#include "optick.config.h"
#include "optick_core.h"
#include "optick_server.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <fstream>
// Start of the Platform-specific stuff
#if defined(OPTICK_MSVC)
#include "optick_core.win.h"
#if defined(OPTICK_LINUX)
#include "optick_core.linux.h"
#if defined(OPTICK_OSX)
#include "optick_core.macos.h"
#if defined(OPTICK_PS4)
#include "optick_core.ps4.h"
// End of the Platform-specific stuff
extern "C" Optick::EventData* NextEvent()
if (Optick::EventStorage* storage = Optick::Core::storage)
return &storage->NextEvent();
return nullptr;
namespace Optick
void* (*Memory::allocate)(size_t) = operator new;
void (*Memory::deallocate)(void* p) = operator delete;
std::atomic<uint64_t> Memory::memAllocated;
uint64_t MurmurHash64A(const void * key, int len, uint64_t seed)
const uint64_t m = 0xc6a4a7935bd1e995;
const int r = 47;
uint64_t h = seed ^ (len * m);
const uint64_t * data = (const uint64_t *)key;
const uint64_t * end = data + (len / 8);
while (data != end)
uint64_t k = *data++;
k *= m;
k ^= k >> r;
k *= m;
h ^= k;
h *= m;
const unsigned char * data2 = (const unsigned char*)data;
switch (len & 7)
case 7: h ^= uint64_t(data2[6]) << 48;
case 6: h ^= uint64_t(data2[5]) << 40;
case 5: h ^= uint64_t(data2[4]) << 32;
case 4: h ^= uint64_t(data2[3]) << 24;
case 3: h ^= uint64_t(data2[2]) << 16;
case 2: h ^= uint64_t(data2[1]) << 8;
case 1: h ^= uint64_t(data2[0]);
h *= m;
h ^= h >> r;
h *= m;
h ^= h >> r;
return h;
uint64_t StringHash::CalcHash(const char* str)
return MurmurHash64A(str, (int)strlen(str), 0);
// Base 64
// https://renenyffenegger.ch/notes/development/Base64/Encoding-and-decoding-base-64-with-cpp
static inline bool is_base64(unsigned char c) {
return (isalnum(c) || (c == '+') || (c == '/'));
string base64_decode(string const& encoded_string) {
static string base64_chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
int in_len = (int)encoded_string.size();
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
int in_ = 0;
unsigned char char_array_4[4], char_array_3[3];
string ret;
while (in_len-- && (encoded_string[in_] != '=') && is_base64(encoded_string[in_])) {
char_array_4[i++] = encoded_string[in_]; in_++;
if (i == 4) {
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
char_array_4[i] = (unsigned char)base64_chars.find(char_array_4[i]);
char_array_3[0] = (char_array_4[0] << 2) + ((char_array_4[1] & 0x30) >> 4);
char_array_3[1] = ((char_array_4[1] & 0xf) << 4) + ((char_array_4[2] & 0x3c) >> 2);
char_array_3[2] = ((char_array_4[2] & 0x3) << 6) + char_array_4[3];
for (i = 0; (i < 3); i++)
ret += char_array_3[i];
i = 0;
if (i) {
for (j = i; j < 4; j++)
char_array_4[j] = 0;
for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
char_array_4[j] = (unsigned char)base64_chars.find(char_array_4[j]);
char_array_3[0] = (char_array_4[0] << 2) + ((char_array_4[1] & 0x30) >> 4);
char_array_3[1] = ((char_array_4[1] & 0xf) << 4) + ((char_array_4[2] & 0x3c) >> 2);
char_array_3[2] = ((char_array_4[2] & 0x3) << 6) + char_array_4[3];
for (j = 0; (j < i - 1); j++) ret += char_array_3[j];
return ret;
// Get current time in milliseconds
int64 GetTimeMilliSeconds()
return Platform::GetTime() * 1000 / Platform::GetFrequency();
int64 TicksToMs(int64 ticks)
return ticks * 1000 / Platform::GetFrequency();
int64 TicksToUs(int64 ticks)
return ticks * 1000000 / Platform::GetFrequency();
template<class T>
OutputDataStream& operator<<(OutputDataStream& stream, const TagData<T>& ob)
return stream << ob.timestamp << ob.description->index << ob.data;
OutputDataStream& operator<<(OutputDataStream& os, const Symbol * const symbol)
OPTICK_VERIFY(symbol, "Can't serialize NULL symbol!", return os);
return os << symbol->address << symbol->function << symbol->file << symbol->line;
OutputDataStream& operator<<(OutputDataStream& os, const Module& module)
return os << module.path << (uint64)module.address << (uint64)module.size;
// VS TODO: Replace with random access iterator for MemoryPool
template<class T, uint32 SIZE>
void SortMemoryPool(MemoryPool<T, SIZE>& memoryPool)
size_t count = memoryPool.Size();
if (count == 0)
vector<T> memoryArray;
std::sort(memoryArray.begin(), memoryArray.end());
for (const T& item : memoryArray)
