path: root/source/cChunkMap.cpp
blob: d05fd4a43a6615c71bcfdbcd51c021459d1ca571 (plain) (tree)



























#include "cChunkMap.h"
#include "cChunk.h"
#include "cMCLogger.h"
#include "cWorld.h"
#include "cRoot.h"
#include "cMakeDir.h"

#ifndef _WIN32
#include <cstring> // memcpy
#include <cstdlib> // abs
#include <math.h>  // floorf
#include <stdio.h> // sprintf and stuff

#define sprintf_s( dest, size, format, ... ) sprintf( dest, format, __VA_ARGS__ )

#include "zlib.h"
#include <json/json.h>

#define USE_MEMCPY

#define LAYER_SIZE (32)

cChunkMap::cChunkMap( int a_Width, int a_Height, cWorld* a_World )
	: m_Nodes( new cChunkNode[ a_Width * a_Height ] )
	, m_Width( a_Width )
	, m_Height( a_Height )
	, m_Layers( 0 )
	, m_NumLayers( 0 )
	, m_World( a_World )

	delete [] m_Nodes;

	m_Size = 0;
	m_Allocated = 0;
	m_Chunks = 0;

	if( m_Allocated > 0 )
		for( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_Size; ++i )
			delete m_Chunks[i];
		delete [] m_Chunks;
// 	m_Chunks = 0;
// 	m_Allocated = 0;
// 	m_Size = 0;

void cChunkMap::cChunkNode::push_back( cChunk* a_Chunk )
	if( m_Allocated == 0 )
		resize( 1 );
	if( m_Size >= m_Allocated )
		resize( m_Allocated*2 );

	m_Chunks[ m_Size ] = a_Chunk;

void cChunkMap::cChunkNode::resize( unsigned int a_NewSize )
	cChunk** TempChunks = new cChunk*[a_NewSize];
	if( m_Allocated > 0 )
		memcpy( TempChunks, m_Chunks, sizeof( cChunk* ) * m_Size );
		for( unsigned int i = 0; i < a_NewSize; ++i )
			TempChunks[i] = m_Chunks[i];
		delete [] m_Chunks;
	m_Chunks = TempChunks;
	m_Allocated = a_NewSize;

void cChunkMap::cChunkNode::erase( cChunk* a_Chunk )
	if( m_Size == 0 ) return;

	cChunk** TempChunks = new cChunk*[m_Size];
	unsigned int TempIdx = 0;
	for( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_Size; ++i )
		if( m_Chunks[i] != a_Chunk )
			TempChunks[TempIdx] = m_Chunks[i];
	delete [] m_Chunks;
	m_Chunks = 0;
	if( TempIdx > 0 )
		m_Chunks = new cChunk*[ TempIdx ];
		memcpy( m_Chunks, TempChunks, sizeof( cChunk* ) * TempIdx );
		for( unsigned int i = 0; i < TempIdx; ++i )
			m_Chunks[i] = TempChunks[i];
	delete [] TempChunks;
	m_Allocated = TempIdx;
	m_Size = TempIdx;

cChunkMap::cChunkData* cChunkMap::cChunkLayer::GetChunk( int a_X, int a_Z )
	const int LocalX = a_X - m_X * LAYER_SIZE;
	const int LocalZ = a_Z - m_Z * LAYER_SIZE;
	//LOG("LocalX:%i LocalZ:%i", LocalX, LocalZ );
	if( LocalX < LAYER_SIZE && LocalZ < LAYER_SIZE && LocalX > -1 && LocalZ > -1 )
		return &m_Chunks[ LocalX + LocalZ * LAYER_SIZE ];
	return 0;

bool cChunkMap::RemoveLayer( cChunkLayer* a_Layer )
	cChunkLayer* NewLayers = 0;
	if( m_NumLayers > 1 )
		NewLayers = new cChunkLayer[m_NumLayers-1];

	int idx = 0;
	bool bExcludedLayer = false;
	for( int i = 0; i < m_NumLayers; ++i )
		if( &m_Layers[i] != a_Layer )
			if( idx < m_NumLayers-1 )
				NewLayers[ idx ] = m_Layers[i];
			bExcludedLayer = true;

