path: root/admin/exportclases/class.rtfIzvoz.php
diff options
authorAnton Luka Šijanec <>2022-01-11 12:35:47 +0100
committerAnton Luka Šijanec <>2022-01-11 12:35:47 +0100
commit19985dbb8c0aa66dc4bf7905abc1148de909097d (patch)
tree2cd5a5d20d7e80fc2a51adf60d838d8a2c40999e /admin/exportclases/class.rtfIzvoz.php
Diffstat (limited to 'admin/exportclases/class.rtfIzvoz.php')
1 files changed, 2106 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/admin/exportclases/class.rtfIzvoz.php b/admin/exportclases/class.rtfIzvoz.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31c5442
--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin/exportclases/class.rtfIzvoz.php
@@ -0,0 +1,2106 @@
+ * Created on 28.2.2009
+ *
+ */
+define("FNT_TIMES", "Times New Roman", true);
+define("FNT_ARIAL", "Arial", true);
+define("FNT_MAIN_TEXT", FNT_TIMES, true);
+define("FNT_QUESTION_TEXT", FNT_TIMES, true);
+define("FNT_HEADER_TEXT", FNT_TIMES, true);
+define("FNT_MAIN_SIZE", 12, true);
+define("FNT_QUESTION_SIZE", 10, true);
+define("FNT_HEADER_SIZE", 10, true);
+class RtfIzvoz {
+ var $anketa;// = array(); // trenutna anketa
+ var $grupa = null; // trenutna grupa
+ var $usrId = null; // trenutni user
+ var $spremenljivka; // trenutna spremenljivka
+ var $usr_id; // ID trenutnega uporabnika
+ var $printPreview = false; // ali kliče konstruktor
+ var $pi=array('canCreate'=>false); // za shrambo parametrov in sporocil
+ var $rtf;
+ var $db_table = '';
+ var $language = -1; // Katero verzijo prevoda izvazamo
+ var $type = 0; // tip izpisa - 0->navaden, 1->iz prve strani, 2->s komentarji
+ var $commentType = 1; // tip izpisa komentarjev
+ var $showIf = 0; // izpis if-ov
+ var $font = 10; // velikost pisave
+ var $numbering = 0; // ostevillcevanje vprasanj
+ var $showIntro = 0; // prikaz uvoda
+ /**
+ * @desc konstruktor
+ */
+ function __construct ($anketa = null, $type = 0, $commentType = 1){
+ global $site_path;
+ global $global_user_id;
+ global $site_url;
+ global $lang;
+ // preverimo ali imamo stevilko ankete
+ if ( is_numeric($anketa) )
+ {
+ $this->anketa['id'] = $anketa;
+ $this->usrId = $_GET['usr_id'];
+ $this->type = $type;
+ $this->commentType = $commentType;
+ // Po novem imamo globalne nastavitve
+ SurveySetting::getInstance()->Init($anketa);
+ $this->font = (int)SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('export_font_size');
+ $this->showIf = (int)SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('export_show_if');
+ $this->numbering = (int)SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('export_numbering');
+ $this->showIntro = (int)SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('export_show_intro');
+ if(isset($_GET['language'])){
+ $this->language = $_GET['language'];
+ // Naložimo jezikovno datoteko
+ $file = '../../lang/'.$this->language.'.php';
+ include($file);
+ $_SESSION['langX'] = $site_url .'lang/'.$this->language.'.php';
+ }
+ // create new RTF document
+ $this->rtf = new enka_RTF();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->pi['msg'] = "Anketa ni izbrana!";
+ $this->pi['canCreate'] = false;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if ( SurveyInfo::getInstance()->SurveyInit($this->anketa['id']) && $this->init())
+ {
+ $this->anketa['uid'] = $global_user_id;
+ SurveyUserSetting::getInstance()->Init($this->anketa['id'], $this->anketa['uid']);
+ if (SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyColumn('db_table') == 1)
+ $this->db_table = '_active';
+ }
+ else
+ return false;
+ // ce smo prisli do tu je vse ok
+ $this->pi['canCreate'] = true;
+ return true;
+ }
+ function getAnketa()
+ { return $this->anketa['id']; }
+ function checkCreate()
+ {
+ return $this->pi['canCreate'];
+ }
+ function getFile($fileName)
+ {
+ //Close and output rtf document
+// $this->rtf->Output($fileName, 'I');
+ $this->rtf->display($fileName = 'anketa'.time().'.rtf',true);
+ }
+ function init(){
+ global $lang;
+ // dodamo avtorja in naslov
+ $this->rtf->WriteTitle();
+ if ($this->language != -1) {
+ SurveySetting::getInstance()->Init($this->anketa['id']);
+ $_lang = '_'.$this->language;
+ $srv_novaanketa_kratkoime = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('srvlang_srv_novaanketa_kratkoime'.$_lang);
+ }
+ else{
+ $srv_novaanketa_kratkoime = SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyAkronim();
+ }
+ $this->rtf->WriteHeader($this->enkaEncode($srv_novaanketa_kratkoime), 'left');
+ $this->rtf->WriteHeader($this->enkaEncode($srv_novaanketa_kratkoime), 'right');
+ $this->rtf->WriteFooter($lang['page']." {PAGE} / {NUMPAGES}", 'right');
+ $this->rtf->set_default_font(FNT_TIMES, $this->font);
+ return true;
+ }
+ function createRtf(){
+ // Izpis vprasanj s komentarji
+ if($this->type == 2)
+ $this->outputCommentaries();
+ // Izpis vprasalnika oz odgovorov enega respondenta
+ else
+ $this->outputSurvey();
+ }
+ // Izpis vprasalnika (z ali brez odgovorov)
+ function outputSurvey(){
+ global $lang;
+ $rowA = SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyRow();
+ // izpišemo prvo stran
+ $this->createFrontPage();
+ // Izpisemo vprasalnik
+ // ce obstaja intro izpisemo intro - pri izpisu vprasalnika brez odgovorov (ce smo na prvi strani moramo biti v razsirjenem nacinu)
+ if( ($rowA['expanded'] != 0 || $this->type != 1) && $this->showIntro == 1 ){
+ if ( SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyShowIntro() )
+ {
+ $intro = (SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyIntro() == '') ? $lang['srv_intro'] : SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyIntro();
+ // po potrebi prevedemo uvod
+ $naslovIntro = $this->srv_language_intro();
+ if ($naslovIntro != '') {
+ $intro = $naslovIntro;
+ }
+ // ce obstaja intro izpisemo intro
+ $this->rtf->add_text($intro);
+ $this->rtf->new_line(3);
+ }
+ }
+ // filtriramo spremenljivke glede na profil
+ SurveyVariablesProfiles :: Init($this->anketa['id']);
+ $dvp = SurveyUserSetting :: getInstance()->getSettings('default_variable_profile');
+ $_currentVariableProfile = SurveyVariablesProfiles :: checkDefaultProfile($dvp);
+ $tmp_svp_pv = SurveyVariablesProfiles :: getProfileVariables($_currentVariableProfile);
+ foreach ( $tmp_svp_pv as $vid => $variable) {
+ $tmp_svp_pv[$vid] = substr($vid, 0, strpos($vid, '_'));
+ }
+ $sqlGrupeString = "SELECT id FROM srv_grupa WHERE ank_id='".$this->anketa['id']."' ORDER BY vrstni_red";
+ $sqlGrupe = sisplet_query($sqlGrupeString);
+ while ( $rowGrupe = mysqli_fetch_assoc( $sqlGrupe ) )
+ { // sprehodmo se skozi grupe ankete
+ $this->grupa = $rowGrupe['id'];
+ $zaporedna = 0;
+ $sqlSpremenljivke = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_spremenljivka WHERE gru_id='".$this->grupa."' AND visible='1' ORDER BY vrstni_red ASC");
+ while ($rowSpremenljivke = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlSpremenljivke))
+ { // sprehodimo se skozi spremenljivke grupe
+ $spremenljivka = $rowSpremenljivke['id'];
+ if ( $this->checkSpremenljivka ($spremenljivka) /*|| $this->showIf == 1*/ )
+ { // lahko izrišemo spremenljivke
+ // če imamo številčenje Type = 1 potem številčimo V1
+ if (SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyCountType())
+ $zaporedna++;
+ $stevilcenje = ( SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyCountType() ) ?
+ ( ( SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyCountType() == 2 ) ? $rowSpremenljivke['variable'].") " : $zaporedna.") " ) : null;
+ // izpis skrcenega vprasalnika (samo pri izpisu iz urejanja)
+ if($rowA['expanded'] == 0 && $this->type == 1){
+ $this->outputVprasanjeCollapsed($rowSpremenljivke, $stevilcenje);
+ }
+ // izpis navadnega vprasalnika
+ else{
+ $this->outputVprasanje($rowSpremenljivke, $stevilcenje);
+ $this->outputSpremenljivke($rowSpremenljivke);
+ }
+ $this->rtf->new_line(1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // če izpisujemo grupo, ne izpisujemo zakljucka
+ if ( !$this->getGrupa() ){
+ if ( SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyShowConcl() && SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyConcl() )
+ { // ce obstaja footer izpisemo footer
+ $this->rtf->add_text(SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyConcl());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Izpis vprasanj s komentarji
+ function outputCommentaries(){
+ global $lang;
+ global $site_url;
+ global $admin_type;
+ global $global_user_id;
+ $this->createFrontPage();
+ $f = new Forum;
+ $c = 0;
+ $b = new Branching($this->anketa['id']);
+ $rowi = SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyRow();
+ SurveySetting::getInstance()->Init($this->anketa['id']);
+ $question_resp_comment_viewadminonly = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('question_resp_comment_viewadminonly');
+ $question_comment_viewadminonly = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('question_comment_viewadminonly');
+ $question_comment_viewauthor = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('question_comment_viewauthor');
+ $sortpostorder = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('sortpostorder');
+ $question_note_view = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('question_note_view');
+ $addfieldposition = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('addfieldposition');
+ $commentmarks = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('commentmarks');
+ $commentmarks_who = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('commentmarks_who');
+ $sql = sisplet_query("SELECT s.* FROM srv_spremenljivka s, srv_grupa g WHERE AND g.ank_id='".$this->anketa['id']."' ORDER BY g.vrstni_red ASC, s.vrstni_red ASC");
+ if ( mysqli_num_rows($sql) > 0 && ( (int)$question_resp_comment_viewadminonly + (int)$question_comment_viewadminonly ) > 0 ) {
+ while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql)) {
+ $sql1 = sisplet_query("SELECT thread, note FROM srv_spremenljivka WHERE id = '$row[id]'");
