path: root/Heimdall/libusb-1.0/msvc/ddk_build.cmd
blob: 7185c7d9d8fa9dced39c1e8027150b763a427959 (plain) (tree)

@rem default builds static library. 
@rem you can pass the following arguments (case insensitive):
@rem - "DLL" to build a DLL instead of a static library
@rem - "/MT" to build a static library compatible with MSVC's /MT option (LIBCMT vs MSVCRT)
@echo off

if Test%BUILD_ALT_DIR%==Test goto usage

rem process commandline parameters
set version=1.0

if "%1" == "" goto no_more_args
rem /I for case insensitive
if /I Test%1==TestDLL set TARGET=DYNLINK
if /I Test%1==Test/MT set STATIC_LIBC=1

cd ..\libusb\os
echo TARGETTYPE=%TARGET% > target
copy target+..\..\msvc\libusb_sources sources >NUL 2>&1
del target
@echo on
build -cwgZ
@echo off
if errorlevel 1 goto builderror
cd ..\..

set cpudir=i386
set destType=Win32
if %_BUILDARCH%==x86 goto isI386
set cpudir=amd64
set destType=x64

set srcPath=libusb\os\obj%BUILD_ALT_DIR%\%cpudir%

set dstPath=%destType%\Debug
if %DDKBUILDENV%==chk goto isDebug
set dstPath=%destType%\Release

if exist %destType% goto md2
mkdir %destType%
if exist %dstPath% goto md3
mkdir %dstPath%
if exist %dstPath%\dll goto md4
mkdir %dstPath%\dll
if exist %dstPath%\lib goto md5
md %dstPath%\lib
if exist %dstPath%\examples goto md6
md %dstPath%\examples
@echo on

@if NOT Test%1==TestDLL goto copylib
copy %srcPath%\libusb-%version%.dll %dstPath%\dll
copy %srcPath%\libusb-%version%.pdb %dstPath%\dll
copy %srcPath%\libusb-%version%.lib %dstPath%\lib

@echo off

if exist examples\lsusb_ddkbuild goto md7
md examples\lsusb_ddkbuild

cd examples\lsusb_ddkbuild
copy ..\..\msvc\lsusb_sources sources >NUL 2>&1
@echo on
build -cwgZ
@echo off
if errorlevel 1 goto buildlsusberror
cd ..\..

set srcPath=examples\lsusb_ddkbuild\obj%BUILD_ALT_DIR%\%cpudir%
@echo on

copy %srcPath%\lsusb.exe %dstPath%\examples
copy %srcPath%\lsusb.pdb %dstPath%\examples

@echo off

if exist examples\xusb_ddkbuild goto md8
md examples\xusb_ddkbuild

cd examples\xusb_ddkbuild
copy ..\..\msvc\xusb_sources sources >NUL 2>&1
@echo on
build -cwgZ
@echo off
if errorlevel 1 goto buildxusberror
cd ..\..

set srcPath=examples\xusb_ddkbuild\obj%BUILD_ALT_DIR%\%cpudir%
@echo on

copy %srcPath%\xusb.exe %dstPath%\examples
copy %srcPath%\xusb.pdb %dstPath%\examples

@echo off

cd msvc
goto done

cd ..\..\msvc
echo Build failed
goto done

cd ..\..\msvc
echo lsusb build failed
goto done

cd ..\..\msvc
echo xusb build failed
goto done

echo ddk_build must be run in a WDK build environment
goto done