	if( !bExcludedLayer )
		LOGWARN("Could not remove layer, because layer was not found %i %i", a_Layer->m_X, a_Layer->m_Z);
		delete [] NewLayers;
		return false;

	if( m_Layers ) delete [] m_Layers;
	m_Layers = NewLayers;
	return true;

cChunkMap::cChunkLayer* cChunkMap::AddLayer( const cChunkLayer & a_Layer )
	cChunkLayer* TempLayers = new cChunkLayer[m_NumLayers+1];
	if( m_NumLayers > 0 )
		memcpy( TempLayers, m_Layers, sizeof( cChunkLayer ) * m_NumLayers );
		delete [] m_Layers;
	m_Layers = TempLayers;
	m_Layers[m_NumLayers] = a_Layer;
	cChunkLayer* NewLayer = &m_Layers[m_NumLayers];

	return NewLayer;

void cChunkMap::AddChunk( cChunk* a_Chunk )
	/* // OLD
	m_Nodes[ MakeHash( a_Chunk->GetPosX(), a_Chunk->GetPosZ() ) ].push_back( a_Chunk );

	// NEW
	const int LayerX = (int)(floorf((float)a_Chunk->GetPosX() / (float)(LAYER_SIZE)));
	const int LayerZ = (int)(floorf((float)a_Chunk->GetPosZ() / (float)(LAYER_SIZE)));
	cChunkLayer* FoundLayer = GetLayer( LayerX, LayerZ );
	if( !FoundLayer )
		cChunkLayer NewLayer( LAYER_SIZE*LAYER_SIZE );
		NewLayer.m_X = LayerX;
		NewLayer.m_Z = LayerZ;
		FoundLayer = AddLayer( NewLayer );
		LOGWARN("Created new layer %i %i (total layers %i)", LayerX, LayerZ, m_NumLayers );

	//Get local coordinates in layer
	const int LocalX = a_Chunk->GetPosX() - LayerX * LAYER_SIZE;
	const int LocalZ = a_Chunk->GetPosZ() - LayerZ * LAYER_SIZE;
	if( FoundLayer->m_Chunks[ LocalX + LocalZ * LAYER_SIZE ].m_LiveChunk )
		LOGWARN("WARNING: Added chunk to layer while it was already loaded!");
	if( FoundLayer->m_Chunks[ LocalX + LocalZ * LAYER_SIZE ].m_Compressed )
		LOGWARN("WARNING: Added chunk to layer while a compressed version exists!");
	FoundLayer->m_Chunks[ LocalX + LocalZ * LAYER_SIZE ].m_LiveChunk = a_Chunk;

void cChunkMap::RemoveChunk( cChunk* a_Chunk )
	/* // OLD
	m_Nodes[ MakeHash( a_Chunk->GetPosX(), a_Chunk->GetPosZ() ) ].erase( a_Chunk );

	// NEW
	cChunkLayer* Layer = GetLayerForChunk( a_Chunk->GetPosX(), a_Chunk->GetPosZ() );
	if( Layer )
		cChunkData* Data = Layer->GetChunk( a_Chunk->GetPosX(), a_Chunk->GetPosZ() );
		if( Data->m_LiveChunk )
			CompressChunk( Data );
			Data->m_LiveChunk = 0; // Set live chunk to 0

void cChunkMap::CompressChunk( cChunkData* a_ChunkData )
	if( a_ChunkData->m_LiveChunk )
		// Delete already present compressed data
		if( a_ChunkData->m_Compressed ) delete [] a_ChunkData->m_Compressed;