EventDescription* EventDescription::Create(const char* eventName, const char* fileName, const unsigned long fileLine, const unsigned long eventColor /*= Color::Null*/, const unsigned long filter /*= 0*/)
return EventDescriptionBoard::Get().CreateDescription(eventName, fileName, fileLine, eventColor, filter);
EventDescription* EventDescription::CreateShared(const char* eventName, const char* fileName, const unsigned long fileLine, const unsigned long eventColor /*= Color::Null*/, const unsigned long filter /*= 0*/)
return EventDescriptionBoard::Get().CreateSharedDescription(eventName, fileName, fileLine, eventColor, filter);
EventDescription::EventDescription() : name(""), file(""), line(0), color(0)
EventDescription& EventDescription::operator=(const EventDescription&)
OPTICK_FAILED("It is pointless to copy EventDescription. Please, check you logic!"); return *this;
EventData* Event::Start(const EventDescription& description)
EventData* result = nullptr;
if (EventStorage* storage = Core::storage)
result = &storage->NextEvent();
result->description = &description;
return result;
void Event::Stop(EventData& data)
if (EventStorage* storage = Core::storage)
void OPTICK_INLINE PushEvent(EventStorage* pStorage, const EventDescription* description, int64_t timestampStart)
if (EventStorage* storage = pStorage)
EventData& result = storage->NextEvent();
result.description = description;
result.start = timestampStart;
result.finish = EventTime::INVALID_TIMESTAMP;
storage->pushPopEventStack[storage->pushPopEventStackIndex++] = &result;
void OPTICK_INLINE PopEvent(EventStorage* pStorage, int64_t timestampFinish)
if (EventStorage* storage = pStorage)
if (storage->pushPopEventStackIndex > 0)
storage->pushPopEventStack[--storage->pushPopEventStackIndex]->finish = timestampFinish;
void Event::Push(const char* name)
if (EventStorage* storage = Core::storage)
EventDescription* desc = EventDescription::CreateShared(name);
void Event::Push(const EventDescription& description)
PushEvent(Core::storage, &description, GetHighPrecisionTime());
void Event::Pop()
PopEvent(Core::storage, GetHighPrecisionTime());
void Event::Add(EventStorage* storage, const EventDescription* description, int64_t timestampStart, int64_t timestampFinish)
EventData& data = storage->eventBuffer.Add();
data.description = description;
data.start = timestampStart;
data.finish = timestampFinish;
void Event::Push(EventStorage* storage, const EventDescription* description, int64_t timestampStart)
PushEvent(storage, description, timestampStart);
void Event::Pop(EventStorage* storage, int64_t timestampFinish)
PopEvent(storage, timestampFinish);
EventData* GPUEvent::Start(const EventDescription& description)
EventData* result = nullptr;
if (EventStorage* storage = Core::storage)
result = storage->gpuStorage.Start(description);
return result;
void GPUEvent::Stop(EventData& data)
if (EventStorage* storage = Core::storage)
void FiberSyncData::AttachToThread(EventStorage* storage, uint64_t threadId)
if (storage)
FiberSyncData& data = storage->fiberSyncBuffer.Add();
data.finish = EventTime::INVALID_TIMESTAMP;
data.threadId = threadId;
void FiberSyncData::DetachFromThread(EventStorage* storage)
if (storage)
if (FiberSyncData* syncData = storage->fiberSyncBuffer.Back())
void Tag::Attach(const EventDescription& description, float val)
if (EventStorage* storage = Core::storage)
if (storage->currentMode & Mode::TAGS)
storage->tagFloatBuffer.Add(TagFloat(description, val));
void Tag::Attach(const EventDescription& description, int32_t val)
if (EventStorage* storage = Core::storage)
if (storage->currentMode & Mode::TAGS)
storage->tagS32Buffer.Add(TagS32(description, val));
void Tag::Attach(const EventDescription& description, uint32_t val)
if (EventStorage* storage = Core::storage)
if (storage->currentMode & Mode::TAGS)
storage->tagU32Buffer.Add(TagU32(description, val));
void Tag::Attach(const EventDescription& description, uint64_t val)
if (EventStorage* storage = Core::storage)
if (storage->currentMode & Mode::TAGS)
storage->tagU64Buffer.Add(TagU64(description, val));
void Tag::Attach(const EventDescription& description, float val[3])
if (EventStorage* storage = Core::storage)
if (storage->currentMode & Mode::TAGS)
storage->tagPointBuffer.Add(TagPoint(description, val));
void Tag::Attach(const EventDescription& description, const char* val)
