diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'main/survey/js/dhtmlgoodies_calendar.js')
-rw-r--r-- | main/survey/js/dhtmlgoodies_calendar.js | 1518 |
1 files changed, 1518 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/main/survey/js/dhtmlgoodies_calendar.js b/main/survey/js/dhtmlgoodies_calendar.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..09d732b --- /dev/null +++ b/main/survey/js/dhtmlgoodies_calendar.js @@ -0,0 +1,1518 @@ +/************************************************************************************************************
+JS Calendar
+Copyright (C) September 2006 DTHMLGoodies.com, Alf Magne Kalleland
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Lesser General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+Dhtmlgoodies.com., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in this script
+written by Alf Magne Kalleland.
+Alf Magne Kalleland, 2006
+Owner of DHTMLgoodies.com
+/* Update log:
+(C) www.dhtmlgoodies.com, September 2005
+Version 1.2, November 8th - 2005 - Added <iframe> background in IE
+Version 1.3, November 12th - 2005 - Fixed top bar position in Opera 7
+Version 1.4, December 28th - 2005 - Support for Spanish and Portuguese
+Version 1.5, January 18th - 2006 - Fixed problem with next-previous buttons after a month has been selected from dropdown
+Version 1.6, February 22nd - 2006 - Added variable which holds the path to images.
+ Format todays date at the bottom by use of the todayStringFormat variable
+ Pick todays date by clicking on todays date at the bottom of the calendar
+Version 2.0 May, 25th - 2006 - Added support for time(hour and minutes) and changing year and hour when holding mouse over + and - options. (i.e. instead of click)
+Version 2.1 July, 2nd - 2006 - Added support for more date formats(example: d.m.yyyy, i.e. one letter day and month).
+// Modifications by Gregg Buntin
+Version 2.1.1 8/9/2007 gfb - Add switch to turn off Year Span Selection
+ This allows me to only have this year & next year in the drop down
+Version 2.1.2 8/30/2007 gfb - Add switch to start week on Sunday
+ Add switch to turn off week number display
+ Fix bug when using on an HTTPS page
+var turnOffYearSpan = false; // true = Only show This Year and Next, false = show +/- 5 years
+var weekStartsOnSunday = false; // true = Start the week on Sunday, false = start the week on Monday
+var showWeekNumber = true; // true = show week number, false = do not show week number
+var languageCode = 'sl'; // Possible values: en,ge,no,nl,es,pt-br,fr,sl
+ // en = english, ge = german, no = norwegian,nl = dutch, es = spanish, pt-br = portuguese, fr = french, da = danish, hu = hungarian(Use UTF-8 doctype for hungarian)
+var calendar_display_time = true;
+// Format of current day at the bottom of the calendar
+// [todayString] = the value of todayString
+// [dayString] = day of week (examle: mon, tue, wed...)
+// [UCFdayString] = day of week (examle: Mon, Tue, Wed...) ( First letter in uppercase)
+// [day] = Day of month, 1..31
+// [monthString] = Name of current month
+// [year] = Current year
+var todayStringFormat = '[todayString] [UCFdayString]. [day]. [monthString] [year]';
+var pathToImages = 'images/'; // Relative to your HTML file
+var speedOfSelectBoxSliding = 200; // Milliseconds between changing year and hour when holding mouse over "-" and "+" - lower value = faster
+var intervalSelectBox_minutes = 5; // Minute select box - interval between each option (5 = default)
+var calendar_offsetTop = -100; // Offset - calendar placement - You probably have to modify this value if you're not using a strict doctype
+var calendar_offsetLeft = 50; // Offset - calendar placement - You probably have to modify this value if you're not using a strict doctype
+var calendarDiv = false;
+var MSIE = false;
+var Opera = false;
+if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE')>=0 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Opera')<0)MSIE=true;
+ case "en": /* English */
+ var monthArray = ['January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December'];
+ var monthArrayShort = ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec'];
+ var dayArray = ['Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat','Sun'];
+ var weekString = 'Week';
+ var todayString = '';
+ break;
+ case "ge": /* German */
+ var monthArray = ['Januar','Februar','M�rz','April','Mai','Juni','Juli','August','September','Oktober','November','Dezember'];
+ var monthArrayShort = ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','Mai','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Okt','Nov','Dez'];
+ var dayArray = ['Mon','Die','Mit','Don','Fre','Sam','Son'];
+ var weekString = 'Woche';
+ var todayString = 'Heute';
+ break;
+ case "no": /* Norwegian */
+ var monthArray = ['Januar','Februar','Mars','April','Mai','Juni','Juli','August','September','Oktober','November','Desember'];
+ var monthArrayShort = ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','Mai','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Okt','Nov','Des'];
+ var dayArray = ['Man','Tir','Ons','Tor','Fre','Lør','Søn'];
+ var weekString = 'Uke';
+ var todayString = 'Dagen i dag er';
+ break;
+ case "nl": /* Dutch */
+ var monthArray = ['Januari','Februari','Maart','April','Mei','Juni','Juli','Augustus','September','Oktober','November','December'];
+ var monthArrayShort = ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','Mei','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Okt','Nov','Dec'];
+ var dayArray = ['Ma','Di','Wo','Do','Vr','Za','Zo'];
+ var weekString = 'Week';
+ var todayString = 'Vandaag';
+ break;
+ case "es": /* Spanish */
+ var monthArray = ['Enero','Febrero','Marzo','April','Mayo','Junio','Julio','Agosto','Septiembre','Octubre','Noviembre','Diciembre'];
+ var monthArrayShort =['Ene','Feb','Mar','Abr','May','Jun','Jul','Ago','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dic'];
+ var dayArray = ['Lun','Mar','Mie','Jue','Vie','Sab','Dom'];
+ var weekString = 'Semana';
+ var todayString = 'Hoy es';
+ break;
+ case "pt-br": /* Brazilian portuguese (pt-br) */
+ var monthArray = ['Janeiro','Fevereiro','Março','Abril','Maio','Junho','Julho','Agosto','Setembro','Outubro','Novembro','Dezembro'];
