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<form id="gpon-speed-mtu"> - <div class="form-floating mb-3"> - <input step="1" type="number" class="form-control" placeholder="ONT number" name="gpon-ont" id="gpon-ont" value="10" min="1" max="128" required> - <label for="gpon-ont">ONT number</label> - </div> - <div class="form-floating mb-3"> - <input step="1" type="number" class="form-control" placeholder="GEM frame number" name="gpon-gem" id="gpon-gem" value="26" min="1" max="40" required> - <label for="gpon-gem">GEM frame number</label> - </div> - <div class="mb-3"> - <div class="form-check form-check-inline"> - <input class="form-check-input" type="radio" id="gpon-ip4" name="gpon-ip" value="4" checked> - <label class="form-check-label" for="gpon-ip4">IPv4</label> - </div> - <div class="form-check form-check-inline"> - <input class="form-check-input" type="radio" id="gpon-ip6" name="gpon-ip" value="6"> - <label class="form-check-label" for="gpon-ip6">IPv6</label> - </div> - </div> - <select class="form-select mb-3" placeholder="IPv4 L2 protocol" name="gpon-ipv4protocol" id="gpon-ipv4protocol" required> - <option disabled selected>Select a Protocol</option> - <option value="ipoe">IPoE</option> - <option value="pppoe">PPPoE</option> - <option value="map-t">MAP-T</option> - <option value="map-e">MAP-E/4in6</option> - </select> - <select class="form-select mb-3" placeholder="IPv6 L2 protocol" name="gpon-ipv6protocol" id="gpon-ipv6protocol" disabled required> - <option disabled selected>Select a Protocol</option> - <option value="ipoe">IPoE</option> - <option value="pppoe">PPPoE</option> - </select> - <div class="mb-3"> - <input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" value="Calculate!"> - </div> - <div class="form-floating mb-3"> - <input type="number" class="form-control" placeholder="GPON Average Ethernet Frame Size (Byte)" name="gpon-average-packet-size" id="gpon-average-packet-size" readonly> - <label for="gpon-average-packet-size">GPON Average Ethernet Frame Size (Byte) must be inside 1000-1500</label> - </div> - <div class="form-floating mb-3"> - <input type="number" class="form-control" placeholder="Theoretical maximum speed (Gbps)" name="gpon-maxSpeed" id="gpon-maxSpeed" readonly> - <label for="gpon-maxSpeed">Theoretical maximum speed (Mbps)</label> - </div> - <div class="form-floating mb-3"> - <input type="number" class="form-control" placeholder="GPON overhead (%)" name="gpon-overhead" id="gpon-overhead" readonly> - <label for="gpon-overhead">GPON overhead (%)</label> - </div> - </form> - </div> - </body> - - <script> - var form = document.getElementById('eth-speed-mtu'); - var radioIp = document.getElementsByName('ip'); - [...radioIp].forEach(el => {el.addEventListener('change', (event) => { - var ip = document.querySelector('input[name="ip"]:checked').value; - document.getElementById('ipv4protocol').disabled = (ip === '6'); - document.getElementById('ipv6protocol').disabled = (ip === '4'); - - }); - }); - form.addEventListener('submit',(event) => { - - var formdata = new FormData(form); - event.preventDefault(); - var overheadipv4 = { - "ipoe" : 20, - "pppoe" : 28, - "map-t" : 40, - "map-e" : 60, - }; - var overheadipv6 = { - "ipoe" : 40, - "pppoe" : 48, - }; - var overheadtcp = 20; - var overheadeth = 14; - var overheadfcs = 4; - var overheadgap = { - '10' : 5.875, - '100' : 12, - '200' : 8, - '500' : 8, - '1000' : 8, - '2500' : 5, - '5000' : 5, - '10000' : 5, - }; - var preamble = 8; - var cip = formdata.get('ip'); - var coverheadip = formdata.get('ip') === '4' ? overheadipv4[formdata.get('ipv4protocol')] : overheadipv6[formdata.get('ipv6protocol')]; - var mtu = formdata.get('mtu'); - var mss = mtu - coverheadip; - var overhead = overheadtcp + overheadeth + overheadfcs + overheadgap[formdata.get('speed')] + preamble + coverheadip; - document.getElementById('overhead').value = overhead/mss * 100; - var th = mss /(overhead + mss); - - document.getElementById('maxSpeed').value = th * formdata.get('speed'); - - }); - var formgpon = document.getElementById('gpon-speed-mtu'); - var radioIp = document.getElementsByName('gpon-ip'); - [...radioIp].forEach(el => {el.addEventListener('change', (event) => { - var ip = document.querySelector('input[name="gpon-ip"]:checked').value; - document.getElementById('gpon-ipv4protocol').disabled = (ip === '6'); - document.getElementById('gpon-ipv6protocol').disabled = (ip === '4'); - - }); - }); - formgpon.addEventListener('submit',(event) => { - - var formdata = new FormData(formgpon); - event.preventDefault(); - var gtc = 38880; - var overheadgem = 5; - var overheadpcbd = 30 + 8*formdata.get('gpon-ont'); - var overheadipv4 = { - "ipoe" : 20, - "pppoe" : 28, - "map-t" : 40, - "map-e" : 60, - }; - var overheadipv6 = { - "ipoe" : 40, - "pppoe" : 48, - }; - var overheadtcp = 20; - var overheadeth = 14; - var overheadfcs = 4; - var cip = formdata.get('gpon-ip'); - var coverheadip = formdata.get('gpon-ip') === '4' ? overheadipv4[formdata.get('gpon-ipv4protocol')] : overheadipv6[formdata.get('gpon-ipv6protocol')]; - var overheadframeeth = overheadtcp + overheadeth + overheadfcs + coverheadip; - var overheadgtc = overheadgem + formdata.get('gpon-gem') * (overheadpcbd+overheadframeeth); - var payload = gtc - overheadgtc; - document.getElementById('gpon-average-packet-size').value = payload/formdata.get('gpon-gem'); - - - document.getElementById('gpon-overhead').value = overheadgtc/payload * 100; - var th = payload /gtc; - - document.getElementById('gpon-maxSpeed').value = th * 2.48832; - - }); -</script> -</html>
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-46.96101 h 16.688624 v 46.96101 z m 0,16.68863 v -15.5243 h 2.13459 v 13.23447 l 12.225384,-0.0388 v -13.19567 h 2.32865 v 15.52432 z M 103.45022,183.32983 H 92.583215 v -7.76216 h 10.867005 v 4.19157 z m -1.55243,62.0972 h -0.77621 v -1.94054 h -0.77622 v 1.94054 h -0.776207 v -1.94054 h -0.776217 v 1.94054 h -0.776215 v -1.94054 h -0.776215 v 1.94054 h -0.776215 v -1.94054 h -0.776215 v 1.94054 h -0.776215 v -1.94054 h -0.776215 v 1.94054 h -1.552431 v -8.92647 l 4.61848,0.0777 5.472315,-0.0777 v 8.92647 z m -9.314575,3.10487 v -1.94053 h 10.090795 l 0.0182,1.93325" + id="path2-9" + style="fill:#ffffff;stroke-width:1.10015" /><path + d="m 114.93821,174.40335 v 78.78584 h 19.01727 v -78.78584 z m 1.16433,12.80754 v -11.64322 h 2.13458 v 8.92648 h 12.78983 v -8.92648 h 1.76421 v 11.64322 z m 0,48.12534 v -46.96101 h 16.68862 v 46.96101 z m 0,16.68863 v -15.5243 h 2.13458 v 13.23447 l 12.22539,-0.0388 v -13.19567 h 2.32865 v 15.52432 z m 13.97186,-68.69503 h -10.86701 v -7.76216 h 10.86701 v 4.19156 z m -1.55243,62.0972 h -0.77622 v -1.94054 h -0.77621 v 1.94054 h -0.77621 v -1.94054 h -0.77622 v 1.94054 h -0.77621 v -1.94054 h -0.77622 v 1.94054 h -0.77621 v -1.94054 h -0.77621 v 1.94054 h -0.77622 v -1.94054 h -0.77621 v 1.94054 h -1.55244 v -8.92647 l 4.61848,0.0777 5.47232,-0.0777 v 8.92647 z m -9.31458,3.10487 v -1.94053 h 10.0908 l 0.0182,1.93325" + id="path2-9-9" + style="fill:#ffffff;stroke-width:1.10015" /><path + d="m 141.56239,174.40335 v 