+ $row1 = mysqli_fetch_array($sql1);
+ $orderby = $sortpostorder == 1 ? 'DESC' : 'ASC' ;
+ $tid = $row1['thread'];
+ $only_unresolved = " ";
+ $only_unresolved2 = " ";
+ if ($this->commentType == 1) $only_unresolved = " AND ocena <= 1 ";
+ if ($this->commentType == 1) $only_unresolved2 = " AND text2 <= 1 ";
+ if ($this->commentType == 2) $only_unresolved = " AND ocena = 0 ";
+ if ($this->commentType == 2) $only_unresolved2 = " AND text2 = 0 ";
+ if ($this->commentType == 3) $only_unresolved = " AND ocena = 1 ";
+ if ($this->commentType == 3) $only_unresolved2 = " AND text2 = 1 ";
+ if ($this->commentType == 4) $only_unresolved = " AND ocena = 2 ";
+ if ($this->commentType == 4) $only_unresolved2 = " AND text2 = 2 ";
+ if ($this->commentType == 5) $only_unresolved = " AND ocena = 3 ";
+ if ($this->commentType == 5) $only_unresolved2 = " AND text2 = 3 ";
+ $tema_vsebuje = substr($lang['srv_forum_intro'],0,10); // da ne prikazujemo 1. default sporocila
+ if ($admin_type <= $question_comment_viewadminonly) { // vidi vse komentarje
+ $sqlt = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM post WHERE vsebina NOT LIKE '%{$tema_vsebuje}%' AND tid='$tid' $only_unresolved ORDER BY time $orderby, id $orderby");
+ } elseif ($question_comment_viewauthor==1) { // vidi samo svoje komentarje
+ $sqlt = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM post WHERE vsebina NOT LIKE '%{$tema_vsebuje}%' AND tid='$tid' $only_unresolved AND uid='$global_user_id' ORDER BY time $orderby, id $orderby");
+ } else { // ne vidi nobenih komentarjev
+ $sqlt = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM post WHERE 1=0");
+ }
+ $sql2 = sisplet_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM srv_data_text".$this->db_table." WHERE spr_id='0' AND vre_id='$row[id]' $only_unresolved2");
+ $row2 = mysqli_fetch_array($sql2);
+ if ( mysqli_num_rows($sqlt) > 0 || $row2['count'] > 0 || $row1['note'] != '') {
+ $c++;
+ $this->outputVprasanje($row, null);
+ $this->outputSpremenljivke($row);
+ if ($admin_type <= $question_note_view || $question_note_view == '') {
+ if ($row1['note'] != '') {
+ $this->rtf->add_text($this->rtf->bold(1).$this->enkaEncode($lang['hour_comment']).$this->rtf->bold(0));
+ $this->rtf->new_line(1);
+ $this->rtf->add_text($this->enkaEncode($row1['note']));
+ $this->rtf->new_line(1);
+ }
+ }
+ // komentarji na vprasanje
+ if ($row1['thread'] > 0) {
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($sqlt) > 0) {
+ $this->rtf->add_text($this->rtf->bold(1).$this->enkaEncode($lang['srv_admin_comment']).$this->rtf->bold(0));
+ $this->rtf->new_line(2);
+ $i = 0;
+ while ($rowt = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlt)) {
+ $this->rtf->add_text($this->rtf->bold(1).$this->enkaEncode($f->user($rowt['uid'])).$this->rtf->bold(0).$this->enkaEncode(' ('.$f->datetime1($rowt['time']).'):'));
+ $this->rtf->new_line(1);
+ // Popravimo vsebino ce imamo replike
+ $vsebina = iconv("iso-8859-2", "UTF-8", $rowt['vsebina']);
+ $odgovori = explode("<blockquote style=\"margin-left:20px\">", $vsebina);
+ $this->rtf->add_text($this->enkaEncode($odgovori[0]));
+ $this->rtf->new_line(2);
+ unset($odgovori[0]);
+ foreach($odgovori as $odgovor){
+ $odgovor = explode('<br />', $odgovor);
+ $avtor = explode('</b> ', $odgovor[0]);
+ $this->rtf->add_text(' \tab '.$this->rtf->bold(1).$this->enkaEncode($avtor[0]).$this->rtf->bold(0).$this->enkaEncode($avtor[1]));
+ $this->rtf->new_line(1);
+ $this->rtf->add_text(' \tab '.$this->enkaEncode($odgovor[1]));
+ $this->rtf->new_line(2);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // komentarji respondentov
+ if ($row2['count'] > 0) {
+ if ($admin_type <= $question_resp_comment_viewadminonly) {
+ $this->rtf->add_text($this->rtf->bold(1).$this->enkaEncode($lang['srv_repondent_comment']).$this->rtf->bold(0));
+ $this->rtf->new_line(2);
+ if ($this->commentType == 1) $only_unresolved = " AND d.text2 <= 1 "; else $only_unresolved = " ";
+ $sqlt = sisplet_query("SELECT d.*, u.time_edit FROM srv_data_text".$this->db_table." d, srv_user u WHERE d.spr_id='0' AND d.vre_id='$row[id]' AND $only_unresolved2 ORDER BY ASC");
+ if (!$sqlt) echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ while ($rowt = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlt)) {
+ $this->rtf->add_text($this->enkaEncode($f->datetime1($rowt['time_edit']).':'));
+ $this->rtf->new_line(1);
+ $this->rtf->add_text($this->enkaEncode($rowt['text']));
+ $this->rtf->new_line(2);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $this->rtf->new_line(2);
+ }
+ }
+ /*if ($c == 0) {
+ //echo $lang['srv_no_comments_solved'].'<br/>';
+ }*/
+ }
+ else {
+ //echo $lang['srv_no_comments'].'<br/>';
+ }
+ }
+ // Izpis skrcenih vprasanj - v eni vrstici
+ function outputVprasanjeCollapsed($spremenljivke, $zaporedna){
+ global $lang;
+ $b = new Branching($this->anketa['id']);
+ $sqlIf = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_branching WHERE element_spr='$spremenljivke[id]'");
+ $rowIf = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlIf);
+ // Zamik zaradi ifov
+ $zamik = ( $b->level($spremenljivke['id'],0) > 0 ? (($b->level($spremenljivke['id'],0)-1)) : 0 );
+ for($i=0; $i<$zamik; $i++){
+ $this->rtf->add_text('\tab');
+ }
+ $rowl = $this->srv_language_spremenljivka($spremenljivke);
+ if (strip_tags($rowl['naslov']) != '') $spremenljivke['naslov'] = $rowl['naslov'];
+ //izpis if-ov pri vprasanju
+ if(/*$this->showIf == 1*/ true){
+ if ($rowIf['parent'] > 0){
+ $rowb = Cache::srv_if($rowIf['parent']);
+ if ($rowb['tip'] == 0){
+ $this->displayIf($rowIf['parent']);
+ $this->rtf->new_line(1);
+ $zamik ++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for($i=0; $i<$zamik; $i++){
+ $this->rtf->add_text('\tab');
+ }
+ // stevilcenje vprasanj
+ $numberingText = '('.$spremenljivke['variable'].') ';
+ $this->rtf->add_text($this->rtf->color(11).$numberingText.$this->rtf->color(0));
+ $this->rtf->add_text($this->enkaEncode($spremenljivke['naslov']));
+ $this->rtf->add_text($this->rtf->color(15).$this->enkaEncode(' ( '.$lang['srv_vprasanje_tip_long_'.$spremenljivke['tip']].' )').$this->rtf->color(0));
+ $this->rtf->new_line(1);
+ // izpis pagebreaka
+ if($b->pagebreak($spremenljivke['id'])){
+ /*$this->currentStyle = array('width' => 0.2, 'cap' => 'butt', 'join' => 'miter', 'dash' => '2,2', 'color' => array(128, 128, 128));
+ $cy = $this->pdf->getY()+3;
+ $this->pdf->Line(15, $cy , 195, $cy , $this->currentStyle);*/
+ $this->rtf->new_line(1);
+ $this->rtf->TextCell('', array('width' => 9200, 'height' => 0,
+ 'align' => 'center', 'valign' => 'middle' , 'border' => 'top',
+ 'colorF' => "0", 'colorB' => "0" ) );
+ }
+ }
+ function outputVprasanje($spremenljivke, $zaporedna){
+ $rowl = $this->srv_language_spremenljivka($spremenljivke);
+ if (strip_tags($rowl['naslov']) != '') $spremenljivke['naslov'] = $rowl['naslov'];
+ if (strip_tags($rowl['info']) != '') $spremenljivke['info'] = $rowl['info'];
+ //izpis if-ov pri vprasanju
+ if($this->showIf == 1){
+ /*$sqlIf = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_branching WHERE element_spr='$spremenljivke[id]'");
+ $rowIf = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlIf);
+ if ($rowIf['parent'] > 0){
+ $rowb = Cache::srv_if($rowIf['parent']);
+ if ($rowb['tip'] == 0){
+ $this->displayIf($rowIf['parent']);
+ $this->rtf->new_line(1);
+ }
+ }*/
+ // Po novem izpisemo pred vsakim vprasanjem vse ife znotraj katerih se nahaja
+ $b = new Branching($this->anketa['id']);
+ $parents = $b->get_parents($spremenljivke['id']);
+ $parents = explode('p_', $parents);
+ foreach ($parents AS $key => $val) {
+ if ( is_numeric(trim($val)) ) {
+ $parents[$key] = (int)$val;
+ } else {
+ unset($parents[$key]);
+ }
+ }
+ foreach ($parents AS $if) {
+ $this->displayIf($if);
+ $this->rtf->new_line(1);
+ }
+ }
+ // stevilcenje vprasanj
+ $numberingText = ($this->numbering == 1) ? $spremenljivke['variable'].' - ' : '';
+ // pretvorimo html v rtf
+ $text = $this->rtf->HTMLtoRTF($numberingText . $spremenljivke['naslov']);
+ $this->rtf->add_text($this->rtf->bold(1).$this->enkaEncode($text).$this->rtf->bold(0));
+ if($spremenljivke['orientation']!=0){ //ce ni vodoravno ob vprasanju, pejdi v novo vrstico
+ // Izpisemo opombo, ce jo imamo
+ if($spremenljivke['info'] != ''){
+ $this->rtf->new_line(1);
+ $this->rtf->set_font_size($this->font-2);
+ $this->rtf->add_text($this->rtf->color(15).$this->enkaEncode($spremenljivke['info']).$this->rtf->color(0));
+ $this->rtf->set_font_size($this->font);
+ }
+ //$this->rtf->add_text($numberingText . $this->enkaEncode($spremenljivke['naslov']));
+ $this->rtf->new_line(1);
+ }
+ }
+ function outputSpremenljivke($spremenljivke)
+ {
+ global $lang;
+ switch ( $spremenljivke['tip'] )
+ {
+ case 1: //radio
+ case 2: //check
+ case 3: //select -> radio
+ if($spremenljivke['orientation']!=0){ //ce ni vodoravno ob vprasanju, pejdi v novo vrstico
+ $this->rtf->new_line(1);
+ }
+ // iz baze preberemo vse moznosti
+ $sqlVrednosti = sisplet_query("SELECT id, naslov, naslov2, variable FROM srv_vrednost WHERE spr_id='".$spremenljivke['id']."' ORDER BY vrstni_red");
+ //ce imamo prikaz v vec stoplcih
+ $spremenljivkaParams = new enkaParameters($spremenljivke['params']);
+ $stolpci = ($spremenljivkaParams->get('stolpci') ? $spremenljivkaParams->get('stolpci') : 1);
+ $checkbox_limit = ($spremenljivkaParams->get('checkbox_limit') ? $spremenljivkaParams->get('checkbox_limit') : 0);
+ if ($stolpci > 1 && $spremenljivke['orientation']==1) {
+ //echo '<div style="float:left; width:'.(100/$stolpci).'%">';
+ $kategorij = mysqli_num_rows($sqlVrednosti);
+ $v_stolpcu = ceil($kategorij / $stolpci);
+ $width = round(10000 / $stolpci);
+ $this->rtf->MyRTF .= "{\par";
+ $tableHeader = '\trowd\trql\trrh400';
+ }
+ $count = 0;
+ $table = '';
+ $tableEnd = '';
+ $SeznamTable = array();
+ $SeznamBorders = array();
+ $PredefinedSeznamBorders = array();
+ $PredefinedSeznamBorders[0] = array('top', 'left', 'right');