+ var monthArrayShort = ['Jan','Fev','Mar','Abr','Mai','Jun','Jul','Ago','Set','Out','Nov','Dez'];
+ var dayArray = ['Seg','Ter','Qua','Qui','Sex','Sáb','Dom'];
+ var weekString = 'Sem.';
+ var todayString = 'Hoje é';
+ break;
+ case "fr": /* French */
+ var monthArray = ['Janvier','F�vrier','Mars','Avril','Mai','Juin','Juillet','Ao�t','Septembre','Octobre','Novembre','D�cembre'];
+ var monthArrayShort = ['Jan','Fev','Mar','Avr','Mai','Jun','Jul','Aou','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec'];
+ var dayArray = ['Lun','Mar','Mer','Jeu','Ven','Sam','Dim'];
+ var weekString = 'Sem';
+ var todayString = "Aujourd'hui";
+ break;
+ case "da": /*Danish*/
+ var monthArray = ['januar','februar','marts','april','maj','juni','juli','august','september','oktober','november','december'];
+ var monthArrayShort = ['jan','feb','mar','apr','maj','jun','jul','aug','sep','okt','nov','dec'];
+ var dayArray = ['man','tirs','ons','tors','fre','lør','søn'];
+ var weekString = 'Uge';
+ var todayString = 'I dag er den';
+ break;
+ case "hu": /* Hungarian - Remember to use UTF-8 encoding, i.e. the <meta> tag */
+ var monthArray = ['JanuĂĄr','FebruĂĄr','MĂĄrcius','ďż˝?prilis','MĂĄjus','JĂşnius','JĂşlius','Augusztus','Szeptember','OktĂłber','November','December'];
+ var monthArrayShort = ['Jan','Feb','MĂĄrc','ďż˝?pr','MĂĄj','JĂşn','JĂşl','Aug','Szep','Okt','Nov','Dec'];
+ var dayArray = ['HĂŠ','Ke','Sze','Cs','PĂŠ','Szo','Vas'];
+ var weekString = 'HĂŠt';
+ var todayString = 'Mai nap';
+ break;
+ case "it": /* Italian*/
+ var monthArray = ['Gennaio','Febbraio','Marzo','Aprile','Maggio','Giugno','Luglio','Agosto','Settembre','Ottobre','Novembre','Dicembre'];
+ var monthArrayShort = ['Gen','Feb','Mar','Apr','Mag','Giu','Lugl','Ago','Set','Ott','Nov','Dic'];
+ var dayArray = ['Lun',';Mar','Mer','Gio','Ven','Sab','Dom'];
+ var weekString = 'Settimana';
+ var todayString = 'Oggi è il';
+ break;
+ case "sv": /* Swedish */
+ var monthArray = ['Januari','Februari','Mars','April','Maj','Juni','Juli','Augusti','September','Oktober','November','December'];
+ var monthArrayShort = ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','Maj','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Okt','Nov','Dec'];
+ var dayArray = ['Mån','Tis','Ons','Tor','Fre','Lör','Sön'];
+ var weekString = 'Vecka';
+ var todayString = 'Idag är det den';
+ break;
+ case "cz": /* Czech */
+ var monthArray = ['leden','únor','březen','duben','květen','červen','červenec','srpen','září','říjen','listopad','prosinec'];
+ var monthArrayShort = ['led','ún','bř','dub','kvě','čer','čer-ec','srp','zář','říj','list','pros'];
+ var dayArray = ['Pon','Út','St','Čt','Pá','So','Ne'];
+ var weekString = 'týden';
+ var todayString = '';
+ break;
+ case "sl": /* Slovenian */
+ var monthArray = ['Januar','Februar','Marec','April','Maj','Junij','Julij','Avgust','September','Oktober','November','December'];
+ var monthArrayShort = ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','Maj','Jun','Jul','Avg','Sep','Okt','Nov','Dec'];
+ var dayArray = ['Pon','Tor','Sre','Čet','Pet','Sob','Ned'];
+ var weekString = 'Teden';
+ var todayString = 'Danes je: ';
+ break;
+if (weekStartsOnSunday) {
+ var tempDayName = dayArray[6];
+ for(var theIx = 6; theIx > 0; theIx--) {
+ dayArray[theIx] = dayArray[theIx-1];
+ }
+ dayArray[0] = tempDayName;
+var daysInMonthArray = [31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31];
+var currentMonth;
+var currentYear;
+var currentHour;
+var currentMinute;
+var calendarContentDiv;
+var returnDateTo;
+var returnFormat;
+var activeSelectBoxMonth;
+var activeSelectBoxYear;
+var activeSelectBoxHour;
+var activeSelectBoxMinute;
+var iframeObj = false;
+//// fix for EI frame problem on time dropdowns 09/30/2006
+var iframeObj2 =false;
+function EIS_FIX_EI1(where2fixit)
+ if(!iframeObj2)return;
+ iframeObj2.style.display = 'block';
+ iframeObj2.style.height =document.getElementById(where2fixit).offsetHeight+1;
+ iframeObj2.style.width=document.getElementById(where2fixit).offsetWidth;
+ iframeObj2.style.left=getleftPos(document.getElementById(where2fixit))+1-calendar_offsetLeft;
+ iframeObj2.style.top=getTopPos(document.getElementById(where2fixit))-document.getElementById(where2fixit).offsetHeight-calendar_offsetTop;
+function EIS_Hide_Frame()
+{ if(iframeObj2)iframeObj2.style.display = 'none';}
+//// fix for EI frame problem on time dropdowns 09/30/2006
+var returnDateToYear;
+var returnDateToMonth;
+var returnDateToDay;
+var returnDateToHour;
+var returnDateToMinute;
+var inputYear;
+var inputMonth;
+var inputDay;
+var inputHour;
+var inputMinute;
+var calendarDisplayTime = false;
+var selectBoxHighlightColor = '#D60808'; // Highlight color of select boxes
+var selectBoxRolloverBgColor = '#E2EBED'; // Background color on drop down lists(rollover)
+var selectBoxMovementInProgress = false;
+var activeSelectBox = false;
+function cancelCalendarEvent()
+ return false;
+function isLeapYear(inputYear)
+ if(inputYear%400==0||(inputYear%4==0&&inputYear%100!=0)) return true;
+ return false;
+var activeSelectBoxMonth = false;
+var activeSelectBoxDirection = false;
+function highlightMonthYear()
+ if(activeSelectBoxMonth)activeSelectBoxMonth.className='';
+ activeSelectBox = this;
+ if(this.className=='monthYearActive'){
+ this.className='';
+ }else{
+ this.className = 'monthYearActive';
+ activeSelectBoxMonth = this;
+ }
+ if(this.innerHTML.indexOf('-')>=0 || this.innerHTML.indexOf('+')>=0){
+ if(this.className=='monthYearActive')
+ selectBoxMovementInProgress = true;
+ else
+ selectBoxMovementInProgress = false;
+ if(this.innerHTML.indexOf('-')>=0)activeSelectBoxDirection = -1; else activeSelectBoxDirection = 1;
+ }else selectBoxMovementInProgress = false;
+function showMonthDropDown()
+ if(document.getElementById('monthDropDown').style.display=='block'){
+ document.getElementById('monthDropDown').style.display='none';
+ //// fix for EI frame problem on time dropdowns 09/30/2006
+ EIS_Hide_Frame();
+ }else{
+ document.getElementById('monthDropDown').style.display='block';
+ document.getElementById('yearDropDown').style.display='none';
+ document.getElementById('hourDropDown').style.display='none';
+ document.getElementById('minuteDropDown').style.display='none';