78.78584 h 19.01727 v -78.78584 z m 1.16432,12.80754 v -11.64322 h 2.1346 v 8.92648 h 12.78981 v -8.92648 h 1.76422 v 11.64322 z m 0,48.12534 v -46.96101 h 16.68863 v 46.96101 z m 0,16.68863 v -15.5243 h 2.1346 v 13.23447 l 12.22538,-0.0388 v -13.19567 h 2.32865 v 15.52432 z m 13.97187,-68.69503 h -10.86701 v -7.76216 h 10.86701 v 4.19157 z m -1.55243,62.0972 h -0.77621 v -1.94054 h -0.77622 v 1.94054 h -0.77621 v -1.94054 h -0.77622 v 1.94054 h -0.77621 v -1.94054 h -0.77621 v 1.94054 h -0.77622 v -1.94054 h -0.77622 v 1.94054 h -0.77621 v -1.94054 H 147.384 v 1.94054 h -1.55243 v -8.92647 l 4.61848,0.0777 5.47231,-0.0777 v 8.92647 z m -9.31458,3.10487 v -1.94053 h 10.09079 l 0.0182,1.93325" + id="path2-9-2" + style="fill:#ffffff;stroke-width:1.10015" /><path + id="path31930-7" + d="m 176.26666,179.3903 c -4.36237,0 -8.81288,4.40641 -8.81288,8.81282 v 4.4064 4.40641 h -1.76257 c -0.44065,0 -0.88129,0.88128 -0.88129,1.76257 l -0.86577,20.77637 c -1.11347,0.80558 -1.75033,1.88634 -1.77809,3.01821 v 22.03203 h 1.76257 v 3.52513 h 1.76258 c 0,1.94689 1.1837,3.52514 2.64387,3.52514 1.46016,0 2.64386,-1.57825 2.64386,-3.52514 h 1.76258 v -3.52513 h 1.76257 v -22.03203 c 0,-1.1591 -0.64078,-2.27131 -1.78153,-3.09566 l -0.86234,-20.69892 c 0,-0.88129 -0.44064,-1.76257 -0.88128,-1.76257 h -1.76258 v -3.08449 -1.32192 -4.4064 c 0,-2.64385 4.40644,-7.05026 7.0503,-7.05026 h 14.10061 c 2.64387,0 7.05032,4.40641 7.05032,7.05026 v 54.63943 c 0,4.40641 4.45049,8.81283 8.81287,8.81283 h 14.10061 c 4.36239,0 8.81289,-4.40642 8.81289,-8.81283 v -4.4064 -4.40641 h 1.76257 c 0.44064,0 0.88129,-0.88127 0.88129,-1.76256 l 0.86234,-20.69892 c 1.14074,-0.82435 1.78081,-1.93656 1.78152,-3.09568 v -22.03203 h -1.76259 v -3.52512 h -1.76256 c 0,-1.94688 -1.18371,-3.52513 -2.64387,-3.52513 -1.46016,0 -2.64387,1.57825 -2.64387,3.52513 h -1.76256 v 3.52512 h -1.76258 v 22.03203 c 0.0279,1.13188 0.66462,2.21264 1.77808,3.01821 l 0.86577,20.77639 c 0,0.88129 0.44066,1.76256 0.88129,1.76256 h 1.76258 v 4.40641 4.4064 c 0,2.64385 -4.40643,7.05025 -7.0503,7.05025 h -14.10061 c -2.64386,0 -7.0503,-4.4064 -7.0503,-7.05025 v -54.63943 c 0,-4.40641 -4.4505,-8.81282 -8.81289,-8.81282 z m 51.996,1.76256 c 0.48674,0 0.8813,0.82614 0.8813,1.80387 h -1.76259 c 0,-0.97773 0.39455,-1.80387 0.88129,-1.80387 z m -2.64387,3.52513 h 5.28774 v 1.76256 h -5.28774 z m -1.76256,3.52513 h 8.81286 v 8.81281 h -8.81286 z M 166.5725,198.7785 h 3.52515 v 5.28768 h -2.20322 v 1.76255 h 2.64386 v 5.28769 h -3.08451 v 1.76256 h 3.52516 v 5.28769 h -5.28773 v -1.76255 h 3.52515 v -1.76256 h -3.0845 v -5.28769 h 2.64386 v -1.76258 h -2.20322 v -5.28768 h 1.76258 v -1.76256 h -1.76258 z m 57.28373,0 h 8.81286 v 1.76255 h -8.81286 z m 0,3.52511 h 8.81286 v 1.76257 h -8.81286 z m 0,3.52512 h 4.40643 4.40643 v 2.64385 c 0,1.46015 -1.97284,2.64384 -4.40643,2.64384 -2.43359,0 -4.40643,-1.18369 -4.40643,-2.64384 z m 1.76256,7.05025 h 5.28774 v 5.28769 h -3.52516 v 1.76258 h 3.08451 v 5.28768 h -2.64386 v 1.76256 h 2.2032 v 5.28769 h -3.52513 v -1.76255 h 1.76257 v -1.76258 h -1.76257 v -5.28769 h 2.20321 v -1.76256 h -2.64387 v -5.28768 h 3.08453 v -1.76256 h -3.52517 z m -57.28371,7.05027 c 2.43359,0 4.40644,1.18369 4.40644,2.64383 v 2.64385 h -4.40644 -4.40645 v -2.64385 c 0,-1.46014 1.97285,-2.64383 4.40645,-2.64383 z m -4.40645,7.05024 h 8.81289 v 1.76256 h -8.81289 z m 0,3.52514 h 8.81289 v 1.76255 h -8.81289 z m 0,3.52511 h 8.81289 v 8.81281 h -8.81289 z m 1.76258,10.57537 h 5.28773 v 1.76257 h 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