+ $PredefinedSeznamBorders[1] = array('left', 'right');
+ $PredefinedSeznamBorders[2] = array('right', 'left', 'bottom');
+ $AllBorders = array('top', 'left', 'right', 'bottom');
+ if($spremenljivke['orientation']!=10)
+ { //ce ni image hot spot
+ while ($rowVrednost = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlVrednosti))
+ {
+ //popravimo lokacijo ce imamo postavitev v vec stolpcih
+ if ( ($stolpci > 1) && ($spremenljivke['orientation']==1) && ($count % $v_stolpcu == 0) ) {
+ $yPos = floor($count / $v_stolpcu) + 1;
+ $table .= '\clvertalc\cellx'.( $yPos * $width );
+ $tableEnd .= '\pard\intbl ';
+ }
+ # po potrebi prevedemo naslov
+ $naslov = $this->srv_language_vrednost($rowVrednost['id']);
+ if ($naslov != '') {
+ $rowVrednost['naslov'] = $naslov;
+ }
+ $stringTitle = $this->enkaEncode( ( $rowVrednost['naslov'] ) ? $rowVrednost['naslov'] : ( ( $rowVrednost['naslov2'] ) ? $rowVrednost['naslov2'] : $rowVrednost['variable'] ) );
+ if($spremenljivke['orientation']==1){ //navpicno
+ if( isset($userAnswer[$rowVrednost['id']]) ){
+ if(($stolpci > 1) && ($spremenljivke['orientation']==1))
+ $tableEnd .= $this->rtf->ImageToString( ( ( $spremenljivke['tip'] == 2 ) ? "checkbox2.png" : "radio2.png"), "15");
+ else
+ $this->rtf->MyRTF .= $this->rtf->ImageToString( ( ( $spremenljivke['tip'] == 2 ) ? "checkbox2.png" : "radio2.png"), "15");
+ }
+ else{
+ if(($stolpci > 1) && ($spremenljivke['orientation']==1))
+ $tableEnd .= $this->rtf->ImageToString( ( ( $spremenljivke['tip'] == 2 ) ? "checkbox.png" : "radio.png"), "15");
+ else
+ $this->rtf->MyRTF .= $this->rtf->ImageToString( ( ( $spremenljivke['tip'] == 2 ) ? "checkbox.png" : "radio.png"), "15");
+ }
+ if(($stolpci > 1) && ($spremenljivke['orientation']==1))
+ $tableEnd .= ' '.$stringTitle.'\\line\n';
+ else{
+ $this->rtf->add_text(" ".$stringTitle);
+ $this->rtf->new_line(1);
+ }
+ $count++;
+ if ( ($stolpci > 1) && ($spremenljivke['orientation']==1) && ($count % $v_stolpcu == 0 || $count == $kategorij) ) {
+ $tableEnd .= ' \ql\cell';
+ }
+ }elseif($spremenljivke['orientation']==7){ //navpicno - tekst levo
+ if(($stolpci > 1) && ($spremenljivke['orientation']==7))
+ $tableEnd .= ' '.$stringTitle.' ';
+ else{
+ $this->rtf->add_text(" ".$stringTitle. "\t");
+ }
+ if( isset($userAnswer[$rowVrednost['id']]) ){
+ if(($stolpci > 1) && ($spremenljivke['orientation']==7)){
+ $tableEnd .= $this->rtf->ImageToString( ( ( $spremenljivke['tip'] == 2 ) ? "checkbox2.png" : "radio2.png"), "15");
+ $tableEnd .= '\\line\n';
+ }
+ else
+ $this->rtf->MyRTF .= $this->rtf->ImageToString( ( ( $spremenljivke['tip'] == 2 ) ? "checkbox2.png" : "radio2.png"), "15");
+ }
+ else{
+ if(($stolpci > 1) && ($spremenljivke['orientation']==7)){
+ $tableEnd .= $this->rtf->ImageToString( ( ( $spremenljivke['tip'] == 2 ) ? "checkbox.png" : "radio.png"), "15");
+ $tableEnd .= '\\line\n';
+ }
+ else
+ $this->rtf->MyRTF .= $this->rtf->ImageToString( ( ( $spremenljivke['tip'] == 2 ) ? "checkbox.png" : "radio.png"), "15");
+ }
+ $count++;
+ if ( ($stolpci > 1) && ($spremenljivke['orientation']==7) && ($count % $v_stolpcu == 0 || $count == $kategorij) ) {
+ $tableEnd .= ' \ql\cell';
+ }else{
+ $this->rtf->new_line(1);
+ }
+ }elseif($spremenljivke['orientation']==0){ //vodoravno ob vprasanju
+ if( isset($userAnswer[$rowVrednost['id']]) ){
+ if(($stolpci > 1) && ($spremenljivke['orientation']==0))
+ $tableEnd .= $this->rtf->ImageToString( ( ( $spremenljivke['tip'] == 2 ) ? "checkbox2.png" : "radio2.png"), "15");
+ else
+ $this->rtf->MyRTF .= $this->rtf->ImageToString( ( ( $spremenljivke['tip'] == 2 ) ? "checkbox2.png" : "radio2.png"), "15");
+ }
+ else{
+ if(($stolpci > 1) && ($spremenljivke['orientation']==0))
+ $tableEnd .= $this->rtf->ImageToString( ( ( $spremenljivke['tip'] == 2 ) ? "checkbox.png" : "radio.png"), "15");
+ else
+ $this->rtf->MyRTF .= $this->rtf->ImageToString( ( ( $spremenljivke['tip'] == 2 ) ? "checkbox.png" : "radio.png"), "15");
+ }
+ if(($stolpci > 1) && ($spremenljivke['orientation']==0))
+ //$tableEnd .= ' '.$stringTitle.'\\line\n';
+ $tableEnd .= ' '.$stringTitle;
+ else{
+ $this->rtf->add_text(" ".$stringTitle);
+ //$this->rtf->new_line(1);
+ }
+ $count++;
+ if ( ($stolpci > 1) && ($spremenljivke['orientation']==0) && ($count % $v_stolpcu == 0 || $count == $kategorij) ) {
+ $tableEnd .= ' \ql\cell';
+ }
+ } elseif($spremenljivke['orientation']==2){ //vodoravno pod vprasanjem
+ if( isset($userAnswer[$rowVrednost['id']]) ){
+ if(($stolpci > 1) && ($spremenljivke['orientation']==2))
+ $tableEnd .= $this->rtf->ImageToString( ( ( $spremenljivke['tip'] == 2 ) ? "checkbox2.png" : "radio2.png"), "15");
+ else
+ $this->rtf->MyRTF .= $this->rtf->ImageToString( ( ( $spremenljivke['tip'] == 2 ) ? "checkbox2.png" : "radio2.png"), "15");
+ }
+ else{
+ if(($stolpci > 1) && ($spremenljivke['orientation']==2))
+ $tableEnd .= $this->rtf->ImageToString( ( ( $spremenljivke['tip'] == 2 ) ? "checkbox.png" : "radio.png"), "15");
+ else
+ $this->rtf->MyRTF .= $this->rtf->ImageToString( ( ( $spremenljivke['tip'] == 2 ) ? "checkbox.png" : "radio.png"), "15");
+ }
+ if(($stolpci > 1) && ($spremenljivke['orientation']==2))
+ //$tableEnd .= ' '.$stringTitle.'\\line\n';
+ $tableEnd .= ' '.$stringTitle;
+ else{
+ $this->rtf->add_text(" ".$stringTitle);
+ //$this->rtf->new_line(1);
+ }
+ $count++;
+ if ( ($stolpci > 1) && ($spremenljivke['orientation']==0) && ($count % $v_stolpcu == 0 || $count == $kategorij) ) {
+ $tableEnd .= ' \ql\cell';
+ }
+ }elseif($spremenljivke['orientation']==6){ //izberite s seznama
+ array_push( $SeznamTable, array($stringTitle) );
+ if($count == 0){
+ array_push( $SeznamBorders, $PredefinedSeznamBorders[0]);
+ }elseif($count != 0 && $count != (mysqli_num_rows($sqlVrednosti) - 1)){
+ array_push( $SeznamBorders, $PredefinedSeznamBorders[1]);
+ } elseif($count == (mysqli_num_rows($sqlVrednosti) - 1)){
+ array_push( $SeznamBorders, $PredefinedSeznamBorders[2]);
+ }
+ $count++;
+ }elseif($spremenljivke['orientation']==8){ //povleci-spusti
+ array_push( $SeznamTable, array($stringTitle) );
+ if($count == 0){
+ array_push( $SeznamBorders, $PredefinedSeznamBorders[0]);
+ }elseif($count != 0 && $count != (mysqli_num_rows($sqlVrednosti) - 1)){
+ array_push( $SeznamBorders, $PredefinedSeznamBorders[1]);
+ } elseif($count == (mysqli_num_rows($sqlVrednosti) - 1)){
+ array_push( $SeznamBorders, $PredefinedSeznamBorders[2]);
+ }
+ $count++;
+ }else{
+ if( isset($userAnswer[$rowVrednost['id']]) ){
+ if(($stolpci > 1) && ($spremenljivke['orientation']==1))
+ $tableEnd .= $this->rtf->ImageToString( ( ( $spremenljivke['tip'] == 2 ) ? "checkbox2.png" : "radio2.png"), "15");
+ else
+ $this->rtf->MyRTF .= $this->rtf->ImageToString( ( ( $spremenljivke['tip'] == 2 ) ? "checkbox2.png" : "radio2.png"), "15");
+ }
+ else{
+ if(($stolpci > 1) && ($spremenljivke['orientation']==1))
+ $tableEnd .= $this->rtf->ImageToString( ( ( $spremenljivke['tip'] == 2 ) ? "checkbox.png" : "radio.png"), "15");
+ else
+ $this->rtf->MyRTF .= $this->rtf->ImageToString( ( ( $spremenljivke['tip'] == 2 ) ? "checkbox.png" : "radio.png"), "15");
+ }
+ if(($stolpci > 1) && ($spremenljivke['orientation']==1))
+ $tableEnd .= ' '.$stringTitle.'\\line\n';
+ else{
+ $this->rtf->add_text(" ".$stringTitle);
+ $this->rtf->new_line(1);
+ }
+ $count++;
+ if ( ($stolpci > 1) && ($spremenljivke['orientation']==1) && ($count % $v_stolpcu == 0 || $count == $kategorij) ) {
+ $tableEnd .= ' \ql\cell';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if($spremenljivke['orientation']==6){ //izberite s seznama
+ $this->rtf->TableFromArraySelect( array( 4750, 4750 ), $SeznamTable, $SeznamBorders, mysqli_num_rows($sqlVrednosti));
+ }
+ if($spremenljivke['orientation']==8){ //povleci-spusti
+ //$this->rtf->TableFromArrayDragDrop( array( 4750, 4750 ), $SeznamTable, $SeznamBorders, mysqli_num_rows($sqlVrednosti));
+ $this->rtf->TableFromArrayDragDrop( array( 3000, 3000 ), $SeznamTable, $SeznamBorders, mysqli_num_rows($sqlVrednosti));
+ }
+ if($spremenljivke['orientation']==10)//image hot spot
+ {
+ $odgovor = "Image hot spot";
+ $this->rtf->TextCell($odgovor, array('width' => 6500, 'height' => 5, 'border' => array('top','bottom', 'left','right') ) );
+ $this->rtf->new_line(1);
+ }
+ if ($stolpci > 1 && $spremenljivke['orientation'] == 1) {
+ $tableEnd .= '\pard\intbl\row';
+ $this->rtf->MyRTF .= $this->rtf->enkaEncode($tableHeader.$table.$tableEnd);
+ $this->rtf->MyRTF .= "}";
+ }
+ if($spremenljivke['orientation']==0){ //ce je vodoravno ob vprasanju, pride opomba na koncu
+ // Izpisemo opombo, ce jo imamo
+ if($spremenljivke['info'] != ''){
+ $this->rtf->new_line(1);
+ $this->rtf->set_font_size($this->font-2);
+ $this->rtf->add_text($this->rtf->color(15).$this->enkaEncode($spremenljivke['info']).$this->rtf->color(0));
+ $this->rtf->set_font_size($this->font);
+ }
+ //$this->rtf->add_text($numberingText . $this->enkaEncode($spremenljivke['naslov']));
+ $this->rtf->new_line(1);
+ }
+ $this->rtf->new_line(1);
+ break;
+ case 6: // multigrid
+ case 16: // multicheckbox
+ case 19: // multitext
+ case 20: // multinumber
+ //izris dvojnega multigrida
+ if($spremenljivke['enota'] == 3){
+ $this->displayDoubleGrid($spremenljivke);
+ break;
+ }
+ if($spremenljivke['enota']!=10){ //ce ni image hot spot
+ //za izberite s seznama in povleci-spusti
+ if($spremenljivke['enota'] == 6)
+ {
+ $headerTitles = array();
+ $stringCellTitles = array();
+ }elseif($spremenljivke['enota'] == 9)
+ {
+ $headerTitles = array();
+ //$headerTitles = array($lang['srv_drag_drop_answers'].": ");
+ $stringCellTitles = array();
+ //$stringCellTitles = array($lang['srv_ranking_avaliable_categories'].": ");
+ $odgovor = "Drag and drop";
+ $this->rtf->TextCell($odgovor, array('width' => 7000, 'height' => 1, 'border' => array('top','bottom', 'left','right') ) );
+ $this->rtf->new_line(1);
+ $this->rtf->TextCells($this->enkaEncode($lang['srv_ranking_avaliable_categories']), $lang['srv_drag_drop_answers']);
+ }