+ if (MSIE)
+ {
+ EIS_FIX_EI1('monthDropDown');
+ }
+ //// fix for EI frame problem on time dropdowns 09/30/2006
+ }
+function showYearDropDown()
+ if(document.getElementById('yearDropDown').style.display=='block'){
+ document.getElementById('yearDropDown').style.display='none';
+ //// fix for EI frame problem on time dropdowns 09/30/2006
+ EIS_Hide_Frame();
+ }else{
+ document.getElementById('yearDropDown').style.display='block';
+ document.getElementById('monthDropDown').style.display='none';
+ document.getElementById('hourDropDown').style.display='none';
+ document.getElementById('minuteDropDown').style.display='none';
+ if (MSIE)
+ { EIS_FIX_EI1('yearDropDown'); }
+ //// fix for EI frame problem on time dropdowns 09/30/2006
+ }
+function showHourDropDown()
+ if(document.getElementById('hourDropDown').style.display=='block'){
+ document.getElementById('hourDropDown').style.display='none';
+ //// fix for EI frame problem on time dropdowns 09/30/2006
+ EIS_Hide_Frame();
+ }else{
+ document.getElementById('hourDropDown').style.display='block';
+ document.getElementById('monthDropDown').style.display='none';
+ document.getElementById('yearDropDown').style.display='none';
+ document.getElementById('minuteDropDown').style.display='none';
+ if (MSIE)
+ { EIS_FIX_EI1('hourDropDown');}
+ //// fix for EI frame problem on time dropdowns 09/30/2006
+ }
+function showMinuteDropDown()
+ if(document.getElementById('minuteDropDown').style.display=='block'){
+ document.getElementById('minuteDropDown').style.display='none';
+ //// fix for EI frame problem on time dropdowns 09/30/2006
+ EIS_Hide_Frame();
+ }else{
+ document.getElementById('minuteDropDown').style.display='block';
+ document.getElementById('monthDropDown').style.display='none';
+ document.getElementById('yearDropDown').style.display='none';
+ document.getElementById('hourDropDown').style.display='none';
+ if (MSIE)
+ { EIS_FIX_EI1('minuteDropDown');}
+ //// fix for EI frame problem on time dropdowns 09/30/2006
+ }
+function selectMonth()
+ document.getElementById('calendar_month_txt').innerHTML = this.innerHTML
+ currentMonth = this.id.replace(/[^\d]/g,'');
+ document.getElementById('monthDropDown').style.display='none';
+ //// fix for EI frame problem on time dropdowns 09/30/2006
+ EIS_Hide_Frame();
+ for(var no=0;no<monthArray.length;no++){
+ document.getElementById('monthDiv_'+no).style.color='';
+ }
+ this.style.color = selectBoxHighlightColor;
+ activeSelectBoxMonth = this;
+ writeCalendarContent();
+function selectHour()
+ document.getElementById('calendar_hour_txt').innerHTML = this.innerHTML
+ currentHour = this.innerHTML.replace(/[^\d]/g,'');
+ document.getElementById('hourDropDown').style.display='none';
+ //// fix for EI frame problem on time dropdowns 09/30/2006
+ EIS_Hide_Frame();
+ if(activeSelectBoxHour){
+ activeSelectBoxHour.style.color='';
+ }
+ activeSelectBoxHour=this;
+ this.style.color = selectBoxHighlightColor;
+function selectMinute()
+ document.getElementById('calendar_minute_txt').innerHTML = this.innerHTML
+ currentMinute = this.innerHTML.replace(/[^\d]/g,'');
+ document.getElementById('minuteDropDown').style.display='none';
+ //// fix for EI frame problem on time dropdowns 09/30/2006
+ EIS_Hide_Frame();
+ if(activeSelectBoxMinute){
+ activeSelectBoxMinute.style.color='';
+ }
+ activeSelectBoxMinute=this;
+ this.style.color = selectBoxHighlightColor;
+function selectYear()
+ document.getElementById('calendar_year_txt').innerHTML = this.innerHTML
+ currentYear = this.innerHTML.replace(/[^\d]/g,'');
+ document.getElementById('yearDropDown').style.display='none';
+ //// fix for EI frame problem on time dropdowns 09/30/2006
+ EIS_Hide_Frame();
+ if(activeSelectBoxYear){
+ activeSelectBoxYear.style.color='';
+ }
+ activeSelectBoxYear=this;
+ this.style.color = selectBoxHighlightColor;
+ writeCalendarContent();
+function switchMonth()
+ if(this.src.indexOf('left')>=0){
+ currentMonth=currentMonth-1;;
+ if(currentMonth<0){
+ currentMonth=11;
+ currentYear=currentYear-1;
+ }
+ }else{
+ currentMonth=currentMonth+1;;
+ if(currentMonth>11){
+ currentMonth=0;
+ currentYear=currentYear/1+1;
+ }
+ }
+ writeCalendarContent();
+function createMonthDiv(){
+ var div = document.createElement('DIV');
+ div.className='monthYearPicker';
+ div.id = 'monthPicker';
+ for(var no=0;no<monthArray.length;no++){
+ var subDiv = document.createElement('DIV');
+ subDiv.innerHTML = monthArray[no];
+ subDiv.onmouseover = highlightMonthYear;
+ subDiv.onmouseout = highlightMonthYear;
+ subDiv.onclick = selectMonth;
+ subDiv.id = 'monthDiv_' + no;
+ subDiv.style.width = '56px';
+ subDiv.onselectstart = cancelCalendarEvent;
+ div.appendChild(subDiv);
+ if(currentMonth && currentMonth==no){
+ subDiv.style.color = selectBoxHighlightColor;
+ activeSelectBoxMonth = subDiv;
+ }
+ }
+ return div;
+function changeSelectBoxYear(e,inputObj)
+ if(!inputObj)inputObj =this;
+ var yearItems = inputObj.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('DIV');
+ if(inputObj.innerHTML.indexOf('-')>=0){
+ var startYear = yearItems[1].innerHTML/1 -1;
+ if(activeSelectBoxYear){
+ activeSelectBoxYear.style.color='';
+ }
+ }else{
+ var startYear = yearItems[1].innerHTML/1 +1;
+ if(activeSelectBoxYear){
+ activeSelectBoxYear.style.color='';
+ }
+ }
+ for(var no=1;no<yearItems.length-1;no++){
+ yearItems[no].innerHTML = startYear+no-1;
+ yearItems[no].id = 'yearDiv' + (startYear/1+no/1-1);
+ }
+ if(activeSelectBoxYear){
+ activeSelectBoxYear.style.color='';
+ if(document.getElementById('yearDiv'+currentYear)){
+ activeSelectBoxYear = document.getElementById('yearDiv'+currentYear);
+ activeSelectBoxYear.style.color=selectBoxHighlightColor;;
+ }
+ }
+function changeSelectBoxHour(e,inputObj)
+ if(!inputObj)inputObj = this;
+ var hourItems = inputObj.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('DIV');
+ if(inputObj.innerHTML.indexOf('-')>=0){
+ var startHour = hourItems[1].innerHTML/1 -1;
+ if(startHour<0)startHour=0;
+ if(activeSelectBoxHour){
+ activeSelectBoxHour.style.color='';
+ }
+ }else{
+ var startHour = hourItems[1].innerHTML/1 +1;
+ if(startHour>14)startHour = 14;
+ if(activeSelectBoxHour){
+ activeSelectBoxHour.style.color='';
+ }
+ }
+ var prefix = '';
