path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 51 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..766c0be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# for getting .nl 2 letter domains, not saved anywhere, just printed to stdout. tor is used to change IP, 100req/IP/day!
+# you need curl and tor, also update torpassword variable with your controlpassword (NOT HASH!).
+trap ctrl_c INT
+function ctrl_c() {
+ echo -e "\e[91m---> Terminating ...\e[0m"
+ exit
+if [ -n "$1" ] ; then
+ ok=true
+ spanje=0.1
+ torpassword="antoniolukas"
+ list=`echo {{a..z},{0..9}}{{a..z},{0..9}}`
+ echo -e "\e[93m"' /---------------------> Short nl domain finder Beta <---------------------\'
+ echo -e "\e[93m"' /------------------> 2019 Anton Sijanec, github/AstiriL <-------------------\'
+ echo -e "\e[93m"'/--------> Checks all short domain names for availability using WWW <-..------\'
+ echo -e "\e[93m"'\---> Usage: ./ start <---/'
+ echo -e "\e[93m"' \---> queries netherlands TLD (.nl) web domain availability database via <--/'
+ echo -e "\e[93m"' \---------> Tor. In case of Too many requests, Tor will get a new IP. <---/'"\e[0m"
+if [ $ok ] ; then
+echo "---> Starting... Delay: "$spanje s", TLD: nl."
+ for domain in $list # do for every 2 character possibility
+ do
+ sleep $spanje # we don't need no sleep! tho
+ VAL=`curl "$domain" -s --socks5 localhost:9050`
+ while [[ $VAL == *"Too many requests"* ]]
+ do
+ echo -e "\e[95m$ Request Limit Passed, New IP ...\e[0m"
+ printf 'AUTHENTICATE "'$torpassword'"\r\nSIGNAL NEWNYM\r\n' | nc 9051 -q 1
+ sleep $spanje # no sleep baby! tho
+ VAL=`curl ""$domain -s --socks5 localhost:9050`
+ done
+ if [[ $VAL == *"is beschikbaar"* ]]
+ then
+ echo -e "\e[92m$ FREE\e[0m\007"
+ echo "$" >>
+ else
+ echo -e "\e[91m$ TAKEN\e[0m"
+ echo $VAL>
+ fi
+ done
+ echo -e "\e[39m"