if (EventStorage* storage = Core::storage)
if (storage->currentMode & Mode::TAGS)
storage->tagStringBuffer.Add(TagString(description, val));
OutputDataStream & operator<<(OutputDataStream &stream, const EventDescription &ob)
byte flags = 0;
return stream << ob.name << ob.file << ob.line << ob.filter << ob.color << (float)0.0f << flags;
OutputDataStream& operator<<(OutputDataStream& stream, const EventTime& ob)
return stream << ob.start << ob.finish;
OutputDataStream& operator<<(OutputDataStream& stream, const EventData& ob)
return stream << (EventTime)(ob) << (ob.description ? ob.description->index : (uint32)-1);
OutputDataStream& operator<<(OutputDataStream& stream, const SyncData& ob)
return stream << (EventTime)(ob) << ob.core << ob.reason << ob.newThreadId;
OutputDataStream& operator<<(OutputDataStream& stream, const FiberSyncData& ob)
return stream << (EventTime)(ob) << ob.threadId;
static std::mutex& GetBoardLock()
// Initialize as static local variable to prevent problems with static initialization order
static std::mutex lock;
return lock;
EventDescriptionBoard& EventDescriptionBoard::Get()
static EventDescriptionBoard instance;
return instance;
const EventDescriptionList& EventDescriptionBoard::GetEvents() const
return boardDescriptions;
EventDescription* EventDescriptionBoard::CreateDescription(const char* name, const char* file /*= nullptr*/, uint32_t line /*= 0*/, uint32_t color /*= Color::Null*/, uint32_t filter /*= 0*/)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(GetBoardLock());
size_t index = boardDescriptions.Size();
EventDescription& desc = boardDescriptions.Add();
desc.index = (uint32)index;
desc.name = name;
desc.file = file;
desc.line = line;
desc.color = color;
desc.filter = filter;
return &desc;
EventDescription* EventDescriptionBoard::CreateSharedDescription(const char* name, const char* file /*= nullptr*/, uint32_t line /*= 0*/, uint32_t color /*= Color::Null*/, uint32_t filter /*= 0*/)
StringHash nameHash(name);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(sharedLock);
std::pair<DescriptionMap::iterator, bool> cached = sharedDescriptions.insert({ nameHash, nullptr });
if (cached.second)
const char* nameCopy = sharedNames.Add(name, strlen(name) + 1, false);
cached.first->second = CreateDescription(nameCopy, file, line, color, filter);
return cached.first->second;
OutputDataStream& operator << (OutputDataStream& stream, const EventDescriptionBoard& ob)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(GetBoardLock());
stream << ob.GetEvents();
return stream;
ProcessDescription::ProcessDescription(const char* processName, ProcessID pid, uint64 key) : name(processName), processID(pid), uniqueKey(key)
ThreadDescription::ThreadDescription(const char* threadName, ThreadID tid, ProcessID pid, int32 _maxDepth /*= 1*/, int32 _priority /*= 0*/, uint32 _mask /*= 0*/)
: name(threadName), threadID(tid), processID(pid), maxDepth(_maxDepth), priority(_priority), mask(_mask)
int64_t GetHighPrecisionTime()
return Platform::GetTime();
int64_t GetHighPrecisionFrequency()
return Platform::GetFrequency();
OutputDataStream & operator<<(OutputDataStream &stream, const SysCallData &ob)
return stream << (const EventData&)ob << ob.threadID << ob.id;
SysCallData& SysCallCollector::Add()
return syscallPool.Add();
void SysCallCollector::Clear()
bool SysCallCollector::Serialize(OutputDataStream& stream)
stream << syscallPool;
if (!syscallPool.IsEmpty())
return true;
return false;
void CallstackCollector::Add(const CallstackDesc& desc)
if (uint64* storage = callstacksPool.TryAdd(desc.count + 3))
storage[0] = desc.threadID;
storage[1] = desc.timestamp;
storage[2] = desc.count;
for (uint64 i = 0; i < desc.count; ++i)
storage[3 + i] = desc.callstack[desc.count - i - 1];
uint64& item0 = callstacksPool.Add();
uint64& item1 = callstacksPool.Add();
uint64& item2 = callstacksPool.Add();
item0 = desc.threadID;
item1 = desc.timestamp;
item2 = desc.count;
for (uint64 i = 0; i < desc.count; ++i)
callstacksPool.Add() = desc.callstack[desc.count - i - 1];
void CallstackCollector::Clear()
bool CallstackCollector::SerializeModules(OutputDataStream& stream)
if (SymbolEngine* symEngine = Core::Get().symbolEngine)
stream << symEngine->GetModules();
return true;
stream << (int)0;
return false;
