title: ZTE F6005
has_children: false
layout: default
parent: ZTE
# Hardware Specifications
| | |
| ---------------- | --------------------------------- |
| Vendor/Brand | ZTE |
| Model | F6005 |
| ODM | CIG |
| ODM Product Code | [G-97CP](/ont-cig-g-97cp) |
| Chipset | Realtek RTL9601D |
| Flash | 16MB |
| RAM | 32MB |
| System | Linux (Luna SDK 1.9.0) |
| 2.5GBaseT | Yes |
| Optics | SC/APC |
| IP address | |
| Web Gui | ✅ user `admin`, password `admin` |
| SSH | |
| Telnet | |
| Serial | |
| Form Factor | ONT |
{% include image.html file="f6005_of.jpg" alt="F6005 Open Fiber" caption="F6005 with Open Fiber branding <a href='https://forum.fibra.click/u/mirko991'>@mirko991</a>" %}
{% include image.html file="f6005_tim.jpg" alt="F6005 TIM" caption="F6005 with ZTE branding, like the ones used by TIM" %}
{% include image.html file="f6005_teardown.jpg" alt="F6005 teardown" caption="F6005 teardown" %}
## Serial
The ONT has a TTL 3.3v UART console (configured as 115200 8-N-1) that can be accessed from the top surface. To accept TX line commands, the GND of the TTL adapter should be attached to the ONT's shield:
{% include image.html file="q-010g-t_ttl.jpg" alt="ZTE F6005 TTL" caption="ZTE F6005 TTL" %}
{% include alert.html content="Some USB TTL adapters label TX and RX pins the other way around: try to swap them if the connection doesn't work." alert="Note" icon="svg-warning" color="yellow" %}
## List of software versions
- V6.0.10N14 (TIM)
- V6.0.10N20 (TIM)
- V6.0.10P2N02 (OpenFiber)
- V6.0.10P2N18 (OpenFiber)
# Usage
{% include_relative ont-nokia-use.md %}
{% include_relative ont-nokia-useful-command.md %}
## Enable password
{% include alert.html content="The following enable password is used to enter GponCLI over a serial connection. The models currently distributed in Italy by TIM and OpenFiber have no way to enter GponCLI via serial, only via telnet after flashing a custom firmware. The enable password is not useful for accessing the Web Gui." alert="Note" icon="svg-info" color="blue" %}
You can use this tool to generate the enable password:
{% include cig_password.html username="ont" %}
# Advanced settings
## Unlock serial and TELNET
This ONT is the twin brother of [CIG G97-CP](/ont-cig-g-97cp), if you can find its bootloader (named `CIG_bu.en_V3.09.15`), you can easly repack the firmware and enable its serial port.
You need a 3.3V SPI programmer (like a modded CH341a) to read and write back the flash.
{% include alert.html content="This was tested only on a TIM V6.0.10N20 firmware!" alert="Note" icon="svg-info" color="blue" %}
After you got a full dump of your ONT, here is the procedure to replace the original bootloader with the CIG one enable the serial port:
Cut old bootloader:
dd if=flash_dump.bin of=no_boot_flash_dump.bin bs=1 skip=184064
Attach the new one:
cat CIG_bu.en_V3.09.15 no_boot_flash_dump.bin > mod-boot_flash_dump.bin
Now you can flash the file `mod-boot_flash_dump.bin` back to your SPI.
After powering up the ONT, the serial port will print this message:
* *
* KEY -- Enter console terminal *
* *
To access full U-Boot a special escape sequence is needed.
If you use TeraTerm software, create a simple MACRO file that contains this code:
`send $1B $1D $0F $0B`
Configure TeraTerm with the correct serial parameters (refer to **Serial** paragraph), select the created MACRO file **BEFORE** powering up the ONT but **DON'T OPEN IT NOW**, power-up the ONT and when you see the above message, quickly open the macro to reach the U-Boot prompt:
{% include alert.html content="Note that this proceedure needs to be done each time you power-cycle the ONT" alert="Note" icon="svg-info" color="blue" %}
Now with the U-Boot prompt a custom firmware that enable TELNET can be flashed.
Please note that if you use a **TIM** or **OpenFiber** base firmware, the TTL will be silent after kernel loading because it was disabled at kernel level.
Here is the procedure to flash a custom firmware on your ONT via the U-Boot console:
- Attach your ONT via ethernet cable to your PC and configure it to have IP ****
- Launch TFTP server and place custom firmware inside its root folder renamed into `cramfs.img.crc`. Be sure that the file has this name, otherwise the upgrade procedure will stop immediately
- Run this command on U-Boot prompt:
9601D# upgdimage
start : 0x00200000 size :0x00700000
Using LUNA GMAC device
TFTP from server; our IP address is
Filename 'cramfs.img.crc'.
Load address: 0x80400000
Loading: Got ARP REPLY, set server/gtwy eth addr (00:1c:c2:42:30:ac)
Bytes transferred = 6582276 (647004 hex)
file size is 0x647004 from Env
RootFS CRAMFS size [0x647004] length [0x647004]
CRC32 for 80400000 ... 80a46fff ==> 382329fa
finish crc32, crc value is 0x382329fa
finish crc cmp!!!
ErasingStart: 0x200000 size:0x647004,alignment size:0x650000
Erasing 6619136 B from 00200000... 100% ~ 0084ffff/6619136 B
Writing 6619136 B from 80400000 to 00200000... 100% ~ 0084ffff/6619136 B
{% include alert.html content="Please note that some OLTs (like Alcatel with TIM in Italy) needs to have software image 0 or 1 as active. So in this case you have to do these commands twice to flash image on both slot:" alert="Note" icon="svg-info" color="blue" %}
set activeimage imagea
and flash image with the `upgdimage`
set activeimage imageb
and flash image with the `upgdimage`
So you will have both slot with the same firmware version and avoid the swap from the OLT
After these steps, you can power-cycle ONT and logon on TELNET with `root\admin` credentials. From this moment you can simply spoof your ONT with the usual commands.
# Known Bugs
In versions V6.0.10N14 and V6.0.10P2N02 buffer size is suboptimal: because of this the ONT is unable to work at full speed during uploads if the server is geographically, and/or latency-wise, far. There are no known problems if there is only one person in the GPON tree.