path: root/admin/survey/classes/surveyData/class.SurveyDataFile.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'admin/survey/classes/surveyData/class.SurveyDataFile.php')
1 files changed, 550 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/admin/survey/classes/surveyData/class.SurveyDataFile.php b/admin/survey/classes/surveyData/class.SurveyDataFile.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29482d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin/survey/classes/surveyData/class.SurveyDataFile.php
@@ -0,0 +1,550 @@
+ *
+ * Created on 17.12.2019
+ *
+ * @author: Peter Hrvatin
+ *
+ * Class za upravljanje z datotekami za podatke (preveri status datoteke, zaklepanje datoteke, klice kreiranje, updatanje...)
+ *
+class SurveyDataFile {
+ private static $instance;
+ private $anketa;
+ private $checked;
+ private $header_file_name; // Ime header datoteke
+ private $data_file_name; // Ime datoteke s podatki
+ private $head_file_time = 0; // Cas zadnjega kreiranja header datoteke
+ private $data_file_time = 0; // Cas zadnjega kreiranja datoteke s podatki
+ private $last_update = 0; // Cas zadnjega kreiranja datoteke
+ private $collect_all_status = 1; // Ali zbiramo vse ali samo ustrezne
+ private $file_status = FILE_STATUS_NO_DATA; // Status datoteke
+ private $has_test_data = false; // Ali vnosi vsebujejo testne podatke
+ private $last_response_time = null; // Ali vnosi vsebujejo testne podatke
+ private $all_user_cnt = null; // Stevilo vseh responsov
+ private $HEADER = NULL;
+ public static function get_instance($force_new=false) {
+ if(!is_object(self::$instance) || $force_new) {
+ self::$instance = new SurveyDataFile();
+ }
+ return self::$instance;
+ }
+ public function init($anketa) {
+ global $site_path;
+ // Nastavimo id ankete
+ $this->anketa = $anketa;
+ // Nastavimo folder kjer se nahajajo datoteke
+ $folder = $site_path . EXPORT_FOLDER.'/';
+ SurveySetting::getInstance()->Init($this->anketa);
+ // Nastavimo imena datotek
+ $this->header_file_name = $folder . 'export_header_'.$this->anketa.'.dat';
+ $this->data_file_name = $folder . 'export_data_'.$this->anketa.'.dat';
+ // Vedno ob inicializaciji preverimo status datoteke
+ if($this->checked == false)
+ $this->checkFile();
+ }
+ /**** GETTERJI ****/
+ // Vrnemo status datoteke s podatki
+ public function getStatus() {
+ return $this->file_status;
+ }
+ // Vrnemo cas zadnjega updata datoteke
+ public function getFileUpdated() {
+ return $this->last_update;
+ }
+ // Vrnemo ime header datoteke
+ public function getHeaderFileName() {
+ return $this->header_file_name;
+ }
+ // Vrnemo ime datoteke s podatki
+ public function getDataFileName() {
+ return $this->data_file_name;
+ }
+ // Vrnemo cas kreiranja datoteke s podatki
+ public function getDataFileTime() {
+ return $this->data_file_time;
+ }
+ // Vrnemo status kreiranja (ce pridobivamo vse ali samo ustrezne)
+ public function getCollectAllStatus() {
+ return $this->collect_all_status;
+ }
+ // Vrnemo status kreiranja (ce pridobivamo vse ali samo ustrezne)
+ public function getHasTestData() {
+ return $this->has_test_data;
+ }
+ // Vrnemo cas zadnjega responsa
+ public function getLastResponseTime() {
+ return $this->last_response_time;
+ }
+ // Vrnemo header datoteko
+ public function getHeader() {
+ if (!isset($this->HEADER) || $this->HEADER == null) {
+ if ($this->header_file_name != null && file_exists($this->header_file_name)) {
+ $this->HEADER = unserialize(file_get_contents($this->header_file_name));
+ }
+ }
+ return $this->HEADER;
+ }
+ public function getHeaderVariable($variable) {