+ for(var no=1;no<hourItems.length-1;no++){
+ if((startHour/1 + no/1) < 11)prefix = '0'; else prefix = '';
+ hourItems[no].innerHTML = prefix + (startHour+no-1);
+ hourItems[no].id = 'hourDiv' + (startHour/1+no/1-1);
+ }
+ if(activeSelectBoxHour){
+ activeSelectBoxHour.style.color='';
+ if(document.getElementById('hourDiv'+currentHour)){
+ activeSelectBoxHour = document.getElementById('hourDiv'+currentHour);
+ activeSelectBoxHour.style.color=selectBoxHighlightColor;;
+ }
+ }
+function updateYearDiv()
+ var yearSpan = 5;
+ if (turnOffYearSpan) {
+ yearSpan = 0;
+ }
+ var div = document.getElementById('yearDropDown');
+ var yearItems = div.getElementsByTagName('DIV');
+ for(var no=1;no<yearItems.length-1;no++){
+ yearItems[no].innerHTML = currentYear/1 -yearSpan + no;
+ if(currentYear==(currentYear/1 -yearSpan + no)){
+ yearItems[no].style.color = selectBoxHighlightColor;
+ activeSelectBoxYear = yearItems[no];
+ }else{
+ yearItems[no].style.color = '';
+ }
+ }
+function updateMonthDiv()
+ for(no=0;no<12;no++){
+ document.getElementById('monthDiv_' + no).style.color = '';
+ }
+ document.getElementById('monthDiv_' + currentMonth).style.color = selectBoxHighlightColor;
+ activeSelectBoxMonth = document.getElementById('monthDiv_' + currentMonth);
+function updateHourDiv()
+ var div = document.getElementById('hourDropDown');
+ var hourItems = div.getElementsByTagName('DIV');
+ var addHours = 0;
+ if((currentHour/1 -6 + 1)<0){
+ addHours = (currentHour/1 -6 + 1)*-1;
+ }
+ for(var no=1;no<hourItems.length-1;no++){
+ var prefix='';
+ if((currentHour/1 -6 + no + addHours) < 10)prefix='0';
+ hourItems[no].innerHTML = prefix + (currentHour/1 -6 + no + addHours);
+ if(currentHour==(currentHour/1 -6 + no)){
+ hourItems[no].style.color = selectBoxHighlightColor;
+ activeSelectBoxHour = hourItems[no];
+ }else{
+ hourItems[no].style.color = '';
+ }
+ }
+function updateMinuteDiv()
+ for(no=0;no<60;no+=intervalSelectBox_minutes){
+ var prefix = '';
+ if(no<10)prefix = '0';
+ document.getElementById('minuteDiv_' + prefix + no).style.color = '';
+ }
+ if(document.getElementById('minuteDiv_' + currentMinute)){
+ document.getElementById('minuteDiv_' + currentMinute).style.color = selectBoxHighlightColor;
+ activeSelectBoxMinute = document.getElementById('minuteDiv_' + currentMinute);
+ }
+function createYearDiv()
+ if(!document.getElementById('yearDropDown')){
+ var div = document.createElement('DIV');
+ div.className='monthYearPicker';
+ }else{
+ var div = document.getElementById('yearDropDown');
+ var subDivs = div.getElementsByTagName('DIV');
+ for(var no=0;no<subDivs.length;no++){
+ subDivs[no].parentNode.removeChild(subDivs[no]);
+ }
+ }
+ var d = new Date();
+ if(currentYear){
+ d.setFullYear(currentYear);
+ }
+ var startYear = d.getFullYear()/1 - 5;
+ var yearSpan = 10;
+ if (! turnOffYearSpan) {
+ var subDiv = document.createElement('DIV');
+ subDiv.innerHTML = ' - ';
+ subDiv.onclick = changeSelectBoxYear;
+ subDiv.onmouseover = highlightMonthYear;
+ subDiv.onmouseout = function(){ selectBoxMovementInProgress = false;};
+ subDiv.onselectstart = cancelCalendarEvent;
+ div.appendChild(subDiv);
+ } else {
+ startYear = d.getFullYear()/1 - 0;
+ yearSpan = 2;
+ }
+ for(var no=startYear;no<(startYear+yearSpan);no++){
+ var subDiv = document.createElement('DIV');
+ subDiv.innerHTML = no;
+ subDiv.onmouseover = highlightMonthYear;
+ subDiv.onmouseout = highlightMonthYear;
+ subDiv.onclick = selectYear;
+ subDiv.id = 'yearDiv' + no;
+ subDiv.onselectstart = cancelCalendarEvent;
+ div.appendChild(subDiv);
+ if(currentYear && currentYear==no){
+ subDiv.style.color = selectBoxHighlightColor;
+ activeSelectBoxYear = subDiv;
+ }
+ }
+ if (! turnOffYearSpan) {
+ var subDiv = document.createElement('DIV');
+ subDiv.innerHTML = ' + ';
+ subDiv.onclick = changeSelectBoxYear;
+ subDiv.onmouseover = highlightMonthYear;
+ subDiv.onmouseout = function(){ selectBoxMovementInProgress = false;};
+ subDiv.onselectstart = cancelCalendarEvent;
+ div.appendChild(subDiv);
+ }
+ return div;
+/* This function creates the hour div at the bottom bar */
+function slideCalendarSelectBox()
+ if(selectBoxMovementInProgress){
+ if(activeSelectBox.parentNode.id=='hourDropDown'){
+ changeSelectBoxHour(false,activeSelectBox);
+ }
+ if(activeSelectBox.parentNode.id=='yearDropDown'){
+ changeSelectBoxYear(false,activeSelectBox);
+ }
+ }
+ setTimeout('slideCalendarSelectBox()',speedOfSelectBoxSliding);
+function createHourDiv()
+ if(!document.getElementById('hourDropDown')){
+ var div = document.createElement('DIV');
+ div.className='monthYearPicker';
+ }else{
+ var div = document.getElementById('hourDropDown');
+ var subDivs = div.getElementsByTagName('DIV');
+ for(var no=0;no<subDivs.length;no++){
+ subDivs[no].parentNode.removeChild(subDivs[no]);
+ }
+ }
+ if(!currentHour)currentHour=0;
+ var startHour = currentHour/1;
+ if(startHour>14)startHour=14;
+ var subDiv = document.createElement('DIV');
+ subDiv.innerHTML = ' - ';
+ subDiv.onclick = changeSelectBoxHour;
+ subDiv.onmouseover = highlightMonthYear;
+ subDiv.onmouseout = function(){ selectBoxMovementInProgress = false;};
+ subDiv.onselectstart = cancelCalendarEvent;
+ div.appendChild(subDiv);
+ for(var no=startHour;no<startHour+10;no++){
+ var prefix = '';
+ if(no/1<10)prefix='0';
+ var subDiv = document.createElement('DIV');
+ subDiv.innerHTML = prefix + no;
+ subDiv.onmouseover = highlightMonthYear;
+ subDiv.onmouseout = highlightMonthYear;
+ subDiv.onclick = selectHour;
+ subDiv.id = 'hourDiv' + no;
+ subDiv.onselectstart = cancelCalendarEvent;
+ div.appendChild(subDiv);
+ if(currentYear && currentYear==no){
+ subDiv.style.color = selectBoxHighlightColor;
+ activeSelectBoxYear = subDiv;
+ }
+ }
+ var subDiv = document.createElement('DIV');
+ subDiv.innerHTML = ' + ';
+ subDiv.onclick = changeSelectBoxHour;
+ subDiv.onmouseover = highlightMonthYear;
+ subDiv.onmouseout = function(){ selectBoxMovementInProgress = false;};
+ subDiv.onselectstart = cancelCalendarEvent;
+ div.appendChild(subDiv);
+ return div;
+/* This function creates the minute div at the bottom bar */
+function createMinuteDiv()
+ if(!document.getElementById('minuteDropDown')){
+ var div = document.createElement('DIV');
+ div.className='monthYearPicker';
