path: root/src/IniFile.cpp
blob: ded7e4199cdda0e4dc41b50ffe7ac8e00490f576 (plain) (tree)






























































































































































// IniFile.cpp:  Implementation of the CIniFile class.
// Written by:   Adam Clauss
// Email:
// You may use this class/code as you wish in your programs.  Feel free to distribute it, and
// email suggested changes to me.
// Rewritten by: Shane Hill
// Date:         21/08/2001
// Email:
// Reason:       Remove dependancy on MFC. Code should compile on any
//               platform.


#include "Globals.h"  // NOTE: MSVC stupidness requires this to be the same across all modules

// C++ Includes
#include <fstream>

// C Includes
#include <ctype.h>

// Local Includes
#include "IniFile.h"

#if defined(WIN32)
	#define iniEOL endl
	#define iniEOL '\r' << endl

using namespace std;

cIniFile::cIniFile(void) :

bool cIniFile::ReadFile(const AString & a_FileName, bool a_AllowExampleRedirect)
	// Normally you would use ifstream, but the SGI CC compiler has
	// a few bugs with ifstream. So ... fstream used.
	fstream f;
	AString   line;
	AString   keyname, valuename, value;
	AString::size_type pLeft, pRight;
	bool IsFromExampleRedirect = false; + a_FileName).c_str(), ios::in);
	if (
		if (a_AllowExampleRedirect)
			// Retry with the .example.ini file instead of .ini:
			AString ExPath(a_FileName.substr(0, a_FileName.length() - 4));
			ExPath.append(".example.ini"); + ExPath).c_str(), ios::in);
			if (
				return false;
			IsFromExampleRedirect = true;
			return false;

	bool IsFirstLine = true;

	while (getline(f, line))
		// To be compatible with Win32, check for existence of '\r'.
		// Win32 files have the '\r' and Unix files don't at the end of a line.
		// Note that the '\r' will be written to INI files from
		// Unix so that the created INI file can be read under Win32
		// without change.

		// Removes UTF-8 Byte Order Markers (BOM) if, present.
		if (IsFirstLine)
			IsFirstLine = false;

		size_t lineLength = line.length();
		if (lineLength == 0)
		if (line[lineLength - 1] == '\r')
			line = line.substr(0, lineLength - 1);

		if (line.length() == 0)

		// Check that the user hasn't opened a binary file by checking the first
		// character of each line!
		if (!isprint(line[0]))
			printf("%s: Binary-check failed on char %d\n", __FUNCTION__, line[0]);
			return false;
		if ((pLeft = line.find_first_of(";#[=")) == AString::npos)

		switch (line[pLeft])
			case '[':
				if (
					((pRight = line.find_last_of("]")) != AString::npos) &&
					(pRight > pLeft)
					keyname = line.substr(pLeft + 1, pRight - pLeft - 1);

			case '=':
				valuename = line.substr(0, pLeft);
				value = line.substr(pLeft + 1);
				AddValue(keyname, valuename, value);

			case ';':
			case '#':
				if (names.empty())
					AddHeaderComment(line.substr(pLeft + 1));
					AddKeyComment(keyname, line.substr(pLeft + 1));
		}  // switch (line[pLeft])
	}  // while (getline())

	if (keys.empty() && names.empty() && comments.empty())
		// File be empty or unreadable, equivalent to nonexistant
		return false;

	if (IsFromExampleRedirect)
		WriteFile(FILE_IO_PREFIX + a_FileName);

	return true;

bool cIniFile::WriteFile(const AString & a_FileName) const
	// Normally you would use ofstream, but the SGI CC compiler has
	// a few bugs with ofstream. So ... fstream used.
	fstream f; + a_FileName).c_str(), ios::out);
	if (
		return false;

	// Write header comments.
	size_t NumComments = comments.size();
	for (size_t commentID = 0; commentID < NumComments; ++commentID)
		f << ';' << comments[commentID] << iniEOL;
	if (NumComments > 0)
		f << iniEOL;

