path: root/public/tools/ntsync.cmd
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'public/tools/ntsync.cmd')
1 files changed, 47 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/public/tools/ntsync.cmd b/public/tools/ntsync.cmd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..60b9858bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/tools/ntsync.cmd
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+@if "%_echo%"=="" echo off
+if "%_NTSLMBACKUP%" == "" goto nobackup
+if "%_NTSTATCMD%" == "" set _NTSTATCMD=\nt\ntstatsr.cmd
+goto dossync1
+set _NTSTATCMD=nul
+if "%_NTSYNCLOG%" == "" set _NTSYNCLOG=\nt\ntsync.log
+if "%1" == "nocheckpublic" goto goit0
+if NOT EXIST %_NTDRIVE%\nt\public\tools\ntsync.cmd goto goit1
+cd /d %_NTDRIVE%\nt\public\tools
+REM Explicitly ssync all the command scripts this script uses and do a goto
+REM on the same line so that we dont end up getting hosed by self-modifying
+REM command scripts
+slm ssync -f ntsync.cmd ntslmop.cmd projects.cmd deadproj.cmd & goto goit1
+if "%1" == "all" goto syncall
+if NOT "%1" == "" goto doprojects
+if "%NTPROJECTS%" == "" goto noprojs
+if NOT "%_NTSTATCMD%" == "" erase %_NTSTATCMD% 2>nul
+erase %_NTSYNCLOG% 2>nul
+call %0 nocheckpublic %NTPROJECTS%
+goto done
+if NOT "%_NTSTATCMD%" == "" erase %_NTSTATCMD% 2>nul
+erase %_NTSYNCLOG% 2>nul
+call %0 nocheckpublic %NTPROJECTS% %NTPROJECTS_EXTRA%
+goto done
+echo Must define NTPROJECTS environment variable to use this command without arguments
+goto done
+set _ntgetargs_=
+if "%1" == "" goto loopexit
+set _ntgetargs_=%_ntgetargs_% %1
+goto loop
+call ntslmop ssync %_ntgetargs_%