+ }else{
+ var div = document.getElementById('minuteDropDown');
+ var subDivs = div.getElementsByTagName('DIV');
+ for(var no=0;no<subDivs.length;no++){
+ subDivs[no].parentNode.removeChild(subDivs[no]);
+ }
+ }
+ var startMinute = 0;
+ var prefix = '';
+ for(var no=startMinute;no<60;no+=intervalSelectBox_minutes){
+ if(no<10)prefix='0'; else prefix = '';
+ var subDiv = document.createElement('DIV');
+ subDiv.innerHTML = prefix + no;
+ subDiv.onmouseover = highlightMonthYear;
+ subDiv.onmouseout = highlightMonthYear;
+ subDiv.onclick = selectMinute;
+ subDiv.id = 'minuteDiv_' + prefix + no;
+ subDiv.onselectstart = cancelCalendarEvent;
+ div.appendChild(subDiv);
+ if(currentYear && currentYear==no){
+ subDiv.style.color = selectBoxHighlightColor;
+ activeSelectBoxYear = subDiv;
+ }
+ }
+ return div;
+function highlightSelect()
+ if(this.className=='selectBoxTime'){
+ this.className = 'selectBoxTimeOver';
+ this.getElementsByTagName('IMG')[0].src = pathToImages + 'down_time_over.gif';
+ }else if(this.className=='selectBoxTimeOver'){
+ this.className = 'selectBoxTime';
+ this.getElementsByTagName('IMG')[0].src = pathToImages + 'down_time.gif';
+ }
+ if(this.className=='selectBox'){
+ this.className = 'selectBoxOver';
+ this.getElementsByTagName('IMG')[0].src = pathToImages + 'down_over.gif';
+ }else if(this.className=='selectBoxOver'){
+ this.className = 'selectBox';
+ this.getElementsByTagName('IMG')[0].src = pathToImages + 'down.gif';
+ }
+function highlightArrow()
+ if(this.src.indexOf('over')>=0){
+ if(this.src.indexOf('left')>=0)this.src = pathToImages + 'left.gif';
+ if(this.src.indexOf('right')>=0)this.src = pathToImages + 'right.gif';
+ }else{
+ if(this.src.indexOf('left')>=0)this.src = pathToImages + 'left_over.gif';
+ if(this.src.indexOf('right')>=0)this.src = pathToImages + 'right_over.gif';
+ }
+function highlightClose()
+ if(this.src.indexOf('over')>=0){
+ this.src = pathToImages + 'close.gif';
+ }else{
+ this.src = pathToImages + 'close_over.gif';
+ }
+function closeCalendar(){
+ document.getElementById('yearDropDown').style.display='none';
+ document.getElementById('monthDropDown').style.display='none';
+ document.getElementById('hourDropDown').style.display='none';
+ document.getElementById('minuteDropDown').style.display='none';
+ calendarDiv.style.display='none';
+ if(iframeObj){
+ iframeObj.style.display='none';
+ //// //// fix for EI frame problem on time dropdowns 09/30/2006
+ EIS_Hide_Frame();}
+ if(activeSelectBoxMonth)activeSelectBoxMonth.className='';
+ if(activeSelectBoxYear)activeSelectBoxYear.className='';
+function writeTopBar()
+ var topBar = document.createElement('DIV');
+ topBar.className = 'topBar';
+ topBar.id = 'topBar';
+ calendarDiv.appendChild(topBar);
+ // Left arrow
+ var leftDiv = document.createElement('DIV');
+ leftDiv.style.marginRight = '1px';
+ var img = document.createElement('IMG');
+ img.src = pathToImages + 'left.gif';
+ img.onmouseover = highlightArrow;
+ img.onclick = switchMonth;
+ img.onmouseout = highlightArrow;
+ leftDiv.appendChild(img);
+ topBar.appendChild(leftDiv);
+ if(Opera)leftDiv.style.width = '16px';
+ // Right arrow
+ var rightDiv = document.createElement('DIV');
+ rightDiv.style.marginRight = '1px';
+ var img = document.createElement('IMG');
+ img.src = pathToImages + 'right.gif';
+ img.onclick = switchMonth;
+ img.onmouseover = highlightArrow;
+ img.onmouseout = highlightArrow;
+ rightDiv.appendChild(img);
+ if(Opera)rightDiv.style.width = '16px';
+ topBar.appendChild(rightDiv);
+ // Month selector
+ var monthDiv = document.createElement('DIV');
+ monthDiv.id = 'monthSelect';
+ monthDiv.onmouseover = highlightSelect;
+ monthDiv.onmouseout = highlightSelect;
+ monthDiv.onclick = showMonthDropDown;
+ var span = document.createElement('SPAN');
+ span.innerHTML = monthArray[currentMonth];
+ span.id = 'calendar_month_txt';
+ monthDiv.appendChild(span);
+ var img = document.createElement('IMG');
+ img.src = pathToImages + 'down.gif';
+ img.style.position = 'absolute';
+ img.style.right = '0px';
+ monthDiv.appendChild(img);
+ monthDiv.className = 'selectBox';
+ if(Opera){
+ img.style.cssText = 'float:right;position:relative';
+ img.style.position = 'relative';
+ img.style.styleFloat = 'right';
+ }
+ topBar.appendChild(monthDiv);
+ var monthPicker = createMonthDiv();
+ monthPicker.style.left = '37px';
+ monthPicker.style.top = monthDiv.offsetTop + monthDiv.offsetHeight + 1 + 'px';
+ monthPicker.style.width ='60px';
+ monthPicker.id = 'monthDropDown';
+ calendarDiv.appendChild(monthPicker);
+ // Year selector
+ var yearDiv = document.createElement('DIV');
+ yearDiv.onmouseover = highlightSelect;
+ yearDiv.onmouseout = highlightSelect;
+ yearDiv.onclick = showYearDropDown;
+ var span = document.createElement('SPAN');
+ span.innerHTML = currentYear;
+ span.id = 'calendar_year_txt';
+ yearDiv.appendChild(span);
+ topBar.appendChild(yearDiv);
+ var img = document.createElement('IMG');
+ img.src = pathToImages + 'down.gif';
+ yearDiv.appendChild(img);
+ yearDiv.className = 'selectBox';
+ if(Opera){
+ yearDiv.style.width = '50px';
+ img.style.cssText = 'float:right';
+ img.style.position = 'relative';
+ img.style.styleFloat = 'right';
+ }
+ var yearPicker = createYearDiv();
+ yearPicker.style.left = '113px';
+ yearPicker.style.top = monthDiv.offsetTop + monthDiv.offsetHeight + 1 + 'px';
+ yearPicker.style.width = '35px';
+ yearPicker.id = 'yearDropDown';
+ calendarDiv.appendChild(yearPicker);
+ var img = document.createElement('IMG');
+ img.src = pathToImages + 'close.gif';
+ img.style.styleFloat = 'right';
+ img.onmouseover = highlightClose;
+ img.onmouseout = highlightClose;
+ img.onclick = closeCalendar;
+ topBar.appendChild(img);
+ if(!document.all){
+ img.style.position = 'absolute';
+ img.style.right = '2px';
+ }
+function writeCalendarContent()
+ var calendarContentDivExists = true;
+ if(!calendarContentDiv){
+ calendarContentDiv = document.createElement('DIV');
+ calendarDiv.appendChild(calendarContentDiv);
+ calendarContentDivExists = false;
+ }
+ currentMonth = currentMonth/1;
+ var d = new Date();
+ d.setFullYear(currentYear);
+ d.setDate(1);
+ d.setMonth(currentMonth);
+ var dayStartOfMonth = d.getDay();
+ if (! weekStartsOnSunday) {
