path: root/src/WorldStorage/FastNBT.cpp
blob: df93e21e47532eba1e7bb0437b0d9b85262663c3 (plain) (tree)





























































































// FastNBT.cpp

// Implements the fast NBT parser and writer

#include "Globals.h"
#include "FastNBT.h"

// The number of NBT tags that are reserved when an NBT parsing is started.
// You can override this by using a cmdline define
	#define NBT_RESERVE_SIZE 200

#ifdef _MSC_VER
	// Dodge a C4127 (conditional expression is constant) for this specific macro usage
	#define PROPAGATE_ERROR(X) do { auto Err = (X); if (Err != eNBTParseError::npSuccess) return Err; } while ((false, false))
	#define PROPAGATE_ERROR(X) do { auto Err = (X); if (Err != eNBTParseError::npSuccess) return Err; } while (false)

// cNBTParseErrorCategory:


class cNBTParseErrorCategory final :
	public std::error_category
	cNBTParseErrorCategory() = default;
	/** Category name */
	virtual const char * name() const noexcept override
		return "NBT parse error";

	/** Maps a parse error code to an error message */
	virtual AString message(int a_Condition) const override;

	/** Returns the canonical error category instance. */
	static const cNBTParseErrorCategory & Get() noexcept
		static cNBTParseErrorCategory Category;
		return Category;

AString cNBTParseErrorCategory::message(int a_Condition) const
	switch (static_cast<eNBTParseError>(a_Condition))
		case eNBTParseError::npSuccess:
			return "Parsing succeded";
		case eNBTParseError::npNeedBytes:
			return "Expected more data";
		case eNBTParseError::npNoTopLevelCompound:
			return "No top level compound tag";
		case eNBTParseError::npStringMissingLength:
			return "Expected a string length but had insufficient data";
		case eNBTParseError::npStringInvalidLength:
			return "String length invalid";
		case eNBTParseError::npCompoundImbalancedTag:
			return "Compound tag was unmatched at end of file";
		case eNBTParseError::npListMissingType:
			return "Expected a list type but had insuffiecient data";
		case eNBTParseError::npListMissingLength:
			return "Expected a list length but had insufficient data";
		case eNBTParseError::npListInvalidLength:
			return "List length invalid";
		case eNBTParseError::npSimpleMissing:
			return "Expected a numeric type but had insufficient data";
		case eNBTParseError::npArrayMissingLength:
			return "Expected an array length but had insufficient data";
		case eNBTParseError::npArrayInvalidLength:
			return "Array length invalid";
		case eNBTParseError::npUnknownTag:
			return "Unknown tag";
	UNREACHABLE("Unsupported nbt parse error");

}  // namespace (anonymous)

std::error_code make_error_code(eNBTParseError a_Err) noexcept
	return { static_cast<int>(a_Err), cNBTParseErrorCategory::Get() };

// cParsedNBT:

#define NEEDBYTES(N, ERR) \
	do { \
		if (m_Data.size() - m_Pos < static_cast<size_t>(N)) \
		{ \
			return ERR; \
		} \
	} while (false)

cParsedNBT::cParsedNBT(const ContiguousByteBufferView a_Data) :
	m_Error = Parse();

eNBTParseError cParsedNBT::Parse(void)
	if (m_Data.size() < 3)
		// Data too short
		return eNBTParseError::npNeedBytes;
	if (m_Data[0] != std::byte(TAG_Compound))
		// The top-level tag must be a Compound
		return eNBTParseError::npNoTopLevelCompound;


	m_Tags.emplace_back(TAG_Compound, -1);

	m_Pos = 1;

	PROPAGATE_ERROR(ReadString(m_Tags.back().m_NameStart, m_Tags.back().m_NameLength));
	return ReadCompound();

eNBTParseError cParsedNBT::ReadString(size_t & a_StringStart, size_t & a_StringLen)
	NEEDBYTES(2, eNBTParseError::npStringMissingLength);
	a_StringStart = m_Pos + 2;
	a_StringLen = static_cast<size_t>(GetBEShort( + m_Pos));
	NEEDBYTES(2 + a_StringLen, eNBTParseError::npStringInvalidLength);
	m_Pos += 2 + a_StringLen;
	return eNBTParseError::npSuccess;

eNBTParseError cParsedNBT::ReadCompound(void)
	ASSERT(m_Tags.size() > 0);