+ //za izberite s seznama in povleci-spusti - konec
+ $this->rtf->MyRTF .= "{\\par\\fs22";
+ $sqlStVrednosti = sisplet_query("SELECT count(*) AS count FROM srv_grid WHERE spr_id='".$spremenljivke['id']."' ORDER BY id");
+ $rowStVrednost = mysqli_fetch_row($sqlStVrednosti);
+ $defw_full = 10500;
+ if($rowStVrednost[0] < 6 && ($spremenljivke['tip'] != 6 || $spremenljivke['enota'] != 1)){
+ $defw_fc = 4300; // first cell width
+ }
+ else{
+ $defw_fc = 2000; // first cell width
+ }
+ $kolon = $rowStVrednost[0]+1;
+ // Ce imamo diferencial
+ if($spremenljivke['tip'] == 6 && $spremenljivke['enota'] == 1)
+ $w_oc = ( $defw_full - (2*$defw_fc) ) / $kolon;
+ else
+ $w_oc = ( $defw_full - $defw_fc ) / $kolon;
+ $defw_max = floor($w_oc);
+ $tableHeader_base = "\\trowd\\trhdr\\trgaph20\\trleft0\\trrh162";
+ $tableHeader_width = "\\cellx".$defw_fc;
+ $tableHeader_title = "\\pard\\intbl\\qc{}\\cell";
+ $tableHeader_finish = "\\pard\\intbl\\row";
+ $sqlVsehVrednsti = sisplet_query("SELECT naslov, id, variable FROM srv_grid WHERE spr_id='".$spremenljivke['id']."' ORDER BY vrstni_red");
+ $rowCnt = 0;
+ while ($rowVsehVrednosti = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlVsehVrednsti))
+ {
+ $rowCnt++;
+ $tableHeader_width .= "\\cellx". ( $rowCnt * $defw_max + $defw_fc );
+ # priredimo naslov če prevajamo anketo
+ $naslov = $this->srv_language_grid($spremenljivke['id'], $rowVsehVrednosti['id']);
+ if ($naslov != '') {
+ $rowVsehVrednosti['naslov'] = $naslov;
+ }
+ // če ni naslova vzamemo variable
+ $stringHeader_title = $this->enkaEncode( ( $rowVsehVrednosti['naslov'] ) ? $rowVsehVrednosti['naslov'] : $rowVsehVrednosti['variable'] );
+ $tableHeader_title .= "\\pard\\intbl\\qc{".$this->enkaEncode($stringHeader_title)."}\\cell";
+ if($spremenljivke['enota'] == 6 || $spremenljivke['enota'] == 9)
+ {
+ array_push($headerTitles, $this->enkaEncode($stringHeader_title));
+ }
+ }
+ if($spremenljivke['enota'] != 6 && $spremenljivke['enota'] != 9)
+ {
+ // izpišemo header celice
+ $this->rtf->MyRTF .= $this->rtf->enkaEncode($tableHeader_base.$tableHeader_width.$tableHeader_title.$tableHeader_finish);
+ }
+ // loopamo skozi vrstice in pripravimo podatke za tabelo z radii
+ $row_count = 1;
+ $sqlVrednosti = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_vrednost WHERE spr_id='".$spremenljivke['id']."' ORDER BY vrstni_red");
+ while ($rowVrednost = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlVrednosti)){
+ $i=1;
+ // barva vrstice
+ $row_color = ($row_count%2 == 1) ? '\\clcbpat18' : '';
+ # po potrebi prevedemo naslov
+ $naslov = $this->srv_language_vrednost($rowVrednost['id']);
+ if ($naslov != '') {
+ $rowVrednost['naslov'] = $naslov;
+ }
+ // če ni naslova vzamemo naslov2, če ne pa variable
+ $stringCell_title = $this->enkaEncode( ( $rowVrednost['naslov'] ) ? $rowVrednost['naslov'] : ( ( $rowVrednost['naslov2'] ) ? $rowVrednost['naslov2'] : $rowVrednost['variable'] ) );
+ $tableHeader_base = "\\trowd\\trgaph12\\trleft0\\trrh262";
+ if($spremenljivke['enota'] == 9) //povleci-spusti
+ {
+ $tableHeader_width = "\\cellx".$defw_fc;
+ }else
+ {
+ $tableHeader_width = $row_color."\\cellx".$defw_fc;
+ }
+ $tableHeader_title = "\\pard\\intbl\\ql\cf0 ".$this->enkaEncode($stringCell_title)."\\cf0\\cell";
+ $tableHeader_finish = "\\pard\\intbl\\row";
+ if($spremenljivke['enota'] == 6 && $spremenljivke['enota'] == 9)
+ {
+ array_push($stringCellTitles, $tableHeader_title);
+ }
+ $sqlVsehVrednsti = sisplet_query("SELECT id FROM srv_grid WHERE spr_id='".$spremenljivke['id']."' ORDER BY vrstni_red");
+ while ($rowVsehVrednosti = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlVsehVrednsti)){
+ $full = false;
+ if($spremenljivke['tip'] == 6 && ($spremenljivke['enota'] != 6 && $spremenljivke['enota'] != 9) )
+ {
+ $tableHeader_width .= "\clvertalc".$row_color."\\cellx". ( $i * $defw_max + $defw_fc );
+ if($full)
+ $tableHeader_title .= "\\pard\\intbl\\qc{". $this->rtf->ImageToString("radio2.png", "15")."}\\cell";
+ else
+ $tableHeader_title .= "\\pard\\intbl\\qc{". $this->rtf->ImageToString("radio.png", "15")."}\\cell";
+ }
+ elseif($spremenljivke['tip'] == 16 && ($spremenljivke['enota'] != 6 && $spremenljivke['enota'] != 9) )
+ {
+ $tableHeader_width .= "\clvertalc".$row_color."\\cellx". ( $i * $defw_max + $defw_fc );
+ if($full)
+ $tableHeader_title .= "\\pard\\intbl\\qc{". $this->rtf->ImageToString("checkbox2.png", "15")."}\\cell";
+ else
+ $tableHeader_title .= "\\pard\\intbl\\qc{". $this->rtf->ImageToString("checkbox.png", "15")."}\\cell";
+ }
+ //else{
+ elseif($spremenljivke['enota'] != 6 && $spremenljivke['enota'] != 9)
+ {
+ $tableHeader_width .= "\clbrdrt\brdrs\brdrw10\clbrdrl\brdrs\brdrw10\clbrdrb\brdrs\brdrw10\clbrdrr\brdrs\brdrw10".$row_color."\\cellx". ( $i * $defw_max + $defw_fc );
+ $tableHeader_width .= '\clbrdrt\brdrs\brdrw10\clbrdrl\brdrs\brdrw10\clbrdrb\brdrs\brdrw10\clbrdrr\brdrs\brdrw10';
+ $tableHeader_title .= '\\pard\\intbl'.$this->rtf->color(12).' '.$this->rtf->color(0).'\qc{}\\cell';
+ }elseif($spremenljivke['enota'] == 6) //izberite s seznama
+ {
+ if($i == 1)
+ {
+ $odgovoriSeznam = implode("\\line ", $headerTitles); //vsako vrednost iz polja dej v string vsaka v svojo vrstico
+ //$tableHeader_width .= "\clbrdrt\brdrs\brdrw10\clbrdrl\brdrs\brdrw10\clbrdrb\brdrs\brdrw10\clbrdrr\brdrs\brdrw10".$row_color."\\cellx7000";
+ $tableHeader_width .= "\clbrdrt\brdrs\brdrw10\clbrdrl\brdrs\brdrw10\clbrdrb\brdrs\brdrw10\clbrdrr\brdrs\brdrw10\\cellx7000";
+ $tableHeader_title .= '\\pard\\intbl'.$this->rtf->color(12).' '.$this->rtf->color(0).'\qc{'.$odgovoriSeznam.'}\\cell';
+ }
+ }elseif($spremenljivke['enota'] == 9) //povleci-spusti
+ {
+ if($i == 1 && $row_count == 1)
+ {
+ $odgovoriSeznam = implode("\\line ", $headerTitles); //vsako vrednost iz polja dej v string vsaka v svojo vrstico
+ //$tableHeader_width .= "\clbrdrt\brdrs\brdrw10\clbrdrl\brdrs\brdrw10\clbrdrb\brdrs\brdrw10\clbrdrr\brdrs\brdrw10".$row_color."\\cellx7000";
+ //$tableHeader_width .= "\clbrdrt".$row_color."\\cellx7000";
+ $tableHeader_width .= "\clbrdrt\\cellx7000";
+ $tableHeader_title .= '\\pard\\intbl'.$this->rtf->color(12).' '.$this->rtf->color(0).'\qc{'.$odgovoriSeznam.'}\\cell';
+ }
+ }
+ $i++;
+ }
+ // Ce imamo diferencial
+ if($spremenljivke['tip'] == 6 && $spremenljivke['enota'] == 1){
+ $stringCell_title2 = $this->enkaEncode($rowVrednost['naslov2']);
+ $tableHeader_width .= $row_color."\\cellx".( ($i-1) * $defw_max + 2*$defw_fc );
+ $tableHeader_title .= "\\pard\\intbl\\ql\cf0 ".$this->enkaEncode($stringCell_title2)."\\cf0\\cell";
+ }
+ $row_count++;
+ $this->rtf->MyRTF .= $this->rtf->enkaEncode($tableHeader_base.$tableHeader_width.$tableHeader_title.$tableHeader_finish);
+ }
+ $this->rtf->MyRTF .= "}";
+ }
+ if($spremenljivke['enota']==10)//image hot spot
+ {
+ $odgovor = "Image hot spot";
+ $this->rtf->TextCell($odgovor, array('width' => 6500, 'height' => 5, 'border' => array('top','bottom', 'left','right') ) );
+ $this->rtf->new_line(1);
+ }
+/* if($spremenljivke['enota']==9){ //povleci-spusti
+ //$this->rtf->TableFromArrayDragDrop( array( 4750, 4750 ), $SeznamTable, $SeznamBorders, mysqli_num_rows($sqlVrednosti));
+ //$this->rtf->TableFromArrayDragDropGrid( array( 3000, 3000 ), $odgovoriSeznam, $SeznamBorders, mysqli_num_rows($sqlVrednosti));
+ if(mysqli_num_rows($sqlVsehVrednsti) > mysqli_num_rows($sqlVrednosti))
+ {
+ $numOfRows = mysqli_num_rows($sqlVsehVrednsti);
+ }else
+ {
+ $numOfRows = mysqli_num_rows($sqlVrednosti);
+ }
+ $this->rtf->TableFromArrayDragDropGrid( array( 3000, 3000 ), $stringCellTitles, $numOfRows);
+ } */
+ $this->rtf->new_line(1);
+ break;
+ case 24: // mesan multigrid
+ $this->displayGridMultiple($spremenljivke);
+ break;
+ case 4: //text
+ $this->rtf->TextCell("", array('width' => 9500, 'height' => 3, 'border' => array('top','bottom', 'left','right') ) );
+ $this->rtf->new_line(1);
+ break;
+ case 21: //besedilo*
+ $this->rtf->new_line(1);
+ $list = array();
+ $this->rtf->MyRTF .= "{\par";
+ $defw_full = 9500;
+ $defw_part = round($defw_full / $spremenljivke['text_kosov']);
+ $tableHeader = '\trowd\trql\trrh800';
+ $podnapisi = '\trowd\trql';
+ // iz baze preberemo vse moznosti
+ $sqlVrednosti = sisplet_query("SELECT id, naslov, naslov2, variable FROM srv_vrednost WHERE spr_id='".$spremenljivke['id']."' ORDER BY vrstni_red");
+ for($i=0; $i<$spremenljivke['text_kosov']; $i++){
+ $rowVrednost = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlVrednosti);
+ # po potrebi prevedemo naslov
+ $naslov = $this->srv_language_vrednost($rowVrednost['id']);
+ if ($naslov != '') {
+ $rowVrednost['naslov'] = $naslov;
+ }
+ $stringTitle = $this->enkaEncode( ( $rowVrednost['naslov'] ) ? $rowVrednost['naslov'] : ( ( $rowVrednost['naslov2'] ) ? $rowVrednost['naslov2'] : $rowVrednost['variable'] ) );
+ $list[] = $stringTitle;
+ if($spremenljivke['text_orientation'] == 1){
+ $table .= '\cellx'.( $i * $defw_part + 1000).'\clbrdrt\brdrs\brdrw10\clbrdrl\brdrs\brdrw10\clbrdrb\brdrs\brdrw10\clbrdrr\brdrs\brdrw10\cellx'.( ($i+1) * $defw_part);
+ $tableEnd .= '\pard\intbl '.$this->enkaEncode($stringTitle).'\qc\cell\pard\intbl'.$this->rtf->color(12).' '.$userAnswer['text'].$this->rtf->color(0).'\cell';
+ }
+ else{
+ $table .= '\clbrdrt\brdrs\brdrw10\clbrdrl\brdrs\brdrw10\clbrdrb\brdrs\brdrw10\clbrdrr\brdrs\brdrw10\cellx'.( ($i+1) * $defw_part );
+ $tableEnd .= '\pard\intbl'.$this->rtf->color(12).' '.$userAnswer['text'].$this->rtf->color(0).'\cell';
+ }
+ if($spremenljivke['text_orientation'] == 2){
+ $podnapisi .= '\cellx'.( ($i+1) * $defw_part ).'';
+ $podnapisiEnd .= '\pard\intbl '.$this->enkaEncode($stringTitle).'\qc\cell';
+ }
+ }
+ $tableEnd .= '\pard\intbl\row';
+ $podnapisiEnd .= '\pard\intbl\row';
+ $this->rtf->MyRTF .= $this->rtf->enkaEncode($tableHeader.$table.$tableEnd.($spremenljivke['text_orientation'] == 2 ? $podnapisi.$podnapisiEnd : ''));
+ $this->rtf->MyRTF .= "}";
+ $this->rtf->new_line(1);
+ // Izris polj drugo - ne vem...
