path: root/
blob: b7bbb81e6d6b960abd67009b83bcaa711ae868d7 (plain) (tree)

# sear.c

**not implemented! check back again in a couple of days (:**

sear.c is used as a lightweight replacement for [SearX](// that proxies and caches search results from
the Google web search engine. The main advantages over SearX are speed and simplicity.

## instructions for debian and ubuntu systems

First add my software distribution repository [](// into your APT sources list.

apt install sear.c
service sear.c start

## requirements

* a POSIX system
* GNU C library
* GNU compiler collection (it's written in GNU C - it uses anonymous functions)
* GNU Make
* libxml2-dev (for the simple HTML/1.0 client and HTML parser)
* libmicrohttpd-dev (for serving results - use a reverse proxy, such as nginx, for HTTPS)
* xxd (for converting HTML pages into C arrays when compiling from source)

## compiling from source

make prepare

## a word about public instances

It's not recommended to run a public instance of sear.c yet, as google likes to prevent spam by using a captcha.

It's expected that I'll write a simple captcha forwarder so that users of public instances will solve captchas that are presented and keep the instance healthy.

Currently it's recommended to run private instances, protected by a password using a reverse HTTP proxy.