bool CallstackCollector::SerializeSymbols(OutputDataStream& stream)
typedef unordered_set<uint64> SymbolSet;
SymbolSet symbolSet;
for (CallstacksPool::const_iterator it = callstacksPool.begin(); it != callstacksPool.end();)
CallstacksPool::const_iterator startIt = it;
uint64 threadID = *it;
++it; //Skip ThreadID
uint64 timestamp = *it;
++it; //Skip Timestamp
uint64 count = *it;
count = (count & 0xFF);
++it; //Skip Count
bool isBadAddrFound = false;
for (uint64 i = 0; i < count; ++i)
uint64 address = *it;
if (address == 0)
isBadAddrFound = true;
if (!isBadAddrFound)
SymbolEngine* symEngine = Core::Get().symbolEngine;
vector<const Symbol*> symbols;
size_t callstackIndex = 0;
Core::Get().DumpProgress("Resolving addresses... ");
if (symEngine)
for (auto it = symbolSet.begin(); it != symbolSet.end(); ++it)
uint64 address = *it;
if (const Symbol* symbol = symEngine->GetSymbol(address))
stream << symbols;
return true;
bool CallstackCollector::SerializeCallstacks(OutputDataStream& stream)
stream << callstacksPool;
if (!callstacksPool.IsEmpty())
return true;
return false;
bool CallstackCollector::IsEmpty() const
return callstacksPool.IsEmpty();
OutputDataStream & operator<<(OutputDataStream &stream, const SwitchContextDesc &ob)
return stream << ob.timestamp << ob.oldThreadId << ob.newThreadId << ob.cpuId << ob.reason;
void SwitchContextCollector::Add(const SwitchContextDesc& desc)
switchContextPool.Add() = desc;
void SwitchContextCollector::Clear()
bool SwitchContextCollector::Serialize(OutputDataStream& stream)
stream << switchContextPool;
if (!switchContextPool.IsEmpty())
return true;
return false;
#if defined(OPTICK_MSVC)
#define CPUID(INFO, ID) __cpuid(INFO, ID)
#include <intrin.h>
#elif defined(OPTICK_GCC)
#include <cpuid.h>
#define CPUID(INFO, ID) __cpuid(ID, INFO[0], INFO[1], INFO[2], INFO[3])
#error Platform is not supported!
string GetCPUName()
int cpuInfo[4] = { -1 };
char cpuBrandString[0x40] = { 0 };
CPUID(cpuInfo, 0x80000000);
unsigned nExIds = cpuInfo[0];
for (unsigned i = 0x80000000; i <= nExIds; ++i)
CPUID(cpuInfo, i);
if (i == 0x80000002)
memcpy(cpuBrandString, cpuInfo, sizeof(cpuInfo));
else if (i == 0x80000003)
memcpy(cpuBrandString + 16, cpuInfo, sizeof(cpuInfo));
else if (i == 0x80000004)
memcpy(cpuBrandString + 32, cpuInfo, sizeof(cpuInfo));
return string(cpuBrandString);
Core& Core::Get()
static Core instance;
return instance;
void Core::StartCapture()
pendingState = State::START_CAPTURE;
void Core::StopCapture()
pendingState = State::STOP_CAPTURE;
void Core::CancelCapture()
pendingState = State::CANCEL_CAPTURE;
void Core::DumpCapture()
pendingState = State::DUMP_CAPTURE;
void Core::DumpProgress(const char* message)
progressReportedLastTimestampMS = GetTimeMilliSeconds();
OutputDataStream stream;
stream << message;
Server::Get().Send(DataResponse::ReportProgress, stream);
void Core::DumpEvents(EventStorage& entry, const EventTime& timeSlice, ScopeData& scope)
if (!entry.eventBuffer.IsEmpty())
const EventData* rootEvent = nullptr;
entry.eventBuffer.ForEach([&](const EventData& data)
if (data.finish >= data.start && data.start >= timeSlice.start && timeSlice.finish >= data.finish)
if (!rootEvent)
rootEvent = &data;
else if (rootEvent->finish < data.finish)
rootEvent = &data;
void Core::DumpTags(EventStorage& entry, ScopeData& scope)
if (!entry.tagFloatBuffer.IsEmpty() ||
!entry.tagS32Buffer.IsEmpty() ||
!entry.tagU32Buffer.IsEmpty() ||
!entry.tagU64Buffer.IsEmpty() ||
!entry.tagPointBuffer.IsEmpty() ||
OutputDataStream tagStream;
tagStream << scope.header.boardNumber << scope.header.threadNumber;
<< (uint32)0
<< entry.tagFloatBuffer
<< entry.tagU32Buffer
<< entry.tagS32Buffer
<< entry.tagU64Buffer
<< entry.tagPointBuffer
<< (uint32)0
<< (uint32)0
<< entry.tagStringBuffer;
Server::Get().Send(DataResponse::TagsPack, tagStream);
void Core::DumpThread(ThreadEntry& entry, const EventTime& timeSlice, ScopeData& scope)
// We need to sort events for all the custom thread storages
if (entry.description.threadID == INVALID_THREAD_ID)
// Events
DumpEvents(entry.storage, timeSlice, scope);
DumpTags(entry.storage, scope);
OPTICK_ASSERT(entry.storage.fiberSyncBuffer.IsEmpty(), "Fiber switch events in native threads?");
void Core::DumpFiber(FiberEntry& entry, const EventTime& timeSlice, ScopeData& scope)
