path: root/_ont_xgs/
blob: fb85d829eefbe011b0cf4b6415a34db7e8ed95d1 (plain) (tree)














































title: HiSense LTF7267-BHA+
has_children: false
layout: default
parent: HiSense

# Hardware Specifications

|                  |                                                          |
| ---------------- | -------------------------------------------------------- |
| Vendor/Brand     | HiSense                                                  |
| Model            | LTF7267-BHA+                                             |
| ODM              | ✅                                                       |
| Chipset          | Cortina CA8271A                                          |
| Flash            | 128MB                                                    |
| RAM              | 128MB                                                    |
| System           | Custom Linux by Cortina (Saturn SDK) based on Kernel 4.4 |
| XGMII/XSGMII     | Yes                                                      |
| Optics           | SC/APC                                                   |
| IP address       |                                              |
| Web Gui          | ✅ user `admin`, password `system`                       |
| SSH              | ✅ user `root`, password `hbmtsfp`                       |
| Telnet           | ✅ user `root`, password `hbmtsfp`                       |
| Serial           | ✅                                                       |
| Serial baud      | 115200                                                   |
| Serial encoding  | 8-N-1                                                    |
| Form Factor      | miniONT SFP+                                             |

# External/Internal Photo

{% include image.html file="ont-hisense-ltf7267-bha+_front.jpg" alt="HiSense LTF7267-BHA+ External" caption="HiSense LTF7267-BHA+ External" %}

## Serial

The stick has a TTL 3.3v UART console (configured as 115200 8-N-1) that can be accessed from the top surface. It's near the SFP header. TX, RX and ground pads need to be connected to a USB2TTL adapter supporting 3V3 logic.

{% include image.html file="ont-hisense-ltf7267-bha+_inside.jpg" alt="HiSense LTF7267-BHA+ Internals" caption="HiSense LTF7267-BHA+ Internals" %}

{% include alert.html content="Some USB TTL adapters label TX and RX pins the other way around: try to swap them if the connection doesn't work." alert="Note"  icon="svg-warning" color="yellow" %}

## List of software versions
- - 20220527052622 (from /etc/hi_version - /etc/version)

## List of partitions

| dev   | size     | erasesize | name            |
| ----- | -------- | --------- | --------------- |
| mtd0  | 00040000 | 00001000  | "ssb"           |
| mtd1  | 00002000 | 00001000  | "uboot-env"     |
| mtd2  | 00002000 | 00001000  | "dtb0"          |
| mtd3  | 0003c000 | 00001000  | "kernel0"       |
| mtd4  | 00300000 | 00001000  | "rootfs0"       |
| mtd5  | 004c0000 | 00001000  | "dtb1"          |
| mtd6  | 00300000 | 00001000  | "kernel1"       |
| mtd7  | 004c0000 | 00001000  | "rootfs1"       |
| mtd8  | 00001000 | 00001000  | "userdata"      |
| mtd9  | 00001000 | 00001000  | "squashfs_ubi"  |
| mtd10 | 00001000 | 00001000  | "userdata"      |

This ONT supports dual boot. 

`kernel0` and `rootfs0` respectively contain the kernel and firmware of the first image, `kernel1` and `rootfs1` the kernel and firmware of the second one.

# XGS-PON ONU status

To access Cortina Shell, needed to check OMCI settings and XGSPON status, use the following command:

# app-cli
This console can also be reached by opening a telnet connection to ``

## Checking Activation Status (from app-cli and telnet\ssh session)

Open two telnet sessions, one to `` and one to ``

Before running any commands on the second connection, on the first one tail the `/var/log/messages` file (needed to see the output of the next steps)

Cortina> enable
Cortina# config
Cortina(config)# aal
Cortina(config-aal)# xgpon
Cortina(config-aal-xgpon)# show activation_state 0

You will see the following output on the first shell:

[260426.782381] XGPON Activation Finite State Machine Information^M
[260426.788170] ----------------------------------------------------------------^M
[260426.795428] PON mode                 : 5(XGSPON)^M
[260426.800157] VendorID                 : 0x534d4253(SMBS)^M
[260426.805556] VSSN                     : 0x11223344^M
[260426.810423] TO1                      : 80000(unit:125us)^M
[260426.815879] TO2                      : 1000(unit:125us)^M
[260426.821543] S/W FSM current event    : EQD_ASSIGNMENT^M
[260426.826617] S/W FSM current state    : O5.1^M
[260426.831002] S/W FSM previous state   : O4^M
[260426.835131] S/W FSM running state    : O5.1^M
[260426.839476] H/W FSM current state    : O5.1^M
[260426.843830] H/W FSM previous state   : O4^M
[260426.847990] Activated counter        : 1^M
[260426.852085] ONU assigned ID          : 1 ^M
[260426.856244] PON-ID                   : 0x30313130 ^M
[260426.861210] Online time              : 260395200 miliseconds ( 26039520 system ticks)^M
[260426.869187] Registration ID: 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000^M
[260436.544953] ^M

