR* lpSockAddr = NULL, int* lpSockAddrLen = NULL);
+ BOOL Bind(UINT nSocketPort, LPCTSTR lpszSocketAddress = NULL);
+ BOOL Bind (const SOCKADDR* lpSockAddr, int nSockAddrLen);
+ virtual void Close();
+ BOOL Connect(LPCTSTR lpszHostAddress, UINT nHostPort);
+ BOOL Connect(const SOCKADDR* lpSockAddr, int nSockAddrLen);
+ BOOL IOCtl(long lCommand, DWORD* lpArgument);
+ BOOL Listen(int nConnectionBacklog=5);
+ virtual int Receive(void* lpBuf, int nBufLen, int nFlags = 0);
+ int ReceiveFrom(void* lpBuf, int nBufLen,
+ CString& rSocketAddress, UINT& rSocketPort, int nFlags = 0);
+ int ReceiveFrom(void* lpBuf, int nBufLen,
+ SOCKADDR* lpSockAddr, int* lpSockAddrLen, int nFlags = 0);
+ enum { receives = 0, sends = 1, both = 2 };
+ BOOL ShutDown(int nHow = sends);
+ virtual int Send(const void* lpBuf, int nBufLen, int nFlags = 0);
+ int SendTo(const void* lpBuf, int nBufLen,
+ UINT nHostPort, LPCTSTR lpszHostAddress = NULL, int nFlags = 0);
+ int SendTo(const void* lpBuf, int nBufLen,
+ const SOCKADDR* lpSockAddr, int nSockAddrLen, int nFlags = 0);
+ BOOL AsyncSelect(long lEvent =
+// Overridable callbacks
+ virtual void OnReceive(int nErrorCode);
+ virtual void OnSend(int nErrorCode);
+ virtual void OnOutOfBandData(int nErrorCode);
+ virtual void OnAccept(int nErrorCode);
+ virtual void OnConnect(int nErrorCode);
+ virtual void OnClose(int nErrorCode);
+// Implementation
+ virtual ~CAsyncSocket();
+ static CAsyncSocket* PASCAL LookupHandle(SOCKET hSocket, BOOL bDead = FALSE);
+ static void PASCAL AttachHandle(SOCKET hSocket, CAsyncSocket* pSocket, BOOL bDead = FALSE);
+ static void PASCAL DetachHandle(SOCKET hSocket, BOOL bDead = FALSE);
+ static void PASCAL KillSocket(SOCKET hSocket, CAsyncSocket* pSocket);
+ static void PASCAL DoCallBack(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
+ BOOL Socket(int nSocketType=SOCK_STREAM, long lEvent =
+ int nProtocolType = 0, int nAddressFormat = PF_INET);
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ virtual void AssertValid() const;
+ virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const;
+ friend class CSocketWnd;
+ virtual BOOL ConnectHelper(const SOCKADDR* lpSockAddr, int nSockAddrLen);
+ virtual int ReceiveFromHelper(void* lpBuf, int nBufLen,
+ SOCKADDR* lpSockAddr, int* lpSockAddrLen, int nFlags);
+ virtual int SendToHelper(const void* lpBuf, int nBufLen,
+ const SOCKADDR* lpSockAddr, int nSockAddrLen, int nFlags);
+// CSocket
+class CSocket : public CAsyncSocket
+ CSocket(const CSocket& rSrc); // no implementation
+ void operator=(const CSocket& rSrc); // no implementation
+// Construction
+ CSocket();
+ BOOL Create(UINT nSocketPort = 0, int nSocketType=SOCK_STREAM,
+ LPCTSTR lpszSocketAddress = NULL);
+// Attributes
+ BOOL IsBlocking();
+ static CSocket* PASCAL FromHandle(SOCKET hSocket);
+ BOOL Attach(SOCKET hSocket);
+// Operations
+ void CancelBlockingCall();
+// Overridable callbacks
+ virtual BOOL OnMessagePending();
+// Implementation
+ int m_nTimeOut;
+ virtual ~CSocket();
+ static int PASCAL ProcessAuxQueue();
+ virtual BOOL Accept(CAsyncSocket& rConnectedSocket,
+ SOCKADDR* lpSockAddr = NULL, int* lpSockAddrLen = NULL);
+ virtual void Close();
+ virtual int Receive(void* lpBuf, int nBufLen, int nFlags = 0);
+ virtual int Send(const void* lpBuf, int nBufLen, int nFlags = 0);
+ int SendChunk(const void* lpBuf, int nBufLen, int nFlags);
+ BOOL* m_pbBlocking;
+ int m_nConnectError;
+ virtual BOOL ConnectHelper(const SOCKADDR* lpSockAddr, int nSockAddrLen);
+ virtual int ReceiveFromHelper(void* lpBuf, int nBufLen,
+ SOCKADDR* lpSockAddr, int* lpSockAddrLen, int nFlags);
+ virtual int SendToHelper(const void* lpBuf, int nBufLen,
+ const SOCKADDR* lpSockAddr, int nSockAddrLen, int nFlags);
+ static void PASCAL AuxQueueAdd(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
+ virtual BOOL PumpMessages(UINT uStopFlag);
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ virtual void AssertValid() const;
+ virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const;
+// CSocketFile
+class CSocketFile : public CFile
+ CSocketFile(CSocket* pSocket, BOOL bArchiveCompatible = TRUE);
+// Implementation
+ CSocket* m_pSocket;
+ BOOL m_bArchiveCompatible;
+ virtual ~CSocketFile();
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ virtual void AssertValid() const;
+ virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const;
+ virtual UINT Read(void* lpBuf, UINT nCount);
+ virtual void Write(const void* lpBuf, UINT nCount);
+ virtual void Close();
+// Unsupported APIs
+ virtual BOOL Open(LPCTSTR lpszFileName, UINT nOpenFlags, CFileException* pError = NULL);
+ virtual CFile* Duplicate() const;
+ virtual DWORD GetPosition() const;
+ virtual LONG Seek(LONG lOff, UINT nFrom);
+ virtual void SetLength(DWORD dwNewLen);
+ virtual DWORD GetLength() const;
+ virtual void LockRange(DWORD dwPos, DWORD dwCount);
+ virtual void UnlockRange(DWORD dwPos, DWORD dwCount);
+ virtual void Flush();
+ virtual void Abort();
+// Global functions
+BOOL AFXAPI AfxSocketInit(WSADATA* lpwsaData = NULL);
+void AFXAPI AfxSocketTerm();
+// Inline function declarations
+#ifdef _AFX_PACKING
+#pragma pack(pop)
+#define _AFXSOCK_INLINE inline
+#include <afxsock.inl>
+#undef AFX_DATA
+#define AFX_DATA
+#pragma component(minrebuild, on)
+#pragma component(mintypeinfo, off)
+#endif // __AFXSOCK_H__