// Events
DumpEvents(entry.storage, timeSlice, scope);
if (!entry.storage.fiberSyncBuffer.IsEmpty())
OutputDataStream fiberSynchronizationStream;
fiberSynchronizationStream << scope.header.boardNumber;
fiberSynchronizationStream << scope.header.fiberNumber;
fiberSynchronizationStream << entry.storage.fiberSyncBuffer;
Server::Get().Send(DataResponse::FiberSynchronizationData, fiberSynchronizationStream);
EventTime CalculateRange(const ThreadEntry& entry, const EventDescription* rootDescription)
EventTime timeSlice = { INT64_MAX, INT64_MIN };
entry.storage.eventBuffer.ForEach([&](const EventData& data)
if (data.description == rootDescription)
timeSlice.start = std::min(timeSlice.start, data.start);
timeSlice.finish = std::max(timeSlice.finish, data.finish);
return timeSlice;
void Core::DumpFrames(uint32 mode)
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(threadsLock);
if (frames.empty() || threads.empty())
DumpProgress("Generating summary...");
DumpProgress("Collecting Frame Events...");
ThreadID mainThreadID = Platform::GetThreadID();
uint32 mainThreadIndex = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < threads.size(); ++i)
if (threads[i]->description.threadID == mainThreadID)
mainThreadIndex = (uint32)i;
EventTime timeSlice = CalculateRange(*threads[mainThreadIndex], GetFrameDescription(FrameType::CPU));
if (timeSlice.start >= timeSlice.finish)
timeSlice.start = frames.front().start;
timeSlice.finish = frames.back().finish;
DumpBoard(mode, timeSlice, mainThreadIndex);
ScopeData threadScope;
threadScope.header.boardNumber = boardNumber;
threadScope.header.fiberNumber = -1;
if (gpuProfiler)
for (size_t i = 0; i < threads.size(); ++i)
threadScope.header.threadNumber = (uint32)i;
DumpThread(*threads[i], timeSlice, threadScope);
ScopeData fiberScope;
fiberScope.header.boardNumber = (uint32)boardNumber;
fiberScope.header.threadNumber = -1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < fibers.size(); ++i)
fiberScope.header.fiberNumber = (uint32)i;
DumpFiber(*fibers[i], timeSlice, fiberScope);
DumpProgress("Serializing SwitchContexts");
OutputDataStream switchContextsStream;
switchContextsStream << boardNumber;
Server::Get().Send(DataResponse::SynchronizationData, switchContextsStream);
DumpProgress("Serializing SysCalls");
OutputDataStream callstacksStream;
callstacksStream << boardNumber;
Server::Get().Send(DataResponse::SyscallPack, callstacksStream);
if (!callstackCollector.IsEmpty())
DumpProgress("Resolving callstacks");
OutputDataStream symbolsStream;
symbolsStream << boardNumber;
Server::Get().Send(DataResponse::CallstackDescriptionBoard, symbolsStream);
DumpProgress("Serializing callstacks");
OutputDataStream callstacksStream;
callstacksStream << boardNumber;
Server::Get().Send(DataResponse::CallstackPack, callstacksStream);
Server::Get().Send(DataResponse::NullFrame, OutputDataStream::Empty);
void Core::DumpSummary()
OutputDataStream stream;
// Board Number
stream << boardNumber;
// Frames
double frequency = (double)Platform::GetFrequency();
stream << (uint32_t)frames.size();
for (const EventTime& frame : frames)
double frameTimeMs = 1000.0 * (frame.finish - frame.start) / frequency;
stream << (float)frameTimeMs;
// Summary
stream << (uint32_t)summary.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < summary.size(); ++i)
stream << summary[i].first << summary[i].second;
// Attachments
stream << (uint32_t)attachments.size();
for (const Attachment& att : attachments)
stream << (uint32_t)att.type << att.name << att.data;
// Send
Server::Get().Send(DataResponse::SummaryPack, stream);
void Core::CleanupThreadsAndFibers()
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(threadsLock);
for (ThreadList::iterator it = threads.begin(); it != threads.end();)
if (!(*it)->isAlive)
it = threads.erase(it);
void Core::DumpBoard(uint32 mode, EventTime timeSlice, uint32 mainThreadIndex)
OutputDataStream boardStream;
boardStream << boardNumber;
boardStream << Platform::GetFrequency();
boardStream << (uint64)0; // Origin
boardStream << (uint32)0; // Precision
boardStream << timeSlice;
boardStream << threads;
boardStream << fibers;
boardStream << mainThreadIndex;
boardStream << EventDescriptionBoard::Get();
boardStream << (uint32)0; // Tags
boardStream << (uint32)0; // Run
boardStream << (uint32)0; // Filters