	// Reads the latest tag as a compound
	size_t ParentIdx = m_Tags.size() - 1;
	int PrevSibling = -1;
	for (;;)
		NEEDBYTES(1, eNBTParseError::npCompoundImbalancedTag);
		const auto TagTypeNum = m_Data[m_Pos];
		if ((TagTypeNum < std::byte(TAG_Min)) || (TagTypeNum > std::byte(TAG_Max)))
			return eNBTParseError::npUnknownTag;
		eTagType TagType = static_cast<eTagType>(TagTypeNum);
		if (TagType == TAG_End)
		m_Tags.emplace_back(TagType, static_cast<int>(ParentIdx), PrevSibling);
		if (PrevSibling >= 0)
			m_Tags[static_cast<size_t>(PrevSibling)].m_NextSibling = static_cast<int>(m_Tags.size()) - 1;
			m_Tags[ParentIdx].m_FirstChild = static_cast<int>(m_Tags.size()) - 1;
		PrevSibling = static_cast<int>(m_Tags.size()) - 1;
		PROPAGATE_ERROR(ReadString(m_Tags.back().m_NameStart, m_Tags.back().m_NameLength));
	}  // while (true)
	m_Tags[ParentIdx].m_LastChild = PrevSibling;
	return eNBTParseError::npSuccess;

eNBTParseError cParsedNBT::ReadList(eTagType a_ChildrenType)
	// Reads the latest tag as a list of items of type a_ChildrenType

	// Read the count:
	NEEDBYTES(4, eNBTParseError::npListMissingLength);
	int Count = GetBEInt( + m_Pos);
	m_Pos += 4;
	auto MinChildSize = GetMinTagSize(a_ChildrenType);
	if ((Count < 0) || (Count > static_cast<int>((m_Data.size() - m_Pos) / MinChildSize)))
		return eNBTParseError::npListInvalidLength;

	// Read items:
	ASSERT(m_Tags.size() > 0);
	size_t ParentIdx = m_Tags.size() - 1;
	int PrevSibling = -1;
	for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++)
		m_Tags.emplace_back(a_ChildrenType, static_cast<int>(ParentIdx), PrevSibling);
		if (PrevSibling >= 0)
			m_Tags[static_cast<size_t>(PrevSibling)].m_NextSibling = static_cast<int>(m_Tags.size()) - 1;
			m_Tags[ParentIdx].m_FirstChild = static_cast<int>(m_Tags.size()) - 1;
		PrevSibling = static_cast<int>(m_Tags.size()) - 1;
	}  // for (i)
	m_Tags[ParentIdx].m_LastChild = PrevSibling;
	return eNBTParseError::npSuccess;

	case TAG_##TAGTYPE: \
	{ \
		NEEDBYTES(LEN, eNBTParseError::npSimpleMissing); \
		Tag.m_DataStart = m_Pos; \
		Tag.m_DataLength = LEN; \
		m_Pos += LEN; \
		return eNBTParseError::npSuccess; \

eNBTParseError cParsedNBT::ReadTag(void)
	cFastNBTTag & Tag = m_Tags.back();
	switch (Tag.m_Type)
		CASE_SIMPLE_TAG(Byte,   1)
		CASE_SIMPLE_TAG(Short,  2)
		CASE_SIMPLE_TAG(Int,    4)
		CASE_SIMPLE_TAG(Long,   8)
		CASE_SIMPLE_TAG(Float,  4)
		CASE_SIMPLE_TAG(Double, 8)

		case TAG_String:
			return ReadString(Tag.m_DataStart, Tag.m_DataLength);

		case TAG_ByteArray:
			NEEDBYTES(4, eNBTParseError::npArrayMissingLength);
			int len = GetBEInt( + m_Pos);
			m_Pos += 4;
			if (len < 0)
				// Invalid length
				return eNBTParseError::npArrayInvalidLength;
			NEEDBYTES(len, eNBTParseError::npArrayInvalidLength);
			Tag.m_DataLength = static_cast<size_t>(len);
			Tag.m_DataStart = m_Pos;
			m_Pos += static_cast<size_t>(len);
			return eNBTParseError::npSuccess;

		case TAG_List:
			NEEDBYTES(1, eNBTParseError::npListMissingType);
			eTagType ItemType = static_cast<eTagType>(m_Data[m_Pos]);
			return eNBTParseError::npSuccess;