+ $this->getHeader();
+ return isset($this->HEADER[$variable]) ? $this->HEADER[$variable] : null;
+ }
+ public function getSurveyVariables($filterTip = NULL) {
+ $result = array();
+ $this->getHeader();
+ if (is_countable($this->HEADER) && count($this->HEADER) > 0) {
+ foreach ($this->HEADER AS $_vkey => $variable) {
+ # dodamo samo tiste variable, ki imajo numerični tip (navadne spremenljvke)
+ if (is_numeric($variable['tip'] )
+ # ne dodamo sistemskih email, telefon, ime, priimek, naziv
+ && !( (int)$variable['hide_system'] == 1
+ && in_array($variable['variable'],unserialize (SYSTEM_VARIABLES)) )# unserialize (SYSTEM_VARIABLES) -> definition.php = array('email','telefon','ime','priimek','naziv','drugo')
+ ) {
+ # če filter ni setiran dodamo vse variable
+ if ( $filterTip == NULL ) {
+ $result[$_vkey] = $variable['sequences'];
+ }
+ else if ( is_array($filterTip) && in_array($variable['tip'],$filterTip) ) {
+ $result[$_vkey] = $variable['sequences'];
+ }
+ else if ( is_string($filterTip) && (string)$variable['tip'] == (string)$filterTip ) {
+ $result[$_vkey] = $variable['sequences'];
+ }
+ else if ( is_numeric($filterTip) && (int)$variable['tip'] == (int)$filterTip ) {
+ $result[$_vkey] = $variable['sequences'];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $result;
+ }
+ public function getVariableName($variable) {
+ $result = '';
+ $this->getHeader();
+ if (isset($this->HEADER[$variable])) {
+ $result = '(' . $this->HEADER[$variable]['variable'] .') - '.$this->HEADER[$variable]['naslov'];
+ }
+ return $result;
+ }
+ /**** GETTERJI - KONEC ****/
+ // Preverimo status datotek s podatki
+ public function checkFile () {
+ // Najprej nastavimo status ni podatkov
+ $this->file_status = FILE_STATUS_NO_DATA;
+ // Preverimo ce ima anketa kaj responsov - če je respondentov več kot ONLY_VALID_LIMIT (5000) lovimo samo ustrezne
+ $sql_cnt_user = sisplet_query("SELECT count(*) FROM srv_user AS u WHERE u.ank_id = '".$this->anketa."' AND u.preview='0' AND u.deleted='0'");
+ list($this->all_user_cnt) = mysqli_fetch_row($sql_cnt_user);
+ // Imamo response
+ if((int)$this->all_user_cnt > 0) {
+ // Nastavimo zapise v bazi za datoteko
+ $sql = sisplet_query("SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(head_file_time), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(data_file_time), DATE_FORMAT(last_update,'%d.%m.%Y %H:%i:%s'), collect_all_status
+ FROM srv_data_files
+ WHERE sid='".$this->anketa."'");
+ if(mysqli_num_rows($sql) > 0) {
+ list($this->head_file_time, $this->data_file_time, $this->last_update, $this->collect_all_status) = mysqli_fetch_row($sql);
+ }
+ // Ce je collect_all_status = 2 je admin nastavil da se lovijo vsi statusi, popravimo tudi čas, da se datoteka zgenerira na novo
+ if ((int)$this->all_user_cnt > ONLY_VALID_LIMIT && (int)$this->collect_all_status == 1) {
+ $this->collect_all_status = 0;
+ $updated = sisplet_query("INSERT INTO srv_data_files (sid, collect_all_status, data_file_time)
+ VALUES ('".$this->anketa."','".(int)$this->collect_all_status."', '0000-00-00')
+ ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE collect_all_status = '".(int)$this->collect_all_status."'");
+ }
+ // Nastavimo, ce imamo testne vnose
+ $_qry_cnt_testdata = sisplet_query("SELECT count(*)
+ FROM srv_user AS u
+ WHERE u.ank_id = '".$this->anketa."' AND preview='0' AND (u.testdata = '1' OR u.testdata = '2') AND u.deleted = '0'");
+ list($this->has_test_data) = mysqli_fetch_row($_qry_cnt_testdata);
+ // Ce ne belezimo parapodatka o datumu responsa, preverimo zadnji timestamp resevanja ankete