+ if(dayStartOfMonth==0)dayStartOfMonth=7;
+ dayStartOfMonth--;
+ }
+ document.getElementById('calendar_year_txt').innerHTML = currentYear;
+ document.getElementById('calendar_month_txt').innerHTML = monthArray[currentMonth];
+ document.getElementById('calendar_hour_txt').innerHTML = currentHour;
+ document.getElementById('calendar_minute_txt').innerHTML = currentMinute;
+ var existingTable = calendarContentDiv.getElementsByTagName('TABLE');
+ if(existingTable.length>0){
+ calendarContentDiv.removeChild(existingTable[0]);
+ }
+ var calTable = document.createElement('TABLE');
+ calTable.width = '100%';
+ calTable.cellSpacing = '0';
+ calendarContentDiv.appendChild(calTable);
+ var calTBody = document.createElement('TBODY');
+ calTable.appendChild(calTBody);
+ var row = calTBody.insertRow(-1);
+ row.className = 'calendar_week_row';
+ if (showWeekNumber) {
+ var cell = row.insertCell(-1);
+ cell.innerHTML = weekString;
+ cell.className = 'calendar_week_column';
+ cell.style.backgroundColor = selectBoxRolloverBgColor;
+ }
+ for(var no=0;no<dayArray.length;no++){
+ var cell = row.insertCell(-1);
+ cell.innerHTML = dayArray[no];
+ }
+ var row = calTBody.insertRow(-1);
+ if (showWeekNumber) {
+ var cell = row.insertCell(-1);
+ cell.className = 'calendar_week_column';
+ cell.style.backgroundColor = selectBoxRolloverBgColor;
+ var week = getWeek(currentYear,currentMonth,1);
+ cell.innerHTML = week; // Week
+ }
+ for(var no=0;no<dayStartOfMonth;no++){
+ var cell = row.insertCell(-1);
+ cell.innerHTML = ' ';
+ }
+ var colCounter = dayStartOfMonth;
+ var daysInMonth = daysInMonthArray[currentMonth];
+ if(daysInMonth==28){
+ if(isLeapYear(currentYear))daysInMonth=29;
+ }
+ for(var no=1;no<=daysInMonth;no++){
+ d.setDate(no-1);
+ if(colCounter>0 && colCounter%7==0){
+ var row = calTBody.insertRow(-1);
+ if (showWeekNumber) {
+ var cell = row.insertCell(-1);
+ cell.className = 'calendar_week_column';
+ var week = getWeek(currentYear,currentMonth,no);
+ cell.innerHTML = week; // Week
+ cell.style.backgroundColor = selectBoxRolloverBgColor;
+ }
+ }
+ var cell = row.insertCell(-1);
+ if(currentYear==inputYear && currentMonth == inputMonth && no==inputDay){
+ cell.className='activeDay';
+ }
+ cell.innerHTML = no;
+ cell.onclick = pickDate;
+ colCounter++;
+ }
+ if(!document.all){
+ if(calendarContentDiv.offsetHeight)
+ document.getElementById('topBar').style.top = calendarContentDiv.offsetHeight + document.getElementById('timeBar').offsetHeight + document.getElementById('topBar').offsetHeight -1 + 'px';
+ else{
+ document.getElementById('topBar').style.top = '';
+ document.getElementById('topBar').style.bottom = '0px';
+ }
+ }
+ if(iframeObj){
+ if(!calendarContentDivExists)setTimeout('resizeIframe()',350);else setTimeout('resizeIframe()',10);
+ }
+function resizeIframe()
+ iframeObj.style.width = calendarDiv.offsetWidth + 'px';
+ iframeObj.style.height = calendarDiv.offsetHeight + 'px' ;
+function pickTodaysDate()
+ var d = new Date();
+ currentMonth = d.getMonth();
+ currentYear = d.getFullYear();
+ pickDate(false,d.getDate());
+function pickDate(e,inputDay)
+ var month = currentMonth/1 +1;
+ if(month<10)month = '0' + month;
+ var day;
+ if(!inputDay && this)day = this.innerHTML; else day = inputDay;
+ if(day/1<10)day = '0' + day;
+ if(returnFormat){
+ returnFormat = returnFormat.replace('dd',day);
+ returnFormat = returnFormat.replace('mm',month);
+ returnFormat = returnFormat.replace('yyyy',currentYear);
+ returnFormat = returnFormat.replace('hh',currentHour);
+ returnFormat = returnFormat.replace('ii',currentMinute);
+ returnFormat = returnFormat.replace('d',day/1);
+ returnFormat = returnFormat.replace('m',month/1);
+ returnDateTo.value = returnFormat;
+ try{
+ returnDateTo.onchange();
+ }catch(e){
+ }
+ }else{
+ for(var no=0;no<returnDateToYear.options.length;no++){
+ if(returnDateToYear.options[no].value==currentYear){
+ returnDateToYear.selectedIndex=no;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ for(var no=0;no<returnDateToMonth.options.length;no++){
+ if(returnDateToMonth.options[no].value==parseInt(month)){
+ returnDateToMonth.selectedIndex=no;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ for(var no=0;no<returnDateToDay.options.length;no++){
+ if(returnDateToDay.options[no].value==parseInt(day)){
+ returnDateToDay.selectedIndex=no;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(calendarDisplayTime){
+ for(var no=0;no<returnDateToHour.options.length;no++){
+ if(returnDateToHour.options[no].value==parseInt(currentHour)){
+ returnDateToHour.selectedIndex=no;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ for(var no=0;no<returnDateToMinute.options.length;no++){
+ if(returnDateToMinute.options[no].value==parseInt(currentMinute)){
+ returnDateToMinute.selectedIndex=no;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ closeCalendar();
+// This function is from http://www.codeproject.com/csharp/gregorianwknum.asp
+// Only changed the month add
+function getWeek(year,month,day){
+ if (! weekStartsOnSunday) {
+ day = (day/1);
+ } else {
+ day = (day/1)+1;
+ }
+ year = year /1;
+ month = month/1 + 1; //use 1-12
+ var a = Math.floor((14-(month))/12);
+ var y = year+4800-a;
+ var m = (month)+(12*a)-3;
+ var jd = day + Math.floor(((153*m)+2)/5) +
+ (365*y) + Math.floor(y/4) - Math.floor(y/100) +
+ Math.floor(y/400) - 32045; // (gregorian calendar)
+ var d4 = (jd+31741-(jd%7))%146097%36524%1461;
+ var L = Math.floor(d4/1460);
+ var d1 = ((d4-L)%365)+L;
+ NumberOfWeek = Math.floor(d1/7) + 1;
+ return NumberOfWeek;
+function writeTimeBar()
+ var timeBar = document.createElement('DIV');
+ timeBar.id = 'timeBar';
+ timeBar.className = 'timeBar';
+ var subDiv = document.createElement('DIV');
+ subDiv.innerHTML = 'Time:';
+ //timeBar.appendChild(subDiv);
+ // Year selector
+ var hourDiv = document.createElement('DIV');
+ hourDiv.onmouseover = highlightSelect;
+ hourDiv.onmouseout = highlightSelect;
+ hourDiv.onclick = showHourDropDown;
+ hourDiv.style.width = '30px';
+ var span = document.createElement('SPAN');
+ span.innerHTML = currentHour;
+ span.id = 'calendar_hour_txt';
+ hourDiv.appendChild(span);
+ timeBar.appendChild(hourDiv);
+ var img = document.createElement('IMG');
+ img.src = pathToImages + 'down_time.gif';