	// Write keys and values.
	for (size_t keyID = 0; keyID < keys.size(); ++keyID)
		f << '[' << names[keyID] << ']' << iniEOL;
		// Comments.
		for (size_t commentID = 0; commentID < keys[keyID].comments.size(); ++commentID)
			f << ';' << keys[keyID].comments[commentID] << iniEOL;
		// Values.
		for (size_t valueID = 0; valueID < keys[keyID].names.size(); ++valueID)
			f << keys[keyID].names[valueID] << '=' << keys[keyID].values[valueID] << iniEOL;
		f << iniEOL;

	return true;

int cIniFile::FindKey(const AString & a_KeyName) const
	AString CaseKeyName = CheckCase(a_KeyName);
	for (size_t keyID = 0; keyID < names.size(); ++keyID)
		if (CheckCase(names[keyID]) == CaseKeyName)
			return (int)keyID;
	return noID;

int cIniFile::FindValue(const int keyID, const AString & a_ValueName) const
	if (!keys.size() || (keyID >= (int)keys.size()))
		return noID;

	AString CaseValueName = CheckCase(a_ValueName);
	for (size_t valueID = 0; valueID < keys[keyID].names.size(); ++valueID)
		if (CheckCase(keys[keyID].names[valueID]) == CaseValueName)
			return int(valueID);
	return noID;

int cIniFile::AddKeyName(const AString & keyname)
	names.resize(names.size() + 1, keyname);
	keys.resize(keys.size() + 1);
	return (int)names.size() - 1;

AString cIniFile::GetKeyName(const int keyID) const
	if (keyID < (int)names.size())
		return names[keyID];
		return "";

int cIniFile::GetNumValues(const int keyID) const
	if (keyID < (int)keys.size())
		return (int)keys[keyID].names.size();
	return 0;

int cIniFile::GetNumValues(const AString & keyname) const
	int keyID = FindKey(keyname);
	if (keyID == noID)
		return 0;
	return (int)keys[keyID].names.size();

AString cIniFile::GetValueName(const int keyID, const int valueID) const
	if ((keyID < (int)keys.size()) && (valueID < (int)keys[keyID].names.size()))
		return keys[keyID].names[valueID];
	return "";

AString cIniFile::GetValueName(const AString & keyname, const int valueID) const
	int keyID = FindKey(keyname);
	if (keyID == noID)
		return "";
	return GetValueName(keyID, valueID);

void cIniFile::AddValue(const AString & a_KeyName, const AString & a_ValueName, const AString & a_Value)
	int keyID = FindKey(a_KeyName);
	if (keyID == noID)
		keyID = int(AddKeyName(a_KeyName));


void cIniFile::AddValueI(const AString & a_KeyName, const AString & a_ValueName, const int a_Value)
	AddValue(a_KeyName, a_ValueName, Printf("%d", a_Value));

void cIniFile::AddValueF(const AString & a_KeyName, const AString & a_ValueName, const double a_Value)
	AddValue(a_KeyName, a_ValueName, Printf("%f", a_Value));

bool cIniFile::SetValue(const int keyID, const int valueID, const AString & value)
	if (((size_t)keyID >= keys.size()) || ((size_t)valueID >= keys[keyID].names.size()))
		return false;
	keys[keyID].values[valueID] = value;
	return true;

bool cIniFile::SetValue(const AString & a_KeyName, const AString & a_ValueName, const AString & a_Value, const bool a_CreateIfNotExists)
	int keyID = FindKey(a_KeyName);
	if (keyID == noID)
		if (!a_CreateIfNotExists)
			return false;
		keyID = AddKeyName(a_KeyName);

	int valueID = FindValue(keyID, a_ValueName);
	if (valueID == noID)
		if (!a_CreateIfNotExists)
			return false;
		keys[keyID].values[valueID] = a_Value;

	return true;

bool cIniFile::SetValueI(const AString & a_KeyName, const AString & a_ValueName, const int a_Value, const bool a_CreateIfNotExists)
	return SetValue(a_KeyName, a_ValueName, Printf("%d", a_Value), a_CreateIfNotExists);