+ $sqlVrednost = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_vrednost WHERE spr_id='".$spremenljivke['id']."' and other!='0' order BY vrstni_red");
+ while($rowVrednost = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlVrednost)) {
+ # po potrebi prevedemo naslov
+ $naslov = $this->srv_language_vrednost($rowVrednost['id']);
+ if ($naslov != '') {
+ $rowVrednost['naslov'] = $naslov;
+ }
+ $this->rtf->MyRTF .= $this->rtf->ImageToString("checkbox.png", "15").' '.$this->rtf->enkaEncode($rowVrednost['naslov']);
+ $this->rtf->new_line(1);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 5: //label
+ $this->rtf->new_line(2);
+ break;
+ case 7: //number
+ $this->rtf->new_line(1);
+ $list = array();
+ $this->rtf->MyRTF .= "{\par";
+ // iz baze preberemo vse moznosti
+ $sqlVrednosti = sisplet_query("SELECT id, naslov, naslov2, variable FROM srv_vrednost WHERE spr_id='".$spremenljivke['id']."' ORDER BY vrstni_red");
+ $rowVrednost = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlVrednosti);
+ # po potrebi prevedemo naslov
+ $naslov = $this->srv_language_vrednost($rowVrednost['id']);
+ if ($naslov != '') {
+ $rowVrednost['naslov'] = $naslov;
+ }
+ $stringTitle = $this->enkaEncode( ( $rowVrednost['naslov'] ) ? $rowVrednost['naslov'] : ( ( $rowVrednost['naslov2'] ) ? $rowVrednost['naslov2'] : $rowVrednost['variable'] ) );
+ $list[] = $stringTitle;
+ if($spremenljivke['size'] == 1) {
+ if ($spremenljivke['enota'] == 1) {
+ #enota na levi
+ $table = '\trowd\trql\cellx1500\clbrdrt\brdrs\brdrw10\clbrdrl\brdrs\brdrw10\clbrdrb\brdrs\brdrw10\clbrdrr\brdrs\brdrw10\cellx3000'
+ .'\qc\pard\intbl '.($this->snippet($this->enkaEncode($stringTitle),20,'...') )
+ .'\qc\cell\pard\intbl '.$this->rtf->color(12).' '.$this->rtf->color(0)
+ .'\qc\cell\pard\intbl\row';
+ } elseif ($spremenljivke['enota'] == 2) {
+ #enota na desni
+ $table = '\trowd\trql\clbrdrt\brdrs\brdrw10\clbrdrl\brdrs\brdrw10\clbrdrb\brdrs\brdrw10\clbrdrr\brdrs\brdrw10\cellx1500\cellx3000';
+ $table .= '\qc\pard \intbl '.$this->rtf->color(12).' '.$this->rtf->color(0)
+ .'\qc\cell \pard \intbl '.($this->snippet($this->enkaEncode($stringTitle),20,'...') )
+ .'\qc\cell\pard\intbl\row';
+ } else {
+ #brez enote
+ $table = '\trowd\trql\cellx1500\clbrdrt\brdrs\brdrw10\clbrdrl\brdrs\brdrw10\clbrdrb\brdrs\brdrw10\clbrdrr\brdrs\brdrw10\cellx3000'
+ .'\qc\pard\intbl '.
+ '\qc\cell\pard\intbl '.$this->rtf->color(12).' '.$this->rtf->color(0)
+ .'\qc\cell\pard\intbl\row';
+ }
+ } else{
+ $rowVrednost = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlVrednosti);
+ # po potrebi prevedemo naslov
+ $naslov = $this->srv_language_vrednost($rowVrednost['id']);
+ if ($naslov != '') {
+ $rowVrednost['naslov'] = $naslov;
+ }
+ $stringTitle2 = $this->enkaEncode( ( $rowVrednost['naslov'] ) ? $rowVrednost['naslov'] : ( ( $rowVrednost['naslov2'] ) ? $rowVrednost['naslov2'] : $rowVrednost['variable'] ) );
+ if ($spremenljivke['enota'] == 1) {
+ #enota na levi
+ $table = '\trowd\trql\cellx1500\clbrdrt\brdrs\brdrw10\clbrdrl\brdrs\brdrw10\clbrdrb\brdrs\brdrw10\clbrdrr\brdrs\brdrw10\cellx3000\cellx4500\clbrdrt\brdrs\brdrw10\clbrdrl\brdrs\brdrw10\clbrdrb\brdrs\brdrw10\clbrdrr\brdrs\brdrw10\cellx6000';
+ $table .= '\qc\pard \intbl '.($this->snippet($this->enkaEncode($stringTitle),20,'...') )
+ .'\qc\cell \pard \intbl '.$this->rtf->color(12).' '.$this->rtf->color(0)
+ .'\qc\cell \pard \intbl '.($this->snippet($this->enkaEncode($stringTitle2),20,'...') )
+ .'\qc\cell \pard \intbl '.$this->rtf->color(12).' '.$this->rtf->color(0)
+ .'\qc\cell \pard \intbl \row';
+ } else if ($spremenljivke['enota'] == 2) {
+ #enota na desni
+ $table = '\trowd\trql\clbrdrt\brdrs\brdrw10\clbrdrl\brdrs\brdrw10\clbrdrb\brdrs\brdrw10\clbrdrr\brdrs\brdrw10\cellx1500\cellx3000\clbrdrt\brdrs\brdrw10\clbrdrl\brdrs\brdrw10\clbrdrb\brdrs\brdrw10\clbrdrr\brdrs\brdrw10\cellx4500\cellx6000';
+ $table .= '\qc\pard \intbl '.$this->rtf->color(12).' '.$this->rtf->color(0)
+ .'\qc\cell \pard \intbl '.($this->snippet($this->enkaEncode($stringTitle),20,'...') )
+ .'\qc\cell \pard \intbl '.$this->rtf->color(12).' '.$this->rtf->color(0)
+ .'\qc\cell \pard \intbl '.($this->snippet($this->enkaEncode($stringTitle2),20,'...') )
+ .'\qc\cell \pard \intbl \row';
+ } else {
+ #brez eneote
+ $table = '\trowd\trql\cellx1500\clbrdrt\brdrs\brdrw10\clbrdrl\brdrs\brdrw10\clbrdrb\brdrs\brdrw10\clbrdrr\brdrs\brdrw10\cellx3000\cellx4500\clbrdrt\brdrs\brdrw10\clbrdrl\brdrs\brdrw10\clbrdrb\brdrs\brdrw10\clbrdrr\brdrs\brdrw10\cellx6000';
+ $table .= '\qc\pard \intbl '
+ .'\qc\cell \pard \intbl '.$this->rtf->color(12).' '.$this->rtf->color(0)
+ .'\qc\cell \pard \intbl '
+ .'\qc\cell \pard \intbl '.$this->rtf->color(12).' '.$this->rtf->color(0)
+ .'\qc\cell \pard \intbl \row';
+ }
+ }
+ $this->rtf->MyRTF .= $this->rtf->enkaEncode($table);
+ $this->rtf->MyRTF .= "}";
+ $this->rtf->new_line(1);
+ // Izris polj drugo - ne vem...
+ $sqlVrednost = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_vrednost WHERE spr_id='".$spremenljivke['id']."' and other!='0' order BY vrstni_red");
+ while($rowVrednost = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlVrednost)) {
+ # po potrebi prevedemo naslov
+ $naslov = $this->srv_language_vrednost($rowVrednost['id']);
+ if ($naslov != '') {
+ $rowVrednost['naslov'] = $naslov;
+ }
+ $this->rtf->MyRTF .= $this->rtf->ImageToString("checkbox.png", "15").' '.$this->enkaEncode($rowVrednost['naslov']);
+ $this->rtf->new_line(1);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 8: //datum
+ $this->rtf->MyRTF .= $this->rtf->color(12);
+ $this->rtf->TextCell($this->enkaEncode($userAnswer['text']), array('width' => 2000, 'height' => 1, 'border' => array('top','bottom', 'left','right') ) );
+ $this->rtf->MyRTF .= $this->rtf->color(0);
+ $this->rtf->new_line(1);
+ // Izris polj drugo - ne vem...
