path: root/
blob: a160625745d35bad1674e57aa645c56a358ca146 (plain) (tree)









**Current Protocol Supported:** Minecraft v1.2 -> v1.7

MCServer is a performant C++ Minecraft server designed for use in memory and cpu-limited places, or just to make regular server perform better.

MCServer can run on PCs, Macs, and *nix. This includes android phones and tablets as well as Raspberry Pis. 


To install MCServer, you can either download the repository and compile it, or download a pre-compiled version.

If you've cloned the repository using Git, you need to pull down the submodules (core plugins, some dependencies). This can be achieved with `git submodule init` and then on a regular basis (to keep up to date) `git submodule update`.

If you downloaded a ZIP file of the sources instead, you will need to download PolarSSL, too, from , and unpack it into the `lib/polarssl` folder. You will also need to manually download all the plugins that you want included.

Compilation instructions are available in the COMPILING file.

Linux builds can be downloaded from [Bearbin's CI Service]( and Windows builds from xoft's [nightly build service](

After you've extracted the files, simply run the MCServer executable.


MCServer is licensed under the Apache license V2, and we welcome anybody to fork and submit a Pull Request back with their changes, and if you want to join as a permanent member we can add you to the team.

Other Stuff

For other stuff, including plugins and discussion, check the [forums]( and [wiki](

Earn bitcoins for commits or donate to reward the MCServer developers: [![tip for next commit](](

Travis CI: [![Build Status](](