## Showing ONT configuration (from app-cli session)

Cortina> enable
Cortina# config
Cortina(config)# omci
Cortina(config-omci)# show info

You will see the following output:

omcc       :0xa3
ipv4Addr   :0x7f000001
ipv4Mask   :0xffffff00
ipv4Gw     :0xffffff00
ponNum     :1
geNum      :0
xgeNum     :1
iphostNum  :1
potsNum    :0
veipNum    :0
ponSlot    :1
geSlot     :2
xgeSlot    :3
iphostSlot :0
potsSlot   :0
veipSlot   :4
oltType    :ZTE
ponMacMode :5
maxQ/Tc    :8
ispType    :COMMON
batteryBak :1
remoteDbg  :0
powerCsvMd :0
ipv6Flag   :0
veipIdp    :0
loid       :00
passwd     :
vendorId   :SMBSSMBS
sn         :SMBS
version    :F5684S_v1
eqId       :FIBER Box
mac        :0:13:25:0:0:1
iphostMac  :0:13:25:0:0:1
psk        :0x0000000000000000
XGe Port idx 0 map to Port 6
Please note that some of the above fields are decoded incorrectly, such as `sn` and `versionId`

## Getting OLT vendor information (from app-cli session)

Cortina> enable
Cortina# config
Cortina(config)# omci
Cortina(config-omci)# show me olt_g

You will see the following output:

me oltG has [1] instance
Me: oltG
    Instance: 0x0
        oltVendorId[0]: 0x48
        oltVendorId[1]: 0x57
        oltVendorId[2]: 0x54
        oltVendorId[3]: 0x43
        eqId[0]: 0x20
        eqId[1]: 0x20
        eqId[2]: 0x20
        eqId[3]: 0x20
        eqId[4]: 0x20
        eqId[5]: 0x20
        eqId[6]: 0x20
        eqId[7]: 0x20
        eqId[8]: 0x20
        eqId[9]: 0x20
        eqId[10]: 0x20
        eqId[11]: 0x20
        eqId[12]: 0x20
        eqId[13]: 0x20
        eqId[14]: 0x20
        eqId[15]: 0x20
        eqId[16]: 0x20
        eqId[17]: 0x20
        eqId[18]: 0x20
        eqId[19]: 0x20
        version[0]: 0x31
        version[1]: 0x30
        version[2]: 0x0
        version[3]: 0x0
        version[4]: 0x0
        version[5]: 0x0
        version[6]: 0x0
        version[7]: 0x0
        version[8]: 0x0
        version[9]: 0x0
        version[10]: 0x0
        version[11]: 0x0
        version[12]: 0x0
        version[13]: 0x0
        timeOfDay[0]: 0x0
        timeOfDay[1]: 0x0
        timeOfDay[2]: 0x0
        timeOfDay[3]: 0x0
        timeOfDay[4]: 0x0
        timeOfDay[5]: 0x0
        timeOfDay[6]: 0x0
        timeOfDay[7]: 0x0
        timeOfDay[8]: 0x0
        timeOfDay[9]: 0x0
        timeOfDay[10]: 0x0
        timeOfDay[11]: 0x0
        timeOfDay[12]: 0x0
        timeOfDay[13]: 0x0
    No linked ME

## Checking current connection type and configuration (GEM Port+Mac Brige)

Cortina> enable
Cortina# config
Cortina(config)# omci
Cortina(config-omci)# show connection

You will see the following output:

GEM:65534  | (DS, TCONT:NULL)
           --mutilcast no care
             |--Eth   :0x0301
GEM: 1024  | (BI, TCONT:0x100, allocId:1025)
           --Bridge + 802.1p:0x1
           --Map Pri 0xe8
           --Ani Map Vlan Total Num 1 Vid 100
             |--Eth   :0x0301
GEM: 1025  | (BI, TCONT:0x101, allocId:1281)
           --Bridge + 802.1p:0x1
           --Map Pri 0x17
           --Ani Map Vlan Total Num 1 Vid 100
             |--Eth   :0x0301

## Checking VLAN filter 

Cortina> enable
Cortina# config
Cortina(config)# omci
Cortina(config-omci)# show stream

You will see the following output:

Link to PPTP eth: ------->instance 0x301
    input TPID 0x8100 output TPID 0x8100
    dsMode:Inverse us rules
    |               Filter              |          Treatment          |
    |    Outer   |         Inner        | R |   Outer    |    Inner   |
    |------------|----------------------| E |------------|------------|
    | PRI | VID  | PRI | VID  | Filter  | M | PRI | VID  | PRI | VID  |
    |  15 | 4096 |  14 | 4096 |No filter| 3 |  15 |    0 |  15 |    0 |
    |  14 | 4096 |  14 | 4096 |No filter| 3 |  15 |    0 |  15 |    0 |
    |  15 | 4096 |  15 | 4096 |No filter| 0 |  15 | 4096 |   0 |    1 |
    |  15 | 4096 |   8 |  835 |No filter| 1 |  15 |    0 |   8 |  100 |