+ if(SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('survey_date') == 1) {
+ $sql_last_response_time = sisplet_query("SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last_response_time) AS last_response_time FROM srv_anketa WHERE id='".$this->anketa."'");
+ list($last_response_time) = mysqli_fetch_row($sql_last_response_time);
+ if($this->data_file_time < $last_response_time){
+ $this->clearFiles();
+ $this->file_status = FILE_STATUS_NO_FILE;
+ }
+ }
+ // Preverimo ce imamo usability stolpec v header datoteki ali ce imamo na novo testne podatke - potem pobrisemo vse datoteke, ker moramo vse generirati na novo
+ if($this->checkUsability() || $this->checkTestData()){
+ $this->clearFiles();
+ $this->file_status = FILE_STATUS_NO_FILE;
+ }
+ else{
+ // Datoteka obstaja
+ if(file_exists($this->getHeaderFileName()) && file_exists($this->data_file_name)) {
+ // Preverimo ce je datoteka up2date
+ $this->file_status = $this->isFileUp2Date();
+ }
+ // Ni datoteke
+ else {
+ $this->file_status = FILE_STATUS_NO_FILE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Konmcali smo preverjanje statusa datotek
+ $this->checked = true;
+ return $this->file_status;
+ }
+ // Preverimo ce je datoteka s podatki up to date
+ private function isFileUp2Date() {
+ // Cas zadnjega editiranja ankete (vse razen active=-1 - pobrisana)
+ $sql_survey = sisplet_query("SELECT active, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(edit_time) AS srv_edit_time FROM srv_anketa WHERE id='".$this->anketa."'");
+ list($anketa_active, $anketa_edit_time) = mysqli_fetch_row($sql_survey);
+ // Ce je anketa slucajno pobrisana nastavimo status na pobrisano
+ if($anketa_active != '0' && $anketa_active != '1'){
+ }
+ // Ce se cas zadnjega urejanja ankete ne ujema s tistim v bazi, moram vse kreirati na novo
+ if((int)$anketa_edit_time != (int)$this->head_file_time || (int)$anketa_edit_time <= 0) {
+ $this->clearFiles();
+ }
+ // Polovimo datum zadnjega respondenta
+ $this->setLastResponseTime();
+ // Preberemo max time iz datoteke s podatki in uporabimo manjšega
+ if(IS_WINDOWS) {
+ $command = 'awk -F"|" "BEGIN {max = 0} {if ($6 > max && $6 > 0) max=$6 } END {print max}" '.$this->data_file_name;
+ }
+ else {
+ $command = 'awk -F\'|\' \'BEGIN {max = 0} {if ($6 > max && $6 > 0) max=$6 } END {print max}\' '.$this->data_file_name;
+ }
+ $response_time_from_file = shell_exec($command);
+ if((int)$response_time_from_file > 0) {
+ $data_file_time = min((int)$this->data_file_time, (int)$response_time_from_file);
+ }
+ else{
+ $data_file_time = $this->data_file_time;
+ }
+ // Ce se cas dejanskega zadnjega responsa in cas zadnjega responsa v datoteki ne ujemata je datoteka zastarela
+ if((int)$this->last_response_time != (int)$data_file_time || (int)$this->last_response_time <= 0) {
+ }
+ return FILE_STATUS_OK;
+ }
+ // Preverimo ce imamo vklopljen filter na uporabnost in ce imamo v headerju zapisan stolpec za usability (drugace moramo generirati datoteko na novo)
+ private function checkUsability(){
+ // Preverimo ce imamo vklopljen filter na usability
+ if(SurveyStatusProfiles::usabilitySettings()){
+ // Preverimo ce imamo usability stolpec v header datoteki
+ $usability = $this->getHeaderVariable('usability');
+ if($usability == null){
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Preverimo ce imamo testne podatke na novo -> potem moramo generirati datoteko na novo
+ private function checkTestData(){
+ // Preverimo ce prej nismo imeli testnih podatkov
+ $settings = $this->getHeaderVariable('_settings');