		// Get Json data
		Json::Value root;
		std::string JsonData = "";
		a_ChunkData->m_LiveChunk->SaveToJson( root );
		if( !root.empty() )
			Json::StyledWriter writer; // TODO FIXME: change to FastWriter ? :D
			JsonData = writer.write( root );

		unsigned int TotalSize = cChunk::c_BlockDataSize + JsonData.size();
		uLongf CompressedSize = compressBound( TotalSize );
		a_ChunkData->m_Compressed = new char[CompressedSize];
		char* DataSource = a_ChunkData->m_LiveChunk->pGetBlockData();
		if( JsonData.size() > 0 )
			// Move stuff around, so data is aligned in memory
			DataSource = new char[TotalSize];
			memcpy( DataSource, a_ChunkData->m_LiveChunk->pGetBlockData(), cChunk::c_BlockDataSize );
			memcpy( DataSource + cChunk::c_BlockDataSize, JsonData.c_str(), JsonData.size() );

		int errorcode = compress2( (Bytef*)a_ChunkData->m_Compressed, &CompressedSize, (const Bytef*)DataSource, TotalSize, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION);
		if( errorcode != Z_OK )
			LOGERROR("Error compressing data (%i)", errorcode );

		a_ChunkData->m_CompressedSize = CompressedSize;
		a_ChunkData->m_UncompressedSize = TotalSize;

		if( DataSource != a_ChunkData->m_LiveChunk->pGetBlockData() )
			delete [] DataSource;

unsigned int cChunkMap::MakeHash( int a_X, int a_Z )
	const unsigned int HashX = abs( a_X ) % m_Width;
	const unsigned int HashZ = abs( a_Z ) % m_Height;
	return HashX + HashZ * m_Width;

cChunkMap::cChunkLayer* cChunkMap::GetLayerForChunk( int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ )
	const int LayerX = (int)(floorf((float)a_ChunkX / (float)(LAYER_SIZE)));
	const int LayerZ = (int)(floorf((float)a_ChunkZ / (float)(LAYER_SIZE)));
	return GetLayer( LayerX, LayerZ );

cChunkMap::cChunkLayer* cChunkMap::GetLayer( int a_LayerX, int a_LayerZ )
	// Find layer in memory
	for( int i = 0; i < m_NumLayers; ++i )
		if( m_Layers[i].m_X == a_LayerX && m_Layers[i].m_Z == a_LayerZ )
			return &m_Layers[i];

	// Find layer on disk
	cChunkLayer* Layer = LoadLayer( a_LayerX, a_LayerZ );
	if( !Layer ) return 0;
	cChunkLayer* NewLayer = AddLayer( *Layer );
	delete Layer;
	return NewLayer;

cChunk* cChunkMap::GetChunk( int a_X, int a_Y, int a_Z )
	/*	// OLD
	unsigned int Hash = MakeHash( a_X, a_Z );
	cChunkNode & Node = m_Nodes[ Hash ];
	cChunk** Chunks = Node.GetChunks();
	for( unsigned int i = 0; i < Node.size(); ++i )
		if( Chunks[i]->GetPosX() == a_X &&  // Check if we found the right chunk
			Chunks[i]->GetPosY() == a_Y &&
			Chunks[i]->GetPosZ() == a_Z )
			return Chunks[i];

	// NEW
	cChunkLayer* Layer = GetLayerForChunk( a_X, a_Z );
	if( Layer )
		cChunkData* Data = Layer->GetChunk( a_X, a_Z );
		if( Data->m_LiveChunk )	return Data->m_LiveChunk;

		// Decompress cached chunk
		if( Data->m_Compressed )
			uLongf DestSize = Data->m_UncompressedSize;
			char* BlockData = new char[ DestSize ];
			int errorcode = uncompress( (Bytef*)BlockData, &DestSize, (Bytef*)Data->m_Compressed, Data->m_CompressedSize );
			if( Data->m_UncompressedSize != DestSize )
				LOGWARN("Lulwtf, expected uncompressed size differs!");
				delete [] BlockData;
			else if( errorcode != Z_OK )
				LOGERROR("ERROR: Decompressing chunk data! %i", errorcode );
				switch( errorcode )
				case Z_MEM_ERROR:
					LOGERROR("Not enough memory");
				case Z_BUF_ERROR:
					LOGERROR("Not enough room in output buffer");
				case Z_DATA_ERROR:
					LOGERROR("Input data corrupted or incomplete");

				delete [] BlockData;
				cChunk* Chunk = new cChunk(a_X, a_Y, a_Z, m_World);
				memcpy( Chunk->m_BlockData, BlockData, cChunk::c_BlockDataSize ); 
				Data->m_LiveChunk = Chunk;