+ hourDiv.appendChild(img);
+ hourDiv.className = 'selectBoxTime';
+ if(Opera){
+ hourDiv.style.width = '30px';
+ img.style.cssText = 'float:right';
+ img.style.position = 'relative';
+ img.style.styleFloat = 'right';
+ }
+ var hourPicker = createHourDiv();
+ hourPicker.style.left = '130px';
+ //hourPicker.style.top = monthDiv.offsetTop + monthDiv.offsetHeight + 1 + 'px';
+ hourPicker.style.width = '35px';
+ hourPicker.id = 'hourDropDown';
+ calendarDiv.appendChild(hourPicker);
+ // Add Minute picker
+ // Year selector
+ var minuteDiv = document.createElement('DIV');
+ minuteDiv.onmouseover = highlightSelect;
+ minuteDiv.onmouseout = highlightSelect;
+ minuteDiv.onclick = showMinuteDropDown;
+ minuteDiv.style.width = '30px';
+ var span = document.createElement('SPAN');
+ span.innerHTML = currentMinute;
+ span.id = 'calendar_minute_txt';
+ minuteDiv.appendChild(span);
+ timeBar.appendChild(minuteDiv);
+ var img = document.createElement('IMG');
+ img.src = pathToImages + 'down_time.gif';
+ minuteDiv.appendChild(img);
+ minuteDiv.className = 'selectBoxTime';
+ if(Opera){
+ minuteDiv.style.width = '30px';
+ img.style.cssText = 'float:right';
+ img.style.position = 'relative';
+ img.style.styleFloat = 'right';
+ }
+ var minutePicker = createMinuteDiv();
+ minutePicker.style.left = '167px';
+ //minutePicker.style.top = monthDiv.offsetTop + monthDiv.offsetHeight + 1 + 'px';
+ minutePicker.style.width = '35px';
+ minutePicker.id = 'minuteDropDown';
+ calendarDiv.appendChild(minutePicker);
+ return timeBar;
+function writeBottomBar()
+ var d = new Date();
+ var bottomBar = document.createElement('DIV');
+ bottomBar.id = 'bottomBar';
+ bottomBar.style.cursor = 'pointer';
+ bottomBar.className = 'todaysDate';
+ // var todayStringFormat = '[todayString] [dayString] [day] [monthString] [year]'; ;;
+ var subDiv = document.createElement('DIV');
+ subDiv.onclick = pickTodaysDate;
+ subDiv.id = 'todaysDateString';
+ subDiv.style.width = (calendarDiv.offsetWidth - 95) + 'px';
+ var day = d.getDay();
+ if (! weekStartsOnSunday) {
+ if(day==0)day = 7;
+ day--;
+ }
+ var bottomString = todayStringFormat;
+ bottomString = bottomString.replace('[monthString]',monthArrayShort[d.getMonth()]);
+ bottomString = bottomString.replace('[day]',d.getDate());
+ bottomString = bottomString.replace('[year]',d.getFullYear());
+ bottomString = bottomString.replace('[dayString]',dayArray[day].toLowerCase());
+ bottomString = bottomString.replace('[UCFdayString]',dayArray[day]);
+ bottomString = bottomString.replace('[todayString]',todayString);
+ subDiv.innerHTML = todayString + ': ' + d.getDate() + '. ' + monthArrayShort[d.getMonth()] + ', ' + d.getFullYear() ;
+ subDiv.innerHTML = bottomString ;
+ bottomBar.appendChild(subDiv);
+ var timeDiv = writeTimeBar();
+ bottomBar.appendChild(timeDiv);
+ calendarDiv.appendChild(bottomBar);
+function getTopPos(inputObj)
+ var returnValue = inputObj.offsetTop + inputObj.offsetHeight;
+ while((inputObj = inputObj.offsetParent) != null)returnValue += inputObj.offsetTop;
+ return returnValue + calendar_offsetTop;
+function getleftPos(inputObj)
+ var returnValue = inputObj.offsetLeft;
+ while((inputObj = inputObj.offsetParent) != null)returnValue += inputObj.offsetLeft;
+ return returnValue + calendar_offsetLeft;
+function positionCalendar(inputObj)
+ calendarDiv.style.left = getleftPos(inputObj) + 'px';
+ calendarDiv.style.top = getTopPos(inputObj) - calendarDiv.style.height + 'px';
+ if(iframeObj){
+ iframeObj.style.left = calendarDiv.style.left;
+ iframeObj.style.top = calendarDiv.style.top;
+ //// fix for EI frame problem on time dropdowns 09/30/2006
+ iframeObj2.style.left = calendarDiv.style.left;
+ iframeObj2.style.top = calendarDiv.style.top;
+ }
+function initCalendar()
+ if(MSIE){
+ iframeObj = document.createElement('IFRAME');
+ iframeObj.style.filter = 'alpha(opacity=0)';
+ iframeObj.style.position = 'absolute';
+ iframeObj.border='0px';
+ iframeObj.style.border = '0px';
+ iframeObj.style.backgroundColor = '#FF0000';
+ //// fix for EI frame problem on time dropdowns 09/30/2006
+ iframeObj2 = document.createElement('IFRAME');
+ iframeObj2.style.position = 'absolute';
+ iframeObj2.border='0px';
+ iframeObj2.style.border = '0px';
+ iframeObj2.style.height = '1px';
+ iframeObj2.style.width = '1px';
+ //// fix for EI frame problem on time dropdowns 09/30/2006
+ // Added fixed for HTTPS
+ iframeObj2.src = 'blank.html';
+ iframeObj.src = 'blank.html';
+ document.body.appendChild(iframeObj2); // gfb move this down AFTER the .src is set
+ document.body.appendChild(iframeObj);
+ }
+ calendarDiv = document.createElement('DIV');
+ calendarDiv.id = 'calendarDiv';
+ calendarDiv.style.zIndex = 1000;
+ slideCalendarSelectBox();
+ document.body.appendChild(calendarDiv);
+ writeBottomBar();
+ writeTopBar();
+ if(!currentYear){
+ var d = new Date();
+ currentMonth = d.getMonth();
+ currentYear = d.getFullYear();
+ }
+ writeCalendarContent();
+function setTimeProperties()
+ if(!calendarDisplayTime){
+ document.getElementById('timeBar').style.display='none';
+ document.getElementById('timeBar').style.visibility='hidden';
+ document.getElementById('todaysDateString').style.width = '100%';
+ }else{
+ document.getElementById('timeBar').style.display='block';
+ document.getElementById('timeBar').style.visibility='visible';
+ document.getElementById('hourDropDown').style.top = document.getElementById('calendar_minute_txt').parentNode.offsetHeight + calendarContentDiv.offsetHeight + document.getElementById('topBar').offsetHeight + 'px';
+ document.getElementById('minuteDropDown').style.top = document.getElementById('calendar_minute_txt').parentNode.offsetHeight + calendarContentDiv.offsetHeight + document.getElementById('topBar').offsetHeight + 'px';
+ document.getElementById('minuteDropDown').style.right = '50px';
+ document.getElementById('hourDropDown').style.right = '50px';
+ document.getElementById('todaysDateString').style.width = '115px';
+ }
+function calendarSortItems(a,b)
+ return a/1 - b/1;
+function displayCalendar(inputField,format,buttonObj,displayTime,timeInput)
+ if(displayTime)calendarDisplayTime=true; else calendarDisplayTime = false;
+ if(inputField.value.length>6){ //dates must have at least 6 digits...