		case TAG_Compound:
			return eNBTParseError::npSuccess;

		case TAG_IntArray:
			NEEDBYTES(4, eNBTParseError::npArrayMissingLength);
			int len = GetBEInt( + m_Pos);
			m_Pos += 4;
			if (len < 0)
				// Invalid length
				return eNBTParseError::npArrayInvalidLength;
			len *= 4;
			NEEDBYTES(len, eNBTParseError::npArrayInvalidLength);
			Tag.m_DataLength = static_cast<size_t>(len);
			Tag.m_DataStart = m_Pos;
			m_Pos += static_cast<size_t>(len);
			return eNBTParseError::npSuccess;

		case TAG_Min:
			return eNBTParseError::npUnknownTag;
	}  // switch (iType)
	UNREACHABLE("Unsupported nbt tag type");


int cParsedNBT::FindChildByName(int a_Tag, const char * a_Name, size_t a_NameLength) const
	if (a_Tag < 0)
		return -1;
	if (m_Tags[static_cast<size_t>(a_Tag)].m_Type != TAG_Compound)
		return -1;

	if (a_NameLength == 0)
		a_NameLength = strlen(a_Name);
	for (int Child = m_Tags[static_cast<size_t>(a_Tag)].m_FirstChild; Child != -1; Child = m_Tags[static_cast<size_t>(Child)].m_NextSibling)
		if (
			(m_Tags[static_cast<size_t>(Child)].m_NameLength == a_NameLength) &&
			(memcmp( + m_Tags[static_cast<size_t>(Child)].m_NameStart, a_Name, a_NameLength) == 0)
			return Child;
	}  // for Child - children of a_Tag
	return -1;

int cParsedNBT::FindTagByPath(int a_Tag, const AString & a_Path) const
	if (a_Tag < 0)
		return -1;
	size_t Begin = 0;
	size_t Length = a_Path.length();
	int Tag = a_Tag;
	for (size_t i = 0; i < Length; i++)
		if (a_Path[i] != '\\')
		Tag = FindChildByName(Tag, a_Path.c_str() + Begin, i - Begin);
		if (Tag < 0)
			return -1;
		Begin = i + 1;
	}  // for i - a_Path[]

	if (Begin < Length)
		Tag = FindChildByName(Tag, a_Path.c_str() + Begin, Length - Begin);
	return Tag;

size_t cParsedNBT::GetMinTagSize(eTagType a_TagType)
	switch (a_TagType)
		case TAG_End:       return 1;
		case TAG_Byte:      return 1;
		case TAG_Short:     return 2;
		case TAG_Int:       return 4;
		case TAG_Long:      return 8;
		case TAG_Float:     return 4;
		case TAG_Double:    return 8;
		case TAG_String:    return 2;  // 2 bytes for the string length
		case TAG_ByteArray: return 4;  // 4 bytes for the count
		case TAG_List:      return 5;  // 1 byte list type + 4 bytes count
		case TAG_Compound:  return 1;  // Single TAG_End byte
		case TAG_IntArray:  return 4;  // 4 bytes for the count
	UNREACHABLE("Unsupported nbt tag type");

// cFastNBTWriter:

cFastNBTWriter::cFastNBTWriter(const AString & a_RootTagName) :
	m_Stack[0].m_Type = TAG_Compound;
	m_Result.reserve(100 KiB);

void cFastNBTWriter::BeginCompound(const AString & a_Name)
	if (m_CurrentStack >= MAX_STACK - 1)
		ASSERT(!"Stack overflow");

	TagCommon(a_Name, TAG_Compound);

	m_Stack[m_CurrentStack].m_Type = TAG_Compound;

void cFastNBTWriter::EndCompound(void)
	ASSERT(m_CurrentStack > 0);


void cFastNBTWriter::BeginList(const AString & a_Name, eTagType a_ChildrenType)
	if (m_CurrentStack >= MAX_STACK - 1)
		ASSERT(!"Stack overflow");

	TagCommon(a_Name, TAG_List);

	m_Result.append(4, std::byte(0));

	m_Stack[m_CurrentStack].m_Type     = TAG_List;
	m_Stack[m_CurrentStack].m_Pos      = static_cast<int>(m_Result.size()) - 4;
	m_Stack[m_CurrentStack].m_Count    = 0;
	m_Stack[m_CurrentStack].m_ItemType = a_ChildrenType;

void cFastNBTWriter::EndList(void)
	ASSERT(m_CurrentStack > 0);
	ASSERT(m_Stack[m_CurrentStack].m_Type == TAG_List);

