path: root/tools/MayaTools/Maya4.0/scripts/SimpsonsArt/renameScripts.mel
blob: 88045b8dc08e159b7824262b343756f62a7d0b59 (plain) (tree)

// Rename Shape and BV node
// Alias|Wavefront Script File
// Creation Date:	2001
// Author:		(Novy) Gurdarshan Dhillon
// Description:
//			Rename the transform, shape, and BV nodes in a hierarchy
//			to a specified name.
// Input Arguments:
//			None.
// Return Values:
//			None.
// renameShape

global proc renameShape(string $newName)
	if (`size($newName)`>0)
		string $objects[] = `ls -sl`;

		for ($object in $objects)
			string $children[];
			clear ($children);
			int $count = 1;	
			int $count2 = 1;
			if(`nodeType $object` == "transform")
				$object = `rename $object $newName`;
				print ("\nTopnode : " + $object);
				//for each object in list get the sub objects.
				$children = `listRelatives -ad -pa $object`;
			if(`nodeType $object` == "joint")
				$children[0]= $object;
			for($child in $children)
				// check if the subobjects are transform and continue
				string $postfix = "";
				if(`nodeType $child` == "transform")
					print ("\nTransform : " + $child);
					$child = `rename $child ($newName + $count)`;
					string $shapes[] = `listRelatives -s $child`;
					for ($shape in $shapes)
						if(`nodeType $shape` == "mesh")
							print ("\nMesh : " + $shape);
							rename $shape ($newName + $count + "Shape");
				// check if the sub objects are joints and continue
				else if(`nodeType $child` == "joint")
					print ("\nTransform : " + $child);
					$child = `rename $child ($newName + $count + "_BV")`;
					string $shapes[] = `listRelatives -s $child`;
					for ($shape in $shapes)
						if(`nodeType $shape` == "p3dBoundVolShape")
							print ("\nMesh : " + $shape);
							rename $shape ($newName + $count + "_BV" + "Shape");

// Rename Texture node
// Alias|Wavefront Script File
// Creation Date:	20 March. 2001
// Author:		(Novy) Gurdarshan Dhillon
// Description:
//			Renames the texture node to corrisponde to the
//			image file that it contains.  Also outputs the
//			images resolution.
// Input Arguments:
//			None.
// Return Values:
//			None.
// renameTexture

global proc renameTexture()
	string $files[] = `ls -type "file"`;
	string $imageName;
	print ("\nRename Info");
	for ($file in $files)
		print ("\n-------------------------------------");
		$imageName = `getAttr ($file + ".fileTextureName")`;
		string $path[];
		string $token[];
		tokenize $imageName "/" $path;
		tokenize $path[(`size $path` -1)] "." $token;
		$file = `rename $file ($token[0] + "_t")`;
		string $fileConnections[] = `listConnections ($file + ".outColor")`;

		float $res[] = `getAttr ($file + ".outSize")`;
		print ("\nFile:     " + $imageName + "   " + $res[0] + " × " + $res[1]);
		print ("\nFile Texture Node: " + $file);
		for ($con in $fileConnections)
			string $match1;
			string $match2;
			string $nodeType = `nodeType $con`;
			$match1 = `match "Texture" $nodeType`;
			$match2 = `match "Shader" $nodeType`;
			if (`size $match1` > 0)
				if(`nodeType $con` == "layeredTexture")
					string $layeredShaderColor1Con[] = `listConnections ($con + ".inputs[0].color")`;
					if(`nodeType $layeredShaderColor1Con[0]` == "file")
						string $image = `getAttr ($layeredShaderColor1Con[0] + ".fileTextureName")`;
						string $path[];
						string $token[];
						int $size = `tokenize $image "/" $path`;
						tokenize $path[$size -1] "." $token;
						$con = `rename $con ($token[0] + "_layered")`;
						print ("\nLayered Texture Node: " + $con);
			else if (`size $match2` > 0)
				string $shadingEngines[];
				string $token[];
				if(`nodeType $con` == "pure3dLayeredShader")
					string $layeredShaderColor1Con[] = `listConnections ($con + ".bottomtex")`;
					if(`nodeType $layeredShaderColor1Con[0]` == "file")
						string $image = `getAttr ($layeredShaderColor1Con[0] + ".fileTextureName")`;
						string $path[];
						int $size = `tokenize $image "/" $path`;
						tokenize $path[$size -1] "." $token;
						$con = `rename $con ($token[0] + "_m")`;
						$shadingEngines = `listConnections ($con + ".outColor")`;
						print ("\nMaterial Node: " + $con);
					string $layeredShaderColor1Con[] = `listConnections ($con + ".color")`;
					if(`nodeType $layeredShaderColor1Con[0]` == "file")
						string $image = `getAttr ($layeredShaderColor1Con[0] + ".fileTextureName")`;
						string $path[];
						int $size = `tokenize $image "/" $path`;
						tokenize $path[$size -1] "." $token;
						$con = `rename $con ($token[0] + "_m")`;
						$shadingEngines = `listConnections ($con + ".outColor")`;
						print ("\nMaterial Node: " + $con);
				for ($se in $shadingEngines)
					$se = `rename $se ($token[0] + "_shg")`;
					print ("\nShading Engine: " + $se);