# GPON/OMCI settings

## Setting ONU GPON Serial Number

# vi /config/scfg.txt

Append the lines provided below to the file and save it to change the PON S/N:


Reboot ONT to apply the change

## Setting ONU GPON PLOAM password

### Web procedure

<form id="hisense-ploam" novalidate>
    <div class="form-floating mb-3">
        <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="PLOAM in ASCII" name="ploam" id="ploam" required>
        <label for="ploam">PLOAM in ASCII</label>
        <div class="invalid-feedback">
            Please provide a valid PLOAM password.
    <div class="mb-3">
        <input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" value="Encode!">
    <div class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">
        <div class="highlight">
            <pre class="highlight" id="ploam-encoded">

<script type="text/javascript" src="/assets/js/generated/LTF7267-BHA-ploam.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    var hisensePloamForm = document.getElementById('hisense-ploam');
    var hisenseResult = document.getElementById('ploam-encoded');
    hisensePloamForm.addEventListener('submit', (event) => {
        if (!hisensePloamForm.checkValidity()) {
        } else {
            const data = new URLSearchParams(new FormData(hisensePloamForm));
            hisenseResult.innerHTML = hisensePloam(data.get('ploam'));

### Normal procedure

This ONT seems to support PLOAM passwords up to 288 bits in lenghth (36 ASCII characters, 72 Hex digits).

The PLOAM password is stored into 32 bit chunks (4 ASCII characters / 8 Hex digits), with each chunk being byte-swapped. 

So, starting from the following PLOAM in ASCII format


It gets translated into the following HEX value:


Which is then split into the following blocks (the last block gets padded with 0 to reach 8 digits):

BLOCK 0: 0x41314232
BLOCK 1: 0x43334434
BLOCK 2: 0x45350000

Each block is then byte-swapped (i.e. read each sequence of two digits from right to left):

BLOCK 0: 0x32423141
BLOCK 1: 0x34443343
BLOCK 2: 0x00003545

And then you can finally make the change persistent by modifying the configuration file:

# vi /config/scfg.txt

Append the lines provided below to the file and save it to change the PLOAM password:

INT             CFG_ID_PON_REGISTRATION_ID0                                         = 0x32423141;
INT             CFG_ID_PON_REGISTRATION_ID1                                         = 0x34443343;
INT             CFG_ID_PON_REGISTRATION_ID2                                         = 0x00003545;

Reboot the ONT to apply the change.

## Setting ONU GPON LOID and LOID password

{% include alert.html content="The value 0x0 is null, take note of your LoID and password from the original ONT" color="red" %}

# vi /config/scfg.txt

Append lines below to the file and save it to change LoID and LoID password

CHAR-ARRAY      CFG_ID_LOID                                                         = {0x30,0x30,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0};
CHAR-ARRAY      CFG_ID_PASSWD                                                       = {0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0};

Reboot ONT to apply the change.

## Setting OMCI software version (ME 7)

# fw_setenv img_version0 20220527052622
# fw_setenv img_version1 20220527052622

Reboot ONT to apply the change.

## Setting OMCI hardware version (ME 256)

# vi /config/scfg.txt

Append the line provided below to the file and save it to change HWVER:

CHAR-ARRAY      CFG_ID_GPON_VERSION = {0x46,0x35,0x36,0x38, 0x34,0x53,0x5f,0x76, 0x31,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00}; ##GPON version string, default value is V1.0

Reboot ONT to apply the change.

## Setting OMCI equipment ID (ME 257)

# vi /config/scfg.txt

Append the line providede below to the file and save it to change the EQID:

CHAR-ARRAY      CFG_ID_GPON_EQID = {0x46,0x49,0x42,0x45, 0x52,0x20,0x42,0x6f, 0x78,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00}; ##GPON ME ONU2G equiment id value, default is saturn

Reboot ONT to apply the change.

# Advanced settings

## Changing OLT Emulation Type

# vi /config/scfg.txt

Append the lines provided below to the file and save it to change Emulation Type:

STRING          CFG_ID_PON_OLT_TYPE                             = ALCL; ##GPON OLT Vendor name, support ZTE,ADTRAN,ALCL,CALIX,SUMITOMO,CORTINA,HUAWEI

Reboot ONT to apply the change.

## Changing OMCC Version

# vi /config/scfg.txt

Append the line provided below to the file and save it to change OMCC Version:

CHAR            CFG_ID_OMCC_VERSION                             = 0xB2;

Reboot ONT to apply the change.

# Known Bugs
- `ALCL` OLT mode uses some static configurations on MIBs, so if your OLT has strict configuration checks it might not work properly.
- During initial tests the only currently working mode of the stick is `PPTP EthUni`.
- Stick can be configured to also emulate `VEIP` mode (adding it to the scfg.txt file), but the current firmware doesn't link correctly the XGBE interface, so no traffic is passing between LAN and PON interfaces.