+ if(!inputField.value.match(/^[0-9]*?$/gi)){
+ var items = inputField.value.split(/[^0-9]/gi);
+ var positionArray = new Object();
+ positionArray.m = format.indexOf('mm');
+ if(positionArray.m==-1)positionArray.m = format.indexOf('m');
+ positionArray.d = format.indexOf('dd');
+ if(positionArray.d==-1)positionArray.d = format.indexOf('d');
+ positionArray.y = format.indexOf('yyyy');
+ positionArray.h = format.indexOf('hh');
+ positionArray.i = format.indexOf('ii');
+ this.initialHour = '00';
+ this.initialMinute = '00';
+ var elements = ['y','m','d','h','i'];
+ var properties = ['currentYear','currentMonth','inputDay','currentHour','currentMinute'];
+ var propertyLength = [4,2,2,2,2];
+ for(var i=0;i<elements.length;i++) {
+ if(positionArray[elements[i]]>=0) {
+ window[properties[i]] = inputField.value.substr(positionArray[elements[i]],propertyLength[i])/1;
+ }
+ }
+ currentMonth--;
+ }else{
+ var monthPos = format.indexOf('mm');
+ currentMonth = inputField.value.substr(monthPos,2)/1 -1;
+ var yearPos = format.indexOf('yyyy');
+ currentYear = inputField.value.substr(yearPos,4);
+ var dayPos = format.indexOf('dd');
+ tmpDay = inputField.value.substr(dayPos,2);
+ var hourPos = format.indexOf('hh');
+ if(hourPos>=0){
+ tmpHour = inputField.value.substr(hourPos,2);
+ currentHour = tmpHour;
+ }else{
+ currentHour = '00';
+ }
+ var minutePos = format.indexOf('ii');
+ if(minutePos>=0){
+ tmpMinute = inputField.value.substr(minutePos,2);
+ currentMinute = tmpMinute;
+ }else{
+ currentMinute = '00';
+ }
+ }
+ }else{
+ var d = new Date();
+ currentMonth = d.getMonth();
+ currentYear = d.getFullYear();
+ currentHour = '08';
+ currentMinute = '00';
+ inputDay = d.getDate()/1;
+ }
+ inputYear = currentYear;
+ inputMonth = currentMonth;
+ if(!calendarDiv){
+ initCalendar();
+ }else{
+ if(calendarDiv.style.display=='block'){
+ closeCalendar();
+ return false;
+ }
+ writeCalendarContent();
+ }
+ returnFormat = format;
+ returnDateTo = inputField;
+ positionCalendar(buttonObj);
+ calendarDiv.style.visibility = 'visible';
+ calendarDiv.style.display = 'block';
+ if(iframeObj){
+ iframeObj.style.display = '';
+ iframeObj.style.height = '140px';
+ iframeObj.style.width = '195px';
+ iframeObj2.style.display = '';
+ iframeObj2.style.height = '140px';
+ iframeObj2.style.width = '195px';
+ }
+ setTimeProperties();
+ updateYearDiv();
+ updateMonthDiv();
+ updateMinuteDiv();
+ updateHourDiv();
+function displayCalendarSelectBox(yearInput,monthInput,dayInput,hourInput,minuteInput,buttonObj)
+ if(!hourInput)calendarDisplayTime=false; else calendarDisplayTime = true;
+ currentMonth = monthInput.options[monthInput.selectedIndex].value/1-1;
+ currentYear = yearInput.options[yearInput.selectedIndex].value;
+ if(hourInput){
+ currentHour = hourInput.options[hourInput.selectedIndex].value;
+ inputHour = currentHour/1;
+ }
+ if(minuteInput){
+ currentMinute = minuteInput.options[minuteInput.selectedIndex].value;
+ inputMinute = currentMinute/1;
+ }
+ inputYear = yearInput.options[yearInput.selectedIndex].value;
+ inputMonth = monthInput.options[monthInput.selectedIndex].value/1 - 1;
+ inputDay = dayInput.options[dayInput.selectedIndex].value/1;
+ if(!calendarDiv){
+ initCalendar();
+ }else{
+ writeCalendarContent();
+ }
+ returnDateToYear = yearInput;
+ returnDateToMonth = monthInput;
+ returnDateToDay = dayInput;
+ returnDateToHour = hourInput;
+ returnDateToMinute = minuteInput;
+ returnFormat = false;
+ returnDateTo = false;
+ positionCalendar(buttonObj);
+ calendarDiv.style.visibility = 'visible';
+ calendarDiv.style.display = 'block';
+ if(iframeObj){
+ iframeObj.style.display = '';
+ iframeObj.style.height = calendarDiv.offsetHeight + 'px';
+ iframeObj.style.width = calendarDiv.offsetWidth + 'px';
+ //// fix for EI frame problem on time dropdowns 09/30/2006
+ iframeObj2.style.display = '';
+ iframeObj2.style.height = calendarDiv.offsetHeight + 'px';
+ iframeObj2.style.width = calendarDiv.offsetWidth + 'px'
+ }
+ setTimeProperties();
+ updateYearDiv();
+ updateMonthDiv();
+ updateHourDiv();
+ updateMinuteDiv();