+ $sqlVrednost = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_vrednost WHERE spr_id='".$spremenljivke['id']."' and other!='0' order BY vrstni_red");
+ while($rowVrednost = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlVrednost)) {
+ # po potrebi prevedemo naslov
+ $naslov = $this->srv_language_vrednost($rowVrednost['id']);
+ if ($naslov != '') {
+ $rowVrednost['naslov'] = $naslov;
+ }
+ $this->rtf->MyRTF .= $this->rtf->ImageToString("checkbox.png", "15").' '.$this->enkaEncode($rowVrednost['naslov']);
+ $this->rtf->new_line(1);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 18: //vsota
+ $this->rtf->new_line(1);
+ $list = array();
+ $this->rtf->MyRTF .= "{\par";
+ // iz baze preberemo vse moznosti
+ $sum = 0;
+ $sqlVrednosti = sisplet_query("SELECT id, naslov, naslov2, variable FROM srv_vrednost WHERE spr_id='".$spremenljivke['id']."' ORDER BY vrstni_red");
+ while ($rowVrednost = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlVrednosti)){
+ # po potrebi prevedemo naslov
+ $naslov = $this->srv_language_vrednost($rowVrednost['id']);
+ if ($naslov != '') {
+ $rowVrednost['naslov'] = $naslov;
+ }
+ $stringTitle = $this->enkaEncode( ( $rowVrednost['naslov'] ) ? $rowVrednost['naslov'] : ( ( $rowVrednost['naslov2'] ) ? $rowVrednost['naslov2'] : $rowVrednost['variable'] ) );
+ $list[] = $stringTitle;
+ $table .= '\trowd\trql\cellx5000\clbrdrt\brdrs\brdrw10\clbrdrl\brdrs\brdrw10\clbrdrb\brdrs\brdrw10\clbrdrr\brdrs\brdrw10\cellx5800\pard\intbl '.$this->snippet($this->enkaEncode($stringTitle),50,'...').'\~\~\qr\cell\pard\intbl'.$this->rtf->color(12).' '.$this->enkaEncode($rowAnswers['text']).$this->rtf->color(0).'\qc\cell\pard\intbl\row';
+ $sum += (int)$rowAnswers['text'];
+ }
+ $table .= '\trowd \trql\clbrdrb\brdrs\brdrw10\cellx6000\pard \intbl \cell \pard \intbl \row';
+ $table .= '\trowd \trql\cellx6000\pard \intbl \cell \pard \intbl \row';
+ $stringTitle = $spremenljivke['vsota'];
+ $table .= '\trowd \trql\cellx5000\clbrdrt\brdrs\brdrw10\clbrdrl\brdrs\brdrw10\clbrdrb\brdrs\brdrw10\clbrdrr\brdrs\brdrw10\cellx5800\pard \intbl '.$this->snippet($this->enkaEncode($stringTitle),50,'...').'\~\~\qr\cell \pard \intbl '.$sum.'\qc\cell \pard \intbl \row';
+ $this->rtf->MyRTF .= $this->rtf->enkaEncode($table);
+ $this->rtf->MyRTF .= "}";
+ $this->rtf->new_line(1);
+ break;
+ case 17: //ranking
+ $this->rtf->new_line(1);
+ $list = array();
+ $this->rtf->MyRTF .= "{\par";
+ // iz baze preberemo vse moznosti
+ $sqlVrednosti = sisplet_query("SELECT id, naslov, naslov2, variable FROM srv_vrednost WHERE spr_id='".$spremenljivke['id']."' ORDER BY vrstni_red");
+ while ($rowVrednost = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlVrednosti)){
+ # po potrebi prevedemo naslov
+ $naslov = $this->srv_language_vrednost($rowVrednost['id']);
+ if ($naslov != '') {
+ $rowVrednost['naslov'] = $naslov;
+ }
+ $stringTitle = $this->enkaEncode( ( $rowVrednost['naslov'] ) ? $rowVrednost['naslov'] : ( ( $rowVrednost['naslov2'] ) ? $rowVrednost['naslov2'] : $rowVrednost['variable'] ) );
+ $list[] = $stringTitle;
+ $table .= '\trowd \trql\cellx1500\clbrdrt\brdrs\brdrw10\clbrdrl\brdrs\brdrw10\clbrdrb\brdrs\brdrw10\clbrdrr\brdrs\brdrw10\cellx2300\pard \intbl '.$this->enkaEncode($stringTitle).' \qc\cell \pard \intbl'.$this->rtf->color(12).' '.$this->enkaEncode($rowAnswers['vrstni_red']).$this->rtf->color(0).'\qc\cell \pard \intbl \row';
+ }
+ $this->rtf->MyRTF .= $this->rtf->enkaEncode($table);
+ $this->rtf->MyRTF .= "}";
+ $this->rtf->new_line(1);
+ break;
+ case 26: //lokacija
+ $odgovor = "Google Maps";
+ $this->rtf->TextCell($odgovor, array('width' => 6500, 'height' => 5, 'border' => array('top','bottom', 'left','right') ) );
+ $this->rtf->new_line(1);
+ break;
+ case 27: //heatmap
+ $odgovor = "Heatmap";
+ $this->rtf->TextCell($odgovor, array('width' => 6500, 'height' => 5, 'border' => array('top','bottom', 'left','right') ) );
+ $this->rtf->new_line(1);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ function displayDoubleGrid($spremenljivke) {
+ $this->rtf->MyRTF .= "{\\par\\fs22";
+ $defw_full = 9500;
+ $defw_fc = 1200; // first cell width
+ $defw_max = 800; // max other cell width
+ $maxcellx = 9500;
+ $sqlStVrednosti = sisplet_query("SELECT count(*) AS count FROM srv_grid WHERE spr_id='".$spremenljivke['id']."' ORDER BY id");
+ $rowStVrednost = mysqli_fetch_row($sqlStVrednosti);
+ $kolon = $rowStVrednost[0]+1;
+ $w_oc = ( $defw_full - $defw_fc ) / $kolon;
+ if ( $w_oc > $defw_max )
+ $w_oc = $defw_max;
+ //izpis dveh podnaslovov gridov
+ $tableHeader_base = "\\trowd\\trhdr\\trgaph20\\trleft0\\trrh162";
+ $tableHeader_width = "\\cellx".$defw_fc;
+ $tableHeader_title = "\\pard\\intbl\\qc{}\\cell";
+ $tableHeader_width .= "\\clbrdrb\\brdrs\\brdrw10\\cellx". ( ($kolon-1)*400 + $defw_fc );
+ $tableHeader_title .= "\\pard\\intbl\\qc{".$this->enkaEncode($spremenljivke['grid_subtitle1'])."}\\cell";
+ $tableHeader_width .= "\\clbrdrl\\brdrs\\brdrw10\\clbrdrb\\brdrs\\brdrw10\\cellx". ( ($kolon-1)*800 + $defw_fc );
+ $tableHeader_title .= "\\pard\\intbl\\qc{".$this->enkaEncode($spremenljivke['grid_subtitle2'])."}\\cell";
+ $tableHeader_finish = "\\pard\\intbl\\row";
+ $this->rtf->MyRTF .= $this->rtf->enkaEncode($tableHeader_base.$tableHeader_width.$tableHeader_title.$tableHeader_finish);
+ $tableHeader_base = "\\trowd\\trhdr\\trgaph20\\trleft0\\trrh162";
+ $tableHeader_width = "\\cellx".$defw_fc;
+ $tableHeader_title = "\\pard\\intbl\\qc{}\\cell";
+ $tableHeader_finish = "\\pard\\intbl\\row";
+ $sqlVsehVrednsti = sisplet_query("SELECT naslov, id, variable, part FROM srv_grid WHERE spr_id='".$spremenljivke['id']."' ORDER BY part, vrstni_red");
+ $rowCnt = 0;
+ $border = false;
+ while ($rowVsehVrednosti = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlVsehVrednsti))
+ {
+ //izris srednjega borderja
+ if($border == false && $rowVsehVrednosti['part'] == 2){
+ $border = true;
+ $leftBorder = '\clbrdrl\brdrs\brdrw10';
+ }
+ else
+ $leftBorder = '';
+ $rowCnt++;
+ $tableHeader_width .= $leftBorder."\\cellx". ( $rowCnt * 800 +$defw_fc );
+ # priredimo naslov če prevajamo anketo
+ $naslov = $this->srv_language_grid($spremenljivke['id'], $rowVsehVrednosti['id']);
+ if ($naslov != '') {
+ $rowVsehVrednosti['naslov'] = $naslov;
+ }
+ // če ni naslova vzamemo variable
+ $stringHeader_title = $this->enkaEncode( ( $rowVsehVrednosti['naslov'] ) ? $rowVsehVrednosti['naslov'] : $rowVsehVrednosti['variable'] );
+ $tableHeader_title .= "\\pard\\intbl\\qc{".$this->enkaEncode($stringHeader_title)."}\\cell";
+ }
+ // izpišemo header celice
+ $this->rtf->MyRTF .= $this->rtf->enkaEncode($tableHeader_base.$tableHeader_width.$tableHeader_title.$tableHeader_finish);
+ // loopamo skozi vrstice in pripravimo podatke za tabelo z radii
+ $sqlVrednosti = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_vrednost WHERE spr_id='".$spremenljivke['id']."' ORDER BY vrstni_red");
+ while ($rowVrednost = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlVrednosti)){
+ $i=1;
+ # po potrebi prevedemo naslov
+ $naslov = $this->srv_language_vrednost($rowVrednost['id']);
+ if ($naslov != '') {
+ $rowVrednost['naslov'] = $naslov;
+ }
+ // če ni naslova vzamemo naslov2, če ne pa variable
+ $stringCell_title = $this->enkaEncode( ( $rowVrednost['naslov'] ) ? $rowVrednost['naslov'] : ( ( $rowVrednost['naslov2'] ) ? $rowVrednost['naslov2'] : $rowVrednost['variable'] ) );
+ // še dodamo textbox če je polj other
+ $_txt = '';
+ $stringCell_title .= $_txt;
+ $tableHeader_base = "\\trowd\\trgaph12\\trleft0\\trrh262";
+ $tableHeader_width = "\\cellx".$defw_fc;
+ $tableHeader_title = "\\pard\\intbl\\ql\cf0 ".$this->enkaEncode($stringCell_title)."\\cf0\\cell";
+ $tableHeader_finish = "\\pard\\intbl\\row";
+ $border = false;
+ $sqlVsehVrednsti = sisplet_query("SELECT id, part FROM srv_grid WHERE spr_id='".$spremenljivke['id']."' ORDER BY part, vrstni_red");
+ while ($rowVsehVrednosti = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlVsehVrednsti)){
+ //izris srednjega borderja
+ if($border == false && $rowVsehVrednosti['part'] == 2){
+ $border = true;
+ $leftBorder = '\clbrdrl\brdrs\brdrw10';
+ }
+ else
+ $leftBorder = '';
+ $full = false;
+ if($spremenljivke['tip'] == 6){
+ $tableHeader_width .= "\clvertalc".$leftBorder."\\cellx". ( $i * 800 +$defw_fc );
+ if($full)
+ $tableHeader_title .= "\\pard\\intbl\\qc{". $this->rtf->ImageToString("radio2.png", "15")."}\\cell";
+ else
+ $tableHeader_title .= "\\pard\\intbl\\qc{". $this->rtf->ImageToString("radio.png", "15")."}\\cell";
+ }
+ elseif($spremenljivke['tip'] == 16){
+ $tableHeader_width .= "\clvertalc".$leftBorder."\\cellx". ( $i * 800 +$defw_fc );
+ if($full)
+ $tableHeader_title .= "\\pard\\intbl\\qc{". $this->rtf->ImageToString("checkbox2.png", "15")."}\\cell";
+ else
+ $tableHeader_title .= "\\pard\\intbl\\qc{". $this->rtf->ImageToString("checkbox.png", "15")."}\\cell";
+ }
+ $i++;
+ }
+ $this->rtf->MyRTF .= $this->rtf->enkaEncode($tableHeader_base.$tableHeader_width.$tableHeader_title.$tableHeader_finish);
+ }
+ $this->rtf->MyRTF .= "}";
+ $this->rtf->new_line(1);
+ }
+ // Izpis mesanega multigrida
+ function displayGridMultiple($spremenljivke){
+ $this->rtf->MyRTF .= "{\\par\\fs22";
+ $defw_full = 10500;
+ if($rowStVrednost[0] < 6){
+ $defw_fc = 4300; // first cell width
+ }
+ else{
+ $defw_fc = 2000; // first cell width
+ }
+ $sqlStVrednosti = sisplet_query("SELECT count(*) FROM srv_grid g, srv_grid_multiple m WHERE m.spr_id=g.spr_id AND m.parent='".$spremenljivke['id']."'");
+ $rowStVrednost = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlStVrednosti);
+ $kolon = $rowStVrednost['count(*)'] + 1;
+ $w_oc = ( $defw_full - $defw_fc ) / $kolon;
+ $defw_max = floor($w_oc);
+ $tableHeader_base = "\\trowd\\trhdr\\trgaph20\\trleft0\\trrh162";
+ $tableHeader_width = "\\cellx".$defw_fc;
+ $tableHeader_title = "\\pard\\intbl\\qc{}\\cell";
+ $tableHeader_finish = "\\pard\\intbl\\row";
+ $sqlM = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_grid_multiple WHERE parent='".$spremenljivke['id']."' ORDER BY vrstni_red");
+ $multiple = array();
+ while ($rowM = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlM)) {
+ $multiple[] = $rowM['spr_id'];
+ }