+ if($settings['hasTestData'] != 1 && $this->has_test_data > 0){
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Vrnemo text z info o datoteki
+ public function getDataFileInfo() {
+ global $admin_type, $lang;
+ $result = null;
+ if ($admin_type == '0') {
+ // Delamo inkremental
+ $inkremental_user_limit = '';
+ if ($this->file_status == FILE_STATUS_OLD) {
+ $inkremental_user_limit = " AND u.time_edit > FROM_UNIXTIME('".(int)$this->data_file_time."') ";
+ }
+ // Zbiramo samo ustrezne
+ $is_valid_user_limit = '';
+ if ((int)$this->collect_all_status == 0) {
+ $is_valid_user_limit = " AND u.last_status IN (5,6) ";
+ }
+ $qry_usr_cnt = sisplet_query("SELECT count(
+ FROM srv_user AS u
+ WHERE u.ank_id = '".$this->anketa."' AND u.preview='0' AND u.deleted='0' " . $is_valid_user_limit . $inkremental_user_limit);
+ list($user_cnt) = mysqli_fetch_row($qry_usr_cnt);
+ // Preverimo ce imamo izklopljeno belezenje parapodatka datum - potem moramo vedno generirati datoteko
+ $no_paradata_date = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('survey_date');
+ $result = '&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class="leftSpace">';
+ if ($this->file_status == FILE_STATUS_NO_DATA) {
+ $result .= $lang['srv_dashboard_no_data'];
+ }
+ else if ($this->file_status == FILE_STATUS_NO_FILE) {
+ $result .= $lang['srv_dashboard_no_file'].$lang['srv_dashboard_new_units'].(int)$user_cnt;
+ }
+ else if ($this->file_status == FILE_STATUS_OLD && $no_paradata_date == 0) {
+ $result .= $lang['srv_dashboard_not_up_to_date'].'('.$this->last_update.')';
+ $result .= $lang['srv_dashboard_new_units'].(int) $user_cnt;
+ }
+ else if ($this->file_status == FILE_STATUS_OLD && $no_paradata_date == 1) {
+ $result .= $lang['srv_dashboard_up_to_date'].' ('.$this->last_update.')';
+ }
+ else if ($this->file_status == FILE_STATUS_OK) {
+ $result .= $lang['srv_dashboard_up_to_date'].' ('.$this->last_update.')';
+ }
+ $result .= '</span>';
+ }
+ return $result;
+ }
+ // Preverimo v bazi in nastavimo cas zadnjega respondenta
+ public function setLastResponseTime() {
+ global $admin_type, $lang;
+ // Zbiramo samo ustrezne
+ $is_valid_user_limit = '';
+ if ((int)$this->collect_all_status == 0) {
+ $is_valid_user_limit = " AND u.last_status IN (5,6) ";
+ }
+ // Polovimo datum zadnjega respondenta
+ $sql_usr_time = sisplet_query("SELECT max(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(GREATEST(u.time_insert,u.time_edit)))
+ FROM srv_user AS u
+ WHERE u.ank_id='".$this->anketa."' AND u.preview='0' AND u.deleted='0' ".$is_valid_user_limit."");
+ list($this->last_response_time) = mysqli_fetch_row($sql_usr_time);
+ // Ce ne belezimo parapodatka datum responsa moramo vedno generirati na novo - nastavimo, da je vedno zadnji response zdaj
+ $no_paradata_date = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('survey_date');
+ if($no_paradata_date == 1)
+ $this->last_response_time = time();
+ return $this->last_response_time;
+ }
+ // Pripravimo datoteke s podatki
+ public function prepareFiles($show_loading=false) {
+ global $lang;
+ // File status ok, no data ali deleted survey - ne rabimo generirati ničesar
+ if(in_array($this->file_status, array(FILE_STATUS_OK, FILE_STATUS_NO_DATA, FILE_STATUS_SRV_DELETED))){
+ return $this->file_status;
+ }
+ // Ce imamo to vklopljeno in imamo vec kot 300 responsov prikazemo popup za loading in z ajaxem poklicemo generiranje
+ if($show_loading && $this->all_user_cnt > 300 && !isDebug()){
+ // Popup div z loading obvestilom
