path: root/glucometerutils/drivers/
blob: abd7309da9419ab984614a79a448f71fdc317982 (plain) (tree)















































# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2017 The glucometerutils Authors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
"""Driver for FreeStyle Optium devices.

Supported features:
    - get readings (ignores ketone results);
    - use the glucose unit preset on the device by default;
    - get and set date and time;
    - get serial number and software version.

Expected device path: /dev/ttyUSB0 or similar serial port device.

Further information on the device protocol can be found at

import datetime
import logging
import re
from import Generator, Sequence
from typing import NoReturn

from glucometerutils import common, driver, exceptions
from import serial

_CLOCK_RE = re.compile(
    r"^Clock:\t(?P<month>[A-Z][a-z]{2})  (?P<day>[0-9]{2}) (?P<year>[0-9]{4})\t"

# The reading can be HI (padded to three-characters by a space) if the value was
# over what the meter was supposed to read. Unlike the "Clock:" line, the months
# of June and July are written in full, everything else is truncated to three
# characters, so accept a space or 'e'/'y' at the end of the month name. Also,
# the time does *not* include seconds.
_READING_RE = re.compile(
    r"^(?P<reading>HI |[0-9]{3})  "
    r"(?P<month>[A-Z][a-z]{2})[ ey] "
    r"(?P<day>[0-9]{2}) "
    r"(?P<year>[0-9]{4}) "
    r"(?P<time>[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}) "
    r"(?P<type>[GK]) 0x00$"

_CHECKSUM_RE = re.compile(r"^(?P<checksum>0x[0-9A-F]{4})  END$")

# There are two date format used by the device. One uses three-letters month
# names, and that's easy enough. The other uses three-letters month names,
# except for (at least) July. So ignore the fourth character.
# explicit mapping. Note that the mapping *requires* a trailing whitespace.
    "Jan": 1,
    "Feb": 2,
    "Mar": 3,
    "Apr": 4,
    "May": 5,
    "Jun": 6,
    "Jul": 7,
    "Aug": 8,
    "Sep": 9,
    "Oct": 10,
    "Nov": 11,
    "Dec": 12,

def _parse_clock(datestr: str) -> datetime.datetime:
    """Convert the date/time string used by the device into a datetime.

      datestr: a string as returned by the device during information handling.
    match = _CLOCK_RE.match(datestr)
    if not match:
        raise exceptions.InvalidResponse(datestr)

    # int() parses numbers in decimal, so we don't have to worry about '08'
    day = int("day"))
    month = _MONTH_MATCHES["month")]
    year = int("year"))

    hour, minute, second = (int(x) for x in"time").split(":"))

    return datetime.datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second)

class Device(serial.SerialDevice, driver.GlucometerDevice):
    BAUDRATE = 19200
    DEFAULT_CABLE_ID = "1a61:3420"

    def _send_command(self, command: str) -> Sequence[str]:
        cmd_bytes = bytes("$%s\r\n" % command, "ascii")
        logging.debug("Sending command: %r", cmd_bytes)


        response = self.serial_.readlines()

        logging.debug("Received response: %r", response)

        # We always want to decode the output, and remove stray \r\n. Any
        # failure in decoding means the output is invalid anyway.
        decoded_response = [line.decode("ascii").rstrip("\r\n") for line in response]
        return decoded_response

    def connect(self) -> None:
        self._send_command("xmem")  # ignore output this time

    def disconnect(self) -> None:  # pylint: disable=no-self-use

    def _fetch_device_information(self) -> None:
        data = self._send_command("colq")

        for line in data:
            parsed_line = line.split("\t")

            if parsed_line[0] == "S/N:":
                self.device_serialno_ = parsed_line[1]
            elif parsed_line[0] == "Ver:":
                self.device_version_ = parsed_line[1]
                if parsed_line[2] == "MMOL":
                    self.device_glucose_unit_ = common.Unit.MMOL_L
                else:  # I only have a mmol/l device, so I can't be sure.
                    self.device_glucose_unit_ = common.Unit.MG_DL
            # There are more entries: Clock, Market, ROM and Usage, but we don't
            # care for those here.
            elif parsed_line[0] == "CMD OK":

        # I have not figured out why this happens, but sometimes it's echoing
        # back the commands and not replying to them.
        raise exceptions.ConnectionFailed()

    def get_meter_info(self) -> common.MeterInfo:
        """Fetch and parses the device information.