				if( DestSize > cChunk::c_BlockDataSize )	// We gots some extra data :D
					LOGINFO("Parsing trailing JSON");
					Json::Value root;   // will contains the root value after parsing.
					Json::Reader reader;
					if( !reader.parse( BlockData + cChunk::c_BlockDataSize, root, false ) )
						LOGERROR("Failed to parse trailing JSON!");
						//Json::StyledWriter writer;
						//LOGINFO("Trailing Json:" );
						//printf("%s", writer.write( root ).c_str() );
						Chunk->LoadFromJson( root );

				delete [] BlockData;
				delete [] Data->m_Compressed; Data->m_Compressed = 0; Data->m_CompressedSize = 0;
				return Chunk;


	return 0;

void cChunkMap::Tick( float a_Dt )
	/*	// OLD
	for( int i = 0; i < m_Width*m_Height; ++i )
		cChunkNode & Node = m_Nodes[ i ];
		cChunk** Chunks = Node.GetChunks();
		for( unsigned int i = 0; i < Node.size(); ++i )
			Chunks[i]->Tick( a_Dt );

	// NEW
	for( int l = 0; l < m_NumLayers; ++l )
		for( int i = 0; i < LAYER_SIZE*LAYER_SIZE; ++i )
			cChunk* Chunk = m_Layers[l].m_Chunks[i].m_LiveChunk;
			if( Chunk )
				Chunk->Tick( a_Dt );

void cChunkMap::UnloadUnusedChunks()
	cWorld* World = m_World;
	/*	// OLD
	for( int i = 0; i < m_Width*m_Height; ++i )
		cChunkNode & Node = m_Nodes[ i ];
		cChunk** Chunks = Node.GetChunks();
		for( unsigned int i = 0; i < Node.size(); ++i )
			if( Chunks[i]->GetClients().size() == 0 )
				LOG("Unloading %p", Chunks[i] );
				World->RemoveSpread( Chunks[i] );
				cChunk* TheChunk = Chunks[i];
				RemoveChunk( TheChunk );
				delete TheChunk;
				//Node.erase( Chunks[i] );
				Chunks = Node.GetChunks(); // Chunks pointer is no longer valid, get a new one

	// NEW
	for( int l = 0; l < m_NumLayers; ++l )
		cChunkLayer & Layer = m_Layers[l];
		for( int i = 0; i < LAYER_SIZE*LAYER_SIZE; ++i )
			cChunk* Chunk = Layer.m_Chunks[i].m_LiveChunk;
			if( Chunk && Chunk->GetClients().size() == 0 && Chunk->GetReferenceCount() <= 0 )
				World->RemoveSpread( Chunk );
				RemoveChunk( Chunk );
				delete Chunk;

		// Unload layers
		if( Layer.m_NumChunksLoaded == 0 )
			SaveLayer( &Layer );
			for( int i = 0; i < LAYER_SIZE*LAYER_SIZE; ++i ) // Free all chunk data for layer
				if( Layer.m_Chunks[i].m_Compressed )
					delete [] Layer.m_Chunks[i].m_Compressed;
				if( Layer.m_Chunks[i].m_LiveChunk )
					delete Layer.m_Chunks[i].m_LiveChunk;
			if( RemoveLayer( &Layer ) ) l--;
		else if( Layer.m_NumChunksLoaded < 0 )
			LOGERROR("WTF! Chunks loaded in layer is %i !!", Layer.m_NumChunksLoaded );

bool cChunkMap::RemoveEntityFromChunk( cEntity & a_Entity, cChunk* a_CalledFrom /* = 0 */ )
	/*	// OLD
	for( int i = 0; i < m_Width*m_Height; ++i )
		cChunkNode & Node = m_Nodes[ i ];
		cChunk** Chunks = Node.GetChunks();
		for( unsigned int i = 0; i < Node.size(); ++i )
			if( Chunks[i] != a_CalledFrom )
				if( Chunks[i]->RemoveEntity( a_Entity, a_CalledFrom ) )
					return true;