bool cIniFile::SetValueI(const AString & a_Keyname, const AString & a_ValueName, const Int64 a_Value, const bool a_CreateIfNotExists)
	return SetValue(a_Keyname, a_ValueName, Printf("%lld", a_Value), a_CreateIfNotExists);

bool cIniFile::SetValueF(const AString & a_KeyName, const AString & a_ValueName, double const a_Value, const bool a_CreateIfNotExists)
	return SetValue(a_KeyName, a_ValueName, Printf("%f", a_Value), a_CreateIfNotExists);

AString cIniFile::GetValue(const int keyID, const int valueID, const AString & defValue) const
	if ((keyID < (int)keys.size()) && (valueID < (int)keys[keyID].names.size()))
		return keys[keyID].values[valueID];
	return defValue;

AString cIniFile::GetValue(const AString & keyname, const AString & valuename, const AString & defValue) const
	int keyID = FindKey(keyname);
	if (keyID == noID)
		return defValue;

	int valueID = FindValue(int(keyID), valuename);
	if (valueID == noID)
		return defValue;

	return keys[keyID].values[valueID];

int cIniFile::GetValueI(const AString & keyname, const AString & valuename, const int defValue) const
	AString Data;
	Printf(Data, "%d", defValue);
	return atoi(GetValue(keyname, valuename, Data).c_str());

double cIniFile::GetValueF(const AString & keyname, const AString & valuename, double const defValue) const
	AString Data;
	Printf(Data, "%f", defValue);
	return atof(GetValue(keyname, valuename, Data).c_str());

AString cIniFile::GetValueSet(const AString & keyname, const AString & valuename, const AString & defValue)
	int keyID = FindKey(keyname);
	if (keyID == noID)
		SetValue(keyname, valuename, defValue);
		return defValue;

	int valueID = FindValue(int(keyID), valuename);
	if (valueID == noID)
		SetValue(keyname, valuename, defValue);
		return defValue;

	return keys[keyID].values[valueID];

double cIniFile::GetValueSetF(const AString & keyname, const AString & valuename, const double defValue)
	AString Data;
	Printf(Data, "%f", defValue);
	return atof(GetValueSet(keyname, valuename, Data).c_str());

int cIniFile::GetValueSetI(const AString & keyname, const AString & valuename, const int defValue)
	AString Data;
	Printf(Data, "%d", defValue);
	return atoi(GetValueSet(keyname, valuename, Data).c_str());

Int64 cIniFile::GetValueSetI(const AString & keyname, const AString & valuename, const Int64 defValue)
	AString Data;
	Printf(Data, "%lld", defValue);
	AString resultstring = GetValueSet(keyname, valuename, Data);
	Int64 result = defValue;
#ifdef _WIN32
	sscanf_s(resultstring.c_str(), "%lld", &result);
	sscanf(resultstring.c_str(), "%lld", &result);
	return result;

bool cIniFile::DeleteValueByID(const int keyID, const int valueID)
	if ((keyID < (int)keys.size()) && (valueID < (int)keys[keyID].names.size()))
		// This looks strange, but is neccessary.
		vector<AString>::iterator npos = keys[keyID].names.begin() + valueID;
		vector<AString>::iterator vpos = keys[keyID].values.begin() + valueID;
		keys[keyID].names.erase(npos, npos + 1);
		keys[keyID].values.erase(vpos, vpos + 1);
		return true;
	return false;

bool cIniFile::DeleteValue(const AString & keyname, const AString & valuename)
	int keyID = FindKey(keyname);
	if (keyID == noID)
		return false;

	int valueID = FindValue(int(keyID), valuename);
	if (valueID == noID)
		return false;

	return DeleteValueByID(keyID, valueID);

bool cIniFile::DeleteKey(const AString & keyname)
	int keyID = FindKey(keyname);
	if (keyID == noID)
		return false;