+ $sqlVsehVrednsti = sisplet_query("SELECT,g.naslov,g.variable,m.vrstni_red FROM srv_grid g, srv_grid_multiple m WHERE m.parent='".$spremenljivke['id']."' AND g.spr_id=m.spr_id ORDER BY m.vrstni_red");
+ $sqlMultiple = sisplet_query("SELECT g.*, s.tip, s.enota, s.dostop FROM srv_grid g, srv_grid_multiple m, srv_spremenljivka s WHERE AND g.spr_id=m.spr_id AND m.spr_id IN (".implode($multiple, ',').") ORDER BY m.vrstni_red, g.vrstni_red");
+ $rowCnt = 0;
+ while ($rowVsehVrednosti = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlVsehVrednsti))
+ {
+ $rowCnt++;
+ $tableHeader_width .= "\\cellx". ( $rowCnt * $defw_max + $defw_fc );
+ # priredimo naslov če prevajamo anketo
+ $rowMultiple = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlMultiple);
+ $naslov = $this->srv_language_grid($rowMultiple['spr_id'], $rowMultiple['id']);
+ if ($naslov != '') {
+ $rowVsehVrednosti['naslov'] = $naslov;
+ }
+ // če ni naslova vzamemo variable
+ $stringHeader_title = $this->enkaEncode( ( $rowVsehVrednosti['naslov'] ) ? $rowVsehVrednosti['naslov'] : $rowVsehVrednosti['variable'] );
+ $tableHeader_title .= "\\pard\\intbl\\qc{".$this->enkaEncode($stringHeader_title)."}\\cell";
+ }
+ // izpišemo header celice
+ $this->rtf->MyRTF .= $this->rtf->enkaEncode($tableHeader_base.$tableHeader_width.$tableHeader_title.$tableHeader_finish);
+ // loopamo skozi vrstice in pripravimo podatke za tabelo z radii
+ $row_count = 1;
+ $sqlVrednosti = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_vrednost WHERE spr_id='".$spremenljivke['id']."' ORDER BY vrstni_red");
+ while ($rowVrednost = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlVrednosti)){
+ $i=1;
+ // barva vrstice
+ $row_color = ($row_count%2 == 1) ? '\\clcbpat18' : '';
+ # po potrebi prevedemo naslov
+ $naslov = $this->srv_language_vrednost($rowVrednost['id']);
+ if ($naslov != '') {
+ $rowVrednost['naslov'] = $naslov;
+ }
+ // če ni naslova vzamemo naslov2, če ne pa variable
+ $stringCell_title = $this->enkaEncode( ( $rowVrednost['naslov'] ) ? $rowVrednost['naslov'] : ( ( $rowVrednost['naslov2'] ) ? $rowVrednost['naslov2'] : $rowVrednost['variable'] ) );
+ $tableHeader_base = "\\trowd\\trgaph12\\trleft0\\trrh262";
+ $tableHeader_width = $row_color."\\cellx".$defw_fc;
+ $tableHeader_title = "\\pard\\intbl\\ql\cf0 ".$this->enkaEncode($stringCell_title)."\\cf0\\cell";
+ $tableHeader_finish = "\\pard\\intbl\\row";
+ $sqlVsehVrednsti = sisplet_query("SELECT AS id, s.tip AS tip, m.vrstni_red AS vrstni_red FROM srv_grid g, srv_spremenljivka s, srv_grid_multiple m WHERE m.parent='".$spremenljivke['id']."' AND AND ORDER BY m.vrstni_red");
+ while ($rowVsehVrednosti = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlVsehVrednsti)){
+ $full = false;
+ if($rowVsehVrednosti['tip'] == 6){
+ $tableHeader_width .= "\clvertalc".$row_color."\\cellx". ( $i * $defw_max + $defw_fc );
+ if($full)
+ $tableHeader_title .= "\\pard\\intbl\\qc{". $this->rtf->ImageToString("radio2.png", "15")."}\\cell";
+ else
+ $tableHeader_title .= "\\pard\\intbl\\qc{". $this->rtf->ImageToString("radio.png", "15")."}\\cell";
+ }
+ elseif($rowVsehVrednosti['tip'] == 16){
+ $tableHeader_width .= "\clvertalc".$row_color."\\cellx". ( $i * $defw_max + $defw_fc );
+ if($full)
+ $tableHeader_title .= "\\pard\\intbl\\qc{". $this->rtf->ImageToString("checkbox2.png", "15")."}\\cell";
+ else
+ $tableHeader_title .= "\\pard\\intbl\\qc{". $this->rtf->ImageToString("checkbox.png", "15")."}\\cell";
+ }
+ else{
+ $tableHeader_width .= "\clbrdrt\brdrs\brdrw10\clbrdrl\brdrs\brdrw10\clbrdrb\brdrs\brdrw10\clbrdrr\brdrs\brdrw10".$row_color."\\cellx". ( $i * $defw_max + $defw_fc );
+ $tableHeader_width .= '\clbrdrt\brdrs\brdrw10\clbrdrl\brdrs\brdrw10\clbrdrb\brdrs\brdrw10\clbrdrr\brdrs\brdrw10';
+ $tableHeader_title .= '\\pard\\intbl'.$this->rtf->color(12).' '.$this->rtf->color(0).'\qc{}\\cell';
+ }
+ $i++;
+ }
+ $this->rtf->MyRTF .= $this->rtf->enkaEncode($tableHeader_base.$tableHeader_width.$tableHeader_title.$tableHeader_finish);
+ $row_count++;
+ }
+ $this->rtf->MyRTF .= "}";
+ $this->rtf->new_line(1);
+ }
+ function createFrontPage(){
+ global $lang;
+ if ($this->language != -1) {
+ SurveySetting::getInstance()->Init($this->anketa['id']);
+ $_lang = '_'.$this->language;
+ $srv_anketa_naslov = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('srvlang_srv_novaanketa_kratkoime'.$_lang);
+ }
+ else{
+ $srv_anketa_naslov = SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyAkronim();
+ }
+ $this->rtf->new_line(10);
+ if($this->allResults == 1){
+ $this->rtf->TextCell($this->rtf->bold(1).$this->enkaEncode($srv_anketa_naslov).$this->rtf->bold(0).'\\line\n '.$lang['export_firstpage_results'], array('width' => 9500, 'height' => 3,
+ 'align' => 'center', 'valign' => 'middle' , 'border' => array('top','bottom', 'left','right'),
+ 'colorF' => "0", 'colorB' => "0" ) );
+ }
+ elseif($this->allResults == 2){
+ $this->rtf->TextCell($this->rtf->bold(1).$this->enkaEncode($srv_anketa_naslov).$this->rtf->bold(0).'\\line\n '.$lang['srv_testiranje_komentarji'], array('width' => 9500, 'height' => 3,
+ 'align' => 'center', 'valign' => 'middle' , 'border' => array('top','bottom', 'left','right'),
+ 'colorF' => "0", 'colorB' => "0" ) );
+ }
+ else{
+ $this->rtf->TextCell($this->enkaEncode($srv_anketa_naslov), array('width' => 9500, 'height' => 3,
+ 'align' => 'center', 'valign' => 'middle' , 'border' => array('top','bottom', 'left','right'),
+ 'colorF' => "0", 'colorB' => "0" ) );
+ }
+ $this->rtf->new_line(3);
+ // dodamo info:
+ $this->rtf->TextCell("", array('width' => 9500, 'height' => 1,
+ 'align' => 'left', 'valign' => 'bottom' , 'border' => array('bottom'),'colorF' => "0" ) );
+ $infoTable = array();
+ array_push( $infoTable, array( $lang['export_firstpage_shortname'].': '.$this->enkaEncode(SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyTitle()), "" ) );
+ if ( SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyTitle() != SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyAkronim() )
+ array_push( $infoTable, array( $lang['export_firstpage_longname'].': '.$this->enkaEncode($srv_anketa_naslov), "" ) );
+ array_push( $infoTable, array( $lang['export_firstpage_qcount'].': '.SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyQuestionCount(), "" ) );
+ // Aktiviranost
+ $activity = SurveyInfo:: getSurveyActivity();
+ $_last_active = end($activity);
+ if (SurveyInfo::getSurveyColumn('active') == 1) {
+ array_push( $infoTable, array( $this->rtf->color(11).$this->enkaEncode($lang['srv_anketa_active2']).$this->rtf->color(0), "") );
+ } else {
+ # preverimo ali je bila anketa že aktivirana
+ if (!isset($_last_active['starts'])) {
+ # anketa še sploh ni bila aktivirana
+ array_push( $infoTable, array( $this->rtf->color(17).$this->enkaEncode($lang['srv_survey_non_active_notActivated']).$this->rtf->color(0), "") );
+ } else {
+ # anketa je že bila aktivirna ampak je sedaj neaktivna
+ array_push( $infoTable, array( $this->rtf->color(17).$this->enkaEncode($lang['srv_survey_non_active']).$this->rtf->color(0), "") );
+ }
+ }
+ // Aktivnost
+ if( count($activity) > 0 ){
+ array_push( $infoTable, array( $lang['export_firstpage_active_from'].': '.SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyStartsDate(), $lang['export_firstpage_active_until'].': '.SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyExpireDate() ) );
+ }
+ array_push( $infoTable, array( $lang['export_firstpage_author'].': '.SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyInsertName(), $lang['export_firstpage_edit'].': '.SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyEditName() ) );
+ array_push( $infoTable, array( $lang['export_firstpage_date'].': '.SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyInsertDate(), $lang['export_firstpage_date'].': '.SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyEditDate() ) );
+ array_push( $infoTable, array( $lang['export_firstpage_desc'].': '.SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyInfo(), "" ) );
+ $this->rtf->TableFromArray( array( 4750, 4750 ), $infoTable, array('spacer' => 0));
+ if($this->allResults != 1)
+ $this->rtf->new_page();
+ }
+ function enkaEncode($text)
+ {
+ global $site_url;
+ // preverimo text za img tage in jih zamenjamo z ustrezno sliko
+ $pattern = '/<img[^>]+src[\\s=\'"]';
+ $pattern .= '+([^"\'>\\s]+)/is';
+ if(preg_match($pattern, $text, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)){
+ // relativna pot
+ if(substr($match[1][0], 0, 1) == '/')
+ $image = $site_url.$match[1][0];
+ else
+ $image = $match[1][0];
+ $file = @file_get_contents($image);
+ // Resizamo sliko na pravo velikost
+ $imgSize = getimagesize($image);
+ $origHeight = $imgSize[1];
+ $origWidth = $imgSize[0];
+ // Dobimo nastavljeno visino slike
+ $pattern = '/<img[^>]+height[\\s=\'"]';
+ $pattern .= '+([^"\'>\\s]+)/is';
+ preg_match($pattern, $text, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
+ $height = round($match[1][0] / $origHeight) * 100;
+ // Dobimo nastavljeno sirino slike
+ $pattern = '/<img[^>]+width[\\s=\'"]';
+ $pattern .= '+([^"\'>\\s]+)/is';
+ preg_match($pattern, $text, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
+ $width = round($match[1][0] / $origWidth) * 100;
+ $result .= "{";
+ $result .= "\\pict\\jpegblip\\picscalex".$width."\\picscaley".$height."\\bliptag132000428 ";
+ $result .= trim(bin2hex($file));
+ $result .= "\n}\n";
+ $text = preg_replace("/<img[^>]+\>/i", $result, $text);
+ }
+ // popravimo sumnike ce je potrebno
+ $text = html_entity_decode($text, ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8');
+ $transliterationTable = array(
+ 'à' => 'a',
+ 'À' => 'A',
+ 'è' => 'e',
+ 'È' => 'E',
+ 'ì' => 'i',
+ 'Ì' => 'I',
+ 'ò' => 'o',
+ 'Ò' => 'O',
+ 'ù' => 'u',
+ 'Ù' => 'U',
+ 'ø' => 'o',
+ 'Ø' => 'O',
+ 'å' => 'a',
+ 'Å' => 'A',
+ 'Æ' => 'AE',
+ 'æ' => 'ae'
+ );
+ $text = str_replace(array_keys($transliterationTable), array_values($transliterationTable), $text);
+ return strip_tags($text);
+ }
+/* Skrajsa niz in doda ... nakoncu
+ * snippet(phrase,[max length],[phrase tail])
+ * snippetgreedy(phrase,[max length before next space],[phrase tail])
+ *
+ * iz:
+ */
+ function snippet($text,$length=64,$tail="...")