	// NEW
	for( int i = 0; i < m_NumLayers; ++i )
		cChunkLayer & Layer = m_Layers[i];
		for( int i = 0; i < LAYER_SIZE*LAYER_SIZE; ++i )
			cChunk* Chunk = Layer.m_Chunks[i].m_LiveChunk;
			if( Chunk != a_CalledFrom )
				if( Chunk && Chunk->RemoveEntity( a_Entity, a_CalledFrom ) )
					return true;

	LOG("WARNING: Entity was not found in any chunk!");
	return false;

void cChunkMap::SaveAllChunks()
	for( int i = 0; i < m_Width*m_Height; ++i )
		cChunkNode & Node = m_Nodes[ i ];
		cChunk** Chunks = Node.GetChunks();
		for( unsigned int i = 0; i < Node.size(); ++i )

	for( int i = 0; i < m_NumLayers; ++i )
		SaveLayer( &m_Layers[i] );

 * Saving and loading

void cChunkMap::SaveLayer( cChunkLayer* a_Layer )
	std::string WorldName = m_World->GetName();
	cMakeDir::MakeDir( WorldName.c_str() );

	char SourceFile[128];

	sprintf_s(SourceFile, 128, ( WorldName + "/X%i_Z%i.pak").c_str(), a_Layer->m_X, a_Layer->m_Z );

	FILE* f = 0;
	#ifdef _WIN32
	if( fopen_s(&f, SourceFile, "wb" ) == 0 )	// no error
	if( (f = fopen(SourceFile, "wb" )) != 0 )	// no error
		// Header
		char PakVersion = 1;
		char ChunkVersion = 1;
		fwrite( &PakVersion, sizeof(PakVersion), 1, f );	// pak version
		fwrite( &ChunkVersion, sizeof(ChunkVersion), 1, f );	// chunk version

		// Count number of chunks in layer
		short NumChunks = 0;
		for( int i = 0; i < LAYER_SIZE*LAYER_SIZE; ++i )
			if( a_Layer->m_Chunks[i].m_Compressed ||  a_Layer->m_Chunks[i].m_LiveChunk )

		fwrite( &NumChunks, sizeof( NumChunks ), 1, f );
		LOG("Num Chunks in layer: %i", NumChunks );

		// Chunk headers
		for( int z = 0; z < LAYER_SIZE; ++z )
			for( int x = 0; x < LAYER_SIZE; ++x )
				cChunkData & Data = a_Layer->m_Chunks[x + z*LAYER_SIZE];
				CompressChunk( &Data );
				if( Data.m_Compressed || Data.m_LiveChunk )
					int ChunkX = a_Layer->m_X*LAYER_SIZE + x;
					int ChunkZ = a_Layer->m_Z*LAYER_SIZE + z;
					unsigned int Size = Data.m_CompressedSize; // Needs to be size of compressed data
					unsigned int USize = Data.m_UncompressedSize;	// Uncompressed size
					fwrite( &ChunkX, sizeof( ChunkX ), 1, f );
					fwrite( &ChunkZ, sizeof( ChunkZ ), 1, f );
					fwrite( &Size, sizeof( Size ), 1, f );
					fwrite( &USize, sizeof( USize ), 1, f );

		// Chunk data
		for( int i = 0; i < LAYER_SIZE*LAYER_SIZE; ++i )
			char* Compressed = a_Layer->m_Chunks[i].m_Compressed;
			if( Compressed )
				fwrite( Compressed, a_Layer->m_Chunks[i].m_CompressedSize, 1, f );
				if(a_Layer->m_Chunks[i].m_LiveChunk)	// If there's a live chunk we have no need for compressed data
					delete [] a_Layer->m_Chunks[i].m_Compressed;
					a_Layer->m_Chunks[i].m_Compressed = 0;
					a_Layer->m_Chunks[i].m_CompressedSize = 0;