	vector<AString>::iterator npos = names.begin() + keyID;
	vector<key>::iterator    kpos = keys.begin() + keyID;
	names.erase(npos, npos + 1);
	keys.erase(kpos, kpos + 1);

	return true;

void cIniFile::Clear(void)

bool cIniFile::HasValue(const AString & a_KeyName, const AString & a_ValueName)
	// Find the key:
	int keyID = FindKey(a_KeyName);
	if (keyID == noID)
		return false;
	// Find the value:
	int valueID = FindValue(keyID, a_ValueName);
	return (valueID != noID);

void cIniFile::AddHeaderComment(const AString & comment)
	// comments.resize(comments.size() + 1, comment);

AString cIniFile::GetHeaderComment(const int commentID) const
	if (commentID < (int)comments.size())
		return comments[commentID];
	return "";

bool cIniFile::DeleteHeaderComment(int commentID)
	if (commentID < (int)comments.size())
		vector<AString>::iterator cpos = comments.begin() + commentID;
		comments.erase(cpos, cpos + 1);
		return true;
	return false;

int cIniFile::GetNumKeyComments(const int keyID) const
	if (keyID < (int)keys.size())
		return (int)keys[keyID].comments.size();
	return 0;

int cIniFile::GetNumKeyComments(const AString & keyname) const
	int keyID = FindKey(keyname);
	if (keyID == noID)
		return 0;
	return (int)keys[keyID].comments.size();

bool cIniFile::AddKeyComment(const int keyID, const AString & comment)
	if (keyID < (int)keys.size())
		keys[keyID].comments.resize(keys[keyID].comments.size() + 1, comment);
		return true;
	return false;

bool cIniFile::AddKeyComment(const AString & keyname, const AString & comment)
	int keyID = FindKey(keyname);
	if (keyID == noID)
		return false;
	return AddKeyComment(keyID, comment);

AString cIniFile::GetKeyComment(const int keyID, const int commentID) const
	if ((keyID < (int)keys.size()) && (commentID < (int)keys[keyID].comments.size()))
		return keys[keyID].comments[commentID];
	return "";

AString cIniFile::GetKeyComment(const AString & keyname, const int commentID) const
	int keyID = FindKey(keyname);
	if (keyID == noID)
		return "";
	return GetKeyComment(int(keyID), commentID);

bool cIniFile::DeleteKeyComment(const int keyID, const int commentID)
	if ((keyID < (int)keys.size()) && (commentID < (int)keys[keyID].comments.size()))
		vector<AString>::iterator cpos = keys[keyID].comments.begin() + commentID;
		keys[keyID].comments.erase(cpos, cpos + 1);
		return true;
	return false;

bool cIniFile::DeleteKeyComment(const AString & keyname, const int commentID)
	int keyID = FindKey(keyname);
	if (keyID == noID)
		return false;
	return DeleteKeyComment(int(keyID), commentID);

bool cIniFile::DeleteKeyComments(const int keyID)
	if (keyID < (int)keys.size())
		return true;
	return false;

bool cIniFile::DeleteKeyComments(const AString & keyname)
	int keyID = FindKey(keyname);
	if (keyID == noID)
		return false;
	return DeleteKeyComments(int(keyID));

AString cIniFile::CheckCase(const AString & s) const
	if (!m_IsCaseInsensitive)
		return s;
	AString res(s);
	size_t len = res.length();
	for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++)
		res[i] = tolower(res[i]);
	return res;

void cIniFile::RemoveBom(AString & a_line) const
	// The BOM sequence for UTF-8 is 0xEF, 0xBB, 0xBF
	static unsigned const char BOM[] = { 0xEF, 0xBB, 0xBF };

	// The BOM sequence, if present, is always th e first three characters of the input.
	const AString ref = a_line.substr(0, 3);

	// If any of the first three chars do not match, return and do nothing.
	for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
		if (static_cast<unsigned char>(ref[i]) != BOM[i])

	// First three characters match; erase them.
	a_line.erase(0, 3);