boardStream << (uint32)0; // ThreadDescs
boardStream << mode; // Mode
boardStream << processDescs;
boardStream << threadDescs;
boardStream << (uint32)Platform::GetProcessID();
boardStream << (uint32)std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
Server::Get().Send(DataResponse::FrameDescriptionBoard, boardStream);
// Cleanup
void Core::GenerateCommonSummary()
AttachSummary("Platform", Platform::GetName());
AttachSummary("CPU", GetCPUName().c_str());
if (gpuProfiler)
AttachSummary("GPU", gpuProfiler->GetName().c_str());
: progressReportedLastTimestampMS(0)
, boardNumber(0)
, frameNumber(0)
, stateCallback(nullptr)
, currentState(State::DUMP_CAPTURE)
, pendingState(State::DUMP_CAPTURE)
, currentMode(Mode::OFF)
, symbolEngine(nullptr)
, tracer(nullptr)
, gpuProfiler(nullptr)
tracer = Platform::GetTrace();
symbolEngine = Platform::GetSymbolEngine();
frameDescriptions[FrameType::CPU] = EventDescription::Create("CPU Frame", __FILE__, __LINE__);
frameDescriptions[FrameType::GPU] = EventDescription::Create("GPU Frame", __FILE__, __LINE__);
frameDescriptions[FrameType::Render] = EventDescription::Create("Render Frame", __FILE__, __LINE__);
bool Core::UpdateState()
if (currentState != pendingState)
State::Type nextState = pendingState;
if (pendingState == State::DUMP_CAPTURE && currentState == State::START_CAPTURE)
nextState = State::STOP_CAPTURE;
if ((stateCallback != nullptr) && !stateCallback(nextState))
return false;
switch (nextState)
case State::START_CAPTURE:
case State::STOP_CAPTURE:
case State::DUMP_CAPTURE:
currentState = nextState;
return true;
return false;
uint32_t Core::Update()
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(coreLock);
if (currentMode != Mode::OFF)
if (!frames.empty())
if (settings.frameLimit > 0 && frames.size() >= settings.frameLimit)
if (settings.timeLimitUs > 0)
if (TicksToUs(frames.back().finish - frames.front().start) >= settings.timeLimitUs)
if (settings.spikeLimitUs > 0)
if (TicksToUs(frames.back().finish - frames.back().start) >= settings.spikeLimitUs)
if (IsTimeToReportProgress())
while (UpdateState()) {}
if (currentMode != Mode::OFF)
return ++frameNumber;
void Core::UpdateEvents()
bool Core::ReportSwitchContext(const SwitchContextDesc& desc)
return true;
bool Core::ReportStackWalk(const CallstackDesc& desc)
return true;
void Core::Activate(Mode::Type mode)
if (mode != currentMode)
Mode::Type prevMode = currentMode;
currentMode = mode;
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(threadsLock);
for(auto it = threads.begin(); it != threads.end(); ++it)
ThreadEntry* entry = *it;
if (mode != Mode::OFF)
CaptureStatus::Type status = CaptureStatus::ERR_TRACER_FAILED;
if (tracer && (mode & Mode::TRACER))
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(threadsLock);
status = tracer->Start(mode, settings.samplingFrequency, threads);
// Let's retry with more narrow setup
if (status != CaptureStatus::OK && (mode & Mode::AUTOSAMPLING))
status = tracer->Start((Mode::Type)(mode & ~Mode::AUTOSAMPLING), settings.samplingFrequency, threads);
if (gpuProfiler && (mode & Mode::GPU))
if (tracer)
if (gpuProfiler)
void Core::DumpCapturingProgress()
stringstream stream;
if (currentMode != Mode::OFF)
size_t memUsedKb = Memory::GetAllocatedSize() >> 10;
float memUsedMb = memUsedKb / 1024.0f;
// VS TODO: Format to 3 digits
stream << "Capturing Frame " << (uint32)frames.size() << "..." << std::endl << "Memory Used: " << memUsedMb << " Mb";
bool Core::IsTimeToReportProgress() const
return GetTimeMilliSeconds() > progressReportedLastTimestampMS + 200;
void Core::SendHandshakeResponse(CaptureStatus::Type status)
OutputDataStream stream;
stream << (uint32)status;
stream << Platform::GetName();
stream << Server::Get().GetHostName();
Server::Get().Send(DataResponse::Handshake, stream);
bool Core::IsRegistredThread(ThreadID id)
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(threadsLock);
for (ThreadList::iterator it = threads.begin(); it != threads.end(); ++it)
ThreadEntry* entry = *it;
if (entry->description.threadID == id)
return true;
return false;
ThreadEntry* Core::RegisterThread(const ThreadDescription& description, EventStorage** slot)
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(threadsLock);
ThreadEntry* entry = Memory::New<ThreadEntry>(description, slot);