global proc fileRes()
	string $textures[] = `ls -type "file"`;
	for($texture in $textures)
		string $attr = $texture + ".fileTextureName";
		string $file = `getAttr $attr`;
		string $attr = $texture + ".outSize";
		float $res[] = `getAttr $attr`;
		print ("\n" + $file + "   " + $res[0] + " × " + $res[1]);

global proc removeShapefromNode()
	string $transforms[] = `ls -sl -tr -l`;
		for($transform in $transforms)
			string $relatives[] = `listRelatives -ad -f $transform`;
			if (size($relatives))
				for ($child in $relatives)
					if(`nodeType($child)` == "mesh")
						string $path[];
						int $num = `tokenize $child "|" $path`;
						rename $child $path[$num-2];
				error("Empty Transform Node!");

	{error ("Please select a transform node.");}

global proc renameTextureOld()
	string $textures[] = `ls -type "file" -type "ramp"`;
	for($texture in $textures)
		string $attr;
		string $image[];
		string $file;
		int $num;
		int $size;
		string $name;
		string $fileNode;
		if (`nodeType $texture` == "file")
			$attr = $texture + ".fileTextureName";
			$file = `getAttr $attr`;
			$num = `tokenize $file "/" $image`;
			$num = `tokenize $image[$num-1] "." $image`;
			$attr = $texture + ".outSize";
			float $res[] = `getAttr $attr`;
			print ("\nFile: " + $file + "   " + $res[0] + " × " + $res[1]);
			$size = size($image[0]);
			$name = `substring $image[0] 1 ($size)`;
			$fileNode = `rename $texture ($name + "_t")`;
			print ("\nFileNode: " + $fileNode);
		else if(`nodeType $texture` == "ramp")
			print ("ramp   " + $texture);
			$image[0] = $texture;
			$fileNode = $texture;
		$attr = $fileNode + ".outColor";
		string $shaders[] = `listConnections -d 1 -s 0 $attr`;
		// string $shader = $shaders[(size($shaders)-1)];
		for ($shader in $shaders)
			if ($shader != "lambert1" || $shader != "particleCloud1")
				string $colorCon[];
				if (`nodeType $shader` != "layeredTexture")
					$colorCon = `listConnections ($shader + ".color")`;
					//if (size($colorCon[0]) > 0)
						$name = $image[0] + "_m";
					$colorCon = `listConnections ($shader + ".inputs[0].color")`;
					if (size($colorCon[0]) > 0)
						$name = $image[0] + "_layered";

				string $shadeNode = `rename $shader ($name)`;
				print ("\nShading Node: " + $shadeNode);
				$attr = $shadeNode + ".outColor";
				string $engines[] = `listConnections -d 1 -s 0 $attr`;
				if (size($engines))
					for ($engine in $engines)
						$name = $image[0] + "_shg";
						string $engineNode = `rename $engine ($name)`;
						print ("\nShading Engine: " + $engineNode);
		print ("\n----------------------------------------\n");