path: root/main/survey/app/Controllers/Controller.php
blob: a9ad8fe6ac43977b7147e8f199b0660695c6ab9d (plain) (tree)

 * MINI - an extremely simple naked PHP application
 * @package mini
 * @author Panique
 * @link
 * @link
 * @license MIT License

namespace App\Controllers;

use App\Controllers\VariableClass as Variable;
use App\Models\Model as Model;
use PDO;

class Controller
     * @var null Database Connection
    public $db = null;

     * @var null Model
    public $model = null;

     * Whenever controller is created, open a database connection too and load "the model".
    public function __construct()

     * Vse globalne spremenljivke dodamo v omenjen razred, da jih lahko potem kličemo na posameznem razredu
     * @return $this
    public static $global_user_id;
    public static $admin_type;
    public static $site_url;
    public static $site_path;
    public static $lang;
    public static $mysql_database_name;

    public function getGlobalVariables()
        // Definiramo globalne spremenljivke, ki jih kasneje uporabljamo v funkcijah
        global $global_user_id;
        global $admin_type;
        global $site_url;
        global $site_path;
        global $lang;
        global $mysql_database_name;

        self::$global_user_id = $global_user_id;
        self::$admin_type = $admin_type;
        self::$site_url = $site_url;
        self::$site_path = $site_path;
        self::$lang = $lang;
        self::$mysql_database_name = $mysql_database_name;

     * Pridobimo vse variable, ki se uporabljajo za main/survey in jih dodamo na Controller -> $this variable
     * @return $this
    public function getAllVariables()
        // pridobimo vse spremenljivke, ki jih uporabljamo med različnimi razredi
        $var = Variable::getAll();

        // vrnemo kot $this parameter, da jih uporabljamo znotraj razreda in ni potrebno vse popravljati
        // v obliko Variable::get('name') amap preprosto kličemo $this->name
        foreach ($var as $key => $value) {
            $this->$key = $value;

        return $this;

     * Open the database connection with the credentials from application/config/config.php
    private function openDatabaseConnection()
        // set the (optional) options of the PDO connection. in this case, we set the fetch mode to
        // "objects", which means all results will be objects, like this: $result->user_name !
        // For example, fetch mode FETCH_ASSOC would return results like this: $result["user_name] !
        // @see

        // generate a database connection, using the PDO connector
        // @see
        $this->db = new PDO(DB_TYPE . ':host=' . DB_HOST . ';dbname=' . DB_NAME, DB_USER, DB_PASS, $options);

     * Loads the "model".
     * @return object model
    public function loadModel()
        $this->model = new Model($this->db);