path: root/kem/vaje/2/dokument.log
diff options
authorsijanec <>2020-12-22 12:52:50 +0100
committersijanec <>2020-12-22 12:52:50 +0100
commita76aeb54af03da859c006a88fa7178dc54dd11d7 (patch)
tree8e5d7691bdcb57571fed231592290141a89d95e7 /kem/vaje/2/dokument.log
parentkemijsko ravnotežje, pregledne naloge (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'kem/vaje/2/dokument.log')
1 files changed, 725 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/kem/vaje/2/dokument.log b/kem/vaje/2/dokument.log
index f5ecd5a..99163a7 100644
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2020/03/18 3.06c tkz-tools-base.tex
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+2020/03/18 3.06c tkz-tools-arith.tex
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+2020/03/18 3.06c tkz-obj-points.tex
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+2020/03/18 3.06c tkz-tool-eu-angles.tex
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+2020/03/23 3.06c tkz-obj-eu-arcs.tex
+2020/03/18 3.06c tkz-obj-eu-compass.tex
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+2020/03/18 3.06c tkz-obj-eu-draw-lines.tex
+2020/03/18 3.06c tkz-obj-eu-polygons.tex
+2020/03/18 3.06c tkz-obj-eu-lines.tex
+2020/03/18 3.06c tkz-obj-eu-points.tex
+2020/03/18 3.06c tkz-tools-eu-points-by.tex
+2020/03/18 3.06c tkz-obj-eu-points-rnd.tex
+2020/03/18 3.06c tkz-obj-eu-points-with.tex
+2020/03/18 3.06c tkz-obj-eu-polygons.tex
+2020/03/18 3.06c tkz-obj-eu-protractor.tex
+2020/03/18 3.06c tkz-obj-eu-sectors.tex
+) (/usr/local/texlive/2020/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tkz-euclide/tkz-obj-eu-show.tex
+2020/03/18 3.06c tkz-obj-eu-show.tex
+2020/03/18 3.06c tkz-obj-eu-triangles.tex
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+rcise sheets and exams.
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+(tasks) command `\NewTasksEnvironment ' instead. Refer to the
+(tasks) manual for details.
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+ick labels; missing features). Consider writing \pgfplotsset{compat=1.17} into
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+! Missing $ inserted.
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+ $
+l.154 ...{NOCl(g) <=> NO(g) + 1/2 CL2(g)}$$ & $$K_
+ c = 0,16$$\\
+I've inserted a begin-math/end-math symbol since I think
+you left one out. Proceed, with fingers crossed.
+! Missing $ inserted.
+<inserted text>
+ $
+l.155 $
+ $\ch{2 NO(g) + Cl2(g) <=> 2 NOCl(g)}$$ & $$K_c = 40,8$$
+I've inserted something that you may have forgotten.
+(See the <inserted text> above.)
+With luck, this will get me unwedged. But if you
+really didn't forget anything, try typing `2' now; then
+my insertion and my current dilemma will both disappear.
+! Missing $ inserted.
+<inserted text>
+ $
+l.155 ...{2 NO(g) + Cl2(g) <=> 2 NOCl(g)}$$ & $$K_
+ c = 40,8$$
+I've inserted a begin-math/end-math symbol since I think
+you left one out. Proceed, with fingers crossed.
+! Missing $ inserted.
+<inserted text>
+ $
+l.156 \end{tabular}
+I've inserted something that you may have forgotten.
+(See the <inserted text> above.)
+With luck, this will get me unwedged. But if you
+really didn't forget anything, try typing `2' now; then
+my insertion and my current dilemma will both disappear.
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+rning (ext4): destination with the same identifier (name{figure.1}) has been al
+ready used, duplicate ignored
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+has been already used, duplicate ignored
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+l.287 \end{document}
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+(rerunfilecheck) Checksum: A13850B8D819BDD5CAB125211ADC5688;156.
+ )
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