+ echo '<div id="collect_data_popup" class="divPopUp"><span class="faicon spinner fa-spin spaceRight"></span> '.$lang['srv_collectdata_in_progress'].' ('.$this->all_user_cnt.'). '.$lang['srv_collectdata_in_progress2'].'</div>';
+ echo '<script>
+ collectDataAjax();
+ </script>';
+ return $this->file_status;
+ }
+ // Najprej poskusimo zakleniti anekto za kreiranje
+ $lock = new ExclusiveLock( "survey_lock_".$this->anketa);
+ $locked_success = $lock->lock();
+ // Ce je nismo ustrezno zaklenili ne moremo poklicati generiranje datotek
+ if(!$locked_success){
+ return $this->file_status;
+ }
+ // Ce smo jo ustrezno zaklenili lahko poklicemo generiranje datotek
+ $collectData = new SurveyDataCollect($this->anketa);
+ // File status old - inkrementalno dodamo nove response
+ if($this->file_status == FILE_STATUS_OLD){
+ $sdc = new SurveyDataCollect($this->anketa);
+ $createdNewFile = (int)$sdc->updateFilesIncremental();
+ }
+ // Drugace generiramo vse na novo
+ else{
+ $sdc = new SurveyDataCollect($this->anketa);
+ $createdNewFile = (int)$sdc->createFiles();
+ }
+ // Na koncu se enkrat preverimo in nastavimo stanje datotek
+ $this->checkFile();
+ // Anketo odklenemo
+ $lock->unlock();
+ // Vrnemo zadnji status datotek
+ return $this->file_status;
+ }
+ // Popolnoma pobrisemo datoteke s podatki in ponastavimo vrednosti generiranja v bazi
+ public function clearFiles() {
+ // Najprej pobrisemo vse datoteke
+ $this->deleteFile();
+ // Pobrisemo vrstico za datoteke v bazi
+ $sql = sisplet_query("DELETE FROM srv_data_files WHERE sid='".$this->anketa."'");
+ // Pobrisemo lock ce ga imamo na datoteki
+ $key = 'survey_lock_'.$this->anketa;
+ $sqlUnlock = sisplet_query("DELETE FROM srv_lock WHERE lock_key='".$key."'");
+ // Na koncu ponastavimo statuse
+ $this->file_status = FILE_STATUS_NO_FILE;
+ $this->last_update = 0;
+ }
+ // Pobrisemo datoteke s podatki
+ public function deleteFile($filename=null) {
+ global $site_path;
+ // Nastavimo folder kjer se nahajajo datoteke
+ $folder = $site_path . EXPORT_FOLDER.'/';
+ // Brišemo specifično datoteko
+ if ($filename !== null && trim($filename) != '') {
+ if (file_exists($filename)) {
+ unlink($filename);
+ }
+ }
+ // Brisemo vse datoteke za doloceno anketo
+ else {
+ // Pobrišemo header datoteke
+ if (file_exists($folder . 'export_header_'.$this->anketa.'.dat')) {
+ unlink($folder . 'export_header_'.$this->anketa.'.dat');
+ }
+ // Pobrišemo data datoteko
+ if (file_exists($folder . 'export_data_'.$this->anketa.'.dat')) {
+ unlink($folder . 'export_data_'.$this->anketa.'.dat');
+ }
+ // Pobrišemo tmp file
+ if (file_exists($folder . 'export_data_'.$this->anketa.'.tmp')) {
+ unlink($folder . 'export_data_'.$this->anketa.'.tmp');
+ }
+ if (file_exists($folder . 'export_data_'.$this->anketa.'.dat_data1.tmp')) {
+ unlink($folder . 'export_data_'.$this->anketa.'.dat_data1.tmp');
+ }
+ if (file_exists($folder . 'export_data_'.$this->anketa.'.dat_data1_1.tmp')) {
+ unlink($folder . 'export_data_'.$this->anketa.'.dat_data1_1.tmp');
+ }
+ // Pobrisemo morebitne SN datoteke - header
+ $files = glob($folder.'export_sn_header_'.$this->anketa.'_*.dat');
+ if(count($files ) > 0) {
+ foreach ($files AS $file) {
+ unlink($file);
+ }
+ }
+ // Pobrisemo morebitne SN datoteke - data
+ $files = glob($folder.'export_sn_data_'.$this->anketa.'_*.dat');
+ if(count($files ) > 0) {
+ foreach ($files AS $file) {
+ unlink($file);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Ajax klici
+ public function ajax() {
+ // Poklicemo generiranje datoteke s podatki
+ if($_GET['a'] == 'prepareFiles') {
+ $file_status = $this->prepareFiles($show_loading = false);
+ echo $file_status;
+ }
+ }