if ((currentMode != Mode::OFF) && slot != nullptr)
*slot = &entry->storage;
return entry;
bool Core::UnRegisterThread(ThreadID threadID, bool keepAlive)
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(threadsLock);
for (ThreadList::iterator it = threads.begin(); it != threads.end(); ++it)
ThreadEntry* entry = *it;
if (entry->description.threadID == threadID && entry->isAlive)
if ((currentMode == Mode::OFF) && !keepAlive)
return true;
entry->isAlive = false;
return true;
return false;
bool Core::RegisterFiber(const FiberDescription& description, EventStorage** slot)
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(coreLock);
FiberEntry* entry = Memory::New<FiberEntry>(description);
entry->storage.isFiberStorage = true;
*slot = &entry->storage;
return true;
bool Core::RegisterProcessDescription(const ProcessDescription& description)
return false;
bool Core::RegisterThreadDescription(const ThreadDescription& description)
return false;
bool Core::SetStateChangedCallback(StateCallback cb)
stateCallback = cb;
return stateCallback != nullptr;
bool Core::AttachSummary(const char* key, const char* value)
summary.push_back(make_pair(string(key), string(value)));
return true;
bool Core::AttachFile(File::Type type, const char* name, const uint8_t* data, uint32_t size)
if (size > 0)
attachments.push_back(Attachment(type, name));
Attachment& attachment = attachments.back();
memcpy(&attachment.data[0], data, size);
return true;
return false;
bool Core::AttachFile(File::Type type, const char* name, std::istream& stream)
std::streampos beg = stream.tellg();
stream.seekg(0, std::ios::end);
std::streampos end = stream.tellg();
stream.seekg(beg, std::ios::beg);
size_t size =(size_t)(end - beg);
void* buffer = Memory::Alloc(size);
stream.read((char*)buffer, size);
bool result = AttachFile(type, name, (uint8*)buffer, (uint32_t)size);
return result;
bool Core::AttachFile(File::Type type, const char* name, const char* path)
std::ifstream stream(path, std::ios::binary);
return AttachFile(type, name, stream);
bool Core::AttachFile(File::Type type, const char* name, const wchar_t* path)
#if defined(OPTICK_MSVC)
std::ifstream stream(path, std::ios::binary);
return AttachFile(type, name, stream);
char p[256] = { 0 };
wcstombs(p, path, sizeof(p));
std::ifstream stream(p, std::ios::binary);
return AttachFile(type, name, stream);
void Core::InitGPUProfiler(GPUProfiler* profiler)
OPTICK_ASSERT(gpuProfiler == nullptr, "Can't reinitialize GPU profiler! Not supported yet!");
gpuProfiler = profiler;
bool Core::SetSettings(const CaptureSettings& captureSettings)
settings = captureSettings;
//if (tracer)
// string decoded = base64_decode(encodedPassword);
// tracer->SetPassword(decoded.c_str());
// return true;
return false;
const EventDescription* Core::GetFrameDescription(FrameType::Type frame) const
return frameDescriptions[frame];
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(threadsLock);
for (ThreadList::iterator it = threads.begin(); it != threads.end(); ++it)
for (FiberList::iterator it = fibers.begin(); it != fibers.end(); ++it)
const vector<ThreadEntry*>& Core::GetThreads() const
return threads;
OPTICK_THREAD_LOCAL EventStorage* Core::storage = nullptr;
ScopeHeader::ScopeHeader() : boardNumber(0), threadNumber(0)
OutputDataStream& operator<<(OutputDataStream& stream, const ScopeHeader& header)
return stream << header.boardNumber << header.threadNumber << header.fiberNumber << header.event;
OutputDataStream& operator<<(OutputDataStream& stream, const ScopeData& ob)
return stream << ob.header << ob.categories << ob.events;
OutputDataStream& operator<<(OutputDataStream& stream, const ThreadDescription& description)
return stream << description.threadID << description.processID << description.name << description.maxDepth << description.priority << description.mask;
OutputDataStream& operator<<(OutputDataStream& stream, const ThreadEntry* entry)
return stream << entry->description;
OutputDataStream& operator<<(OutputDataStream& stream, const FiberDescription& description)
return stream << description.id;
OutputDataStream& operator<<(OutputDataStream& stream, const FiberEntry* entry)
return stream << entry->description;
OutputDataStream& operator<<(OutputDataStream& stream, const ProcessDescription& description)