	// Update the list count:
	SetBEInt( + m_Stack[m_CurrentStack].m_Pos, m_Stack[m_CurrentStack].m_Count);


void cFastNBTWriter::AddByte(const AString & a_Name, unsigned char a_Value)
	TagCommon(a_Name, TAG_Byte);

void cFastNBTWriter::AddShort(const AString & a_Name, Int16 a_Value)
	TagCommon(a_Name, TAG_Short);
	UInt16 Value = htons(static_cast<UInt16>(a_Value));
	m_Result.append(reinterpret_cast<const std::byte *>(&Value), 2);

void cFastNBTWriter::AddInt(const AString & a_Name, Int32 a_Value)
	TagCommon(a_Name, TAG_Int);
	UInt32 Value = htonl(static_cast<UInt32>(a_Value));
	m_Result.append(reinterpret_cast<const std::byte *>(&Value), 4);

void cFastNBTWriter::AddLong(const AString & a_Name, Int64 a_Value)
	TagCommon(a_Name, TAG_Long);
	UInt64 Value = HostToNetwork8(&a_Value);
	m_Result.append(reinterpret_cast<const std::byte *>(&Value), 8);

void cFastNBTWriter::AddFloat(const AString & a_Name, float a_Value)
	TagCommon(a_Name, TAG_Float);
	UInt32 Value = HostToNetwork4(&a_Value);
	m_Result.append(reinterpret_cast<const std::byte *>(&Value), 4);

void cFastNBTWriter::AddDouble(const AString & a_Name, double a_Value)
	TagCommon(a_Name, TAG_Double);
	UInt64 Value = HostToNetwork8(&a_Value);
	m_Result.append(reinterpret_cast<const std::byte *>(&Value), 8);

void cFastNBTWriter::AddString(const AString & a_Name, const std::string_view a_Value)
	TagCommon(a_Name, TAG_String);
	const UInt16 Length = htons(static_cast<UInt16>(a_Value.size()));
	m_Result.append(reinterpret_cast<const std::byte *>(&Length), sizeof(Length));
	m_Result.append({ reinterpret_cast<const std::byte *>(, a_Value.size() });

void cFastNBTWriter::AddByteArray(const AString & a_Name, const char * a_Value, size_t a_NumElements)
	TagCommon(a_Name, TAG_ByteArray);
	UInt32 len = htonl(static_cast<UInt32>(a_NumElements));
	m_Result.append(reinterpret_cast<const std::byte *>(&len), 4);
	m_Result.append(reinterpret_cast<const std::byte *>(a_Value), a_NumElements);

void cFastNBTWriter::AddByteArray(const AString & a_Name, size_t a_NumElements, unsigned char a_Value)
	TagCommon(a_Name, TAG_ByteArray);
	UInt32 len = htonl(static_cast<UInt32>(a_NumElements));
	m_Result.append(reinterpret_cast<const std::byte *>(&len), 4);
	m_Result.append(a_NumElements, std::byte(a_Value));

void cFastNBTWriter::AddIntArray(const AString & a_Name, const Int32 * a_Value, size_t a_NumElements)
	TagCommon(a_Name, TAG_IntArray);
	UInt32 len = htonl(static_cast<UInt32>(a_NumElements));
	size_t cap = m_Result.capacity();
	size_t size = m_Result.length();
	if ((cap - size) < (4 + a_NumElements * 4))
		m_Result.reserve(size + 4 + (a_NumElements * 4));
	m_Result.append(reinterpret_cast<const std::byte *>(&len), sizeof(len));
	for (size_t i = 0; i < a_NumElements; i++)
		UInt32 Element = htonl(static_cast<UInt32>(a_Value[i]));
		m_Result.append(reinterpret_cast<const std::byte *>(&Element), sizeof(Element));

void cFastNBTWriter::Finish(void)
	ASSERT(m_CurrentStack == 0);

void cFastNBTWriter::WriteString(const std::string_view a_Data)
	// TODO check size <= short max
	UInt16 Len = htons(static_cast<unsigned short>(a_Data.size()));
	m_Result.append(reinterpret_cast<const std::byte *>(&Len), sizeof(Len));
	m_Result.append(reinterpret_cast<const std::byte *>(, a_Data.size());