		LOGERROR("ERROR: Could not write to file %s", SourceFile );

cChunkMap::cChunkLayer* cChunkMap::LoadLayer(int a_LayerX, int a_LayerZ )
	std::string WorldName = m_World->GetName();
	char SourceFile[128];
	sprintf_s(SourceFile, 128, (WorldName + "/X%i_Z%i.pak").c_str(), a_LayerX, a_LayerZ );
	FILE* f = 0;
	#ifdef _WIN32
	if( fopen_s(&f, SourceFile, "rb" ) == 0 )	// no error
	if( (f = fopen(SourceFile, "rb" )) != 0 )	// no error
		char PakVersion = 0;
		char ChunkVersion = 0;
		if( fread( &PakVersion, sizeof(PakVersion), 1, f) != 1 ) { LOGERROR("ERROR 1 READING FROM FILE %s", SourceFile); fclose(f); return false; }
		if( PakVersion != 1 ) { LOGERROR("WRONG PAK VERSION!"); fclose(f); return 0; }
		if( fread( &ChunkVersion, sizeof(ChunkVersion), 1, f) != 1 ) { LOGERROR("ERROR 2 READING FROM FILE %s", SourceFile); fclose(f); return false; }
		if( ChunkVersion != 1 ) { LOGERROR("WRONG CHUNK VERSION!"); fclose(f); return 0; }

		short NumChunks = 0;
		if( fread( &NumChunks, sizeof(NumChunks), 1, f) != 1 ) { LOGERROR("ERROR 3 READING FROM FILE %s", SourceFile); fclose(f); return false; }
		LOG("Num chunks: %i", NumChunks );
		LOG("Source File: %s", SourceFile );

		cChunkLayer* Layer = new cChunkLayer( LAYER_SIZE*LAYER_SIZE );
		Layer->m_X = a_LayerX;
		Layer->m_Z = a_LayerZ;
		cChunkData** OrderedData = new cChunkData*[ NumChunks ]; // So we can loop over the chunks in the order they were loaded
		// Loop over all chunk headers
		for( short i = 0; i < NumChunks; ++i )
			int ChunkX = 0;
			int ChunkZ = 0;
			if( fread( &ChunkX, sizeof(ChunkX), 1, f) != 1 ) { LOGERROR("ERROR 4 READING FROM FILE %s", SourceFile); fclose(f); return false; }
			if( fread( &ChunkZ, sizeof(ChunkZ), 1, f) != 1 ) { LOGERROR("ERROR 5 READING FROM FILE %s", SourceFile); fclose(f); return false; }
			cChunkData* Data = Layer->GetChunk( ChunkX, ChunkZ );
			if( Data )
				if( fread( &Data->m_CompressedSize, sizeof(Data->m_CompressedSize), 1, f) != 1 ) { LOGERROR("ERROR 6 READING FROM FILE %s", SourceFile); fclose(f); return false; }
				if( fread( &Data->m_UncompressedSize, sizeof(Data->m_UncompressedSize), 1, f) != 1 ) { LOGERROR("ERROR 7 READING FROM FILE %s", SourceFile); fclose(f); return false; }
				LOGERROR("Chunk with wrong coordinates in pak file! %i %i", ChunkX, ChunkZ );
				return 0;

			OrderedData[i] = Data;

		// Loop over chunks again, in the order they were loaded, and load their compressed data
		for( short i = 0; i < NumChunks; ++i )
			cChunkData* Data = OrderedData[i];
			Data->m_Compressed = new char[ Data->m_CompressedSize ];
			//printf("Compressed chunk size: %i\n",Data->m_CompressedSize);
			if( fread( Data->m_Compressed, Data->m_CompressedSize, 1, f) != 1 ) { LOGERROR("ERROR 8 READING FROM FILE %s", SourceFile); fclose(f); return false; }

			/* // Some testing...
			uLongf DestSize = Data->m_UncompressedSize;
			char* BlockData = new char[ DestSize ];
			int errorcode = uncompress( (Bytef*)BlockData, &DestSize, (Bytef*)Data->m_Compressed, Data->m_CompressedSize );
			if( errorcode != Z_OK )
		delete [] OrderedData;

		return Layer;
		//LOGWARN("Could not open file %s", SourceFile );
	return 0;

int cChunkMap::GetNumChunks()
	int NumChunks = 0;
	for( int i = 0; i < m_NumLayers; ++i )
		NumChunks += m_Layers[i].m_NumChunksLoaded;
	return NumChunks;