path: root/tools/trackeditor/code/scripts/te_treelineContext.mel
blob: c8120ab63db5159f1ad6dd4bfb7628ed775cbaf5 (plain) (tree)

// Copyright (C) 2001 Radical Entertainment Ltd.  All rights reserved.
// te_treelineContext.mel
// Description: Defines all the scripts required by the TreeLineContext tool
//              As a convention all Terrain Editor global procedures 
//              and global variables are prefixed with "te_".  All commands 
//              exposed through TE plugins are prefixed with "TE_".
//              MCB = Menu Call Back
//              BCB = Button Call Back
// Modification History:
//  + Created -- CBrisebois

//This is the global instance of the tree line context tool.

global proc te_MCB_CreateTreeLines()
    //Start the tree line context...
    if ( ! `contextInfo -exists TreeLineCtx` ) 
        TreeLineContext TreeLineCtx;

    setToolTo TreeLineCtx;

global proc te_Delete_TreeLineContext()
    if ( `contextInfo -exists TreeLineCtx` )
        deleteUI -toolContext TreeLineCtx;

global proc te_MCB_SnapTreelines()

global proc te_MCB_ConvertToGeometry()
    string $whichCtx = `currentCtx`;

    if ( $whichCtx == "TreeLineCtx" )


global int $gDeleteTreelines = true;

global proc te_MCB_TreelineOptions()
    global int $gDeleteTreelines;

    if ( `window -exists TE_TreelineOptions` )
        deleteUI -window TE_TreelineOptions;

    window -rtf true -title "TE Treeline Options" TE_TreelineOptions;

    columnLayout -adjustableColumn true;

        checkBox -label "Delete Treelines" -value $gDeleteTreelines -cc "te_BCB_SetDeleteTreelines(#1)";

    setParent ..;


global proc te_BCB_SetDeleteTreelines( int $delete )
    global int $gDeleteTreelines;

    $gDeleteTreelines = $delete;