return stream << description.processID << description.name << description.uniqueKey;
OPTICK_API bool SetStateChangedCallback(StateCallback cb)
return Core::Get().SetStateChangedCallback(cb);
OPTICK_API bool AttachSummary(const char* key, const char* value)
return Core::Get().AttachSummary(key, value);
OPTICK_API bool AttachFile(File::Type type, const char* name, const uint8_t* data, uint32_t size)
return Core::Get().AttachFile(type, name, data, size);
OPTICK_API bool AttachFile(File::Type type, const char* name, const char* path)
return Core::Get().AttachFile(type, name, path);
OPTICK_API bool AttachFile(File::Type type, const char* name, const wchar_t* path)
return Core::Get().AttachFile(type, name, path);
OutputDataStream& operator<<(OutputDataStream& stream, const Point& ob)
return stream << ob.x << ob.y << ob.z;
OPTICK_API uint32_t NextFrame()
return Core::NextFrame();
OPTICK_API bool IsActive(Mode::Type mode /*= Mode::INSTRUMENTATION_EVENTS*/)
return (Core::Get().currentMode & mode) != 0;
OPTICK_API EventStorage** GetEventStorageSlotForCurrentThread()
return &Core::Get().storage;
OPTICK_API bool IsFiberStorage(EventStorage* fiberStorage)
return fiberStorage->isFiberStorage;
OPTICK_API bool RegisterThread(const char* name)
return Core::Get().RegisterThread(ThreadDescription(name, Platform::GetThreadID(), Platform::GetProcessID()), &Core::storage) != nullptr;
OPTICK_API bool RegisterThread(const wchar_t* name)
const int THREAD_NAME_LENGTH = 128;
wcstombs_s(mbName, name, THREAD_NAME_LENGTH);
return Core::Get().RegisterThread(ThreadDescription(mbName, Platform::GetThreadID(), Platform::GetProcessID()), &Core::storage) != nullptr;
OPTICK_API bool UnRegisterThread(bool keepAlive)
return Core::Get().UnRegisterThread(Platform::GetThreadID(), keepAlive);
OPTICK_API bool RegisterFiber(uint64 fiberId, EventStorage** slot)
return Core::Get().RegisterFiber(FiberDescription(fiberId), slot);
OPTICK_API EventStorage* RegisterStorage(const char* name, uint64_t threadID, ThreadMask::Type type)
ThreadEntry* entry = Core::Get().RegisterThread(ThreadDescription(name, threadID, Platform::GetProcessID(), 1, 0, type), nullptr);
return entry ? &entry->storage : nullptr;
OPTICK_API void GpuFlip(void* swapChain)
if (GPUProfiler* gpuProfiler = Core::Get().gpuProfiler)
OPTICK_API GPUContext SetGpuContext(GPUContext context)
if (EventStorage* storage = Core::storage)
GPUContext prevContext = storage->gpuStorage.context;
storage->gpuStorage.context = context;
return prevContext;
return GPUContext();
OPTICK_API const EventDescription* GetFrameDescription(FrameType::Type frame)
return Core::Get().GetFrameDescription(frame);
EventStorage::EventStorage(): currentMode(Mode::OFF), pushPopEventStackIndex(0), isFiberStorage(false)
void ThreadEntry::Activate(Mode::Type mode)
if (!isAlive)
if (mode != Mode::OFF)
if (threadTLS != nullptr)
storage.currentMode = mode;
*threadTLS = mode != Mode::OFF ? &storage : nullptr;
void ThreadEntry::Sort()
bool IsSleepOnlyScope(const ScopeData& scope)
//if (!scope.categories.empty())
// return false;
const vector<EventData>& events = scope.events;
for(auto it = events.begin(); it != events.end(); ++it)
const EventData& data = *it;
if (data.description->color != Color::White)
return false;
return true;
void ScopeData::Send()
if (!events.empty() || !categories.empty())
if (!IsSleepOnlyScope(*this))
OutputDataStream frameStream;
frameStream << *this;
Server::Get().Send(DataResponse::EventFrame, frameStream);
void ScopeData::Clear()
void EventStorage::GPUStorage::Clear(bool preserveMemory)
for (size_t i = 0; i < gpuBuffer.size(); ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < GPU_QUEUE_COUNT; ++j)
EventData* EventStorage::GPUStorage::Start(const EventDescription &desc)
if (GPUProfiler* gpuProfiler = Core::Get().gpuProfiler)
EventData& result = gpuBuffer[context.node][context.queue].Add();
result.description = &desc;
result.start = EventTime::INVALID_TIMESTAMP;
result.finish = EventTime::INVALID_TIMESTAMP;
gpuProfiler->QueryTimestamp(context.cmdBuffer, &result.start);
return &result;
return nullptr;
void EventStorage::GPUStorage::Stop(EventData& data)
if (GPUProfiler* gpuProfiler = Core::Get().gpuProfiler)
gpuProfiler->QueryTimestamp(context.cmdBuffer, &data.finish);
#endif //USE_OPTICK