          A common.MeterInfo object.
        return common.MeterInfo(
            "Freestyle Optium glucometer",
            version_info=("Software version: " + self.get_version(),),

    def get_version(self) -> str:
        """Returns an identifier of the firmware version of the glucometer.

          The software version returned by the glucometer, such as "0.22"
        return self.device_version_

    def get_serial_number(self) -> str:
        """Retrieve the serial number of the device.

          A string representing the serial number of the device.
        return self.device_serialno_

    def get_glucose_unit(self) -> common.Unit:
        """Returns a constant representing the unit displayed by the meter.

          common.Unit.MG_DL: if the glucometer displays in mg/dL
          common.Unit.MMOL_L: if the glucometer displays in mmol/L
        return self.device_glucose_unit_

    def get_datetime(self) -> datetime.datetime:
        """Returns the current date and time for the glucometer.

          A datetime object built according to the returned response.
        data = self._send_command("colq")

        for line in data:
            if not line.startswith("Clock:"):

            return _parse_clock(line)

        raise exceptions.InvalidResponse("\n".join(data))

    def _set_device_datetime(self, date: datetime.datetime) -> datetime.datetime:
        data = self._send_command(date.strftime("tim,%m,%d,%y,%H,%M"))

        parsed_data = "".join(data)
        if parsed_data != "CMD OK":
            raise exceptions.InvalidResponse(parsed_data)

        return self.get_datetime()

    def zero_log(self) -> NoReturn:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def get_readings(self) -> Generator[common.AnyReading, None, None]:
        """Iterates over the reading values stored in the glucometer.

          unit: The glucose unit to use for the output.

        Yields: A tuple (date, value) of the readings in the glucometer. The
          value is a floating point in the unit specified; if no unit is
          specified, the default unit in the glucometer will be used.

          exceptions.InvalidResponse: if the response does not match what '

        data = self._send_command("xmem")

        # The first line is empty, the second is the serial number, the third
        # the version, the fourth the current time, and the fifth the record
        # count.. The last line has a checksum and the end.
        count = int(data[4])
        if count != (len(data) - 6):
            raise exceptions.InvalidResponse("\n".join(data))

        # Extract the checksum from the last line.
        checksum_match = _CHECKSUM_RE.match(data[-1])
        if not checksum_match:
            raise exceptions.InvalidResponse("\n".join(data))

        expected_checksum = int("checksum"), 16)
        # exclude the last line in the checksum calculation, as that's the
        # checksum itself. The final \r\n is added separately.
        calculated_checksum = sum(ord(c) for c in "\r\n".join(data[:-1])) + 0xD + 0xA

        if expected_checksum != calculated_checksum:
            raise exceptions.InvalidChecksum(expected_checksum, calculated_checksum)

        for line in data[5:-1]:
            match = _READING_RE.match(line)
            if not match:
                raise exceptions.InvalidResponse(line)

            if"type") != "G":
                logging.warning("Non-glucose readings are not supported, ignoring.")

            if"reading") == "HI ":
                value = float("inf")
                value = float("reading"))

            day = int("day"))
            month = _MONTH_MATCHES["month")]
            year = int("year"))

            hour, minute = map(int,"time").split(":"))

            timestamp = datetime.datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute)

            # The reading, if present, is always in mg/dL even if the glucometer
            # is set to mmol/L.
            yield common.GlucoseReading(timestamp, value)