+ {
+ $text = trim($text);
+ $txtl = strlen($text);
+ if($txtl > $length)
+ {
+ for($i=1;$text[$length-$i]!=" ";$i++)
+ {
+ if($i == $length)
+ {
+ return substr($text,0,$length) . $tail;
+ }
+ }
+ $text = substr($text,0,$length-$i+1) . $tail;
+ }
+ return $text;
+ }
+ function setGrupa($grupa) {$this->grupa = $grupa;}
+ function getGrupa() {return $this->grupa;}
+ function setUserId($usrId) {$this->usrId = $usrId;}
+ function getUserId() {return ($this->usrId)?$this->usrId:false;}
+ function setDisplayFrontPage($display) {$this->pi['displayFrontPage'] = $display;}
+ function getDisplayFrontPage() {return ($this->pi['displayFrontPage'] == true || $this->pi['displayFrontPage'] == 1);}
+ /**
+ * @desc preveri ali so na trenutni grupi prikazana vprasanja (zaradi branchinga)
+ */
+ function checkGrupa () {
+ $sql = sisplet_query("SELECT id FROM srv_spremenljivka WHERE gru_id = '".$this->grupa."'");
+ if (!$sql) echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql)) {
+ if ($this->checkSpremenljivka($row['id']))
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @desc preveri ali je spremenljivka vidna (zaradi branchinga)
+ */
+ function checkSpremenljivka ($spremenljivka) {
+ $sql = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_spremenljivka WHERE id = '".$spremenljivka."'");
+ if (!$sql) echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ $row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql);
+ if ($row['visible'] == 0) return false;
+ $sql1 = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_branching WHERE element_spr = '".$spremenljivka."'");
+ if (!$sql1) echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ $row1 = mysqli_fetch_array($sql1);
+ /*if (!$this->checkIf($row1['parent']))
+ return false;*/
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @desc preveri ali se elementi v podanem IFu prikazejo ali ne
+ */
+ function checkIf ($if) {
+ if ($if == 0) return true;
+ // preverimo po strukturi navzgor
+ $sql = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_branching WHERE element_if = '".$if."'");
+ if (!$sql) echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ $row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql);
+ if (!$this->checkIf($row['parent'])) return false;
+ // ce je IF oznacen kot blok, potem se vedno prikaze
+ $sql = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_if WHERE id = '$if'");
+ if (!$sql) echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ $row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql);
+ if ($row['tip'] == 1) return true;
+ $eval = "if (";
+ $sql = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_condition WHERE if_id = '$if' ORDER BY vrstni_red ASC");
+ if (!$sql) echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ $i = 0;
+ // zgeneriramo pogoje z oklepaji, ki jih potem spustimo skozi eval
+ while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql)) {
+ if ($i++ != 0)
+ if ($row['conjunction'] == 0)
+ $eval .= ' && ';
+ else
+ $eval .= ' || ';
+ if ($row['negation'] == 1)
+ $eval .= ' ! ';
+ for ($i=1; $i<=$row['left_bracket']; $i++)
+ $eval .= ' ( ';
+ if ($this->checkCondition($row[id]))
+ $eval .= ' true ';
+ else
+ $eval .= ' false ';
+ for ($i=1; $i<=$row['right_bracket']; $i++)
+ $eval .= ' ) ';
+ }
+ $eval .= ") return true; else return false; ";
+ // ne glih best practice, ampak takle mamo...
+ return eval($eval);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @desc preveri podani condition
+ */
+ function checkCondition ($condition) {
+ $sql = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_condition WHERE id = '$condition'");
+ if (!$sql) echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ $row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql);
+ // obicne spremenljivke
+ if ($row['spr_id'] > 0) {
+ $sql2 = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_spremenljivka WHERE id = '$row[spr_id]'");
+ $row2 = mysqli_fetch_array($sql2);
+ // radio, checkbox, dropdown in multigrid
+ if ($row2['tip'] <= 3 || $row2['tip'] == 6) {
+ // obicne spremenljivke
+ if ($row['vre_id'] == 0) {
+ $sql3 = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_condition_vre c, srv_data_vrednost".$this->db_table." v
+ WHERE c.cond_id='$condition' AND c.vre_id=v.vre_id
+ AND v.spr_id='$row[spr_id]' AND usr_id='".$this->getUserId()."'");
+ if ($row['operator'] == 0 && mysqli_num_rows($sql3) == 0)
+ return false;
+ elseif ($row['operator'] == 1 && mysqli_num_rows($sql3) > 0)
+ return false;
+ // multigrid
+ } elseif ($row['vre_id'] > 0) {
+ $sql3 = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_condition_grid c, srv_data_grid".$this->db_table." d
+ WHERE c.cond_id='$condition' AND d.spr_id='$row[spr_id]'
+ AND c.grd_id=d.grd_id AND d.usr_id='".$this->getUserId()."'");
+ if (!$sql3) echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ if ($row['operator'] == 0 && !mysqli_num_rows($sql3) > 0)
+ return false;
+ elseif ($row['operator'] == 1 && !mysqli_num_rows($sql3) == 0)
+ return false;
+ }
+ // number in text
+ } else {
+ $sql3 = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_data_text".$this->db_table." WHERE spr_id='$row[spr_id]' AND usr_id='".$this->getUserId()."'");
+ if (!$sql3) echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']);
+ $row3 = mysqli_fetch_array($sql3);
+ if ($row['operator'] == 0 && !($row3['text'] == $row['text']))
+ return false;
+ elseif ($row['operator'] == 1 && !($row3['text'] != $row['text']))
+ return false;
+ elseif ($row['operator'] == 2 && !($row3['text'] < $row['text']))
+ return false;
+ elseif ($row['operator'] == 3 && !($row3['text'] <= $row['text']))
+ return false;
+ elseif ($row['operator'] == 4 && !($row3['text'] > $row['text']))
+ return false;
+ elseif ($row['operator'] == 5 && !($row3['text'] >= $row['text']))
+ return false;
+ }
+ // recnum
+ } elseif ($row['spr_id'] == -1) {
+ $sqlu = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_user WHERE id = '".$this->getUserId()."'");
+ $rowu = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlu);
+ if (!($rowu['recnum'] % $row['modul'] == $row['ostanek']))
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @desc poisce naslednjo stran - grupo, 0 pomeni konec
+ */
+ function findNextGrupa() {
+ //vrstni red trenutne grupe
+ if ($this->grupa > 0) {
+ $sql = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_grupa WHERE id = '".$this->grupa."'");
+ $row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql);
+ $vrstni_red = $row['vrstni_red'];
+ } else {
+ $vrstni_red = 0;
+ }
+ $sql = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_grupa WHERE ank_id='".$this->anketa['id']."' AND vrstni_red>'".$vrstni_red."' ORDER BY vrstni_red ASC LIMIT 1");
+ // naslednja stran
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($sql) > 0) {
+ $row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql);
+ return $row['id'];
+ }
+ // konec
+ else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ // preverja ce je v stringu img in vrne razbit niz ce je
+ function checkImage($text)
+ {
+ $textArray = array();
+ $pattern = '/<img[^>]+src[\\s=\'"]';
+ $pattern .= '+([^"\'>\\s]+)/is';
+ if(preg_match($pattern, $text, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)){
+ $textArray['image'] = $match[1][0];
+ $text = preg_replace("/<img[^>]+\>/i", "", $text);
+ $textArray['text1'] = substr($text, 0, $match[0][1]);
+ $textArray['text2'] = substr($text, $match[0][1]);
+ }
+ return $textArray;
+ }
+ function displayIf($if){
+ global $lang;
+ $sql_if = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_if WHERE id = '$if'");
+ $row_if = mysqli_fetch_array($sql_if);
+ // Blok
+ if($row_if['tip'] == 1)
+ $output = strtoupper($lang['srv_block']).' ';
+ // Loop
+ elseif($row_if['tip'] == 2)
+ $output = strtoupper($lang['srv_loop']).' ';
+ // IF
+ else
+ $output = 'IF ';
+ $sql_if = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_if WHERE id = '$if'");
+ $row_if = mysqli_fetch_array($sql_if);
+ $output .= '('.$row_if['number'].') ';
+ $sql = Cache::srv_condition($if);
+ $bracket = 0;
+ $i = 0;
+ while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql)) {
+ if ($i++ != 0)
+ if ($row['conjunction'] == 0)
+ $output .= ' and ';
+ else
+ $output .= ' or ';
+ if ($row['negation'] == 1)
+ $output .= ' NOT ';
+ for ($i=1; $i<=$row['left_bracket']; $i++)
+ $output .= ' ( ';
+ // obicajne spremenljivke
+ if ($row['spr_id'] > 0) {
+ $row2 = Cache::srv_spremenljivka($row['spr_id']);
+ // obicne spremenljivke
+ if ($row['vre_id'] == 0) {
+ $row1 = Cache::srv_spremenljivka($row['spr_id']);
+ // multigrid
+ } elseif ($row['vre_id'] > 0) {
+ $sql1 = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_vrednost WHERE id = '$row[vre_id]'");
+ $row1 = mysqli_fetch_array($sql1);
+ } else
+ $row1 = null;
+ $output .= $row1['variable'];
+ // radio, checkbox, dropdown in multigrid
+ if (($row2['tip'] <= 3 || $row2['tip'] == 6) && ($row['spr_id'] || $row['vre_id'])) {
+ if ($row['operator'] == 0)
+ $output .= ' = ';
+ else
+ $output .= ' != ';
+ $output .= '[';
+ // obicne spremenljivke
+ if ($row['vre_id'] == 0) {
+ $sql2 = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_condition_vre c, srv_vrednost v WHERE cond_id='$row[id]' AND");
+ $j = 0;
+ while ($row2 = mysqli_fetch_array($sql2)) {
+ if ($j++ != 0) $output .= ', ';
+ $output .= $row2['variable'];
+ }
+ // multigrid
+ } elseif ($row['vre_id'] > 0) {
+ $sql2 = sisplet_query("SELECT g.* FROM srv_condition_grid c, srv_grid g WHERE c.cond_id='$row[id]' AND AND g.spr_id='$row[spr_id]'");
+ $j = 0;
+ while ($row2 = mysqli_fetch_array($sql2)) {
+ if ($j++ != 0) $output .= ', ';
+ $output .= $row2['variable'];
+ }
+ }
+ $output .= ']';
+ // textbox in nubmer mata drugacne pogoje in opcije
+ } elseif ($row2['tip'] == 4 || $row2['tip'] == 21 || $row2['tip'] == 7 || $row2['tip'] == 22) {
+ if ($row['operator'] == 0)
+ $output .= ' = ';
+ elseif ($row['operator'] == 1)
+ $output .= ' <> ';
+ elseif ($row['operator'] == 2)
+ $output .= ' < ';
+ elseif ($row['operator'] == 3)
+ $output .= ' <= ';
+ elseif ($row['operator'] == 4)
+ $output .= ' > ';
+ elseif ($row['operator'] == 5)
+ $output .= ' >= ';
+ $output .= '\''.$row['text'].'\'';
+ }
+ // recnum
+ } elseif ($row['spr_id'] == -1) {
+ $output .= 'mod(recnum, '.$row['modul'].') = '.$row['ostanek'];
+ }
+ for ($i=1; $i<=$row['right_bracket']; $i++)
+ $output .= ' ) ';
+ }
+ if ($row_if['label'] != '') {
+ $output .= ' (';
+ $output .= ' '.$row_if['label'].' ';
+ $output .= ') ';
+ }
+ $this->rtf->add_text($this->rtf->bold(1).$this->enkaEncode($output).$this->rtf->bold(0));
+ }
+ /**
+ * prevod za srv_spremenljivka
+ */
+ function srv_language_spremenljivka ($spremenljivka) {
+ if ($this->language != -1) {
+ $sqll = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_language_spremenljivka WHERE ank_id='".$this->anketa['id']."' AND spr_id='".$spremenljivka['id']."' AND lang_id='".$this->language."'");
+ $rowl = mysqli_fetch_array($sqll);
+ return $rowl;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * vrne prevod za srv_vrednost
+ *
+ * @param mixed $vrednost
+ */
+ function srv_language_vrednost ($vrednost) {
+ if ($this->language != -1) {
+ $sqll = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_language_vrednost WHERE ank_id='".$this->anketa['id']."' AND vre_id='".$vrednost."' AND lang_id='".$this->language."'");
+ $rowl = mysqli_fetch_array($sqll);
+ if ($rowl['naslov'] != '')
+ return strip_tags($rowl['naslov']);
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * vrne prevod za srv_grid
+ *
+ * @param mixed $vrednost
+ */
+ function srv_language_grid ($spremenljivka, $grid) {
+ if ($this->language != -1) {
+ $sqll = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_language_grid WHERE ank_id='".$this->anketa['id']."' AND spr_id='".$spremenljivka."' AND grd_id='".$grid."' AND lang_id='".$this->language."'");
+ $rowl = mysqli_fetch_array($sqll);
+ if ($rowl['naslov'] != '') return $rowl['naslov'];
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * vrne prevod za uvod
+ *
+ */
+ function srv_language_intro () {
+ // Prevedemo uvod ce je slucajno potrebno
+ if ($this->language != -1) {
+ $sql1 = sisplet_query("SELECT naslov FROM srv_language_spremenljivka WHERE ank_id='".$this->anketa['id']."' AND spr_id='-1' AND lang_id='".$this->language."'");
+ $row1 = mysqli_fetch_array($sql1);
+ if ($row1['naslov'] != '')
+ return strip_tags($row1['naslov']);
+ }
+ return false;
+ }